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authorSøren Sandmann Pedersen <>2005-10-04 20:01:03 +0000
committerSøren Sandmann Pedersen <>2005-10-04 20:01:03 +0000
commite526211b86ec5343002978debfcf78f74a10c69e (patch)
parent431d0e144ae4c294e1f6110fc3db497ce9bd9cfd (diff)
Check in generated README files
2 files changed, 988 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.ati b/README.ati
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index 00000000..7dddbeea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.ati
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+ $Id$ Based on
+ XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/doc/sgml/ati.sgml,v
+ 3.42 2003/01/20 03:43:07 dawes Exp ATI Adapters README file
+ Marc Aurele La France
+ 2002 February 12
+ This is the README for the XAA ATI driver included in this release.
+ ______________________________________________________________________
+ Table of Contents
+ 1. Statement of intent
+ 2. A note on acceleration
+ 3. Current implementation for ATI adapters
+ 4. Current implementation of generic VGA support for non-ATI adapters
+ 5. xorg.conf specifications
+ 5.1 Driver ``ati''
+ 5.2 ChipSet ``name''
+ 5.3 ChipID & ChipRev specifications
+ 5.4 IOBase
+ 5.5 BusID
+ 5.6 Clocks
+ 5.6.1 Clocks for supported programmable clock generators
+ 5.6.2 Clocks for unsupported programmable clock generators
+ 5.6.3 Clocks for fixed clock generators on ATI adapters
+ 5.6.4 Clocks for non-ATI adapters
+ 5.7 Option ``nopanel_display''
+ 5.8 Option ``crt_display''
+ 5.9 Option ``noaccel''
+ 5.10 Option ``nolinear''
+ 5.11 Option ``HWCursor'' and Option ``SWCursor''
+ 5.12 Option ``SilkenMouse''
+ 5.13 Option ``shadowfb''
+ 5.14 Option ``dpms''
+ 5.15 Option ``backingstore''
+ 5.16 MemBase address
+ 5.17 Option ``ReferenceClock'' ``frequency''
+ 5.18 ClockChip ``name''
+ 6. Video modes
+ 7. Known problems and limitations
+ 8. Reporting problems
+ 9. Driver history
+ 10. Driver versions
+ ______________________________________________________________________
+ 1. Statement of intent
+ Generally speaking, the driver is intended for all ATI video adapters,
+ providing maximum video function within hardware limitations. The
+ driver is also intended to optionally provide the same level of
+ support for generic VGA or 8514/A adapters. This driver is still
+ being actively developed, meaning that it currently does not yet fully
+ meet these goals.
+ The driver will provide
+ +o accelerated support if an ATI accelerator is detected and the user
+ has not requested that this support be disabled; otherwise
+ +o accelerated support if a non-ATI 8514/A-capable adapter is detected
+ and the user has requested such support; otherwise
+ +o unaccelerated SuperVGA support if an ATI VGA-capable adapter is
+ detected; otherwise
+ +o generic VGA support if a non-ATI VGA-capable adapter is detected
+ and the user has requested such support.
+ Thus, the level of support provided not only depends on what the
+ driver detects in the system, but also, on what the user specifies
+ in the xorg.conf file. See the ``xorg.conf specifications''
+ section below for details.
+ If none of the above conditions are met, the ATI driver will
+ essentially disable itself to allow other drivers to examine the
+ system.
+ Note that I am currently considering removing the driver's support for
+ generic VGA. If you have any concerns about this, please contact me
+ at <>.
+ 2. A note on acceleration
+ The meaning of ``acceleration'', as used in this document, needs to be
+ clarified. Two of the many components in an accelerator are the CRT
+ controller (CRTC) and the Draw Engine. This is in addition to another
+ CRTC that, generally, is also present in the system (often in the same
+ chip) and typically provides EGA, VGA or SuperVGA functionality.
+ A CRTC is the component of a graphics controller that is responsible
+ for reading video memory for output to the screen. A Draw Engine is
+ an accelerator component that can be programmed to manipulate video
+ memory contents, thus freeing the CPU for other tasks.
+ When the VGA CRTC is used, all drawing operations into video memory
+ are the responsibility of the system's CPU, i.e. no Draw Engine can be
+ used. On the other hand, if the accelerator's CRTC is chosen to drive
+ the screen, the Draw Engine can also be used for drawing operations,
+ although the CPU can still be used for this purpose if it can access
+ the accelerator's video memory.
+ Video acceleration refers to the programming of an accelerator's Draw
+ Engine to offload drawing operations from the CPU, and thus also
+ implies the use of the accelerator's CRTC.
