path: root/xc
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
1993-11-04remove orphan "child_wait" declarationgildea1-3/+1
1993-11-03update PreIncDir for new version of gcc2 on Alexgildea1-3/+3
1993-11-03minor additionskaleb1-51/+59
1993-11-03changes from MTX dix/window.c -- no-op unless -DMTXrob1-1/+5
1993-11-02a few small changesmor1-7/+24
1993-11-02Startup remote clients using xrshmor1-34/+105
1993-11-02Fixed IceConnectionString if its NULL.mor1-4/+10
1993-11-02Fix bug with IceReadCompleteMessage/IceDisposeCompleteMessage.mor1-21/+31
1993-11-02check for NULL in IceReadCompleteMessagemor1-2/+5
1993-11-01Initial revisionrws1-0/+856
1993-11-01don't need XIE_DISrws1-5/+1
1993-11-01oops, botched previous fix for undefined eval orderdpw1-2/+5
1993-11-01IcePO -> IcePomor1-91/+88
1993-11-01fix parameter type for the 'time' function call, xbug xterm/6267kaleb1-1/+5
1993-11-01add -DXIE_DIS when BuildDISrws1-3/+5
1993-11-01_XcmsCubeRoot -> _cmsCubeRoot to avoid link conflicts withrws1-4/+4
1993-11-01fixed lint: mefax.c(514): warning: evaluation order for ``ucp'' undefineddpw1-2/+2
1993-11-01naming conventions for argsmor1-312/+316
1993-10-31lint rulesdpw1-1/+6
1993-10-31void * -> pointer conversiondpw40-450/+451
1993-10-30another rect -> &rectrws1-2/+2
1993-10-30caddr_t -> XPointerrws1-3/+3
1993-10-30change "... failed request 0x%lx" to "... failed request: 0x%lx"rws1-28/+28
1993-10-30clean up outputrws1-17/+17
1993-10-30remove bogus resourceid from Flo errorsrws1-13/+7
1993-10-30remove assignments already done for us by _XErrorrws1-4/+6
1993-10-30remove redundant minor opcode and flo idrws1-14/+12
1993-10-30make select code more portable, add NT supportrws1-13/+24
1993-10-30remove unnecessary includesrws1-3/+1
1993-10-29fix bug in ieee native case, arg is really double even thoughrws1-2/+3
1993-10-29Major gratuitous cleanup, added prototypes, eliminated mysterious pointerkaleb9-389/+642
1993-10-29eliminate unnecessary void*rws1-5/+1
1993-10-29Initial revisionmor1-0/+2161
1993-10-29sizeof(int) -> 4 in DoGetPropertyrws1-1/+1
1993-10-28Merged in XIE changesmor3-163/+264
1993-10-28work with retail encryption. Close XBUG #4540.gildea5-21/+80
1993-10-28add func decl for _XieConvertToIEEErws1-2/+2
1993-10-28Merged in changes from AGEmor10-137/+619
1993-10-28remove unnecessary (and dangerous) chown(). Close XBUG #6266.gildea1-3/+1
1993-10-28fix typo: -> ctlseqs.msgildea1-1/+1
1993-10-27clean up under CodeCenterrws10-84/+46
1993-10-27change to match Xlib code (again)rws1-14/+20
1993-10-26gp -> &gprws1-2/+2
1993-10-26include <ctype.h>rws1-1/+2
1993-10-26include <stdio.h> for NULLrws1-1/+2
1993-10-26don't assume XIE is definedrws1-2/+2
1993-10-26add -I../jpegrws1-2/+2
1993-10-26fix includesrws1-2/+2