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authorEric Anholt <>2010-06-22 15:47:30 -0700
committerEric Anholt <>2010-06-22 15:47:30 -0700
commit9dfaee4e778432a216efce0e06348724b42038fd (patch)
parent8bea3c76a8a13a9fb873a985ebb764500d8de30f (diff)
Add a readme.readme
1 files changed, 117 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5519d78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+Welcome to Mesa's GLSL compiler. A brief overview of how things flow:
+1) lex and yacc-based preprocessor takes the incoming shader string
+and produces a new string containing the preprocessed shader. This
+takes care of things like #if, #ifdef, #define, and preprocessor macro
+invocations. Note that #version, #extension, and some others are
+passed straight through. See glcpp/*
+2) lex and yacc-based parser takes the preprocessed string and
+generates the AST (abstract syntax tree). Almost no checking is
+performed in this stage. See glsl_lexer.lpp and glsl_parser.ypp.
+3) The AST is converted to "HIR". This is the intermediate
+representation of the compiler. Constructors are generated, function
+calls are resolved to particular function signatures, and all the
+semantic checking is performed. See ast_*.cpp for the conversion, and
+ir.h for the IR structures.
+4) The driver (Mesa, or main.cpp for the standalone binary) performs
+optimizations. These include copy propagation, dead code elimination,
+constant folding, and others. Generally the driver will call
+optimizations in a loop, as each may open up opportunities for other
+optimizations to do additional work. See most files called ir_*.cpp
+5) linking is performed. This does checking to ensure that the
+outputs of the vertex shader match the inputs of the fragment shader,
+and assigns locations to uniforms, attributes, and varyings. See
+6) The driver may perform additional optimization at this point, as
+for example dead code elimination can't remove functions or global
+variable usage when we don't know what other code will be linked in in
+that stage.
+7) The driver performs code generation out of the IR, taking a linked
+shader program and producing a compiled program for each stage. See
+ir_to_mesa.cpp for Mesa IR code generation.
+Q: What is HIR versus IR versus LIR?
+A: The idea behind the naming was that ast_to_hir would produce a
+high-level IR ("HIR"), with things like matrix operations, structure
+assignments, etc., present. A series of lowering passes would occur
+that do things like break matrix multiplication into a series of dot
+products/MADs, make structure assignment be a series of assignment of
+components, flatten if statements into conditional moves, and such,
+producing a low level IR ("LIR").
+However, it now appears that each driver will have different
+requirements from a LIR. A 915-generation chipset wants all functions
+inlined, all loops unrolled, all ifs flattened, no variable array
+accesses, matrix multiplication broken down. The Mesa IR backend for
+swrast would like matrices and structure assignment broken down, but
+it can support function calls and dynamic branching. A 965 vertex
+shader IR backend could potentially even handle some matrix operations
+without breaking them down, but the fragment shader IR backend would
+want to break all operations down channel-wise and perform
+optimization on that. As a result, there's no single low-level IR
+that will make everyone happy. So that usage has fallen out of favor,
+and each driver will perform a series of lowering passes to take the
+HIR down to whatever restrictions the chipset wants to impose before
+doing codegen.
+Q: How is the IR structured?
+A: The best way to get started seeing it would be to run the
+standalone compiler against a shader:
+./glsl --dump-lir ~/src/piglit/tests/shaders/glsl-orangebook-ch06-bump.frag
+So for example a single ir_instruction in main() contains:
+(assign (constant bool (1)) (var_ref litColor) (expression vec3 * (var_ref Surf
+aceColor) (var_ref __retval) ) )
+Or more visually:
+ (assign)
+ / | \
+ (var_ref) (expression *) (constant bool 1)
+ / / \
+(litColor) (var_ref) (var_ref)
+ / \
+ (SurfaceColor) (__retval)
+which came from:
+litColor = SurfaceColor * max(dot(normDelta, LightDir), 0.0);
+(the max call is not represented in this expression tree, as it was a
+function call that got inlined but not brought into this expression
+Each of those nodes is a subclass of ir_instruction. A particular
+ir_instruction instance may only appear once in the whole IR tree with
+the exception of ir_variables, which appear once as variable
+(declare () vec3 normDelta)
+and multiple times as the targets of variable dereferences:
+(assign (constant bool (1)) (var_ref __retval) (expression float dot
+ (var_ref normDelta) (var_ref LightDir) ) )
+(assign (constant bool (1)) (var_ref __retval) (expression vec3 -
+ (var_ref LightDir) (expression vec3 * (constant float (2.000000))
+ (expression vec3 * (expression float dot (var_ref normDelta) (var_ref
+ LightDir) ) (var_ref normDelta) ) ) ) )
+Each node has a type. Expressions may involve several different types:
+(declare (uniform ) mat4 gl_ModelViewMatrix)
+((assign (constant bool (1)) (var_ref constructor_tmp) (expression
+ vec4 * (var_ref gl_ModelViewMatrix) (var_ref gl_Vertex) ) )