path: root/svtools/source/filter.vcl/filter/filter.cxx
diff options
authorJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2000-09-18 16:07:07 +0000
committerJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2000-09-18 16:07:07 +0000
commit8ab086b6cc054501bfbf7ef6fa509c393691e860 (patch)
tree324d51845d7f1a2f4e02a14db22fb5947137c822 /svtools/source/filter.vcl/filter/filter.cxx
parent411e68cc54ae97eebd79ae3a9cb2971b74cb2a9e (diff)
initial import
Diffstat (limited to 'svtools/source/filter.vcl/filter/filter.cxx')
1 files changed, 2735 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/svtools/source/filter.vcl/filter/filter.cxx b/svtools/source/filter.vcl/filter/filter.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..17c0c47587d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svtools/source/filter.vcl/filter/filter.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,2735 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: filter.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:58:59 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#if defined UNX && defined ALPHA
+#include <fstream.hxx>
+#include <unotools/processfactory.hxx>
+#include <ucbhelper/content.hxx>
+#include <cppuhelper/implbase1.hxx>
+#include <tools/urlobj.hxx>
+#include <tools/tempfile.hxx>
+#include <vcl/salctype.hxx>
+#include <vcl/virdev.hxx>
+#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
+#include "filter.hxx"
+#include "fltcall.hxx"
+#include "wmf.hxx"
+#include "gifread.hxx"
+#include "pngread.hxx"
+#include "jpeg.hxx"
+#include "xbmread.hxx"
+#include "xpmread.hxx"
+#include "solar.hrc"
+#include "strings.hrc"
+#include "dlgexpor.hxx"
+#include "dlgejpg.hxx"
+#include "sgffilt.hxx"
+#ifndef _VOS_MODULE_HXX_
+#include "vos/module.hxx"
+#ifdef MAC
+#include "extattr.hxx"
+#include <com/sun/star/uno/Reference.h>
+#include <com/sun/star/uno/XInterface.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/uno/XWeak.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/uno/XAggregation.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/lang/XTypeProvider.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/lang/XMultiServiceFactory.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/io/XActiveDataSource.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/io/XOutputStream.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/svg/XSVGWriter.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/xml/sax/XDocumentHandler.hpp>
+#define IMP_BMP "SVBMP"
+#define IMP_WMF "SVWMF"
+#define IMP_EMF "SVEMF"
+#define IMP_SVSGF "SVSGF"
+#define IMP_SVSGV "SVSGV"
+#define IMP_GIF "SVIGIF"
+#define IMP_PNG "SVIPNG"
+#define IMP_XBM "SVIXBM"
+#define IMP_XPM "SVIXPM"
+#define EXP_BMP "SVBMP"
+#define EXP_WMF "SVWMF"
+#define EXP_EMF "SVEMF"
+#define EXP_SVG "SVESVG"
+#if defined WIN || (defined OS2 && !defined ICC)
+#define IMPORT_FUNCTION_NAME "_GraphicImport"
+#define EXPORT_FUNCTION_NAME "_GraphicExport"
+#define IMPDLG_FUNCTION_NAME "_DoImportDialog"
+#define EXPDLG_FUNCTION_NAME "_DoExportDialog"
+#define IMPORT_FUNCTION_NAME "GraphicImport"
+#define EXPORT_FUNCTION_NAME "GraphicExport"
+#define IMPDLG_FUNCTION_NAME "DoImportDialog"
+#define EXPDLG_FUNCTION_NAME "DoExportDialog"
+// Compilerfehler, wenn Optimierung bei WNT & MSC
+#if defined WNT && defined MSC
+#pragma optimize( "", off )
+// -----------
+// - statics -
+// -----------
+ULONG GraphicFilter::nFilterCount = 0UL;
+Link GraphicFilter::aLastFilterHdl = Link();
+// -------------------------
+// - ImpFilterOutputStream -
+// -------------------------
+class ImpFilterOutputStream : public ::cppu::WeakImplHelper1< ::com::sun::star::io::XOutputStream >
+ SvStream& mrStm;
+ virtual void SAL_CALL writeBytes( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >& rData ) { mrStm.Write( rData.getConstArray(), rData.getLength() ); }
+ virtual void SAL_CALL flush() { mrStm.Flush(); }
+ virtual void SAL_CALL closeOutput() {}
+ ImpFilterOutputStream( SvStream& rStm ) : mrStm( rStm ) {}
+ ~ImpFilterOutputStream() {}
+// -------------------------
+// - ImpFilterCallbackData -
+// -------------------------
+struct ImpFilterCallbackData
+ GraphicFilter * pFilt;
+ USHORT * pPercent;
+ Link * pUpdatePercentHdl;
+ BOOL * pAbort;
+ USHORT nFilePercentOfTotal;
+// ---------------------
+// - ImpFilterCallback -
+// ---------------------
+BOOL ImplDirEntryHelper::Exists( const INetURLObject& rObj )
+ BOOL bExists = FALSE;
+ try
+ {
+ ::rtl::OUString aTitle;
+ ::ucb::Content aCnt( rObj.GetMainURL(),
+ ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::ucb::XCommandEnvironment >() );
+ aCnt.getPropertyValue( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "Title" ) ) >>= aTitle;
+ if( aTitle.getLength() )
+ bExists = TRUE;
+ }
+ catch( ::com::sun::star::ucb::CommandAbortedException& )
+ {
+ DBG_ERRORFILE( "CommandAbortedException" );
+ }
+ catch( ... )
+ {
+ DBG_ERRORFILE( "Any other exception" );
+ }
+ return bExists;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ImplDirEntryHelper::Kill( const String& rStr )
+ try
+ {
+ ::ucb::Content aCnt( INetURLObject( rStr, INET_PROT_FILE ).GetMainURL(),
+ ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::ucb::XCommandEnvironment >() );
+ aCnt.executeCommand( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "delete" ),
+ ::com::sun::star::uno::makeAny( sal_Bool( sal_True ) ) );
+ }
+ catch( ::com::sun::star::ucb::CommandAbortedException& )
+ {
+ DBG_ERRORFILE( "CommandAbortedException" );
+ }
+ catch( ... )
+ {
+ DBG_ERRORFILE( "Any other exception" );
+ }
+// ---------------------
+// - ImpFilterCallback -
+// ---------------------
+BOOL ImpFilterCallback( void* pCallerData, USHORT nPercent )
+ ImpFilterCallbackData* pData= (ImpFilterCallbackData*) pCallerData;
+ nPercent = nPercent * pData->nFilePercentOfTotal / 100;
+ if( nPercent >= ( 3 + *pData->pPercent ) )
+ {
+ *pData->pPercent = nPercent;
+ pData->pUpdatePercentHdl->Call( pData->pFilt );
+ }
+ return *pData->pAbort;
+// --------------------
+// - Helper functions -
+// --------------------
+static String ImpGetNthEntry( const String& rStr, USHORT nEntry )
+ const sal_Unicode* pA = rStr.GetBuffer();
+ const sal_Unicode* pEnd = pA + rStr.Len();
+ sal_uInt16 i;
+ for( i = 0; ( i < nEntry ) && ( pA != pEnd ); i++ )
+ {
+ while( ( *pA != ',' ) && ( pA != pEnd ) )
+ pA++;
+ if( *pA == ',')
+ pA++;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ if( *pA == '"' )
+ {
+ *pA++;
+ while( ( ( pA + i ) != pEnd ) && ( pA[i] != '"' ) )
+ i++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while( ( ( pA + i ) != pEnd ) && ( pA[i] != ',' ) )
+ i++;
+ }
+ return String( pA, (xub_StrLen)i );
+static BYTE* ImplSearchEntry( BYTE* pSource, BYTE* pDest, ULONG nComp, ULONG nSize )
+ while ( nComp-- >= nSize )
+ {
+ ULONG i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < nSize; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( ( pSource[i]&~0x20 ) != ( pDest[i]&~0x20 ) )
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( i == nSize )
+ return pSource;
+ pSource++;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+inline String ImpGetFormatName( const String& rStr )
+ return ImpGetNthEntry( rStr, 0 );
+inline String ImpGetMacType( const String& rStr )
+ return ImpGetNthEntry( rStr, 1 );
+inline String ImpGetFormatExtension( const String& rStr )
+ return ImpGetNthEntry( rStr, 2 );
+inline String ImpGetFilterName( const String& rStr )
+ return ImpGetNthEntry( rStr, 3 );
+inline String ImpGetFilterVendor( const String& rStr )
+ return ImpGetNthEntry( rStr, 4 );
+inline String ImpGetFilterPixOrVec( const String& rStr )
+ return ImpGetNthEntry( rStr, 5 );
+inline String ImpGetFilterDialog( const String& rStr )
+ return ImpGetNthEntry( rStr, 6 );
+inline String ImpGetExtension( const String &rPath )
+ String aExt;
+ INetURLObject aURL;
+ aURL.SetSmartURL( rPath );
+ aExt = aURL.GetFileExtension().ToUpperAscii();
+ return aExt;
+|* ImpPeekGraphicFormat()
+|* Beschreibung:
+|* Diese Funktion kann zweierlei:
+|* 1.) Datei anlesen, Dateiformat ermitteln
+|* Eingabe-prarameter:
+|* rPath - Dateipfad
+|* rFormatExtension - Inhalt egal
+|* bTest - setze FALSE
+|* Ausgabe-parameter:
+|* Funkionswert - TRUE wenn Erfolg
+|* rFormatExtension - Bei Erfolg: uebliche Dateiendung
+|* des Formats (Grossbuchstaben)
+|* 2.) Datei anlesen, Dateiformat ueberpruefen
+|* Eingabe-prarameter:
+|* rPath - Dateipfad
+|* rFormatExtension - uebliche Dateiendung des Formats
+|* (Grossbuchstaben)
+|* bTest - setze TRUE
+|* Ausgabe-parameter:
+|* Funkionswert - FALSE, wenn die Datei bestimmt nicht
+|* vom uebgebenen Format ist.
