path: root/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/
diff options
authorXisco Fauli <>2011-09-24 12:59:08 +0200
committerXisco Fauli <>2011-09-24 12:59:08 +0200
commit0f7d6910567f1df22f1706623043554989216a7c (patch)
treedd743bac473b0e8822bb2c3f4038b922c863a778 /wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/
parentcf16ef6c250a2755155a02f24bad861b35a1f92b (diff)
Remote the python code for now.
The reason I delete it is because this code is not used yet. I still keep working in the feature branch, so when i'll finish there i'll merge it into master. It doesn't make sense to have it in master for now
Diffstat (limited to 'wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 463 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/ b/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/
deleted file mode 100644
index 22ed320229d4..000000000000
--- a/wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/agenda/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,463 +0,0 @@
-from AgendaWizardDialog import *
-from AgendaTemplate import *
-from CGAgenda import CGAgenda
-from ui.PathSelection import PathSelection
-from ui.event.UnoDataAware import UnoDataAware
-from ui.event.RadioDataAware import RadioDataAware
-from common.NoValidPathException import NoValidPathException
-from common.SystemDialog import SystemDialog
-from import OPTIMAL
-from import YES_NO, DEF_NO
-from import OK
-class AgendaWizardDialogImpl(AgendaWizardDialog):
- fileAccess1 = None
- pageDesign = None
- def __init__(self, xmsf):
- super(AgendaWizardDialogImpl, self).__init__(xmsf)
- self.filenameChanged = False
- def enterStep(self, OldStep, NewStep):
- pass
- def leaveStep(self, OldStep, NewStep):
- pass
- '''
- used in developement to start the wizard
- '''
- @classmethod
- def main(self, args):
- ConnectStr = \
- "uno:socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext"
- try:
- xLocMSF = Desktop.connect(ConnectStr)
- wizard = AgendaWizardDialogImpl(xLocMSF)
- wizard.startWizard()
- except Exception, exception:
- traceback.print_exc()
- '''
- read the configuration data, open the specified template,
- initialize the template controller (AgendaTemplate) and
- set the status of the displayed template to the one
- read from the configuration.
- build the dialog.
- Synchronize the dialog to the same status (read from
- the configuration).
- show the dialog.
- '''
- def startWizard(self):
- self.running = True
- try:
- #Number of steps on WizardDialog
- self.nMaxStep = 6
- # initialize the agenda template
- self.agenda = CGAgenda()
- self.agendaTemplate = AgendaTemplate(
- self.xMSF, self.agenda, self.resources, self)
- # build the dialog.
- self.drawNaviBar()
- self.buildStep1()
- self.buildStep2()
- self.buildStep3()
- self.buildStep4()
- self.buildStep5()
- self.buildStep6()
- self.topicsControl = TopicsControl(self, self.xMSF, self.agenda)
- self.initializePaths()
- #special Control for setting the save Path:
- self.insertPathSelectionControl()
- self.initializeTemplates()
- # synchronize GUI and CGAgenda object.
