path: root/svl/source/numbers/zformat.cxx
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2011-03-09sw34bf04: #i46648#: define class for NfKeywordTableHenning Brinkmann1-10/+10
2011-01-13removetooltypes01: #i112600# Exchange misleading sal_uIntPtr with sal_uLong i...Carsten Driesner1-25/+25
2011-01-06removetooltypes01: rebase to DEV300_m96Mikhail Voytenko1-2/+2
2010-11-10 removetooltypes01: #i112600# resync to DEV300_m92; remove tooltypes from xml...Xiaofei Zhang1-2/+4
2010-10-28CWS gnumake: resync to m91; conflicts unresolvedMathias Bauer1-2/+4
2010-07-29#i112600#: clean up l10ntools, rsc, sot, svl, tools and unotoolsXiaofei Zhang1-316/+316
2010-07-16calc56: #i108385# make TEXT return text if text was passed, handling text for...Eike Rathke [er]1-1/+1
2010-07-13CWS gnumake2: resync to DEV300_m84Bjoern Michaelsen1-34/+148
2010-07-07#i112250# #i113022# better handling of automatic decimals for small values or...Niklas Nebel1-1/+3
2010-05-28CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS koheiautodecimalVladimir Glazunov1-33/+147
2010-05-12koheiautodecimal: #i111533# Adjust the default display format for general num...Kohei Yoshida1-6/+6
2010-04-19koheiautodecimal: rebased to DEV300_m76.Kohei Yoshida1-4/+1
2010-04-17CWS gnumake2: rebase to DEV300_m76; fix build problemsMathias Bauer1-4/+1
2010-04-16CWS gnumake2: move delivered header files in from svl/inc to svl/inc/svl; rem...Mathias Bauer1-2/+2
2010-03-17dr73: merge with DEV300_m75Niklas Nebel1-4/+1
2010-03-05dr73: #i109823# uninitialized variable; patch from <cmc>Eike Rathke [er]1-1/+1
2010-02-12changefileheader2: #i109125#: change source file copyright notice from Sun Mi...Jens-Heiner Rechtien1-4/+1
2010-02-03koheiautodecimal: #i26826# Prefer scientific notation for values less than 1....Kohei Yoshida1-0/+27
2010-01-29rebased to m70Kohei Yoshida1-0/+4567
2009-10-08#i103496#: make svl buildable with internal inc/svl directoryMathias Bauer1-2/+2
2009-10-08#i103496#: make svl buildableMathias Bauer1-1/+1
2009-10-08#i103496#: split svtools in two libs, depending on whether the code needs vcl...Mathias Bauer1-0/+4480