+|* TRUE, wenn die Datei WAHRSCHEINLICH von
+|* dem Format ist, ODER WENN DAS FORMAT
+|* Ersterstellung OH 26.05.95
+|* Letzte Aenderung OH 07.08.95
+static BOOL ImpPeekGraphicFormat( SvStream& rStream, String& rFormatExtension, BOOL bTest )
+ BYTE sFirstBytes[ 256 ];
+ ULONG nFirstLong,nSecondLong;
+ ULONG nStreamPos = rStream.Tell();
+ rStream.Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_END );
+ ULONG nStreamLen = rStream.Tell() - nStreamPos;
+ rStream.Seek( nStreamPos );
+ // Die ersten 256 Bytes in einen Buffer laden:
+ if( nStreamLen >= 256 )
+ rStream.Read( sFirstBytes, 256 );
+ else
+ {
+ rStream.Read( sFirstBytes, nStreamLen );
+ for( i = (USHORT) nStreamLen; i < 256; i++ )
+ sFirstBytes[ i ]=0;
+ }
+ if( rStream.GetError() )
+ return FALSE;
+ // Die ersten 8 Bytes in nFirstLong, nSecondLong unterbringen,
+ // Big-Endian:
+ for( i = 0, nFirstLong = 0L, nSecondLong = 0L; i < 4; i++ )
+ {
+ nFirstLong=(nFirstLong<<8)|(ULONG)sFirstBytes[i];
+ nSecondLong=(nSecondLong<<8)|(ULONG)sFirstBytes[i+4];
+ }
+ // Folgende Variable ist nur bei bTest==TRUE interessant. Sie
+ // bleibt FALSE, wenn das Format (rFormatExtension) hier noch nicht
+ // einprogrammiert wurde.
+ BOOL bSomethingTested = FALSE;
+ // Nun werden die verschieden Formate ueberprueft. Dabei ist die
+ // Reihenfolge nicht egal. Z.b. koennte eine MET-Datei auch durch
+ // den BMP-Test gehen, umgekehrt kann eine BMP-Datei kaum durch den
+ // MET-Test gehen. Also sollte MET vor BMP getestet werden.
+ // Theoretisch waere aber vielleicht auch eine BMP-Datei denkbar,
+ // die durch den MET-Test geht.
+ // Diese Probleme gibt es natuerlich nicht nur bei MET und BMP.
+ // Deshalb wird im Falle der Uberpruefung eines Formats (bTest==TRUE)
+ // nur genau dieses eine Format getestet. Alles andere koennte fatale
+ // Folgen haben, z.B. wenn der Benutzer sagt, es sei BMP-Datei (und es
+ // ist BMP-Datei), und hier wuerde die Datei durch den MET-Test gehen...
+ //--------------------------- MET ------------------------------------
+ if( !bTest || ( rFormatExtension.CompareToAscii( "MET", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) )
+ {
+ bSomethingTested=TRUE;
+ if( sFirstBytes[2] == 0xd3 )
+ {
+ rStream.SetNumberFormatInt( NUMBERFORMAT_INT_BIGENDIAN );
+ rStream.Seek( nStreamPos );
+ USHORT nFieldSize;
+ BYTE nMagic;
+ rStream >> nFieldSize >> nMagic;
+ for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
+ if (nFieldSize<6) { bOK=FALSE; break; }
+ if (nStreamLen < rStream.Tell() + nFieldSize ) { bOK=FALSE; break; }
+ rStream.SeekRel(nFieldSize-3);
+ rStream >> nFieldSize >> nMagic;
+ if (nMagic!=0xd3) { bOK=FALSE; break; }
+ }
+ if (bOK && !rStream.GetError()) {
+ rFormatExtension= UniString::CreateFromAscii( "MET", 3 );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //--------------------------- BMP ------------------------------------
+ if( !bTest || ( rFormatExtension.CompareToAscii( "BMP", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) )
+ {
+ BYTE nOffs;
+ bSomethingTested=TRUE;
+ // OS/2-Bitmaparray ('BA') koennen wir evtl. auch lesen,
+ // dementspr. muessen wir den Offset anpassen,
+ // um auf die erste Bitmap im Array zu stossen
+ if ( sFirstBytes[0] == 0x42 && sFirstBytes[1] == 0x41 )
+ nOffs = 14;
+ else
+ nOffs = 0;
+ // Jetzt testen wir zunaechst auf 'BM'
+ if ( sFirstBytes[0+nOffs]==0x42 && sFirstBytes[1+nOffs]==0x4d )
+ {
+ // unter OS/2 koennen die Reserved-Flags != 0 sein
+ // (was sie eigentlich nicht duerften);
+ // in diesem Fall testen wir die Groesse des BmpInfoHeaders
+ if ( ( sFirstBytes[6+nOffs]==0x00 &&
+ sFirstBytes[7+nOffs]==0x00 &&
+ sFirstBytes[8+nOffs]==0x00 &&
+ sFirstBytes[9+nOffs]==0x00 ) ||
+ sFirstBytes[14+nOffs] == 0x28 ||
+ sFirstBytes[14+nOffs] == 0x0c )
+ {
+ rFormatExtension = UniString::CreateFromAscii( "BMP", 3 );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //--------------------------- WMF/EMF ------------------------------------
+ if( !bTest ||
+ ( rFormatExtension.CompareToAscii( "WMF", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) ||
+ ( rFormatExtension.CompareToAscii( "EMF", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) )
+ {
+ bSomethingTested = TRUE;
+ if ( nFirstLong==0xd7cdc69a || nFirstLong==0x01000900 )
+ {
+ rFormatExtension = UniString::CreateFromAscii( "WMF", 3 );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else if( nFirstLong == 0x01000000 && sFirstBytes[ 40 ] == 0x20 && sFirstBytes[ 41 ] == 0x45 &&
+ sFirstBytes[ 42 ] == 0x4d && sFirstBytes[ 43 ] == 0x46 )
+ {
+ rFormatExtension = UniString::CreateFromAscii( "EMF", 3 );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ //--------------------------- PCX ------------------------------------
+ if( !bTest || ( rFormatExtension.CompareToAscii( "PCX", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) )
+ {
+ bSomethingTested=TRUE;
+ if (sFirstBytes[0]==0x0a)
+ {
+ BYTE nVersion=sFirstBytes[1];
+ BYTE nEncoding=sFirstBytes[2];
+ if( ( nVersion==0 || nVersion==2 || nVersion==3 || nVersion==5 ) && nEncoding<=1 )
+ {
+ rFormatExtension = UniString::CreateFromAscii( "PCX", 3 );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //--------------------------- TIF ------------------------------------
+ if( !bTest || ( rFormatExtension.CompareToAscii( "TIF", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) )
+ {
+ bSomethingTested=TRUE;
+ if ( nFirstLong==0x49492a00 || nFirstLong==0x4d4d002a )
+ {
+ rFormatExtension=UniString::CreateFromAscii( "TIF", 3 );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ //--------------------------- GIF ------------------------------------
+ if( !bTest || ( rFormatExtension.CompareToAscii( "GIF", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) )
+ {
+ bSomethingTested=TRUE;
+ if ( nFirstLong==0x47494638 && (sFirstBytes[4]==0x37 || sFirstBytes[4]==0x39) && sFirstBytes[5]==0x61 )
+ {
+ rFormatExtension = UniString::CreateFromAscii( "GIF", 3 );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ //--------------------------- PNG ------------------------------------
+ if( !bTest || ( rFormatExtension.CompareToAscii( "PNG", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) )
+ {
+ bSomethingTested=TRUE;
+ if (nFirstLong==0x89504e47 && nSecondLong==0x0d0a1a0a)
+ {
+ rFormatExtension = UniString::CreateFromAscii( "PNG", 3 );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ //--------------------------- JPG ------------------------------------
+ if( !bTest || ( rFormatExtension.CompareToAscii( "JPG", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) )
+ {
+ bSomethingTested=TRUE;
+ if ( ( nFirstLong==0xffd8ffe0 && sFirstBytes[6]==0x4a && sFirstBytes[7]==0x46 && sFirstBytes[8]==0x49 && sFirstBytes[9]==0x46 ) ||
+ ( nFirstLong==0xffd8fffe ) || ( 0xffd8ff00 == ( nFirstLong & 0xffffff00 ) ) )
+ {
+ rFormatExtension = UniString::CreateFromAscii( "JPG", 3 );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ //--------------------------- SVM ------------------------------------
+ if( !bTest || ( rFormatExtension.CompareToAscii( "SVM", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) )
+ {
+ bSomethingTested=TRUE;
+ if( nFirstLong==0x53564744 && sFirstBytes[4]==0x49 )
+ {
+ rFormatExtension = UniString::CreateFromAscii( "SVM", 3 );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ else if( sFirstBytes[2]==0x56 && sFirstBytes[3]==0x43 && sFirstBytes[4]==0x4C &&
+ sFirstBytes[5]==0x4D && sFirstBytes[6]==0x54 && sFirstBytes[7]==0x46 )
+ {
+ rFormatExtension = UniString::CreateFromAscii( "SVM", 3 );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ //--------------------------- PCD ------------------------------------
+ if( !bTest || ( rFormatExtension.CompareToAscii( "PCD", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) )
+ {
+ bSomethingTested = TRUE;
+ if( nStreamLen >= 2055 )
+ {
+ char sBuf[8];
+ rStream.Seek( nStreamPos + 2048 );
+ rStream.Read( sBuf, 7 );
+ if( strncmp( sBuf, "PCD_IPI", 7 ) == 0 )
+ {
+ rFormatExtension = UniString::CreateFromAscii( "PCD", 3 );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //--------------------------- PSD ------------------------------------
+ if( !bTest || ( rFormatExtension.CompareToAscii( "PSD", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) )
+ {
+ bSomethingTested = TRUE;
+ if ( ( nFirstLong == 0x38425053 ) && ( (nSecondLong >> 16 ) == 1 ) )
+ {
+ rFormatExtension = UniString::CreateFromAscii( "PSD", 3 );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ //--------------------------- EPS ------------------------------------
+ if( !bTest || ( rFormatExtension.CompareToAscii( "EPS", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) )
+ {
+ bSomethingTested = TRUE;
+ if ( ( nFirstLong == 0xC5D0D3C6 ) || ( ImplSearchEntry( sFirstBytes, (BYTE*)"%!PS-Adobe", 10, 10 ) &&
+ ImplSearchEntry( &sFirstBytes[15], (BYTE*)"EPS", 3, 3 ) ) )
+ {
+ rFormatExtension = UniString::CreateFromAscii( "EPS", 3 );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ //--------------------------- DXF ------------------------------------
+ if( !bTest || ( rFormatExtension.CompareToAscii( "DXF", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) )
