path: root/sfx2/source/uitest
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2018-02-08Use for-range loops in sfx2 (part2)Julien Nabet1-12/+8
2017-06-05clang-tidy performance-unnecessary-value-paramNoel Grandin1-1/+1
2017-04-25tools: svstream.hxx needs only errcode.hxx & not errinf.hxxChris Sherlock1-0/+1
2016-06-18uitest: an enum is a bad idea for the typeMarkus Mohrhard1-5/+0
2016-06-18uitest: support selecting different tab pages in tab dialogMarkus Mohrhard1-1/+38
2016-06-18uitest: some small improvements for the TabDialog wrapperMarkus Mohrhard1-2/+10
2016-06-18uitest: move declaration for the uitesting wrapper objects to include/ dirMarkus Mohrhard1-1/+7
2016-06-18uitest: a slightly better approach for the factory problem in the ui testingMarkus Mohrhard2-33/+2
2016-06-18uitest: work on supporting ui objects in sfx2 for uitestingMarkus Mohrhard2-0/+75