path: root/include/GL/internal
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2004-03-22new DRI interface headerBrian Paul1-0/+499
2003-12-12fix for C++Alan Hourihane1-0/+8
2003-12-11Remove dead file glcore-new.hKeith Whitwell1-424/+0
2003-12-04bring over glcore.h changes from DRI trunkAlan Hourihane1-21/+53
2002-10-14disable wsPriv field in __GLdrawablePrivateRec to match XFree86/DRIBrian Paul1-0/+2
2002-10-09disable wscx field in __GLimportsRec to be consistant with XFree86Brian Paul1-0/+5
2001-04-29sync with XFree86/DRI glcore.h, now identicalBrian Paul1-9/+15
2001-01-13Resync with new XFree version of this fileKeith Whitwell1-30/+51
2001-01-08Moved glcore.h to a location prefixed by 'GL/internal', for compatibilityKeith Whitwell2-0/+821