path: root/editeng/source/uno
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2010-08-26impress200: #i114089# clear user any after they are applied to the shapeChristian Lippka1-9/+12
2010-06-10impressaccessibility7: #i111668# Added guards against empty mpEditSource in S...Andre Fischer1-5/+8
2010-03-02mtaccfixes: merge with DEV300_m73Malte Timmermann [mt]16-0/+9346
2010-02-17CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS changefileheader2Vladimir Glazunov16-67/+18
2010-01-22#i107450#: make code more explicit to avoid mistakesMathias Bauer1-3/+3
2010-01-22#i107450#: wrong treatment of metric items in WriterMathias Bauer1-13/+31
2010-01-08#i107450#: build all other modules with new editeng libMathias Bauer1-1/+1
2010-01-07#i107450#: make svx buildable with new editeng libMathias Bauer4-57/+8
2010-01-06#i107450#: move code from svx to new module editengMathias Bauer16-0/+9385