path: root/wizards/source/access2base/Utils.xba
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Diffstat (limited to 'wizards/source/access2base/Utils.xba')
1 files changed, 86 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/source/access2base/Utils.xba b/wizards/source/access2base/Utils.xba
index 93e7ad9da87c..99c3cd883e2c 100644
--- a/wizards/source/access2base/Utils.xba
+++ b/wizards/source/access2base/Utils.xba
@@ -162,6 +162,29 @@ Public Function _DecimalPoint() As String
End Function
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Public Function _Dump_A2B() As Variant
+' For debugging purposes
+Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, vCurrentDoc As Variant
+ On Local Error Resume Next
+ With _A2B_
+ DebugPrint "Version", .VersionNumber
+ DebugPrint "TraceLevel", .MinimalTraceLevel
+ DebugPrint "TraceCount", .TraceLogCount
+ DebugPrint "CalledSub", .CalledSub
+ If IsArray(.CurrentDoc) Then
+ For i = 0 To UBound(.CurrentDoc)
+ vCurrentDoc = .CurrentDoc(i)
+ DebugPrint i, "URL", vCurrentDoc.URL
+ For j = 0 To UBound(vCurrentDoc.DbContainers)
+ DebugPrint i, j, "Form", vCurrentDoc.DbContainers(j).FormName
+ DebugPrint i, j, "Database", vCurrentDoc.DbContainers(j).Database.Title
+ Next j
+ Next i
+ End If
+ End With
+End Function
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function _ExtensionLocation() As String
' Return the URL pointing to the location where OO installed the Access2Base extension
' Adapted from
@@ -179,40 +202,56 @@ REM get the data for the column specified by ColIndex
REM get type name from metadata
Dim vValue As Variant, sType As String, vDateTime As Variant
+Dim bNullable As Boolean, bNull As Boolean, oValue As Object
+ On Local Error Goto 0 ' Disable error handler
+ vValue = Null ' Default value if error
sType = poResultSet.MetaData.getColumnTypeName(piColIndex)
- Select Case sType
- Case "ARRAY": vValue = poResultSet.getArray(piColIndex)
- Case "BLOB": vValue = poResultSet.getBlob(piColIndex)
- Case "BIT", "BOOLEAN": vValue = poResultSet.getBoolean(piColIndex)
- Case "BYTE": vValue = poResultSet.getByte(piColIndex)
- Case "BYTES": vValue = poResultSet.getBytes(piColIndex)
- Case "CLOB": vValue = poResultSet.getClob(piColIndex)
- Case "DATE": vDateTime = poResultSet.getDate(piColIndex)
- vValue = DateSerial(CInt(vDateTime.Year), CInt(vDateTime.Month), CInt(vDateTime.Day))
- Case "DOUBLE", "REAL": vValue = poResultSet.getDouble(piColIndex)
- Case "FLOAT": vValue = poResultSet.getFloat(piColIndex)
- Case "INTEGER", "SMALLINT": vValue = poResultSet.getInt(piColIndex)
- Case "LONG", "BIGINT": vValue = poResultSet.getLong(piColIndex)
- Case "DECIMAL", "NUMERIC": vValue = poResultSet.getDouble(piColIndex)
- Case "NULL": vValue = poResultSet.getNull(piColIndex)
- Case "OBJECT": vValue = poResultSet.getObject(piColIndex)
- Case "REF": vValue = poResultSet.getRef(piColIndex)
- Case "SHORT", "TINYINT": vValue = poResultSet.getShort(piColIndex)
- Case "CHAR", "VARCHAR", "LONGVARCHAR": vValue = poResultSet.getString(piColIndex)
- Case "TIME": vDateTime = poResultSet.getTime(piColIndex)
- vValue = TimeSerial(vDateTime.Hours, vDateTime.Minutes, vDateTime.Seconds)', vDateTime.HundredthSeconds)
- Case "TIMESTAMP": vDateTime = poResultSet.getTimeStamp(piColIndex)
- vValue = DateSerial(CInt(vDateTime.Year), CInt(vDateTime.Month), CInt(vDateTime.Day)) _
- + TimeSerial(vDateTime.Hours, vDateTime.Minutes, vDateTime.Seconds)', vDateTime.HundredthSeconds)
- Case Else
- vValue = poResultSet.getString(piColIndex) 'GIVE STRING A TRY
- If IsNumeric(vValue) Then vValue = Val(vValue) 'Required when type = "", sometimes numeric fields are returned as strings (query/MSAccess)
