path: root/src/gallium/auxiliary/util/u_simple_shaders.c
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authorMarek Olšák <>2019-06-20 18:24:19 -0400
committerMarek Olšák <>2019-07-03 15:51:12 -0400
commit6686d8a130bb195d0e926d52f0e1e0f9243569be (patch)
treee4de820d9022a7609dad8fde06ae22845c55a34e /src/gallium/auxiliary/util/u_simple_shaders.c
parent13a5e9d68528236676ff7975fcf61ca26ae3baa0 (diff)
gallium/u_blitter: implement copying from ZS to color and vice versa
This is for drivers that can't map depth and stencil and need to blit them to a color texture for CPU access. This also useful for drivers using separate depth and stencil. Tested-by: Dieter Nützel <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/gallium/auxiliary/util/u_simple_shaders.c')
1 files changed, 161 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gallium/auxiliary/util/u_simple_shaders.c b/src/gallium/auxiliary/util/u_simple_shaders.c
index c111eaf1db5..2fdd60b0bb3 100644
--- a/src/gallium/auxiliary/util/u_simple_shaders.c
+++ b/src/gallium/auxiliary/util/u_simple_shaders.c
@@ -895,3 +895,164 @@ util_make_geometry_passthrough_shader(struct pipe_context *pipe,
return ureg_create_shader_and_destroy(ureg, pipe);
+ * Blit from color to ZS or from ZS to color in a manner that is equivalent
+ * to memcpy.
+ *
+ * Color is either R32_UINT (for Z24S8 / S8Z24) or R32G32_UINT (Z32_S8X24).
+ *
+ * Depth and stencil samplers are used to load depth and stencil,
+ * and they are packed and the result is written to a color output.
+ * OR
+ * A color sampler is used to load a color value, which is unpacked and
+ * written to depth and stencil shader outputs.
+ */
+void *
+util_make_fs_pack_color_zs(struct pipe_context *pipe,
+ enum tgsi_texture_type tex_target,
+ enum pipe_format zs_format,
+ bool dst_is_color)
+ struct ureg_program *ureg;
+ struct ureg_src depth_sampler, stencil_sampler, color_sampler, coord;
+ struct ureg_dst out, depth, depth_x, stencil, out_depth, out_stencil, color;
+ assert(zs_format == PIPE_FORMAT_Z24_UNORM_S8_UINT || /* color is R32_UINT */
+ zs_format == PIPE_FORMAT_S8_UINT_Z24_UNORM || /* color is R32_UINT */
+ zs_format == PIPE_FORMAT_Z32_FLOAT_S8X24_UINT || /* color is R32G32_UINT */
+ zs_format == PIPE_FORMAT_Z24X8_UNORM || /* color is R32_UINT */
+ zs_format == PIPE_FORMAT_X8Z24_UNORM); /* color is R32_UINT */
+ bool has_stencil = zs_format != PIPE_FORMAT_Z24X8_UNORM &&
+ zs_format != PIPE_FORMAT_X8Z24_UNORM;
+ bool is_z24 = zs_format != PIPE_FORMAT_Z32_FLOAT_S8X24_UINT;
+ bool z24_is_high = zs_format == PIPE_FORMAT_S8_UINT_Z24_UNORM ||
+ zs_format == PIPE_FORMAT_X8Z24_UNORM;
+ ureg = ureg_create(PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT);
+ if (!ureg)
+ return NULL;
+ coord = ureg_DECL_fs_input(ureg, TGSI_SEMANTIC_GENERIC, 0,
+ if (dst_is_color) {
+ /* Load depth. */
+ depth_sampler = ureg_DECL_sampler(ureg, 0);
+ ureg_DECL_sampler_view(ureg, 0, tex_target,
+ depth = ureg_DECL_temporary(ureg);
+ depth_x = ureg_writemask(depth, TGSI_WRITEMASK_X);
+ ureg_load_tex(ureg, depth_x, coord, depth_sampler, tex_target, true, true);