+ 3. Current implementation for ATI adapters
+ The driver currently supports the SuperVGA capabilities of all ATI
+ adapters except some early Mach8 and Mach32 adapters that do not
+ provide the required functionality. This support works for
+ monochrome, 16-colour and 256-colour video modes, if one of the
+ following ATI graphics controller chips is present:
+ VGAWonder series: 18800, 18800-1, 28800-2, 28800-4, 28800-5, 28800-6
+ Mach32 series: 68800-3, 68800-6, 68800AX, 68800LX
+ Mach64 series: 88800GX-C, 88800GX-D, 88800GX-E, 88800GX-F, 88800CX,
+ 264CT, 264ET, 264VT, 264GT (3D Rage), 264VT-B, 264VT3,
+ 264VT4, 264GT-B (3D Rage II), 3D Rage IIc, 3D Rage Pro,
+ 3D Rage LT, 3D Rage LT Pro, 3D Rage XL, 3D Rage XC,
+ 3D Rage Mobility (including the -M and -P variants)
+ The driver also supports 32K, 64K and 16M-colour modes on the 264xT
+ and 3D Rage series of adapters using the accelerator CRTC (but not the
+ The newer Rage 128 and Radeon chips are not yet supported by this
+ driver. Rage 128's and Radeon's are, however, supported by separate
+ drivers, and owners of such adapters should consult the documentation
+ provided with these drivers. This driver will also invoke the
+ appropriate driver if it finds Rage 128 and/or Radeon adapter(s) in
+ the system.
+ Adapters based on the above chips have been marketed under a rather
+ large number of names over the years. Among them are:
+ VGAWonder series: VGAWonder V3, VGAWonder V4, VGAWonder V5, VGAWonder+,
+ VGAWonder XL, VGAWonder XL24, VGAWonder VLB, VGA Basic,
+ VGA Basic 16, VGA Edge, VGA Edge 16, VGA Integra,
+ VGA Charger, VGAStereo F/X, VGA 640, VGA 800, VGA 1024,
+ VGA 1024D, VGA 1024 XL, VGA 1024 DXL, VGA 1024 VLB
+ Mach8 series: Graphics Ultra, Graphics Vantage, VGAWonder GT
+ (None of the 8514/Ultra and 8514 Vantage series is
+ supported at this time)
+ Mach32 series: Graphics Ultra+, Graphics Ultra Pro, Graphics Wonder,
+ Graphics Ultra XLR, Graphics Ultra AXO, VLB mach32-D,
+ PCI mach32-D, ISA mach32
+ Mach64 series: Graphics Xpression, Graphics Pro Turbo, WinBoost,
+ WinTurbo, Graphics Pro Turbo 1600, Video Xpression,
+ 3D Xpression, Video Xpression+, 3D Xpression+,
+ 3D Charger, Video Charger, WinCharger, All-In-Wonder,
+ All-In-Wonder PRO, 3D Pro Turbo, XPERT@Play,
+ Also, a number of mainboards, laptops and notebooks harbour a Mach32
+ or Mach64 controller.
+ VGAWonder, Mach8 and Mach32 ISA adapters are available with or without
+ a mouse.
+ These adapters are available with a variety of clock generators and
+ RAMDACs. The 264xT and 3D Rage series of chips are integrated
+ controllers, meaning that they include a programmable clock generator
+ and a RAMDAC.
+ For all but Mach64 adapters, this driver still does not provide
+ support for accelerated drawing to the screen. This means that all
+ drawing is done by the CPU, rather than by any accelerator present in
+ the system. This can make opaque moves, for example, quite ``jerky''.
+ Also, given that IBM 8514/A and ATI Mach8 do not allow CPU access to
+ their frame buffer, the driver will currently ignore these
+ accelerators. Most Mach32 adapters provide both accelerated function
+ and SuperVGA functionality, but the driver currently only uses the
+ VGA.
+ The driver does however support the accelerator CRTC present in all
+ ATI Mach64 adapters. For 256-colour, and higher depth modes, this
+ support will be used by default, although an xorg.conf option can be
+ specified to use the SuperVGA CRTC instead. A linear video memory
+ aperture is also available in 256-colour and higher depth modes and
+ enabled by default if a 264xT or 3D Rage controller is detected or, on
+ 88800 controllers, if the accelerator CRTC is used. xorg.conf options
+ are available to disable this aperture, or (for non-PCI adapters)
+ enable it or move it to some other address.
+ By default, the driver provides some acceleration for Mach64 if the
+ accelerator CRTC is used, and modes whose colour depth greater than or
+ equal to 8 are to be used. This support is as yet incomplete and can
+ be disabled entirely with an xorg.conf option.
+ On non-Intel platforms, the driver can, currently, only support PCI
+ Mach64 adapters.
+ 4. Current implementation of generic VGA support for non-ATI adapters
+ Support for generic VGA with non-ATI adapters is also implemented, but
+ has undergone only limited testing. The driver will intentionally
+ disallow the use of this support with ATI adapters. This support must
+ be explicitly requested through an xorg.conf ChipSet specification.
