path: root/i18npool/
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-04-21gbuild: Remove MSVC 2013 legacy codeDavid Ostrovsky1-1/+0
2016-06-09tdf#94698 cleanup Makefiles. Get rid of udkapi and offapiGleb Mishchenko1-4/+1
2012-12-27convert icu to gbuild and add to tail_buildPeter Foley1-0/+1 clean up awful icudata/icui18n duplicationMichael Stahl1-1/+1
2012-11-12finally get the unit test name right; wow.Michael Meeks1-1/+1
2012-11-12add the right icu externals to the right target.Michael Meeks1-1/+1
2012-11-12fix identical issue in textsearch unit test.Michael Meeks1-2/+5
2012-11-12The icui18n library is called icuin in a MSVC build for some reasonTor Lillqvist1-1/+1
2012-11-12add native XTextSearch / cppunit test framework.Michael Meeks1-0/+38