+ {
+ bSomethingTested=TRUE;
+ i=0;
+ while (i<256 && sFirstBytes[i]<=32)
+ i++;
+ if (i<256)
+ {
+ if( sFirstBytes[i]=='0' )
+ i++;
+ else
+ i=256;
+ }
+ while( i<256 && sFirstBytes[i]<=32 )
+ i++;
+ if (i+7<256)
+ {
+ if (strncmp((char*)(sFirstBytes+i),"SECTION",7)==0)
+ {
+ rFormatExtension = UniString::CreateFromAscii( "DXF", 3 );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if( strncmp( (char*) sFirstBytes, "AutoCAD Binary DXF", 18 ) == 0 )
+ {
+ rFormatExtension = UniString::CreateFromAscii( "DXF", 3 );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ //--------------------------- PCT ------------------------------------
+ if( !bTest || ( rFormatExtension.CompareToAscii( "PCT", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) )
+ {
+ bSomethingTested = TRUE;
+ if( nStreamLen >= 525 )
+ {
+ BYTE sBuf[4];
+ sal_uInt32 nOffset; // in ms documents the pict format is used without the first 512 bytes
+ for ( nOffset = 10; nOffset <= 512; nOffset += 512 )
+ {
+ rStream.Seek( nStreamPos + nOffset );
+ rStream.Read( sBuf,3 );
+ if ( sBuf[ 0 ] == 0x00 && sBuf[ 1 ] == 0x11 && ( sBuf[ 2 ] == 0x01 || sBuf[ 2 ] == 0x02 ) )
+ {
+ rFormatExtension = UniString::CreateFromAscii( "PCT", 3 );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //------------------------- PBM + PGM + PPM ---------------------------
+ if( !bTest ||
+ ( rFormatExtension.CompareToAscii( "PBM", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) ||
+ ( rFormatExtension.CompareToAscii( "PGM", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) ||
+ ( rFormatExtension.CompareToAscii( "PPM", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) )
+ {
+ bSomethingTested=TRUE;
+ if ( sFirstBytes[ 0 ] == 'P' )
+ {
+ switch( sFirstBytes[ 1 ] )
+ {
+ case '1' :
+ case '4' :
+ rFormatExtension = UniString::CreateFromAscii( "PBM", 3 );
+ return TRUE;
+ case '2' :
+ case '5' :
+ rFormatExtension = UniString::CreateFromAscii( "PGM", 3 );
+ return TRUE;
+ case '3' :
+ case '6' :
+ rFormatExtension = UniString::CreateFromAscii( "PPM", 3 );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //--------------------------- RAS( SUN RasterFile )------------------
+ if( !bTest || ( rFormatExtension.CompareToAscii( "RAS", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) )
+ {
+ bSomethingTested=TRUE;
+ if( nFirstLong == 0x59a66a95 )
+ {
+ rFormatExtension = UniString::CreateFromAscii( "RAS", 3 );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ //--------------------------- XPM ------------------------------------
+ if( !bTest )
+ {
+ bSomethingTested = TRUE;
+ if( ImplSearchEntry( sFirstBytes, (BYTE*)"/* XPM */", 256, 9 ) )
+ {
+ rFormatExtension = UniString::CreateFromAscii( "XPM", 3 );
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( rFormatExtension.CompareToAscii( "XPM", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ {
+ bSomethingTested = TRUE;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ //--------------------------- XBM ------------------------------------
+ if( !bTest )
+ {
+ ULONG nSize = ( nStreamLen > 2048 ) ? 2048 : nStreamLen;
+ BYTE* pBuf = new BYTE [ nSize ];
+ rStream.Seek( nStreamPos );
+ rStream.Read( pBuf, nSize );
+ BYTE* pPtr = ImplSearchEntry( pBuf, (BYTE*)"#define", nSize, 7 );
+ if( pPtr )
+ {
+ if( ImplSearchEntry( pPtr, (BYTE*)"_width", pBuf + nSize - pPtr, 6 ) )
+ {
+ rFormatExtension = UniString::CreateFromAscii( "XBM", 3 );
+ delete pBuf;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ delete pBuf;
+ }
+ else if( rFormatExtension.CompareToAscii( "XBM", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ {
+ bSomethingTested = TRUE;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ //--------------------------- TGA ------------------------------------
+ if( !bTest || ( rFormatExtension.CompareToAscii( "TGA", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) )
+ {
+ bSomethingTested = TRUE;
+ if( rFormatExtension.CompareToAscii( "TGA", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ //--------------------------- SGV ------------------------------------
+ if( !bTest || ( rFormatExtension.CompareToAscii( "SGV", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) )
+ {
+ bSomethingTested = TRUE;
+ if( rFormatExtension.CompareToAscii( "SGV", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return bTest && !bSomethingTested;
+static USHORT ImpTestOrFindFormat( GraphicFilter& rFilter, Config& rConfig, const String& rPath,
+ SvStream& rStream, String* pConfigString, USHORT* pFormat )
+ USHORT n = rConfig.GetKeyCount();
+#ifdef MAC
+ // ggf. Filter anhand der Mac-Typen raussuchen:
+ {
+ String aFormType;
+ String aType;
+ SvEaMgr aFile( rPath );
+ aFile.GetFileType( aType );
+ aType.Cut( 4 );
+ for( USHORT i = 0; i < n; i++ )
+ {
+ aFormType=ImpGetMacType(rConfig.ReadKey(i));
+ aFormType.Cut( 4 );
+ if( aFormType == aType && aFormType != "????" )
+ {
+ *pFormat = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // ggf. Filter bzw. Format durch anlesen ermitteln,
+ // oder durch anlesen zusichern, dass das Format stimmt:
+ {
+ String aFormatExt;
+ if( ImpPeekGraphicFormat( rStream, aFormatExt, FALSE ) )
+ {
+ // teuer
+ for( USHORT i = 0; i < n; i++ )
+ {
+ UniString aConfigString( rConfig.ReadKey( i ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
+ if( ImpGetFormatExtension( aConfigString ).ToUpperAscii() == aFormatExt )
+ {
+ *pFormat = i;
+ if( pConfigString )
+ *pConfigString = aConfigString;
+ return GRFILTER_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // ggf. Filter anhand der Datei-Endung raussuchen:
+ if( rPath.Len() )
+ {
+ String aExt( ImpGetExtension( rPath ) );
+ for( USHORT i = 0; i < n; i++ )
+ {
+ String aConfigString( rConfig.ReadKey( i ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
+ if( ImpGetFormatExtension( aConfigString ).ToUpperAscii() == aExt )
+ {
+ *pFormat = i;
+ if( pConfigString )
+ *pConfigString = aConfigString;
+ return GRFILTER_OK;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ String aConfigString( rConfig.ReadKey( *pFormat ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
+ String aFormatExt( ImpGetFormatExtension( aConfigString ).ToUpperAscii() );
+ if( !ImpPeekGraphicFormat( rStream, aFormatExt, TRUE ) )
+ if( pConfigString )
+ *pConfigString = aConfigString;
+ }
+ return GRFILTER_OK;
+static void ImpCorrectFilterUpdateNumber( String & rFilter )
+ xub_StrLen i, nq, npq;
+ String aUPD( UniString::CreateFromInt32( SOLARUPD ) );
+ aDllExt.Erase( 2 );
+ const sal_Unicode* pSource = rFilter.GetBuffer();
+ const sal_Unicode* pEnd = pSource + rFilter.Len();
+ // Fragezeichen suchen
+ for( i = 0, nq = 0; pSource != pEnd; i++ )
+ {
+ if( *pSource++ == '?' )
+ {
+ if( nq == 0 )
+ npq = i;
+ nq++;
+ }
+ else if( nq == aUPD.Len() )
+ break;
+ else
+ nq = 0;
+ }
+ // Fragezeichen durch UPD-Nummer ersetzen
+ if( nq == aUPD.Len() )
+ rFilter.Replace( npq, nq, aUPD );
+ // Sternchen suchen
+ pSource = rFilter.GetBuffer();
+ for( i = 0, nq = 0; pSource != pEnd; i++ )
+ {
+ if( *pSource++ == '*' )
+ {
+ if( nq == 0 )
+ npq=i;
+ nq++;
+ }
+ else if( nq == 2 )
+ break;
+ else
+ nq=0;
+ }
+ // Sternchen durch Plattform-Kuerzel ersetzen
+ if( nq == 2 )
+ rFilter.Replace( npq, nq, aDllExt );
+static Graphic ImpGetScaledGraphic( const Graphic& rGraphic, const String& rFilterExt, Config* pOptions )
+ Graphic aGraphic;
+ ByteString aResMgrName( "svt", 3 );
+ ResMgr* pResMgr;
+ aResMgrName.Append( ByteString::CreateFromInt32( SOLARUPD ) );
+ pResMgr = ResMgr::CreateResMgr( aResMgrName.GetBuffer(), Application::GetAppInternational().GetLanguage() );
+ if ( ( rGraphic.GetType() != GRAPHIC_NONE ) && pOptions )
+ {
+ String aStrMode( rFilterExt );
+ sal_Int32 nMode;
+ aStrMode += String( ResId( KEY_MODE, pResMgr ) );
+ nMode = pOptions->ReadKey( ByteString( aStrMode, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) ).ToInt32();
+ if( rGraphic.GetType() == GRAPHIC_BITMAP )
+ {
+ // Auflösung wird eingestellt
+ if( nMode == 1 )
+ {
+ Bitmap aBitmap( rGraphic.GetBitmap() );
+ MapMode aMap( MAP_100TH_INCH );
+ String aKey( rFilterExt );
+ aKey += String( ResId( KEY_RES, pResMgr ) );
+ long nDPI = pOptions->ReadKey( ByteString( aKey, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) ).ToInt32();
+ Fraction aFrac( 1, Min( Max( nDPI, 75L ), 600L ) );
+ aMap.SetScaleX( aFrac );
+ aMap.SetScaleY( aFrac );
+ Size aOldSize = aBitmap.GetSizePixel();
+ aBitmap.SetPrefMapMode( aMap );
+ aBitmap.SetPrefSize( Size( aOldSize.Width() * 100,
+ aOldSize.Height() * 100 ) );
+ aGraphic = Graphic( aBitmap );
+ }
+ // Groesse wird eingestellt
+ else if( nMode == 2 )
+ {
+ Bitmap aBitmap( rGraphic.GetBitmap() );
+ String aKeyDX( rFilterExt );
+ aKeyDX += String( ResId( KEY_SIZEX, pResMgr ) );
+ long nDX = pOptions->ReadKey( ByteString( aKeyDX, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) ).ToInt32();
+ String aKeyDY( rFilterExt );
+ aKeyDY += String( ResId( KEY_SIZEY, pResMgr ) );
+ long nDY = pOptions->ReadKey( ByteString( aKeyDY, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) ).ToInt32();
+ aBitmap.SetPrefMapMode( MapMode( MAP_100TH_MM ) );
+ aBitmap.SetPrefSize( Size( nDX, nDY ) );