+ This prevents the current VGA generic driver from being disabled.
+ This driver's generic VGA support is intended as an extension of that
+ provided by the current generic driver. Specifically, within the
+ architectural bounds defined by IBM's VGA standard, this driver will
+ allow the use of any 256-colour mode, and any dot clock frequencies
+ both of which allow for many more mode possibilities.
+ The driver will enforce the following limitations derived from IBM's
+ original VGA implementation:
+ +o There can only be a set of four (non-programmable) clocks to choose
+ from.
+ +o Video memory is limited to 256kB in monochrome and 16-colour modes.
+ +o Video memory is limited to 64kB in 256-colour modes.
+ +o Interlaced modes are not available.
+ +o Colour depths higher than 8 are not available.
+ 5. xorg.conf specifications
+ The driver recognises a number of xorg.conf options. In general, all
+ such options should be specified in a ``Device'' section, and affect
+ only that ``Device'' section.
+ Those options that affect how the driver associates adapters with
+ ``Device'' sections are described first. The driver will ignore (with
+ a message) a ``Device'' section if the section cannot be associated
+ with exactly one adapter in the system. Similarly, the driver will
+ ignore, or disable, (with a message) any adapter that cannot be
+ associated with exactly one ``Device'' section. Thus, these options
+ will be required in those uncommon cases where such unique
+ associations cannot automatically be made by the driver.
+ Other options affect the driver's operation once an adapter has been
+ assigned to the ``Device'' section which contains them.
+ 5.1. Driver ``ati''
+ The use of this specification is highly recommended if the ``Device''
+ section is to be recognised by the driver. In fact, it is almost (but
+ not quite) mandatory, particularly when using the loader server as it
+ indicates what driver is to be loaded and associated with the
+ ``Device'' section.
+ 5.2. ChipSet ``name''
+ The default ChipSet name for this driver is ``ati''. In this case,
+ any ATI adapter can be associated with the ``Device'' section. If an
+ ATI accelerator is detected and the driver supports it, the
+ accelerator's CRTC will be used to drive the screen. Otherwise, the
+ driver will programme the adapter's SuperVGA CRTC.
+ If ``ativga'' is specified instead, the driver will ignore any ATI
+ accelerator it detects, but otherwise operate as if ``ati'' had been
+ specified. This specification ensures the VGA CRTC is used.
+ A ChipSet name of ``ibmvga'' causes any VGA-capable adapter in the
+ system to be associated with the ``Device'' section. It enables the
+ driver's generic VGA support, but only for non-ATI adapters. If an
+ ATI adapter is associated with the ``Device'' section, the driver will
+ operate as if ``ativga'' had been specified instead.
+ A ChipSet name of ``vgawonder'' is equivalent to ``ativga'', except
+ that only VGAWonder-capable adapters can be assigned to the ``Device''
+ section. This specifically excludes the newer integrated Mach64
+ controllers.
+ In some PCI or AGP systems, the driver will not, by default, probe for
+ non-PCI Mach32's or Mach64's. This is because, before doing any such
+ probe, the driver attempts to determine if the probe can cause a
+ lockup. If the driver has enough information to determine that a
+ lockup would occur, it will skip the probe. In some situations, this
+ determination cannot be accurate, and the driver will err on the side
+ of caution, skipping the probe. Specifying a ChipSet name of
+ ``mach32'' or ``mach64'', as appropriate, will force the driver to
+ probe for the non-PCI adapter. These ChipSet names should, therefore,
+ only be used when there is in fact such an adapter in the system.
+ They are otherwise equivalent to ``ati''.
+ On non-Intel platforms, only ``ati'' and ``mach64'' ChipSet values are
+ operative.
+ 5.3. ChipID & ChipRev specifications
+ These specifications will cause the driver to associate the ``Device''
+ section only with an adapter having the same attributes, or an adapter
+ whose PCI device ID the driver does not recognise. In the second
+ case, these options cause the driver to treat the adapter as if it was
+ one with the specified PCI device ID or revision. ChipID can only be
+ used with Mach32 or Mach64 adapters, and, thus, specifically excludes
+ any other adapter from matching the ``Device'' section. ChipRev is
+ meaningful only with Mach64 adapters, and then only if ChipID is also
+ specified in the same ``Device'' section.
+ 5.4. IOBase
+ This option limits the adapters that can be associated with the
+ ``Device'' section to the one with the specified I/O base. This
+ option only applies to Mach64 adapters and specifically excludes other
+ adapters.
+ 5.5. BusID
+ This option limits the adapters that can be associated with the
+ ``Device'' section to the one with the specified PCI Bus ID. This
+ specification excludes non-PCI adapters.
+ 5.6. Clocks
+ For the purpose of specifying a clock line in your xorg.conf, one of
+ four different situations can occur, as follows.
