diff options
authorSimon McVittie <>2013-10-30 13:40:19 +0000
committerSimon McVittie <>2013-10-30 13:40:19 +0000
commit1d0df665f77ed683f8b1fe1e769801716227f054 (patch)
parent3187d79ab1682d0963bb9ed0c291553cac6b8866 (diff)
Add a manual test for ConnectionManager and Protocol introspectabilityintrospectable
3 files changed, 441 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 2b29ff775..407545151 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -331,6 +331,7 @@ AC_OUTPUT( Makefile \
tests/Makefile \
tests/lib/Makefile \
tests/dbus/Makefile \
+ tests/python/Makefile \
tests/tools/Makefile \
tools/Makefile \
m4/Makefile \
diff --git a/tests/python/ b/tests/python/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f8e7bc71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# for now these are just manual tests
+ \
+ $(NULL)
+ rm -f *.pyc *.pyo
diff --git a/tests/python/ b/tests/python/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9e09dfae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Copyright © 2013 Collabora Ltd. <>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+import os
+import unittest
+from gi.repository import GLib
+from gi.repository import TelepathyGLib as Tp
+class ExampleProtocol(Tp.BaseProtocol,
+ Tp.IntrospectableBaseProtocol,
+ Tp.ProtocolAddressing):
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ super(ExampleProtocol, self).__init__(name=name)
+ def do_dup_manager_file_content(self):
+ return '\n'.join([
+ '[Protocol %s]' %,
+ 'Interfaces=%s;'
+ % ';'.join(['com.example.FooProto', 'org.example.BarProto',
+ 'ConnectionInterfaces=com.example.FooConn;org.example.BarConn;',
+ 'param-account=s required',
+ 'param-server=s',
+ 'param-port=u',
+ 'default-port=6667',
+ 'RequestableChannelClasses=text;',
+ 'VCardField=x-exampleproto',
+ 'Icon=im-exemplary',
+ 'EnglishName=Example protocol',
+ 'AuthenticationTypes=com.example.FooAuth;org.example.BarAuth;',
+ # Presence
+ 'status-chatty=%d settable message' %
+ int(Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.AVAILABLE),
+ 'status-available=%d settable' %
+ int(Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.AVAILABLE),
+ 'status-away=%d settable message' %
+ int(Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.AWAY),
+ 'status-offline=%d' % int(Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.OFFLINE),
+ 'status-unknown=%d' % int(Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.UNKNOWN),
+ 'status-error=%d' % int(Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.ERROR),
+ # Avatars
+ 'SupportedAvatarMIMETypes=image/png;image/jpeg;',
+ 'MinimumAvatarHeight=32',
+ 'MinimumAvatarWidth=64',
+ 'RecommendedAvatarHeight=48',
+ 'RecommendedAvatarWidth=96',
+ 'MaximumAvatarHeight=64',
+ 'MaximumAvatarWidth=128',
+ 'MaximumAvatarBytes=123456',
+ # Addressing
+ 'AddressableVCardFields=tel;x-sip;',
+ 'AddressableURISchemes=tel;sip;',
+ '',
+ '[text]',
+ int(Tp.HandleType.CONTACT)),
+ 'allowed=%s;%s;' % (Tp.PROP_CHANNEL_TARGET_HANDLE,
+ ''])
+ # FIXME: test
+ def do_introspectable_new_connection(self):
+ return (None, Tp.error_quark(), Tp.Error.NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
+ 'Not implemented yet')
+ def do_introspectable_normalize_contact(self, contact):
+ if contact:
+ return (contact.lower(), 0, 0, None)
+ else:
+ return (None, Tp.error_quark(), Tp.Error.INVALID_HANDLE,
+ 'Contact is not valid')
+ def do_introspectable_identify_account(self, vardict):
+ return self.do_introspectable_normalize_contact(vardict['account'])
+ def do_introspectable_normalize_vcard_address(self, field, value):
+ if field.lower() not in ('x-sip', 'tel', 'x-exampleproto'):
+ return (None, Tp.error_quark(), Tp.Error.NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
+ "I don't know how to normalize %s" % field.lower())
+ # this is not really how you normalize SIP URIs or phone numbers,
+ # obviously...
