path: root/connectivity/source/drivers/dbase/DTable.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'connectivity/source/drivers/dbase/DTable.cxx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2798 deletions
diff --git a/connectivity/source/drivers/dbase/DTable.cxx b/connectivity/source/drivers/dbase/DTable.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index a71e966b4b..0000000000
--- a/connectivity/source/drivers/dbase/DTable.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2798 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- *
- *
- * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
- *
- * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
- *
- * This file is part of
- *
- * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
- * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
- * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * version 3 along with If not, see
- * <>
- * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
- *
- ************************************************************************/
-// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
-#include "precompiled_connectivity.hxx"
-#include "dbase/DTable.hxx"
-#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/ColumnValue.hpp>
-#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/DataType.hpp>
-#include <com/sun/star/ucb/XContentAccess.hpp>
-#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/XRow.hpp>
-#include <svl/converter.hxx>
-#include "dbase/DConnection.hxx"
-#include "dbase/DColumns.hxx"
-#include <osl/thread.h>
-#include <tools/config.hxx>
-#include "dbase/DIndex.hxx"
-#include "dbase/DIndexes.hxx"
-#include <comphelper/sequence.hxx>
-#include <svl/zforlist.hxx>
-#include <unotools/syslocale.hxx>
-#include <rtl/math.hxx>
-#include <stdio.h> //sprintf
-#include <ucbhelper/content.hxx>
-#include <comphelper/extract.hxx>
-#include <connectivity/dbexception.hxx>
-#include <connectivity/dbconversion.hxx>
-#include <com/sun/star/lang/DisposedException.hpp>
-#include <comphelper/property.hxx>
-#include <unotools/tempfile.hxx>
-#include <unotools/ucbhelper.hxx>
-#include <comphelper/types.hxx>
-#include <cppuhelper/exc_hlp.hxx>
-#include "connectivity/PColumn.hxx"
-#include "connectivity/dbtools.hxx"
-#include "connectivity/FValue.hxx"
-#include "connectivity/dbconversion.hxx"
-#include "resource/dbase_res.hrc"
-#include <rtl/logfile.hxx>
-#include <algorithm>
-using namespace ::comphelper;
-using namespace connectivity;
-using namespace connectivity::sdbcx;
-using namespace connectivity::dbase;
-using namespace connectivity::file;
-using namespace ::ucbhelper;
-using namespace ::utl;
-using namespace ::cppu;
-using namespace ::dbtools;
-using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
-using namespace ::com::sun::star::ucb;
-using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
-using namespace ::com::sun::star::sdbcx;
-using namespace ::com::sun::star::sdbc;
-using namespace ::com::sun::star::container;
-using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
-using namespace ::com::sun::star::i18n;
-// stored as the Field Descriptor terminator
-#define DBF_EOL 0x1A
-sal_Int32 lcl_getFileSize(SvStream& _rStream)
- sal_Int32 nFileSize = 0;
- _rStream.Seek(STREAM_SEEK_TO_END);
- _rStream.SeekRel(-1);
- char cEOL;
- _rStream >> cEOL;
- nFileSize = _rStream.Tell();
- if ( cEOL == DBF_EOL )
- nFileSize -= 1;
- return nFileSize;
- calculates the Julian date
-void lcl_CalcJulDate(sal_Int32& _nJulianDate,sal_Int32& _nJulianTime,const com::sun::star::util::DateTime _aDateTime)
- com::sun::star::util::DateTime aDateTime = _aDateTime;
- // weird: months fix
- if (aDateTime.Month > 12)
- {
- aDateTime.Month--;
- sal_uInt16 delta = _aDateTime.Month / 12;
- aDateTime.Year += delta;
- aDateTime.Month -= delta * 12;
- aDateTime.Month++;
- }
- _nJulianTime = ((aDateTime.Hours*3600000)+(aDateTime.Minutes*60000)+(aDateTime.Seconds*1000)+(aDateTime.HundredthSeconds*10));
- /* conversion factors */
- sal_uInt16 iy0;
- sal_uInt16 im0;
- if ( aDateTime.Month <= 2 )
- {
- iy0 = aDateTime.Year - 1;
- im0 = aDateTime.Month + 12;
- }
- else
- {
- iy0 = aDateTime.Year;
- im0 = aDateTime.Month;
- }
- sal_Int32 ia = iy0 / 100;
- sal_Int32 ib = 2 - ia + (ia >> 2);
- /* calculate julian date */
- if ( aDateTime.Year <= 0 )
- {
- _nJulianDate = (sal_Int32) ((365.25 * iy0) - 0.75)
- + (sal_Int32) (30.6001 * (im0 + 1) )
- + aDateTime.Day + 1720994;
- } // if ( _aDateTime.Year <= 0 )
- else
- {
- _nJulianDate = static_cast<sal_Int32>( ((365.25 * iy0)
- + (sal_Int32) (30.6001 * (im0 + 1))
- + aDateTime.Day + 1720994));
- }
- double JD = _nJulianDate + 0.5;
- _nJulianDate = (sal_Int32)( JD + 0.5);
- const double gyr = aDateTime.Year + (0.01 * aDateTime.Month) + (0.0001 * aDateTime.Day);
- if ( gyr >= 1582.1015 ) /* on or after 15 October 1582 */
- _nJulianDate += ib;
- calculates date time from the Julian Date
-void lcl_CalDate(sal_Int32 _nJulianDate,sal_Int32 _nJulianTime,com::sun::star::util::DateTime& _rDateTime)
- if ( _nJulianDate )
- {
- sal_Int32 ialp;
- sal_Int32 ka = _nJulianDate;
- if ( _nJulianDate >= 2299161 )
- {
- ialp = (sal_Int32)( ((double) _nJulianDate - 1867216.25 ) / ( 36524.25 ));
- ka = _nJulianDate + 1 + ialp - ( ialp >> 2 );
- }
- sal_Int32 kb = ka + 1524;
- sal_Int32 kc = (sal_Int32) ( ((double) kb - 122.1 ) / 365.25 );
- sal_Int32 kd = (sal_Int32) ((double) kc * 365.25);
- sal_Int32 ke = (sal_Int32) ((double) ( kb - kd ) / 30.6001 );
- _rDateTime.Day = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(kb - kd - ((sal_Int32) ( (double) ke * 30.6001 )));
- if ( ke > 13 )
- _rDateTime.Month = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(ke - 13);
- else
- _rDateTime.Month = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(ke - 1);
- if ( (_rDateTime.Month == 2) && (_rDateTime.Day > 28) )
- _rDateTime.Day = 29;
- if ( (_rDateTime.Month == 2) && (_rDateTime.Day == 29) && (ke == 3) )
- _rDateTime.Year = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(kc - 4716);
- else if ( _rDateTime.Month > 2 )
- _rDateTime.Year = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(kc - 4716);
- else
- _rDateTime.Year = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(kc - 4715);
- }
- if ( _nJulianTime )
- {
- double d_s = _nJulianTime / 1000;
- double d_m = d_s / 60;
- double d_h = d_m / 60;
- _rDateTime.Hours = (sal_uInt16) (d_h);
- _rDateTime.Minutes = (sal_uInt16) d_m;
- _rDateTime.Seconds = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(( d_m - (double) _rDateTime.Minutes ) * 60.0);
- }
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void ODbaseTable::readHeader()
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::readHeader" );
- OSL_ENSURE(m_pFileStream,"No Stream available!");
- if(!m_pFileStream)
- return;
- m_pFileStream->RefreshBuffer(); // Make sure, that the header information actually is read again
- m_pFileStream->Seek(STREAM_SEEK_TO_BEGIN);
- sal_uInt8 nType=0;
- (*m_pFileStream) >> nType;
- if(ERRCODE_NONE != m_pFileStream->GetErrorCode())
- throwInvalidDbaseFormat();
- m_pFileStream->Read((char*)(&m_aHeader.db_aedat), 3*sizeof(sal_uInt8));
- if(ERRCODE_NONE != m_pFileStream->GetErrorCode())
- throwInvalidDbaseFormat();
- (*m_pFileStream) >> m_aHeader.db_anz;
- if(ERRCODE_NONE != m_pFileStream->GetErrorCode())
- throwInvalidDbaseFormat();
- (*m_pFileStream) >> m_aHeader.db_kopf;
- if(ERRCODE_NONE != m_pFileStream->GetErrorCode())
- throwInvalidDbaseFormat();
- (*m_pFileStream) >> m_aHeader.db_slng;
- if(ERRCODE_NONE != m_pFileStream->GetErrorCode())
- throwInvalidDbaseFormat();
- m_pFileStream->Read((char*)(&m_aHeader.db_frei), 20*sizeof(sal_uInt8));
- if(ERRCODE_NONE != m_pFileStream->GetErrorCode())
- throwInvalidDbaseFormat();
- if ( ( ( m_aHeader.db_kopf - 1 ) / 32 - 1 ) <= 0 ) // number of fields
- {
- // no dbase file
- throwInvalidDbaseFormat();
- }
- else
- {
- // Consistency check of the header:
- m_aHeader.db_typ = (DBFType)nType;
- switch (m_aHeader.db_typ)
- {
- case dBaseIII:
- case dBaseIV:
- case dBaseV:
- case VisualFoxPro:
- case VisualFoxProAuto:
- case dBaseFS:
- case dBaseFSMemo:
- case dBaseIVMemoSQL:
- case dBaseIIIMemo:
- case FoxProMemo:
- m_pFileStream->SetNumberFormatInt(NUMBERFORMAT_INT_LITTLEENDIAN);
- if ( m_aHeader.db_frei[17] != 0x00
- && !m_aHeader.db_frei[18] && !m_aHeader.db_frei[19] && getConnection()->isTextEncodingDefaulted() )
- {
- switch(m_aHeader.db_frei[17])
- {
- case 0x01: m_eEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_437; break; // DOS USA code page 437
- case 0x02: m_eEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_850; break; // DOS Multilingual code page 850
- case 0x03: m_eEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252; break; // Windows ANSI code page 1252
- case 0x04: m_eEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_APPLE_ROMAN; break; // Standard Macintosh
- case 0x64: m_eEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_852; break; // EE MS-DOS code page 852
- case 0x65: m_eEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_865; break; // Nordic MS-DOS code page 865
- case 0x66: m_eEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_866; break; // Russian MS-DOS code page 866
- case 0x67: m_eEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_861; break; // Icelandic MS-DOS
- //case 0x68: m_eEncoding = ; break; // Kamenicky (Czech) MS-DOS
- //case 0x69: m_eEncoding = ; break; // Mazovia (Polish) MS-DOS
- case 0x6A: m_eEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_737; break; // Greek MS-DOS (437G)
- case 0x6B: m_eEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_857; break; // Turkish MS-DOS
- case 0x96: m_eEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_APPLE_CYRILLIC; break; // Russian Macintosh
- case 0x97: m_eEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_APPLE_CENTEURO; break; // Eastern European Macintosh
- case 0x98: m_eEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_APPLE_GREEK; break; // Greek Macintosh
- case 0xC8: m_eEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1250; break; // Windows EE code page 1250
- case 0xC9: m_eEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1251; break; // Russian Windows
- case 0xCA: m_eEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1254; break; // Turkish Windows
- case 0xCB: m_eEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1253; break; // Greek Windows
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case dBaseIVMemo:
- m_pFileStream->SetNumberFormatInt(NUMBERFORMAT_INT_LITTLEENDIAN);
- break;
- default:
- {
- throwInvalidDbaseFormat();
- }
- }
- }
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void ODbaseTable::fillColumns()
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::fillColumns" );
- m_pFileStream->Seek(STREAM_SEEK_TO_BEGIN);
- m_pFileStream->Seek(32L);
- if(!
- m_aColumns = new OSQLColumns();
- else
- m_aColumns->get().clear();
- m_aTypes.clear();
- m_aPrecisions.clear();
- m_aScales.clear();
- // Number of fields:
- const sal_Int32 nFieldCount = (m_aHeader.db_kopf - 1) / 32 - 1;
- OSL_ENSURE(nFieldCount,"No columns in table!");
- m_aColumns->get().reserve(nFieldCount);
- m_aTypes.reserve(nFieldCount);
- m_aPrecisions.reserve(nFieldCount);
- m_aScales.reserve(nFieldCount);
- String aStrFieldName;
- aStrFieldName.AssignAscii("Column");
- ::rtl::OUString aTypeName;
- const sal_Bool bCase = getConnection()->getMetaData()->supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers();
- const bool bFoxPro = m_aHeader.db_typ == VisualFoxPro || m_aHeader.db_typ == VisualFoxProAuto || m_aHeader.db_typ == FoxProMemo;
- sal_Int32 i = 0;
- for (; i < nFieldCount; i++)
- {
- DBFColumn aDBFColumn;
- m_pFileStream->Read((char*)&aDBFColumn, sizeof(aDBFColumn));
- if ( FIELD_DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATOR == aDBFColumn.db_fnm[0] ) // 0x0D stored as the Field Descriptor terminator.
