path: root/src/bitmap/pcfread.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/bitmap/pcfread.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 238 deletions
diff --git a/src/bitmap/pcfread.c b/src/bitmap/pcfread.c
index 3a0eeeb..2d4d19e 100644
--- a/src/bitmap/pcfread.c
+++ b/src/bitmap/pcfread.c
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-/* $Xorg: pcfread.c,v 1.5 2001/02/09 02:04:02 xorgcvs Exp $ */
Copyright 1990, 1998 The Open Group
@@ -782,240 +781,3 @@ pcfUnloadFont(FontPtr pFont)
-pmfReadFont(FontPtr pFont, FontFilePtr file,
- int bit, int byte, int glyph, int scan)
- CARD32 format;
- CARD32 size;
- BitmapFontPtr bitmapFont = 0;
- int i;
- PCFTablePtr tables = 0;
- int ntables;
- int nmetrics;
- int sizebitmaps;
- int nink_metrics;
- CharInfoPtr metrics = 0;
- xCharInfo *ink_metrics = 0;
- char *bitmaps = 0;
- CharInfoPtr **encoding = 0;
- int nencoding = 0;
- int encodingOffset;
- Bool hasBDFAccelerators;
- CharInfoPtr pci;
- pFont->info.nprops = 0;
- pFont->info.props = 0;
- if (!(tables = pcfReadTOC(file, &ntables)))
- goto Bail;
- /* properties */
- if (!pcfGetProperties(&pFont->info, file, tables, ntables))
- goto Bail;
- /* Use the old accelerators if no BDF accelerators are in the file */
- hasBDFAccelerators = pcfHasType (tables, ntables, PCF_BDF_ACCELERATORS);
- if (!hasBDFAccelerators)
- if (!pcfGetAccel (&pFont->info, file, tables, ntables, PCF_ACCELERATORS))
- goto Bail;
- /* metrics */
- if (!pcfSeekToType(file, tables, ntables, PCF_METRICS, &format, &size)) {
- goto Bail;
- }
- format = pcfGetLSB32(file);
- goto Bail;
- }
- nmetrics = pcfGetINT32(file, format);
- else
- nmetrics = pcfGetINT16(file, format);
- if (IS_EOF(file)) goto Bail;
- if (nmetrics < 0 || nmetrics > INT32_MAX / sizeof(CharInfoRec)) {
- pcfError("pmfReadFont(): invalid file format\n");
- goto Bail;
- }
- metrics = (CharInfoPtr) xalloc(nmetrics * sizeof(CharInfoRec));
- if (!metrics) {
- pcfError("pmfReadFont(): Couldn't allocate metrics (%d*%d)\n", nmetrics, sizeof(CharInfoRec));
- goto Bail;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < nmetrics; i++)
- if (!pcfGetMetric(file, format, &(metrics + i)->metrics))
- goto Bail;
- } else {
- if (!pcfGetCompressedMetric(file, format, &(metrics + i)->metrics))
- goto Bail;
- }
- /* Set the bitmaps to all point to the same zero filled array
- * that is the size of the largest bitmap.
- */
- pci = metrics;
- sizebitmaps = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < nmetrics; i++)
- {
- sizebitmaps = MAX(sizebitmaps,BYTES_FOR_GLYPH(pci, glyph));
- pci++;
- }
- sizebitmaps = BUFSIZ;
- /* guard against completely empty font */
- bitmaps = (char *) xalloc(sizebitmaps);
- if (!bitmaps) {
- pcfError("pmfReadFont(): Couldn't allocate bitmaps (%d)\n", sizebitmaps);
- goto Bail;
- }
- memset(bitmaps,0,sizebitmaps);
- for (i = 0; i < nmetrics; i++)
- metrics[i].bits = bitmaps;
- /* ink metrics ? */
- ink_metrics = NULL;
- if (pcfSeekToType(file, tables, ntables, PCF_INK_METRICS, &format, &size)) {
- format = pcfGetLSB32(file);
- goto Bail;
- }
- nink_metrics = pcfGetINT32(file, format);
- else
- nink_metrics = pcfGetINT16(file, format);
- if (nink_metrics != nmetrics)
- goto Bail;
- if (IS_EOF(file)) goto Bail;
- ink_metrics = (xCharInfo *) xalloc(nink_metrics * sizeof(xCharInfo));
- if (!ink_metrics) {
- pcfError("pmfReadFont(): Couldn't allocate ink_metrics (%d*%d)\n", nink_metrics, sizeof(xCharInfo));
