path: root/sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx
diff options
authorJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2000-09-18 23:08:29 +0000
committerJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2000-09-18 23:08:29 +0000
commit84a3db80b4fd66c6854b3135b5f69b61fd828e62 (patch)
tree4475006ca87946e71c44668b20330b2d2729f638 /sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx
parent7b0b5cdfeed656b279bc32cd929630d5fc25878b (diff)
initial import
Diffstat (limited to 'sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx')
1 files changed, 642 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx b/sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e8caa63045d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/source/core/attr/calbck.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: calbck.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-19 00:08:15 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "core_pch.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+#include "hintids.hxx" // fuer RES_..
+#include "frame.hxx"
+#include "errhdl.hxx"
+#include "hints.hxx"
+#define ITERATION // iterative SwModify::_Insert-Methode
+#include "calbck.hxx"
+#include "swcache.hxx"
+#include "swfntcch.hxx"
+static SwClientIter* pClientIters = 0;
+TYPEINIT0(SwClient); //rtti
+|* SwClient::SwClient(SwModify *)
+|* Beschreibung callback.doc V1.14
+|* Ersterstellung VB 20.03.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MA 20. Mar. 95
+SwClient::SwClient(SwModify *pToRegisterIn)
+ : pLeft( 0 ), pRight( 0 ), pRegisteredIn( 0 )
+ bModifyLocked =
+ bInModify =
+ bInDocDTOR =
+ bInCache = FALSE;
+ bInSwFntCache = FALSE;
+ if(pToRegisterIn)
+ pToRegisterIn->Add(this);
+|* SwClient::Modify()
+|* Beschreibung callback.doc V1.14
+|* Ersterstellung VB 20.03.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung VB 20.03.91
+void SwClient::Modify( SfxPoolItem *pOld, SfxPoolItem *pNew )
+ if( (!pOld || pOld->Which() != RES_OBJECTDYING) )
+ return;
+ SwPtrMsgPoolItem *pDead = (SwPtrMsgPoolItem *)pOld;
+ if(pDead->pObject == pRegisteredIn)
+ {
+ SwModify *pAbove = (SwModify*)pRegisteredIn->GetRegisteredIn();
+ if(pAbove)
+ {
+ pAbove->Add(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ pRegisteredIn->Remove(this);
+ }
+|* SwClient::~SwClient()
+|* Beschreibung callback.doc V1.14
+|* Ersterstellung VB 20.03.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung MA 25. Jan. 94
+ if( pRegisteredIn && pRegisteredIn->GetDepends() )
+ pRegisteredIn->Remove( this );
+ ASSERT( !IsModifyLocked(), "Modify destroyed but locked." );
+ // erfrage vom Client Informationen
+BOOL SwClient::GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& ) const
+ return TRUE; // und weiter
+|* SwModify::SwModify( SwModify * )
+|* Beschreibung Dokument 1.7
+|* Ersterstellung JP 20.11.90
+|* Letzte Aenderung VB 20.03.91
+SwModify::SwModify( SwModify *pToRegisterIn )
+ : SwClient(pToRegisterIn), pRoot( 0 )
+|* SwModify::~SwModify()
+|* Beschreibung Dokument 1.7
+|* Ersterstellung JP 20.11.90
+|* Letzte Aenderung JP 15.04.94
+ if ( IsInCache() )
+ SwFrm::GetCache().Delete( this );
+ if ( IsInSwFntCache() )
+ pSwFontCache->Delete( this );
+ if( pRoot )
+ {
+ if( IsInDocDTOR() )
+ {
+ // alle Clients "logisch" austragen
+ SwClientIter aIter( *this );
+ SwClient* p;
+ while( 0 != ( p = aIter++ ) )
+ p->pRegisteredIn = 0;
+ p = aIter.GoRoot(); // wieder ab Root (==Start) anfangen
+ do {
+ p->pRegisteredIn = 0;
+ } while( 0 != ( p = aIter-- ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // verschicke die Nachricht an die abgeleiteten Objekte.
+ SwPtrMsgPoolItem aDyObject( RES_OBJECTDYING, this );
+ Modify( &aDyObject, &aDyObject );
+ // Zwangsummeldung aller derjenigen, die sich nicht ausgetragen
+ // haben, durch Aufruf von SwClient::Modify()
+ while( pRoot )
+ pRoot->SwClient::Modify(&aDyObject, &aDyObject);
+ }
+ }
+|* SwModify::Modify( SwHint * pOldValue, SwHint * pNewValue )
+|* Beschreibung Dokument 1.7
+|* Ersterstellung JP 20.11.90
+|* Letzte Aenderung MA 20. Mar. 95
+void SwModify::Modify( SfxPoolItem* pOldValue, SfxPoolItem* pNewValue )
+ if( !pRoot || IsModifyLocked() )
+ return;
+ if ( IsInCache() || IsInSwFntCache() )
+ {
+ const USHORT nWhich = pOldValue ? pOldValue->Which() :
+ pNewValue ? pNewValue->Which() : 0;
+ CheckCaching( nWhich );
+ }
+ LockModify();
+ bInModify =
+#ifdef PRODUCT
+ // Modifies von RES_OBJECTDYING sollte kein ASSRT ausloesen
+ !pOldValue ||
+ (RES_OBJECTDYING != pOldValue->Which() &&
+ RES_REMOVE_UNO_OBJECT != pOldValue->Which()) ||
+ ((SwPtrMsgPoolItem *)pOldValue)->pObject != this
+ ;
+ SwClientIter aIter( *this );
+ SwClient * pLast = aIter.GoStart();
+ if( pLast ) // konnte zum Anfang gesprungen werden ??
