path: root/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpframelayout.cxx
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1289 deletions
diff --git a/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpframelayout.cxx b/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpframelayout.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index efc863f1f..000000000
--- a/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpframelayout.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1289 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- *
- * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
- * either of the following licenses
- *
- * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
- * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
- *
- * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
- *
- * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
- * =============================================
- * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307 USA
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- *
- * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
- * =================================================
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
- * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
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- * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
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- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: IBM Corporation
- *
- * Copyright: 2008 by IBM Corporation
- *
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
- *
- *
- ************************************************************************/
- * @file
- * the class for VO_FrameLayout
- ************************************************************************/
- * Change History
-Mar 2005 Created
- ************************************************************************/
-#include "lwpframelayout.hxx"
-#include "lwppara.hxx"
-#include "xfilter/xfstylemanager.hxx"
-#include "xfilter/xfparagraph.hxx"
-#include "xfilter/xffloatframe.hxx"
-#include "xfilter/xfrubystyle.hxx"
-#include "lwppagelayout.hxx"
-#include "lwpoleobject.hxx"
-#include "lwptablelayout.hxx"
-#include "lwpgrfobj.hxx"
-#include "lwpglobalmgr.hxx"
-LwpFrame::LwpFrame(LwpPlacableLayout* pLayout):m_pLayout(pLayout)
-* @descr: parse frame
-* @param: register frame style
-* @param: pFrameStyle - Frame Style object
-void LwpFrame::RegisterStyle(XFFrameStyle* pFrameStyle)
- ApplyWrapType(pFrameStyle);
- ApplyMargins(pFrameStyle);
- ApplyPadding(pFrameStyle);
- ApplyBorders(pFrameStyle);
- ApplyColumns(pFrameStyle);
- ApplyShadow(pFrameStyle);
- ApplyBackGround(pFrameStyle);
- ApplyWatermark(pFrameStyle);
-// ApplyBackColor(pFrameStyle);
- ApplyProtect(pFrameStyle);
- ApplyTextDir(pFrameStyle);
- ApplyPosType(pFrameStyle);
- pFrameStyle->SetStyleName(m_pLayout->GetName()->str());
- XFStyleManager* pXFStyleManager = LwpGlobalMgr::GetInstance()->GetXFStyleManager();
- m_StyleName = pXFStyleManager->AddStyle(pFrameStyle)->GetStyleName();
- m_pLayout->SetStyleName(m_StyleName);
-* @descr: parse frame and set frame properties
-* @param: pXFFrame - XFFrame object
-* @param: nPageNo - the page number that the frame anchors
- void LwpFrame::Parse(XFFrame* pXFFrame, sal_Int32 nPageNo)
- {
- //set the frame style name
- pXFFrame->SetStyleName(m_StyleName);
- //SetAnchorType and position,if it's page anchor,set the page number.
- ParseAnchorType(pXFFrame);
- if(nPageNo>0)
- {
- pXFFrame->SetAnchorPage(nPageNo);
- }
- //Set frame Name
- OUString aFrameName = m_pLayout->GetName()->str();
- if(aFrameName.getLength())
- {
- //cause the bug of SODC, the linkframe name can not be "Frame1", so I change the frame name
- /*if(aFrameName.equals(A2OUSTR("Frame1")))
- {
- aFrameName = A2OUSTR("Frame1_COPY");
- }
- pXFFrame->SetName(aFrameName);*/
- pXFFrame->SetName(m_StyleName);
- }
- LwpLayoutGeometry* pLayoutGeo = m_pLayout->GetGeometry();
- //Set frame Width and height
- if(pLayoutGeo)
- {
- double fWidth = m_pLayout->GetWidth();
- double fHeight = m_pLayout->GetHeight();
- pXFFrame->SetWidth( fWidth );
- pXFFrame->SetHeight( fHeight );
- //Get content obj;
- /*LwpObject* pObj =*/ m_pLayout->GetContent()->obj();
- if(m_pLayout->IsGroupHead()&&(m_pLayout->IsMinimumHeight()))
- {