- break;
- sal_Bool bIsRowVersion = bFoxPro && ( aDBFColumn.db_frei2[0] & 0x01 ) == 0x01;
- const String aColumnName((const char *)aDBFColumn.db_fnm,m_eEncoding);
- m_aRealFieldLengths.push_back(aDBFColumn.db_flng);
- sal_Int32 nPrecision = aDBFColumn.db_flng;
- sal_Int32 eType;
- sal_Bool bIsCurrency = sal_False;
- char cType[2];
- cType[0] = aDBFColumn.db_typ;
- cType[1] = 0;
- aTypeName = ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(cType);
-OSL_TRACE("column type: %c",aDBFColumn.db_typ);
- switch (aDBFColumn.db_typ)
- {
- case 'C':
- eType = DataType::VARCHAR;
- break;
- case 'F':
- case 'N':
- if ( aDBFColumn.db_typ == 'N' )
- eType = DataType::DECIMAL;
- // for numeric fields two characters more are written, than the precision of the column description predescribes,
- // to keep room for the possible sign and the comma. This has to be considered...
- nPrecision = SvDbaseConverter::ConvertPrecisionToOdbc(nPrecision,aDBFColumn.db_dez);
- // This is not true for older versions ....
- break;
- case 'L':
- eType = DataType::BIT;
- break;
- case 'Y':
- bIsCurrency = sal_True;
- eType = DataType::DOUBLE;
- break;
- case 'D':
- eType = DataType::DATE;
- break;
- case 'T':
- eType = DataType::TIMESTAMP;
- break;
- case 'I':
- eType = DataType::INTEGER;
- break;
- case 'M':
- if ( bFoxPro && ( aDBFColumn.db_frei2[0] & 0x04 ) == 0x04 )
- {
- eType = DataType::LONGVARBINARY;
- }
- else
- {
- eType = DataType::LONGVARCHAR;
- }
- nPrecision = 2147483647;
- break;
- case 'P':
- eType = DataType::LONGVARBINARY;
- nPrecision = 2147483647;
- break;
- case '0':
- case 'B':
- if ( m_aHeader.db_typ == VisualFoxPro || m_aHeader.db_typ == VisualFoxProAuto )
- {
- eType = DataType::DOUBLE;
- }
- else
- {
- eType = DataType::LONGVARBINARY;
- nPrecision = 2147483647;
- }
- break;
- default:
- eType = DataType::OTHER;
- }
- m_aTypes.push_back(eType);
- m_aPrecisions.push_back(nPrecision);
- m_aScales.push_back(aDBFColumn.db_dez);
- Reference< XPropertySet> xCol = new sdbcx::OColumn(aColumnName,
- aTypeName,
- ::rtl::OUString(),
- ::rtl::OUString(),
- ColumnValue::NULLABLE,
- nPrecision,
- aDBFColumn.db_dez,
- eType,
- sal_False,
- bIsRowVersion,
- bIsCurrency,
- bCase);
- m_aColumns->get().push_back(xCol);
- } // for (; i < nFieldCount; i++)
- OSL_ENSURE(i,"No columns in table!");
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ODbaseTable::ODbaseTable(sdbcx::OCollection* _pTables,ODbaseConnection* _pConnection)
- :ODbaseTable_BASE(_pTables,_pConnection)
- ,m_pMemoStream(NULL)
- ,m_bWriteableMemo(sal_False)
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::ODbaseTable" );
- // initialize the header
- m_aHeader.db_typ = dBaseIII;
- m_aHeader.db_anz = 0;
- m_aHeader.db_kopf = 0;
- m_aHeader.db_slng = 0;
- m_eEncoding = getConnection()->getTextEncoding();
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-ODbaseTable::ODbaseTable(sdbcx::OCollection* _pTables,ODbaseConnection* _pConnection,
- const ::rtl::OUString& _Name,
- const ::rtl::OUString& _Type,
- const ::rtl::OUString& _Description ,
- const ::rtl::OUString& _SchemaName,
- const ::rtl::OUString& _CatalogName
- ) : ODbaseTable_BASE(_pTables,_pConnection,_Name,
- _Type,
- _Description,
- _SchemaName,
- _CatalogName)
- ,m_pMemoStream(NULL)
- ,m_bWriteableMemo(sal_False)
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::ODbaseTable" );
- m_eEncoding = getConnection()->getTextEncoding();
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void ODbaseTable::construct()
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::construct" );
- // initialize the header
- m_aHeader.db_typ = dBaseIII;
- m_aHeader.db_anz = 0;
- m_aHeader.db_kopf = 0;
- m_aHeader.db_slng = 0;
- m_aMemoHeader.db_size = 0;
- String sFileName(getEntry(m_pConnection,m_Name));
- INetURLObject aURL;
- aURL.SetURL(sFileName);
- OSL_ENSURE( m_pConnection->matchesExtension( aURL.getExtension() ),
- "ODbaseTable::ODbaseTable: invalid extension!");
- // getEntry is expected to ensure the corect file name
- m_pFileStream = createStream_simpleError( sFileName, STREAM_READWRITE | STREAM_NOCREATE | STREAM_SHARE_DENYWRITE);
- m_bWriteable = ( m_pFileStream != NULL );
- if ( !m_pFileStream )
- {
- m_bWriteable = sal_False;
- m_pFileStream = createStream_simpleError( sFileName, STREAM_READ | STREAM_NOCREATE | STREAM_SHARE_DENYNONE);
- }
- if(m_pFileStream)
- {
- readHeader();
- if (HasMemoFields())
- {
- // Create Memo-Filename (.DBT):
- // nyi: Ugly for Unix and Mac!
- if ( m_aHeader.db_typ == FoxProMemo || VisualFoxPro == m_aHeader.db_typ || VisualFoxProAuto == m_aHeader.db_typ ) // foxpro uses another extension
- aURL.SetExtension(String::CreateFromAscii("fpt"));
- else
- aURL.SetExtension(String::CreateFromAscii("dbt"));
- // If the memo file isn't found, the data will be displayed anyhow.
- // However, updates can't be done
- // but the operation is executed
- if ( !m_pMemoStream )
- {
- m_bWriteableMemo = sal_False;
- m_pMemoStream = createStream_simpleError( aURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::NO_DECODE), STREAM_READ | STREAM_NOCREATE | STREAM_SHARE_DENYNONE);
- }
- if (m_pMemoStream)
- ReadMemoHeader();
- }
- fillColumns();
- sal_uInt32 nFileSize = lcl_getFileSize(*m_pFileStream);
- m_pFileStream->Seek(STREAM_SEEK_TO_BEGIN);
- if ( m_aHeader.db_anz == 0 && ((nFileSize-m_aHeader.db_kopf)/m_aHeader.db_slng) > 0) // seems to be empty or someone wrote bullshit into the dbase file
- m_aHeader.db_anz = ((nFileSize-m_aHeader.db_kopf)/m_aHeader.db_slng);
- // Buffersize dependent on the file size
- m_pFileStream->SetBufferSize(nFileSize > 1000000 ? 32768 :
- nFileSize > 100000 ? 16384 :
- nFileSize > 10000 ? 4096 : 1024);
- if (m_pMemoStream)
- {
- // set the buffer extactly to the length of a record
- m_pMemoStream->Seek(STREAM_SEEK_TO_END);
- nFileSize = m_pMemoStream->Tell();
- m_pMemoStream->Seek(STREAM_SEEK_TO_BEGIN);
- // Buffersize dependent on the file size
- m_pMemoStream->SetBufferSize(nFileSize > 1000000 ? 32768 :
- nFileSize > 100000 ? 16384 :
- nFileSize > 10000 ? 4096 :
- m_aMemoHeader.db_size);
- }
- AllocBuffer();
- }
-sal_Bool ODbaseTable::ReadMemoHeader()
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::ReadMemoHeader" );
- m_pMemoStream->SetNumberFormatInt(NUMBERFORMAT_INT_LITTLEENDIAN);
- m_pMemoStream->RefreshBuffer(); // make sure that the header information is actually read again
- m_pMemoStream->Seek(0L);
- (*m_pMemoStream) >> m_aMemoHeader.db_next;
- switch (m_aHeader.db_typ)
- {
- case dBaseIIIMemo: // dBase III: fixed block size
- case dBaseIVMemo:
- // sometimes dBase3 is attached to dBase4 memo
- m_pMemoStream->Seek(20L);
- (*m_pMemoStream) >> m_aMemoHeader.db_size;
- if (m_aMemoHeader.db_size > 1 && m_aMemoHeader.db_size != 512) // 1 is also for dBase 3
- m_aMemoHeader.db_typ = MemodBaseIV;
- else if (m_aMemoHeader.db_size > 1 && m_aMemoHeader.db_size == 512)
- {
- // There are files using size specification, though they are dBase-files
- char sHeader[4];
- m_pMemoStream->Seek(m_aMemoHeader.db_size);
- m_pMemoStream->Read(sHeader,4);
- if ((m_pMemoStream->GetErrorCode() != ERRCODE_NONE) || ((sal_uInt8)sHeader[0]) != 0xFF || ((sal_uInt8)sHeader[1]) != 0xFF || ((sal_uInt8)sHeader[2]) != 0x08)
- m_aMemoHeader.db_typ = MemodBaseIII;
- else
- m_aMemoHeader.db_typ = MemodBaseIV;
- }
- else
- {
- m_aMemoHeader.db_typ = MemodBaseIII;
- m_aMemoHeader.db_size = 512;
- }
- break;
- case VisualFoxPro:
- case VisualFoxProAuto:
- case FoxProMemo:
- m_aMemoHeader.db_typ = MemoFoxPro;
- m_pMemoStream->Seek(6L);
- m_pMemoStream->SetNumberFormatInt(NUMBERFORMAT_INT_BIGENDIAN);
- (*m_pMemoStream) >> m_aMemoHeader.db_size;
- break;
- default:
- OSL_FAIL( "ODbaseTable::ReadMemoHeader: unsupported memo type!" );
- break;
- }
- return sal_True;
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-String ODbaseTable::getEntry(OConnection* _pConnection,const ::rtl::OUString& _sName )
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::getEntry" );
- ::rtl::OUString sURL;
- try
- {
- Reference< XResultSet > xDir = _pConnection->getDir()->getStaticResultSet();
- Reference< XRow> xRow(xDir,UNO_QUERY);
- ::rtl::OUString sName;
- ::rtl::OUString sExt;
- INetURLObject aURL;
- static const ::rtl::OUString s_sSeparator(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("/"));
- xDir->beforeFirst();
- while(xDir->next())
- {
- sName = xRow->getString(1);
- aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INET_PROT_FILE);
- String sUrl = _pConnection->getURL() + s_sSeparator + sName;
- aURL.SetSmartURL( sUrl );
- // cut the extension
- sExt = aURL.getExtension();
- // name and extension have to coincide
- if ( _pConnection->matchesExtension( sExt ) )
- {
- sName = sName.replaceAt(sName.getLength()-(sExt.getLength()+1),sExt.getLength()+1,::rtl::OUString());
- if ( sName == _sName )
- {
- Reference< XContentAccess > xContentAccess( xDir, UNO_QUERY );
- sURL = xContentAccess->queryContentIdentifierString();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- xDir->beforeFirst(); // move back to before first record
- }
- catch(const Exception&)
- {
- }
- return sURL;
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void ODbaseTable::refreshColumns()
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::refreshColumns" );
- ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex );
- TStringVector aVector;
- aVector.reserve(m_aColumns->get().size());
- for(OSQLColumns::Vector::const_iterator aIter = m_aColumns->get().begin();aIter != m_aColumns->get().end();++aIter)
- aVector.push_back(Reference< XNamed>(*aIter,UNO_QUERY)->getName());
- if(m_pColumns)
- m_pColumns->reFill(aVector);
- else
- m_pColumns = new ODbaseColumns(this,m_aMutex,aVector);
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void ODbaseTable::refreshIndexes()
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::refreshIndexes" );
- TStringVector aVector;
- if(m_pFileStream && (!m_pIndexes || m_pIndexes->getCount() == 0))
- {
- INetURLObject aURL;
- aURL.SetURL(getEntry(m_pConnection,m_Name));
- aURL.setExtension(String::CreateFromAscii("inf"));
- Config aInfFile(aURL.getFSysPath(INetURLObject::FSYS_DETECT));
- aInfFile.SetGroup(dBASE_III_GROUP);
- sal_uInt16 nKeyCnt = aInfFile.GetKeyCount();
- ByteString aKeyName;
- ByteString aIndexName;
- for (sal_uInt16 nKey = 0; nKey < nKeyCnt; nKey++)
- {
- // Refences the key an index-file?
