diff options
authorAlbert Astals Cid <>2010-01-24 19:22:33 +0000
committerAlbert Astals Cid <>2010-01-24 19:22:33 +0000
commitd485564f0dc86f62b996380bfbd570cf3f543e4f (patch)
parent38467f2738c88f060ae1d30332e34da743a888a5 (diff)
remove files noone maintains
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 213 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cdf0fc8..00000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-There are 2 ways to compile poppler on Windows:
-* using mingw compiler under cygwin
-* using native Visual Studio (msvc) makefile
-This document describes the second method.
-First, the native msvc makefile is meant as a template, not a final product.
-It only builds statically linked 'perf-test' executable. If you want to
-incorporate poppler into your own program, you can use msvc makefile as an
-example of how to compile poppler code on Windows with msvc.
-Poppler depends on 3 libraries that are not easily available on Windows:
-* freetype
-* libjpeg
-* zlib
-To make it easy, I've made those dependencies available as pre-compiled
-files. You need to download
-and unzip under 'ext' directory. Those are header files and static libraries
-for freetype, libjpeg and zlib.
-You can use your own static or dll versions of those dependencies (most likely
-that will require tweaking a makefile).
-The msvc makefile is called '' and you can compile poppler on command
-line with: 'nmake -f TARGET=rel' (or TARGET=dbg).
-You need to have nmake in your path. If you have Visual Studio 2005, you can
-setup the environment by executing
-"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat" batch
-file (assuming standard installation).
-Other versions of Visual Studio have an equivalent of this file - it's just
-named differently.
-The build works for me with Visual Studio 2005 SP1 but Visual Studio 2005 and
-(free) Visual Studio 2005 Express should work as well.
-Other versions of Visual Studio should work as well (makefile might need to
-be tweaked since some of the linker/compiler flags might have changed).
-The result of compilation is a 'perftest.exe' in either 'rel' or 'dbg' directory.
-It's a command line application that shows the basics of using poppler API and
-is meant for regression and performance testing. You can use it like this:
-perftest -slowpreview file.pdf
-For more advanced usage, use --help option or consult the sources.
-When you have problems.
-I would like to be able to say "post to a mailing list and you'll get help"
-but realistically, you're on your own.
-If there are problems, they're most likely due to different/incorrect setup
-on your machine and not in poppler code. This is a slightly advanced setup
-and you're expected to be able to understand errors from your compiler or
-linker and correct them.
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d43828d..00000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for Visual Studio
-# Written by Krzysztof Kowalczyk (
-# This code is in public domain.
-CC = cl.exe
-LD = link.exe
-!if "$(TARGET)"=="rel"
-#/Gy - separate functions for linker. Generates smaller code.
-#/GL - enables link-time code generation. Requires /LTCG in linker.
-# generates smaller and faster code
-# /Gr - __fastcall calling convention. Generates smaller and faster code.
-# /Oy - omits frame pointers. Should generate smaller code but I'm not seeing that,
-# so I'm not enabling this function.
-!if "$(TARGET)"=="dbg"
-!if "$(ANALYZE)"=="yes"
-CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) /analyze
-CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) /nologo /c
-# standard windows defines
-CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) /D "WIN32" /D "WINDOWS" /D "_WIN32_WINNT=0x0500"
-#CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) /wd4996
-#CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) /Wall
-# /GR- : disable C++ RTTI
-# /FAscu - generate assembly listings
-CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) /Imsvc /Imsvc/poppler /I. /Igoo /Ipoppler /Isplash /Ifofi /Itest
-LIBS = $(LIBS) kernel32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib
-!if "$(TARGET)"=="rel"
-# /opt:ref - removes unused functions
-# /opt:icf - removes duplicate functions
-# /ltcg - link-time code generation. Generates smaller and faster code. Requires /GL when compiling.
