path: root/registry/source/reflread.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'registry/source/reflread.cxx')
1 files changed, 1602 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/registry/source/reflread.cxx b/registry/source/reflread.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cb462132db24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/registry/source/reflread.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1602 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: reflread.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 15:18:42 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#ifndef MAC
+#include <memory.h>
+#include <osl/types.h>
+#include <registry/reflread.hxx>
+#include "reflcnst.hxx"
+using namespace vos;
+static CPInfoTag aTag;
+static sal_Char NULL_STRING[1] = { 0 };
+static sal_Unicode NULL_WSTRING[1] = { 0 };
+const sal_uInt32 magic = 0x12345678;
+const sal_uInt16 minorVersion = 0x0000;
+const sal_uInt16 majorVersion = 0x0001;
+#if defined ( GCC ) && ( defined ( SCO ) || defined ( NETBSD ) )
+ORealDynamicLoader* ODynamicLoader<RegistryTypeReader_Api>::m_pLoader = NULL;
+ class BlopObject
+ holds any data in a flat memory buffer
+class BlopObject
+ const sal_uInt8* m_pBuffer;
+ sal_uInt32 m_bufferLen;
+ sal_Bool m_isCopied;
+ BlopObject(const sal_uInt8* buffer, sal_uInt32 len, sal_Bool copyBuffer);
+ ~BlopObject();
+ inline sal_uInt8 readBYTE(sal_uInt32 index) const
+ {
+ return m_pBuffer[index];
+ }
+ inline sal_Int16 readINT16(sal_uInt32 index) const
+ {
+ return ((m_pBuffer[index] << 8) | (m_pBuffer[index+1] << 0));
+ }
+ inline sal_uInt16 readUINT16(sal_uInt32 index) const
+ {
+ return ((m_pBuffer[index] << 8) | (m_pBuffer[index+1] << 0));
+ }
+ inline sal_Int32 readINT32(sal_uInt32 index) const
+ {
+ return (
+ (m_pBuffer[index] << 24) |
+ (m_pBuffer[index+1] << 16) |
+ (m_pBuffer[index+2] << 8) |
+ (m_pBuffer[index+3] << 0)
+ );
+ }
+ inline sal_uInt32 readUINT32(sal_uInt32 index) const
+ {
+ return (
+ (m_pBuffer[index] << 24) |
+ (m_pBuffer[index+1] << 16) |
+ (m_pBuffer[index+2] << 8) |
+ (m_pBuffer[index+3] << 0)
+ );
+ }
+BlopObject::BlopObject(const sal_uInt8* buffer, sal_uInt32 len, sal_Bool copyBuffer)
+ : m_isCopied(copyBuffer)
+ , m_bufferLen(len)
+ if (m_isCopied)
+ {
+ sal_uInt8* newBuffer = new sal_uInt8[len];
+ memcpy(newBuffer, buffer, len);
+ m_pBuffer = newBuffer;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_pBuffer = buffer;
+ }
+ if (m_isCopied && m_pBuffer)
+ {
+#ifdef OS2
+ delete (sal_uInt8 *)m_pBuffer;
+ delete[] const_cast<sal_uInt8*>(m_pBuffer);
+ }
+ class StringCache
+class StringCache
+ sal_Unicode** m_stringTable;
+ sal_uInt16 m_numOfStrings;
+ sal_uInt16 m_stringsCopied;
+ StringCache(sal_uInt16 size);
+ ~StringCache();
+ const sal_Unicode* getString(sal_uInt16 index);
+ sal_uInt16 createString(const sal_uInt8* buffer);
+StringCache::StringCache(sal_uInt16 size)
+ : m_numOfStrings(size)
+ , m_stringsCopied(0)
+ , m_stringTable(NULL)
+ m_stringTable = new sal_Unicode*[m_numOfStrings];
+ for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < m_numOfStrings; i++)
+ {
+ m_stringTable[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ if (m_stringTable)
+ {
+ for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < m_stringsCopied; i++)
+ {
+ delete[] m_stringTable[i];
+ }
+ delete[] m_stringTable;
+ }
+const sal_Unicode* StringCache::getString(sal_uInt16 index)
+ if ((index > 0) && (index <= m_stringsCopied))
+ return m_stringTable[index - 1];
+ else
+ return NULL;
+sal_uInt16 StringCache::createString(const sal_uInt8* buffer)
+ if (m_stringsCopied < m_numOfStrings)
+ {
+ sal_uInt32 len = UINT16StringLen(buffer);
+ m_stringTable[m_stringsCopied] = new sal_Unicode[len + 1];
+ readString(buffer, m_stringTable[m_stringsCopied], (len + 1) * sizeof(sal_Unicode));
+ return ++m_stringsCopied;
+ }
+ else
+ return 0;
+ class ConstantPool
+class ConstantPool : public BlopObject
+ sal_uInt16 m_numOfEntries;
+ sal_Int32* m_pIndex; // index values may be < 0 for cached string constants
+ StringCache* m_pStringCache;
+ ConstantPool(const sal_uInt8* buffer, sal_uInt16 numEntries)
+ : BlopObject(buffer, 0, sal_False)
+ , m_numOfEntries(numEntries)
+ , m_pIndex(NULL)
+ , m_pStringCache(NULL)
+ {
+ }
+ ~ConstantPool();
+ sal_uInt32 parseIndex();
+ CPInfoTag readTag(sal_uInt16 index);
+ const sal_Char* readUTF8NameConstant(sal_uInt16 index);
+ sal_Bool readBOOLConstant(sal_uInt16 index);
+ sal_uInt8 readBYTEConstant(sal_uInt16 index);