+ do {
+ pLast->Modify( pOldValue, pNewValue );
+ if( !pRoot ) // Baum schon Weg ??
+ break;
+ } while( 0 != ( pLast = aIter++ ));
+ bInModify = FALSE;
+ UnlockModify();
+// erfrage vom Modify Informationen
+BOOL SwModify::GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& rInfo ) const
+ BOOL bRet = TRUE; // bedeutet weiter zum naechsten
+ if( pRoot )
+ {
+ SwClientIter aIter( *(SwModify*)this );
+ SwClient* pLast = aIter.GoStart();
+ if( pLast )
+ while( 0 != ( bRet = pLast->GetInfo( rInfo )) &&
+ 0 != ( pLast = aIter++ ) )
+ ;
+ }
+ return bRet; // und weiter
+|* SwModify::Add( SwClient *pDepend )
+|* Beschreibung Dokument 1.7
+|* Ersterstellung JP 20.11.90
+|* Letzte Aenderung JP 14.09.94
+void SwModify::Add(SwClient *pDepend)
+ ASSERT( !bInModify, "Client innerhalb des eigenen Modifies einfuegen?" );
+ // nur wenn das hier noch nicht eingetragen ist einfuegen
+ if(pDepend->pRegisteredIn != this )
+ {
+#ifndef PRODUCT
+ SwClientIter* pTmp = pClientIters;
+ while( pTmp )
+ {
+ ASSERT( &pTmp->rRoot != pRoot,
+ "Client beim angemeldeten ClientIter einfuegen?" );
+ pTmp = pTmp->pNxtIter;
+ }
+ // wenn schon wanders angemeldet, dann dort abmelden
+ if( pDepend->pRegisteredIn != 0 )
+ pDepend->pRegisteredIn->Remove( pDepend );
+ if( !pRoot )
+ {
+ pRoot = pDepend;
+ pRoot->pLeft = 0;
+ pRoot->pRight = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // immer hinter die Root haengen
+ pDepend->pRight = pRoot->pRight;
+ pRoot->pRight = pDepend;
+ pDepend->pLeft = pRoot;
+ if( pDepend->pRight )
+ pDepend->pRight->pLeft = pDepend;
+ }
+ pDepend->pRegisteredIn = this;
+ }
+|* SwModify::_Remove( SwClient *pDepend )
+|* Beschreibung Dokument 1.7
+|* Ersterstellung JP 20.11.90
+|* Letzte Aenderung JP 14.09.94
+SwClient *SwModify::_Remove(SwClient * pDepend)
+ ASSERT( !bInModify, "Client innerhalb des eigenen Modifies loeschen?" );
+ // loesche das Object aus der Liste und setze den
+ // Registrierungs-Pointer zurueck
+ if( pDepend->pRegisteredIn == this )
+ {
+ register SwClient* pR = pDepend->pRight;
+ register SwClient* pL = pDepend->pLeft;
+ if( pRoot == pDepend )
+ pRoot = pL ? pL : pR;
+ if( pL )
+ pL->pRight = pR;
+ if( pR )
+ pR->pLeft = pL;
+ // alle Client-Iters updaten
+ SwClientIter* pTmp = pClientIters;
+ while( pTmp )
+ {
+ if( pTmp->pAkt == pDepend || pTmp->pDelNext == pDepend )
+ pTmp->pDelNext = pR;
+ pTmp = pTmp->pNxtIter;
+ }
+ pDepend->pLeft = 0;
+ pDepend->pRight = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ ASSERT( FALSE, "SwModify::Remove(): pDepend nicht gefunden");
+ pDepend->pRegisteredIn = 0;
+ return pDepend;
+|* SwModify::CheckCaching( const USHORT nWhich )
+|* Ersterstellung JP 25.06.95
+|* Letzte Aenderung JP 25.06.95
+void SwModify::CheckCaching( const USHORT nWhich )
+ if( RES_CHRATR_BEGIN <= nWhich && RES_CHRATR_END > nWhich )
+ SetInSwFntCache( FALSE );
+ else
+ switch ( nWhich )
+ {
+ case RES_FMT_CHG:
+ SetInSwFntCache( FALSE );
+ case RES_UL_SPACE:
+ case RES_LR_SPACE:
+ case RES_BOX:
+ case RES_SHADOW:
+ case RES_FRM_SIZE:
+ case RES_KEEP:
+ case RES_BREAK:
+ if ( IsInCache() )
+ {
+ SwFrm::GetCache().Delete( this );
+ SetInCache( FALSE );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+// ----------
+// SwDepend
+// ----------
+|* SwDepend::SwDepend(SwClient *pTellHim,SwModify *pDepend)
+|* Beschreibung callback.doc V1.14
+|* Ersterstellung VB 20.03.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung VB 20.03.91
+SwDepend::SwDepend(SwClient *pTellHim, SwModify *pDepend)
+ : SwClient(pDepend)
+ pToTell = pTellHim;
+|* SwDepend::Modify(SwHint *, SwHint *)
+|* Beschreibung callback.doc V1.14
+|* Ersterstellung VB 20.03.91
+|* Letzte Aenderung VB 20.03.91
+void SwDepend::Modify( SfxPoolItem *pOldValue, SfxPoolItem *pNewValue )
+ if(pNewValue && pNewValue->Which() == RES_OBJECTDYING)
+ SwClient::Modify(pOldValue,pNewValue);
+ else if(pToTell)
+ pToTell->Modify(pOldValue, pNewValue);
+ // erfrage vom Modify Informationen
+BOOL SwDepend::GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& rInfo ) const
+ return pToTell ? pToTell->GetInfo( rInfo ) : TRUE;
+SwClientIter::SwClientIter( SwModify& rModify )
+ : rRoot( rModify )
+ // hinten einketten!