- //process grouplayout height. there is problems now
- pXFFrame->SetHeight( fHeight );
- }
- /*
- else if(m_pLayout->IsFitGraphic() && pObj && pObj->GetTag() == VO_GRAPHIC)
- {
- //If is graphic, get original size and set it;
- LwpGraphicObject* pGrpObj = static_cast<LwpGraphicObject*>(pObj);
- long nHeight =0, nWidth =0;
- pGrpObj->GetGrafOrgSize(nWidth, nHeight);
- //add margins to the width and height;
- fWidth = (double)nWidth/TWIPS_PER_CM + m_pLayout->GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_LEFT) + m_pLayout->GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_RIGHT);
- fHeight = (double)nHeight/TWIPS_PER_CM + m_pLayout->GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_TOP) + m_pLayout->GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_BOTTOM);
- pXFFrame->SetWidth(fWidth);
- pXFFrame->SetHeight(fHeight);
- }
- */
- else if(m_pLayout->IsAutoGrow())
- {
- pXFFrame->SetMinHeight( fHeight );
- }
- }
- if(m_pLayout->IsFrame())
- {
- //Set frame link. Only frame layout has this feature
- LwpFrameLayout* pLayout= static_cast<LwpFrameLayout*>(m_pLayout);
- pXFFrame->SetNextLink(pLayout->GetNextLinkName());
- }
- }
-* @descr: parse frame relative to page, frame or cell
-* @param: pCont - content container which contains the frame
- void LwpFrame::XFConvert(XFContentContainer* pCont)
- {
- //parse the frame which anchor to page
- LwpVirtualLayout* pParent = m_pLayout->GetParentLayout();
- if(pParent->IsPage()&& pParent->GetParentLayout()->IsPage())
- {
- //for mirror page, problems exist if the parent layout is header or footer layout,
- pParent = pParent->GetParentLayout();
- }
- if(m_pLayout->IsAnchorPage()&& pParent->IsPage())
- {
- //get parent layout
- if(m_pLayout->IsUseOnPage())
- {
- sal_Int32 nPageNo = pParent->GetPageNumber(m_pLayout->GetUsePage());
- if(nPageNo>0)
- m_pLayout->XFConvertFrame(pCont, nPageNo);
- }
- else if(m_pLayout->IsUseOnAllPages())
- {
- sal_Int32 nFirst = pParent->GetPageNumber(FIRST_LAYOUTPAGENO);
- sal_Int32 nLast = pParent->GetPageNumber(LAST_LAYOUTPAGENO);
- if(nLast > 0)
- m_pLayout->XFConvertFrame(pCont, nFirst, nLast, sal_True);
- }
- else if(m_pLayout->IsUseOnAllOddPages()||m_pLayout->IsUseOnAllEvenPages())
- {
- sal_Int32 nFirst = pParent->GetPageNumber(FIRST_LAYOUTPAGENO);
- sal_Int32 nLast = pParent->GetPageNumber(LAST_LAYOUTPAGENO);
- if(nLast > 0)
- {
- sal_uInt16 first = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nFirst);
- if((m_pLayout->IsUseOnAllOddPages() && !LwpTools::IsOddNumber(first))
- || (m_pLayout->IsUseOnAllEvenPages() && !LwpTools::IsEvenNumber(first)))
- nFirst++;
- if(nFirst <= nLast)
- {
- m_pLayout->XFConvertFrame(pCont, nFirst, nLast, sal_False);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- m_pLayout->XFConvertFrame(pCont);
- }
- }
-* @descr: set frame wrap type style
-* @param: pFrameStyle - Frame Style object
-void LwpFrame::ApplyWrapType(XFFrameStyle *pFrameStyle)
- enumXFWrap eWrap = enumXFWrapNone;
- switch(m_pLayout->GetWrapType())
- {
- case LwpPlacableLayout::LAY_WRAP_AROUND: //fall throught
- case LwpPlacableLayout::LAY_WRAP_IRREG_BIGGEST:
- {
- //In SODC, if Optimal wrap type is used and the distance between the frame object
- //and page margins is less than 2cm, the text is not wraped. While there is no this feature in Word Pro
- //So the optimal wrap type is translated to left side or right side wrap type according to the distance
- //between the frame object and page margins
- eWrap = enumXFWrapBest;
- LwpMiddleLayout* pParent = static_cast<LwpMiddleLayout*>(m_pLayout->GetContainerLayout());
- if(pParent)
- {
- if(IsLeftWider())
- eWrap = enumXFWrapLeft;
- else
- eWrap = enumXFWrapRight;
- }
- break;
- }
- case LwpPlacableLayout::LAY_NO_WRAP_BESIDE:
- {
- eWrap = enumXFWrapNone;
- break;
- }
- case LwpPlacableLayout::LAY_NO_WRAP_AROUND:
- {
- eWrap = enumXFWrapRunThrough;
- if(!m_pLayout->GetBackColor() && !m_pLayout->GetWaterMarkLayout())
- {
- //pFrameStyle->SetBackGround(sal_True);
- XFColor aXFColor(0xffffff); //white color
- pFrameStyle->SetBackColor(aXFColor);
- pFrameStyle->SetTransparency(100); //transparency
- }
- break;
- }
- case LwpPlacableLayout::LAY_WRAP_LEFT: //fall throught
- case LwpPlacableLayout::LAY_WRAP_IRREG_LEFT:
- {
- eWrap = enumXFWrapLeft;
- break;
- }
- case LwpPlacableLayout::LAY_WRAP_RIGHT: //fall throught
- case LwpPlacableLayout::LAY_WRAP_IRREG_RIGHT:
- {