+ Those configuring the driver's generic VGA support for a non-ATI
+ adapter, can skip ahead to the ``Clocks for non-ATI adapters'' section
+ below. Those not trying to configure the driver for a Mach64 adapter,
+ can skip ahead to the ``Clocks for fixed clock generators on ATI
+ adapters'' section below.
+ The very earliest Mach64 adapters use fixed (i.e. non-programmable)
+ clock generators. Very few of these (mostly prototypes) are known to
+ exist, but if you have one of these, you can also skip ahead to the
+ ``Clocks for fixed clock generators on ATI adapters'' section below.
+ The two cases that are left deal with programmable clock generators,
+ which are used on the great majority of Mach64 adapters.
+ If you are uncertain which situation applies to your adapter, you can
+ run a clock probe with the command ``X -probeonly''.
+ 5.6.1. Clocks for supported programmable clock generators
+ At bootup, video BIOS initialisation programmes an initial set of
+ frequencies. Two of these are reserved to allow the setting of modes
+ that do not use a frequency from this initial set. One of these
+ reserved slots is used by the BIOS mode set routine, the other by the
+ particular driver used (e.g. MS-Windows, AutoCAD, X, etc.). The clock
+ numbers reserved in this way are dependent on the particular clock
+ generator used by the adapter.
+ The driver currently supports all programmable clock generators known
+ to exist on Mach64 adapters. In this case, the driver will completely
+ ignore any xorg.conf clock specification, and programme the clock
+ generator as needed by the modes used during the X session.
+ 5.6.2. Clocks for unsupported programmable clock generators
+ This case is unlikely to occur, but is documented for the sake of
+ completeness.
+ In this situation, the driver will probe the adapter for clock
+ frequencies unless xorg.conf clocks are already specified. In either
+ case, the driver will then attempt to normalise the clocks to one of
+ the following specifications:
+ BIOS setting 1:
+ Clocks 0.000 110.000 126.000 135.000 50.350 56.640 63.000 72.000
+ 0.000 80.000 75.000 65.000 40.000 44.900 49.500 50.000
+ 0.000 55.000 63.000 67.500 25.180 28.320 31.500 36.000
+ 0.000 40.000 37.500 32.500 20.000 22.450 24.750 25.000
+ BIOS setting 2:
+ Clocks 0.000 110.000 126.000 135.000 25.180 28.320 31.500 36.000
+ 0.000 80.000 75.000 65.000 40.000 44.900 49.500 50.000
+ 0.000 55.000 63.000 67.500 12.590 14.160 15.750 18.000
+ 0.000 40.000 37.500 32.500 20.000 22.450 24.750 25.000
+ BIOS setting 3:
+ Clocks 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 25.180 28.320 0.000 0.000
+ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
+ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 12.590 14.160 0.000 0.000
+ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
+ If the driver matches the clocks to the third setting above, function-
+ ality will be extremely limited (assuming the driver works at all).
+ 5.6.3. Clocks for fixed clock generators on ATI adapters
+ This section applies to all VGAWonder and Mach32 adapters, and to
+ early Mach64 prototypes.
+ One of the following clocks specifications (or an initial subset
+ thereof) can be used depending on what the adapter uses to generate
+ dot clocks:
+ Crystals (VGA Wonder V3 and V4 adapters only):
+ Clocks 50.000 56.644 0.000 44.900 44.900 50.000 0.000 36.000
+ 25.000 28.322 0.000 22.450 22.450 25.000 0.000 18.000
+ 16.667 18.881 0.000 14.967 14.967 16.667 0.000 12.000
+ 12.500 14.161 0.000 11.225 11.225 12.500 0.000 9.000
+ ATI 18810 clock generator:
+ Clocks 30.240 32.000 37.500 39.000 42.954 48.771 0.000 36.000
+ 40.000 0.000 75.000 65.000 50.350 56.640 0.000 44.900
+ 15.120 16.000 18.750 19.500 21.477 24.386 0.000 18.000
+ 20.000 0.000 37.500 32.500 25.175 28.320 0.000 22.450
+ 10.080 10.667 12.500 13.000 14.318 16.257 0.000 12.000
+ 13.333 0.000 25.000 21.667 16.783 18.880 0.000 14.967
+ 7.560 8.000 9.375 9.750 10.739 12.193 0.000 9.000
+ 10.000 0.000 18.750 16.250 12.586 14.160 0.000 11.225
+ ATI 18811-0 and ATI 18812-0 clock generators:
+ Clocks 30.240 32.000 110.000 80.000 42.954 48.771 92.400 36.000
+ 39.910 44.900 75.000 65.000 50.350 56.640 0.000 44.900
+ 15.120 16.000 55.000 40.000 21.477 24.386 46.200 18.000
+ 19.955 22.450 37.500 32.500 25.175 28.320 0.000 22.450
+ 10.080 10.667 36.667 26.667 14.318 16.257 30.800 12.000