+ aGraphic = Graphic( aBitmap );
+ }
+ else
+ aGraphic = rGraphic;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( ( nMode == 1 ) || ( nMode == 2 ) )
+ {
+ GDIMetaFile aMtf( rGraphic.GetGDIMetaFile() );
+ String aKeyDX( rFilterExt );
+ aKeyDX += String( ResId( KEY_SIZEX, pResMgr ) );
+ long nDX = pOptions->ReadKey( ByteString( aKeyDX, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) ).ToInt32();
+ String aKeyDY( rFilterExt );
+ aKeyDY += String( ResId( KEY_SIZEY, pResMgr ) );
+ long nDY = pOptions->ReadKey( ByteString( aKeyDY, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) ).ToInt32();
+ Size aNewSize( OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( Size( nDX, nDY ), MAP_100TH_MM, aMtf.GetPrefMapMode() ) );
+ if( aNewSize.Width() && aNewSize.Height() )
+ {
+ const Size aPrefSize( aMtf.GetPrefSize() );
+ aMtf.Scale( Fraction( aNewSize.Width(), aPrefSize.Width() ),
+ Fraction( aNewSize.Height(), aPrefSize.Height() ) );
+ }
+ aGraphic = Graphic( aMtf );
+ }
+ else
+ aGraphic = rGraphic;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ aGraphic = rGraphic;
+ delete pResMgr;
+ return aGraphic;
+// --------------------------
+// - ImpFilterLibCacheEntry -
+// --------------------------
+class ImpFilterLibCache;
+struct ImpFilterLibCacheEntry
+ ImpFilterLibCacheEntry* mpNext;
+ ::vos::OModule maLibrary;
+ String maFiltername;
+ PFilterCall mpfnImport;
+ PFilterDlgCall mpfnImportDlg;
+ ImpFilterLibCacheEntry( const String& rPathname, const String& rFiltername );
+ int operator==( const String& rFiltername ) const { return maFiltername == rFiltername; }
+ PFilterCall GetImportFunction();
+ PFilterDlgCall GetImportDlgFunction();
+ PFilterCall GetExportFunction() { return (PFilterCall) maLibrary.getSymbol( UniString::CreateFromAscii( EXPORT_FUNCTION_NAME ) ); }
+ PFilterDlgCall GetExportDlgFunction() { return (PFilterDlgCall) maLibrary.getSymbol( UniString::CreateFromAscii( EXPDLG_FUNCTION_NAME ) ); }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ImpFilterLibCacheEntry::ImpFilterLibCacheEntry( const String& rPathname, const String& rFiltername ) :
+ mpNext ( NULL ),
+ maLibrary ( rPathname ),
+ maFiltername ( rFiltername ),
+ mpfnImport ( NULL ),
+ mpfnImportDlg ( NULL )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PFilterCall ImpFilterLibCacheEntry::GetImportFunction()
+ if( !mpfnImport )
+ mpfnImport = (PFilterCall) maLibrary.getSymbol( UniString::CreateFromAscii( IMPORT_FUNCTION_NAME ) );
+ return mpfnImport;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+PFilterDlgCall ImpFilterLibCacheEntry::GetImportDlgFunction()
+ if( !mpfnImportDlg )
+ mpfnImportDlg = (PFilterDlgCall)maLibrary.getSymbol( UniString::CreateFromAscii( IMPDLG_FUNCTION_NAME ) );
+ return mpfnImportDlg;
+// ---------------------
+// - ImpFilterLibCache -
+// ---------------------
+class ImpFilterLibCache
+ ImpFilterLibCacheEntry* mpFirst;
+ ImpFilterLibCacheEntry* mpLast;
+ ImpFilterLibCacheEntry* mpLastUsed;
+ ImpFilterLibCache();
+ ~ImpFilterLibCache();
+ ImpFilterLibCacheEntry* GetFilter( INetURLObject& rFilter, const String& rFiltername );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ImpFilterLibCache::ImpFilterLibCache() :
+ mpFirst ( NULL ),
+ mpLast ( NULL ),
+ mpLastUsed ( NULL )
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ImpFilterLibCacheEntry* pEntry = mpFirst;
+ while( pEntry )
+ {
+ ImpFilterLibCacheEntry* pNext = pEntry->mpNext;
+ delete pEntry;
+ pEntry = pNext;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ImpFilterLibCacheEntry* ImpFilterLibCache::GetFilter( INetURLObject& rFilter, const String& rFiltername )
+ if( mpLastUsed && ( *mpLastUsed == rFiltername ) )
+ return mpLastUsed;
+ else
+ {
+ ImpFilterLibCacheEntry* pEntry = mpFirst;
+ while( pEntry )
+ {
+ if( *pEntry == rFiltername )
+ break;
+ else
+ pEntry = pEntry->mpNext;
+ }
+ if( !pEntry )
+ {
+ pEntry = new ImpFilterLibCacheEntry( rFilter.GetFull(), rFiltername );
+ if( !mpFirst )
+ mpFirst = mpLast = pEntry;
+ else
+ mpLast = mpLast->mpNext = pEntry;
+ }
+ mpLastUsed = pEntry;
+ return pEntry;
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static ImpFilterLibCache aCache;
+// -----------------
+// - GraphicFilter -
+// -----------------
+ ImplInit( String() );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+GraphicFilter::GraphicFilter( const INetURLObject& rPath )
+ ImplInit( rPath.PathToFileName() );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+GraphicFilter::GraphicFilter( const String& rMultiPath )
+ ImplInit( rMultiPath );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // no graphic filter, no handler => restore old handler
+ if( !--nFilterCount )
+ Application::SetFilterHdl( aLastFilterHdl );
+ String aCfgPath( pConfig->GetPathName() );
+ delete pErrorEx;
+ delete pConfig;
+ delete pConfigPath;
+ delete pFilterPath;
+ delete pOptionsConfigPath;
+ if( pOptionsConfig )
+ {
+ pOptionsConfig->Flush();
+ delete pOptionsConfig;
+ }
+ ImplDirEntryHelper::Kill( aCfgPath );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GraphicFilter::ImplInit( const String& rInitPath )
+ pErrorEx = new FilterErrorEx;
+ pConfig = new Config( TempFile::CreateTempName() );
+ pConfig->EnablePersistence( FALSE );
+ pConfigPath = new String;
+ pFilterPath = new String;
+ pOptionsConfigPath = new String;
+ ImplCreateMultiConfig( rInitPath );
+ pOptionsConfig = NULL;
+ bOptionsEnabled = FALSE;
+ nPercent = 0;
+ bAbort = FALSE;
+ bCacheEnabled = TRUE;
+ // first instance of GraphicFilter sets link
+ if( !nFilterCount++ )
+ {
+ // save old link
+ aLastFilterHdl = Application::GetFilterHdl();
+ Application::SetFilterHdl( LINK( this, GraphicFilter, FilterCallback ) );
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GraphicFilter::ImplCreateMultiConfig( const String& rMultiPath )
+ *pConfigPath = rMultiPath;
+ if( rMultiPath.Len() )
+ {
+ for( long i = rMultiPath.GetTokenCount( ';' ); i; )
+ {
+ Config aCfg( rMultiPath.GetToken( (USHORT) --i, ';' ) );
+ // clone import entries
+ if( aCfg.HasGroup( IMP_FILTERSECTION ) )
+ {
+ pConfig->SetGroup( IMP_FILTERSECTION );
+ for( USHORT n = 0, nCount = aCfg.GetKeyCount(); n < nCount; n++ )
+ pConfig->WriteKey( aCfg.GetKeyName( n ), aCfg.ReadKey( n ) );
+ }
+ // clone export entries
+ if( aCfg.HasGroup( EXP_FILTERSECTION ) )
+ {
+ pConfig->SetGroup( EXP_FILTERSECTION );
+ for( USHORT n = 0, nCount = aCfg.GetKeyCount(); n < nCount; n++ )
+ pConfig->WriteKey( aCfg.GetKeyName( n ), aCfg.ReadKey( n ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ULONG GraphicFilter::ImplSetError( ULONG nError, const SvStream* pStm )
+ pErrorEx->nFilterError = nError;
+ pErrorEx->nStreamError = pStm ? pStm->GetError() : ERRCODE_NONE;
+ return nError;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GraphicFilter::EnableConfigCache( BOOL bEnable )
+ bCacheEnabled = bEnable;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GraphicFilter::SetConfigPath( const INetURLObject& rPath )
+ SetConfigPath( rPath.PathToFileName() );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GraphicFilter::SetConfigPath( const String& rMultiPath )
+ // delete old import group
+ if( pConfig->HasGroup( IMP_FILTERSECTION ) )
+ pConfig->DeleteGroup( IMP_FILTERSECTION );
+ // delete old export group
+ if( pConfig->HasGroup( EXP_FILTERSECTION ) )
+ pConfig->DeleteGroup( EXP_FILTERSECTION );
+ ImplCreateMultiConfig( rMultiPath );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const String& GraphicFilter::GetConfigPath() const
+ DBG_ASSERT( pConfigPath, "GraphicFilter::GetConfigPath(): Missing ConfigPath!" );
+ return *pConfigPath;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Config& GraphicFilter::GetConfig() const
+ DBG_ASSERT( pConfig, "GraphicFilter::GetConfig(): Missing Config!" );
+ return *pConfig;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GraphicFilter::SetFilterPath( const INetURLObject& rPath )
+ SetFilterPath( rPath.PathToFileName() );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GraphicFilter::SetFilterPath( const String& rMultiPath )
+ *pFilterPath = rMultiPath;
+ // delete old filter path group
+ if( pConfig->HasGroup( IMPEXP_FILTERPATHES ) )
+ pConfig->DeleteGroup( IMPEXP_FILTERPATHES );
+ pConfig->SetGroup( IMPEXP_FILTERPATHES );
+ // add new pathes to group
+ for( USHORT i = 0, nCount = rMultiPath.GetTokenCount( ';' ); i < nCount; i++ )
+ {
+ INetURLObject aPath;
+ aPath.SetSmartURL( rMultiPath.GetToken( i, ';' ) );
+ if( ImplDirEntryHelper::Exists( aPath ) )
+ {
+ ByteString aKey( 'P' );
+ aKey += ByteString::CreateFromInt32( i );
+ pConfig->WriteKey( aKey, aPath.PathToFileName(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
+ }
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const String& GraphicFilter::GetFilterPath() const
+ DBG_ASSERT( pFilterPath, "GraphicFilter::GetFilterPath(): Missing FilterPath!" );
+ return *pFilterPath;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GraphicFilter::SetOptionsConfigPath( const INetURLObject& rConfigPath )
+ const String aNewPath( rConfigPath.PathToFileName() );
+ if( aNewPath != GetOptionsConfigPath() )
+ {
+ *pOptionsConfigPath = aNewPath;
+ if( pOptionsConfig )
+ {