+ return self.do_introspectable_normalize_contact(value)
+ def do_introspectable_normalize_contact_uri(self, uri):
+ scheme = GLib.uri_parse_scheme(uri)
+ if scheme is None:
+ return (None, Tp.error_quark(), Tp.Error.INVALID_ARGUMENT,
+ 'Not a valid URI: %s' % uri)
+ elif scheme not in ('sip', 'tel'):
+ return (None, Tp.error_quark(), Tp.Error.NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
+ 'I only implement sip: and tel: URIs, not "%s:"' % scheme)
+ else:
+ # this is not really how you normalize SIP URIs or phone numbers,
+ # obviously...
+ ret = self.do_introspectable_normalize_contact(uri[len(scheme) + 1:])
+ if ret[0] is None:
+ return ret
+ return (scheme + ':' + ret[0],) + ret[1:]
+class ExampleConnectionManager(Tp.BaseConnectionManager):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(ExampleConnectionManager, self).__init__()
+ self.add_protocol(ExampleProtocol('example'))
+ def do_dup_cm_dbus_name(self):
+ return "example_python_cm"
+ def do_get_interfaces(self):
+ return (Tp.BaseConnectionManager.do_get_interfaces(self) +
+ ["com.example.FooCM", "org.example.BarCM"])
+class Waiter(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.source = None
+ self.result = None
+ def callback(self, source, result, user_data):
+ self.source = source
+ self.result = result
+ assert user_data is self
+ def wait(self):
+ assert self.result is None
+ while self.result is None:
+ GLib.MainContext.default().iteration(True)
+class TestIntrospectedCM(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ os.environ.setdefault('G_MESSAGES_DEBUG', 'all')
+ Tp.debug_set_flags("all")
+ def variant_equals(a, b, msg=None):
+ if not a.equal(b):
+ if msg is not None:
+ raise self.failureException(msg)
+ else:
+ raise self.failureException('(%s) != (%s)' % (
+ a.print_(True), b.print_(True)))
+ def assert_status_equals(a, b, msg=None):
+ if a.get_name() != b.get_name():
+ if msg is not None:
+ raise self.failureException(msg)
+ else:
+ raise self.failureException('%r != %r' % (
+ a.get_name(), b.get_name()))
+ if a.get_presence_type() != b.get_presence_type():
+ if msg is not None:
+ raise self.failureException(msg)
+ else:
+ raise self.failureException('%r != %r' % (
+ a.get_presence_type(), b.get_presence_type()))
+ if a.can_set_on_self() != b.can_set_on_self():
+ if msg is not None:
+ raise self.failureException(msg)
+ else:
+ raise self.failureException('%r != %r' % (
+ a.can_set_on_self(), b.can_set_on_self()))
+ if a.has_message() != b.has_message():
+ if msg is not None:
+ raise self.failureException(msg)
+ else:
+ raise self.failureException('%r != %r' % (
+ a.has_message(), b.has_message()))
+ self.addTypeEqualityFunc(GLib.Variant, variant_equals)
+ self.addTypeEqualityFunc(Tp.PresenceStatusSpec, assert_status_equals)
+ = None
+ self.dbus_daemon = Tp.DBusDaemon.dup()
+ cm_client = None
+ def assertSameSets(self, a, b, msg=None):
+ self.assertSetEqual(frozenset(a), frozenset(b), msg=msg)
+ def test_cm(self):
+ = ExampleConnectionManager()
+ self.assertEqual(, "example_python_cm")
+ self.assertEqual(, self.dbus_daemon)
+ self.assertEqual(, self.dbus_daemon)
+ self.assertEqual(,
+ ["com.example.FooCM", "org.example.BarCM"])
+ # for interactive testing
+ while 'TP_PYTHON_TEST_INTERACTIVE' in os.environ:
+ GLib.MainContext.default().iteration(True)
+ cm_client =,
+, None)
+ self.assertEqual(cm_client.get_name(),
+ waiter = Waiter()
+ cm_client.prepare_async(None, waiter.callback, waiter)
+ waiter.wait()
+ cm_client.prepare_finish(waiter.result)
+ self.assertTrue(cm_client.is_running())
+ self.assertTrue(cm_client.has_interface("com.example.FooCM"))
+ self.assertTrue(cm_client.has_interface("org.example.BarCM"))
+ self.assertFalse(cm_client.has_interface("net.example.Bees"))
+ self.assertSameSets(cm_client.dup_protocol_names(), ["example"])
+ self.assertTrue(cm_client.has_protocol("example"))
+ self.assertFalse(cm_client.has_protocol("bees"))
