path: root/src/glsl/ast_expr.cpp
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2011-02-21Use C-style system headers in C++ code to avoid issues with std:: namespaceIan Romanick1-4/+1
2011-02-03glsl: Add using statements for standard library functions.Vinson Lee1-0/+2
Standard library functions in C++ are in the std namespace. When using C++-style header files for the standard library, some compilers, such as Sun Studio, provide symbols only for the std namespace and not for the global namespace. This patch adds using statements for standard library functions. Another option could have been to prepend standard library function calls with 'std::'. This patch fixes several compilation errors with Sun Studio.
2010-06-24glsl2: Move the compiler to the subdirectory it will live in in Mesa.Eric Anholt1-0/+96