path: root/hw/dmx/dmxinit.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2009-09-16dmx: don't include panoramiXsrv.h if building w/o XineramaPeter Hutterer1-0/+2
2008-07-23Unifdef sgi.Adam Jackson1-9/+1
2008-06-05dmx: add an XFlush.Peter Hutterer1-0/+2
2008-06-05dmx: fix false memory allocation.Peter Hutterer1-2/+1
2008-05-21drop xprint remnants: InitGlobalsGeorge Sapountzis1-7/+0
2007-06-29Death to RCS tags.Adam Jackson1-1/+0
2006-12-16Fix RENDER issues (bug #7555) and implement RENDER add/remove screenJames Steven Supancic III1-1/+1
2006-07-20Remove the DDXTIME conditional, for being unused.Adam Jackson1-11/+0
2006-06-07Fix compiler warnings about SetVendorRelease and SetVendorStringGreg Kroah-Hartman1-3/+0
2005-07-12Prepare Xdmx and Xvfb for modularization by adding appropriate #includeKevin E Martin1-0/+4
2005-04-20Fix includes right throughout the Xserver tree:Daniel Stone1-3/+3
2004-07-31Add new extension enable/disable feature. This code is a small step in theKevin E Martin1-5/+3
2004-07-07Bugzilla #817Rik Faith1-0/+2
2004-07-06- Disable building DMX on OSs that have not been verified to buildKevin E Martin1-0/+2
2004-06-30Add Distributed Multihead X (DMX) supportKevin E Martin1-0/+1056