+ 13.303 14.967 25.000 21.667 16.783 18.880 0.000 14.967
+ 7.560 8.000 27.500 20.000 10.739 12.193 23.100 9.000
+ 9.978 11.225 18.750 16.250 12.588 14.160 0.000 11.225
+ ATI 18811-1 and ATI 18811-2 clock generators:
+ Clocks 135.000 32.000 110.000 80.000 100.000 126.000 92.400 36.000
+ 39.910 44.900 75.000 65.000 50.350 56.640 0.000 44.900
+ 67.500 16.000 55.000 40.000 50.000 63.000 46.200 18.000
+ 19.955 22.450 37.500 32.500 25.175 28.320 0.000 22.450
+ 45.000 10.667 36.667 26.667 33.333 42.000 30.800 12.000
+ 13.303 14.967 25.000 21.667 16.783 18.880 0.000 14.967
+ 33.750 8.000 27.500 20.000 25.000 31.500 23.100 9.000
+ 9.978 11.225 18.750 16.250 12.588 14.160 0.000 11.225
+ ICS 2494-AM clock generators (found on some Dell motherboards):
+ Clocks 75.000 77.500 80.000 90.000 25.175 28.322 31.500 36.000
+ 100.000 110.000 126.000 135.000 40.000 44.900 50.000 65.000
+ 37.500 38.750 40.000 45.000 12.588 14.161 15.750 18.000
+ 50.000 55.000 63.000 67.500 20.000 22.450 25.000 32.500
+ 25.000 25.833 26.667 30.000 8.392 9.441 10.500 12.000
+ 33.333 36.667 42.000 45.000 13.333 14.767 16.667 21.667
+ 18.750 19.375 20.000 22.500 6.294 7.081 7.875 9.000
+ 25.000 27.500 31.500 33.750 10.000 11.225 12.500 16.250
+ VGAWonder VLB, VGA 1024 VLB, Mach32 and Mach64 owners should only
+ specify up to the first 32 frequencies. Any more will be ignored.
+ Other clock generators that have been used on ATI adapters (which can
+ all be said to be clones of one of the above) might generate non-zero
+ frequencies for those that are zero above, or vice-versa.
+ The order of the clocks is very important, although the driver will
+ reorder the specified clocks if it deems it appropriate to do so.
+ Mach32 and Mach64 owners should note that this order is different than
+ what they would use for previous accelerated servers.
+ 5.6.4. Clocks for non-ATI adapters
+ If no clocks are specified in the xorg.conf, the driver will probe for
+ four clocks, the second of which will be assumed to be 28.322 MHz.
+ The first clock will typically be 25.175 MHz, but there are
+ exceptions. You can include up to four clock frequencies in your
+ xorg.conf to specify the actual values used by the adapter. Any more
+ will be ignored.
+ 5.7. Option ``nopanel_display''
+ This specification is only effective when the driver detects that the
+ adapter's BIOS has initialised both the digital flat panel and CRT
+ interfaces. In such a situation, the driver will normally drive both
+ the panel and the CRT. This specification causes the driver to
+ disable the digital flat panel and display the screen image on the CRT
+ instead, which could potentially allow for larger physical resolutions
+ than the panel can handle.
+ 5.8. Option ``crt_display''
+ This specification is only effective when the driver detects that the
+ adapter's BIOS has initialised the digital flat panel interface, but
+ has disabled the CRT interface. In such a situation the driver will
+ normally drive only the panel. This specification causes the driver
+ to instead display the same image on both the panel and the CRT.
+ 5.9. Option ``noaccel''
+ By default, the driver will accelerate draw operations if a Mach64
+ CRTC is used to drive the display. As implemented in this driver,
+ acceleration does not require a linear video memory aperture. This
+ option disables this acceleration.
+ 5.10. Option ``nolinear''
+ By default, the driver will enable a linear video memory aperture for
+ 256-colour and higher depth modes if it is also using a Mach64
+ accelerator CRTC or an integrated Mach64 graphics chip. This option
+ disables this linear aperture.
+ On non-Intel platforms, the driver requires a linear aperture and, so,
+ this option is ignored.
+ 5.11. Option ``HWCursor'' and Option ``SWCursor''
+ Option ``HWCursor'', which is the default, specifies that hardware
+ facilities are to be used to paint the mouse pointer on the screen.
+ Option ``SWCursor'' specifies that the mouse pointer is to be drawn by
+ software, which is much slower. If both options are specified, option
+ ``SWCursor'' prevails. Currently, these options are only acted upon
+ for 256-colour or higher depth modes, if a Mach64 accelerator CRTC, or
+ a Mach64 integrated controller is being used. In all other
+ situations, a software cursor will be used, regardless of what these
+ options specify.
