path: root/src/mesa/swrast/s_linetemp.h
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2001-07-13assorted changes for supporting GLfloat color channels (not done)Brian Paul1-15/+15
2001-05-03interpolate fog valus as floats, not fixed - fixed the swrast fog problemBrian Paul1-3/+3
2001-03-12Consistent copyright info (version number, date) across all files.Gareth Hughes1-8/+8
2001-03-08do fog interpolation if INTERP_FOG is defined, not when INTERP_Z is definedBrian Paul1-2/+14
2001-02-07fixed divide by zero problemBrian Paul1-3/+7
2001-01-23Replaced struct gl_visual with struct __GLcontextModesRec from glcore.h.Brian Paul1-2/+2
Replace "RGBAMode" with "rgbMode", etc. Other minor clean-ups.
2000-11-19Replaced Texture.CurrentD[] with separate Texture.Current1/2/3D vars.Brian Paul1-2/+2
Completely removed the dirty texture object list. Set texObj->Complete to GL_FALSE to indicate dirty. Made point/line/triangle/quad SWvertex parameters const. Minor code clean-ups.
2000-11-05Reorganized software rasterizer as a module which manages its own state,Keith Whitwell1-99/+65
with tighter interfaces with the rest of the world. Proper documentation to come.
2000-10-31Moved software rasterizer functionality to new directory.Keith Whitwell1-0/+682