- eWrap = enumXFWrapRight;
- break;
- }
- case LwpPlacableLayout::LAY_WRAP_BOTH: //fall throught
- case LwpPlacableLayout::LAY_WRAP_IRREG_BOTH:
- {
- eWrap = enumXFWrapParallel;
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- //If it is the type of with para above, wrap type is enumXFWrapNone
- if(m_pLayout->GetRelativeType()==LwpLayoutRelativityGuts::LAY_INLINE_NEWLINE)
- {
- eWrap = enumXFWrapNone;
- }
- pFrameStyle->SetWrapType(eWrap);
-* @descr: set frame margins style
-* @param: pFrameStyle - Frame Style object
-void LwpFrame::ApplyMargins(XFFrameStyle *pFrameStyle)
- double fLeft = m_pLayout->GetExtMarginsValue(MARGIN_LEFT);
- double fRight = m_pLayout->GetExtMarginsValue(MARGIN_RIGHT);
- double fTop = m_pLayout->GetExtMarginsValue(MARGIN_TOP);
- double fBottom = m_pLayout->GetExtMarginsValue(MARGIN_BOTTOM);
- pFrameStyle->SetMargins(fLeft,fRight,fTop,fBottom);
-* @descr: set padding border style
-* @param: pFrameStyle - Frame Style object
-void LwpFrame::ApplyPadding(XFFrameStyle *pFrameStyle)
- double fLeft = m_pLayout->GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_LEFT);
- double fRight = m_pLayout->GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_RIGHT);
- double fTop = m_pLayout->GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_TOP);
- double fBottom = m_pLayout->GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_BOTTOM);
- pFrameStyle->SetPadding(fLeft,fRight,fTop,fBottom);
-* @descr: set frame border style
-* @param: pFrameStyle - Frame Style object
-void LwpFrame::ApplyBorders(XFFrameStyle *pFrameStyle)
- XFBorders* pBordres = m_pLayout->GetXFBorders();
- if(pBordres)
- {
- pFrameStyle->SetBorders(pBordres);
- }
-* @descr: set frame colums style
-* @param: pFrameStyle - Frame Style object
-void LwpFrame::ApplyColumns(XFFrameStyle *pFrameStyle)
- XFColumns* pColumns = m_pLayout->GetXFColumns();
- if(pColumns)
- {
- pFrameStyle->SetColumns(pColumns);
- }
-* @descr: set frame shadow style
-* @param: pFrameStyle - Frame Style object
-void LwpFrame::ApplyShadow(XFFrameStyle* pFrameStyle)
- XFShadow* pXFShadow = m_pLayout->GetXFShadow();
- if(pXFShadow)
- {
- pFrameStyle->SetShadow(pXFShadow);
- }
-* @descr: set frame back color style
-* @param: pFrameStyle - Frame Style object
-void LwpFrame::ApplyBackColor(XFFrameStyle* pFrameStyle)
- LwpColor* pColor = m_pLayout->GetBackColor();
- if(pColor)
- {
- XFColor aXFColor(pColor->To24Color());
- pFrameStyle->SetBackColor(aXFColor);
- }
-* @descr: set frame protect style
-* @param: pFrameStyle - Frame Style object
-void LwpFrame::ApplyProtect(XFFrameStyle* pFrameStyle)
- if(m_pLayout->IsProtected())
- {
- pFrameStyle->SetProtect(sal_True,sal_True,sal_True);
- }
-* @descr: set frame text direction style
-* @param: pFrameStyle - Frame Style object
-void LwpFrame::ApplyTextDir(XFFrameStyle* pFrameStyle)
- pFrameStyle->SetTextDir(m_pLayout->GetTextDirection());
-* @descr: set frame position type style
-* @param: pFrameStyle - Frame Style object
-void LwpFrame::ApplyPosType(XFFrameStyle* pFrameStyle)
- enumXFFrameXPos eXPos = enumXFFrameXPosCenter;
- enumXFFrameXRel eXRel = enumXFFrameXRelPara;
- enumXFFrameYPos eYPos = enumXFFrameYPosMiddle;
- enumXFFrameYRel eYRel = enumXFFrameYRelPara;
- sal_uInt8 nType = m_pLayout->GetRelativeType();
- switch(nType)
- {
- case LwpLayoutRelativityGuts::LAY_PARENT_RELATIVE://fall throught
- case LwpLayoutRelativityGuts::LAY_CONTENT_RELATIVE:
- {
- //anchor to page, frame and cell
- eXPos = enumXFFrameXPosFromLeft;
- eXRel = enumXFFrameXRelPage;
- //set vertical position
- if(m_pLayout->IsAnchorPage())//in page
- {
- LwpVirtualLayout* pContainer = m_pLayout->GetContainerLayout();
- if(pContainer && (pContainer->IsHeader() || pContainer->IsFooter()))
- {
- //Only anchor to para, the frame can display in header and footer of each page
- eYPos = enumXFFrameYPosFromTop; //from top
- eYRel = enumXFFrameYRelPara; //from margin
- }
- else
- {
- eYPos = enumXFFrameYPosFromTop;
- eYRel = enumXFFrameYRelPage;
- }
- }
- if(m_pLayout->IsAnchorFrame()) //in frame
- {
- eYPos = enumXFFrameYPosFromTop;
- eYRel = enumXFFrameYRelPage;
- }
- if(m_pLayout->IsAnchorCell())
- {
- //SODC has no this type, simulate this feature
- eYPos = enumXFFrameYPosFromTop; //from top
- eYRel = enumXFFrameYRelPara; //from margin
- }
- break;
- }
- case LwpLayoutRelativityGuts::LAY_PARA_RELATIVE: //same page as text