+ pNxtIter = 0;
+ if( pClientIters )
+ {
+ SwClientIter* pTmp = pClientIters;
+ while( pTmp->pNxtIter )
+ pTmp = pTmp->pNxtIter;
+ pTmp->pNxtIter = this;
+ }
+ else
+ pClientIters = this;
+ pAkt = rRoot.pRoot;
+ pDelNext = pAkt;
+ if( pClientIters )
+ {
+ if( pClientIters == this )
+ pClientIters = pNxtIter;
+ else
+ {
+ SwClientIter* pTmp = pClientIters;
+ while( pTmp->pNxtIter != this )
+ if( 0 == ( pTmp = pTmp->pNxtIter ) )
+ {
+ ASSERT( this, "wo ist mein Pointer" );
+ return ;
+ }
+ pTmp->pNxtIter = pNxtIter;
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef CFRONT
+ // Postfix Operator
+SwClient* SwClientIter::operator++(int)
+// solange der CFRONT Prefix und PostFix nicht unterscheiden kann, immer
+// als Prefix-Operator arbeiten. Wenn der CFRONT es kann, muss auch der
+// Code entsprechen umgestellt werden !!!
+ if( pDelNext == pAkt )
+ {
+ pAkt = pAkt->pRight;
+ pDelNext = pAkt;
+ }
+ else
+ pAkt = pDelNext;
+ return pAkt;
+ // Prefix Operator
+SwClient* SwClientIter::operator++()
+ if( pDelNext == pAkt )
+ {
+ pAkt = pAkt->pRight;
+ pDelNext = pAkt;
+ }
+ else
+ pAkt = pDelNext;
+ return pAkt;
+#ifndef CFRONT
+ // Postfix Operator
+SwClient* SwClientIter::operator--(int)
+// solange der CFRONT Prefix und PostFix nicht unterscheiden kann, immer
+// als Prefix-Operator arbeiten. Wenn der CFRONT es kann, muss auch der
+// Code entsprechen umgestellt werden !!!
+ if( pDelNext == pAkt )
+ pAkt = pAkt->pLeft;
+ else
+ pAkt = pDelNext->pLeft;
+ pDelNext = pAkt;
+ return pAkt;
+ // Prefix Operator
+SwClient* SwClientIter::operator--()
+ if( pDelNext == pAkt )
+ pAkt = pAkt->pLeft;
+ else
+ pAkt = pDelNext->pLeft;
+ pDelNext = pAkt;
+ return pAkt;
+SwClient* SwClientIter::GoStart() // zum Anfang des Baums
+ pAkt = rRoot.pRoot;
+ if( pAkt )
+ while( pAkt->pLeft )
+ pAkt = pAkt->pLeft;
+ pDelNext = pAkt;
+ return pAkt;
+SwClient* SwClientIter::GoEnd() // zum End des Baums
+ pAkt = pDelNext;
+ if( !pAkt )
+ pAkt = rRoot.pRoot;
+ if( pAkt )
+ while( pAkt->pRight )
+ pAkt = pAkt->pRight;
+ pDelNext = pAkt;
+ return pAkt;
+SwClient* SwClientIter::First( TypeId nType )
+ aSrchId = nType;
+ GoStart();
+ if( pAkt )
+ do {
+ if( pAkt->IsA( aSrchId ) )
+ break;
+ if( pDelNext == pAkt )
+ {
+ pAkt = pAkt->pRight;
+ pDelNext = pAkt;
+ }
+ else
+ pAkt = pDelNext;
+ } while( pAkt );
+ return pAkt;
+SwClient* SwClientIter::Next()
+ do {
+ // erstmal zum naechsten
+ if( pDelNext == pAkt )
+ {
+ pAkt = pAkt->pRight;
+ pDelNext = pAkt;
+ }
+ else
+ pAkt = pDelNext;
+ if( pAkt && pAkt->IsA( aSrchId ) )
+ break;
+ } while( pAkt );
+ return pAkt;