-LDFLAGS = $(LDFLAGS) /opt:ref /opt:icf /opt:nowin98 /ltcg
-LIBS = $(LIBS) $(ZLIB_DIR)\zlib_s.lib $(JPEG_DIR)\jpeg_s.lib $(FREETYPE_DIR)\freetype231mt.lib
-LIBS = $(LIBS) $(ZLIB_DIR)\zlib_ds.lib $(JPEG_DIR)\jpeg_ds.lib $(FREETYPE_DIR)\freetype231mt_d.lib
-FOFI_OBJS=$(O)\FoFiBase.obj $(O)\FoFiEncodings.obj $(O)\FoFiTrueType.obj \
- $(O)\FoFiType1.obj $(O)\FoFiType1C.obj
-GOO_OBJS=$(O)\FixedPoint.obj $(O)\GooHash.obj $(O)\GooList.obj $(O)\GooString.obj \
- $(O)\GooTimer.obj $(O)\gfile.obj $(O)\gmem.obj $(O)\gmempp.obj
-POPPLER_OBJS=$(O)\Annot.obj $(O)\Array.obj $(O)\BuiltinFont.obj $(O)\BuiltinFontTables.obj \
- $(O)\CMap.obj $(O)\Catalog.obj $(O)\CharCodeToUnicode.obj $(O)\DCTStream.obj \
- $(O)\Decrypt.obj $(O)\Dict.obj $(O)\Error.obj \
- $(O)\FontEncodingTables.obj $(O)\FontInfo.obj $(O)\Form.obj $(O)\Function.obj \
- $(O)\Gfx.obj $(O)\GfxFont.obj $(O)\GfxState.obj $(O)\GlobalParams.obj \
- $(O)\JArithmeticDecoder.obj $(O)\JBIG2Stream.obj $(O)\JPXStream.obj \
- $(O)\Lexer.obj $(O)\Link.obj $(O)\NameToCharCode.obj $(O)\Object.obj \
- $(O)\Outline.obj $(O)\OutputDev.obj $(O)\PDFDoc.obj $(O)\PDFDocEncoding.obj \
- $(O)\Page.obj $(O)\PageLabelInfo.obj $(O)\PageTransition.obj $(O)\Parser.obj \
- $(O)\PreScanOutputDev.obj $(O)\ProfileData.obj $(O)\PSTokenizer.obj \
- $(O)\SecurityHandler.obj $(O)\Sound.obj $(O)\SplashOutputDev.obj \
- $(O)\Stream.obj $(O)\TextOutputDev.obj $(O)\UnicodeMap.obj \
- $(O)\UnicodeTypeTable.obj $(O)\XRef.obj
-# $(O)\FlateStream.obj
-SPLASH_OBJS=$(O)\Splash.obj $(O)\SplashBitmap.obj $(O)\SplashClip.obj \
- $(O)\SplashFTFont.obj $(O)\SplashFTFontEngine.obj $(O)\SplashFTFontFile.obj \
- $(O)\SplashFont.obj $(O)\SplashFontEngine.obj $(O)\SplashFontFile.obj \
- $(O)\SplashFontFileID.obj $(O)\SplashPath.obj $(O)\SplashPattern.obj \
- $(O)\SplashScreen.obj $(O)\SplashState.obj $(O)\SplashT1Font.obj \
- $(O)\SplashT1FontEngine.obj $(O)\SplashT1FontFile.obj \
- $(O)\SplashXPath.obj $(O)\SplashXPathScanner.obj
-PERFTEST_OBJS=$(OBJS) $(O)\perf-test.obj $(O)\perf-test-preview-win.obj
-!if "$(VALID_TARGET)"=="yes"
-$(OUTDIR): force
- @if not exist $(OUTDIR) mkdir $(OUTDIR)
-clean: force
- -rmdir /S /Q $(OUTDIR)
-rebuild: clean all
-all clean: force
- @echo TARGET must be set to dbg or rel
- $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) /OUT:$@ \
- $** $(LIBS) \
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Fo$(OUTDIR)\ /Fd$(OUTDIR)\vc80.pdb /Fa$(OUTDIR)\ $<
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Fo$(OUTDIR)\ /Fd$(OUTDIR)\vc80.pdb /Fa$(OUTDIR)\ $<
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Fo$(OUTDIR)\ /Fd$(OUTDIR)\vc80.pdb /Fa$(OUTDIR)\ $<
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Fo$(OUTDIR)\ /Fd$(OUTDIR)\vc80.pdb /Fa$(OUTDIR)\ $<
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Fo$(OUTDIR)\ /Fd$(OUTDIR)\vc80.pdb /Fa$(OUTDIR)\ $<
-force: ;