path: root/po/sl.po
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'po/sl.po')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 343 deletions
diff --git a/po/sl.po b/po/sl.po
deleted file mode 100644
index a088b78..0000000
--- a/po/sl.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) YEAR Collabora Ltd.
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
-# Translators:
-# Martin Srebotnjak <>, 2012-2013
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: p11-kit\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-20 21:29+0100\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-11-20 10:27+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Martin Srebotnjak <>\n"
-"Language-Team: Slovenian (\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Language: sl\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);\n"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:78
-msgid "The operation was cancelled"
-msgstr "Operacija je bila preklicana"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:81
-msgid "Insufficient memory available"
-msgstr "Na voljo ni dovolj pomnilnika"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:83
-msgid "The specified slot ID is not valid"
-msgstr "Navedeni ID mesta ni veljaven"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:85
-msgid "Internal error"
-msgstr "Notranja napaka"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:87
-msgid "The operation failed"
-msgstr "Operacija ni uspela"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:89
-msgid "Invalid arguments"
-msgstr "Neveljavni argumenti"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:91
-msgid "The module cannot create needed threads"
-msgstr "Modul ne more ustvariti potrebnih niti"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:93
-msgid "The module cannot lock data properly"
-msgstr "Modul ne more ustrezno zakleniti podatkov"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:95
-msgid "The field is read-only"
-msgstr "Polje je samo za branje"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:97
-msgid "The field is sensitive and cannot be revealed"
-msgstr "Polje je občutljive narave in ga ni mogoče razkriti"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:99
-msgid "The field is invalid or does not exist"
-msgstr "Polje ni veljavno ali ne obstaja"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:101
-msgid "Invalid value for field"
-msgstr "Neveljavna vrednost za polje"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:103
-msgid "The data is not valid or unrecognized"
-msgstr "Podatki niso veljavni ali prepoznavni"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:105
-msgid "The data is too long"
-msgstr "Podatki so preobsežni"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:107
-msgid "An error occurred on the device"
-msgstr "Na napravi je prišlo do naprave"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:109
-msgid "Insufficient memory available on the device"
-msgstr "Na napravi ni dovolj pomnilnika"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:111
-msgid "The device was removed or unplugged"
-msgstr "Naprava je bila odstranjena ali iztaknjena"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:113
-msgid "The encrypted data is not valid or unrecognized"
-msgstr "Šifrirani podatki niso veljavni ali prepoznavni"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:115
-msgid "The encrypted data is too long"
-msgstr "Šifrirani podatki so preobsežni"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:117
-msgid "This operation is not supported"
-msgstr "Ta operacija ni podprta"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:119
-msgid "The key is missing or invalid"
-msgstr "Ključ manjka ali ni veljaven"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:121
-msgid "The key is the wrong size"
-msgstr "Ključ je napačne velikosti"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:123
-msgid "The key is of the wrong type"
-msgstr "Ključ je napačne vrste"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:125
-msgid "No key is needed"
-msgstr "Ključ ni potreben"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:127
-msgid "The key is different than before"
-msgstr "Ključ se razlikuje od prejšnjega"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:129
-msgid "A key is needed"
-msgstr "Potreben je ključ"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:131
-msgid "Cannot include the key in the digest"
-msgstr "Ključa ni mogoče vključiti v povzetek"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:133
-msgid "This operation cannot be done with this key"
-msgstr "S tem ključem te operacije ni moč opraviti"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:135
-msgid "The key cannot be wrapped"
-msgstr "Ključa ni mogoče ovijati"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:137
-msgid "Cannot export this key"
-msgstr "Tega ključa ni mogoče izvoziti"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:139
-msgid "The crypto mechanism is invalid or unrecognized"
-msgstr "Šifrirni mehanizem ni veljaven ali prepoznan"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:141
-msgid "The crypto mechanism has an invalid argument"
-msgstr "Šifrirni mehanizem ima neveljaven argument"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:143
-msgid "The object is missing or invalid"
-msgstr "Predmet manjka ali ni veljaven"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:145
-msgid "Another operation is already taking place"
-msgstr "Poteka že druga operacija"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:147
-msgid "No operation is taking place"
-msgstr "Ne poteka nobena operacija"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:149
-msgid "The password or PIN is incorrect"
-msgstr "Geslo ali PIN ni pravilen"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:151
-msgid "The password or PIN is invalid"
-msgstr "Geslo ali PIN ni veljaven"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:153
-msgid "The password or PIN is of an invalid length"
-msgstr "Geslo ali PIN ni ustrezne dolžine"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:155
