path: root/src/gallium/drivers/llvmpipe/lp_jit.h
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2014-01-16llvmpipe: do constant buffer bounds checking in shadersZack Rusin1-0/+5
2013-12-09llvmpipe: clamp fragment shader depth write to the current viewport depth range.Matthew McClure1-1/+33
2013-06-19llvmpipe: use 64bit counter for occlusion queriesRoland Scheidegger1-1/+1
2013-06-07llvmpipe: add support for layered renderingRoland Scheidegger1-1/+1
2013-05-03llvmpipe: get rid of depth swizzling.Roland Scheidegger1-1/+3
2013-02-25llvmpipe: support GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object/GL_ARB_texture_buffer_rangeRoland Scheidegger1-2/+2
2013-02-08llvmpipe: refactoring of visibility counter handlingRoland Scheidegger1-1/+17
2013-01-28gallivm: split sampler and texture stateRoland Scheidegger1-6/+18
2012-12-07gallivm,llvmpipe,draw: Support multiple constant buffers.José Fonseca1-2/+3
2012-11-28llvmpipe: Unswizzled rendering.James Benton1-6/+27
2012-11-12gallivm,draw,llvmpipe: use base ptr + mip offsets instead of mip pointersRoland Scheidegger1-2/+4
2012-07-17gallivm,draw,llvmpipe: Support wider native registers.José Fonseca1-2/+3
2011-04-08llvmpipe: Take the sampler view's first_level into account when sampling.Fabian Bieler1-0/+2
2010-11-30gallivm/llvmpipe: squash merge of the llvm-context branchBrian Paul1-12/+16
2010-10-15llvmpipe: don't pass frontfacing as a floatKeith Whitwell1-1/+1
2010-09-24llvmpipe: make texture border_color dynamic stateBrian Paul1-0/+2
2010-09-24llvmpipe: make min/max lod and lod bias dynamic stateBrian Paul1-0/+7
2010-07-13llvmpipe: pass mask into fragment shaderKeith Whitwell1-25/+1
2010-05-30llvmpipe: Use pointer_to_func() instead of custom wrappers.José Fonseca1-30/+0
2010-05-13llvmpipe: silence casting warningsBrian Paul1-0/+30
2010-05-12llvmpipe: Use RAST_WHOLE/EDGE_TEST in more places.José Fonseca1-5/+0
2010-05-06llvmpipe: implement occlusion queryQicheng Christopher Li1-2/+4
2010-04-19llvmpipe: get 3D texture image stride from an array rather than computing itBrian Paul1-1/+4
2010-04-16Merge the lp-surface-tiling branch into master.Brian Paul1-2/+2
2010-03-18gallivm/llvmpipe: added lp_rast_shader_inputs::facing and pass throughBrian Paul1-0/+1
2010-03-18llvmpipe: defines for RAST_WHOLE, RAST_EDGE_TESTBrian Paul1-0/+5
2010-03-18gallivm/llvmpipe: simplify front/back stencil ref value handlingBrian Paul1-4/+8
2010-03-17gallivm/llvmpipe: basic stencil testing worksBrian Paul1-1/+1
2010-03-17gallivm/llmvpipe: pass stencil refs state into z/stencil build codeBrian Paul1-1/+1
2010-03-17llvmpipe: use new LP_JIT_CTX_ enums for jit context field positionsBrian Paul1-12/+28
2010-03-17llvmpipe: added stencil ref values to jit context stateBrian Paul1-6/+11
2010-03-11gallivm/llvmpipe: replace 'int stride' with 'int row_stride[MAX_LEVELS]'Brian Paul1-2/+2
2010-03-08llvmpipe/gallivm: checkpoint: array of pointers to mipmap levelsBrian Paul1-1/+2
2010-03-05llvmpipe: added code to set texture depth, max mipmap levels infoBrian Paul1-0/+4
2010-02-08llvmpipe: export the tgsi translation code to a common layerZack Rusin1-1/+1
2010-01-14llvmpipe: implement scissor testingBrian Paul1-2/+17
2010-01-10llvmpipe: initial mrt supportKeith Whitwell1-1/+1
2010-01-08Merge remote branch 'origin/master' into lp-binningJosé Fonseca1-10/+3
2010-01-07llvmpipe: Remove TGSI sampler pointers from JIT context too.José Fonseca1-9/+3
2010-01-07llvmpipe: Remove more loose ends of TGSI exec sampling.José Fonseca1-6/+0
2009-12-16llvmpipe: do final the pixel in/out triangle test in the fragment shaderBrian Paul1-2/+7
2009-10-09llvmpipe: remove dead codeKeith Whitwell1-4/+0
2009-10-08llvmpipe: remove some old sampler support structsKeith Whitwell1-1/+1
2009-10-08llvmpipe: Fix up lp_rast_shade_quads.José Fonseca1-2/+2
2009-09-11llvmpipe: Update status in README and TODO/FIXME comments throughout the code.José Fonseca1-2/+1
2009-09-07llvmpipe: Code generate the texture sampling inside the shader.José Fonseca1-0/+27
2009-08-29llvmpipe: Isolate sampling from TGSI translation.José Fonseca1-0/+5
2009-08-29llvmpipe: Better structure dereference naming.José Fonseca1-4/+4
2009-08-29llvmpipe: Pass the alpha ref value and blend color in the jit context.José Fonseca1-0/+9
2009-08-29llvmpipe: Pass fragment context to generated function in a single structure.José Fonseca1-5/+33