- self.initConfiguration()
- if self.myPathSelection.xSaveTextBox.Text.lower() == "":
- self.myPathSelection.initializePath()
- # create the peer
- xContainerWindow = self.agendaTemplate.xFrame.ContainerWindow
- self.createWindowPeer(xContainerWindow)
- # initialize roadmap
- self.insertRoadmap()
- self.pageDesignChanged()
- self.executeDialogFromComponent(self.agendaTemplate.xFrame)
- self.removeTerminateListener()
- self.closeDocument()
- self.running = False
- except Exception, ex:
- self.removeTerminateListener()
- traceback.print_exc()
- self.running = False
- return
- def insertPathSelectionControl(self):
- self.myPathSelection = PathSelection(
- self.xMSF, self, PathSelection.TransferMode.SAVE,
- PathSelection.DialogTypes.FILE)
- self.myPathSelection.insert(6, 97, 70, 205, 45,
- self.resources.reslblTemplatePath_value, True,
- HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 24),
- HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID + 25))
- self.myPathSelection.sDefaultDirectory = self.sUserTemplatePath
- self.myPathSelection.sDefaultName = ""
- self.myPathSelection.sDefaultFilter = "writer8_template"
- self.myPathSelection.addSelectionListener(
- self.myPathSelectionListener())
- def initializePaths(self):
- try:
- self.sTemplatePath = FileAccess.getOfficePath2(
- self.xMSF, "Template", "share", "/wizard")
- self.sUserTemplatePath = FileAccess.getOfficePath2(
- self.xMSF, "Template", "user", "")
- self.sBitmapPath = FileAccess.combinePaths(
- self.xMSF, self.sTemplatePath, "/../wizard/bitmap")
- except NoValidPathException:
- traceback.print_exc()
- def checkSavePath(self):
- if self.agenda.cp_TemplatePath is None \
- or self.agenda.cp_TemplatePath == "" \
- or not self.getFileAccess().exists(
- FileAccess.getParentDir(self.agenda.cp_TemplatePath), False) \
- or not self.getFileAccess().isDirectory(
- FileAccess.getParentDir(self.agenda.cp_TemplatePath)):
- try:
- self.agenda.cp_TemplatePath = FileAccess.connectURLs(
- FileAccess.getOfficePath2(self.xMSF, "Work", "", ""),
- self.resources.resDefaultFilename)
- except Exception, ex:
- traceback.print_exc()
- '''
- bind controls to the agenda member (DataAware model)
- '''
- def initConfiguration(self):
- # read configuration data.
- root = Configuration.getConfigurationRoot(
- self.xMSF, "/org.openoffice.Office.Writer/Wizards/Agenda", False)
- self.agenda.readConfiguration(root, "cp_")
- self.setControlProperty(
- "listPageDesign", "StringItemList", tuple(self.agendaTemplates[0]))
- self.checkSavePath()
- UnoDataAware.attachListBox(
- self.agenda, "cp_AgendaType", self.listPageDesign, True).updateUI()
- UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
- self.agenda, "cp_IncludeMinutes", self.chkMinutes, True).updateUI()
- UnoDataAware.attachEditControl(
- self.agenda, "cp_Title", self.txtTitle, True).updateUI()
- UnoDataAware.attachDateControl(
- self.agenda, "cp_Date", self.txtDate, True).updateUI()
- UnoDataAware.attachTimeControl(
- self.agenda, "cp_Time", self.txtTime, True).updateUI()
- UnoDataAware.attachEditControl(
- self.agenda, "cp_Location", self.cbLocation, True).updateUI()
- UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
- self.agenda, "cp_ShowMeetingType", self.chkMeetingTitle,
- True).updateUI()
- UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
- self.agenda, "cp_ShowRead", self.chkRead, True).updateUI()
- UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
- self.agenda, "cp_ShowBring", self.chkBring, True).updateUI()
- UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
- self.agenda, "cp_ShowNotes", self.chkNotes, True).updateUI()
- UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
- self.agenda, "cp_ShowCalledBy", self.chkConvenedBy,
- True).updateUI()
- UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
- self.agenda, "cp_ShowFacilitator", self.chkPresiding,
- True).updateUI()
- UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
- self.agenda, "cp_ShowNotetaker", self.chkNoteTaker,
- True).updateUI()
- UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
- self.agenda, "cp_ShowTimekeeper", self.chkTimekeeper,
- True).updateUI()
- UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
- self.agenda, "cp_ShowAttendees", self.chkAttendees,
- True).updateUI()
- UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
- self.agenda, "cp_ShowObservers", self.chkObservers,
- True).updateUI()
- UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(
- self.agenda, "cp_ShowResourcePersons",self.chkResourcePersons,
- True).updateUI()
- UnoDataAware.attachEditControl(
- self.agenda, "cp_TemplateName", self.txtTemplateName,
- True).updateUI()
- RadioDataAware.attachRadioButtons(
- self.agenda, "cp_ProceedMethod",
- (self.optCreateAgenda, self.optMakeChanges), True).updateUI()
- def saveConfiguration(self):
- root = Configuration.getConfigurationRoot(
- self.xMSF, "/org.openoffice.Office.Writer/Wizards/Agenda", True)
- self.agenda.writeConfiguration(root, "cp_")
- root.commitChanges()
- def insertRoadmap(self):
- self.addRoadmap()
- self.insertRoadMapItems(
- [True, True, True, True, True, True],
- [self.resources.resStep1, self.resources.resStep2,
- self.resources.resStep3, self.resources.resStep4,
- self.resources.resStep5, self.resources.resStep6])
- self.setRoadmapInteractive(True)
- self.setRoadmapComplete(True)
- self.setCurrentRoadmapItemID(1)
- '''
- read the available agenda wizard templates.