+ pOptionsConfig->Flush();
+ delete pOptionsConfig;
+ }
+ if( aNewPath.Len() )
+ {
+ pOptionsConfig = new Config( aNewPath );
+ pOptionsConfig->SetGroup( OPT_FILTERSECTION );
+ bOptionsEnabled = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pOptionsConfig = NULL;
+ bOptionsEnabled = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const String& GraphicFilter::GetOptionsConfigPath() const
+ DBG_ASSERT( pOptionsConfigPath, "GraphicFilter::GetOptionsConfigPath(): Missing OptionsConfigPath!" );
+ return *pOptionsConfigPath;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+USHORT GraphicFilter::GetImportFormatCount()
+ DBG_ASSERT (pConfig,"GraphicFilter::GetImportFormatCount() : no Config" );
+ pConfig->SetGroup( IMP_FILTERSECTION );
+ return pConfig->GetKeyCount();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+USHORT GraphicFilter::GetImportFormatNumber( const String& rFormatName )
+ DBG_ASSERT( pConfig,"GraphicFilter::GetImportFormatNumber() : no Config" );
+ pConfig->SetGroup( IMP_FILTERSECTION );
+ USHORT nKeys = pConfig->GetKeyCount();
+ USHORT i = 0;
+ String aFormatStr;
+ String aUpperFormat( rFormatName );
+ aUpperFormat.ToUpperAscii();
+ xub_StrLen nLen = aUpperFormat.Len();
+ while( i < nKeys )
+ {
+ UniString aFormat( pConfig->ReadKey( i ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
+ if( ImpGetFormatName( aFormat ).CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii( aUpperFormat.GetBuffer(), nLen ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ break;
+ i++;
+ }
+ return( ( i == nKeys ) ? GRFILTER_FORMAT_NOTFOUND : i );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+String GraphicFilter::GetImportFormatName( USHORT nFormat )
+ DBG_ASSERT( pConfig,"GraphicFilter::GetImportFormatName() : no Config" );
+ pConfig->SetGroup( IMP_FILTERSECTION );
+ UniString aFormat( pConfig->ReadKey( nFormat ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
+ return ImpGetFormatName( aFormat );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+String GraphicFilter::GetImportFormatShortName( USHORT nFormat )
+ DBG_ASSERT( pConfig,"GraphicFilter::GetImportFormatShortName() : no Config" );
+ pConfig->SetGroup( IMP_FILTERSECTION );
+ return UniString( pConfig->GetKeyName( nFormat ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+String GraphicFilter::GetImportFormatType( USHORT nFormat )
+ DBG_ASSERT( pConfig,"GraphicFilter::GetImportFormatType() : no Config" );
+ pConfig->SetGroup( IMP_FILTERSECTION );
+#ifdef MAC
+ String aStr=ImpGetMacType( pConfig->ReadKey( nFormat ) );
+ if( !aStr.Len() )
+ {
+ aStr = "????.";
+ aStr += ImpGetFormatExtension( pConfig->ReadKey(nFormat) );
+ }
+ return aStr;
+ return ImpGetFormatExtension( UniString( pConfig->ReadKey( nFormat ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+String GraphicFilter::GetImportOSFileType( USHORT nFormat )
+ String aOSFileType;
+#ifdef MAC
+ DBG_ASSERT( pConfig,"GraphicFilter::GetImportOSFileType() : no Config" );
+ pConfig->SetGroup( IMP_FILTERSECTION );
+ aOSFileType = ImpGetMacType( pConfig->ReadKey( nFormat ) );
+ return aOSFileType;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+String GraphicFilter::GetImportWildcard( USHORT nFormat )
+ DBG_ASSERT( pConfig,"GraphicFilter::GetImportWildcard() : no Config" );
+ String aWildcard( UniString::CreateFromAscii( "*.", 2 ) );
+ pConfig->SetGroup( IMP_FILTERSECTION );
+ aWildcard.Append( ImpGetFormatExtension( UniString( pConfig->ReadKey( nFormat ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) ) );
+ return aWildcard;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BOOL GraphicFilter::IsImportPixelFormat( USHORT nFormat )
+ DBG_ASSERT( pConfig,"GraphicFilter::IsImportPixelFormat() : no Config" );
+ pConfig->SetGroup( IMP_FILTERSECTION );
+ return ( ImpGetNthEntry( UniString( pConfig->ReadKey( nFormat ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ), 5 )
+ .CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii( "PIX", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+USHORT GraphicFilter::GetExportFormatCount()
+ DBG_ASSERT( pConfig,"GraphicFilter:: : no Config" );
+ pConfig->SetGroup( EXP_FILTERSECTION );
+ return pConfig->GetKeyCount();
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+USHORT GraphicFilter::GetExportFormatNumber( const String& rFormatName )
+ DBG_ASSERT( pConfig,"GraphicFilter:: : no Config" );
+ pConfig->SetGroup( EXP_FILTERSECTION );
+ USHORT nKeys = pConfig->GetKeyCount();
+ USHORT i = 0;
+ String aUpperFormat( rFormatName );
+ while( i < nKeys )
+ {
+ UniString aTemp( pConfig->ReadKey( i ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
+ if( ImpGetFormatName( aTemp ).EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( aUpperFormat ) )
+ break;
+ i++;
+ }
+ return( ( i == nKeys ) ? GRFILTER_FORMAT_NOTFOUND : i );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+String GraphicFilter::GetExportFormatName( USHORT nFormat )
+ DBG_ASSERT( pConfig,"GraphicFilter:: : no Config" );
+ pConfig->SetGroup( EXP_FILTERSECTION );
+ return ImpGetFormatName( UniString( pConfig->ReadKey( nFormat ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+String GraphicFilter::GetExportFormatShortName( USHORT nFormat )
+ DBG_ASSERT( pConfig,"GraphicFilter:: : no Config" );
+ pConfig->SetGroup( EXP_FILTERSECTION );
+ return UniString( pConfig->GetKeyName( nFormat ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+String GraphicFilter::GetExportFormatType( USHORT nFormat )
+ DBG_ASSERT( pConfig,"GraphicFilter:: : no Config" );
+ pConfig->SetGroup( EXP_FILTERSECTION );
+#ifdef MAC
+ String aStr = ImpGetMacType( pConfig->ReadKey( nFormat ) );
+ if ( !aStr.Len() )
+ {
+ aStr = "????.";
+ aStr += ImpGetFormatExtension( pConfig->ReadKey(nFormat) );
+ }
+ return aStr;
+ return ImpGetFormatExtension( UniString( pConfig->ReadKey( nFormat ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+String GraphicFilter::GetExportOSFileType( USHORT nFormat )
+ String aOSFileType;
+#ifdef MAC
+ DBG_ASSERT( pConfig,"GraphicFilter::GetExportOSFileType() : no Config" );
+ pConfig->SetGroup( EXP_FILTERSECTION );
+ aOSFileType = ImpGetMacType( pConfig->ReadKey( nFormat ) );
+ return aOSFileType;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+String GraphicFilter::GetExportWildcard( USHORT nFormat )
+ DBG_ASSERT( pConfig,"GraphicFilter::GetExportWildcard() : no Config" );
+ String aWildcard( UniString::CreateFromAscii( "*.", 2 ) );
+ pConfig->SetGroup( EXP_FILTERSECTION );
+ aWildcard.Append( ImpGetFormatExtension( UniString( pConfig->ReadKey( nFormat ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) ) );
+ return aWildcard;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BOOL GraphicFilter::IsExportPixelFormat( USHORT nFormat )
+ DBG_ASSERT( pConfig,"GraphicFilter::IsExportPixelFormat() : no Config" );
+ pConfig->SetGroup( EXP_FILTERSECTION );
+ return ( ImpGetNthEntry( UniString( pConfig->ReadKey( nFormat ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ), 5 )
+ .CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii( "PIX", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+USHORT GraphicFilter::CanImportGraphic( const INetURLObject& rPath,
+ USHORT nFormat, USHORT* pDeterminedFormat )
+ String aPath( rPath.PathToFileName() );
+ SvFileStream aIStream( aPath, STREAM_READ | STREAM_SHARE_DENYNONE );
+ return CanImportGraphic( aPath, aIStream, nFormat, pDeterminedFormat );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+USHORT GraphicFilter::CanImportGraphic( const String& rPath, SvStream& rIStream,
+ USHORT nFormat, USHORT* pDeterminedFormat )
+ DBG_ASSERT(pConfig,"GraphicFilter:: : no Config");
+ if( !bCacheEnabled || pConfig->GetGroup() != IMP_FILTERSECTION )
+ pConfig->SetGroup( IMP_FILTERSECTION );
+ ULONG nStreamPos = rIStream.Tell();
+ USHORT nRes = ImpTestOrFindFormat( *this, *pConfig, rPath, rIStream, NULL, &nFormat );
+ rIStream.Seek(nStreamPos);
+ if( nRes==GRFILTER_OK && pDeterminedFormat!=NULL )
+ *pDeterminedFormat = nFormat;
+ return (USHORT) ImplSetError( nRes, &rIStream );
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+USHORT GraphicFilter::ImportGraphic( Graphic& rGraphic, const INetURLObject& rPath,
+ USHORT nFormat, USHORT * pDeterminedFormat )
+ const String aPath( rPath.PathToFileName() );
+ return ImportGraphic( rGraphic, aPath, aIStm, nFormat, pDeterminedFormat );
+USHORT GraphicFilter::ImportGraphic( Graphic& rGraphic, const String& rPath, SvStream& rIStream,
+ USHORT nFormat, USHORT* pDeterminedFormat )
+ ImpFilterCallbackData aCallbackData;
+ String aFilterName;
+ String aConfigString;
+ String aUpperName;
+ ULONG nStmBegin;
+ USHORT nStatus;
+ GraphicReader* pContext = rGraphic.GetContext();
+ GfxLinkType eLinkType = GFX_LINK_TYPE_NONE;
+ BOOL bDummyContext = ( pContext == (GraphicReader*) 1 );
+ const BOOL bLinkSet = rGraphic.IsLink();
+ ResetLastError();
+ if( !pContext || bDummyContext )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT( pConfig,"GraphicFilter:: : no Config" );
+ if( bDummyContext )
+ {
+ rGraphic.SetContext( NULL );
+ nStmBegin = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ nStmBegin = rIStream.Tell();