+ protocol = cm_client.get_protocol_object("example")
+ protocols = cm_client.dup_protocols()
+ self.assertSameSets(protocols, [protocol])
+ self.assertEqual(protocol.get_name(), "example")
+ self.assertEqual(protocol.get_cm_name(), cm_client.get_name())
+ self.assertFalse(protocol.can_register())
+ self.assertTrue(protocol.has_interface("com.example.FooProto"))
+ self.assertTrue(protocol.has_interface("org.example.BarProto"))
+ self.assertFalse(protocol.has_interface("net.example.Bees"))
+ self.assertTrue(protocol.has_param("account"))
+ self.assertSameSets(protocol.dup_param_names(),
+ ["account", "server", "port"])
+ param = protocol.dup_param("account")
+ self.assertEqual(protocol.get_param("account").get_name(), "account")
+ self.assertEqual(param.get_name(), "account")
+ self.assertEqual(param.get_dbus_signature(), "s")
+ self.assertTrue(param.is_required())
+ self.assertFalse(param.is_required_for_registration())
+ self.assertFalse(param.is_secret())
+ self.assertFalse(param.is_dbus_property())
+ self.assertEqual(param.dup_default_variant(), None)
+ param = protocol.dup_param("server")
+ self.assertEqual(protocol.get_param("server").get_name(), "server")
+ self.assertEqual(param.get_name(), "server")
+ self.assertEqual(param.get_dbus_signature(), "s")
+ self.assertFalse(param.is_required())
+ self.assertFalse(param.is_required_for_registration())
+ self.assertFalse(param.is_secret())
+ self.assertFalse(param.is_dbus_property())
+ self.assertEqual(param.dup_default_variant(), None)
+ param = protocol.dup_param("port")
+ self.assertEqual(protocol.get_param("port").get_name(), "port")
+ self.assertEqual(param.get_name(), "port")
+ self.assertEqual(param.get_dbus_signature(), "u")
+ self.assertFalse(param.is_required())
+ self.assertFalse(param.is_required_for_registration())
+ self.assertFalse(param.is_secret())
+ self.assertFalse(param.is_dbus_property())
+ self.assertEqual(param.dup_default_variant(), GLib.Variant('u', 6667))
+ params = protocol.dup_params()
+ # a non-empty list is true, so...
+ self.assertTrue([p for p in params if p.get_name() == "account"])
+ # similarly...
+ self.assertFalse([p for p in params if p.get_name() == "bees"])
+ self.assertSameSets(protocol.get_authentication_types(),
+ ['com.example.FooAuth', 'org.example.BarAuth'])
+ self.assertEqual(protocol.get_vcard_field(), 'x-exampleproto')
+ self.assertEqual(protocol.get_english_name(), "Example protocol")
+ self.assertEqual(protocol.get_icon_name(), "im-exemplary")
+ caps = protocol.get_capabilities()
+ self.assertTrue(caps.supports_text_chats(),
+ caps.dup_channel_classes_variant().print_(True))
+ self.assertFalse(caps.supports_text_chatrooms())
+ reqs = protocol.get_avatar_requirements()
+ self.assertSameSets(reqs.supported_mime_types,
+ ['image/png', 'image/jpeg'])
+ self.assertEqual(reqs.minimum_height, 32)
+ self.assertEqual(reqs.minimum_width, 64)
+ self.assertEqual(reqs.recommended_height, 48)
+ self.assertEqual(reqs.recommended_width, 96)
+ self.assertEqual(reqs.maximum_height, 64)
+ self.assertEqual(reqs.maximum_width, 128)
+ self.assertEqual(reqs.maximum_bytes, 123456)
+ status_list = protocol.dup_presence_statuses()
+ statuses = {}
+ for s in status_list:
+ statuses[s.get_name()] = s
+ self.assertEqual(statuses['available'],
+ 'available', Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.AVAILABLE, True, False))
+ self.assertEqual(statuses['chatty'],
+ 'chatty', Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.AVAILABLE, True, True))
+ self.assertEqual(statuses['away'],
+ 'away', Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.AWAY, True, True))
+ self.assertEqual(statuses['offline'],
+ 'offline', Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.OFFLINE, False, False))
+ self.assertEqual(statuses['unknown'],
+ 'unknown', Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.UNKNOWN, False, False))