+ 5.12. Option ``SilkenMouse''
+ This option is only acted upon when a hardware cursor is being used.
+ It specifies that the cursor's position on the screen is to be updated
+ as quickly as possible when the mouse is moved. This is the default
+ behaviour. If this option is negated, the cursor may lag the mouse
+ when the X server is very busy.
+ 5.13. Option ``shadowfb''
+ If this option is enabled, the driver will cause the CPU to do each
+ drawing operation first into a shadow frame buffer in system virtual
+ memory and then copy the result into video memory. If this option is
+ not active, the CPU will draw directly into video memory. Enabling
+ this option is beneficial for those systems where reading from video
+ memory is, on average, slower than the corresponding read/modify/write
+ operation in system virtual memory. This is normally the case for PCI
+ or AGP adapters, and, so, this option is enabled by default. For
+ other bus types, the default behaviour is to disable this option.
+ Note that, due to various limitations, this option is forcibly
+ disabled when a linear video memory aperture is not enabled, when the
+ frame buffer depth is less than 8, or when acceleration is used.
+ 5.14. Option ``dpms''
+ This option enables the driver's support for VESA's Display Power
+ Management Specification.
+ 5.15. Option ``backingstore''
+ This is not specifically a driver option. It is used to enable the
+ server's support for backing store, a mechanism by which pixel data
+ for occluded window regions is remembered by the server thereby
+ alleviating the need to send expose events to X clients when the data
+ needs to be redisplayed.
+ 5.16. MemBase address
+ This specification is only effective for non-PCI Mach64 adapters, and
+ is used to override the CPU address at which the adapter will map its
+ video memory. Normally, for non-PCI adapters, this address is set by
+ a DOS install utility provided with the adapter. The MemBase option
+ can also be used to enable the linear aperture in those cases where
+ ATI's utility was not, or can not be, used.
+ For PCI and AGP adapters, this address is determined at system bootup
+ according to the PCI Plug'n'Play specification which arbitrates the
+ resource requirements of most devices in the system. This means the
+ driver can not easily change the linear aperture address.
+ 5.17. Option ``ReferenceClock'' ``frequency''
+ This option is only applicable to non-Intel platforms, where an
+ adapter BIOS is not available to the driver. The option specifies the
+ reference frequency used by the adapter's clock generator. The
+ default is 14.318 MHz, and other typical values are 28.636, or 29.5
+ MHz.
+ 5.18. ClockChip ``name''
+ This option is only applicable to non-Intel platforms, where an
+ adapter BIOS is not available to the driver, and the driver cannot
+ reliably determine whether the clock generator the adapter uses is a
+ variant of an ATI 18818 (a.k.a. ICS 2595) or an unsupported clock
+ generator. The only values that are acted upon are ``ATI 18818-0'' or
+ ``ATI 18818-1''. From this specification, the driver derives a
+ reference divider of 43 or 46 (respectively) for use in clock
+ programming calculations. The driver's default behaviour, in this
+ case, is to assume an unsupported clock generator, which means it will
+ treat it as a fixed-frequency clock generator, as described under the
+ heading ``Clocks for unsupported programmable clock generators''
+ above.
+ 6. Video modes
+ Mode timings can be derived from the information in X's doc
+ subdirectory. However, it is no longer required to specify such
+ timings in an xorg.conf's ``Monitor'' section(s), if only standard
+ mode timings are to be used. The server automatically inserts VESA
+ standard mode timings in every ``Monitor'' section, and these modes
+ will be checked first for mode constraints (monitor sync tolerances,
+ video memory size, etc.).
+ Furthermore, it is also no longer required to specify mode names in
+ ``Display'' subsections. Should no mode names be specified (or those
+ specified do not yield a usable mode), the server will automatically
+ select as a default resolution the largest usable mode, whether or not
+ the chosen mode is specified in the corresponding ``Monitor'' section.
+ For a digital flat panel, any sync tolerances should be removed from
+ the corresponding ``Monitor'' section. The driver will automatically
+ calculate these from the mode that is active on server entry. The
+ driver also inserts timings for a mode called "Native panel mode" that
+ represents the panel's native resolution.
+ 7. Known problems and limitations
+ There are several known problems or limitations related to the ATI
+ driver. They include:
+ +o When using a Mach64's accelerator CRTC, the virtual resolution must
+ be less than 8192 pixels wide. The VGA CRTC further limits the
+ virtual resolution width to less than 4096 pixels, or to less than
+ 2048 pixels for adapters based on 18800-x's (with 256kB of memory)
+ and on Mach64 integrated controllers. These are hardware limits
+ that cannot be circumvented.
+ +o Virtual resolutions requiring more than 1MB of video memory (256kB
+ in the monochrome case) are not supported by the VGA CRTC on
+ 88800GX and 88800CX adapters. This is a hardware limit that cannot
+ be circumvented.
