path: root/src/mesa/math/m_trans_tmp.h
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2013-06-05mesa: remove outdated version lines in commentsRico Schüller1-1/+0
2013-04-23mesa: Restore 78-column wrapping of license text in C-style comments.Kenneth Graunke1-3/+4
2013-04-23mesa: Add "OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS" to license text disclaiming liability.Kenneth Graunke1-1/+1
2013-04-23mesa: Change "BRIAN PAUL" to "THE AUTHORS" in license text.Kenneth Graunke1-1/+1
2012-09-05mesa: s/CONST/const/ in math/ filesBrian Paul1-8/+8
2006-06-13Rename some functions/macros to better reflect their behaviour:Brian Paul1-30/+24
2003-08-20Use correct conversions when translating array colors.Keith Whitwell1-0/+32
2003-05-28silence some warnings (Evgeny Kotsuba)Brian Paul1-4/+23
2002-01-30replace GLushort w/ GLubyte in DEST_4US template (fixes 16-bit GLchan problemBrian Paul1-5/+5
2001-08-07fixed bug in DEST_4F template functionBrian Paul1-2/+2
2001-03-12- Add -D_POSIX_SOURCE -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199309L to linux builds, we'veGareth Hughes1-8/+8
2001-03-12Consistent copyright info (version number, date) across all files.Gareth Hughes1-11/+9
2001-01-24Lots of GLchan datatype changes.Brian Paul1-5/+33
2001-01-02Removed fixed.h (GLfixed now in mtypes.h, fixed-pt macros in mmath.h)Brian Paul1-2/+2
2000-11-16Move the transform and lighting code to two new directoriesKeith Whitwell1-0/+210