path: root/sw/source/filter/xml/xmltbli.hxx
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2001-03-14#84895#: Don't insert tables into tablesMichael Brauer1-3/+3
2001-02-20- fixed: empty cells now handled properly; cf. #83761#Daniel Vogelheim1-3/+4
2000-12-11#80618#Daniel Vogelheim1-2/+5
2000-11-16- added: XML im- and export of formulas, values, and data styles in StarWrite...Daniel Vogelheim1-3/+5
2000-11-07shape import/export, remoce core api codeMichael Brauer1-14/+3
2000-10-26tables within headers and footersMichael Brauer1-5/+16
2000-09-18initial importJens-Heiner Rechtien1-0/+211