-msgid "The password or PIN has expired"
-msgstr "Geslo ali PIN je potekel"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:157
-msgid "The password or PIN is locked"
-msgstr "Geslo ali PIN je zaklenjen"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:159
-msgid "The session is closed"
-msgstr "Seja je zaprta"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:161
-msgid "Too many sessions are active"
-msgstr "Aktivnih je preveč sej"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:163
-msgid "The session is invalid"
-msgstr "Seja ni veljavna"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:165
-msgid "The session is read-only"
-msgstr "Seja je samo za branje"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:167
-msgid "An open session exists"
-msgstr "Obstaja odprta seja"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:169
-msgid "A read-only session exists"
-msgstr "Obstaja seja le za branje"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:171
-msgid "An administrator session exists"
-msgstr "Obstaja skrbniška seja"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:173
-msgid "The signature is bad or corrupted"
-msgstr "Podpis je slab ali okvarjen"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:175
-msgid "The signature is unrecognized or corrupted"
-msgstr "Podpis ni razpoznaven ali je okvarjen"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:177
-msgid "Certain required fields are missing"
-msgstr "Določena obvezna polja manjkajo"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:179
-msgid "Certain fields have invalid values"
-msgstr "Določena polja imajo neveljavne vrednosti"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:181
-msgid "The device is not present or unplugged"
-msgstr "Naprava ni prisotna ali pa je iztaknjena"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:183
-msgid "The device is invalid or unrecognizable"
-msgstr "Naprava ni veljavna ali prepoznavna"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:185
-msgid "The device is write protected"
-msgstr "Naprava je zaščitena pred pisanjem"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:187
-msgid "Cannot import because the key is invalid"
-msgstr "Uvoz ni možen, ker je ključ neveljaven"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:189
-msgid "Cannot import because the key is of the wrong size"
-msgstr "Ker ključ ni ustrezne velikosti, uvoz ni mogoč"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:191
-msgid "Cannot import because the key is of the wrong type"
-msgstr "Ker ključ ni ustrezne vrste, uvoz ni mogoč"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:193
-msgid "You are already logged in"
-msgstr "Ste že prijavljeni"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:195
-msgid "No user has logged in"
-msgstr "Prijavil se ni noben uporabnik"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:197
-msgid "The user's password or PIN is not set"
-msgstr "Geslo ali PIN uporabnika ni nastavljen"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:199
-msgid "The user is of an invalid type"
-msgstr "Uporabnik je neveljavne vrste"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:201
-msgid "Another user is already logged in"
-msgstr "Prijavljen je že drug uporabnik"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:203
-msgid "Too many users of different types are logged in"
-msgstr "Prijavljenih je preveč uporabnikov različnih vrst"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:205
-msgid "Cannot import an invalid key"
-msgstr "Neveljavnega ključa ni mogoče uvoziti"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:207
-msgid "Cannot import a key of the wrong size"
-msgstr "Ključa neprimerne velikosti ni mogoče uvoziti"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:209
-msgid "Cannot export because the key is invalid"
-msgstr "Ključa ni mogoče izvoziti, ker je neveljaven"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:211
-msgid "Cannot export because the key is of the wrong size"
-msgstr "Ključa ni mogoče izvoziti, ker ni ustrezne velikosti"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:213
-msgid "Cannot export because the key is of the wrong type"
-msgstr "Ključa ni mogoče izvoziti, ker je napačne vrste"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:215
-msgid "Unable to initialize the random number generator"
-msgstr "Generatorja naključnih števil ni mogoče inicializirati"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:217
-msgid "No random number generator available"
-msgstr "Noben generator naključnih števil ni na voljo"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:219
-msgid "The crypto mechanism has an invalid parameter"
-msgstr "Mehanizem šifriranja ima neveljaven parameter"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:221
-msgid "Not enough space to store the result"
-msgstr "Za shranjevanje rezultata primanjkuje prostora"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:223
-msgid "The saved state is invalid"
-msgstr "Shranjeno stanje ni veljavno"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:225
-msgid "The information is sensitive and cannot be revealed"
-msgstr "Podatki so občutljive narave in jih ni mogoče razkriti"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:227
-msgid "The state cannot be saved"
-msgstr "Stanja ni mogoče shraniti"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:229
-msgid "The module has not been initialized"
-msgstr "Modil ni bil inicializiran"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:231
-msgid "The module has already been initialized"
-msgstr "Modul je že inicializiran"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:233
-msgid "Cannot lock data"
-msgstr "Podatkov ni mogoče zakleniti"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:235
-msgid "The data cannot be locked"
-msgstr "Podatkov ni mogoče zakleniti"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:237
-msgid "The request was rejected by the user"
-msgstr "Zahtevo je zavrnil uporabnik"
-#: p11-kit/messages.c:240
-msgid "Unknown error"
-msgstr "Neznana napaka"