- {
- eXPos = enumXFFrameXPosFromLeft;
- eXRel = enumXFFrameXRelPage;
- eYPos = enumXFFrameYPosBelow; //below
- eYRel = enumXFFrameYRelChar; //from char
- //set vertical position
- LwpVirtualLayout* pContainer = m_pLayout->GetContainerLayout();
- if(pContainer && pContainer->IsPage())//in page
- {
- //eYPos = enumXFFrameYPosFromTop;
- //eYRel = enumXFFrameYRelPage;
- eYPos = enumXFFrameYPosBelow;
- eYRel = enumXFFrameYRelChar;
- }
- else if(pContainer && pContainer->IsFrame()) //in frame
- {
- eYPos = enumXFFrameYPosFromTop;
- eYRel = enumXFFrameYRelPage;
- }
- else
- {
- eYPos = enumXFFrameYPosFromTop; //from top
- eYRel = enumXFFrameYRelPara; //from margin
- }
- break;
- }
- case LwpLayoutRelativityGuts::LAY_INLINE: //in text
- {
- eXPos = enumXFFrameXPosFromLeft; //need not be set
- eXRel = enumXFFrameXRelParaContent; //need not be set
- eYPos = enumXFFrameYPosTop; //should be from top
- eYRel = enumXFFrameYRelBaseLine;
- sal_Int32 nOffset = m_pLayout->GetBaseLineOffset();
- if(nOffset>0)
- {
- eYPos = enumXFFrameYPosFromTop;
- }
- break;
- }
- case LwpLayoutRelativityGuts::LAY_INLINE_NEWLINE: //with para above
- {
- eXPos = enumXFFrameXPosFromLeft;
- eXRel = enumXFFrameXRelParaContent;
- //eYPos = enumXFFrameYPosTop;
- eYPos = enumXFFrameYPosBottom;
- eYRel = enumXFFrameYRelParaContent;
- break;
- }
- case LwpLayoutRelativityGuts::LAY_INLINE_VERTICAL: //in text - vertical
- {
- eXPos = enumXFFrameXPosFromLeft;
- eXRel = enumXFFrameXRelPage;
- eYPos = enumXFFrameYPosFromTop; //should be below position
- eYRel = enumXFFrameYRelChar;
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- pFrameStyle->SetXPosType(eXPos,eXRel);
- pFrameStyle->SetYPosType(eYPos,eYRel);
-* @descr: set frame watermark style
-* @param: pFrameStyle - Frame Style object
-void LwpFrame::ApplyWatermark(XFFrameStyle *pFrameStyle)
- XFBGImage* pBGImage = m_pLayout->GetXFBGImage();
- if(pBGImage)
- {
- pFrameStyle->SetBackImage(pBGImage);
- //set watermark transparent
- LwpMiddleLayout* pLay = static_cast<LwpMiddleLayout*>(m_pLayout->GetWaterMarkLayout());
- LwpBackgroundStuff* pBackgroundStuff = pLay->GetBackgroundStuff();
- if(pBackgroundStuff && !pBackgroundStuff->IsTransparent())
- {
- pFrameStyle->SetTransparency(100);
- }
- }
- * @short Apply pattern fill to frame style
- * @param pFrameStyle - pointer of XFFrameStyle
- * @return
- */
-void LwpFrame::ApplyPatternFill(XFFrameStyle* pFrameStyle)
- XFBGImage* pXFBGImage = m_pLayout->GetFillPattern();
- if (pXFBGImage)
- {
- pFrameStyle->SetBackImage(pXFBGImage);
- }
- * @short Apply background to frame style
- * @param pFrameStyle - pointer of XFFrameStyle
- * @return
- */
-void LwpFrame::ApplyBackGround(XFFrameStyle* pFrameStyle)
- if (!m_pLayout)
- {
- return;
- }
- if (m_pLayout->IsPatternFill())
- {
- ApplyPatternFill(pFrameStyle);
- }
- else
- {
- ApplyBackColor(pFrameStyle);
- }
-* @descr: set frame size, anchor type, anchored page number
-* @param: pXFFrame - XFFrame object
-void LwpFrame::ParseAnchorType(XFFrame *pXFFrame)
- //set position
- double fXOffset = 0;
- double fYOffset = 0;
- //page number
- sal_uInt16 nPageNum = 0;
- //set anchor type
- enumXFAnchor eAnchor = enumXFAnchorNone;
- LwpLayoutGeometry* pLayoutGeo = m_pLayout->GetGeometry();
- if(pLayoutGeo)
- {
- LwpPoint aPoint = pLayoutGeo->GetOrigin();
- fXOffset = LwpTools::ConvertFromUnitsToMetric(aPoint.GetX());
- fYOffset = LwpTools::ConvertFromUnitsToMetric(aPoint.GetY());
- }
- //set anchor type
- eAnchor = enumXFAnchorNone;
- sal_uInt8 nType = m_pLayout->GetRelativeType();
- switch(nType)
- {
- case LwpLayoutRelativityGuts::LAY_PARENT_RELATIVE://fall throught
- case LwpLayoutRelativityGuts::LAY_CONTENT_RELATIVE:
- {
- //anchor to page, frame and cell
- if(m_pLayout->IsAnchorPage())//in page
- {
- LwpVirtualLayout* pContainer = m_pLayout->GetContainerLayout();
- if(pContainer && (pContainer->IsHeader() || pContainer->IsFooter()))
- {
- eAnchor = enumXFAnchorPara;
- fYOffset -= pContainer->GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_TOP);
- }
- else
- eAnchor = enumXFAnchorPage;
- }
- if(m_pLayout->IsAnchorFrame()) //in frame
- {
- eAnchor = enumXFAnchorFrame;
- }
- if(m_pLayout->IsAnchorCell()) //in cell
- {
- //eAnchor = enumXFAnchorChar;
- eAnchor = enumXFAnchorPara;
- LwpMiddleLayout* pContainer = static_cast<LwpMiddleLayout*>(m_pLayout->GetContainerLayout());
- if(pContainer)