+ sal_Int16 readINT16Constant(sal_uInt16 index);
+ sal_uInt16 readUINT16Constant(sal_uInt16 index);
+ sal_Int32 readINT32Constant(sal_uInt16 index);
+ sal_uInt32 readUINT32Constant(sal_uInt16 index);
+ float readFloatConstant(sal_uInt16 index);
+ double readDoubleConstant(sal_uInt16 index);
+ const sal_Unicode* readStringConstant(sal_uInt16 index);
+ void readUIK(sal_uInt16 index, RTUik* uik);
+ if (m_pIndex) delete[] m_pIndex;
+ if (m_pStringCache)
+ {
+ delete m_pStringCache;
+ }
+sal_uInt32 ConstantPool::parseIndex()
+ if (m_pIndex)
+ {
+ delete[] m_pIndex;
+ m_pIndex = NULL;
+ }
+ if (m_pStringCache)
+ {
+ delete m_pStringCache;
+ m_pStringCache = NULL;
+ }
+ sal_uInt32 offset = 0;
+ sal_uInt16 numOfStrings = 0;
+ if (m_numOfEntries)
+ {
+ m_pIndex = new sal_Int32[m_numOfEntries];
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_numOfEntries; i++)
+ {
+ m_pIndex[i] = (sal_Int32) offset;
+ offset += readUINT16(offset);
+ if (
+ ((CPInfoTag) readUINT16(m_pIndex[i] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_TAG)) ==
+ )
+ {
+ numOfStrings++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (numOfStrings)
+ {
+ m_pStringCache = new StringCache(numOfStrings);
+ }
+ m_bufferLen = offset;
+ return offset;
+CPInfoTag ConstantPool::readTag(sal_uInt16 index)
+ CPInfoTag tag = CP_TAG_INVALID;
+ if (m_pIndex && (index > 0) && (index <= m_numOfEntries))
+ {
+ tag = (CPInfoTag) readUINT16(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_TAG);
+ }
+ return tag;
+const sal_Char* ConstantPool::readUTF8NameConstant(sal_uInt16 index)
+ const sal_Char* aName = NULL_STRING;
+ if (m_pIndex && (index > 0) && (index <= m_numOfEntries))
+ {
+ if (readUINT16(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_TAG) == CP_TAG_UTF8_NAME)
+ {
+ aName = (const sal_Char*) (m_pBuffer + m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_DATA);
+ }
+ }
+ return aName;
+sal_Bool ConstantPool::readBOOLConstant(sal_uInt16 index)
+ sal_Bool aBool = sal_False;
+ if (m_pIndex && (index> 0) && (index <= m_numOfEntries))
+ {
+ if (readUINT16(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_TAG) == CP_TAG_CONST_BOOL)
+ {
+ aBool = (sal_Bool) readBYTE(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_DATA);
+ }
+ }
+ return aBool;
+sal_uInt8 ConstantPool::readBYTEConstant(sal_uInt16 index)
+ sal_uInt8 aByte = sal_False;
+ if (m_pIndex && (index> 0) && (index <= m_numOfEntries))
+ {
+ if (readUINT16(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_TAG) == CP_TAG_CONST_BYTE)
+ {
+ aByte = readBYTE(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_DATA);
+ }
+ }
+ return aByte;
+sal_Int16 ConstantPool::readINT16Constant(sal_uInt16 index)
+ sal_Int16 aINT16 = sal_False;
+ if (m_pIndex && (index> 0) && (index <= m_numOfEntries))
+ {
+ if (readUINT16(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_TAG) == CP_TAG_CONST_INT16)
+ {
+ aINT16 = readINT16(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_DATA);
+ }
+ }
+ return aINT16;
+sal_uInt16 ConstantPool::readUINT16Constant(sal_uInt16 index)
+ sal_uInt16 asal_uInt16 = sal_False;
+ if (m_pIndex && (index> 0) && (index <= m_numOfEntries))
+ {
+ if (readUINT16(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_TAG) == CP_TAG_CONST_UINT16)
+ {
+ asal_uInt16 = readUINT16(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_DATA);
+ }
+ }
+ return asal_uInt16;
+sal_Int32 ConstantPool::readINT32Constant(sal_uInt16 index)
+ sal_Int32 aINT32 = sal_False;
+ if (m_pIndex && (index> 0) && (index <= m_numOfEntries))
+ {
+ if (readUINT16(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_TAG) == CP_TAG_CONST_INT32)
+ {
+ aINT32 = readINT32(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_DATA);
+ }
+ }
+ return aINT32;
+sal_uInt32 ConstantPool::readUINT32Constant(sal_uInt16 index)
+ sal_uInt32 aUINT32 = sal_False;
+ if (m_pIndex && (index> 0) && (index <= m_numOfEntries))
+ {
+ if (readUINT16(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_TAG) == CP_TAG_CONST_UINT32)
+ {
+ aUINT32 = readUINT32(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_DATA);
+ }
+ }
+ return aUINT32;
+float ConstantPool::readFloatConstant(sal_uInt16 index)
+ union
+ {
+ float v;
+ sal_uInt32 b;
+ } x;
+ if (m_pIndex && (index> 0) && (index <= m_numOfEntries))
+ {
+ if (readUINT16(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_TAG) == CP_TAG_CONST_FLOAT)
+ {
+ x.b = readUINT32(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_DATA);
+# error no IEEE
+ }
+ }
+ return x.v;