- aKeyName = aInfFile.GetKeyName( nKey );
- //...if yes, add the index list of the table
- if (aKeyName.Copy(0,3) == ByteString("NDX") )
- {
- aIndexName = aInfFile.ReadKey(aKeyName);
- aURL.setName(String(aIndexName,m_eEncoding));
- try
- {
- Content aCnt(aURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::NO_DECODE),Reference<XCommandEnvironment>());
- if (aCnt.isDocument())
- {
- aVector.push_back(aURL.getBase());
- }
- }
- catch(const Exception&) // an exception is thrown when no file exists
- {
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(m_pIndexes)
- m_pIndexes->reFill(aVector);
- else
- m_pIndexes = new ODbaseIndexes(this,m_aMutex,aVector);
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void SAL_CALL ODbaseTable::disposing(void)
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::disposing" );
- OFileTable::disposing();
- ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard(m_aMutex);
- m_aColumns = NULL;
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Sequence< Type > SAL_CALL ODbaseTable::getTypes( ) throw(RuntimeException)
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::getTypes" );
- Sequence< Type > aTypes = OTable_TYPEDEF::getTypes();
- ::std::vector<Type> aOwnTypes;
- aOwnTypes.reserve(aTypes.getLength());
- const Type* pBegin = aTypes.getConstArray();
- const Type* pEnd = pBegin + aTypes.getLength();
- for(;pBegin != pEnd;++pBegin)
- {
- if(!(*pBegin == ::getCppuType((const Reference<XKeysSupplier>*)0) ||
- *pBegin == ::getCppuType((const Reference<XDataDescriptorFactory>*)0)))
- {
- aOwnTypes.push_back(*pBegin);
- }
- }
- aOwnTypes.push_back(::getCppuType( (const Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XUnoTunnel > *)0 ));
- Type *pTypes = aOwnTypes.empty() ? 0 : &aOwnTypes[0];
- return Sequence< Type >(pTypes, aOwnTypes.size());
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Any SAL_CALL ODbaseTable::queryInterface( const Type & rType ) throw(RuntimeException)
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::queryInterface" );
- if( rType == ::getCppuType((const Reference<XKeysSupplier>*)0) ||
- rType == ::getCppuType((const Reference<XDataDescriptorFactory>*)0))
- return Any();
- Any aRet = OTable_TYPEDEF::queryInterface(rType);
- return aRet.hasValue() ? aRet : ::cppu::queryInterface(rType,static_cast< ::com::sun::star::lang::XUnoTunnel*> (this));
-Sequence< sal_Int8 > ODbaseTable::getUnoTunnelImplementationId()
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::getUnoTunnelImplementationId" );
- static ::cppu::OImplementationId * pId = 0;
- if (! pId)
- {
- ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( ::osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() );
- if (! pId)
- {
- static ::cppu::OImplementationId aId;
- pId = &aId;
- }
- }
- return pId->getImplementationId();
-// com::sun::star::lang::XUnoTunnel
-sal_Int64 ODbaseTable::getSomething( const Sequence< sal_Int8 > & rId ) throw (RuntimeException)
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::getSomething" );
- return (rId.getLength() == 16 && 0 == rtl_compareMemory(getUnoTunnelImplementationId().getConstArray(), rId.getConstArray(), 16 ) )
- ? reinterpret_cast< sal_Int64 >( this )
- : ODbaseTable_BASE::getSomething(rId);
-sal_Bool ODbaseTable::fetchRow(OValueRefRow& _rRow,const OSQLColumns & _rCols, sal_Bool _bUseTableDefs,sal_Bool bRetrieveData)
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::fetchRow" );
- // Read the data
- bool bIsCurRecordDeleted = (char)m_pBuffer[0] == '*';
- // only read the bookmark
- // Mark record as deleted
- _rRow->setDeleted(bIsCurRecordDeleted);
- *(_rRow->get())[0] = m_nFilePos;
- if (!bRetrieveData)
- return sal_True;
- sal_Size nByteOffset = 1;
- // Fields:
- OSQLColumns::Vector::const_iterator aIter = _rCols.get().begin();
- OSQLColumns::Vector::const_iterator aEnd = _rCols.get().end();
- const sal_Size nCount = _rRow->get().size();
- for (sal_Size i = 1; aIter != aEnd && nByteOffset <= m_nBufferSize && i < nCount;++aIter, i++)
- {
- // Lengths depending on data type:
- sal_Int32 nLen = 0;
- sal_Int32 nType = 0;
- if(_bUseTableDefs)
- {
- nLen = m_aPrecisions[i-1];
- nType = m_aTypes[i-1];
- }
- else
- {
- (*aIter)->getPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_PRECISION)) >>= nLen;
- (*aIter)->getPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_TYPE)) >>= nType;
- }
- switch(nType)
- {
- case DataType::INTEGER:
- case DataType::DOUBLE:
- case DataType::TIMESTAMP:
- case DataType::DATE:
- case DataType::BIT:
- case DataType::LONGVARCHAR:
- case DataType::LONGVARBINARY:
- nLen = m_aRealFieldLengths[i-1];
- break;
- case DataType::DECIMAL:
- if(_bUseTableDefs)
- nLen = SvDbaseConverter::ConvertPrecisionToDbase(nLen,m_aScales[i-1]);
- else
- nLen = SvDbaseConverter::ConvertPrecisionToDbase(nLen,getINT32((*aIter)->getPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_SCALE))));
- break; // the sign and the comma
- case DataType::BINARY:
- case DataType::OTHER:
- nByteOffset += nLen;
- continue;
- }
- // Is the variable bound?
- if ( !(_rRow->get())[i]->isBound() )
- {
- // No - next field.
- nByteOffset += nLen;
- OSL_ENSURE( nByteOffset <= m_nBufferSize ,"ByteOffset > m_nBufferSize!");
- continue;
- } // if ( !(_rRow->get())[i]->isBound() )
- if ( ( nByteOffset + nLen) > m_nBufferSize )
- break; // length doesn't match buffer size.
- char *pData = (char *) (m_pBuffer + nByteOffset);
- if (nType == DataType::CHAR || nType == DataType::VARCHAR)
- {
- sal_Int32 nLastPos = -1;
- for (sal_Int32 k = 0; k < nLen; ++k)
- {
- if (pData[k] != ' ')
- // Record last non-empty position.
- nLastPos = k;
- }
- if (nLastPos < 0)
- {
- // Empty string. Skip it.
- (_rRow->get())[i]->setNull();
- }
- else
- {
- // Commit the string. Use intern() to ref-count it.
- *(_rRow->get())[i] = ::rtl::OUString::intern(pData, static_cast<sal_Int32>(nLastPos+1), m_eEncoding);
- }
- } // if (nType == DataType::CHAR || nType == DataType::VARCHAR)
- else if ( DataType::TIMESTAMP == nType )
- {
- sal_Int32 nDate = 0,nTime = 0;
- memcpy(&nDate, pData, 4);
- memcpy(&nTime, pData+ 4, 4);
- if ( !nDate && !nTime )
- {
- (_rRow->get())[i]->setNull();
- }
- else
- {
- ::com::sun::star::util::DateTime aDateTime;
- lcl_CalDate(nDate,nTime,aDateTime);
- *(_rRow->get())[i] = aDateTime;
- }
- }
- else if ( DataType::INTEGER == nType )
- {
- sal_Int32 nValue = 0;
- memcpy(&nValue, pData, nLen);
- *(_rRow->get())[i] = nValue;
- }
- else if ( DataType::DOUBLE == nType )
- {
- double d = 0.0;
- if (getBOOL((*aIter)->getPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_ISCURRENCY)))) // Currency is treated separately
- {
- sal_Int64 nValue = 0;
- memcpy(&nValue, pData, nLen);
- if ( m_aScales[i-1] )
- d = (double)(nValue / pow(10.0,(int)m_aScales[i-1]));
- else
- d = (double)(nValue);
- }
- else
- {
- memcpy(&d, pData, nLen);
- }
- *(_rRow->get())[i] = d;
- }
- else
- {
- sal_Int32 nPos1 = -1, nPos2 = -1;
- // If the string contains Nul-characters, then convert them to blanks!
- for (sal_Int32 k = 0; k < nLen; k++)
- {
- if (pData[k] == '\0')
- pData[k] = ' ';
- if (pData[k] != ' ')
- {
- if (nPos1 < 0)
- // first non-empty char position.
- nPos1 = k;
- // last non-empty char position.
- nPos2 = k;
- }
- }
- if (nPos1 < 0)
- {
- // Empty string. Skip it.