- {
- fYOffset -= pContainer->GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_TOP);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case LwpLayoutRelativityGuts::LAY_PARA_RELATIVE: //same page as text
- {
- eAnchor = enumXFAnchorChar;
- LwpVirtualLayout* pContainer = m_pLayout->GetContainerLayout();
- if(pContainer && pContainer->IsPage())//in page
- {
- //eAnchor = enumXFAnchorPage;
- eAnchor = enumXFAnchorChar;// to character
- }
- else if(pContainer && pContainer->IsFrame()) //in frame
- {
- eAnchor = enumXFAnchorFrame;
- }
- else if(pContainer && pContainer->IsCell()) //in cell
- {
- //eAnchor = enumXFAnchorChar;
- eAnchor = enumXFAnchorPara;
- fYOffset -= pContainer->GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_TOP);
- }
- else if(pContainer && (pContainer->IsHeader() || pContainer->IsFooter()))//in header or footer
- {
- eAnchor = enumXFAnchorPara;
- fYOffset -= pContainer->GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_TOP);
- }
- break;
- }
- case LwpLayoutRelativityGuts::LAY_INLINE: //in text
- {
- eAnchor = enumXFAnchorAsChar;
- sal_Int32 nOffset = m_pLayout->GetBaseLineOffset();
- if(nOffset>0 && pLayoutGeo)
- {
- //experiential value
- fYOffset =-(m_pLayout->GetGeometryHeight()+2*m_pLayout->GetExtMarginsValue(MARGIN_BOTTOM)-LwpTools::ConvertFromUnitsToMetric(nOffset));
- }
- break;
- }
- case LwpLayoutRelativityGuts::LAY_INLINE_NEWLINE: //with para above
- {
- eAnchor = enumXFAnchorPara;
- break;
- }
- case LwpLayoutRelativityGuts::LAY_INLINE_VERTICAL: //in text - vertical
- {
- eAnchor = enumXFAnchorChar;
- //set vertical position
- double offset = 0;
- //because of the different feature between Word Pro and SODC, I simulate the vertical base offset
- //between anchor and frame orgin using the font height.
- //LwpPara* pPara = static_cast<LwpPara*>(m_pLayout->GetPosition()->obj());
- XFFont* pFont = m_pLayout->GetFont();
- if(pFont)
- {
- offset = (double)(pFont->GetFontSize())*CM_PER_INCH/POINTS_PER_INCH;
- }
- fYOffset = offset-fYOffset;
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- pXFFrame->SetX(fXOffset);
- pXFFrame->SetY(fYOffset);
- pXFFrame->SetAnchorPage(nPageNum);
- pXFFrame->SetAnchorType(eAnchor);
- * @descr Calculate the distance between the frame object and the page margins.
- * And determine which side(left or right) is wider
- */
-sal_Bool LwpFrame::IsLeftWider()
- //LwpMiddleLayout* pParent = static_cast<LwpMiddleLayout*>(m_pLayout->GetContainerLayout());
- LwpVirtualLayout* pParent = static_cast<LwpVirtualLayout*>(m_pLayout->GetContainerLayout());
- if(pParent)
- {
- LwpPoint aPoint = m_pLayout->GetOrigin();
- double fXOffset = LwpTools::ConvertFromUnitsToMetric(aPoint.GetX());
- double fWidth = m_pLayout->GetWidth();
- double fWrapLeft = m_pLayout->GetExtMarginsValue(MARGIN_LEFT);
- double fWrapRight = m_pLayout->GetExtMarginsValue(MARGIN_RIGHT);
- //LwpPoint aParentPoint = pParent->GetOrigin();
- //double fParentXOffset = LwpTools::ConvertFromUnitsToMetric(aParentPoint.GetX());
- double fParentWidth = pParent->GetWidth();
- if(pParent->IsCell())
- {
- //Get actual width of this cell layout
- fParentWidth = static_cast<LwpCellLayout*>(pParent)->GetActualWidth();
- }
- double fParentMarginLeft = pParent->GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_LEFT);
- double fParentMarginRight = pParent->GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_RIGHT);
- double fLeft = fXOffset - fWrapLeft -fParentMarginLeft;
- double fRight = fParentWidth - fParentMarginRight -(fXOffset + fWidth + fWrapRight);
- if(fLeft > fRight)
- return sal_True;
- }
- return sal_False;
- * @descr frame link information
- *
- */
-void LwpFrameLink::Read(LwpObjectStream* pStrm)
- m_PreviousLayout.ReadIndexed(pStrm);
- m_NextLayout.ReadIndexed(pStrm);
- pStrm->SkipExtra();
-LwpFrameLayout::LwpFrameLayout(LwpObjectHeader &objHdr, LwpSvStream* pStrm)
- : LwpPlacableLayout(objHdr, pStrm), m_pFrame(NULL)
- if(m_pFrame)
- {
- delete m_pFrame;
- m_pFrame = NULL;
- }
- * @descr read frame layout object
- *
- */
-void LwpFrameLayout::Read()
- LwpPlacableLayout::Read();
- if(LwpFileHeader::m_nFileRevision >= 0x000B)
- {
- if(m_pObjStrm->QuickReaduInt16())
- {
- m_Link.Read(m_pObjStrm);
- }
- }
- m_pObjStrm->SkipExtra();
- * @descr create a xfframe and add into content container
- * @param: pCont - content container that contains the frame.
