path: root/sal/systools/win32/uwinapi/win95sys.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'sal/systools/win32/uwinapi/win95sys.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 350 deletions
diff --git a/sal/systools/win32/uwinapi/win95sys.h b/sal/systools/win32/uwinapi/win95sys.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f5500fc7ea9c..000000000000
--- a/sal/systools/win32/uwinapi/win95sys.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
-#pragma once
-//Kernel32 objects
-#define K32OBJ_SEMAPHORE 0x1
-#define K32OBJ_EVENT 0x2
-#define K32OBJ_MUTEX 0x3
-#define K32OBJ_PROCESS 0x5
-#define K32OBJ_THREAD 0x6
-#define K32OBJ_FILE 0x7
-#define K32OBJ_CHANGE 0x8
-#define K32OBJ_CONSOLE 0x9
-#define K32OBJ_SERIAL 0xC
-#define K32OBJ_DEVICE_IOCTL 0xD
-#define K32OBJ_PIPE 0xE
-#define K32OBJ_MAILSLOT 0xF
-#define K32OBJ_SOCKET 0x11
-//Process Database flags
-#define fDebugSingle 0x00000001
-#define fCreateProcessEvent 0x00000002
-#define fExitProcessEvent 0x00000004
-#define fWin16Process 0x00000008
-#define fDosProcess 0x00000010
-#define fConsoleProcess 0x00000020
-#define fFileApisAreOem 0x00000040
-#define fNukeProcess 0x00000080
-#define fServiceProcess 0x00000100
-#define fLoginScriptHack 0x00000800
-//Thread Database flags
-#define fCreateThreadEvent 0x00000001
-#define fCancelExceptionAbort 0x00000002
-#define fOnTempStack 0x00000004
-#define fGrowableStack 0x00000008
-#define fDelaySingleStep 0x00000010
-#define fOpenExeAsImmovableFile 0x00000020
-#define fCreateSuspended 0x00000040
-#define fStackOverflow 0x00000080
-#define fNestedCleanAPCs 0x00000100
-#define fWasOemNowAnsi 0x00000200
-#define fOKToSetThreadOem 0x00000400
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma warning(disable:4103)
-#pragma pack(1)
-//MODREF and IMTE structures
-typedef struct _MODREF {
- struct _MODREF *pNextModRef; // 00h
- DWORD un1; // 04h
- DWORD un2; // 08h
- DWORD un3; // 0Ch
- WORD mteIndex; // 10h
- WORD un4; // 12h
- DWORD un5; // 14h
- PVOID ppdb; // 18h Pointer to process database
- DWORD un6; // 1Ch
- DWORD un7; // 20h
- DWORD un8; // 24h
-typedef struct _IMTE {
- DWORD un1; // 00h
- DWORD un2; // 08h
- PSTR pszFileName; // 0Ch
- PSTR pszModName; // 10h
- WORD cbFileName; // 14h
- WORD cbModName; // 16h
- DWORD un3; // 18h
- DWORD cSections; // 1Ch
- DWORD un5; // 20h
- DWORD baseAddress; // 24h
- WORD hModule16; // 28h
- WORD cUsage; // 2Ah
- DWORD un7; // 2Ch
- PSTR pszFileName2; // 30h
- WORD cbFileName2; // 34h
- DWORD pszModName2; // 36h
- WORD cbModName2; // 3Ah
-//Process Database structure
-typedef struct _ENVIRONMENT_DATABASE {
-PSTR pszEnvironment; // 00h Pointer to Environment
-DWORD un1; // 04h
-PSTR pszCmdLine; // 08h Pointer to command line
-PSTR pszCurrDirectory; // 0Ch Pointer to current directory
-LPSTARTUPINFOA pStartupInfo;// 10h Pointer to STARTUPINFOA struct
-HANDLE hStdIn; // 14h Standard Input
-HANDLE hStdOut; // 18h Standard Output
-HANDLE hStdErr; // 1Ch Standard Error
-DWORD un2; // 20h
-DWORD InheritConsole; // 24h
-DWORD BreakType; // 28h
-DWORD BreakSem; // 2Ch
-DWORD BreakEvent; // 30h
-DWORD BreakThreadID; // 34h
-DWORD BreakHandlers; // 38h
-typedef struct _KERNEL_OBJECT {
-DWORD Type; // 00h KERNEL32 object type (5)
-DWORD cReference; // 04h Number of references to process
-typedef struct _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY {
- DWORD flags; // Valid flags depend on what type of object this is
- PKERNEL_OBJECT pObject; // Pointer to the object that the handle refers to
-typedef struct _HANDLE_TABLE {
- DWORD cEntries; // Max number of handles in table
- HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY array[1]; // An array (number is given by cEntries)
-typedef struct _PROCESS_DATABASE {
-DWORD Type; // 00h KERNEL32 object type (5)
-DWORD cReference; // 04h Number of references to process
-DWORD un1; // 08h
-DWORD someEvent; // 0Ch An event object (What's it used for???)