+ +o Due to hardware limitations, doublescanned modes are not supported
+ by the accelerator CRTC in 88800GX, 88800CX, 264CT and 264ET
+ adapters.
+ +o The ``VScan'' modeline parameter is only supported when using the
+ +o Interlaced modes are not supported on 18800-x and 28800-x adapters
+ when using a virtual resolution that is 2048 pixels or wider. When
+ using a 18800-x with 256kB of video memory in 256-colour modes,
+ this limit is reduced to 1024. This is yet another hardware
+ limitation that cannot be circumvented.
+ +o Video memory banking does not work in monochrome and 16-colour
+ modes on 18800-x adapters. This appears to be another hardware
+ limit, but this conclusion cannot be confirmed at this time. The
+ driver's default behaviour in this case is to limit video memory to
+ 256kB.
+ +o Video memory corruption can still occur during mode switches on
+ 18800-x adapters. Symptoms of this problem include garbled fonts
+ on return to text mode, and various effects (snow, dashed lines,
+ etc) on initial entry into a graphics mode. In the first case, the
+ workaround is to use some other means of restoring the text font.
+ On Linux, this can be accomplished with the kbd or svgalib
+ packages. In the second case, xrefresh(1) will usually clean up
+ the image. No complete solution to this problem is currently
+ known. It appears this corruption occurs due to either video
+ memory bandwidth or RAMDAC limitations, and so the driver will
+ limit mode clocks to 40MHz.
+ +o There is some controversy over what the maximum allowed clock
+ frequency should be on 264xT and 3D Rage adapters. For now, clocks
+ will, by default, be limited to 80MHz, 135MHz, 170MHz, 200MHz or
+ 230MHz, depending on the specific controller. This limit can only
+ be increased (up to a driver-calculated absolute maximum) through
+ the DACSpeed specification in xorg.conf. Be aware however that
+ doing so is untested and might damage the adapter.
+ +o Except as in the previous items, clocks are limited to 80MHz on
+ most adapters, although many are capable of higher frequencies.
+ This will eventually be fixed in a future release.
+ +o The use of a laptop's hot-keys to switch displays while this driver
+ is active can cause lockups and/or other woes, and is therefore not
+ recommended. It is not currently possible to solve this problem.
+ +o In situations where the driver is to simultaneously display on both
+ a panel and a CRT, the same image will be seen on both. In
+ particular, this means the CRT must be able to synchronise with the
+ timings of the panel's native resolution. This is quite evident
+ when the panel has ``odd-ball'' dimensions, such as 1400x1050, a
+ resolution not commonly possible on CRTs or projection equipment.
+ Also, the display of independent images on the panel and CRT is not
+ currently implemented, and might never be, pending resolution of
+ the previous item.
+ Support for the following will be added in a future release:
+ +o Mach32's accelerator CRTC. This support is the first step towards
+ accelerated support for Mach32's, Mach8's, 8514/A's and other
+ clones.
+ +o Colour depth greater than 8 on non-integrated controllers, where
+ permitted by the hardware.
+ +o Mach32, Mach8 and 8514/A Draw Engines.
+ +o Hardware cursors where implemented by hardware. This has already
+ been done for Mach64 integrated controllers.
+ +o TVOut, i.e. the ability to use a television screen as a monitor.
+ +o Motion Video, i.e. displaying an asynchronous data stream (TV
+ signal, DVD, etc.) in a window or full-screen.
+ +o 3D operations.
+ 8. Reporting problems
+ If you are experiencing problems that are not already recorded in this
+ document, first ensure that you have the latest current release of
+ this driver and the Xorg X server.. Check the server's log (usually
+ found in /var/log/Xorg.0.log) and
+ if you are uncertain.
+ Secondly, please check Xorg's doc directory for additional
+ information.
+ Thirdly, a scan through the and
+ comp.os.linux.x newsgroups and the xorg mailing list using your
+ favourite archiving service can also prove useful in resolving
+ problems.
+ If you are still experiencing problems, you can send me non-HTMLised
+ e-mail at <>. Please be as specific as possible when
+ describing the problem(s), and include an unedited copy of the
+ server's log and the xorg.conf file used.
+ 9. Driver history
+ The complete history of the driver is rather cloudy. The following is
+ more than likely to be incomplete and inaccurate.
+ Apparently, Per Lindqvist first got a driver working with an early ATI
+ adapter under X386 1.1a. This original driver might have actually
+ been based on a non-functional ATI driver written by Thomas Roell
+ (currently of Xi Graphics).
+ Then Doug Evans added support for the ATI VGA Wonder XL, trying in the
+ process to make the driver work with all other ATI adapters available
+ at the time.
+ Rik Faith obtained the X11R4 driver from Doug Evans in the summer of
+ 1992 and ported the code to the X386 part of X11R5. This subsequently
+ became part of XFree86.