- *
- */
- void LwpFrameLayout::XFConvert(XFContentContainer* pCont)
- {
- if(m_pFrame)
- {
- //parse the frame which anchor to paragraph
- if(IsRelativeAnchored())
- {
- XFConvertFrame(pCont);
- }
- else
- {
- m_pFrame->XFConvert(pCont);
- }
- }
- }
- * @descr create a xfframe and add into content container, called by XFConvert
- * @param: pCont - content container that contains the frame.
- * @param: nPageNo - the page number that the frame anchors
- *
- */
-void LwpFrameLayout::XFConvertFrame(XFContentContainer* pCont, sal_Int32 nStart , sal_Int32 nEnd, sal_Bool bAll )
- if(m_pFrame)
- {
- XFFrame* pXFFrame = NULL;
- if(nEnd < nStart)
- {
- pXFFrame = new XFFrame();
- }
- else
- {
- pXFFrame = new XFFloatFrame(nStart, nEnd, bAll);
- }
- m_pFrame->Parse(pXFFrame, nStart);
- //if it is a link frame, parse contents only once
- if(!HasPreviousLinkLayout())
- {
- LwpObject* content = m_Content.obj();
- if (content)
- {
- content->XFConvert(pXFFrame);
- //set frame size according to ole size
- ApplyGraphicSize(pXFFrame);
- }
- }
- pCont ->Add(pXFFrame);
- }
- * @descr register frame style
- *
- */
-void LwpFrameLayout::RegisterStyle()
- //if it is for water mark, don't register style
- if(IsForWaterMark())
- {
- return;
- }
- //register frame style
- XFFrameStyle* pFrameStyle = new XFFrameStyle();
- m_pFrame = new LwpFrame(this);
- m_pFrame->RegisterStyle(pFrameStyle);
- //register content style
- LwpObject* content = m_Content.obj();
- if (content)
- {
- content->SetFoundry(m_pFoundry);
- content->RegisterStyle();
- }
- //register child frame style
- RegisterChildStyle();
- * @descr get the name of the frame that current frame links
- *
- */
-OUString LwpFrameLayout::GetNextLinkName()
- OUString aName;
- LwpObjectID* pObjectID = m_Link.GetNextLayout();
- if(!pObjectID->IsNull())
- {
- LwpLayout* pLayout = dynamic_cast<LwpLayout*>(pObjectID->obj());
- if (pLayout)
- {
- LwpAtomHolder *pHolder = pLayout->GetName();
- if (pHolder)
- aName = pHolder->str();
- //for division name confict
- if(pLayout->GetStyleName().getLength() > 0)
- aName = pLayout->GetStyleName();
- }
- }
- return aName;
- * @descr whether current frame is linked by other frame
- *
- */
-sal_Bool LwpFrameLayout::HasPreviousLinkLayout()
- LwpObjectID* pObjectID = m_Link.GetPreviousLayout();
- if(pObjectID->IsNull())
- return sal_False;
- return sal_True;
- * @descr whether current frame is for water mark. Problem maybe exsits by this method, must be tracking
- *
- */
- sal_Bool LwpFrameLayout::IsForWaterMark()
- if(m_nBuoyancy >=LAY_BUOYLAYER)
- {
- if(!m_Content.IsNull() && (m_Content.obj()->GetTag()==VO_GRAPHIC) )
- {
- return sal_True;
- }
- }
- return sal_False;
- * @descr Get frame width
- *
- */
-double LwpFrameLayout::GetWidth()
- double fWidth = LwpMiddleLayout::GetWidth();
- if(IsInlineToMargin() && IsAutoGrowWidth())
- {
- //for text field entry when choosing maximize field length
- fWidth = GetMaxWidth();
- }
- return fWidth;
- * @descr Get frame width when the text field chooses maximize field length
- *
- */
-double LwpFrameLayout::GetMaxWidth()
- double fActualWidth = 0;
- LwpMiddleLayout* pParent = static_cast<LwpMiddleLayout*>(GetContainerLayout());
- if(pParent)
- {
- LwpPoint aPoint = GetOrigin();
- double fXOffset = LwpTools::ConvertFromUnitsToMetric(aPoint.GetX());