+ if( !bCacheEnabled || pConfig->GetGroup() != IMP_FILTERSECTION )
+ pConfig->SetGroup( IMP_FILTERSECTION );
+ aCallbackData.pFilt = this;
+ aCallbackData.pPercent = &nPercent;
+ aCallbackData.pUpdatePercentHdl = &aUpdatePercentHdlLink;
+ aCallbackData.pAbort = &bAbort;
+ aCallbackData.nFilePercentOfTotal = 100;
+ bAbort = FALSE;
+ nPercent = 0;
+ nStatus = ImpTestOrFindFormat( *this, *pConfig, rPath, rIStream, &aConfigString, &nFormat );
+ // Falls Pending, geben wir GRFILTER_OK zurueck,
+ // um mehr Bytes anzufordern
+ if( rIStream.GetError() == ERRCODE_IO_PENDING )
+ {
+ rGraphic.SetContext( (GraphicReader*) 1 );
+ rIStream.ResetError();
+ rIStream.Seek( nStmBegin );
+ return (USHORT) ImplSetError( GRFILTER_OK );
+ }
+ rIStream.Seek( nStmBegin );
+ if( ( nStatus != GRFILTER_OK ) || rIStream.GetError() )
+ return (USHORT) ImplSetError( ( nStatus != GRFILTER_OK ) ? nStatus : GRFILTER_OPENERROR, &rIStream );
+ if( pDeterminedFormat != NULL )
+ *pDeterminedFormat = nFormat;
+ aUpperName = aFilterName = ImpGetFilterName( aConfigString );
+ aUpperName.ToUpperAscii();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( pContext && !bDummyContext )
+ aUpperName = pContext->GetUpperFilterName();
+ nStmBegin = 0;
+ nStatus = GRFILTER_OK;
+ }
+ // read graphic
+ if( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( IMP_GIF ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ {
+ if( rGraphic.GetContext() == (GraphicReader*) 1 )
+ rGraphic.SetContext( NULL );
+ if( !ImportGIF( rIStream, rGraphic, NULL ) )
+ else
+ }
+ else if( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( IMP_PNG ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ {
+ if ( rGraphic.GetContext() == (GraphicReader*) 1 )
+ rGraphic.SetContext( NULL );
+ if ( !ImportPNG( rIStream, rGraphic, NULL ) )
+ else
+ }
+ else if( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( IMP_JPEG ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ {
+ if( rGraphic.GetContext() == (GraphicReader*) 1 )
+ rGraphic.SetContext( NULL );
+ if( !ImportJPEG( rIStream, rGraphic, NULL ) )
+ else
+ }
+ else if( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( IMP_XBM ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ {
+ if( rGraphic.GetContext() == (GraphicReader*) 1 )
+ rGraphic.SetContext( NULL );
+ if( !ImportXBM( rIStream, rGraphic, NULL ) )
+ }
+ else if( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( IMP_XPM ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ {
+ if( rGraphic.GetContext() == (GraphicReader*) 1 )
+ rGraphic.SetContext( NULL );
+ if( !ImportXPM( rIStream, rGraphic, NULL ) )
+ }
+ else if( ( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( IMP_BMP ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) ||
+ ( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( IMP_SVMETAFILE ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) )
+ {
+ // SV interne Importfilter fuer Bitmaps und MetaFiles
+ aStartFilterHdlLink.Call( this );
+ nPercent = 60;
+ aUpdatePercentHdlLink.Call( this );
+ rIStream >> rGraphic;
+ nPercent = 100;
+ aUpdatePercentHdlLink.Call( this );
+ if( rIStream.GetError() )
+ }
+ else if( ( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( IMP_WMF ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) ||
+ ( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( IMP_EMF ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) )
+ {
+ GDIMetaFile aMtf;
+ aStartFilterHdlLink.Call( this );
+ nPercent = 1;
+ if( !ConvertWMFToGDIMetaFile( rIStream, aMtf, &ImpFilterCallback, &aCallbackData ) )
+ else
+ {
+ rGraphic = aMtf;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( ( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( IMP_SVSGF ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ || ( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( IMP_SVSGV ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) )
+ {
+ USHORT nVersion;
+ unsigned char nTyp = CheckSgfTyp( rIStream, nVersion );
+ switch( nTyp )
+ {
+ {
+ String aTempFileName( TempFile::CreateTempName() );
+ SvFileStream aTempStream( aTempFileName, STREAM_READ | STREAM_WRITE | STREAM_SHARE_DENYNONE );
+ if( aTempStream.GetError() )
+ // SGF in temporaere Datei filtern
+ aStartFilterHdlLink.Call( this );
+ nPercent = 30;
+ aUpdatePercentHdlLink.Call( this );
+ if( !SgfBMapFilter( rIStream, aTempStream ) )
+ else
+ {
+ nPercent = 60;
+ aUpdatePercentHdlLink.Call( this );
+ aTempStream.Seek( 0L );
+ aTempStream >> rGraphic;
+ nPercent = 100;
+ aUpdatePercentHdlLink.Call( this );
+ if( aTempStream.GetError() )
+ }
+ aTempStream.Close();
+ ImplDirEntryHelper::Kill( aTempFileName );
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ GDIMetaFile aMtf;
+ aStartFilterHdlLink.Call( this );
+ nPercent = 50;
+ aUpdatePercentHdlLink.Call( this );
+ if( !SgfVectFilter( rIStream, aMtf ) )
+ else
+ {
+ nPercent = 100;
+ aUpdatePercentHdlLink.Call( this );
+ rGraphic = Graphic( aMtf );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ if( nVersion != SGV_VERSION )
+ else
+ {
+ GDIMetaFile aMtf;
+ aStartFilterHdlLink.Call( this );
+ nPercent = 50;
+ aUpdatePercentHdlLink.Call( this );
+ if( !SgfSDrwFilter( rIStream, aMtf, aFilterPath, aFilterPath, aConfigPath ) )
+ else
+ {
+ nPercent = 100;
+ aUpdatePercentHdlLink.Call( this );
+ rGraphic = Graphic( aMtf );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if( ImpGetFilterVendor( aConfigString ).CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii( "SD", 2 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ {
+ ImpFilterLibCacheEntry* pFilter = NULL;
+ pConfig->SetGroup( IMPEXP_FILTERPATHES );
+ ImpCorrectFilterUpdateNumber( aFilterName );
+ // find first filter in filter pathes
+ for( USHORT i = 0, nPathCount = pConfig->GetKeyCount(); i < nPathCount; i++ )
+ {
+ INetURLObject aFilterPath;
+ aFilterPath.SetSmartURL( UniString( pConfig->ReadKey( i ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) );
+ aFilterPath.Append( aFilterName );
+ if ( pFilter = aCache.GetFilter( aFilterPath, aFilterName ) )
+ {
+ if ( ImplDirEntryHelper::Exists( aFilterPath ) )
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( !pFilter )
+ else
+ {
+ PFilterCall pFunc = pFilter->GetImportFunction();
+ if( !pFunc )
+ else
+ {
+ aStartFilterHdlLink.Call( this );
+ aUpdatePercentHdlLink.Call( this );
+ if( !(*pFunc)( rIStream, rGraphic, &ImpFilterCallback, &aCallbackData, GetOptionsConfig(), FALSE ) )
+ else
+ {
+ nPercent = 100;
+ aUpdatePercentHdlLink.Call( this );
+ // try to set link type if format matches
+ {
+ const String aShortName( GetImportFormatShortName( nFormat ).ToUpperAscii() );
+ if( aShortName.CompareToAscii( TIF_SHORTNAME ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ else if( aShortName.CompareToAscii( MET_SHORTNAME ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ else if( aShortName.CompareToAscii( PCT_SHORTNAME ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ // Set error code or try to set native buffer
+ if( nStatus != GRFILTER_OK )
+ {
+ if( bAbort )
+ ImplSetError( nStatus, &rIStream );
+ rIStream.Seek( nStmBegin );
+ rGraphic.Clear();
+ if( nPercent )
+ aErrorHdlLink.Call( this );
+ }
+ else if( ( eLinkType != GFX_LINK_TYPE_NONE ) && !rGraphic.GetContext() && !bLinkSet )
+ {
+ const ULONG nStmEnd = rIStream.Tell();
+ const ULONG nBufSize = nStmEnd - nStmBegin;
+ if( nBufSize )
+ {
+ BYTE* pBuf = new BYTE[ nBufSize ];
+ GraphicReader* pOldContext = rGraphic.GetContext();
+ rIStream.Seek( nStmBegin );
+ rIStream.Read( pBuf, nBufSize );
+ rGraphic.SetLink( GfxLink( pBuf, nBufSize, eLinkType, TRUE ) );
+ }
+ }
+ if( nPercent && !pContext )
+ {
+ nPercent = 0;
+ aEndFilterHdlLink.Call( this );
+ }
+ return nStatus;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+USHORT GraphicFilter::ExportGraphic( const Graphic& rGraphic, const INetURLObject& rPath, USHORT nFormat )
+ const BOOL bAlreadyExists = ImplDirEntryHelper::Exists( rPath );
+ const String aPath( rPath.PathToFileName() );
+ SvFileStream aOStm( aPath, STREAM_WRITE | STREAM_TRUNC );
+ USHORT nRet = ExportGraphic( rGraphic, aPath, aOStm, nFormat );
+ aOStm.Close();
+ if( ( GRFILTER_OK != nRet ) && !bAlreadyExists )
+ ImplDirEntryHelper::Kill( aPath );
+ return nRet;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+USHORT GraphicFilter::ExportGraphic( const Graphic& rGraphic, const String& rPath,
+ SvStream& rOStm, USHORT nFormat )
+ DBG_ASSERT( pConfig, "GraphicFilter:: : no Config" );
+ USHORT nFormatCount = GetExportFormatCount();
+ ResetLastError();
+ {
+ INetURLObject aURL;
+ aURL.SetSmartURL( rPath );
+ String aExt( aURL.GetFileExtension().ToUpperAscii() );
+ for( USHORT i = 0; i < nFormatCount; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( ImpGetFormatExtension( UniString( pConfig->ReadKey( i ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) )
+ .CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii( aExt ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ {
+ nFormat=i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( nFormat >= nFormatCount )
+ ImpFilterCallbackData aCallbackData;
+ aCallbackData.pFilt=this;
+ aCallbackData.pPercent=&nPercent;