- End Select
+ With poResultSet
+ bNullable = ( .MetaData.IsNullable(piColIndex) = )
+ Select Case sType
+ Case "ARRAY": vValue = .getArray(piColIndex)
+ Set oValue = .getBinaryStream(piColIndex)
+ If bNullable Then bNull = .wasNull()
+ If Not bNull Then vValue = CLng(oValue.getLength()) ' Return length, not content
+ oValue.closeInput()
+ Case "BLOB": vValue = .getBlob(piColIndex)
+ Case "BIT", "BOOLEAN": vValue = .getBoolean(piColIndex)
+ Case "BYTE": vValue = .getByte(piColIndex)
+ Case "BYTES": vValue = .getBytes(piColIndex)
+ Case "CLOB": vValue = .getClob(piColIndex)
+ Case "DATE": vDateTime = .getDate(piColIndex)
+ If bNullable Then bNull = .wasNull()
+ If Not bNull Then vValue = DateSerial(CInt(vDateTime.Year), CInt(vDateTime.Month), CInt(vDateTime.Day))
+ Case "DOUBLE", "REAL": vValue = .getDouble(piColIndex)
+ Case "FLOAT": vValue = .getFloat(piColIndex)
+ Case "INTEGER", "SMALLINT": vValue = .getInt(piColIndex)
+ Case "LONG", "BIGINT": vValue = .getLong(piColIndex)
+ Case "DECIMAL", "NUMERIC": vValue = .getDouble(piColIndex)
+ Case "NULL": vValue = .getNull(piColIndex)
+ Case "OBJECT": vValue = Null ' .getObject(piColIndex) does not work that well in Basic ...
+ Case "REF": vValue = .getRef(piColIndex)
+ Case "SHORT", "TINYINT": vValue = .getShort(piColIndex)
+ Case "CHAR", "VARCHAR", "LONGVARCHAR": vValue = .getString(piColIndex)
+ Case "TIME": vDateTime = .getTime(piColIndex)
+ If bNullable Then bNull = .wasNull()
+ If Not bNull Then vValue = TimeSerial(vDateTime.Hours, vDateTime.Minutes, vDateTime.Seconds)', vDateTime.HundredthSeconds)
+ Case "TIMESTAMP": vDateTime = .getTimeStamp(piColIndex)
+ If bNullable Then bNull = .wasNull()
+ If Not bNull Then vValue = DateSerial(CInt(vDateTime.Year), CInt(vDateTime.Month), CInt(vDateTime.Day)) _
+ + TimeSerial(vDateTime.Hours, vDateTime.Minutes, vDateTime.Seconds)', vDateTime.HundredthSeconds)
+ Case Else
+ vValue = .getString(piColIndex) 'GIVE STRING A TRY
+ If IsNumeric(vValue) Then vValue = Val(vValue) 'Required when type = "", sometimes numeric fields are returned as strings (query/MSAccess)
+ End Select
+ If bNullable Then bNull = .wasNull()
+ If bNull Then vValue = Null
+ End With
_getResultSetColumnValue = vValue
-End Function ' getResultSetColumnValue V 0.9.5
+End Function ' getResultSetColumnValue V 1.1.0
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function _FinalProperty(psShortcut As String) As String
@@ -339,10 +378,16 @@ Public Function _InList(ByVal pvItem As Variant, pvList As Variant, ByVal Option
Dim i As Integer, bFound As Boolean, iListVarType As Integer, iItemVarType As Integer
Dim iTop As Integer, iBottom As Integer, iFound As Integer
iItemVarType = VarType(pvItem)
+ If IsMissing(pvReturnValue) Then pvReturnValue = False
If iItemVarType = vbNull Or IsNull(pvList) Then
_InList = False
ElseIf Not IsArray(pvList) Then
- _InList = ( pvItem = pvList )
+ If iItemVarType = vbString Then bFound = ( UCase(pvItem) = UCase(pvList) ) Else bFound = ( pvItem = pvList )
+ If Not pvReturnValue Then
+ _InList = bFound
+ Else
+ If bFound Then _InList = pvList Else _InList = False
+ End If
ElseIf UBound(pvList) < LBound(pvList) Then ' Array not initialized
_InList = False
@@ -358,7 +403,7 @@ Dim iTop As Integer, iBottom As Integer, iFound As Integer
If IsMissing(pbBinarySearch) Then pbBinarySearch = False
If Not pbBinarySearch Then ' Linear search
For i = LBound(pvList) To UBound(pvList)
- If iItemVarType = vbString Then bFound = ( pvList(i) <> "" And UCase(pvItem) = UCase(pvList(i)) ) Else bFound = ( pvItem = pvList(i) )
+ If iItemVarType = vbString Then bFound = ( UCase(pvItem) = UCase(pvList(i)) ) Else bFound = ( pvItem = pvList(i) )