- double fWrapRight = GetExtMarginsValue(MARGIN_RIGHT);
- //Get parent layout width
- double fParentWidth = pParent->GetWidth();
- if(pParent->IsCell())
- {
- //Get actual width of this cell layout
- fParentWidth = static_cast<LwpCellLayout*>(pParent)->GetActualWidth();
- }
- double fParentMarginRight = 0;
- sal_uInt8 nType = GetRelativeType();
- if(nType == LwpLayoutRelativityGuts::LAY_INLINE
- || nType == LwpLayoutRelativityGuts::LAY_INLINE_NEWLINE )
- {
- fParentMarginRight = pParent->GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_RIGHT);
- }
- fActualWidth = fParentWidth - fXOffset - fParentMarginRight - fWrapRight;
- }
- return fActualWidth;
- * @descr Set frame size according to graphic size
- *
- */
-void LwpFrameLayout::ApplyGraphicSize(XFFrame * pXFFrame)
- LwpObject* content = m_Content.obj();
- if(content && (content->GetTag() == VO_GRAPHIC
- || content->GetTag() == VO_OLEOBJECT ))
- {
- LwpGraphicOleObject* pGraOle = static_cast<LwpGraphicOleObject*>(content);
- //Get frame geometry size
- double fWidth = 0;
- double fHeight = 0;
- pGraOle->GetGrafScaledSize(fWidth, fHeight);
- if( IsFitGraphic())
- {
- //graphic scaled sze
- fWidth += GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_LEFT) + GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_RIGHT);
- fHeight += GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_TOP) + GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_BOTTOM);
- }
- else if(IsAutoGrowDown() || IsAutoGrowUp())
- {
- fWidth = GetWidth();
- fHeight += GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_TOP) + GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_BOTTOM);
- }
- else if( IsAutoGrowLeft() || IsAutoGrowRight())
- {
- fHeight = GetHeight();
- fWidth += GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_LEFT) + GetMarginsValue(MARGIN_RIGHT);
- }
- else
- {
- fWidth = GetWidth();
- fHeight = GetHeight();
- }
- pXFFrame->SetWidth(fWidth);
- pXFFrame->SetHeight(fHeight);
- }
-LwpGroupLayout::LwpGroupLayout(LwpObjectHeader &objHdr, LwpSvStream* pStrm)
- : LwpPlacableLayout(objHdr, pStrm),m_pFrame(NULL)
- if(m_pFrame)
- {
- delete m_pFrame;
- m_pFrame = NULL;
- }
- * @descr read group layout object
- *
- */
-void LwpGroupLayout::Read()
- LwpPlacableLayout::Read();
- m_pObjStrm->SkipExtra();
- * @descr register group frame style
- *
- */
-void LwpGroupLayout::RegisterStyle()
- //register frame style
- XFFrameStyle* pFrameStyle = new XFFrameStyle();
- m_pFrame = new LwpFrame(this);
- m_pFrame->RegisterStyle(pFrameStyle);
- //register child frame style
- RegisterChildStyle();
- /*
- LwpVirtualLayout* pLayout = static_cast<LwpVirtualLayout*>(GetChildHead()->obj());
- while(pLayout)
- {
- pLayout->SetFoundry(m_pFoundry);
- pLayout->RegisterStyle();
- pLayout = static_cast<LwpVirtualLayout*>(pLayout->GetNext()->obj());
- }
- */
- * @descr create a xfframe and add into content container
- * @param: pCont - content container that contains the frame.
- *
- */
-void LwpGroupLayout::XFConvert(XFContentContainer *pCont)
- if(m_pFrame)
- {
- //parse the frame which anchor to paragraph
- if(IsRelativeAnchored())
- {
- XFConvertFrame(pCont);
- }
- else
- {
- m_pFrame->XFConvert(pCont);
- }
- }
- * @descr create a xfframe and add into content container, called by XFConvert
- * @param: pCont - content container that contains the frame.