- nByteOffset += nLen;
- (_rRow->get())[i]->setNull(); // no values -> done
- continue;
- }
- ::rtl::OUString aStr = ::rtl::OUString::intern(pData+nPos1, nPos2-nPos1+1, m_eEncoding);
- switch (nType)
- {
- case DataType::DATE:
- {
- if (aStr.getLength() != nLen)
- {
- (_rRow->get())[i]->setNull();
- break;
- }
- const sal_uInt16 nYear = (sal_uInt16)aStr.copy( 0, 4 ).toInt32();
- const sal_uInt16 nMonth = (sal_uInt16)aStr.copy( 4, 2 ).toInt32();
- const sal_uInt16 nDay = (sal_uInt16)aStr.copy( 6, 2 ).toInt32();
- const ::com::sun::star::util::Date aDate(nDay,nMonth,nYear);
- *(_rRow->get())[i] = aDate;
- }
- break;
- case DataType::DECIMAL:
- *(_rRow->get())[i] = ORowSetValue(aStr);
- break;
- case DataType::BIT:
- {
- sal_Bool b;
- switch (* ((const char *)pData))
- {
- case 'T':
- case 'Y':
- case 'J': b = sal_True; break;
- default: b = sal_False; break;
- }
- *(_rRow->get())[i] = b;
- }
- break;
- case DataType::LONGVARBINARY:
- case DataType::BINARY:
- case DataType::LONGVARCHAR:
- {
- const long nBlockNo = aStr.toInt32(); // read blocknumber
- if (nBlockNo > 0 && m_pMemoStream) // Read data from memo-file, only if
- {
- if ( !ReadMemo(nBlockNo, (_rRow->get())[i]->get()) )
- break;
- }
- else
- (_rRow->get())[i]->setNull();
- } break;
- default:
- OSL_FAIL("Falscher Type");
- }
- (_rRow->get())[i]->setTypeKind(nType);
- }
- nByteOffset += nLen;
- OSL_ENSURE( nByteOffset <= m_nBufferSize ,"ByteOffset > m_nBufferSize!");
- }
- return sal_True;
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void ODbaseTable::FileClose()
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::FileClose" );
- ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard(m_aMutex);
- // if not everything has been written yet
- if (m_pMemoStream && m_pMemoStream->IsWritable())
- m_pMemoStream->Flush();
- delete m_pMemoStream;
- m_pMemoStream = NULL;
- ODbaseTable_BASE::FileClose();
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sal_Bool ODbaseTable::CreateImpl()
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::CreateImpl" );
- OSL_ENSURE(!m_pFileStream, "SequenceError");
- if ( m_pConnection->isCheckEnabled() && ::dbtools::convertName2SQLName(m_Name,::rtl::OUString()) != m_Name )
- {
- const ::rtl::OUString sError( getConnection()->getResources().getResourceStringWithSubstitution(
- "$name$", m_Name
- ) );
- ::dbtools::throwGenericSQLException( sError, *this );
- }
- INetURLObject aURL;
- aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INET_PROT_FILE);
- String aName = getEntry(m_pConnection,m_Name);
- if(!aName.Len())
- {
- ::rtl::OUString aIdent = m_pConnection->getContent()->getIdentifier()->getContentIdentifier();
- if ( aIdent.lastIndexOf('/') != (aIdent.getLength()-1) )
- aIdent += ::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("/"));
- aIdent += m_Name;
- aName = aIdent.getStr();
- }
- aURL.SetURL(aName);
- if ( !m_pConnection->matchesExtension( aURL.getExtension() ) )
- aURL.setExtension(m_pConnection->getExtension());
- try
- {
- Content aContent(aURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::NO_DECODE),Reference<XCommandEnvironment>());
- if (aContent.isDocument())
- {
- // Only if the file exists with length > 0 raise an error
- SvStream* pFileStream = createStream_simpleError( aURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::NO_DECODE),STREAM_READ);
- if (pFileStream && pFileStream->Seek(STREAM_SEEK_TO_END))
- {
- return sal_False;
- }
- delete pFileStream;
- }
- }
- catch(const Exception&) // an exception is thrown when no file exists
- {
- }
- sal_Bool bMemoFile = sal_False;
- sal_Bool bOk = CreateFile(aURL, bMemoFile);
- FileClose();
- if (!bOk)
- {
- try
- {
- Content aContent(aURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::NO_DECODE),Reference<XCommandEnvironment>());
- aContent.executeCommand( rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("delete")),bool2any( sal_True ) );
- }
- catch(const Exception&) // an exception is thrown when no file exists
- {
- }
- return sal_False;
- }
- if (bMemoFile)
- {
- String aExt = aURL.getExtension();
- aURL.setExtension(String::CreateFromAscii("dbt")); // extension for memo file
- Content aMemo1Content(aURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::NO_DECODE),Reference<XCommandEnvironment>());
- sal_Bool bMemoAlreadyExists = sal_False;
- try
- {
- bMemoAlreadyExists = aMemo1Content.isDocument();
- }
- catch(const Exception&) // an exception is thrown when no file exists
- {
- }
- if (bMemoAlreadyExists)
- {
- aURL.setExtension(aExt); // kill dbf file
- try
- {
- Content aMemoContent(aURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::NO_DECODE),Reference<XCommandEnvironment>());
- aMemoContent.executeCommand( rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("delete")),bool2any( sal_True ) );
- }
- catch(const Exception&)
- {
- const ::rtl::OUString sError( getConnection()->getResources().getResourceStringWithSubstitution(
- "$name$", aName
- ) );
- ::dbtools::throwGenericSQLException( sError, *this );
- }
- }
- if (!CreateMemoFile(aURL))
- {
- aURL.setExtension(aExt); // kill dbf file
- Content aMemoContent(aURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::NO_DECODE),Reference<XCommandEnvironment>());
- aMemoContent.executeCommand( rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("delete")),bool2any( sal_True ) );
- return sal_False;
- }
- m_aHeader.db_typ = dBaseIIIMemo;
- }
- else
- m_aHeader.db_typ = dBaseIII;
- return sal_True;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void ODbaseTable::throwInvalidColumnType(const sal_uInt16 _nErrorId,const ::rtl::OUString& _sColumnName)
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::throwInvalidColumnType" );
- try
- {
- // we have to drop the file because it is corrupted now
- DropImpl();
- }
- catch(const Exception&)
- {
- }
- const ::rtl::OUString sError( getConnection()->getResources().getResourceStringWithSubstitution(
- _nErrorId,
- "$columnname$", _sColumnName
- ) );
- ::dbtools::throwGenericSQLException( sError, *this );
-// creates in principle dBase IV file format
-sal_Bool ODbaseTable::CreateFile(const INetURLObject& aFile, sal_Bool& bCreateMemo)
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::CreateFile" );
- bCreateMemo = sal_False;
- Date aDate; // current date
- m_pFileStream = createStream_simpleError( aFile.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::NO_DECODE),STREAM_READWRITE | STREAM_SHARE_DENYWRITE | STREAM_TRUNC );
- if (!m_pFileStream)
- return sal_False;
- sal_uInt8 nDbaseType = dBaseIII;
- Reference<XIndexAccess> xColumns(getColumns(),UNO_QUERY);
- Reference<XPropertySet> xCol;
- const ::rtl::OUString sPropType = OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_TYPE);
- try
- {
- const sal_Int32 nCount = xColumns->getCount();
- for(sal_Int32 i=0;i<nCount;++i)
- {
- xColumns->getByIndex(i) >>= xCol;
- OSL_ENSURE(,"This should be a column!");
- switch (getINT32(xCol->getPropertyValue(sPropType)))
- {
- case DataType::DOUBLE:
- case DataType::INTEGER:
- case DataType::TIMESTAMP:
- case DataType::LONGVARBINARY:
- nDbaseType = VisualFoxPro;
- i = nCount; // no more columns need to be checked
- break;
- } // switch (getINT32(xCol->getPropertyValue(sPropType)))
- }
- }
- catch ( const Exception& e )
- {
- (void)e;
- try
- {
- // we have to drop the file because it is corrupted now
- DropImpl();
- }
- catch(const Exception&) { }
- throw;
- }
- char aBuffer[21]; // write buffer
- memset(aBuffer,0,sizeof(aBuffer));
- m_pFileStream->Seek(0L);
- (*m_pFileStream) << (sal_uInt8) nDbaseType; // dBase format
- (*m_pFileStream) << (sal_uInt8) (aDate.GetYear() % 100); // current date
- (*m_pFileStream) << (sal_uInt8) aDate.GetMonth();
- (*m_pFileStream) << (sal_uInt8) aDate.GetDay();
- (*m_pFileStream) << 0L; // number of data records
- (*m_pFileStream) << (sal_uInt16)((m_pColumns->getCount()+1) * 32 + 1); // header information,
- // pColumns contains always an additional column
- (*m_pFileStream) << (sal_uInt16) 0; // record length will be determined later
- m_pFileStream->Write(aBuffer, 20);
- sal_uInt16 nRecLength = 1; // Length 1 for deleted flag
- sal_Int32 nMaxFieldLength = m_pConnection->getMetaData()->getMaxColumnNameLength();
- ::rtl::OUString aName;
- const ::rtl::OUString sPropName = OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_NAME);
- const ::rtl::OUString sPropPrec = OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_PRECISION);
- const ::rtl::OUString sPropScale = OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_SCALE);
- try
- {
- const sal_Int32 nCount = xColumns->getCount();
- for(sal_Int32 i=0;i<nCount;++i)
- {
- xColumns->getByIndex(i) >>= xCol;
- OSL_ENSURE(,"This should be a column!");
- char cTyp( 'C' );
- xCol->getPropertyValue(sPropName) >>= aName;
- ::rtl::OString aCol;
- if ( DBTypeConversion::convertUnicodeString( aName, aCol, m_eEncoding ) > nMaxFieldLength)
- {
- throwInvalidColumnType( STR_INVALID_COLUMN_NAME_LENGTH, aName );
- }
- (*m_pFileStream) << aCol.getStr();
- m_pFileStream->Write(aBuffer, 11 - aCol.getLength());
- sal_Int32 nPrecision = 0;
- xCol->getPropertyValue(sPropPrec) >>= nPrecision;
- sal_Int32 nScale = 0;
- xCol->getPropertyValue(sPropScale) >>= nScale;
- bool bBinary = false;
- switch (getINT32(xCol->getPropertyValue(sPropType)))
- {
- case DataType::CHAR:
- case DataType::VARCHAR:
- cTyp = 'C';
- break;
- case DataType::DOUBLE:
- if (getBOOL(xCol->getPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_ISCURRENCY)))) // Currency will be treated separately
- cTyp = 'Y';
- else
- cTyp = 'B';
- break;
- case DataType::INTEGER:
- cTyp = 'I';
- break;
- case DataType::TINYINT:
- case DataType::SMALLINT:
- case DataType::BIGINT:
- case DataType::DECIMAL:
- case DataType::NUMERIC:
- case DataType::REAL:
- cTyp = 'N'; // only dBase 3 format
- break;
- case DataType::TIMESTAMP:
- cTyp = 'T';
- break;
- case DataType::DATE:
- cTyp = 'D';
- break;
- case DataType::BIT:
- cTyp = 'L';
- break;
- case DataType::LONGVARBINARY:
- bBinary = true;
- // run through
- case DataType::LONGVARCHAR:
- cTyp = 'M';
- break;
- default:
- {
- throwInvalidColumnType(STR_INVALID_COLUMN_TYPE, aName);
- }
- }
- (*m_pFileStream) << cTyp;
- if ( nDbaseType == VisualFoxPro )
- (*m_pFileStream) << (nRecLength-1);
- else
- m_pFileStream->Write(aBuffer, 4);
- switch(cTyp)
- {
- case 'C':
- OSL_ENSURE(nPrecision < 255, "ODbaseTable::Create: Column zu lang!");
- if (nPrecision > 254)
- {
- throwInvalidColumnType(STR_INVALID_COLUMN_PRECISION, aName);
- }
- (*m_pFileStream) << (sal_uInt8) Min((unsigned)nPrecision, 255U); // field length
- nRecLength = nRecLength + (sal_uInt16)::std::min((sal_uInt16)nPrecision, (sal_uInt16)255UL);
- (*m_pFileStream) << (sal_uInt8)0; // decimals
- break;
- case 'F':
- case 'N':
- OSL_ENSURE(nPrecision >= nScale,
- "ODbaseTable::Create: Feldlaenge muss groesser Nachkommastellen sein!");
- if (nPrecision < nScale)
- {
- throwInvalidColumnType(STR_INVALID_PRECISION_SCALE, aName);
- }
- if (getBOOL(xCol->getPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_ISCURRENCY)))) // Currency will be treated separately
- {
- (*m_pFileStream) << (sal_uInt8)10; // standard length
- (*m_pFileStream) << (sal_uInt8)4;
- nRecLength += 10;
- }
- else
- {
- sal_Int32 nPrec = SvDbaseConverter::ConvertPrecisionToDbase(nPrecision,nScale);
- (*m_pFileStream) << (sal_uInt8)( nPrec);
- (*m_pFileStream) << (sal_uInt8)nScale;
- nRecLength += (sal_uInt16)nPrec;
- }
- break;
- case 'L':
- (*m_pFileStream) << (sal_uInt8)1;
- (*m_pFileStream) << (sal_uInt8)0;
- ++nRecLength;
- break;
- case 'I':
- (*m_pFileStream) << (sal_uInt8)4;
- (*m_pFileStream) << (sal_uInt8)0;
- nRecLength += 4;
- break;
- case 'Y':
- case 'B':
- case 'T':
- case 'D':
- (*m_pFileStream) << (sal_uInt8)8;
- (*m_pFileStream) << (sal_uInt8)0;
- nRecLength += 8;
- break;
- case 'M':
- bCreateMemo = sal_True;
- (*m_pFileStream) << (sal_uInt8)10;
- (*m_pFileStream) << (sal_uInt8)0;
- nRecLength += 10;
- if ( bBinary )
- aBuffer[0] = 0x06;
- break;
- default:
- throwInvalidColumnType(STR_INVALID_COLUMN_TYPE, aName);
- }
- m_pFileStream->Write(aBuffer, 14);
- aBuffer[0] = 0x00;
- }
- (*m_pFileStream) << (sal_uInt8)FIELD_DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATOR; // end of header
- (*m_pFileStream) << (char)DBF_EOL;
- m_pFileStream->Seek(10L);
- (*m_pFileStream) << nRecLength; // set record length afterwards
- if (bCreateMemo)
- {
- m_pFileStream->Seek(0L);
- if (nDbaseType == VisualFoxPro)
- (*m_pFileStream) << (sal_uInt8) FoxProMemo;
- else
- (*m_pFileStream) << (sal_uInt8) dBaseIIIMemo;
- } // if (bCreateMemo)
- }
- catch ( const Exception& e )
- {
- (void)e;
- try
- {
- // we have to drop the file because it is corrupted now
- DropImpl();
- }
- catch(const Exception&) { }
- throw;
- }
- return sal_True;
-// creates in principle dBase III file format
-sal_Bool ODbaseTable::CreateMemoFile(const INetURLObject& aFile)
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::CreateMemoFile" );
- // filehandling macro for table creation
- m_pMemoStream = createStream_simpleError( aFile.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::NO_DECODE),STREAM_READWRITE | STREAM_SHARE_DENYWRITE);
- if (!m_pMemoStream)
- return sal_False;
- m_pMemoStream->SetStreamSize(512);
- m_pMemoStream->Seek(0L);
- (*m_pMemoStream) << long(1); // pointer to the first free block
- m_pMemoStream->Flush();
- delete m_pMemoStream;
- m_pMemoStream = NULL;
- return sal_True;
-sal_Bool ODbaseTable::Drop_Static(const ::rtl::OUString& _sUrl,sal_Bool _bHasMemoFields,OCollection* _pIndexes )
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::Drop_Static" );
- INetURLObject aURL;
- aURL.SetURL(_sUrl);
- sal_Bool bDropped = ::utl::UCBContentHelper::Kill(aURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::NO_DECODE));
- if(bDropped)
- {
- if (_bHasMemoFields)
- { // delete the memo fields
- aURL.setExtension(String::CreateFromAscii("dbt"));
- bDropped = ::utl::UCBContentHelper::Kill(aURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::NO_DECODE));
- }
- if(bDropped)
- {
- if(_pIndexes)
- {
- try
- {
- sal_Int32 i = _pIndexes->getCount();
- while (i)
- {
- _pIndexes->dropByIndex(--i);
- }
- }
- catch(const SQLException&)
- {
- }
- }
- aURL.setExtension(String::CreateFromAscii("inf"));
- // as the inf file does not necessarily exist, we aren't allowed to use UCBContentHelper::Kill
- try
- {
- ::ucbhelper::Content aDeleteContent( aURL.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ), Reference< XCommandEnvironment > () );
- aDeleteContent.executeCommand( ::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("delete")), makeAny( sal_Bool( sal_True ) ) );
- }
- catch(const Exception&)
- {
- // silently ignore this ....