+ /* Pack to Z24. */
+ if (is_z24) {
+ double imm = 0xffffff;
+ struct ureg_src imm_f64 = ureg_DECL_immediate_f64(ureg, &imm, 2);
+ struct ureg_dst tmp_xy = ureg_writemask(ureg_DECL_temporary(ureg),
+ ureg_F2D(ureg, tmp_xy, ureg_src(depth));
+ ureg_DMUL(ureg, tmp_xy, ureg_src(tmp_xy), imm_f64);
+ ureg_D2U(ureg, depth_x, ureg_src(tmp_xy));
+ if (z24_is_high)
+ ureg_SHL(ureg, depth_x, ureg_src(depth), ureg_imm1u(ureg, 8));
+ else
+ ureg_AND(ureg, depth_x, ureg_src(depth), ureg_imm1u(ureg, 0xffffff));
+ }
+ if (has_stencil) {
+ /* Load stencil. */
+ stencil_sampler = ureg_DECL_sampler(ureg, 1);
+ ureg_DECL_sampler_view(ureg, 0, tex_target,
+ stencil = ureg_writemask(ureg_DECL_temporary(ureg), TGSI_WRITEMASK_X);
+ ureg_load_tex(ureg, stencil, coord, stencil_sampler, tex_target,
+ true, true);
+ /* Pack stencil into depth. */
+ if (is_z24) {
+ if (!z24_is_high)
+ ureg_SHL(ureg, stencil, ureg_src(stencil), ureg_imm1u(ureg, 24));
+ ureg_OR(ureg, depth_x, ureg_src(depth), ureg_src(stencil));
+ }
+ }
+ out = ureg_DECL_output(ureg, TGSI_SEMANTIC_COLOR, 0);
+ if (is_z24) {
+ ureg_MOV(ureg, ureg_writemask(out, TGSI_WRITEMASK_X), ureg_src(depth));
+ } else {
+ /* Z32_S8X24 */
+ ureg_MOV(ureg, ureg_writemask(depth, TGSI_WRITEMASK_Y),
+ ureg_scalar(ureg_src(stencil), TGSI_SWIZZLE_X));
+ ureg_MOV(ureg, ureg_writemask(out, TGSI_WRITEMASK_XY), ureg_src(depth));
+ }
+ } else {
+ color_sampler = ureg_DECL_sampler(ureg, 0);
+ ureg_DECL_sampler_view(ureg, 0, tex_target,
+ color = ureg_DECL_temporary(ureg);
+ ureg_load_tex(ureg, color, coord, color_sampler, tex_target, true, true);
+ depth = ureg_writemask(ureg_DECL_temporary(ureg), TGSI_WRITEMASK_X);
+ stencil = ureg_writemask(ureg_DECL_temporary(ureg), TGSI_WRITEMASK_X);
+ if (is_z24) {
+ double imm = 1.0 / 0xffffff;
+ struct ureg_src imm_f64 = ureg_DECL_immediate_f64(ureg, &imm, 2);
+ struct ureg_dst tmp_xy = ureg_writemask(ureg_DECL_temporary(ureg),
+ ureg_UBFE(ureg, depth, ureg_src(color),
+ ureg_imm1u(ureg, z24_is_high ? 8 : 0),
+ ureg_imm1u(ureg, 24));
+ ureg_U2D(ureg, tmp_xy, ureg_src(depth));
+ ureg_DMUL(ureg, tmp_xy, ureg_src(tmp_xy), imm_f64);
+ ureg_D2F(ureg, depth, ureg_src(tmp_xy));
+ } else {
+ /* depth = color.x; (Z32_S8X24) */
+ ureg_MOV(ureg, depth, ureg_src(color));
+ }
+ out_depth = ureg_DECL_output(ureg, TGSI_SEMANTIC_POSITION, 0);
+ ureg_MOV(ureg, ureg_writemask(out_depth, TGSI_WRITEMASK_Z),
+ ureg_scalar(ureg_src(depth), TGSI_SWIZZLE_X));
+ if (has_stencil) {
+ if (is_z24) {
+ ureg_UBFE(ureg, stencil, ureg_src(color),
+ ureg_imm1u(ureg, z24_is_high ? 0 : 24),
+ ureg_imm1u(ureg, 8));
+ } else {
+ /* stencil = color.y[0:7]; (Z32_S8X24) */
+ ureg_UBFE(ureg, stencil,
+ ureg_scalar(ureg_src(color), TGSI_SWIZZLE_Y),
+ ureg_imm1u(ureg, 0),
+ ureg_imm1u(ureg, 8));
+ }
+ out_stencil = ureg_DECL_output(ureg, TGSI_SEMANTIC_STENCIL, 0);
+ ureg_MOV(ureg, ureg_writemask(out_stencil, TGSI_WRITEMASK_Y),
+ ureg_scalar(ureg_src(stencil), TGSI_SWIZZLE_X));
+ }
+ }
+ ureg_END(ureg);
+ return ureg_create_shader_and_destroy(ureg, pipe);