If bFound Then
iFound = i
Exit For
@@ -374,18 +419,18 @@ Dim iTop As Integer, iBottom As Integer, iFound As Integer
iTop = iFound - 1
End If
- If iItemVarType = vbString Then bFound = ( pvList(i) <> "" And UCase(pvItem) = UCase(pvList(iFound)) ) Else bFound = ( pvItem = pvList(iFound) )
+ If iItemVarType = vbString Then bFound = ( UCase(pvItem) = UCase(pvList(iFound)) ) Else bFound = ( pvItem = pvList(iFound) )
Loop Until ( bFound ) Or ( iBottom > iTop )
End If
If bFound Then
- If IsMissing(pvReturnValue) Then _InList = True Else _InList = pvList(iFound)
+ If Not pvReturnValue Then _InList = True Else _InList = pvList(iFound)
End If
End If
End If
Exit Function
-End Function ' InList V0.9.0
+End Function ' InList V1.1.0
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function _InspectPropertyType(poObject As Object, psProperty As String) As String
@@ -438,27 +483,26 @@ Dim bIsPseudo As Boolean, bPseudoExists As Boolean, vObject As Variant
If Not bIsPseudo Then Goto Exit_Function
-Dim oDatabase As Variant, oForms As Variant
+Dim oDoc As Object, oForms As Variant
bPseudoExists = False
With vObject
Select Case ._Type
If ._Name <> "" Then ' Check validity of form name
- Set oDatabase = _CurrentDb
- If oDatabase._Standalone Then
+ Set oDoc = _A2B_.CurrentDoc(Application._CurrentDoc())
+ If oDoc.DbConnect = DBCONNECTFORM Then
bPseudoExists = True
- Set oForms = oDatabase.Document.getFormDocuments()
+ Set oForms = oDoc.Document.getFormDocuments()
bPseudoExists = ( oForms.HasByName(._Name) )
End If
End If
- If ._Standalone Then bPseudoExists = True Else bPseudoExists = .Document.CurrentController.IsConnected
+ If ._DbConnect = DBCONNECTFORM Then bPseudoExists = True Else bPseudoExists = .Document.CurrentController.IsConnected
If ._Name <> "" Then ' Check validity of dialog name
- Set oDatabase = _CurrentDb
- bPseudoExists = ( oDatabase._hasDialog(._Name) )
+ bPseudoExists = ( Application._hasDialog(._Name) )
End If
bPseudoExists = True
@@ -499,7 +543,7 @@ Exit_Function:
_IsPseudo = False
Goto Exit_Function
-End Function ' IsPseudo V0.9.1
+End Function ' IsPseudo V1.1.0
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Function _IsScalar(ByVal pvArg As Variant, Byval pvType As Variant, ByVal Optional pvValid As Variant) As Boolean
@@ -545,31 +589,6 @@ Dim vSubStrings() As Variant, i As Integer, iLen As Integer
End Function ' PCase V0.9.0
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Public Function _ReplaceSquareBrackets(ByVal psSql As String) As String
-' Returns psSql after substitution of [] by quote character
-' [] square brackets in quoted strings not affected
-Dim sQuote As String 'RDBMS specific quote character
-Dim vSubStrings() As Variant, i As Integer
- sQuote = CurrentDb.MetaData.IdentifierQuoteString
- If sQuote = " " Then ' What's the string used to quote SQL identifiers? This returns a space " " if identifier quoting is not supported.
- _QuoteString = psSql
- Exit Function
- End If
- vSubStrings() = Split(psSql, sQuote)
- For i = 0 To UBound(vSubStrings)
- If (i Mod 2) = 0 Then ' Only even substrings are parsed for square brackets
- vSubStrings(i) = Join(Split(vSubStrings(i), "["), sQuote)
- vSubStrings(i) = Join(Split(vSubStrings(i), "]"), sQuote)
- End If
- Next i
- _ReplaceSquareBrackets = Join(vSubStrings, sQuote)
-End Function ' ReplaceSquareBrackets V0.7.5
-REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Sub _ResetCalledSub(ByVal psSub As String) As String
' Called in bottom of each public function. _A2B_.CalledSub variable is used for error handling
' Used to trace routine in/outs and to clarify error messages