- }
- }
- }
- return bDropped;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sal_Bool ODbaseTable::DropImpl()
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::DropImpl" );
- FileClose();
- if(!m_pIndexes)
- refreshIndexes(); // look for indexes which must be deleted as well
- sal_Bool bDropped = Drop_Static(getEntry(m_pConnection,m_Name),HasMemoFields(),m_pIndexes);
- if(!bDropped)
- {// we couldn't drop the table so we have to reopen it
- construct();
- if(m_pColumns)
- m_pColumns->refresh();
- }
- return bDropped;
-sal_Bool ODbaseTable::InsertRow(OValueRefVector& rRow, sal_Bool bFlush,const Reference<XIndexAccess>& _xCols)
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::InsertRow" );
- // fill buffer with blanks
- AllocBuffer();
- memset(m_pBuffer, 0, m_aHeader.db_slng);
- m_pBuffer[0] = ' ';
- // Copy new row completely:
- // ... and add at the end as new Record:
- sal_uInt32 nTempPos = m_nFilePos;
- m_nFilePos = (sal_uIntPtr)m_aHeader.db_anz + 1;
- sal_Bool bInsertRow = UpdateBuffer( rRow, NULL, _xCols );
- if ( bInsertRow )
- {
- sal_uInt32 nFileSize = 0, nMemoFileSize = 0;
- nFileSize = lcl_getFileSize(*m_pFileStream);
- if (HasMemoFields() && m_pMemoStream)
- {
- m_pMemoStream->Seek(STREAM_SEEK_TO_END);
- nMemoFileSize = m_pMemoStream->Tell();
- }
- if (!WriteBuffer())
- {
- m_pFileStream->SetStreamSize(nFileSize); // restore old size
- if (HasMemoFields() && m_pMemoStream)
- m_pMemoStream->SetStreamSize(nMemoFileSize); // restore old size
- m_nFilePos = nTempPos; // restore file position
- }
- else
- {
- (*m_pFileStream) << (char)DBF_EOL; // write EOL
- // raise number of datasets in the header:
- m_pFileStream->Seek( 4L );
- (*m_pFileStream) << (m_aHeader.db_anz + 1);
- // if AppendOnly no flush!
- if (bFlush)
- m_pFileStream->Flush();
- // raise number if successfully
- m_aHeader.db_anz++;
- *rRow.get()[0] = m_nFilePos; // set bookmark
- m_nFilePos = nTempPos;
- }
- }
- else
- m_nFilePos = nTempPos;
- return bInsertRow;
-sal_Bool ODbaseTable::UpdateRow(OValueRefVector& rRow, OValueRefRow& pOrgRow,const Reference<XIndexAccess>& _xCols)
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::UpdateRow" );
- // fill buffer with blanks
- AllocBuffer();
- // position on desired record:
- long nPos = m_aHeader.db_kopf + (long)(m_nFilePos-1) * m_aHeader.db_slng;
- m_pFileStream->Seek(nPos);
- m_pFileStream->Read((char*)m_pBuffer, m_aHeader.db_slng);
- sal_uInt32 nMemoFileSize( 0 );
- if (HasMemoFields() && m_pMemoStream)
- {
- m_pMemoStream->Seek(STREAM_SEEK_TO_END);
- nMemoFileSize = m_pMemoStream->Tell();
- }
- if (!UpdateBuffer(rRow, pOrgRow,_xCols) || !WriteBuffer())
- {
- if (HasMemoFields() && m_pMemoStream)
- m_pMemoStream->SetStreamSize(nMemoFileSize); // restore old size
- }
- else
- {
- m_pFileStream->Flush();
- }
- return sal_True;
-sal_Bool ODbaseTable::DeleteRow(const OSQLColumns& _rCols)
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::DeleteRow" );
- // Set the Delete-Flag (be it set or not):
- // Position on desired record:
- long nFilePos = m_aHeader.db_kopf + (long)(m_nFilePos-1) * m_aHeader.db_slng;
- m_pFileStream->Seek(nFilePos);
- OValueRefRow aRow = new OValueRefVector(_rCols.get().size());
- if (!fetchRow(aRow,_rCols,sal_True,sal_True))
- return sal_False;
- Reference<XPropertySet> xCol;
- ::rtl::OUString aColName;
- ::comphelper::UStringMixEqual aCase(isCaseSensitive());
- for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < m_pColumns->getCount(); i++)
- {
- Reference<XPropertySet> xIndex = isUniqueByColumnName(i);
- if (
- {
- ::cppu::extractInterface(xCol,m_pColumns->getByIndex(i));
- OSL_ENSURE(,"ODbaseTable::DeleteRow column is null!");
- if(
- {
- xCol->getPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_NAME)) >>= aColName;
- Reference<XUnoTunnel> xTunnel(xIndex,UNO_QUERY);
- OSL_ENSURE(,"No TunnelImplementation!");
- ODbaseIndex* pIndex = reinterpret_cast< ODbaseIndex* >( xTunnel->getSomething(ODbaseIndex::getUnoTunnelImplementationId()) );
- OSL_ENSURE(pIndex,"ODbaseTable::DeleteRow: No Index returned!");
- OSQLColumns::Vector::const_iterator aIter = _rCols.get().begin();
- sal_Int32 nPos = 1;
- for(;aIter != _rCols.get().end();++aIter,++nPos)
- {
- if(aCase(getString((*aIter)->getPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_REALNAME))),aColName))
- break;
- }
- if (aIter == _rCols.get().end())
- continue;
- pIndex->Delete(m_nFilePos,*(aRow->get())[nPos]);
- }
- }
- }
- m_pFileStream->Seek(nFilePos);
- (*m_pFileStream) << (sal_uInt8)'*'; // mark the row in the table as deleted
- m_pFileStream->Flush();
- return sal_True;
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Reference<XPropertySet> ODbaseTable::isUniqueByColumnName(sal_Int32 _nColumnPos)
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::isUniqueByColumnName" );
- if(!m_pIndexes)
- refreshIndexes();
- if(m_pIndexes->hasElements())
- {
- Reference<XPropertySet> xCol;
- m_pColumns->getByIndex(_nColumnPos) >>= xCol;
- OSL_ENSURE(,"ODbaseTable::isUniqueByColumnName column is null!");
- ::rtl::OUString sColName;
- xCol->getPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_NAME)) >>= sColName;
- Reference<XPropertySet> xIndex;
- for(sal_Int32 i=0;i<m_pIndexes->getCount();++i)
- {
- ::cppu::extractInterface(xIndex,m_pIndexes->getByIndex(i));
- if( && getBOOL(xIndex->getPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_ISUNIQUE))))
- {
- Reference<XNameAccess> xCols(Reference<XColumnsSupplier>(xIndex,UNO_QUERY)->getColumns());
- if(xCols->hasByName(sColName))
- return xIndex;
- }
- }
- }
- return Reference<XPropertySet>();
-double toDouble(const ByteString& rString)
- return ::rtl::math::stringToDouble( rString, '.', ',', NULL, NULL );
-sal_Bool ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer(OValueRefVector& rRow, OValueRefRow pOrgRow,const Reference<XIndexAccess>& _xCols)
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer" );
- OSL_ENSURE(m_pBuffer,"Buffer is NULL!");
- if ( !m_pBuffer )
- return sal_False;
- sal_Int32 nByteOffset = 1;
- // Update fields:
- Reference<XPropertySet> xCol;
- Reference<XPropertySet> xIndex;
- sal_uInt16 i;
- ::rtl::OUString aColName;
- const sal_Int32 nColumnCount = m_pColumns->getCount();
- ::std::vector< Reference<XPropertySet> > aIndexedCols(nColumnCount);
- ::comphelper::UStringMixEqual aCase(isCaseSensitive());
- Reference<XIndexAccess> xColumns = m_pColumns;
- // first search a key that exist already in the table
- for (i = 0; i < nColumnCount; ++i)
- {
- sal_Int32 nPos = i;
- if(_xCols != xColumns)
- {
- m_pColumns->getByIndex(i) >>= xCol;
- OSL_ENSURE(,"ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer column is null!");
- xCol->getPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_NAME)) >>= aColName;
- for(nPos = 0;nPos<_xCols->getCount();++nPos)
- {
- Reference<XPropertySet> xFindCol;
- ::cppu::extractInterface(xFindCol,_xCols->getByIndex(nPos));
- OSL_ENSURE(,"ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer column is null!");
- if(aCase(getString(xFindCol->getPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_NAME))),aColName))
- break;
- }
- if (nPos >= _xCols->getCount())
- continue;
- }
- ++nPos;
- xIndex = isUniqueByColumnName(i);
- aIndexedCols[i] = xIndex;
- if (
- {
- // first check if the value is different to the old one and when if it conform to the index
- if( && (rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue().isNull() || rRow.get()[nPos] == (pOrgRow->get())[nPos]))
- continue;
- else
- {
- Reference<XUnoTunnel> xTunnel(xIndex,UNO_QUERY);
- OSL_ENSURE(,"No TunnelImplementation!");
- ODbaseIndex* pIndex = reinterpret_cast< ODbaseIndex* >( xTunnel->getSomething(ODbaseIndex::getUnoTunnelImplementationId()) );
- OSL_ENSURE(pIndex,"ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer: No Index returned!");
- if (pIndex->Find(0,*rRow.get()[nPos]))
- {
- // There is no unique value
- if ( !aColName.getLength() )
- {
- m_pColumns->getByIndex(i) >>= xCol;
- OSL_ENSURE(,"ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer column is null!");
- xCol->getPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_NAME)) >>= aColName;
- xCol.clear();
- } // if ( !aColName.getLength() )
- const ::rtl::OUString sError( getConnection()->getResources().getResourceStringWithSubstitution(
- ,"$columnname$", aColName
- ) );
- ::dbtools::throwGenericSQLException( sError, *this );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // when we are here there is no double key in the table
- for (i = 0; i < nColumnCount && nByteOffset <= m_nBufferSize ; ++i)
- {
- // Lengths for each data type:
- OSL_ENSURE(i < m_aPrecisions.size(),"Illegal index!");
- sal_Int32 nLen = 0;
- sal_Int32 nType = 0;
- sal_Int32 nScale = 0;
- if ( i < m_aPrecisions.size() )
- {
- nLen = m_aPrecisions[i];
- nType = m_aTypes[i];
- nScale = m_aScales[i];
- }
- else
- {
- m_pColumns->getByIndex(i) >>= xCol;
- if ( )
- {
- xCol->getPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_PRECISION)) >>= nLen;
- xCol->getPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_TYPE)) >>= nType;
- xCol->getPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_SCALE)) >>= nScale;
- }
- }
- bool bSetZero = false;
- switch (nType)
- {
- case DataType::INTEGER:
- case DataType::DOUBLE:
- case DataType::TIMESTAMP:
- bSetZero = true;
- case DataType::LONGVARBINARY:
- case DataType::DATE:
- case DataType::BIT:
- case DataType::LONGVARCHAR:
- nLen = m_aRealFieldLengths[i];
- break;
- case DataType::DECIMAL:
- nLen = SvDbaseConverter::ConvertPrecisionToDbase(nLen,nScale);
- break; // The sign and the comma
- default:
- break;
- } // switch (nType)
- sal_Int32 nPos = i;
- if(_xCols != xColumns)
- {
- m_pColumns->getByIndex(i) >>= xCol;
- OSL_ENSURE(,"ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer column is null!");
- xCol->getPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_NAME)) >>= aColName;
- for(nPos = 0;nPos<_xCols->getCount();++nPos)
- {
- Reference<XPropertySet> xFindCol;
- ::cppu::extractInterface(xFindCol,_xCols->getByIndex(nPos));
- if(aCase(getString(xFindCol->getPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_NAME))),aColName))
- break;
- }
- if (nPos >= _xCols->getCount())
- {
- nByteOffset += nLen;
- continue;
- }
- }
- ++nPos; // the row values start at 1
- // If the variable is bound at all?