+ aCallbackData.pUpdatePercentHdl=&aUpdatePercentHdlLink;
+ aCallbackData.pAbort=&bAbort;
+ aCallbackData.nFilePercentOfTotal=100;
+ bAbort=FALSE;
+ String aKey( pConfig->ReadKey( nFormat ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
+ String aFilterName( ImpGetFilterName( aKey ) );
+ String aUpperName( aFilterName );
+ String aFilterVendor( ImpGetFilterVendor( aKey ).ToUpperAscii() );
+ String aPixOrVec( ImpGetFilterPixOrVec( aKey).ToUpperAscii() );
+ aUpperName.ToUpperAscii();
+ nPercent=0;
+ aStartFilterHdlLink.Call(this);
+ aUpdatePercentHdlLink.Call(this);
+ GraphicType eType;
+ Graphic aGraphic( ImpGetScaledGraphic( rGraphic,
+ UniString( pConfig->GetKeyName( nFormat ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ),
+ GetOptionsConfig() ) );
+ eType = aGraphic.GetType();
+ if( aPixOrVec.CompareToAscii( "PIX", 3 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ {
+ if( eType != GRAPHIC_BITMAP )
+ {
+ Size aSizePixel;
+ ULONG nColorCount,nBitsPerPixel,nNeededMem,nMaxMem;
+ VirtualDevice aVirDev;
+ // Maximalen Speicherbedarf fuer das Bildes holen:
+ if( GetOptionsConfig() )
+ nMaxMem = (UINT32)GetOptionsConfig()->ReadKey( "VEC-TO-PIX-MAX-KB", "1024" ).ToInt32();
+ else
+ nMaxMem = 1024;
+ nMaxMem *= 1024; // In Bytes
+ // Berechnen, wie gross das Bild normalerweise werden wuerde:
+ aSizePixel=aVirDev.LogicToPixel(aGraphic.GetPrefSize(),aGraphic.GetPrefMapMode());
+ // Berechnen, wieviel Speicher das Bild benoetigen wuerde:
+ nColorCount=aVirDev.GetColorCount();
+ if (nColorCount<=2) nBitsPerPixel=1;
+ else if (nColorCount<=4) nBitsPerPixel=2;
+ else if (nColorCount<=16) nBitsPerPixel=4;
+ else if (nColorCount<=256) nBitsPerPixel=8;
+ else if (nColorCount<=65536) nBitsPerPixel=16;
+ else nBitsPerPixel=24;
+ nNeededMem=((ULONG)aSizePixel.Width()*(ULONG)aSizePixel.Height()*nBitsPerPixel+7)/8;
+ // ggf. Groesse des Bildes einschraenken:
+ if (nMaxMem<nNeededMem)
+ {
+ double fFak=sqrt(((double)nMaxMem)/((double)nNeededMem));
+ aSizePixel.Width()=(ULONG)(((double)aSizePixel.Width())*fFak);
+ aSizePixel.Height()=(ULONG)(((double)aSizePixel.Height())*fFak);
+ }
+ aVirDev.SetMapMode(MapMode(MAP_PIXEL));
+ aVirDev.SetOutputSizePixel(aSizePixel);
+ Graphic aGraphic2=aGraphic;
+ aGraphic2.Draw(&aVirDev,Point(0,0),aSizePixel); // Gemein: dies aendert den MapMode
+ aVirDev.SetMapMode(MapMode(MAP_PIXEL));
+ aGraphic=Graphic(aVirDev.GetBitmap(Point(0,0),aSizePixel));
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( aPixOrVec.CompareToAscii( "VEC", 3 ) != COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ if( GRFILTER_OK == nStatus )
+ {
+ if( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( EXP_BMP ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ {
+ nPercent = 60;
+ aUpdatePercentHdlLink.Call( this );
+ if( !rOStm.GetError() )
+ {
+ Bitmap aBmp( aGraphic.GetBitmap() );
+ if( GetOptionsConfig() )
+ {
+ ResMgr* pResMgr = CREATERESMGR( svt );
+ UniString aRLEKey( pConfig->GetKeyName( nFormat ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
+ aRLEKey += UniString( ResId( KEY_RLE_CODING, pResMgr ) );
+ ByteString aRLEStr( GetOptionsConfig()->ReadKey( ByteString( aRLEKey, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) ) );
+ // Wollen wir RLE-Kodiert speichern?
+ aGraphic.GetBitmap().Write( rOStm, aRLEStr.CompareIgnoreCaseToAscii( "FALSE", 5 ) != COMPARE_EQUAL );
+ delete pResMgr;
+ }
+ else
+ rOStm << aBmp;
+ }
+ nPercent = 90;
+ aUpdatePercentHdlLink.Call( this );
+ if( rOStm.GetError() )
+ }
+ else if( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( EXP_SVMETAFILE ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ {
+ if( !rOStm.GetError() )
+ {
+ GDIMetaFile aMTF;
+ if ( eType != GRAPHIC_BITMAP )
+ aMTF = aGraphic.GetGDIMetaFile();
+ else
+ {
+ VirtualDevice aVirDev;
+ aMTF.Record( &aVirDev );
+ aGraphic.Draw( &aVirDev, Point(), aGraphic.GetPrefSize() );
+ aMTF.Stop();
+ aMTF.SetPrefSize( aGraphic.GetPrefSize() );
+ aMTF.SetPrefMapMode( aGraphic.GetPrefMapMode() );
+ }
+ nPercent = 60;
+ aUpdatePercentHdlLink.Call( this );
+ rOStm << aMTF;
+ nPercent = 90;
+ aUpdatePercentHdlLink.Call( this );
+ }
+ if( rOStm.GetError() )
+ }
+ else if ( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( EXP_WMF ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ {
+ if( !rOStm.GetError() )
+ {
+ {
+ if ( !ConvertGDIMetaFileToWMF( aGraphic.GetGDIMetaFile(), rOStm, &ImpFilterCallback, &aCallbackData ) )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Bitmap aBmp( aGraphic.GetBitmap() );
+ GDIMetaFile aMTF;
+ VirtualDevice aVirDev;
+ aMTF.Record( &aVirDev );
+ aVirDev.DrawBitmap( Point(), aBmp );
+ aMTF.Stop();
+ aMTF.SetPrefSize( aBmp.GetSizePixel() );
+ if( !ConvertGDIMetaFileToWMF( aMTF, rOStm, &ImpFilterCallback, &aCallbackData) )
+ }
+ }
+ if( rOStm.GetError() )
+ }
+ else if ( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( EXP_EMF ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ {
+ if( !rOStm.GetError() )
+ {
+ {
+ if ( !ConvertGDIMetaFileToEMF( aGraphic.GetGDIMetaFile(), rOStm, &ImpFilterCallback, &aCallbackData ) )
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Bitmap aBmp( aGraphic.GetBitmap() );
+ GDIMetaFile aMTF;
+ VirtualDevice aVirDev;
+ aMTF.Record( &aVirDev );
+ aVirDev.DrawBitmap( Point(), aBmp );
+ aMTF.Stop();
+ aMTF.SetPrefSize( aBmp.GetSizePixel() );
+ if( !ConvertGDIMetaFileToEMF( aMTF, rOStm, &ImpFilterCallback, &aCallbackData) )
+ }
+ }
+ if( rOStm.GetError() )
+ }
+ else if( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( EXP_JPEG ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ {
+ if( !rOStm.GetError() )
+ {
+ if( !ExportJPEG( rOStm, aGraphic, &ImpFilterCallback, &aCallbackData, GetOptionsConfig() ) )
+ }
+ if( rOStm.GetError() )
+ }
+ else if( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( EXP_SVG ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ {
+ if( !rOStm.GetError() )
+ {
+ ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xMgr( ::utl::getProcessServiceFactory() );
+ if( )
+ {
+ ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::xml::sax::XDocumentHandler > xSaxWriter( xMgr->createInstance(
+ ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "" ) ), ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::svg::XSVGWriter > xSVGWriter( xMgr->createInstance(
+ ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "" ) ), ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ if( && )
+ {
+ ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::io::XActiveDataSource > xActiveDataSource(
+ xSaxWriter, ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY );
+ if( )
+ {
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface > xStmIf(
+ static_cast< ::cppu::OWeakObject* >( new ImpFilterOutputStream( rOStm ) ) );
+ SvMemoryStream aMemStm( 65535, 65535 );
+ aMemStm.SetCompressMode( COMPRESSMODE_FULL );
+ ( (GDIMetaFile&) aGraphic.GetGDIMetaFile() ).Write( aMemStm );
+ nPercent = 60;
+ aUpdatePercentHdlLink.Call( this );
+ xActiveDataSource->setOutputStream( ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::io::XOutputStream >(
+ xStmIf, ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY ) );
+ ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > aMtfSeq( (sal_Int8*) aMemStm.GetData(), aMemStm.Tell() );
+ xSVGWriter->write( xSaxWriter, aMtfSeq );
+ nPercent = 90;
+ aUpdatePercentHdlLink.Call( this );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if( aFilterVendor.CompareToAscii( "SD" ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ {
+ INetURLObject aFilterFilePath;
+ BOOL bFound = FALSE;
+ pConfig->SetGroup( IMPEXP_FILTERPATHES );
+ ImpCorrectFilterUpdateNumber( aFilterName );
+ // find first filter in filter pathes
+ for( USHORT i = 0, nPathCount = pConfig->GetKeyCount(); i < nPathCount; i++ )
+ {
+ aFilterFilePath.SetSmartURL( UniString( pConfig->ReadKey( i ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) );
+ aFilterFilePath.Append( aFilterName );
+ if( ImplDirEntryHelper::Exists( aFilterFilePath ) )
+ {
+ bFound = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( !bFound )
+ else
+ {
+ ::vos::OModule aLibrary( aFilterFilePath.PathToFileName() );
+ PFilterCall pFunc = (PFilterCall) aLibrary.getSymbol( UniString::CreateFromAscii( EXPORT_FUNCTION_NAME ) );
+ if( pFunc )
+ {
+ if( !rOStm.GetError() )
+ {
+ if ( !(*pFunc)( rOStm, aGraphic, &ImpFilterCallback, &aCallbackData, GetOptionsConfig(), FALSE ) )
+ }
+ else
+ }
+ else
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ }
+ if( nStatus != GRFILTER_OK )
+ {
+ if( bAbort )
+ ImplSetError( nStatus, &rOStm );
+ aErrorHdlLink.Call( this );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nPercent = 100;
+ aUpdatePercentHdlLink.Call( this );
+ }
+ aEndFilterHdlLink.Call( this );
+ return nStatus;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BOOL GraphicFilter::Setup( USHORT nFormat )
+ return FALSE;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BOOL GraphicFilter::HasImportDialog( USHORT nFormat )
+ BOOL bRet = FALSE;
+ if( pConfig && GetOptionsConfig() )
+ {
+ pConfig->SetGroup( IMP_FILTERSECTION );