-DWORD TerminationStatus; // 10h Returned by GetExitCodeProcess
-DWORD un2; // 14h
-DWORD DefaultHeap; // 18h Address of the process heap
-DWORD MemoryContext; // 1Ch pointer to the process's context
-DWORD flags; // 20h
- // 0x00000001 - fDebugSingle
- // 0x00000002 - fCreateProcessEvent
- // 0x00000004 - fExitProcessEvent
- // 0x00000008 - fWin16Process
- // 0x00000010 - fDosProcess
- // 0x00000020 - fConsoleProcess
- // 0x00000040 - fFileApisAreOem
- // 0x00000080 - fNukeProcess
- // 0x00000100 - fServiceProcess
- // 0x00000800 - fLoginScriptHack
-DWORD pPSP; // 24h Linear address of PSP?
-WORD PSPSelector; // 28h
-WORD MTEIndex; // 2Ah
-WORD cThreads; // 2Ch
-WORD cNotTermThreads; // 2Eh
-WORD un3; // 30h
-WORD cRing0Threads; // 32h number of ring 0 threads
-HANDLE HeapHandle; // 34h Heap to allocate handle tables out of
- // This seems to always be the KERNEL32 heap
-HTASK W16TDB; // 38h Win16 Task Database selector
-DWORD MemMapFiles; // 3Ch memory mapped file list (?)
-PENVIRONMENT_DATABASE pEDB; // 40h Pointer to Environment Database
-PHANDLE_TABLE pHandleTable; // 44h Pointer to process handle table
-struct _PROCESS_DATABASE *ParentPDB; // 48h Parent process database
-PMODREF MODREFlist; // 4Ch Module reference list
-DWORD ThreadList; // 50h Threads in this process
-DWORD DebuggeeCB; // 54h Debuggee Context block?
-DWORD LocalHeapFreeHead; // 58h Head of free list in process heap
-DWORD InitialRing0ID; // 5Ch
-CRITICAL_SECTION crst; // 60h
-DWORD un4[3]; // 78h
-DWORD pConsole; // 84h Pointer to console for process
-DWORD tlsInUseBits1; // 88h // Represents TLS indices 0 - 31
-DWORD tlsInUseBits2; // 8Ch // Represents TLS indices 32 - 63
-DWORD ProcessDWORD; // 90h
-struct _PROCESS_DATABASE *ProcessGroup; // 94h
-DWORD pExeMODREF; // 98h pointer to EXE's MODREF
-DWORD TopExcFilter; // 9Ch Top Exception Filter?
-DWORD BasePriority; // A0h Base scheduling priority for process
-DWORD HeapOwnList; // A4h Head of the list of process heaps
-DWORD HeapHandleBlockList;// A8h Pointer to head of heap handle block list
-DWORD pSomeHeapPtr; // ACh normally zero, but can a pointer to a
- // moveable handle block in the heap
-DWORD pConsoleProvider; // B0h Process that owns the console we're using?
-WORD EnvironSelector; // B4h Selector containing process environment
-WORD ErrorMode; // B6H SetErrorMode value (also thunks to Win16)
-DWORD pevtLoadFinished; // B8h Pointer to event LoadFinished?
-WORD UTState; // BCh
-//TIB (Thread Information Block) structure
-typedef struct _SEH_record {
- struct _SEH_record *pNext;
- FARPROC pfnHandler;
-} SEH_record, *PSEH_record;
-// This is semi-documented in the NTDDK.H file from the NT DDK
-typedef struct _TIB {
-PSEH_record pvExcept; // 00h Head of exception record list
-PVOID pvStackUserTop; // 04h Top of user stack
-PVOID pvStackUserBase; // 08h Base of user stack
-WORD pvTDB; // 0Ch TDB
-WORD pvThunksSS; // 0Eh SS selector used for thunking to 16 bits
-DWORD SelmanList; // 10h
-PVOID pvArbitrary; // 14h Available for application use
-struct _tib *ptibSelf; // 18h Linear address of TIB structure
-WORD TIBFlags; // 1Ch
-WORD Win16MutexCount; // 1Eh
-DWORD DebugContext; // 20h
-DWORD pCurrentPriority; // 24h
-DWORD pvQueue; // 28h Message Queue selector
-PVOID *pvTLSArray; // 2Ch Thread Local Storage array
-} TIB, *PTIB;
-//TDBX structure
-typedef struct _TDBX {
- DWORD ptdb; // 00h // PTHREAD_DATABASE
- DWORD ContextHandle; // 08h
- DWORD un1; // 0Ch
- DWORD TimeOutHandle; // 10h
- DWORD WakeParam; // 14h
- DWORD BlockHandle; // 18h
- DWORD BlockState; // 1Ch
- DWORD SuspendCount; // 20h