- if ( !rRow.get()[nPos]->isBound() )
- {
- // No - the next field.
- nByteOffset += nLen;
- continue;
- }
- if (aIndexedCols[i].is())
- {
- Reference<XUnoTunnel> xTunnel(aIndexedCols[i],UNO_QUERY);
- OSL_ENSURE(,"No TunnelImplementation!");
- ODbaseIndex* pIndex = reinterpret_cast< ODbaseIndex* >( xTunnel->getSomething(ODbaseIndex::getUnoTunnelImplementationId()) );
- OSL_ENSURE(pIndex,"ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer: No Index returned!");
- // Update !!
- if ( && !rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue().isNull() )
- pIndex->Update(m_nFilePos,*(pOrgRow->get())[nPos],*rRow.get()[nPos]);
- else
- pIndex->Insert(m_nFilePos,*rRow.get()[nPos]);
- }
- char* pData = (char *)(m_pBuffer + nByteOffset);
- if (rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue().isNull())
- {
- if ( bSetZero )
- memset(pData,0,nLen); // Clear to NULL
- else
- memset(pData,' ',nLen); // Clear to NULL
- nByteOffset += nLen;
- OSL_ENSURE( nByteOffset <= m_nBufferSize ,"ByteOffset > m_nBufferSize!");
- continue;
- }
- try
- {
- switch (nType)
- {
- case DataType::TIMESTAMP:
- {
- sal_Int32 nJulianDate = 0, nJulianTime = 0;
- lcl_CalcJulDate(nJulianDate,nJulianTime,rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue());
- // Exactly 8 bytes to copy:
- memcpy(pData,&nJulianDate,4);
- memcpy(pData+4,&nJulianTime,4);
- }
- break;
- case DataType::DATE:
- {
- ::com::sun::star::util::Date aDate;
- if(rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue().getTypeKind() == DataType::DOUBLE)
- aDate = ::dbtools::DBTypeConversion::toDate(rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue().getDouble());
- else
- aDate = rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue();
- char s[9];
- snprintf(s,
- sizeof(s),
- "%04d%02d%02d",
- (int)aDate.Year,
- (int)aDate.Month,
- (int)aDate.Day);
- // Exactly 8 bytes to copy:
- strncpy(pData,s,sizeof s - 1);
- } break;
- case DataType::INTEGER:
- {
- sal_Int32 nValue = rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue();
- memcpy(pData,&nValue,nLen);
- }
- break;
- case DataType::DOUBLE:
- {
- const double d = rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue();
- m_pColumns->getByIndex(i) >>= xCol;
- if (getBOOL(xCol->getPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_ISCURRENCY)))) // Currency is treated separately
- {
- sal_Int64 nValue = 0;
- if ( m_aScales[i] )
- nValue = (sal_Int64)(d * pow(10.0,(int)m_aScales[i]));
- else
- nValue = (sal_Int64)(d);
- memcpy(pData,&nValue,nLen);
- } // if (getBOOL(xCol->getPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_ISCURRENCY)))) // Currency is treated separately
- else
- memcpy(pData,&d,nLen);
- }
- break;
- case DataType::DECIMAL:
- {
- memset(pData,' ',nLen); // Clear to NULL
- const double n = rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue();
- // one, because const_cast GetFormatPrecision on SvNumberFormat is not constant,
- // even though it really could and should be
- const ByteString aDefaultValue( ::rtl::math::doubleToString( n, rtl_math_StringFormat_F, nScale, '.', NULL, 0));
- const sal_Int32 nValueLen = aDefaultValue.Len();
- if ( nValueLen <= nLen )
- {
- // Write value right-justified, padded with blanks to the left.
- memcpy(pData+nLen-nValueLen,aDefaultValue.GetBuffer(),nValueLen);
- // write the resulting double back
- *rRow.get()[nPos] = toDouble(aDefaultValue);
- }
- else
- {
- m_pColumns->getByIndex(i) >>= xCol;
- OSL_ENSURE(,"ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer column is null!");
- xCol->getPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_NAME)) >>= aColName;
- ::std::list< ::std::pair<const sal_Char* , ::rtl::OUString > > aStringToSubstitutes;
- aStringToSubstitutes.push_back(::std::pair<const sal_Char* , ::rtl::OUString >("$columnname$", aColName));
- aStringToSubstitutes.push_back(::std::pair<const sal_Char* , ::rtl::OUString >("$precision$", String::CreateFromInt32(nLen)));
- aStringToSubstitutes.push_back(::std::pair<const sal_Char* , ::rtl::OUString >("$scale$", String::CreateFromInt32(nScale)));
- aStringToSubstitutes.push_back(::std::pair<const sal_Char* , ::rtl::OUString >("$value$", ::rtl::OStringToOUString(aDefaultValue,RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8)));
- const ::rtl::OUString sError( getConnection()->getResources().getResourceStringWithSubstitution(
- ,aStringToSubstitutes
- ) );
- ::dbtools::throwGenericSQLException( sError, *this );
- }
- } break;
- case DataType::BIT:
- *pData = rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue().getBool() ? 'T' : 'F';
- break;
- case DataType::LONGVARBINARY:
- case DataType::LONGVARCHAR:
- {
- char cNext = pData[nLen]; // Mark's scratch and replaced by 0
- pData[nLen] = '\0'; // This is because the buffer is always a sign of greater ...
- sal_uIntPtr nBlockNo = strtol((const char *)pData,NULL,10); // Block number read
- // Next initial character restore again:
- pData[nLen] = cNext;
- if (!m_pMemoStream || !WriteMemo(rRow.get()[nPos]->get(), nBlockNo))
- break;
- ByteString aStr;
- ByteString aBlock(rtl::OString::valueOf(static_cast<sal_Int32>(nBlockNo)));
- aStr.Expand(static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nLen - aBlock.Len()), '0' );
- aStr += aBlock;
- // Copy characters:
- memset(pData,' ',nLen); // Clear to NULL
- memcpy(pData, aStr.GetBuffer(), nLen);
- } break;
- default:
- {
- memset(pData,' ',nLen); // Clear to NULL
- ::rtl::OUString sStringToWrite( rRow.get()[nPos]->getValue().getString() );
- // convert the string, using the connection's encoding
- ::rtl::OString sEncoded;
- DBTypeConversion::convertUnicodeStringToLength( sStringToWrite, sEncoded, nLen, m_eEncoding );
- memcpy( pData, sEncoded.getStr(), sEncoded.getLength() );
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- catch( const SQLException& )
- {
- throw;
- }
- catch ( const Exception& )
- {
- m_pColumns->getByIndex(i) >>= xCol;
- OSL_ENSURE(, "ODbaseTable::UpdateBuffer column is null!" );
- if ( )
- xCol->getPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_NAME)) >>= aColName;
- const ::rtl::OUString sError( getConnection()->getResources().getResourceStringWithSubstitution(
- "$columnname$", aColName
- ) );
- ::dbtools::throwGenericSQLException( sError, *this );
- }
- // And more ...
- nByteOffset += nLen;
- OSL_ENSURE( nByteOffset <= m_nBufferSize ,"ByteOffset > m_nBufferSize!");
- }
- return sal_True;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sal_Bool ODbaseTable::WriteMemo(ORowSetValue& aVariable, sal_uIntPtr& rBlockNr)
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::WriteMemo" );
- // if the BlockNo 0 is given, the block will be appended at the end
- sal_uIntPtr nSize = 0;
- ::rtl::OString aStr;
- ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<sal_Int8> aValue;
- sal_uInt8 nHeader[4];
- const bool bBinary = aVariable.getTypeKind() == DataType::LONGVARBINARY && m_aMemoHeader.db_typ == MemoFoxPro;
- if ( bBinary )
- {
- aValue = aVariable.getSequence();
- nSize = aValue.getLength();
- }
- else
- {
- nSize = DBTypeConversion::convertUnicodeString( aVariable.getString(), aStr, m_eEncoding );
- }
- // append or overwrite
- sal_Bool bAppend = rBlockNr == 0;
- if (!bAppend)
- {
- switch (m_aMemoHeader.db_typ)
- {
- case MemodBaseIII: // dBase III-Memofield, ends with 2 * Ctrl-Z
- bAppend = nSize > (512 - 2);
- break;
- case MemoFoxPro:
- case MemodBaseIV: // dBase IV-Memofield with length
- {
- char sHeader[4];
- m_pMemoStream->Seek(rBlockNr * m_aMemoHeader.db_size);
- m_pMemoStream->SeekRel(4L);
- m_pMemoStream->Read(sHeader,4);
- sal_uIntPtr nOldSize;
- if (m_aMemoHeader.db_typ == MemoFoxPro)
- nOldSize = ((((unsigned char)sHeader[0]) * 256 +
- (unsigned char)sHeader[1]) * 256 +
- (unsigned char)sHeader[2]) * 256 +
- (unsigned char)sHeader[3];
- else
- nOldSize = ((((unsigned char)sHeader[3]) * 256 +
- (unsigned char)sHeader[2]) * 256 +
- (unsigned char)sHeader[1]) * 256 +
- (unsigned char)sHeader[0] - 8;
- // fits the new length in the used blocks
- sal_uIntPtr nUsedBlocks = ((nSize + 8) / m_aMemoHeader.db_size) + (((nSize + 8) % m_aMemoHeader.db_size > 0) ? 1 : 0),
- nOldUsedBlocks = ((nOldSize + 8) / m_aMemoHeader.db_size) + (((nOldSize + 8) % m_aMemoHeader.db_size > 0) ? 1 : 0);
- bAppend = nUsedBlocks > nOldUsedBlocks;
- }
- }
- }
- if (bAppend)
- {
- sal_uIntPtr nStreamSize = m_pMemoStream->Seek(STREAM_SEEK_TO_END);
- // fill last block
- rBlockNr = (nStreamSize / m_aMemoHeader.db_size) + ((nStreamSize % m_aMemoHeader.db_size) > 0 ? 1 : 0);
- m_pMemoStream->SetStreamSize(rBlockNr * m_aMemoHeader.db_size);
- m_pMemoStream->Seek(STREAM_SEEK_TO_END);
- }
- else
- {
- m_pMemoStream->Seek(rBlockNr * m_aMemoHeader.db_size);
- }
- switch (m_aMemoHeader.db_typ)
- {
- case MemodBaseIII: // dBase III-Memofield, ends with Ctrl-Z
- {
- const char cEOF = (char) DBF_EOL;
- nSize++;
- m_pMemoStream->Write( aStr.getStr(), aStr.getLength() );
- (*m_pMemoStream) << cEOF << cEOF;
- } break;
- case MemoFoxPro:
- case MemodBaseIV: // dBase IV-Memofeld with length
- {
- if ( MemodBaseIV == m_aMemoHeader.db_typ )
- (*m_pMemoStream) << (sal_uInt8)0xFF
- << (sal_uInt8)0xFF
- << (sal_uInt8)0x08;
- else
- (*m_pMemoStream) << (sal_uInt8)0x00
- << (sal_uInt8)0x00
- << (sal_uInt8)0x00;
- sal_uInt32 nWriteSize = nSize;
- if (m_aMemoHeader.db_typ == MemoFoxPro)
- {
- if ( bBinary )
- (*m_pMemoStream) << (sal_uInt8) 0x00; // Picture
- else
- (*m_pMemoStream) << (sal_uInt8) 0x01; // Memo
- for (int i = 4; i > 0; nWriteSize >>= 8)
- nHeader[--i] = (sal_uInt8) (nWriteSize % 256);
- }
- else
- {
- (*m_pMemoStream) << (sal_uInt8) 0x00;
- nWriteSize += 8;
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; nWriteSize >>= 8)
- nHeader[i++] = (sal_uInt8) (nWriteSize % 256);
- }
- m_pMemoStream->Write(nHeader,4);
- if ( bBinary )
- m_pMemoStream->Write( aValue.getConstArray(), aValue.getLength() );
- else
- m_pMemoStream->Write( aStr.getStr(), aStr.getLength() );
- m_pMemoStream->Flush();
- }
- }
- // Write the new block number
- if (bAppend)
- {
- sal_uIntPtr nStreamSize = m_pMemoStream->Seek(STREAM_SEEK_TO_END);
- m_aMemoHeader.db_next = (nStreamSize / m_aMemoHeader.db_size) + ((nStreamSize % m_aMemoHeader.db_size) > 0 ? 1 : 0);
- // Write the new block number
- m_pMemoStream->Seek(0L);
- (*m_pMemoStream) << m_aMemoHeader.db_next;