+ bRet = ( ImpGetFilterDialog( UniString( pConfig->ReadKey( nFormat ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) ).CompareToAscii( "TRUE", 4 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL );
+ }
+ return bRet;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BOOL GraphicFilter::DoImportDialog( Window* pWindow, USHORT nFormat )
+ DBG_ASSERT( pConfig,"GraphicFilter:: : no Config" );
+ DBG_ASSERT( GetOptionsConfig(),"GraphicFilter:: : no OptionsConfig" );
+ pConfig->SetGroup( IMP_FILTERSECTION );
+ String aFilterName( ImpGetFilterName( UniString( pConfig->ReadKey( nFormat ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) ) );
+ String aUpperName( aFilterName );
+ BOOL bRet = FALSE;
+ aUpperName.ToUpperAscii();
+ if( ( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( IMP_BMP ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) || ( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( IMP_SVMETAFILE ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) )
+ {
+ // Bitmaps und SV-MetaFiles
+ }
+ else if( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( IMP_WMF ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ {
+ // Import-Filter fuer WMF
+ }
+ else if( ( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( IMP_SVSGF ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) || ( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( IMP_SVSGV ) ) )
+ {
+ // StarDraw- und StarWriter-Filter
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // ladbare Filter
+ String aFilterVendor( ImpGetFilterVendor( UniString( pConfig->ReadKey( nFormat ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) ) );
+ // eigene Filter
+ if( aFilterVendor.CompareToAscii( "SD", 2 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ {
+ ImpFilterLibCacheEntry* pFilter = NULL;
+ pConfig->SetGroup( IMPEXP_FILTERPATHES );
+ ImpCorrectFilterUpdateNumber( aFilterName );
+ // find first filter in filter pathes
+ for( USHORT i = 0, nPathCount = pConfig->GetKeyCount(); i < nPathCount; i++ )
+ {
+ INetURLObject aFilterPath;
+ aFilterPath.SetSmartURL( UniString( pConfig->ReadKey( i ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) );
+ if ( pFilter = aCache.GetFilter( aFilterPath, aFilterName ) )
+ {
+ aFilterPath.Append( aFilterName );
+ if ( ImplDirEntryHelper::Exists( aFilterPath ) )
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( pFilter )
+ {
+ PFilterDlgCall pFunc = pFilter->GetImportDlgFunction();
+ // Dialog in DLL ausfuehren
+ if( pFunc )
+ {
+ FltCallDialogParameter aFltCallDlgPara( pWindow, NULL, GetOptionsConfig(), FUNIT_MM );
+ bRet = (*pFunc)( aFltCallDlgPara );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return bRet;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BOOL GraphicFilter::HasExportDialog( USHORT nFormat )
+ BOOL bRet = FALSE;
+ if( pConfig && GetOptionsConfig() )
+ {
+ pConfig->SetGroup( EXP_FILTERSECTION );
+ bRet = ( ImpGetFilterDialog( UniString( pConfig->ReadKey( nFormat ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) )
+ .CompareToAscii( "TRUE", 4 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL );
+ }
+ return bRet;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+BOOL GraphicFilter::DoExportDialog( Window* pWindow, USHORT nFormat )
+ return DoExportDialog( pWindow, nFormat, FUNIT_MM );
+BOOL GraphicFilter::DoExportDialog( Window* pWindow, USHORT nFormat, FieldUnit eFieldUnit )
+ DBG_ASSERT( pConfig,"GraphicFilter:: : no Config" );
+ pConfig->SetGroup( EXP_FILTERSECTION );
+ String aKey( pConfig->ReadKey( nFormat ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
+ String aFilterName( ImpGetFilterName( aKey ) );
+ String aUpperName( aFilterName );
+ String aFilterVendor( ImpGetFilterVendor( aKey ).ToUpperAscii() );
+ BOOL bRet = FALSE;
+ aUpperName.ToUpperAscii();
+ if( GetOptionsConfig() )
+ GetOptionsConfig()->Update();
+ // Export-Dialog fuer Bitmap's, SVM's und WMF's
+ if( ( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( EXP_BMP ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) ||
+ ( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( EXP_SVMETAFILE ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) ||
+ ( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( EXP_WMF ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) ||
+ ( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( EXP_EMF ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) ||
+ ( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( EXP_JPEG ) == COMPARE_EQUAL ) )
+ {
+ ByteString aResMgrName( "svt", 3 );
+ ResMgr* pResMgr;
+ aResMgrName.Append( ByteString::CreateFromInt32( SOLARUPD ) );
+ pResMgr = ResMgr::CreateResMgr( aResMgrName.GetBuffer(), Application::GetAppInternational().GetLanguage() );
+ FltCallDialogParameter aFltCallDlgPara( pWindow, pResMgr, GetOptionsConfig(), eFieldUnit );
+ // JPEG-Dialog
+ if( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( EXP_JPEG ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ bRet = ( DlgExportEJPG( aFltCallDlgPara ).Execute() == RET_OK );
+ // Fuer Bitmaps nehmen wir den Pixel-Dialog
+ else if( aUpperName.CompareToAscii( EXP_BMP ) != COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ {
+ aFltCallDlgPara.aFilterExt = UniString( pConfig->GetKeyName( nFormat ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
+ bRet = ( DlgExportVec( aFltCallDlgPara ).Execute() == RET_OK );
+ }
+ // Fuer Vektorformate nehmen wir den Vektor-Dialog
+ else
+ {
+ aFltCallDlgPara.aFilterExt = UniString( pConfig->GetKeyName( nFormat ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
+ bRet = ( DlgExportPix( aFltCallDlgPara ).Execute() == RET_OK );
+ }
+ delete pResMgr;
+ }
+ // ladbare Filter
+ else
+ {
+ // eigene Filter
+ if( aFilterVendor.CompareToAscii( "SD", 2 ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ {
+ INetURLObject aFilterFilePath;
+ BOOL bFound = FALSE;
+ pConfig->SetGroup( IMPEXP_FILTERPATHES );
+ ImpCorrectFilterUpdateNumber( aFilterName );
+ // find first filter in filter pathes
+ for( USHORT i = 0, nPathCount = pConfig->GetKeyCount(); i < nPathCount; i++ )
+ {
+ aFilterFilePath.SetSmartURL( UniString( pConfig->ReadKey( i ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) );
+ aFilterFilePath.Append( aFilterName );
+ if( ImplDirEntryHelper::Exists( aFilterFilePath ) )
+ {
+ bFound = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( bFound )
+ {
+ ::vos::OModule aLibrary( aFilterFilePath.PathToFileName() );
+ PFilterDlgCall pFunc = (PFilterDlgCall) aLibrary.getSymbol( UniString( EXPDLG_FUNCTION_NAME, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) );
+ // Dialog in DLL ausfuehren
+ if( pFunc )
+ {
+ FltCallDialogParameter aFltCallDlgPara( pWindow, NULL, GetOptionsConfig(), eFieldUnit );
+ bRet = (*pFunc)( aFltCallDlgPara );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( bRet && GetOptionsConfig() )
+ GetOptionsConfig()->Flush();
+ return bRet;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const FilterErrorEx& GraphicFilter::GetLastError() const
+ return *pErrorEx;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GraphicFilter::ResetLastError()
+ pErrorEx->nFilterError = pErrorEx->nStreamError = 0UL;
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+IMPL_LINK( GraphicFilter, FilterCallback, ConvertData*, pData )
+ long nRet = 0L;
+ if( pData )
+ {
+ ByteString aShortName;
+ const BOOL bOptions = AreOptionsEnabled();
+ EnableOptions( FALSE );
+ switch( pData->mnFormat )
+ {
+ case( CVT_BMP ): aShortName = BMP_SHORTNAME; break;
+ case( CVT_GIF ): aShortName = GIF_SHORTNAME; break;
+ case( CVT_JPG ): aShortName = JPG_SHORTNAME; break;
+ case( CVT_MET ): aShortName = MET_SHORTNAME; break;
+ case( CVT_PCT ): aShortName = PCT_SHORTNAME; break;
+ case( CVT_PNG ): aShortName = PNG_SHORTNAME; break;
+ case( CVT_SVM ): aShortName = SVM_SHORTNAME; break;
+ case( CVT_TIF ): aShortName = TIF_SHORTNAME; break;
+ case( CVT_WMF ): aShortName = WMF_SHORTNAME; break;
+ case( CVT_EMF ): aShortName = EMF_SHORTNAME; break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if( GRAPHIC_NONE == pData->maGraphic.GetType() || pData->maGraphic.GetContext() ) // Import
+ {
+ if( aShortName.Len() )
+ {
+ for( USHORT i = 0, nCount = GetImportFormatCount(); i < nCount; i++ )
+ {
+ ByteString aImpShortName( GetImportFormatShortName( i ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
+ aImpShortName.ToUpperAscii();
+ if( aImpShortName.CompareTo( aShortName ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ {
+ nFormat = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nRet = ( ImportGraphic( pData->maGraphic, String(), pData->mrStm, nFormat ) == GRFILTER_OK );
+ }
+ else if( aShortName.Len() ) // Export
+ {
+ for( USHORT i = 0, nCount = GetExportFormatCount(); i < nCount; i++ )
+ {
+ ByteString aExpShortName( GetExportFormatShortName( i ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
+ aExpShortName.ToUpperAscii();
+ if( aExpShortName.CompareTo( aShortName ) == COMPARE_EQUAL )
+ {
+ nFormat = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( nFormat )
+ nRet = ( ExportGraphic( pData->maGraphic, String(), pData->mrStm, nFormat ) == GRFILTER_OK );
+ }
+ EnableOptions( bOptions );
+ }
+ return nRet;