path: root/BoardOfDirectors/IrcLogs/2023/10-04.mdwn
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+[[!format txt """
+[12:00:31] [connected at Wed Oct 4 12:00:31 2023]
+[12:00:31] [I have joined #xf-bod]
+[12:01:03] <Lyude> Hi everyone, time for roll call: sima, ivyl, rg3igalia, mfilion, mfilion3, cmichael
+[12:01:06] <cmichael> note: I will not be attending next meeting; will be at xdc
+[12:01:07] <ivyl> present
+[12:01:24] <ivyl> the next meeting is at xdc
+[12:01:59] <cmichael> (well, just meant I won't be on irc)
+[12:02:25] * sima waves
+[12:02:56] * anholt here for a few
+[12:03:06] * rg3igalia here
+[12:03:58] <mfilion> o/
+[12:04:31] <Lyude> Hey! So we've got quorum :). The topics for today: XDC, GSoC/EVoC, SFC, Matrix (no updates yet)
+[12:05:03] <mfilion> cmichael we usually have in-person board meetings at XDC
+[12:05:12] <cmichael> mfilion, ahh ok :)
+[12:05:16] <mfilion> I assume I'll be the only one attending it virtually though
+[12:05:55] <Lyude> I guess on SFC: no updates unfortunately, I tried finding the contract for SFC but unfortunately it seems like we don't have the signed version of the Khronos contract :\
+[12:06:11] <Lyude> (unless we do somewhere, but I certainly couldn't find it)
+[12:06:31] <mfilion> so can we get a new one from Khronos?
+[12:06:48] <Lyude> we could certainly ask if that'd be acceptable for SFC
+[12:07:09] <sima> yeah I think simplest is to just set it all up anew with sfc->khr directly
+[12:07:21] <Lyude> I guess we'll just do that then, I can poke them about that asap
+[12:07:30] <rg3igalia> +1
+[12:07:31] <mfilion> yeah definitely easier
+[12:08:08] <Lyude> sgtm. rg3igalia do we have any XDC updates?
+[12:08:12] <sima> I also thought the contract was more so sfc knows what we expect them to pay
+[12:08:44] <rg3igalia> not many worth mentioning, just a small comment regarding coffee break sponsorship
+[12:08:53] <sima> Lyude, I have one for xdc, well me and ivyl: can you pls ping the qc invoice thread with your secretary powers, and make it clear to spi that they need to get this signed&returned by early next week, or it's too late and so expired?
+[12:09:23] <Lyude> yeah I'll definitely do that
+[12:09:49] <Lyude> sigh, will be very happy when this sfc stuff goes through so we don't have to keep dealing with them
+[12:09:58] <mfilion> indeed...
+[12:10:17] <sima> Lyude, thx
+[12:10:20] <rg3igalia> reviewing the votes over email about coffee break sponsorship, I think we can only have the morning one, and the continuous service
+[12:11:09] <rg3igalia> it's ok, not exactly what I expected, but I'd like to insist once more on the possibility of sponsoring both, just because: dinner is spain is late, so having something to eat in the afternoon helps
+[12:11:30] <mfilion> wasn't the 5K for both coffee breaks & continuous service?
+[12:11:37] <rg3igalia> and we have a guided tour one of the days, which is also going to end up a bit later than usual
+[12:11:54] <rg3igalia> mfilion: it is, but in the email thread most people voted for morning+continuous (~3k)
+[12:12:02] <mfilion> oh ok, I must have misunderstood, my vote was for sponsoring everything, breaks & continunous service
+[12:12:09] <mfilion> continuous
+[12:12:15] <mfilion> so for the 5K
+[12:12:16] <rg3igalia> I understood it like that, no problem
+[12:12:18] <Lyude> I'm +1 for full services tbh
+[12:12:46] <cmichael> also +1 , but I did not vote in the email thread :/ (sorry, got lost in my inbox)
+[12:12:56] <rg3igalia> and one other detail is that food from the morning coffee break will not be left on the tables, the tables will be cleaned after both coffee breaks and lunches
+[12:13:11] <rg3igalia> so if anybody was expecting to be able to eat leftovers in the afternoon, that won't be possible
+[12:13:21] <ivyl> rg3igalia: how late is the dinner?
+[12:13:54] <mfilion> so yeah we should sponsor the 5K and not just 3K
+[12:14:00] <rg3igalia> in Spain you can always go for tapas, but proper dinner meals typically start at 20:30 or 21 at the earliest
+[12:15:20] <ivyl> That's fairly late, indeed. Since you strongly suggest 2 coffee breaks I change my vote to 2 breaks + continuous service :-)
+[12:15:34] <anholt> I'm also ok with 2 breaks.
+[12:15:54] <mfilion> alright, that's all the votes you need rg3igalia, problem solved :)
+[12:15:54] <rg3igalia> I think sponsoring the 2 breaks wins, then
+[12:16:11] <rg3igalia> thank you! I think that's the right call
+[12:16:23] <sima> sry got distracted mangling my mane, aye from me too on 2 breaks
+[12:16:29] <Lyude> yep :)
+[12:17:52] <Lyude> I guess do we have any updates on EVoC/GSoC stuff?
+[12:18:13] <cmichael> wrt gsoc: we had one evaluation due on Oct 2nd, and it passed
+[12:18:40] <cmichael> that was the Videoconvert plugin for PipeWire (from columarbius)
+[12:19:07] <cmichael> the next deadline is for Final Evaluations on Nov 14 from all 5 projects
+[12:19:28] <cmichael> but seems most of the mentors have already completed them
+[12:19:36] <cmichael> I don't see any that are missing final evaluations
+[12:19:45] <cmichael> and looks like everything has passed already
+[12:21:37] <cmichael> unsure if tlwoerner has more to add ?
+[12:22:26] <tlwoerner> yep, everything done for 2023, everyone completed and everyone passed
+[12:23:40] <Lyude> cool :), I think that's basically everything then unless I missed something
+[12:25:12] <ivyl> I think there are still no new developments around EVoC contracts, right?
+[12:25:29] <mfilion> I'm working on getting a proposal for XDC 2024, hoping to have something in the coming weeks (so before the deadline)
+[12:25:31] <Lyude> nope :\, I'm going to try poking them again about that a swell
+[12:25:34] <Lyude> *as well
+[12:26:39] * rg3igalia crosses fingers for mfilion
+[12:26:44] <ivyl> Lyude: we have another sponsor that would need a contract that just shared some details on it recently. You should have details in your inbox.
+[12:26:57] <ivyl> It would be great if that would also progress...
+[12:27:36] <ivyl> It feels like SFC is responsive to the very simple requests for invoices, but as soon as there's any more involvement needed it's radio silence
+[12:27:40] <ivyl> blragh
+[12:27:42] <ivyl> SPI*
+[12:28:32] <Lyude> yeah
+[12:28:46] <Lyude> seems like we're having the same experience openwrt did
+[12:29:26] <sima> ivyl, the google one is hopefully not that time critical, since they didn't make it a condition to get listed ...
+[12:29:36] <ivyl> ah, cool
+[12:29:46] <sima> Lyude, ^^
+[12:30:37] <Lyude> gotcha, will poke them as well about that
+[12:33:11] <Lyude> I guess that's all for the meeting unless anyone has anything else
+[12:34:25] <cmichael> thx all
+[12:34:26] <mfilion> alright, thanks everyone!
+[12:34:31] * cmichael waves bye
+[12:34:42] <rg3igalia> thanks, bye!
+[12:35:13] <ivyl> cya o/
+[18:44:54] [disconnected at Wed Oct 4 18:44:54 2023]