+ I (Marc Aurele La France) took over development and maintenance of the
+ driver in the fall of 1993 after Rik got rid of his VGA Wonder
+ adapter.
+ 10. Driver versions
+ Due to the introduction of loadable drivers in XFree86 4.0, it has
+ become necessary to track driver versions separately. Driver releases
+ use the following version numbering scheme.
+ Version 1 of this driver is the one I inherited from Rik Faith. This
+ is the version found in XFree86 2.0 and 2.1.
+ Version 2 is my first rewrite of this code which only ended up being a
+ partially unsuccessful attempt at generalising the driver for all VGA
+ Wonder, Mach32, and early Mach64 adapters. Various releases of this
+ version of the driver can be found in XFree86 2.1.1, 3.1, 3.1.1 and
+ 3.1.2.
+ Version 3 represents my second rewrite (although a rather lame one as
+ rewrites go). Into version 3, I introduced clock programming for
+ Mach64 adapters and merged in the old ati_test debugging tool. This
+ is the version found in XFree86 3.2, 3.3 and 3.3.1.
+ Version 4 is a rather major restructuring of version 3, which became
+ larger than I could comfortably handle in one source file. This is
+ the version found in XFree86 3.3.2, 3.3.3,,, 3.3.4,
+ 3.3.5 and 3.3.6.
+ Version 5 is an almost complete restructuring of version 4 to fit in
+ the newer driver API of XFree86 4.0 and later.
+ The introduction of version 6 is a first swipe at porting the driver
+ to non-Intel architectures.
diff --git a/README.r128 b/README.r128
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dcc27158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.r128
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ Information for ATI Rage 128 Users
+ Precision Insight, Inc., SuSE GmbH
+ 13 June 2000
+ ____________________________________________________________
+ Table of Contents
+ 1. Supported Hardware
+ 2. Features
+ 3. Technical Notes
+ 4. Reported Working Video Cards
+ 5. Configuration
+ 6. Driver Options
+ 7. Known Limitations
+ 8. Authors
+ ______________________________________________________________________
+ 1. Supported Hardware
+ +o ATI Rage 128 based cards
+ 2. Features
+ +o Full support (including hardware accelerated 2D drawing) for 8, 15,
+ 16, 24 bit pixel depths.
+ +o Hardware cursor support to reduce sprite flicker.
+ +o Support for high resolution video modes up to 1800x1440 @ 70Hz.
+ +o Support for doublescan video modes (e.g., 320x200 and 320x240).
+ +o Support for gamma correction at all pixel depths.
+ +o Fully programmable clock supported.
+ +o Robust text mode restore for VT switching.
+ 3. Technical Notes
+ +o None
+ 4. Reported Working Video Cards
+ +o Rage Fury AGP 32MB
+ +o XPERT 128 AGP 16MB
+ +o XPERT 99 AGP 8MB
+ 5. Configuration
+ The driver auto-detects all device information necessary to initialize
+ the card. The only lines you need in the "Device" section of your
+ xorg.conf file are:
+ Section "Device"
+ Identifier "Rage 128"
+ Driver "r128"
+ EndSection
+ or let xorgconfig do this for you.
+ However, if you have problems with auto-detection, you can specify:
+ +o VideoRam - in kilobytes
+ +o MemBase - physical address of the linear framebuffer
+ +o IOBase - physical address of the memory mapped IO registers
+ 6. Driver Options
+ +o "hw_cursor" - request hardware cursor (default)
+ +o "sw_cursor" - software cursor only
+ +o "no_accel" - software rendering only
+ +o "dac_8_bit" - use color weight 888 in 8 bpp mode (default)
+ +o "dac_6_bit" - use color weight 666 in 8 bpp mode (VGA emulation)
+ 7. Known Limitations
+ +o None
+ 8. Authors
+ The X11R6.8 driver was originally part of XFree86 4.4 rc2.
+ The XFree86 4 driver was ported from XFree86 3.3.x and enhanced by:
+ +o Rickard E. (Rik) Faith <>
+ +o Kevin E. Martin <>
+ The XFree86 4 driver was funded by ATI and was donated to The XFree86
+ Project by:
+ Precision Insight, Inc.
+ Cedar Park, TX
+ The XFree86 3.3.x driver used for the port was written by:
+ +o Rickard E. (Rik) Faith <>
+ +o Kevin E. Martin <>
+ The XFree86 3.3.x driver was funded by ATI and was donated to The
+ XFree86 Project by Precision Insight, Inc. It was based in part on
+ an earlier driver that was written by:
+ +o Alan Hourihane <>
+ +o Dirk Hohndel <>
+ This early driver was funded and donated to The XFree86 Project by:
+ SuSE GmbH
+ Schanzaekerstr. 10
+ 90443 Nuernberg
+ Germany