+double ConstantPool::readDoubleConstant(sal_uInt16 index)
+ union
+ {
+ double v;
+ struct
+ {
+ sal_uInt32 b1;
+ sal_uInt32 b2;
+ } b;
+ } x;
+ if (m_pIndex && (index> 0) && (index <= m_numOfEntries))
+ {
+ if (readUINT16(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_TAG) == CP_TAG_CONST_DOUBLE)
+ {
+ x.b.b1 = readUINT32(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_DATA);
+ x.b.b2 = readUINT32(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_DATA + sizeof(sal_uInt32));
+# else
+ x.b.b1 = readUINT32(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_DATA + sizeof(sal_uInt32));
+ x.b.b2 = readUINT32(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_DATA);
+# endif
+# error no IEEE
+ }
+ }
+ return x.v;
+const sal_Unicode* ConstantPool::readStringConstant(sal_uInt16 index)
+ const sal_Unicode* aString = NULL_WSTRING;
+ if (m_pIndex && (index> 0) && (index <= m_numOfEntries) && m_pStringCache)
+ {
+ if (m_pIndex[index - 1] >= 0)
+ {
+ // create cached string now
+ if (readUINT16(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_TAG) == CP_TAG_CONST_STRING)
+ {
+ m_pIndex[index - 1] = -1 * m_pStringCache->createString(m_pBuffer + m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_DATA);
+ }
+ }
+ aString = m_pStringCache->getString((sal_uInt16) (m_pIndex[index - 1] * -1));
+ }
+ return aString;
+void ConstantPool::readUIK(sal_uInt16 index, RTUik* uik)
+ if (index == 0)
+ {
+ uik->m_Data1 = 0;
+ uik->m_Data2 = 0;
+ uik->m_Data3 = 0;
+ uik->m_Data4 = 0;
+ uik->m_Data5 = 0;
+ }
+ else if (m_pIndex && (index <= m_numOfEntries))
+ {
+ if (readUINT16(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_TAG) == CP_TAG_UIK)
+ {
+ uik->m_Data1 = readUINT32(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_UIK1);
+ uik->m_Data2 = readUINT16(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_UIK2);
+ uik->m_Data3 = readUINT16(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_UIK3);
+ uik->m_Data4 = readUINT32(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_UIK4);
+ uik->m_Data5 = readUINT32(m_pIndex[index - 1] + CP_OFFSET_ENTRY_UIK5);
+ }
+ }
+ class FieldList
+class FieldList : public BlopObject
+ sal_uInt16 m_numOfEntries;
+ ConstantPool* m_pCP;
+ FieldList(const sal_uInt8* buffer, sal_uInt16 numEntries, ConstantPool* pCP)
+ : BlopObject(buffer, 0, sal_False)
+ , m_numOfEntries(numEntries)
+ , m_pCP(pCP)
+ {
+ }
+ sal_uInt32 parseIndex();
+ const sal_Char* getFieldName(sal_uInt16 index);
+ const sal_Char* getFieldType(sal_uInt16 index);
+ RTFieldAccess getFieldAccess(sal_uInt16 index);
+ RTValueType getFieldConstValue(sal_uInt16 index, RTConstValueUnion* value);
+ const sal_Char* getFieldDoku(sal_uInt16 index);
+ const sal_Char* getFieldFileName(sal_uInt16 index);
+sal_uInt32 FieldList::parseIndex()
+ return (m_numOfEntries * (sizeof(sal_uInt16) * 6));
+const sal_Char* FieldList::getFieldName(sal_uInt16 index)
+ const sal_Char* aName = NULL;
+ if (index <= m_numOfEntries)
+ {
+ aName = m_pCP->readUTF8NameConstant(readUINT16((index * FIELD_ENTRY_SIZE) + FIELD_OFFSET_NAME));
+ }
+ return aName;
+const sal_Char* FieldList::getFieldType(sal_uInt16 index)
+ const sal_Char* aName = NULL;
+ if (index <= m_numOfEntries)
+ {
+ aName = m_pCP->readUTF8NameConstant(readUINT16((index * FIELD_ENTRY_SIZE) + FIELD_OFFSET_TYPE));
+ }
+ return aName;
+RTFieldAccess FieldList::getFieldAccess(sal_uInt16 index)
+ RTFieldAccess aAccess;
+ if (index <= m_numOfEntries)
+ {
+ aAccess = (RTFieldAccess) readUINT16((index * FIELD_ENTRY_SIZE) + FIELD_OFFSET_ACCESS);
+ }
+ return aAccess;
+RTValueType FieldList::getFieldConstValue(sal_uInt16 index, RTConstValueUnion* value)
+ RTValueType ret = RT_TYPE_NONE;
+ if (index <= m_numOfEntries)
+ {
+ sal_uInt16 cpIndex = readUINT16((index * FIELD_ENTRY_SIZE) + FIELD_OFFSET_VALUE);
+ switch (m_pCP->readTag(cpIndex))
+ {
+ value->aBool = m_pCP->readBOOLConstant(cpIndex);
+ ret = RT_TYPE_BOOL;
+ break;
+ value->aByte = m_pCP->readBYTEConstant(cpIndex);
+ ret = RT_TYPE_BYTE;
+ break;
+ case CP_TAG_CONST_INT16:
+ value->aShort = m_pCP->readINT16Constant(cpIndex);
+ ret = RT_TYPE_INT16;
+ break;
+ value->aUShort = m_pCP->readUINT16Constant(cpIndex);
+ ret = RT_TYPE_UINT16;
+ break;
+ case CP_TAG_CONST_INT32:
+ value->aLong = m_pCP->readINT32Constant(cpIndex);
+ ret = RT_TYPE_INT32;
+ break;
+ value->aULong = m_pCP->readUINT32Constant(cpIndex);
+ ret = RT_TYPE_UINT32;
+ break;
+ case CP_TAG_CONST_INT64:
+// value->aHyper = m_pCP->readINT64Constant(cpIndex);
+ ret = RT_TYPE_INT64;
+ break;