- goto Bail;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < nink_metrics; i++)
- if (!pcfGetMetric(file, format, ink_metrics + i))
- goto Bail;
- } else {
- if (!pcfGetCompressedMetric(file, format, ink_metrics + i))
- goto Bail;
- }
- }
- /* encoding */
- if (!pcfSeekToType(file, tables, ntables, PCF_BDF_ENCODINGS, &format, &size))
- goto Bail;
- format = pcfGetLSB32(file);
- goto Bail;
- pFont->info.firstCol = pcfGetINT16(file, format);
- pFont->info.lastCol = pcfGetINT16(file, format);
- pFont->info.firstRow = pcfGetINT16(file, format);
- pFont->info.lastRow = pcfGetINT16(file, format);
- pFont->info.defaultCh = pcfGetINT16(file, format);
- if (IS_EOF(file)) goto Bail;
- nencoding = (pFont->info.lastCol - pFont->info.firstCol + 1) *
- (pFont->info.lastRow - pFont->info.firstRow + 1);
- encoding = (CharInfoPtr **) xcalloc(NUM_SEGMENTS(nencoding),
- sizeof(CharInfoPtr*));
- if (!encoding) {
- pcfError("pmfReadFont(): Couldn't allocate encoding (%d*%d)\n", nencoding, sizeof(CharInfoPtr));
- goto Bail;
- }
- pFont->info.allExist = TRUE;
- for (i = 0; i < nencoding; i++) {
- encodingOffset = pcfGetINT16(file, format);
- if (IS_EOF(file)) goto Bail;
- if (encodingOffset == 0xFFFF) {
- pFont->info.allExist = FALSE;
- } else {
- if(!encoding[SEGMENT_MAJOR(i)]) {
- encoding[SEGMENT_MAJOR(i)]=
- (CharInfoPtr*)xcalloc(BITMAP_FONT_SEGMENT_SIZE,
- sizeof(CharInfoPtr));
- if(!encoding[SEGMENT_MAJOR(i)])
- goto Bail;
- }
- ACCESSENCODINGL(encoding, i) = metrics + encodingOffset;
- }
- }
- if (IS_EOF(file)) goto Bail;
- /* BDF style accelerators (i.e. bounds based on encoded glyphs) */
- if (hasBDFAccelerators)
- if (!pcfGetAccel (&pFont->info, file, tables, ntables, PCF_BDF_ACCELERATORS))
- goto Bail;
- bitmapFont = (BitmapFontPtr) xalloc(sizeof *bitmapFont);
- if (!bitmapFont) {
- pcfError("pmfReadFont(): Couldn't allocate bitmapFont (%d)\n", sizeof *bitmapFont);
- goto Bail;
- }
- bitmapFont->version_num = PCF_FILE_VERSION;
- bitmapFont->num_chars = nmetrics;
- bitmapFont->num_tables = ntables;
- bitmapFont->metrics = metrics;
- bitmapFont->ink_metrics = ink_metrics;
- bitmapFont->bitmaps = bitmaps;
- bitmapFont->encoding = encoding;
- bitmapFont->pDefault = (CharInfoPtr) 0;
- if (pFont->info.defaultCh != (unsigned short) NO_SUCH_CHAR) {
- unsigned int r,
- c,
- cols;
- r = pFont->info.defaultCh >> 8;
- c = pFont->info.defaultCh & 0xFF;
- if (pFont->info.firstRow <= r && r <= pFont->info.lastRow &&
- pFont->info.firstCol <= c && c <= pFont->info.lastCol) {
- cols = pFont->info.lastCol - pFont->info.firstCol + 1;
- r = r - pFont->info.firstRow;
- c = c - pFont->info.firstCol;
- bitmapFont->pDefault = ACCESSENCODING(encoding, r * cols + c);
- }
- }
- bitmapFont->bitmapExtra = (BitmapExtraPtr) 0;
- pFont->fontPrivate = (pointer) bitmapFont;
- pFont->get_glyphs = bitmapGetGlyphs;
- pFont->get_metrics = bitmapGetMetrics;
- pFont->unload_font = pcfUnloadFont;
- pFont->unload_glyphs = NULL;
- pFont->bit = bit;
- pFont->byte = byte;
- pFont->glyph = glyph;
- pFont->scan = scan;
- xfree(tables);
- return Successful;
- xfree(ink_metrics);
- if(encoding) {
- for(i=0; i<NUM_SEGMENTS(nencoding); i++)
- xfree(encoding[i]);
- }
- xfree(encoding);
- xfree(bitmaps);
- xfree(metrics);
- xfree(pFont->info.props);
- pFont->info.nprops = 0;
- pFont->info.props = 0;
- xfree (pFont->info.isStringProp);
- xfree(bitmapFont);
- xfree(tables);
- return AllocError;