path: root/src/mapi/glapi/gen/
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2013-09-23glapi: Move declaration before code.Vinson Lee1-4/+6
2013-09-23mesa: Shrink the size of the enum string lookup struct.Eric Anholt1-2/+4
2013-09-23mesa: Remove the extra enum strings and extra lookup table.Eric Anholt1-41/+20
2013-09-23mesa: Remove _mesa_lookup_enum_by_name().Eric Anholt1-29/+0
2013-05-02mesa: add names of geometry shader prims in gl_enums.pyBrian Paul1-1/+5
2013-05-02mesa: remove unused PRIM_INSIDE_UNKNOWN_PRIM constantBrian Paul1-1/+0
2013-04-17glapi: no longer emit #include "mfeatures.h" in generated filesBrian Paul1-1/+0
2012-10-10glapi: Reformat python code generation scripts to use 4-space indentation.Paul Berry1-96/+96
2011-01-20mesa: clean-up _mesa_lookup_prim_by_nr()Brian Paul1-16/+27
2010-07-13glapi: use _mesa_snprintf()Brian Paul1-1/+2
2010-05-07glapi: Move to src/mapi/.Chia-I Wu1-0/+247