+// value->aUHyper = m_pCP->readUINT64Constant(cpIndex);
+ ret = RT_TYPE_UINT64;
+ break;
+ value->aFloat = m_pCP->readFloatConstant(cpIndex);
+ ret = RT_TYPE_FLOAT;
+ break;
+ value->aDouble = m_pCP->readDoubleConstant(cpIndex);
+ break;
+ value->aString = m_pCP->readStringConstant(cpIndex);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+const sal_Char* FieldList::getFieldDoku(sal_uInt16 index)
+ const sal_Char* aDoku = NULL;
+ if (index <= m_numOfEntries)
+ {
+ aDoku = m_pCP->readUTF8NameConstant(readUINT16((index * FIELD_ENTRY_SIZE) + FIELD_OFFSET_DOKU));
+ }
+ return aDoku;
+const sal_Char* FieldList::getFieldFileName(sal_uInt16 index)
+ const sal_Char* aFileName = NULL;
+ if (index <= m_numOfEntries)
+ {
+ aFileName = m_pCP->readUTF8NameConstant(readUINT16((index * FIELD_ENTRY_SIZE) + FIELD_OFFSET_FILENAME));
+ }
+ return aFileName;
+ class ReferenceList
+class ReferenceList : public BlopObject
+ sal_uInt16 m_numOfEntries;
+ ConstantPool* m_pCP;
+ ReferenceList(const sal_uInt8* buffer, sal_uInt16 numEntries, ConstantPool* pCP)
+ : BlopObject(buffer, 0, sal_False)
+ , m_numOfEntries(numEntries)
+ , m_pCP(pCP)
+ {
+ }
+ sal_uInt32 parseIndex();
+ const sal_Char* getReferenceName(sal_uInt16 index);
+ RTReferenceType getReferenceType(sal_uInt16 index);
+ const sal_Char* getReferenceDoku(sal_uInt16 index);
+ RTFieldAccess getReferenceAccess(sal_uInt16 index);
+sal_uInt32 ReferenceList::parseIndex()
+ return (m_numOfEntries * (sizeof(sal_uInt16) * 4));
+const sal_Char* ReferenceList::getReferenceName(sal_uInt16 index)
+ const sal_Char* aName = NULL;
+ if (index <= m_numOfEntries)
+ {
+ aName = m_pCP->readUTF8NameConstant(readUINT16((index * REFERENCE_ENTRY_SIZE) + REFERENCE_OFFSET_NAME));
+ }
+ return aName;
+RTReferenceType ReferenceList::getReferenceType(sal_uInt16 index)
+ RTReferenceType refType;
+ if (index <= m_numOfEntries)
+ {
+ refType = (RTReferenceType) readUINT16((index * REFERENCE_ENTRY_SIZE) + REFERENCE_OFFSET_TYPE);
+ }
+ return refType;
+const sal_Char* ReferenceList::getReferenceDoku(sal_uInt16 index)
+ const sal_Char* aDoku = NULL;
+ if (index <= m_numOfEntries)
+ {
+ aDoku = m_pCP->readUTF8NameConstant(readUINT16((index * REFERENCE_ENTRY_SIZE) + REFERENCE_OFFSET_DOKU));
+ }
+ return aDoku;
+RTFieldAccess ReferenceList::getReferenceAccess(sal_uInt16 index)
+ RTFieldAccess aAccess;
+ if (index <= m_numOfEntries)
+ {
+ aAccess = (RTFieldAccess) readUINT16((index * REFERENCE_ENTRY_SIZE) + REFERENCE_OFFSET_ACCESS);
+ }
+ return aAccess;
+ class MethodList
+class MethodList : public BlopObject
+ sal_uInt16 m_numOfEntries;
+ sal_uInt32* m_pIndex;
+ ConstantPool* m_pCP;
+ MethodList(const sal_uInt8* buffer, sal_uInt16 numEntries, ConstantPool* pCP)
+ : BlopObject(buffer, 0, sal_False)
+ , m_numOfEntries(numEntries)
+ , m_pIndex(NULL)
+ , m_pCP(pCP)
+ {
+ }
+ ~MethodList();
+ sal_uInt32 parseIndex();
+ const sal_Char* getMethodName(sal_uInt16 index);
+ sal_uInt16 getMethodParamCount(sal_uInt16 index);
+ const sal_Char* getMethodParamType(sal_uInt16 index, sal_uInt16 paramIndex);
+ const sal_Char* getMethodParamName(sal_uInt16 index, sal_uInt16 paramIndex);
+ RTParamMode getMethodParamMode(sal_uInt16 index, sal_uInt16 paramIndex);
+ sal_uInt16 getMethodExcCount(sal_uInt16 index);
+ const sal_Char* getMethodExcType(sal_uInt16 index, sal_uInt16 excIndex);
+ const sal_Char* getMethodReturnType(sal_uInt16 index);
+ RTMethodMode getMethodMode(sal_uInt16 index);
+ const sal_Char* getMethodDoku(sal_uInt16 index);
+ if (m_pIndex) delete[] m_pIndex;
+sal_uInt32 MethodList::parseIndex()
+ if (m_pIndex)
+ {
+ delete[] m_pIndex;
+ m_pIndex = NULL;
+ }
+ sal_uInt32 offset = 0;
+ if (m_numOfEntries)
+ {
+ m_pIndex = new sal_uInt32[m_numOfEntries];
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_numOfEntries; i++)
+ {
+ m_pIndex[i] = offset;
+ offset += readUINT16(offset);
+ }
+ }
+ return offset;
+const sal_Char* MethodList::getMethodName(sal_uInt16 index)
+ const sal_Char* aName = NULL;
+ if (index <= m_numOfEntries)
+ {
+ aName = m_pCP->readUTF8NameConstant(readUINT16(m_pIndex[index] + METHOD_OFFSET_NAME));
+ }
+ return aName;
+sal_uInt16 MethodList::getMethodParamCount(sal_uInt16 index)
+ sal_uInt16 aCount = 0;
+ if (index <= m_numOfEntries)
+ {
+ aCount = readUINT16(m_pIndex[index] + METHOD_OFFSET_PARAM_COUNT);
+ }
+ return aCount;
+const sal_Char* MethodList::getMethodParamType(sal_uInt16 index, sal_uInt16 paramIndex)
+ const sal_Char* aName = NULL;
+ if ((index <= m_numOfEntries) && (paramIndex <= readUINT16(m_pIndex[index] + METHOD_OFFSET_PARAM_COUNT)))