+ self.assertEqual(statuses['error'],
+ 'error', Tp.ConnectionPresenceType.ERROR, False, False))
+ waiter = Waiter()
+ protocol.normalize_contact_async("MiXeDcAsE", None,
+ waiter.callback, waiter)
+ waiter.wait()
+ self.assertEqual(protocol.normalize_contact_finish(waiter.result),
+ "mixedcase")
+ waiter = Waiter()
+ protocol.normalize_contact_async("", None, waiter.callback, waiter)
+ waiter.wait()
+ with self.assertRaises(GLib.GError) as trap:
+ protocol.normalize_contact_finish(waiter.result)
+ self.assertEqual(trap.exception.code, Tp.Error.INVALID_HANDLE)
+ waiter = Waiter()
+ protocol.normalize_vcard_address_async("x-sip", "MiXeDcAsE",
+ None, waiter.callback, waiter)
+ waiter.wait()
+ self.assertEqual(protocol.normalize_vcard_address_finish(waiter.result),
+ "mixedcase")
+ waiter = Waiter()
+ protocol.normalize_vcard_address_async("x-sip", "",
+ None, waiter.callback, waiter)
+ waiter.wait()
+ with self.assertRaises(GLib.GError) as trap:
+ protocol.normalize_vcard_address_finish(waiter.result)
+ self.assertEqual(trap.exception.code, Tp.Error.INVALID_HANDLE)
+ waiter = Waiter()
+ protocol.normalize_vcard_address_async("argh", "example",
+ None, waiter.callback, waiter)
+ waiter.wait()
+ with self.assertRaises(GLib.GError) as trap:
+ protocol.normalize_vcard_address_finish(waiter.result)
+ self.assertEqual(trap.exception.code, Tp.Error.NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
+ waiter = Waiter()
+ protocol.normalize_contact_uri_async("sip:MiXeDcAsE",
+ None, waiter.callback, waiter)
+ waiter.wait()
+ self.assertEqual(protocol.normalize_contact_uri_finish(waiter.result),
+ "sip:mixedcase")
+ waiter = Waiter()
+ protocol.normalize_contact_uri_async("sip:",
+ None, waiter.callback, waiter)
+ waiter.wait()
+ with self.assertRaises(GLib.GError) as trap:
+ protocol.normalize_contact_uri_finish(waiter.result)
+ self.assertEqual(trap.exception.code, Tp.Error.INVALID_HANDLE)
+ waiter = Waiter()
+ protocol.normalize_contact_uri_async("foo:bar",
+ None, waiter.callback, waiter)
+ waiter.wait()
+ with self.assertRaises(GLib.GError) as trap:
+ protocol.normalize_contact_uri_finish(waiter.result)
+ self.assertEqual(trap.exception.code, Tp.Error.NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
+ waiter = Waiter()
+ protocol.identify_account_async(GLib.Variant('a{sv}', {
+ 'account': GLib.Variant('s', 'MiXeDcAsE'),
+ }), None ,waiter.callback, waiter)
+ waiter.wait()
+ self.assertEqual(protocol.identify_account_finish(waiter.result),
+ "mixedcase")
+ waiter = Waiter()
+ protocol.identify_account_async(GLib.Variant('a{sv}', {
+ }), None, waiter.callback, waiter)
+ waiter.wait()
+ with self.assertRaises(GLib.GError) as trap:
+ protocol.identify_account_finish(waiter.result)
+ self.assertEqual(trap.exception.code, Tp.Error.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+ waiter = Waiter()
+ protocol.identify_account_async(GLib.Variant('a{sv}', {
+ 'account': GLib.Variant('s', ''),
+ }), None, waiter.callback, waiter)
+ waiter.wait()
+ with self.assertRaises(GLib.GError) as trap:
+ protocol.identify_account_finish(waiter.result)
+ self.assertEqual(trap.exception.code, Tp.Error.INVALID_HANDLE)
+ waiter = Waiter()
+ protocol.identify_account_async(GLib.Variant('a{sv}', {
+ 'account': GLib.Variant('s', ''),
+ 'foo': GLib.Variant('u', 42),
+ }), None, waiter.callback, waiter)
+ waiter.wait()
+ with self.assertRaises(GLib.GError) as trap:
+ protocol.identify_account_finish(waiter.result)
+ self.assertEqual(trap.exception.code, Tp.Error.INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+ # FIXME: test CM.NewConnection (there's no medium-level API,
+ # and the high-level API needs an AccountManager)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ if is not None:
+ # FIXME: there's no unregister function, so delete it and
+ # hope for the best
+ = None
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()