BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterReplace word insertion sort with merge sortStefan Brüns19 hours
poppler-0.18PSOutputDev: initialize fontFileNameLen and psFileNamesPino Toscano12 years
poppler-0.20FormFieldChoice::updateSelection: Fixed wrong loop conditionFabio D'Urso12 years
poppler- Astals Cid12 years
poppler-0.24qt4/qt5: remove extra qDebugPino Toscano11 years
poppler-0.26Fix typos in error messagesPino Toscano10 years
poppler-24.06.1poppler 24.06.1Albert Astals Cid6 months
tagged-pdfglib-demo: Pane showing the document structureAdrian Perez de Castro11 years
unique_ptrannots: Use std::unique_ptr instead of new/deleteCarlos Garcia Campos8 years
xpdf304mergexpdf304: Use the correct _WIN32 define instead of WIN32Carlos Garcia Campos11 years
poppler-24.12.0commit 30eada0d2b...Albert Astals Cid11 days
poppler-24.11.0commit 735fb475f7...Albert Astals Cid6 weeks
poppler-24.10.0commit fe3cb1ea97...Albert Astals Cid9 weeks
poppler-24.09.0commit e23bd900b7...Albert Astals Cid3 months
poppler-24.08.0commit b58a49e4e5...Albert Astals Cid4 months
poppler-24.06.1commit c670e8e1fd...Albert Astals Cid6 months
poppler-24.06.0commit 64828896a3...Albert Astals Cid6 months
poppler-24.05.0commit 14191296ae...Albert Astals Cid7 months
poppler-24.04.0commit 0aa1fe5c30...Albert Astals Cid8 months
poppler-24.03.0commit 481ee336d1...Albert Astals Cid9 months
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
19 hoursReplace word insertion sort with merge sortHEADmasterStefan Brüns2-71/+119
20 hoursEnable modernize-use-rangesAlbert Astals Cid11-16/+25
20 hoursCI: Enable bugprone-inc-dec-in-conditionsAlbert Astals Cid2-4/+6
24 hoursCI: Fedora 41 for clazyAlbert Astals Cid9-27/+27
4 daysqt: Fix crash in Submit Forms if document links to non existing fieldAlbert Astals Cid2-2/+2
5 days[TextOutputDev] Better detect fakebold wordsStefan Brüns3-40/+83
5 daysEnable modernize-raw-string-literalAlbert Astals Cid5-32/+32
5 daysEnable modernize-use-nullptrAlbert Astals Cid2-8/+8
5 daysEnable modernize-use-std-numbersAlbert Astals Cid3-7/+9
5 daysCI: Enable clang-tidy modernize checksAlbert Astals Cid1-1/+1