+ {
+ aName = m_pCP->readUTF8NameConstant(
+ readUINT16(
+ m_pIndex[index] +
+ }
+ return aName;
+const sal_Char* MethodList::getMethodParamName(sal_uInt16 index, sal_uInt16 paramIndex)
+ const sal_Char* aName = NULL;
+ if ((index <= m_numOfEntries) && (paramIndex <= readUINT16(m_pIndex[index] + METHOD_OFFSET_PARAM_COUNT)))
+ {
+ aName = m_pCP->readUTF8NameConstant(
+ readUINT16(
+ m_pIndex[index] +
+ }
+ return aName;
+RTParamMode MethodList::getMethodParamMode(sal_uInt16 index, sal_uInt16 paramIndex)
+ RTParamMode aMode = RT_PARAM_INVALID;
+ if ((index <= m_numOfEntries) && (paramIndex <= readUINT16(m_pIndex[index] + METHOD_OFFSET_PARAM_COUNT)))
+ {
+ aMode = (RTParamMode) readUINT16(
+ m_pIndex[index] +
+ }
+ return aMode;
+sal_uInt16 MethodList::getMethodExcCount(sal_uInt16 index)
+ sal_uInt16 aCount = 0;
+ if (index <= m_numOfEntries)
+ {
+ aCount = readUINT16(m_pIndex[index] + METHOD_OFFSET_PARAM(readUINT16(m_pIndex[index] + METHOD_OFFSET_PARAM_COUNT)));
+ }
+ return aCount;
+const sal_Char* MethodList::getMethodExcType(sal_uInt16 index, sal_uInt16 excIndex)
+ const sal_Char* aName = NULL;
+ if (index <= m_numOfEntries)
+ {
+ sal_uInt32 excOffset = m_pIndex[index] + METHOD_OFFSET_PARAM(readUINT16(m_pIndex[index] + METHOD_OFFSET_PARAM_COUNT));
+ if (excIndex <= readUINT16(excOffset))
+ {
+ aName = m_pCP->readUTF8NameConstant(
+ readUINT16(
+ excOffset +
+ sizeof(sal_uInt16) +
+ (excIndex * sizeof(sal_uInt16))));
+ }
+ }
+ return aName;
+const sal_Char* MethodList::getMethodReturnType(sal_uInt16 index)
+ const sal_Char* aName = NULL;
+ if (index <= m_numOfEntries)
+ {
+ aName = m_pCP->readUTF8NameConstant(readUINT16(m_pIndex[index] + METHOD_OFFSET_RETURN));
+ }
+ return aName;
+RTMethodMode MethodList::getMethodMode(sal_uInt16 index)
+ RTMethodMode aMode = RT_MODE_INVALID;
+ if (index <= m_numOfEntries)
+ {
+ aMode = (RTMethodMode) readUINT16(m_pIndex[index] + METHOD_OFFSET_MODE);
+ }
+ return aMode;
+const sal_Char* MethodList::getMethodDoku(sal_uInt16 index)
+ const sal_Char* aDoku = NULL;
+ if (index <= m_numOfEntries)
+ {
+ aDoku = m_pCP->readUTF8NameConstant(readUINT16(m_pIndex[index] + METHOD_OFFSET_DOKU));
+ }
+ return aDoku;
+ class TypeRegistryEntry
+class TypeRegistryEntry : public BlopObject
+ ConstantPool* m_pCP;
+ FieldList* m_pFields;
+ MethodList* m_pMethods;
+ ReferenceList* m_pReferences;
+ sal_uInt32 m_refCount;
+ TypeRegistryEntry(const sal_uInt8* buffer, sal_uInt32 len, sal_Bool copyBuffer)
+ : BlopObject(buffer, len, copyBuffer)
+ , m_pCP(NULL)
+ , m_pFields(NULL)
+ , m_pMethods(NULL)
+ , m_pReferences(NULL)
+ , m_refCount(1)
+ {
+ }
+ ~TypeRegistryEntry();
+ void init() const;
+ if (m_pCP) delete m_pCP;
+ if (m_pFields) delete m_pFields;
+ if (m_pMethods) delete m_pMethods;
+ if (m_pReferences) delete m_pReferences;
+void TypeRegistryEntry::init() const
+#ifdef OS2
+ TypeRegistryEntry* _This = (TypeRegistryEntry*)(this);
+ TypeRegistryEntry* _This = const_cast<TypeRegistryEntry*>(this);
+ if (m_pCP)
+ {
+ delete _This->m_pCP;
+ _This->m_pCP = NULL;
+ }
+ _This->m_pCP = new ConstantPool(m_pBuffer + OFFSET_CP, readUINT16(OFFSET_CP_SIZE));
+ sal_uInt32 offset = OFFSET_CP + _This->m_pCP->parseIndex();
+ _This->m_pFields = new FieldList(m_pBuffer + offset + sizeof(sal_uInt16), readUINT16(offset), _This->m_pCP);
+ offset += sizeof(sal_uInt16) + _This->m_pFields->parseIndex();
+ _This->m_pMethods = new MethodList(m_pBuffer + offset + sizeof(sal_uInt16), readUINT16(offset), _This->m_pCP);
+ offset += sizeof(sal_uInt16) + _This->m_pMethods->parseIndex();
+ _This->m_pReferences = new ReferenceList(m_pBuffer + offset + sizeof(sal_uInt16), readUINT16(offset), _This->m_pCP);
+ offset += sizeof(sal_uInt16) + _This->m_pReferences->parseIndex();
+static TypeReaderImpl TYPEREG_CALLTYPE createEntry(const sal_uInt8* buffer, sal_uInt32 len, sal_Bool copyBuffer)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* ret = NULL;
+ if (len >= OFFSET_CP)
+ {
+ ret = new TypeRegistryEntry(buffer, len, copyBuffer);
+ if (
+ (ret->readUINT32(OFFSET_MAGIC) != magic) ||
+ (ret->readUINT32(OFFSET_SIZE) > len)
+ )
+ {
+ delete ret;
+ ret = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE acquire(TypeReaderImpl hEntry)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry != NULL)
+ pEntry->m_refCount++;
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE release(TypeReaderImpl hEntry)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry != NULL)
+ {
+ if (--pEntry->m_refCount == 0)