- '''
- def initializeTemplates(self):
- try:
- self.sTemplatePath = FileAccess.getOfficePath2(
- self.xMSF, "Template", "share", "/wizard")
- sAgendaPath = FileAccess.combinePaths(
- self.xMSF, self.sTemplatePath, "/wizard/agenda")
- self.agendaTemplates = FileAccess.getFolderTitles(
- self.xMSF, "aw", sAgendaPath)
- return True
- except NoValidPathException:
- traceback.print_exc()
- return False
- '''
- first page, page design listbox changed.
- '''
- def pageDesignChanged(self):
- try:
- SelectedItemPos = self.listPageDesign.SelectedItemPos
- #avoid to load the same item again
- if AgendaWizardDialogImpl.pageDesign is not SelectedItemPos:
- AgendaWizardDialogImpl.pageDesign = SelectedItemPos
- self.agendaTemplate.load(
- self.agendaTemplates[1][SelectedItemPos],
- self.topicsControl.scrollfields)
- except Exception:
- traceback.print_exc()
- '''
- last page, template title changed...
- '''
- def templateTitleChanged(self):
- title = Helper.getUnoPropertyValue(getModel(txtTemplateName), "Text")
- self.agendaTemplate.setTemplateTitle(title)
- #textFields listeners
- def txtTitleTextChanged(self):
- AgendaTemplate.redrawTitle("txtTitle")
- def txtDateTextChanged(self):
- AgendaTemplate.redrawTitle("txtDate")
- def txtTimeTextChanged(self):
- AgendaTemplate.redrawTitle("txtTime")
- def txtLocationTextChanged(self):
- AgendaTemplate.redrawTitle("cbLocation")
- #checkbox listeners
- def chkUseMeetingTypeItemChanged(self):
- AgendaTemplate.agenda.cp_IncludeMinutes = bool(self.chkMinutes.State)
- def chkUseMeetingTypeItemChanged(self):
- AgendaTemplate.redraw(FILLIN_MEETING_TYPE)
- def chkUseReadItemChanged(self):
- AgendaTemplate.redraw(FILLIN_READ)
- def chkUseBringItemChanged(self):
- AgendaTemplate.redraw(FILLIN_BRING)
- def chkUseNotesItemChanged(self):
- AgendaTemplate.redraw(FILLIN_NOTES)
- def chkUseCalledByItemChanged(self):
- AgendaTemplate.redraw(FILLIN_CALLED_BY)
- def chkUseFacilitatorItemChanged(self):
- AgendaTemplate.redraw(FILLIN_FACILITATOR)
- def chkUseNoteTakerItemChanged(self):
- AgendaTemplate.redraw(FILLIN_NOTETAKER)
- def chkUseTimeKeeperItemChanged(self):
- AgendaTemplate.redraw(FILLIN_TIMEKEEPER)
- def chkUseAttendeesItemChanged(self):
- AgendaTemplate.redraw(FILLIN_PARTICIPANTS)
- def chkUseObserversItemChanged(self):
- AgendaTemplate.redraw(FILLIN_OBSERVERS)
- def chkUseResourcePersonsItemChanged(self):
- AgendaTemplate.redraw(FILLIN_RESOURCE_PERSONS)
- '''
- convenience method.
- instead of creating a FileAccess object every time
- it is needed, I have a FileAccess object memeber.
- the first time it is needed it will be created, and
- then be reused...
- @return the FileAccess memeber object.