- m_pMemoStream->Flush();
- }
- return sal_True;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// XAlterTable
-void SAL_CALL ODbaseTable::alterColumnByName( const ::rtl::OUString& colName, const Reference< XPropertySet >& descriptor ) throw(SQLException, NoSuchElementException, RuntimeException)
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::alterColumnByName" );
- ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard(m_aMutex);
- checkDisposed(OTableDescriptor_BASE::rBHelper.bDisposed);
- Reference<XDataDescriptorFactory> xOldColumn;
- m_pColumns->getByName(colName) >>= xOldColumn;
- alterColumn(m_pColumns->findColumn(colName)-1,descriptor,xOldColumn);
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void SAL_CALL ODbaseTable::alterColumnByIndex( sal_Int32 index, const Reference< XPropertySet >& descriptor ) throw(SQLException, ::com::sun::star::lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, RuntimeException)
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::alterColumnByIndex" );
- ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard(m_aMutex);
- checkDisposed(OTableDescriptor_BASE::rBHelper.bDisposed);
- if(index < 0 || index >= m_pColumns->getCount())
- throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(::rtl::OUString::valueOf(index),*this);
- Reference<XDataDescriptorFactory> xOldColumn;
- m_pColumns->getByIndex(index) >>= xOldColumn;
- alterColumn(index,descriptor,xOldColumn);
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void ODbaseTable::alterColumn(sal_Int32 index,
- const Reference< XPropertySet >& descriptor ,
- const Reference< XDataDescriptorFactory >& xOldColumn )
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::alterColumn" );
- if(index < 0 || index >= m_pColumns->getCount())
- throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(::rtl::OUString::valueOf(index),*this);
- ODbaseTable* pNewTable = NULL;
- try
- {
- OSL_ENSURE(,"ODbaseTable::alterColumn: descriptor can not be null!");
- // creates a copy of the the original column and copy all properties from descriptor in xCopyColumn
- Reference<XPropertySet> xCopyColumn;
- if(
- xCopyColumn = xOldColumn->createDataDescriptor();
- else
- xCopyColumn = new OColumn(getConnection()->getMetaData()->supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers());
- ::comphelper::copyProperties(descriptor,xCopyColumn);
- // creates a temp file
- String sTempName = createTempFile();
- pNewTable = new ODbaseTable(m_pTables,static_cast<ODbaseConnection*>(m_pConnection));
- Reference<XPropertySet> xHoldTable = pNewTable;
- pNewTable->setPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_NAME),makeAny(::rtl::OUString(sTempName)));
- Reference<XAppend> xAppend(pNewTable->getColumns(),UNO_QUERY);
- OSL_ENSURE(,"ODbaseTable::alterColumn: No XAppend interface!");
- // copy the structure
- sal_Int32 i=0;
- for(;i < index;++i)
- {
- Reference<XPropertySet> xProp;
- m_pColumns->getByIndex(i) >>= xProp;
- Reference<XDataDescriptorFactory> xColumn(xProp,UNO_QUERY);
- Reference<XPropertySet> xCpy;
- if(
- xCpy = xColumn->createDataDescriptor();
- else
- xCpy = new OColumn(getConnection()->getMetaData()->supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers());
- ::comphelper::copyProperties(xProp,xCpy);
- xAppend->appendByDescriptor(xCpy);
- }
- ++i; // now insert our new column
- xAppend->appendByDescriptor(xCopyColumn);
- for(;i < m_pColumns->getCount();++i)
- {
- Reference<XPropertySet> xProp;
- m_pColumns->getByIndex(i) >>= xProp;
- Reference<XDataDescriptorFactory> xColumn(xProp,UNO_QUERY);
- Reference<XPropertySet> xCpy;
- if(
- xCpy = xColumn->createDataDescriptor();
- else
- xCpy = new OColumn(getConnection()->getMetaData()->supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers());
- ::comphelper::copyProperties(xProp,xCpy);
- xAppend->appendByDescriptor(xCpy);
- }
- // construct the new table
- if(!pNewTable->CreateImpl())
- {
- const ::rtl::OUString sError( getConnection()->getResources().getResourceStringWithSubstitution(
- "$columnname$", ::comphelper::getString(descriptor->getPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_NAME)))
- ) );
- ::dbtools::throwGenericSQLException( sError, *this );
- }
- pNewTable->construct();
- // copy the data
- copyData(pNewTable,0);
- // now drop the old one
- if( DropImpl() ) // we don't want to delete the memo columns too
- {
- // rename the new one to the old one
- pNewTable->renameImpl(m_Name);
- // release the temp file
- pNewTable = NULL;
- ::comphelper::disposeComponent(xHoldTable);
- }
- else
- {
- pNewTable = NULL;
- }
- FileClose();
- construct();
- if(m_pColumns)
- m_pColumns->refresh();
- }
- catch(const SQLException&)
- {
- throw;
- }
- catch(const Exception&)
- {
- OSL_FAIL("ODbaseTable::alterColumn: Exception occurred!");
- throw;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Reference< XDatabaseMetaData> ODbaseTable::getMetaData() const
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::getMetaData" );
- return getConnection()->getMetaData();
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void SAL_CALL ODbaseTable::rename( const ::rtl::OUString& newName ) throw(::com::sun::star::sdbc::SQLException, ::com::sun::star::container::ElementExistException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::rename" );
- ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard(m_aMutex);
- checkDisposed(OTableDescriptor_BASE::rBHelper.bDisposed);
- if(m_pTables && m_pTables->hasByName(newName))
- throw ElementExistException(newName,*this);
- renameImpl(newName);
- ODbaseTable_BASE::rename(newName);
- construct();
- if(m_pColumns)
- m_pColumns->refresh();
- void renameFile(OConnection* _pConenction,const ::rtl::OUString& oldName,
- const ::rtl::OUString& newName,const String& _sExtension)
- {
- String aName = ODbaseTable::getEntry(_pConenction,oldName);
- if(!aName.Len())
- {
- ::rtl::OUString aIdent = _pConenction->getContent()->getIdentifier()->getContentIdentifier();
- if ( aIdent.lastIndexOf('/') != (aIdent.getLength()-1) )
- aIdent += ::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("/"));
- aIdent += oldName;
- aName = aIdent;
- }
- INetURLObject aURL;
- aURL.SetURL(aName);
- aURL.setExtension( _sExtension );
- String sNewName(newName);
- sNewName.AppendAscii(".");
- sNewName += _sExtension;
- try
- {
- Content aContent(aURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::NO_DECODE),Reference<XCommandEnvironment>());
- Sequence< PropertyValue > aProps( 1 );
- aProps[0].Name = ::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Title"));
- aProps[0].Handle = -1; // n/a
- aProps[0].Value = makeAny( ::rtl::OUString(sNewName) );
- Sequence< Any > aValues;
- aContent.executeCommand( rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("setPropertyValues")),makeAny(aProps) ) >>= aValues;
- if(aValues.getLength() && aValues[0].hasValue())
- throw Exception();
- }
- catch(const Exception&)
- {
- throw ElementExistException(newName,NULL);
- }
- }
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void SAL_CALL ODbaseTable::renameImpl( const ::rtl::OUString& newName ) throw(::com::sun::star::sdbc::SQLException, ::com::sun::star::container::ElementExistException, ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException)
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::getEntry" );
- ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard(m_aMutex);
- FileClose();
- renameFile(m_pConnection,m_Name,newName,m_pConnection->getExtension());
- if ( HasMemoFields() )
- { // delete the memo fields
- String sExt = String::CreateFromAscii("dbt");
- renameFile(m_pConnection,m_Name,newName,sExt);
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void ODbaseTable::addColumn(const Reference< XPropertySet >& _xNewColumn)
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::addColumn" );
- String sTempName = createTempFile();
- ODbaseTable* pNewTable = new ODbaseTable(m_pTables,static_cast<ODbaseConnection*>(m_pConnection));
- Reference< XPropertySet > xHold = pNewTable;
- pNewTable->setPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_NAME),makeAny(::rtl::OUString(sTempName)));
- {
- Reference<XAppend> xAppend(pNewTable->getColumns(),UNO_QUERY);
- sal_Bool bCase = getConnection()->getMetaData()->supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers();
- // copy the structure
- for(sal_Int32 i=0;i < m_pColumns->getCount();++i)
- {
- Reference<XPropertySet> xProp;
- m_pColumns->getByIndex(i) >>= xProp;
- Reference<XDataDescriptorFactory> xColumn(xProp,UNO_QUERY);
- Reference<XPropertySet> xCpy;
- if(
- xCpy = xColumn->createDataDescriptor();
- else
- {
- xCpy = new OColumn(bCase);
- ::comphelper::copyProperties(xProp,xCpy);
- }
- xAppend->appendByDescriptor(xCpy);
- }
- Reference<XPropertySet> xCpy = new OColumn(bCase);
- ::comphelper::copyProperties(_xNewColumn,xCpy);
- xAppend->appendByDescriptor(xCpy);
- }
- // construct the new table
- if(!pNewTable->CreateImpl())
- {
- const ::rtl::OUString sError( getConnection()->getResources().getResourceStringWithSubstitution(
- "$columnname$", ::comphelper::getString(_xNewColumn->getPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_NAME)))
- ) );
- ::dbtools::throwGenericSQLException( sError, *this );
- }
- sal_Bool bAlreadyDroped = sal_False;
- try
- {
- pNewTable->construct();
- // copy the data
- copyData(pNewTable,pNewTable->m_pColumns->getCount());
- // drop the old table
- if(DropImpl())
- {
- bAlreadyDroped = sal_True;
- pNewTable->renameImpl(m_Name);
- // release the temp file
- }
- xHold = pNewTable = NULL;
- FileClose();
- construct();
- if(m_pColumns)
- m_pColumns->refresh();
- }
- catch(const SQLException&)
- {
- // here we know that the old table wasn't droped before
- if(!bAlreadyDroped)
- xHold = pNewTable = NULL;
- throw;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void ODbaseTable::dropColumn(sal_Int32 _nPos)
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::dropColumn" );
- String sTempName = createTempFile();
- ODbaseTable* pNewTable = new ODbaseTable(m_pTables,static_cast<ODbaseConnection*>(m_pConnection));
- Reference< XPropertySet > xHold = pNewTable;
- pNewTable->setPropertyValue(OMetaConnection::getPropMap().getNameByIndex(PROPERTY_ID_NAME),makeAny(::rtl::OUString(sTempName)));