+ delete pEntry;
+ }
+static sal_uInt16 TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getMinorVersion(TypeReaderImpl hEntry)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL) return 0;
+ return pEntry->readUINT16(OFFSET_MINOR_VERSION);
+static sal_uInt16 TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getMajorVersion(TypeReaderImpl hEntry)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL) return 0;
+ return pEntry->readUINT16(OFFSET_MAJOR_VERSION);
+static RTTypeClass TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getTypeClass(TypeReaderImpl hEntry)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL) return RT_TYPE_INVALID;
+ return (RTTypeClass) pEntry->readUINT16(OFFSET_TYPE_CLASS);
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getTypeName(TypeReaderImpl hEntry, rtl_uString** pTypeName)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ rtl_uString_new(pTypeName);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ const sal_Char* pTmp = pEntry->m_pCP->readUTF8NameConstant(pEntry->readUINT16(OFFSET_THIS_TYPE));
+ if ( pTmp )
+ rtl_string2UString( pTypeName, pTmp, rtl_str_getLength(pTmp), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getSuperTypeName(TypeReaderImpl hEntry, rtl_uString** pSuperTypeName)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ rtl_uString_new(pSuperTypeName);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ const sal_Char* pTmp = pEntry->m_pCP->readUTF8NameConstant(pEntry->readUINT16(OFFSET_SUPER_TYPE));
+ if ( pTmp )
+ rtl_string2UString( pSuperTypeName, pTmp, rtl_str_getLength(pTmp), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getUik(TypeReaderImpl hEntry, RTUik* uik)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry != NULL)
+ {
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ pEntry->m_pCP->readUIK(pEntry->readUINT16(OFFSET_UIK), uik);
+ }
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getDoku(TypeReaderImpl hEntry, rtl_uString** pDoku)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ rtl_uString_new(pDoku);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ const sal_Char* pTmp = pEntry->m_pCP->readUTF8NameConstant(pEntry->readUINT16(OFFSET_DOKU));
+ if ( pTmp )
+ rtl_string2UString( pDoku, pTmp, rtl_str_getLength(pTmp), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getFileName(TypeReaderImpl hEntry, rtl_uString** pFileName)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ rtl_uString_new(pFileName);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ const sal_Char* pTmp = pEntry->m_pCP->readUTF8NameConstant(pEntry->readUINT16(OFFSET_FILENAME));
+ if ( pTmp )
+ rtl_string2UString( pFileName, pTmp, rtl_str_getLength(pTmp), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+static sal_uInt32 TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getFieldCount(TypeReaderImpl hEntry)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL) return 0;
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ return pEntry->m_pFields->m_numOfEntries;
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getFieldName(TypeReaderImpl hEntry, rtl_uString** pFieldName, sal_uInt16 index)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ rtl_uString_new(pFieldName);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ const sal_Char* pTmp = pEntry->m_pFields->getFieldName(index);
+ if ( pTmp )
+ rtl_string2UString( pFieldName, pTmp, rtl_str_getLength(pTmp), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getFieldType(TypeReaderImpl hEntry, rtl_uString** pFieldType, sal_uInt16 index)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ rtl_uString_new(pFieldType);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ const sal_Char* pTmp = pEntry->m_pFields->getFieldType(index);
+ if ( pTmp )
+ rtl_string2UString( pFieldType, pTmp, rtl_str_getLength(pTmp), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+static RTFieldAccess TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getFieldAccess(TypeReaderImpl hEntry, sal_uInt16 index)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL) return RT_ACCESS_INVALID;
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ return pEntry->m_pFields->getFieldAccess(index);
+static RTValueType TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getFieldConstValue(TypeReaderImpl hEntry, sal_uInt16 index, RTConstValueUnion* value)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL) return RT_TYPE_NONE;
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ return pEntry->m_pFields->getFieldConstValue(index, value);