- DWORD SuspendHandle; // 24h
- DWORD MustCompleteCount; // 28h
- DWORD WaitExFlags; // 2Ch
- // 0x00000001 - WAITEXBIT
- // 0x00000002 - WAITACKBIT
- // 0x00000004 - SUSPEND_APC_PENDING
- // 0x00000008 - SUSPEND_TERMINATED
- // 0x00000020 - EMULATE_NPX
- // 0x00000040 - WIN32_NPX
- // 0x00000080 - EXTENDED_HANDLES
- // 0x00000100 - FROZEN
- // 0x00000200 - DONT_FREEZE
- // 0x00000400 - DONT_UNFREEZE
- // 0x00000800 - DONT_TRACE
- // 0x00001000 - STOP_TRACING
- // 0x00002000 - WAITING_FOR_CRST_SAFE
- // 0x00004000 - CRST_SAFE
- // 0x00040000 - BLOCK_TERMINATE_APC
- DWORD SyncWaitCount; // 30h
- DWORD QueuedSyncFuncs; // 34h
- DWORD UserAPCList; // 38h
- DWORD KernAPCList; // 3Ch
- DWORD pPMPSPSelector; // 40h
- DWORD BlockedOnID; // 44h
- DWORD un2[7]; // 48h
- DWORD TraceRefData; // 64h
- DWORD TraceCallBack; // 68h
- DWORD TraceEventHandle; // 6Ch
- WORD TraceOutLastCS; // 70h
- WORD K16TDB; // 72h
- WORD K16PDB; // 74h
- WORD DosPDBSeg; // 76h
- WORD ExceptionCount; // 78h
-//Thread Database structure
-typedef struct _THREAD_DATABASE {
-DWORD Type; // 00h
-DWORD cReference; // 04h
-PPROCESS_DATABASE pProcess; // 08h
-DWORD someEvent; // 0Ch An event object (What's it used for???)
-DWORD pvExcept; // 10h This field through field 3CH is a TIB
- // structure (see TIB.H)
-DWORD TopOfStack; // 14h
-DWORD StackLow; // 18h
-WORD W16TDB; // 1Ch
-WORD StackSelector16; // 1Eh Used when thunking down to 16 bits
-DWORD SelmanList; // 20h
-DWORD UserPointer; // 24h
-PTIB pTIB; // 28h
-WORD TIBFlags; // 2Ch TIBF_WIN32 = 1, TIBF_TRAP = 2
-WORD Win16MutexCount; // 2Eh
-DWORD DebugContext; // 30h
-PDWORD pCurrentPriority; // 34h
-DWORD MessageQueue; // 38h
-DWORD pTLSArray; // 3Ch
-PPROCESS_DATABASE pProcess2;// 40h Another copy of the thread's process???
-DWORD Flags; // 44h
- // 0x00000001 - fCreateThreadEvent
- // 0x00000002 - fCancelExceptionAbort
- // 0x00000004 - fOnTempStack
- // 0x00000008 - fGrowableStack
- // 0x00000010 - fDelaySingleStep
- // 0x00000020 - fOpenExeAsImmovableFile
- // 0x00000040 - fCreateSuspended
- // 0x00000080 - fStackOverflow
- // 0x00000100 - fNestedCleanAPCs
- // 0x00000200 - fWasOemNowAnsi
- // 0x00000400 - fOKToSetThreadOem
-DWORD TerminationStatus; // 48h Returned by GetExitCodeThread
-WORD TIBSelector; // 4Ch
-WORD EmulatorSelector; // 4Eh
-DWORD cHandles; // 50h
-DWORD WaitNodeList; // 54h
-DWORD un4; // 58h
-DWORD Ring0Thread; // 5Ch
-PTDBX pTDBX; // 60
-DWORD StackBase; // 64h
-DWORD TerminationStack; // 68h
-DWORD EmulatorData; // 6Ch
-DWORD GetLastErrorCode; // 70h
-DWORD DebuggerCB; // 74h
-DWORD DebuggerThread; // 78h
-PCONTEXT ThreadContext; // 7Ch // register context defined in WINNT.H
-DWORD Except16List; // 80h
-DWORD ThunkConnect; // 84h
-DWORD NegStackBase; // 88h
-DWORD CurrentSS; // 8Ch
-DWORD SSTable; // 90h
-DWORD ThunkSS16; // 94h
-DWORD TLSArray[64]; // 98h
-DWORD DeltaPriority; // 198h
-// The retail version breaks off somewhere around here.
-// All the remaining fields are most likely only in the debug version
-DWORD un5[7]; // 19Ch
-DWORD pCreateData16; // 1B8h
-DWORD APISuspendCount; // 1BCh # of times SuspendThread has been called
-DWORD un6; // 1C0h
-DWORD WOWChain; // 1C4h
-WORD wSSBig; // 1C8h
-WORD un7; // 1CAh
-DWORD lp16SwitchRec; // 1CCh
-DWORD un8[6]; // 1D0h
-DWORD pSomeCritSect1; // 1E8h
-DWORD pWin16Mutex; // 1ECh
-DWORD pWin32Mutex; // 1F0h
-DWORD pSomeCritSect2; // 1F4h
-DWORD un9; // 1F8h
-DWORD ripString; // 1FCh
-DWORD LastTlsSetValueEIP[64]; // 200h (parallel to TlsArray, contains EIP
- // where TLS value was last set from)
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */