path: root/scons/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2012-08-14scons: Populate top_srcdir and top_builddir variables when reading ↵José Fonseca1-1/+4
Makefiles.sources. This is not entirely correct, as scons doesn't put binaries in a "src" subdirectory, but doesn't seem to be a problem for now.
2012-06-11scons: Fix scons build.José Fonseca1-1/+4
2012-04-29scons: Parse = operator in source lists too.José Fonseca1-5/+6
Should fix the scons build.
2011-08-23scons: add ParseSourceList methodChia-I Wu1-0/+123
ParseSourceList() can be used to parse a source list file and returns the source files defined in it. It is supposed to be used like this # get the list of source files from C_SOURCES in Makefile.sources sources = env.ParseSourceList('Makefile.sources', 'C_SOURCES') The syntax of a source list file is compatible with GNU Make. This effectively allows SConscript and Makefile to share the source lists. Acked-by: José Fonseca <> Acked-by: Chad Versace <>