- * @param: nPageNo - the page number that the frame anchors
- *
- */
-void LwpGroupLayout::XFConvertFrame(XFContentContainer* pCont, sal_Int32 nStart , sal_Int32 nEnd, sal_Bool bAll)
- if(m_pFrame)
- {
- XFFrame* pXFFrame = NULL;
- if(nEnd < nStart)
- {
- pXFFrame = new XFFrame();
- }
- else
- {
- pXFFrame = new XFFloatFrame(nStart, nEnd, bAll);
- }
- m_pFrame->Parse(pXFFrame, nStart);
- //add child frame into group
- LwpVirtualLayout* pLayout = static_cast<LwpVirtualLayout*>(GetChildHead()->obj());
- while(pLayout)
- {
- pLayout->XFConvert(pXFFrame);
- pLayout = static_cast<LwpVirtualLayout*>(pLayout->GetNext()->obj());
- }
- pCont ->Add(pXFFrame);
- }
-LwpGroupFrame::LwpGroupFrame(LwpObjectHeader &objHdr, LwpSvStream* pStrm)
- :LwpContent(objHdr, pStrm)
-void LwpGroupFrame::Read()
- LwpContent::Read();
- m_pObjStrm->SkipExtra();
- void LwpGroupFrame::RegisterStyle()
-void LwpGroupFrame::XFConvert(XFContentContainer* /*pCont*/)
-LwpDropcapLayout::LwpDropcapLayout(LwpObjectHeader &objHdr, LwpSvStream* pStrm)
- : LwpFrameLayout(objHdr, pStrm)
- m_nChars = 1;
- m_nLines = 3;
-void LwpDropcapLayout::Read()
- LwpFrameLayout::Read();
- m_nLines = m_pObjStrm->QuickReaduInt16();
- m_pObjStrm->SeekRel(1);
- m_pObjStrm->SkipExtra();
-void LwpDropcapLayout::Parse(IXFStream* pOutputStream)
- LwpStory* pStory = static_cast<LwpStory*>(m_Content.obj(VO_STORY));
- if (!pStory)
- return;
- LwpObject* pPara = pStory->GetFirstPara()->obj(VO_PARA);
- if(pPara)
- {
- pPara->SetFoundry(m_pFoundry);
- pPara->Parse(pOutputStream);
- }
-void LwpDropcapLayout::XFConvert(XFContentContainer* pCont)
- LwpStory* pStory = static_cast<LwpStory*>(m_Content.obj(VO_STORY));
- if (pStory)
- {
- pStory->SetFoundry(m_pFoundry);
- pStory->XFConvert(pCont);
- }
-LwpStory* LwpDropcapLayout::GetContentStory()
- return static_cast<LwpStory*>(m_Content.obj(VO_STORY));
-void LwpDropcapLayout::RegisterStyle(LwpFoundry* pFoundry)
- LwpStory* pStory = GetContentStory();
- if (pStory)
- {
- pStory->SetDropcapFlag(sal_True);
- pStory->SetFoundry(pFoundry);
- LwpPara* pPara = static_cast<LwpPara*>(pStory->GetFirstPara()->obj());
- while(pPara)
- {
- pPara->SetFoundry(pFoundry);
- pPara->RegisterStyle();
- pPara = static_cast<LwpPara*>(pPara->GetNext()->obj());
- }
- }
- * @descr do nothing
- *
- */
-void LwpDropcapLayout::RegisterStyle()
-LwpRubyLayout::LwpRubyLayout(LwpObjectHeader &objHdr, LwpSvStream* pStrm)
- : LwpFrameLayout(objHdr, pStrm)
-void LwpRubyLayout::Read()
- LwpFrameLayout::Read();
- m_nPlacement = m_pObjStrm->QuickReaduInt8();
- m_nAlignment = m_pObjStrm->QuickReaduInt8();;
- m_nStateFlag = m_pObjStrm->QuickReaduInt16();;
- m_nXOffset = m_pObjStrm->QuickReadInt32();
- m_nYOffset = m_pObjStrm->QuickReadInt32();
- m_objRubyMarker.ReadIndexed(m_pObjStrm);
- m_pObjStrm->SkipExtra();
-LwpRubyMarker* LwpRubyLayout::GetMarker()
- return static_cast<LwpRubyMarker*>(m_objRubyMarker.obj(VO_RUBYMARKER));
-LwpStory* LwpRubyLayout::GetContentStory()
- return static_cast<LwpStory*>(m_Content.obj(VO_STORY));
-void LwpRubyLayout::ConvertContentText()
- LwpStory* pStory = GetContentStory();
- LwpRubyMarker* pMarker = GetMarker();
- if (pStory && pMarker)
- pMarker->SetRubyText(pStory->GetContentText(sal_True));
-void LwpRubyLayout::RegisterStyle()
- LwpRubyMarker* pMarker = GetMarker();
- XFRubyStyle* pRubyStyle = new XFRubyStyle;
- enumXFRubyPosition eType = enumXFRubyLeft;
- if (m_nAlignment == LEFT)
- {
- eType = enumXFRubyLeft;
- }
- else if(m_nAlignment == RIGHT)
- {
- eType = enumXFRubyRight;
- }
- else if(m_nAlignment == CENTER)
- {
- eType = enumXFRubyCenter;
- }
- pRubyStyle->SetAlignment(eType);
- eType = enumXFRubyTop;
- if (m_nPlacement == TOP)
- {
- eType = enumXFRubyTop;
- }
- else if(m_nPlacement == BOTTOM)
- {
- eType = enumXFRubyBottom;
- }
- pRubyStyle->SetPosition(eType);
- XFStyleManager* pXFStyleManager = LwpGlobalMgr::GetInstance()->GetXFStyleManager();
- OUString rubyStyle = pXFStyleManager->AddStyle(pRubyStyle)->GetStyleName();
- pMarker->SetRubyStyleName(rubyStyle);
- LwpStory* pStory = GetContentStory();
- pStory->SetFoundry(m_pFoundry);
- OUString textStyle = pStory->RegisterFirstFribStyle();
- pMarker->SetTextStyleName(textStyle);
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */