path: root/sw/source/ui/wrtsh/delete.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'sw/source/ui/wrtsh/delete.cxx')
1 files changed, 504 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sw/source/ui/wrtsh/delete.cxx b/sw/source/ui/wrtsh/delete.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c3cdd33f42c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/source/ui/wrtsh/delete.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: delete.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:14:53 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "ui_pch.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+#ifndef _WRTSH_HXX
+#include <wrtsh.hxx>
+inline void SwWrtShell::OpenMark()
+ StartAllAction();
+ ResetCursorStack();
+ KillPams();
+ SetMark();
+inline void SwWrtShell::CloseMark( BOOL bOkFlag )
+ if( bOkFlag )
+ UpdateAttr();
+ else
+ SwapPam();
+ ClearMark();
+ EndAllAction();
+ Beschreibung: Zeile loeschen
+long SwWrtShell::DelLine()
+ ACT_KONTEXT(this);
+ ResetCursorStack();
+ // alten Cursor merken
+ Push();
+ ClearMark();
+ SwCrsrShell::LeftMargin();
+ SetMark();
+ SwCrsrShell::RightMargin();
+//Warum soll hier noch ein Zeichen in der naechsten Zeile geloescht werden?
+// if(!IsEndOfPara())
+// SwCrsrShell::Right();
+ long nRet = Delete();
+ Pop(FALSE);
+ if( nRet )
+ UpdateAttr();
+ return nRet;
+long SwWrtShell::DelToStartOfLine()
+ OpenMark();
+ SwCrsrShell::LeftMargin();
+ long nRet = Delete();
+ CloseMark( 0 != nRet );
+ return nRet;
+long SwWrtShell::DelToEndOfLine()
+ OpenMark();
+ SwCrsrShell::RightMargin();
+ long nRet = Delete();
+ CloseMark( 0 != nRet );
+ return 1;
+long SwWrtShell::DelLeft()
+ // wenns denn ein Fly ist, wech damit
+ int nSelType = GetSelectionType();
+ const int nCmp = SEL_FRM | SEL_GRF | SEL_OLE | SEL_DRW;
+ if( nCmp & nSelType )
+ {
+ DelSelectedObj();
+ LeaveSelFrmMode();
+ UnSelectFrm();
+ nSelType = GetSelectionType();
+ if ( nCmp & nSelType )
+ {
+ EnterSelFrmMode();
+ GotoNextFly();
+ }
+ return 1L;
+ }
+ // wenn eine Selektion existiert, diese loeschen.
+ if ( IsSelection() )
+ {
+ //OS: wieder einmal Basic: ACT_KONTEXT muss vor
+ //EnterStdMode verlassen werden!
+ {
+ ACT_KONTEXT(this);
+ ResetCursorStack();
+ Delete();
+ UpdateAttr();
+ }
+ EnterStdMode();
+ return 1L;
+ }
+ // JP 29.06.95: nie eine davor stehende Tabelle loeschen.
+ BOOL bSwap = FALSE;
+ if( SwCrsrShell::IsSttPara() && !SwCrsrShell::IsCrsrInTbl() )
+ {
+ if( !SwCrsrShell::Left() )
+ return 0;
+ if( SwCrsrShell::IsCrsrInTbl() )
+ {
+ SwCrsrShell::Right();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ OpenMark();
+ SwCrsrShell::Right();
+ SwCrsrShell::SwapPam();
+ bSwap = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OpenMark();
+ SwCrsrShell::Left();
+ }
+ long nRet = Delete();
+ if( !nRet && bSwap )
+ SwCrsrShell::SwapPam();
+ CloseMark( 0 != nRet );
+ return nRet;
+long SwWrtShell::DelRight(BOOL bDelFrm)
+ // werden verodert, wenn Tabellenselektion vorliegt;
+ // wird hier auf SEL_TBL umgesetzt.
+ long nRet = 0;
+ int nSelection = GetSelectionType();
+ if(nSelection & SwWrtShell::SEL_TBL_CELLS)
+ nSelection = SwWrtShell::SEL_TBL;
+ if(nSelection & SwWrtShell::SEL_TXT)
+ nSelection = SwWrtShell::SEL_TXT;
+ switch( nSelection & ~(SEL_BEZ) )
+ {
+ case SEL_TXT:
+ case SEL_TBL:
+ case SEL_NUM:
+ // wenn eine Selektion existiert, diese loeschen.
+ if( IsSelection() )
+ {
+ //OS: wieder einmal Basic: ACT_KONTEXT muss vor
+ //EnterStdMode verlassen werden!
+ {
+ ACT_KONTEXT(this);
+ ResetCursorStack();
+ Delete();
+ UpdateAttr();
+ }
+ EnterStdMode();
+ nRet = 1L;
+ break;
+ }
+ if( SEL_TXT & nSelection && SwCrsrShell::IsSttPara() &&
+ SwCrsrShell::IsEndPara() && !IsCrsrInTbl() &&
+ SwCrsrShell::Right() )
+ {
+ BOOL bDelFull = 0 != IsCrsrInTbl();
+ SwCrsrShell::Left();
+ if( bDelFull )
+ {
+ DelFullPara();
+ UpdateAttr();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ OpenMark();
+ SwCrsrShell::Right();
+ nRet = Delete();
+ CloseMark( 0 != nRet );
+ break;
+ case SEL_FRM:
+ case SEL_GRF:
+ case SEL_OLE:
+ case SEL_DRW:
+ case SEL_DRW_TXT:
+ case SEL_DRW_FORM:
+ DelSelectedObj();
+ LeaveSelFrmMode();
+ UnSelectFrm();
+ if( IsFrmSelected() )
+ {
+ nSelection = GetSelectionType();
+ if ( SEL_FRM & nSelection || SEL_GRF & nSelection ||
+ SEL_OLE & nSelection || SEL_DRW & nSelection )
+ {
+ EnterSelFrmMode();
+ GotoNextFly();
+ }
+ }
+ nRet = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ return nRet;
+long SwWrtShell::DelToEndOfPara()
+ ACT_KONTEXT(this);
+ ResetCursorStack();
+ Push();
+ SetMark();
+ if( !MovePara(fnParaCurr,fnParaEnd))
+ {
+ Pop(FALSE);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ long nRet = Delete();
+ Pop(FALSE);
+ if( nRet )
+ UpdateAttr();
+ return nRet;
+long SwWrtShell::DelToStartOfPara()
+ ACT_KONTEXT(this);
+ ResetCursorStack();
+ Push();
+ SetMark();
+ if( !MovePara(fnParaCurr,fnParaStart))
+ {
+ Pop(FALSE);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ long nRet = Delete();
+ Pop(FALSE);
+ if( nRet )
+ UpdateAttr();
+ return nRet;
+ * alle Loeschoperationen sollten mit Find statt mit
+ * Nxt-/PrvDelim arbeiten, da letzteren mit Wrap Around arbeiten
+ * -- das ist wohl nicht gewuenscht.
+ */
+long SwWrtShell::DelToStartOfSentence()
+ if(IsStartOfDoc())
+ return 0;
+ OpenMark();
+ long nRet = _BwdSentence() ? Delete() : 0;
+ CloseMark( 0 != nRet );
+ return nRet;
+long SwWrtShell::DelToEndOfSentence()
+ if(IsEndOfDoc())
+ return 0;
+ OpenMark();
+ long nRet = _FwdSentence() ? Delete() : 0;
+ CloseMark( 0 != nRet );
+ return nRet;
+long SwWrtShell::DelNxtWord()
+ if(IsEndOfDoc())
+ return 0;
+ ACT_KONTEXT(this);
+ ResetCursorStack();
+ EnterStdMode();
+ SetMark();
+ if(IsEndWrd())
+ _NxtWrd();
+ if(IsSttWrd() || IsEndPara())
+ _NxtWrd();
+ else
+ _EndWrd();
+ long nRet = Delete();
+ if( nRet )
+ UpdateAttr();
+ else
+ SwapPam();
+ ClearMark();
+ return nRet;
+long SwWrtShell::DelPrvWord()
+ if(IsStartOfDoc())
+ return 0;
+ ACT_KONTEXT(this);
+ ResetCursorStack();
+ EnterStdMode();
+ SetMark();
+ if( !IsSttWrd() || !_PrvWrd() )
+ {
+ if( IsEndWrd() )
+ {
+ if( _PrvWrd() )
+ {
+ // skip over all-1 spaces
+ short n = -1;
+ while( ' ' == GetChar( FALSE, n ))
+ --n;
+ if( ++n )
+ ExtendSelection( FALSE, -n );
+ }
+ }
+ else if( IsSttPara())
+ _PrvWrd();
+ else
+ _SttWrd();
+ }
+ long nRet = Delete();
+ if( nRet )
+ UpdateAttr();
+ else
+ SwapPam();
+ ClearMark();
+ return nRet;
+ $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
+ Revision 1.70 2000/09/18 16:06:26 willem.vandorp
+ OpenOffice header added.
+ Revision 1.69 2000/04/10 08:39:49 jp
+ Bug #74881#: DelPrvWord
+ Revision 1.68 1999/04/01 13:21:50 JP
+ Bug #64298#: DelRight - auch Controls usw. entfernen
+ Rev 1.67 01 Apr 1999 15:21:50 JP
+ Bug #64298#: DelRight - auch Controls usw. entfernen
+ Rev 1.66 05 Feb 1999 15:07:54 JP
+ Bug #61386#: DelRight unnoetigen Befehl entfernt
+ Rev 1.65 19 Jan 1999 22:53:46 JP
+ Task #58677#: Crsr in Readonly Bereichen zulassen
+ Rev 1.64 15 Jan 1999 15:43:28 JP
+ Bug #60917#: DelPrevWord korrigiert
+ Rev 1.63 09 Jun 1998 15:34:32 OM
+ VC-Controls entfernt
+ Rev 1.62 21 Apr 1998 17:36:28 OM
+ #49630 Keine Rahmenselektion nach Loeschung von Zeichenobjekten
+ Rev 1.61 24 Nov 1997 14:35:06 MA
+ includes
+ Rev 1.60 03 Nov 1997 14:02:54 MA
+ precomp entfernt
+ Rev 1.59 06 Mar 1997 09:22:58 OM
+ sel_drw_ctrl ergaenzt
+ Rev 1.58 05 Feb 1997 17:01:04 JP
+ Bug #35638#: DelRight in Zellen
+ Rev 1.57 03 Feb 1997 20:41:30 JP
+ DelRight: leeren TextNode vor Tabellen loeschen
+ Rev 1.56 22 Jan 1997 11:55:56 MA
+ opt: bSelection entfernt
+ Rev 1.55 29 Aug 1996 09:26:04 OS
+ includes
+ Rev 1.54 22 Jan 1996 16:28:50 OS
+ DelRight/Left: ACT_KONTEXT muss vor EnterStdMode enden wg. Shellumschaltung aus Basic Bug #24529#
+ Rev 1.53 24 Nov 1995 16:59:04 OM
+ Rev 1.52 22 Sep 1995 11:45:48 JP
+ DelLeft: & und nicht | abfragen
+ Rev 1.51 10 Aug 1995 13:04:44 OS
+ DelLine: nur bis zum Zeilenende markieren und loeschen
+ Rev 1.50 05 Jul 1995 19:14:52 JP
+ Delete: mit Backspace keine Tabelle loeschen
+ Rev 1.49 29 Jun 1995 20:10:12 JP
+ DelLeft: keine Tabellen loeschen mit BACKSPACE
+ Rev 1.48 19 Jun 1995 09:53:44 MA
+ fix(13180): Del fuer Zeichenobjekte.
+ Rev 1.47 05 Apr 1995 19:47:38 OM
+ Bug in NumShell mit Delete gefixt
+ Rev 1.46 20 Dec 1994 11:53:44 MA
+ SS Drawing.
+ Rev 1.45 15 Dec 1994 20:32:04 SWG
+ *ARR* Ersetzungen, svmem, __far_data etc.