- '''
- def getFileAccess(self):
- if AgendaWizardDialogImpl.fileAccess1 is None:
- try:
- AgendaWizardDialogImpl.fileAccess1 = FileAccess(self.xMSF)
- except Exception, e:
- traceback.print_exc()
- return AgendaWizardDialogImpl.fileAccess1
- '''
- last page, "browse" ("...") button was clicked...
- '''
- def saveAs(self):
- try:
- checkSavePath()
- saveAs = SystemDialog.createStoreDialog(xMSF)
- saveAs.addFilterToDialog("ott", "writer8_template", True)
- # call the saveAs dialog.
- url = saveAs.callStoreDialog(
- FileAccess.getParentDir(self.agenda.cp_TemplatePath),
- FileAccess.getFilename(self.agenda.cp_TemplatePath))
- if url != None:
- self.agenda.cp_TemplatePath = url
- setFilename(url)
- self.filenameChanged = True
- except Exception, ex:
- traceback.print_exc()
- '''
- is called when the user
- changes the path through the "save as" dialog.
- The path displayed is a translated, user-friendly, platform dependant path.
- @param url the new save url.
- '''
- def setFilename(self, url):
- try:
- path = getFileAccess().getPath(url, "")
- Helper.setUnoPropertyValue(
- getModel(self.myPathSelection.xSaveTextBox), "Text", path)
- except Exception, ex:
- traceback.print_exc()
- def insertRow(self):
- self.topicsControl.insertRow()
- def removeRow(self):
- self.topicsControl.removeRow()
- def rowUp(self):
- self.topicsControl.rowUp()
- def rowDown(self):
- self.topicsControl.rowDown()
- def cancelWizard(self):
- self.xUnoDialog.endExecute()
- self.running = False
- def finishWizard(self):
- self.switchToStep(self.getCurrentStep(), self.nMaxStep)
- bSaveSuccess = False
- endWizard = True
- try:
- fileAccess = FileAccess(self.xMSF)
- self.sPath = self.myPathSelection.getSelectedPath()
- if self.sPath == "":
- self.myPathSelection.triggerPathPicker()
- self.sPath = self.myPathSelection.getSelectedPath()
- self.sPath = fileAccess.getURL(self.sPath)
- #first, if the filename was not changed, thus
- #it is coming from a saved session, check if the
- # file exists and warn the user.
- if not self.filenameChanged:
- if fileAccess.exists(self.sPath, True):
- answer = SystemDialog.showMessageBox(
- self.xMSF, "MessBox", YES_NO + DEF_NO,
- self.resources.resFileExists,
- self.xUnoDialog.Peer)
- if answer == 3:
- # user said: no, do not overwrite
- endWizard = False
- return False
- xTextDocument = self.agendaTemplate.document
- bSaveSuccess =
- self.xMSF, AgendaTemplate.xTextDocument, self.sPath,
- "writer8_template")
- if bSaveSuccess:
- self.saveConfiguration()
- self.agendaTemplate.finish(self.topicsControl.scrollfields)
- loadValues = range(2)
- loadValues[0] = uno.createUnoStruct( \
- '')
- loadValues[0].Name = "AsTemplate"
- if self.agenda.cp_ProceedMethod == 1:
- loadValues[0].Value = True
- else:
- loadValues[0].Value = False
- loadValues[1] = uno.createUnoStruct( \
- '')
- loadValues[1].Name = "InteractionHandler"
- xIH = self.xMSF.createInstance(
- "")
- loadValues[1].Value = xIH
- oDoc = OfficeDocument.load(
- Desktop.getDesktop(self.xMSF),
- self.sPath, "_default", loadValues)
- myViewHandler = ViewHandler(self.xMSF, oDoc)
- myViewHandler.setViewSetting("ZoomType", OPTIMAL)
- else:
- pass
- except Exception, e:
- traceback.print_exc()
- finally:
- if endWizard:
- self.xUnoDialog.endExecute()
- self.running = False
- return True
- def closeDocument(self):
- try:
- xCloseable = self.agendaTemplate.xFrame
- xCloseable.close(False)
- except CloseVetoException, e:
- traceback.print_exc()