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getFieldDoku(TypeReaderImpl hEntry, rtl_uString** pDoku, sal_uInt16 index)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ rtl_uString_new(pDoku);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ const sal_Char* pTmp = pEntry->m_pFields->getFieldDoku(index);
+ if ( pTmp )
+ rtl_string2UString( pDoku, pTmp, rtl_str_getLength(pTmp), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getFieldFileName(TypeReaderImpl hEntry, rtl_uString** pFieldFileName, sal_uInt16 index)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ rtl_uString_new(pFieldFileName);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ const sal_Char* pTmp = pEntry->m_pFields->getFieldFileName(index);
+ if ( pTmp )
+ rtl_string2UString( pFieldFileName, pTmp, rtl_str_getLength(pTmp), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+static sal_uInt32 TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getMethodCount(TypeReaderImpl hEntry)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL) return 0;
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ return pEntry->m_pMethods->m_numOfEntries;
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getMethodName(TypeReaderImpl hEntry, rtl_uString** pMethodName, sal_uInt16 index)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ rtl_uString_new(pMethodName);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ const sal_Char* pTmp = pEntry->m_pMethods->getMethodName(index);
+ if ( pTmp )
+ rtl_string2UString( pMethodName, pTmp, rtl_str_getLength(pTmp), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+static sal_uInt32 TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getMethodParamCount(TypeReaderImpl hEntry, sal_uInt16 index)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL) return 0;
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ return pEntry->m_pMethods->getMethodParamCount(index);
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getMethodParamType(TypeReaderImpl hEntry, rtl_uString** pMethodParamType, sal_uInt16 index, sal_uInt16 paramIndex)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ rtl_uString_new(pMethodParamType);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ const sal_Char* pTmp = pEntry->m_pMethods->getMethodParamType(index, paramIndex);
+ if ( pTmp )
+ rtl_string2UString( pMethodParamType, pTmp, rtl_str_getLength(pTmp), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getMethodParamName(TypeReaderImpl hEntry, rtl_uString** pMethodParamName, sal_uInt16 index, sal_uInt16 paramIndex)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ rtl_uString_new(pMethodParamName);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ const sal_Char* pTmp = pEntry->m_pMethods->getMethodParamName(index, paramIndex);
+ if ( pTmp )
+ rtl_string2UString( pMethodParamName, pTmp, rtl_str_getLength(pTmp), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+static RTParamMode TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getMethodParamMode(TypeReaderImpl hEntry, sal_uInt16 index, sal_uInt16 paramIndex)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL) return RT_PARAM_INVALID;
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ return pEntry->m_pMethods->getMethodParamMode(index, paramIndex);
+static sal_uInt32 TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getMethodExcCount(TypeReaderImpl hEntry, sal_uInt16 index)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL) return 0;
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ return pEntry->m_pMethods->getMethodExcCount(index);
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getMethodExcType(TypeReaderImpl hEntry, rtl_uString** pMethodExcpType, sal_uInt16 index, sal_uInt16 excIndex)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ rtl_uString_new(pMethodExcpType);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ const sal_Char* pTmp = pEntry->m_pMethods->getMethodExcType(index, excIndex);
+ if ( pTmp )
+ rtl_string2UString( pMethodExcpType, pTmp, rtl_str_getLength(pTmp), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getMethodReturnType(TypeReaderImpl hEntry, rtl_uString** pMethodReturnType, sal_uInt16 index)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ rtl_uString_new(pMethodReturnType);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ const sal_Char* pTmp = pEntry->m_pMethods->getMethodReturnType(index);
+ if ( pTmp )
+ rtl_string2UString( pMethodReturnType, pTmp, rtl_str_getLength(pTmp), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+static RTMethodMode TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getMethodMode(TypeReaderImpl hEntry, sal_uInt16 index)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL) return RT_MODE_INVALID;
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ return pEntry->m_pMethods->getMethodMode(index);
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getMethodDoku(TypeReaderImpl hEntry, rtl_uString** pMethodDoku, sal_uInt16 index)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ rtl_uString_new(pMethodDoku);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ const sal_Char* pTmp = pEntry->m_pMethods->getMethodDoku(index);
+ if ( pTmp )
+ rtl_string2UString( pMethodDoku, pTmp, rtl_str_getLength(pTmp), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+static sal_uInt32 TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getReferenceCount(TypeReaderImpl hEntry)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL) return 0;
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ return pEntry->m_pReferences->m_numOfEntries;
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getReferenceName(TypeReaderImpl hEntry, rtl_uString** pReferenceName, sal_uInt16 index)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ rtl_uString_new(pReferenceName);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ const sal_Char* pTmp = pEntry->m_pReferences->getReferenceName(index);
+ if ( pTmp )
+ rtl_string2UString( pReferenceName, pTmp, rtl_str_getLength(pTmp), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+static RTReferenceType TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getReferenceType(TypeReaderImpl hEntry, sal_uInt16 index)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL) return RT_REF_INVALID;
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ return pEntry->m_pReferences->getReferenceType(index);
+static void TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getReferenceDoku(TypeReaderImpl hEntry, rtl_uString** pReferenceDoku, sal_uInt16 index)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL)
+ {
+ rtl_uString_new(pReferenceDoku);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ const sal_Char* pTmp = pEntry->m_pReferences->getReferenceDoku(index);
+ if ( pTmp )
+ rtl_string2UString( pReferenceDoku, pTmp, rtl_str_getLength(pTmp), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8, OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS);
+static RTFieldAccess TYPEREG_CALLTYPE getReferenceAccess(TypeReaderImpl hEntry, sal_uInt16 index)
+ TypeRegistryEntry* pEntry = (TypeRegistryEntry*) hEntry;
+ if (pEntry == NULL) return RT_ACCESS_INVALID;
+ if (pEntry->m_pCP == NULL) pEntry->init();
+ return pEntry->m_pReferences->getReferenceAccess(index);
+extern "C" RegistryTypeReader_Api* TYPEREG_CALLTYPE initRegistryTypeReader_Api(void)
+ static RegistryTypeReader_Api aApi= {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
+ if (!aApi.acquire)
+ {
+ aApi.createEntry = &createEntry;
+ aApi.acquire = &acquire;
+ aApi.release = &release;
+ aApi.getMinorVersion = &getMinorVersion;
+ aApi.getMajorVersion = &getMajorVersion;
+ aApi.getTypeClass = &getTypeClass;
+ aApi.getTypeName = &getTypeName;
+ aApi.getSuperTypeName = &getSuperTypeName;
+ aApi.getUik = &getUik;
+ aApi.getDoku = &getDoku;
+ aApi.getFileName = &getFileName;
+ aApi.getFieldCount = &getFieldCount;
+ aApi.getFieldName = &getFieldName;
+ aApi.getFieldType = &getFieldType;
+ aApi.getFieldAccess = &getFieldAccess;
+ aApi.getFieldConstValue = &getFieldConstValue;
+ aApi.getFieldDoku = &getFieldDoku;
+ aApi.getFieldFileName = &getFieldFileName;
+ aApi.getMethodCount = &getMethodCount;
+ aApi.getMethodName = &getMethodName;
+ aApi.getMethodParamCount = &getMethodParamCount;
+ aApi.getMethodParamType = &getMethodParamType;
+ aApi.getMethodParamName = &getMethodParamName;
+ aApi.getMethodParamMode = &getMethodParamMode;
+ aApi.getMethodExcCount = &getMethodExcCount;
+ aApi.getMethodExcType = &getMethodExcType;
+ aApi.getMethodReturnType = &getMethodReturnType;
+ aApi.getMethodMode = &getMethodMode;
+ aApi.getMethodDoku = &getMethodDoku;
+ aApi.getReferenceCount = &getReferenceCount;
+ aApi.getReferenceName = &getReferenceName;
+ aApi.getReferenceType = &getReferenceType;
+ aApi.getReferenceDoku = &getReferenceDoku;
+ aApi.getReferenceAccess = &getReferenceAccess;
+ return (&aApi);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return (&aApi);
+ }