diff options
authorEric Engestrom <>2022-11-28 18:15:42 +0000
committerEric Engestrom <>2023-02-18 16:21:11 +0000
commit555042b1bb04334683238275a2b4b5e91e0feb09 (patch)
parentfb6eaa1960b7b2d7b70a608a4c4ef80a0d5e8cac (diff)
ci: run shaderdb against drm-shim of supported mesa drivers
Signed-off-by: Eric Engestrom <> Acked-by: David Heidelberg <>
1 files changed, 157 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8d6051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+ FDO_UPSTREAM_REPO: mesa/shader-db
+ MESA_TEMPLATES_COMMIT: &ci-templates-commit ffe4d1b10aab7534489f0c4bbc4c5899df17d3f2
+ # Retry build or test jobs up to twice when the gitlab-runner itself fails somehow.
+ retry:
+ max: 2
+ when:
+ - runner_system_failure
+ - project: 'freedesktop/ci-templates'
+ ref: *ci-templates-commit
+ file:
+ - '/templates/ci-fairy.yml'
+ - '/templates/debian.yml'
+# YAML anchors for rule conditions
+# --------------------------------
+ rules:
+ # Pipeline for forked project branch
+ - if: &is-forked-branch '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH && $CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE != "mesa"'
+ when: manual
+ # Forked project branch / pre-merge pipeline
+ - if: &is-forked-branch-or-pre-merge '$CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE != "mesa" || $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"'
+ when: manual
+ # Pipeline runs for the main branch of the upstream Mesa project
+ when: always
+ # Post-merge pipeline
+ - if: &is-post-merge '$CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE == "mesa" && $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH'
+ when: on_success
+ # Pre-merge pipeline
+ - if: &is-pre-merge '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event"'
+ when: on_success
+# Sanity checks of MR settings and commit logs
+ extends:
+ -
+ stage: .pre
+ rules:
+ - if: *is-pre-merge
+ when: on_success
+ # Other cases default to never
+ variables:
+ script:
+ # ci-fairy check-commits --junit-xml=check-commits.xml
+ - ci-fairy check-merge-request --require-allow-collaboration --junit-xml=check-merge-request.xml
+ artifacts:
+ when: on_failure
+ reports:
+ junit: check-*.xml
+ variables:
+ FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG: 2023-02-18-initial-ci-rev2
+ extends:
+ - .fdo.container-build@debian
+ - .debian-container
+ rules:
+ # Always run after a merge
+ - if: *is-post-merge
+ when: on_success
+ # Run job if it is for a merge request and the CI was modified
+ - if: *is-pre-merge
+ changes:
+ - .gitlab-ci.yml
+ # Allow triggering jobs manually in other cases
+ - when: manual
+ variables:
+ # bump FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TAG above when you change the packages below
+ bison
+ curl
+ flex
+ g++
+ gcc
+ git
+ libgbm-dev
+ libepoxy-dev
+ libexpat-dev
+ libpciaccess-dev
+ make
+ ninja-build
+ pkg-config
+ python3-mako
+ python3-pip
+ python3-setuptools
+ wget
+ zlib1g-dev
+ zstd
+ extends:
+ - .fdo.distribution-image@debian
+ - .debian-container
+ rules:
+ # Run pipeline by default if it is for a merge request.
+ - if: *is-pre-merge
+ when: on_success
+ # Allow triggering jobs manually in other cases
+ - when: manual
+ variables:
+ freedreno
+ iris
+ nouveau
+ r300
+ v3d
+ vc4
+ before_script:
+ - set -eu
+ # Meson in the debian repos is too old, so install from pip
+ - python3 -m pip install meson
+ # Install Mesa
+ - echo -e "\e[0Ksection_start:$(date +%s):mesa-install[collapsed=true]\r\e[0KInstalling Mesa's drm-shim drivers"
+ - git clone --depth 1
+ - sh mesa/.gitlab-ci/container/
+ # `-D tools=intel` is needed until this bug is fixed:
+ #
+ - meson setup mesa build
+ --buildtype debug
+ --prefix "$PWD"/install
+ --libdir lib
+ -D vulkan-drivers=
+ -D llvm=disabled
+ -D glx=disabled
+ -D platforms=
+ -D tools=drm-shim,intel
+ -D gallium-drivers=$(echo "$GALLIUM_DRIVERS" | sed 's/ /,/g')
+ - meson install -C build
+ - echo -e "\e[0Ksection_end:$(date +%s):mesa-install\r\e[0K"
+ # Mesa script expects shader-db there
+ - make
+ - mkdir /usr/local/shader-db
+ - mv run /usr/local/shader-db
+ - mv shaders /usr/local/shader-db
+ - mv fossils /usr/local/shader-db
+ script:
+ - find install -not -type d | sort
+ - sh mesa/.gitlab-ci/