- {
- Reference<XAppend> xAppend(pNewTable->getColumns(),UNO_QUERY);
- sal_Bool bCase = getConnection()->getMetaData()->supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers();
- // copy the structure
- for(sal_Int32 i=0;i < m_pColumns->getCount();++i)
- {
- if(_nPos != i)
- {
- Reference<XPropertySet> xProp;
- m_pColumns->getByIndex(i) >>= xProp;
- Reference<XDataDescriptorFactory> xColumn(xProp,UNO_QUERY);
- Reference<XPropertySet> xCpy;
- if(
- xCpy = xColumn->createDataDescriptor();
- else
- {
- xCpy = new OColumn(bCase);
- ::comphelper::copyProperties(xProp,xCpy);
- }
- xAppend->appendByDescriptor(xCpy);
- }
- }
- }
- // construct the new table
- if(!pNewTable->CreateImpl())
- {
- xHold = pNewTable = NULL;
- const ::rtl::OUString sError( getConnection()->getResources().getResourceStringWithSubstitution(
- "$position$", ::rtl::OUString::valueOf(_nPos)
- ) );
- ::dbtools::throwGenericSQLException( sError, *this );
- }
- pNewTable->construct();
- // copy the data
- copyData(pNewTable,_nPos);
- // drop the old table
- if(DropImpl())
- pNewTable->renameImpl(m_Name);
- // release the temp file
- xHold = pNewTable = NULL;
- FileClose();
- construct();
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-String ODbaseTable::createTempFile()
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::createTempFile" );
- ::rtl::OUString aIdent = m_pConnection->getContent()->getIdentifier()->getContentIdentifier();
- if ( aIdent.lastIndexOf('/') != (aIdent.getLength()-1) )
- aIdent += ::rtl::OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("/"));
- String sTempName(aIdent);
- String sExt;
- sExt.AssignAscii(".");
- sExt += m_pConnection->getExtension();
- String sName(m_Name);
- TempFile aTempFile(sName,&sExt,&sTempName);
- if(!aTempFile.IsValid())
- getConnection()->throwGenericSQLException(STR_COULD_NOT_ALTER_TABLE,*this);
- INetURLObject aURL;
- aURL.SetSmartProtocol(INET_PROT_FILE);
- aURL.SetURL(aTempFile.GetURL());
- String sNewName(aURL.getName());
- sNewName.Erase(sNewName.Len() - sExt.Len());
- return sNewName;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void ODbaseTable::copyData(ODbaseTable* _pNewTable,sal_Int32 _nPos)
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::copyData" );
- sal_Int32 nPos = _nPos + 1; // +1 because we always have the bookmark clumn as well
- OValueRefRow aRow = new OValueRefVector(m_pColumns->getCount());
- OValueRefRow aInsertRow;
- if(_nPos)
- {
- aInsertRow = new OValueRefVector(_pNewTable->m_pColumns->getCount());
- ::std::for_each(aInsertRow->get().begin(),aInsertRow->get().end(),TSetRefBound(sal_True));
- }
- else
- aInsertRow = aRow;
- // we only have to bind the values which we need to copy into the new table
- ::std::for_each(aRow->get().begin(),aRow->get().end(),TSetRefBound(sal_True));
- if(_nPos && (_nPos < (sal_Int32)aRow->get().size()))
- (aRow->get())[nPos]->setBound(sal_False);
- sal_Bool bOk = sal_True;
- sal_Int32 nCurPos;
- OValueRefVector::Vector::iterator aIter;
- for(sal_uInt32 nRowPos = 0; nRowPos < m_aHeader.db_anz;++nRowPos)
- {
- bOk = seekRow( IResultSetHelper::BOOKMARK, nRowPos+1, nCurPos );
- if ( bOk )
- {
- bOk = fetchRow( aRow, *m_aColumns, sal_True, sal_True);
- if ( bOk && !aRow->isDeleted() ) // copy only not deleted rows
- {
- // special handling when pos == 0 then we don't have to distinguish between the two rows
- if(_nPos)
- {
- aIter = aRow->get().begin()+1;
- sal_Int32 nCount = 1;
- for(OValueRefVector::Vector::iterator aInsertIter = aInsertRow->get().begin()+1; aIter != aRow->get().end() && aInsertIter != aInsertRow->get().end();++aIter,++nCount)
- {
- if(nPos != nCount)
- {
- (*aInsertIter)->setValue( (*aIter)->getValue() );
- ++aInsertIter;
- }
- }
- }
- bOk = _pNewTable->InsertRow(*aInsertRow,sal_True,_pNewTable->m_pColumns);
- OSL_ENSURE(bOk,"Row could not be inserted!");
- }
- else
- OSL_ENSURE(bOk,"Row could not be fetched!");
- }
- else
- {
- }
- } // for(sal_uInt32 nRowPos = 0; nRowPos < m_aHeader.db_anz;++nRowPos)
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void ODbaseTable::throwInvalidDbaseFormat()
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::throwInvalidDbaseFormat" );
- FileClose();
- // no dbase file
- const ::rtl::OUString sError( getConnection()->getResources().getResourceStringWithSubstitution(
- "$filename$", getEntry(m_pConnection,m_Name)
- ) );
- ::dbtools::throwGenericSQLException( sError, *this );
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void ODbaseTable::refreshHeader()
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::refreshHeader" );
- if ( m_aHeader.db_anz == 0 )
- readHeader();
-sal_Bool ODbaseTable::seekRow(IResultSetHelper::Movement eCursorPosition, sal_Int32 nOffset, sal_Int32& nCurPos)
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::seekRow" );
- // ----------------------------------------------------------
- // prepare positioning:
- OSL_ENSURE(m_pFileStream,"ODbaseTable::seekRow: FileStream is NULL!");
- sal_uInt32 nNumberOfRecords = (sal_uInt32)m_aHeader.db_anz;
- sal_uInt32 nTempPos = m_nFilePos;
- m_nFilePos = nCurPos;
- switch(eCursorPosition)
- {
- case IResultSetHelper::NEXT:
- ++m_nFilePos;
- break;
- case IResultSetHelper::PRIOR:
- if (m_nFilePos > 0)
- --m_nFilePos;
- break;
- case IResultSetHelper::FIRST:
- m_nFilePos = 1;
- break;
- case IResultSetHelper::LAST:
- m_nFilePos = nNumberOfRecords;
- break;
- case IResultSetHelper::RELATIVE:
- m_nFilePos = (((sal_Int32)m_nFilePos) + nOffset < 0) ? 0L
- : (sal_uInt32)(((sal_Int32)m_nFilePos) + nOffset);
- break;
- case IResultSetHelper::ABSOLUTE:
- case IResultSetHelper::BOOKMARK:
- m_nFilePos = (sal_uInt32)nOffset;
- break;
- }
- if (m_nFilePos > (sal_Int32)nNumberOfRecords)
- m_nFilePos = (sal_Int32)nNumberOfRecords + 1;
- if (m_nFilePos == 0 || m_nFilePos == (sal_Int32)nNumberOfRecords + 1)
- goto Error;
- else
- {
- sal_uInt16 nEntryLen = m_aHeader.db_slng;
- OSL_ENSURE(m_nFilePos >= 1,"SdbDBFCursor::FileFetchRow: ungueltige Record-Position");
- sal_Int32 nPos = m_aHeader.db_kopf + (sal_Int32)(m_nFilePos-1) * nEntryLen;
- m_pFileStream->Seek(nPos);
- if (m_pFileStream->GetError() != ERRCODE_NONE)
- goto Error;
- m_pFileStream->Read((char*)m_pBuffer, nEntryLen);
- if (m_pFileStream->GetError() != ERRCODE_NONE)
- goto Error;
- }
- goto End;
- switch(eCursorPosition)
- {
- case IResultSetHelper::PRIOR:
- case IResultSetHelper::FIRST:
- m_nFilePos = 0;
- break;
- case IResultSetHelper::LAST:
- case IResultSetHelper::NEXT:
- case IResultSetHelper::ABSOLUTE:
- case IResultSetHelper::RELATIVE:
- if (nOffset > 0)
- m_nFilePos = nNumberOfRecords + 1;
- else if (nOffset < 0)
- m_nFilePos = 0;
- break;
- case IResultSetHelper::BOOKMARK:
- m_nFilePos = nTempPos; // last position
- }
- return sal_False;
- nCurPos = m_nFilePos;
- return sal_True;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sal_Bool ODbaseTable::ReadMemo(sal_uIntPtr nBlockNo, ORowSetValue& aVariable)
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::ReadMemo" );
- bool bIsText = true;
- m_pMemoStream->Seek(nBlockNo * m_aMemoHeader.db_size);
- switch (m_aMemoHeader.db_typ)
- {
- case MemodBaseIII: // dBase III-Memofield, ends with Ctrl-Z
- {
- const char cEOF = (char) DBF_EOL;
- ByteString aBStr;
- static char aBuf[514];
- aBuf[512] = 0; // avoid random value
- sal_Bool bReady = sal_False;
- do
- {
- m_pMemoStream->Read(&aBuf,512);
- sal_uInt16 i = 0;
- while (aBuf[i] != cEOF && ++i < 512)
- ;
- bReady = aBuf[i] == cEOF;
- aBuf[i] = 0;
- aBStr += aBuf;
- } while (!bReady && !m_pMemoStream->IsEof() && aBStr.Len() < STRING_MAXLEN);
- ::rtl::OUString aStr(aBStr.GetBuffer(), aBStr.Len(),m_eEncoding);
- aVariable = aStr;
- } break;
- case MemoFoxPro:
- case MemodBaseIV: // dBase IV-Memofield with length
- {
- char sHeader[4];
- m_pMemoStream->Read(sHeader,4);
- // Foxpro stores text and binary data
- if (m_aMemoHeader.db_typ == MemoFoxPro)
- {
- bIsText = sHeader[3] != 0;
- }
- else if (((sal_uInt8)sHeader[0]) != 0xFF || ((sal_uInt8)sHeader[1]) != 0xFF || ((sal_uInt8)sHeader[2]) != 0x08)
- {
- return sal_False;
- }
- sal_uInt32 nLength(0);
- (*m_pMemoStream) >> nLength;
- if (m_aMemoHeader.db_typ == MemodBaseIV)
- nLength -= 8;
- if ( nLength )
- {
- if ( bIsText )
- {
- ::rtl::OUStringBuffer aStr;
- while ( nLength > STRING_MAXLEN )
- {
- ByteString aBStr;
- aBStr.Expand(STRING_MAXLEN);
- m_pMemoStream->Read(aBStr.AllocBuffer(STRING_MAXLEN),STRING_MAXLEN);
- aStr.append(::rtl::OUString(aBStr.GetBuffer(),aBStr.Len(), m_eEncoding));
- nLength -= STRING_MAXLEN;
- }
- if ( nLength > 0 )
- {
- ByteString aBStr;
- aBStr.Expand(static_cast<xub_StrLen>(nLength));
- m_pMemoStream->Read(aBStr.AllocBuffer(static_cast<xub_StrLen>(nLength)),nLength);
- aStr.append(::rtl::OUString(aBStr.GetBuffer(),aBStr.Len(), m_eEncoding));
- }
- if ( aStr.getLength() )
- aVariable = aStr.makeStringAndClear();
- } // if ( bIsText )
- else
- {
- ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > aData(nLength);
- m_pMemoStream->Read(aData.getArray(),nLength);
- aVariable = aData;
- }
- } // if ( nLength )
- }
- }
- return sal_True;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void ODbaseTable::AllocBuffer()
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::AllocBuffer" );
- sal_uInt16 nSize = m_aHeader.db_slng;
- OSL_ENSURE(nSize > 0, "Size too small");
- if (m_nBufferSize != nSize)
- {
- delete m_pBuffer;
- m_pBuffer = NULL;
- }
- // if there is no buffer available: allocate:
- if (m_pBuffer == NULL && nSize > 0)
- {
- m_nBufferSize = nSize;
- m_pBuffer = new sal_uInt8[m_nBufferSize+1];
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sal_Bool ODbaseTable::WriteBuffer()
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::WriteBuffer" );
- OSL_ENSURE(m_nFilePos >= 1,"SdbDBFCursor::FileFetchRow: ungueltige Record-Position");
- // postion on desired record:
- long nPos = m_aHeader.db_kopf + (long)(m_nFilePos-1) * m_aHeader.db_slng;
- m_pFileStream->Seek(nPos);
- return m_pFileStream->Write((char*) m_pBuffer, m_aHeader.db_slng) > 0;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sal_Int32 ODbaseTable::getCurrentLastPos() const
- RTL_LOGFILE_CONTEXT_AUTHOR( aLogger, "dbase", "", "ODbaseTable::getCurrentLastPos" );
- return m_aHeader.db_anz;
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */