path: root/swext/mediawiki/src/com/sun/star/wiki/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'swext/mediawiki/src/com/sun/star/wiki/')
1 files changed, 1153 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/swext/mediawiki/src/com/sun/star/wiki/ b/swext/mediawiki/src/com/sun/star/wiki/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7ecd9ecb0e7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swext/mediawiki/src/com/sun/star/wiki/
@@ -0,0 +1,1153 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+import java.util.Hashtable;
+import java.util.Random;
+import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit;
+import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient;
+import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HostConfiguration;
+import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase;
+import org.apache.commons.httpclient.cookie.CookiePolicy;
+import org.apache.commons.httpclient.MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager;
+import org.apache.commons.httpclient.protocol.Protocol;
+import org.apache.commons.httpclient.URI;
+import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod;
+import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod;
+public class Helper
+ public final static int GENERALSEND_ERROR = 0;
+ public final static int NOWIKIFILTER_ERROR = 1;
+ public final static int NOURLCONNECTION_ERROR = 2;
+ public final static int WRONGLOGIN_ERROR = 3;
+ public final static int INVALIDURL_ERROR = 4;
+ public final static int NOURL_ERROR = 5;
+ public final static int DLG_SENDTITLE = 6;
+ public final static int DLG_WIKIARTICLE = 7;
+ public final static int DLG_NO = 8;
+ public final static int DLG_OK = 9;
+ public final static int DLG_YES = 10;
+ // 11 is reserved
+ public final static int DLG_ADDBUTTON = 12;
+ public final static int DLG_EDITBUTTON = 13;
+ public final static int DLG_SENDBUTTON = 14;
+ public final static int DLG_REMOVEBUTTON = 15;
+ public final static int DLG_EDITSETTING_URLLABEL = 16;
+ public final static int DLG_EDITSETTING_USERNAMELABEL = 17;
+ public final static int DLG_EDITSETTING_PASSWORDLABEL = 18;
+ public final static int DLG_NEWWIKIPAGE_LABEL1 = 19;
+ public final static int DLG_SENDTOMEDIAWIKI_LABEL1 = 20;
+ public final static int DLG_SENDTOMEDIAWIKI_LABEL2 = 21;
+ public final static int DLG_SENDTOMEDIAWIKI_LABEL3 = 22;
+ public final static int DLG_SENDTOMEDIAWIKI_MINORCHECK = 23;
+ public final static int DLG_SENDTOMEDIAWIKI_BROWSERCHECK = 24;
+ public final static int UNKNOWNCERT_ERROR = 25;
+ public final static int DLG_MEDIAWIKI_TITLE = 26;
+ public final static int DLG_EDITSETTING_ACCOUNTLINE = 27;
+ public final static int DLG_EDITSETTING_WIKILINE = 28;
+ public final static int DLG_EDITSETTING_SAVEBOX = 29;
+ public final static int CANCELSENDING_ERROR = 30;
+ public final static int DLG_MEDIAWIKIEXTENSION_STRING = 31;
+ public final static int DLG_WIKIPAGEEXISTS_LABEL1 = 32;
+ public final static int STRINGS_NUM = 33;
+ private final static String[] m_pEntryNames = { "GeneralSendError",
+ "NoWikiFilter",
+ "NoConnectionToURL",
+ "WrongLogin",
+ "InvalidURL",
+ "NoURL",
+ "Dlg_SendTitle",
+ "Dlg_WikiArticle",
+ "Dlg_No",
+ "Dlg_OK",
+ "Dlg_Yes",
+ null, // reserved
+ "Dlg_AddButton",
+ "Dlg_EditButton",
+ "Dlg_SendButton",
+ "Dlg_RemoveButton",
+ "Dlg_EditSetting_UrlLabel",
+ "Dlg_EditSetting_UsernameLabel",
+ "Dlg_EditSetting_PasswordLabel",
+ "Dlg_NewWikiPage_Label1",
+ "Dlg_SendToMediaWiki_Label1",
+ "Dlg_SendToMediaWiki_Label2",
+ "Dlg_SendToMediaWiki_Label3",
+ "Dlg_SendToMediaWiki_MinorCheck",
+ "Dlg_SendToMediaWiki_BrowserCheck",
+ "UnknownCert",
+ "Dlg_MediaWiki_Title",
+ "Dlg_EditSetting_AccountLine",
+ "Dlg_EditSetting_WikiLine",
+ "Dlg_EditSetting_SaveBox",
+ "CancelSending",
+ "Dlg_MediaWiki_Extension_String",
+ "Dlg_WikiPageExists_Label1" };
+ private static String[] m_pConfigStrings;
+ private static final String sHTMLHeader = "<HTML><HEAD><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" /><TITLE></TITLE></HEAD><BODY>";
+ private static final String sHTMLFooter = "</BODY></HTML>";
+ private static Random m_aRandom;
+ private static MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager m_aConnectionManager;
+ private static HttpClient m_aClient;
+ private static boolean m_bAllowConnection = true;
+ private static Hashtable m_aAcceptedUnknownCerts;
+ private static Boolean m_bShowInBrowser = null;
+ private static XPasswordContainer m_xPasswordContainer;
+ private static XInteractionHandler m_xInteractionHandler;
+ synchronized protected static String GetLocalizedString( XComponentContext xContext, int nID )
+ throws
+ {
+ if ( nID >= STRINGS_NUM )
+ throw new;
+ if ( m_pConfigStrings == null )
+ {
+ XNameAccess xNameAccess = GetConfigNameAccess( xContext, "org.openoffice.Office.Custom.WikiExtension/Strings" );
+ String[] pStrings = new String[STRINGS_NUM];
+ for ( int nInd = 0; nInd < STRINGS_NUM; nInd++ )
+ if ( m_pEntryNames[nInd] != null )
+ pStrings[nInd] = AnyConverter.toString( xNameAccess.getByName( m_pEntryNames[nInd] ) );
+ else
+ pStrings[nInd] = "";
+ m_pConfigStrings = pStrings;
+ }
+ return m_pConfigStrings[nID];
+ }
+ synchronized protected static HttpClient GetHttpClient()
+ throws WikiCancelException
+ {
+ if ( !m_bAllowConnection )
+ throw new WikiCancelException();
+ if ( m_aConnectionManager == null )
+ m_aConnectionManager = new MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager();
+ if ( m_aClient == null )
+ {
+ m_aClient = new HttpClient( m_aConnectionManager );
+ m_aClient.getParams().setParameter( "http.protocol.cookie-policy", CookiePolicy.BROWSER_COMPATIBILITY );
+ m_aClient.getParams().setParameter( "http.protocol.single-cookie-header", Boolean.TRUE );
+ m_aClient.getParams().setParameter( "http.protocol.content-charset", "UTF-8" );
+ }
+ return m_aClient;
+ }
+ synchronized protected static void AllowConnection( boolean bAllow )
+ {
+ m_bAllowConnection = bAllow;
+ if ( !bAllow && m_aConnectionManager != null )
+ {
+ m_aClient = null;
+ m_aConnectionManager.shutdown();
+ m_aConnectionManager = null;
+ }
+ }
+ synchronized protected static boolean IsConnectionAllowed()
+ {
+ return m_bAllowConnection;
+ }
+ synchronized protected static boolean GetShowInBrowserByDefault( XComponentContext xContext )
+ {
+ if ( m_bShowInBrowser == null )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ XNameAccess xAccess = Helper.GetConfigNameAccess( xContext, "org.openoffice.Office.Custom.WikiExtension/Settings" );
+ m_bShowInBrowser = new Boolean( AnyConverter.toBoolean( xAccess.getByName( "PreselectShowBrowser" ) ) );
+ }
+ catch( e )
+ {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ return m_bShowInBrowser.booleanValue();
+ }
+ synchronized protected static void SetShowInBrowserByDefault( XComponentContext xContext, boolean bValue )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ m_bShowInBrowser = new Boolean( bValue );
+ XPropertySet xProps = Helper.GetConfigProps( xContext, "org.openoffice.Office.Custom.WikiExtension/Settings" );
+ xProps.setPropertyValue( "PreselectShowBrowser", new Boolean( bValue ) );
+ XChangesBatch xBatch = ( XChangesBatch ) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XChangesBatch.class, xProps );
+ if ( xBatch != null )
+ xBatch.commitChanges();
+ }
+ catch( Exception e )
+ {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ synchronized protected static XPasswordContainer GetPasswordContainer( XComponentContext xContext )
+ throws
+ {
+ if ( m_xPasswordContainer == null && xContext != null )
+ {
+ XMultiComponentFactory xFactory = xContext.getServiceManager();
+ if ( xFactory != null )
+ m_xPasswordContainer = (XPasswordContainer)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+ XPasswordContainer.class,
+ xFactory.createInstanceWithContext( "", xContext ) );
+ }
+ if ( m_xPasswordContainer == null )
+ throw new;
+ return m_xPasswordContainer;
+ }
+ synchronized protected static XInteractionHandler GetInteractionHandler( XComponentContext xContext )
+ throws
+ {
+ if ( m_xInteractionHandler == null && xContext != null )
+ {
+ XMultiComponentFactory xFactory = xContext.getServiceManager();
+ if ( xFactory != null )
+ m_xInteractionHandler = ( XInteractionHandler )UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+ XInteractionHandler.class,
+ xFactory.createInstanceWithContext( "", xContext ) );
+ }
+ if ( m_xInteractionHandler == null )
+ throw new;
+ return m_xInteractionHandler;
+ }
+ protected static Protocol GetOwnHttps( int nPort )
+ {
+ return new Protocol( "https", new WikiProtocolSocketFactory(), ( ( nPort < 0 ) ? 443 : nPort ) );
+ }
+ protected static String GetMainURL( String sWebPage, String sVURL )
+ {
+ String sResultURL = "";
+ try
+ {
+ StringReader aReader = new StringReader( sWebPage );
+ HTMLEditorKit.Parser aParser = GetHTMLParser();
+ EditPageParser aCallback = new EditPageParser();
+ aParser.parse( aReader, aCallback, true );
+ sResultURL = aCallback.m_sMainURL;
+ if ( !sResultURL.startsWith( "http" ) )
+ {
+ //if the url is only relative then complete it
+ URL aURL = new URL( sVURL );
+ sResultURL = aURL.getProtocol() + "://" + aURL.getHost() + sResultURL;
+ }
+ }
+ catch( Exception e )
+ {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ if ( sResultURL.length() == 0 )
+ {
+ // usually that should not happen
+ // workaround: try to get index.php from the provided URL
+ int nIndex = sVURL.indexOf( "index.php" );
+ if ( nIndex >= 0 )
+ sResultURL = sVURL.substring( 0, nIndex );
+ }
+ return sResultURL;
+ }
+ protected static String GetRedirectURL( String sWebPage, String sURL )
+ {
+ //scrape the HTML source and find the EditURL
+ // TODO/LATER: Use parser in future
+ String sResultURL = "";
+ int nInd = sWebPage.indexOf( "http-equiv=\"refresh\"" );
+ if ( nInd != -1 )
+ {
+ int nContent = sWebPage.indexOf( "content=", nInd );
+ if ( nContent > 0 )
+ {
+ int nURL = sWebPage.indexOf( "URL=", nContent );
+ if ( nURL > 0 )
+ {
+ int nEndURL = sWebPage.indexOf( "\"", nURL );
+ if ( nEndURL > 0 )
+ sResultURL = sWebPage.substring( nURL + 4, nEndURL );
+ }
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ URL aURL = new URL( sURL );
+ if ( !sResultURL.startsWith( aURL.getProtocol() ))
+ {
+ //if the url is only relative then complete it
+ if ( sResultURL.startsWith( "/" ) )
+ sResultURL = aURL.getProtocol() + "://" + aURL.getHost() + sResultURL;
+ else
+ sResultURL = aURL.getProtocol() + "://" + aURL.getHost() + aURL.getPath() + sResultURL;
+ }
+ }
+ catch ( MalformedURLException ex )
+ {
+ ex.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ return sResultURL;
+ }
+ protected static XInputStream SaveHTMLTemp( XComponentContext xContext, String sArticle )
+ {
+ XInputStream xResult = null;
+ if ( xContext != null )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Object oTempFile = xContext.getServiceManager().createInstanceWithContext( "", xContext );
+ XStream xStream = ( XStream ) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XStream.class, oTempFile );
+ XSeekable xSeekable = ( XSeekable ) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XSeekable.class, oTempFile );
+ if ( xStream != null && xSeekable != null )
+ {
+ XOutputStream xOutputStream = xStream.getOutputStream();
+ XInputStream xInputStream = xStream.getInputStream();
+ if ( xOutputStream != null && xInputStream != null )
+ {
+ String sHTML = sHTMLHeader.concat( sArticle );
+ sHTML = sHTML.concat( sHTMLFooter );
+ xOutputStream.writeBytes( sHTML.getBytes( "UTF-8" ) );
+ // xOutputStream.closeOutput();
+ 0 );
+ xResult = xInputStream;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch ( Exception ex )
+ {
+ ex.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ return xResult;
+ }
+ protected static String CreateTempFile( XComponentContext xContext )
+ {
+ String sURL = "";
+ try
+ {
+ Object oTempFile = xContext.getServiceManager().createInstanceWithContext( "", xContext );
+ XPropertySet xPropertySet = ( XPropertySet ) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XPropertySet.class, oTempFile );
+ xPropertySet.setPropertyValue( "RemoveFile", Boolean.FALSE );
+ sURL = ( String ) xPropertySet.getPropertyValue( "Uri" );
+ XInputStream xInputStream = ( XInputStream ) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XInputStream.class, oTempFile );
+ xInputStream.closeInput();
+ XOutputStream xOutputStream = ( XOutputStream ) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XOutputStream.class, oTempFile );
+ xOutputStream.closeOutput();
+ } catch ( ex )
+ {
+ ex.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ return sURL;
+ }
+ protected static String EachLine( String sURL )
+ {
+ String sText = "";
+ try
+ {
+ URL aURL = new URL( sURL );
+ File aFile = new File( aURL.getFile() );
+ InputStreamReader aInputReader = new InputStreamReader( new FileInputStream( aFile ), "UTF-8" );
+ BufferedReader aBufReader = new BufferedReader( aInputReader );
+ StringBuffer aBuf = new StringBuffer();
+ String sEachLine = aBufReader.readLine();
+ while( sEachLine != null )
+ {
+ aBuf.append( sEachLine );
+ aBuf.append( "\n" );
+ sEachLine = aBufReader.readLine();
+ }
+ sText = aBuf.toString();
+ } catch ( Exception e )
+ {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ return sText;
+ }
+ protected static String GetDocTitle( XModel xDoc )
+ {
+ String sTitle = "";
+ XDocumentInfoSupplier xDocInfoSup = ( XDocumentInfoSupplier ) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XDocumentInfoSupplier.class, xDoc );
+ XPropertySet xPropSet = ( XPropertySet ) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XPropertySet.class, xDocInfoSup.getDocumentInfo() );
+ try
+ {
+ sTitle = ( String ) xPropSet.getPropertyValue( "Title" );
+ } catch ( Exception ex )
+ {
+ ex.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ return sTitle;
+ }
+ protected static void SetDocTitle( XModel xDoc, String sTitle )
+ {
+ XDocumentInfoSupplier xDocInfoSup = ( XDocumentInfoSupplier ) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XDocumentInfoSupplier.class, xDoc );
+ if ( xDocInfoSup != null )
+ {
+ XPropertySet xPropSet = ( XPropertySet ) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XPropertySet.class, xDocInfoSup.getDocumentInfo() );
+ if ( xPropSet != null )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ xPropSet.setPropertyValue( "Title", sTitle );
+ }
+ catch ( Exception ex )
+ {
+ ex.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected static String GetDocServiceName( XComponentContext xContext, XModel xModel )
+ {
+ String aDocServiceName = "";
+ if ( xModel != null && xContext != null )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ XMultiComponentFactory xFactory = xContext.getServiceManager();
+ if ( xFactory == null )
+ throw new;
+ Object oModuleManager = xFactory.createInstanceWithContext( "", xContext );
+ XModuleManager xModuleManager = ( XModuleManager ) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XModuleManager.class, oModuleManager );
+ if ( xModuleManager != null )
+ aDocServiceName = xModuleManager.identify( xModel );
+ }
+ catch( java.lang.Exception e )
+ {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ return aDocServiceName;
+ }
+ protected static String GetFilterName( XComponentContext xContext, String aTypeName, String aDocServiceName )
+ {
+ String aFilterName = "";
+ if ( xContext != null && aTypeName != null && aTypeName.length() != 0
+ && aDocServiceName != null && aDocServiceName.length() != 0 )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Object oFilterFactory = xContext.getServiceManager().createInstanceWithContext( "", xContext );
+ XContainerQuery xQuery = ( XContainerQuery )UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XContainerQuery.class, oFilterFactory );
+ if ( xQuery != null )
+ {
+ NamedValue[] aRequest = new NamedValue[2];
+ aRequest[0] = new NamedValue( "Type", aTypeName );
+ aRequest[1] = new NamedValue( "DocumentService", aDocServiceName );
+ XEnumeration xSet = xQuery.createSubSetEnumerationByProperties( aRequest );
+ if ( xSet != null )
+ {
+ boolean bAcceptable = false;
+ while ( xSet.hasMoreElements() && !bAcceptable )
+ {
+ PropertyValue[] pFilterProps = ( PropertyValue[] )AnyConverter.toArray( xSet.nextElement() );
+ if ( pFilterProps != null )
+ {
+ int nLen = pFilterProps.length;
+ String aTmpFilter = null;
+ for ( int nInd = 0; nInd < nLen; nInd++ )
+ {
+ if ( pFilterProps[nInd].Name.equals( "Name" ) )
+ aTmpFilter = AnyConverter.toString( pFilterProps[nInd].Value );
+ else if ( pFilterProps[nInd].Name.equals( "Flags" ) )
+ bAcceptable = ( ( AnyConverter.toInt( pFilterProps[nInd].Value ) & 2 ) == 2 ); // must allow export
+ }
+ if ( bAcceptable )
+ aFilterName = aTmpFilter;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch( java.lang.Exception e )
+ {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ return aFilterName;
+ }
+ protected static XMultiServiceFactory GetConfigurationProvider( XComponentContext xContext )
+ throws
+ {
+ XMultiServiceFactory xConfigurationProvider = null;
+ if ( xContext != null )
+ {
+ XMultiComponentFactory xFactory = xContext.getServiceManager();
+ Object oConfigProvider = xFactory.createInstanceWithContext( "", xContext );
+ xConfigurationProvider = ( XMultiServiceFactory ) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XMultiServiceFactory.class, oConfigProvider );
+ }
+ if ( xConfigurationProvider == null )
+ throw new;
+ return xConfigurationProvider;
+ }
+ protected static Object GetConfig( XComponentContext xContext, String sNodepath, boolean bWriteAccess )
+ throws
+ {
+ if ( xContext == null || sNodepath == null )
+ throw new;
+ PropertyValue aVal = new PropertyValue();
+ aVal.Name = "nodepath";
+ aVal.Value = sNodepath;
+ Object[] aArgs = new Object[1];
+ aArgs[0] = aVal;
+ return GetConfigurationProvider( xContext ).createInstanceWithArguments(
+ ( bWriteAccess ? ""
+ : "" ),
+ aArgs );
+ }
+ protected static XPropertySet GetConfigProps( XComponentContext xContext, String sNodepath )
+ throws
+ {
+ XPropertySet xProps = ( XPropertySet ) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XPropertySet.class, GetConfig( xContext, sNodepath, true ) );
+ if ( xProps == null )
+ throw new;
+ return xProps;
+ }
+ protected static XNameContainer GetConfigNameContainer( XComponentContext xContext, String sNodepath )
+ throws
+ {
+ XNameContainer xContainer = ( XNameContainer ) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XNameContainer.class, GetConfig( xContext, sNodepath, true ) );
+ if ( xContainer == null )
+ throw new;
+ return xContainer;
+ }
+ protected static XNameAccess GetConfigNameAccess( XComponentContext xContext, String sNodepath )
+ throws
+ {
+ XNameAccess xNameAccess = ( XNameAccess ) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XNameAccess.class, GetConfig( xContext, sNodepath, false ) );
+ if ( xNameAccess == null )
+ throw new;
+ return xNameAccess;
+ }
+ protected static void SetConfigurationProxy( HostConfiguration aHostConfig, XComponentContext xContext )
+ {
+ if ( aHostConfig == null || xContext == null )
+ return;
+ try
+ {
+ XNameAccess xNameAccess = GetConfigNameAccess( xContext, "org.openoffice.Inet/Settings" );
+ int nProxyType = AnyConverter.toInt( xNameAccess.getByName( "ooInetProxyType" ) );
+ if ( nProxyType == 0 )
+ aHostConfig.setProxyHost( null );
+ else
+ {
+ if ( nProxyType == 1 )
+ {
+ // system proxy
+ }
+ else if ( nProxyType == 2 )
+ {
+ String aProxyNameProp = "ooInetHTTPProxyName";
+ String aProxyPortProp = "ooInetHTTPProxyPort";
+ if ( aHostConfig.getProtocol().getScheme().equals( "https" ) )
+ {
+ aProxyNameProp = "ooInetHTTPSProxyName";
+ aProxyPortProp = "ooInetHTTPSProxyPort";
+ }
+ String aNoProxyList = AnyConverter.toString( xNameAccess.getByName( "ooInetNoProxy" ) );
+ String aProxyName = AnyConverter.toString( xNameAccess.getByName( aProxyNameProp ) );
+ int nProxyPort = 80;
+ Object aPortNo = xNameAccess.getByName( aProxyPortProp );
+ if ( !AnyConverter.isVoid( aPortNo ) )
+ nProxyPort = AnyConverter.toInt( aPortNo );
+ if ( nProxyPort == -1 )
+ nProxyPort = 80;
+ // TODO: check whether the URL is in the NoProxy list
+ aHostConfig.setProxy( aProxyName, nProxyPort );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch( java.lang.Exception e )
+ {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ protected static void ShowURLInBrowser( XComponentContext xContext, String sURL )
+ {
+ if ( xContext != null && sURL != null && sURL.length() > 0 )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Object oSystemShell = xContext.getServiceManager().createInstanceWithContext( "", xContext );
+ XSystemShellExecute xSystemShell = (XSystemShellExecute)UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XSystemShellExecute.class, oSystemShell );
+ if ( xSystemShell != null )
+ xSystemShell.execute( sURL, "", SystemShellExecuteFlags.DEFAULTS );
+ }
+ catch( Exception e )
+ {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected static void ExecuteMethod( HttpMethodBase aMethod, HostConfiguration aHostConfig, URI aURI, XComponentContext xContext, boolean bSetHost )
+ throws WikiCancelException, IOException, SSLException
+ {
+ if ( aMethod != null && aHostConfig != null && aURI != null && xContext != null )
+ {
+ if ( bSetHost )
+ {
+ aHostConfig.setHost( aURI );
+ SetConfigurationProxy( aHostConfig, xContext );
+ }
+ boolean bNoUnknownCertNotification = false;
+ if ( aHostConfig.getProtocol().getScheme().equals( "https" )
+ && AllowUnknownCert( xContext, aURI.getHost() ) )
+ {
+ // let unknown certificates be accepted
+ {
+ {
+ aHostConfig.setHost( aHostConfig.getHost(), ( aURI.getPort() < 0 ? 443 : aURI.getPort() ), Helper.GetOwnHttps( aURI.getPort() ) );
+ Helper.GetHttpClient().executeMethod( aHostConfig, aMethod );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Helper.GetHttpClient().executeMethod( aHostConfig, aMethod );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static private class HTMLParse extends HTMLEditorKit
+ {
+ public HTMLEditorKit.Parser getParser()
+ {
+ return super.getParser();
+ }
+ }
+ static protected HTMLEditorKit.Parser GetHTMLParser()
+ {
+ return new HTMLParse().getParser();
+ }
+ static protected boolean LoginReportsError( String sRespond )
+ {
+ boolean bResult = true;
+ if ( sRespond != null )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ StringReader aReader = new StringReader( sRespond );
+ HTMLEditorKit.Parser aParser = GetHTMLParser();
+ EditPageParser aCallback = new EditPageParser();
+ aParser.parse( aReader, aCallback, true );
+ bResult = ( aCallback.m_nErrorInd >= 0 );
+ }
+ catch( Exception e )
+ {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ return bResult;
+ }
+ static protected String GetLoginToken( String sLoginPage )
+ {
+ String sResult = "";
+ if ( sLoginPage != null && sLoginPage.length() > 0 )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ StringReader aReader = new StringReader( sLoginPage );
+ HTMLEditorKit.Parser aParser = Helper.GetHTMLParser();
+ EditPageParser aCallbacks = new EditPageParser();
+ aParser.parse( aReader, aCallbacks, true );
+ sResult = aCallbacks.m_sLoginToken;
+ }
+ catch( Exception e )
+ {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ return sResult;
+ }
+ static protected HostConfiguration Login( URI aMainURL, String sWikiUser, String sWikiPass, XComponentContext xContext )
+ throws,, WikiCancelException
+ {
+ HostConfiguration aHostConfig = null;
+ if ( sWikiUser != null && sWikiPass != null && xContext != null )
+ {
+ HostConfiguration aNewHostConfig = new HostConfiguration();
+ URI aURI = new URI( aMainURL.toString() + "index.php?title=Special:Userlogin" );
+ GetMethod aGetCookie = new GetMethod( aURI.getEscapedPathQuery() );
+ ExecuteMethod( aGetCookie, aNewHostConfig, aURI, xContext, true );
+ int nResultCode = aGetCookie.getStatusCode();
+ String sLoginPage = null;
+ if ( nResultCode == 200 )
+ sLoginPage = aGetCookie.getResponseBodyAsString();
+ aGetCookie.releaseConnection();
+ if ( sLoginPage != null )
+ {
+ String sLoginToken = GetLoginToken( sLoginPage );
+ PostMethod aPost = new PostMethod();
+ URI aPostURI = new URI( aMainURL.getPath() + "index.php?title=Special:Userlogin&action=submitlogin" );
+ aPost.setPath( aPostURI.getEscapedPathQuery() );
+ aPost.addParameter( "wpName", sWikiUser );
+ aPost.addParameter( "wpRemember", "1" );
+ aPost.addParameter( "wpPassword", sWikiPass );
+ if ( sLoginToken.length() > 0 )
+ aPost.addParameter( "wpLoginToken", sLoginToken );
+ String[][] pArgs = GetSpecialArgs( xContext, aMainURL.getHost() );
+ if ( pArgs != null )
+ for ( int nArgInd = 0; nArgInd < pArgs.length; nArgInd++ )
+ if ( pArgs[nArgInd].length == 2 && pArgs[nArgInd][0] != null && pArgs[nArgInd][1] != null )
+ aPost.addParameter( pArgs[nArgInd][0], pArgs[nArgInd][1] );
+ ExecuteMethod( aPost, aNewHostConfig, aPostURI, xContext, false );
+ nResultCode = aPost.getStatusCode();
+ while( nResultCode >= 301 && nResultCode <= 303 || nResultCode == 307 )
+ {
+ String sRedirectURL = aPost.getResponseHeader( "Location" ).getValue();
+ aPost.releaseConnection();
+ aURI = new URI( sRedirectURL );
+ aPost = new PostMethod();
+ aPost.setPath( aURI.getEscapedPathQuery() );
+ ExecuteMethod( aPost, aNewHostConfig, aURI, xContext, false );
+ nResultCode = aPost.getStatusCode();
+ }
+ if ( nResultCode == 200 )
+ {
+ String sResult = aPost.getResponseBodyAsString();
+ if ( !LoginReportsError( sResult ) )
+ aHostConfig = aNewHostConfig;
+ }
+ aPost.releaseConnection();
+ }
+ }
+ return aHostConfig;
+ }
+ private static XControl GetControlFromDialog( XDialog xDialog, String aControlName )
+ {
+ XControl xResult = null;
+ XControlContainer xControlCont = (XControlContainer) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XControlContainer.class, xDialog );
+ if ( xControlCont != null )
+ {
+ Object oControl = xControlCont.getControl( aControlName );
+ xResult = ( XControl ) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XControl.class, oControl );
+ }
+ return xResult;
+ }
+ private static XPropertySet GetSubControlPropSet( XDialog xDialog, String aControlName )
+ {
+ XControl xControl = GetControlFromDialog( xDialog, aControlName );
+ if ( xControl != null )
+ return ( XPropertySet ) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XPropertySet.class, xControl.getModel() );
+ return null;
+ }
+ protected static void SetControlPropInDialog( XDialog xDialog, String aControlName, String aPropName, Object aPropValue )
+ {
+ if ( xDialog != null && aControlName != null && aPropName != null && aPropValue != null )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ XPropertySet xPropSet = GetSubControlPropSet( xDialog, aControlName );
+ if ( xPropSet != null )
+ xPropSet.setPropertyValue( aPropName, aPropValue );
+ }
+ catch ( e )
+ {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected static String[] GetPasswordsForURLAndUser( XComponentContext xContext, String sURL, String sUserName )
+ {
+ String[] aResult = null;
+ try
+ {
+ if ( xContext != null && sURL != null && sURL.length() > 0 && sUserName != null && sUserName.length() > 0 )
+ {
+ UrlRecord aRec = GetPasswordContainer( xContext ).findForName( sURL, sUserName, GetInteractionHandler( xContext ) );
+ if ( aRec != null && aRec.UserList != null && aRec.UserList.length > 0
+ && aRec.UserList[0].UserName.equals( sUserName ) )
+ aResult = aRec.UserList[0].Passwords;
+ }
+ }
+ catch( Exception e )
+ {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ return aResult;
+ }
+ protected static boolean PasswordStoringIsAllowed( XComponentContext xContext )
+ {
+ boolean bResult = false;
+ try
+ {
+ XMasterPasswordHandling xMasterHdl = (XMasterPasswordHandling)UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XMasterPasswordHandling.class, GetPasswordContainer( xContext ) );
+ if ( xMasterHdl != null )
+ bResult = xMasterHdl.isPersistentStoringAllowed();
+ }
+ catch( Exception e )
+ {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ return bResult;
+ }
+ protected static void ShowError( XComponentContext xContext, XDialog xDialog, int nTitleID, int nErrorID, String sArg, boolean bQuery )
+ {
+ XWindowPeer xPeer = null;
+ XControl xControl = (XControl)UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XControl.class, xDialog );
+ if ( xControl != null )
+ xPeer = xControl.getPeer();
+ ShowError( xContext, xPeer, nTitleID, nErrorID, sArg, bQuery );
+ }
+ protected static boolean ShowError( XComponentContext xContext, XWindowPeer xParentPeer, int nTitleID, int nErrorID, String sArg, boolean bQuery )
+ {
+ boolean bResult = false;
+ if ( xContext != null && nErrorID >= 0 && nErrorID < STRINGS_NUM )
+ {
+ boolean bShown = false;
+ String sError = null;
+ String sTitle = "";
+ try
+ {
+ sError = GetLocalizedString( xContext, nErrorID );
+ if ( sError != null && sArg != null )
+ sError = sError.replaceAll( "\\$ARG1", sArg );
+ sTitle = GetLocalizedString( xContext, nTitleID );
+ }
+ catch( Exception e )
+ {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ if ( sError == null )
+ sError = "Error: " + nErrorID;
+ if ( xParentPeer != null )
+ {
+ XMessageBoxFactory xMBFactory = null;
+ XMessageBox xMB = null;
+ try
+ {
+ XMultiComponentFactory xFactory = xContext.getServiceManager();
+ if ( xFactory != null )
+ xMBFactory = (XMessageBoxFactory)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
+ XMessageBoxFactory.class,
+ xFactory.createInstanceWithContext( "", xContext ) );
+ if ( xMBFactory != null )
+ {
+ if ( bQuery )
+ {
+ xMB = xMBFactory.createMessageBox(
+ xParentPeer,
+ new,
+ "querybox",
+ MessageBoxButtons.BUTTONS_YES_NO | MessageBoxButtons.DEFAULT_BUTTON_NO,
+ sTitle,
+ sError );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ xMB = xMBFactory.createMessageBox(
+ xParentPeer,
+ new,
+ "errorbox",
+ MessageBoxButtons.BUTTONS_OK,
+ sTitle,
+ sError );
+ }
+ if ( xMB != null )
+ {
+ bResult = MainThreadDialogExecutor.Execute( xContext, xMB );
+ bShown = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch( Exception e )
+ {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ if ( xMB != null )
+ Dispose( xMB );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return bResult;
+ }
+ private static boolean AllowUnknownCert( XComponentContext xContext, String aURL )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ XNameAccess xNameAccess = GetConfigNameAccess( xContext, "org.openoffice.Office.Custom.WikiExtension/SpecialData" );
+ if ( xNameAccess.hasByName( aURL ) )
+ {
+ XNameAccess xEntry = (XNameAccess)UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XNameAccess.class, xNameAccess.getByName( aURL ) );
+ if ( xEntry != null && xEntry.hasByName( "AllowUnknownCertificate" ) )
+ return AnyConverter.toBoolean( xEntry.getByName( "AllowUnknownCertificate" ) );
+ }
+ }
+ catch( Exception e )
+ {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private static String[][] GetSpecialArgs( XComponentContext xContext, String aURL )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ XNameAccess xNameAccess = GetConfigNameAccess( xContext, "org.openoffice.Office.Custom.WikiExtension/SpecialData" );
+ if ( xNameAccess.hasByName( aURL ) )
+ {
+ XNameAccess xEntry = (XNameAccess)UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XNameAccess.class, xNameAccess.getByName( aURL ) );
+ if ( xEntry != null )
+ {
+ XNameAccess xArgs = (XNameAccess)UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XNameAccess.class, xEntry.getByName( "AdditionalLoginArguments" ) );
+ if ( xArgs != null )
+ {
+ String[] pNames = xArgs.getElementNames();
+ if ( pNames != null && pNames.length > 0 )
+ {
+ String[][] pResult = new String[pNames.length][2];
+ for ( int nInd = 0; nInd < pNames.length; nInd++ )
+ {
+ XNameAccess xArgument = (XNameAccess)UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XNameAccess.class, xArgs.getByName( pNames[nInd] ) );
+ if ( xArgument == null )
+ throw new;
+ pResult[nInd][0] = pNames[nInd];
+ pResult[nInd][1] = AnyConverter.toString( xArgument.getByName( "Value" ) );
+ }
+ return pResult;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch( Exception e )
+ {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ protected static boolean AllowThreadUsage( XComponentContext xContext )
+ {
+ if ( xContext != null )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ XMultiComponentFactory xFactory = xContext.getServiceManager();
+ if ( xFactory == null )
+ throw new;
+ Object oCheckCallback = xFactory.createInstanceWithContext( "", xContext );
+ return ( oCheckCallback != null );
+ }
+ catch( Exception e )
+ {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public static void Dispose( Object oObject )
+ {
+ if ( oObject != null )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ XComponent xComp = (XComponent)UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XComponent.class, oObject );
+ if ( xComp != null )
+ xComp.dispose();
+ }
+ catch( Exception e )
+ {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ }