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1 files changed, 5 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/XorgTesting.mdwn b/XorgTesting.mdwn
index a3ca72eb..74fdf4fd 100644
--- a/XorgTesting.mdwn
+++ b/XorgTesting.mdwn
@@ -28,8 +28,10 @@ Note that these images don't necessarily represent what was *actually* rendered,
# git clone git://
# cd piglit
- # mkdir bin
- # ln -s ~/my/path/to/xts bin/xtest
+ # cp piglit.conf.example piglit.conf
+ # $EDITOR piglit.conf
+And set [xts] path=~/source/xts (or wherever you download the xts repository)
Now, here's an example of using this to do some tests comparing two rendering modes in Xephyr. Xlib9 is the set of core rendering tests (not counting the window movement code, which also does rendering and is covered in another chapter).
@@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ Now, here's an example of using this to do some tests comparing two rendering mo
# killall Xephyr
# Xephyr :5 -noreset -ac -screen 1024x768 -glamor &
# DISPLAY=:5 ./ -t Xlib9 tests/ results/xts-glamor
- # ./ summary/mysum results/xts results/xts-glamor
+ # ./piglit summary html summary/mysum results/xts results/xts-glamor
# firefox summary/mysum/index.html
Take a look at changes.html for a common way of looking at piglit results as a developer (I don't care if things are still broken, I want to know if I broke or fixed new things).