path: root/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpstory.cxx
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authorFong Lin <>2010-10-08 17:04:46 +0100
committerMichael Meeks <>2010-10-08 17:04:46 +0100
commitcc316b39d9110c536e1758a4f814738ca209bb02 (patch)
tree0ff290d366ff8fea16ebc7e7781cc14b563f9b37 /lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpstory.cxx
parent949fa63a66adc1ba54a0c353afd66bb863024d27 (diff)
Port of Lotus Word Pro filter, by Fong Lin and Noel Power
Diffstat (limited to 'lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpstory.cxx')
1 files changed, 549 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpstory.cxx b/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpstory.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..06166af3e0dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lotuswordpro/source/filter/lwpstory.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
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+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
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+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
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+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
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+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
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+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: IBM Corporation
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2008 by IBM Corporation
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+ * All Rights Reserved.
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+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * @file
+ * LwpStory:
+ 1. Word Pro object for paragraph list;
+ 2. the content of layout object
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * Change History
+ Jan 2005 Created
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "lwpglobalmgr.hxx"
+#include "lwpstory.hxx"
+#include "xfilter/xfstylemanager.hxx"
+LwpStory::LwpStory(LwpObjectHeader &objHdr, LwpSvStream* pStrm)
+ : LwpContent(objHdr, pStrm),m_bPMModified(sal_False),m_pCurrentLayout(NULL),
+ m_pTabLayout(NULL),m_bDropcap(sal_False), m_pHyperlinkMgr(new LwpHyperlinkMgr)
+ if (m_pHyperlinkMgr)
+ delete m_pHyperlinkMgr;
+void LwpStory::Read()
+ LwpContent::Read();
+ m_ParaList.Read(m_pObjStrm);
+ m_FirstParaStyle.ReadIndexed(m_pObjStrm);
+ m_pObjStrm->SkipExtra();
+#include "lwppara.hxx"
+#include "lwpobjfactory.hxx"
+ * @descr: Convert all the contents in current story
+ * @param:
+ * @param:
+ * @return:
+void LwpStory::XFConvert(XFContentContainer* pCont)
+ //process frame which anchor frame
+ XFConvertFrameInFrame(pCont);
+ //process para list
+ XFContentContainer* pParaCont = pCont;
+ LwpPara* pPara = static_cast<LwpPara*> ( GetFirstPara()->obj() );
+ while(pPara)
+ {
+ pPara->SetFoundry(m_pFoundry);
+ pPara->XFConvert(pParaCont);
+ //Get the xfcontainer for the next para
+ pParaCont = pPara->GetXFContainer();
+ pPara = static_cast<LwpPara*> ( pPara->GetNext()->obj() );
+ }
+ //process frame which anchor is to cell after converter all the para
+ XFConvertFrameInCell(pCont);
+ XFConvertFrameInHeaderFooter(pCont);
+ //Release Lwp Objects
+ LwpPara* pCur = static_cast<LwpPara*> (GetFirstPara()->obj());
+ LwpPara* pNext;
+ while(pCur)
+ {
+ pCur->Release();
+ pNext = static_cast<LwpPara*> ( pCur->GetNext()->obj() );
+ LwpGlobalMgr* pGlobal = LwpGlobalMgr::GetInstance();
+ LwpObjectFactory* pObjMgr = pGlobal->GetLwpObjFactory();
+ pObjMgr->ReleaseObject(*pCur->GetObjectID());
+ pCur = pNext;
+ }
+void LwpStory::RegisterStyle()
+ LwpPara* pPara = static_cast<LwpPara*>( GetFirstPara()->obj() );
+ while(pPara)
+ {
+ pPara->SetFoundry(m_pFoundry);
+ pPara->RegisterStyle();
+ pPara = static_cast<LwpPara*>(pPara->GetNext()->obj());
+ }
+void LwpStory::Parse(IXFStream* pOutputStream)
+ m_pXFContainer = new XFContentContainer;
+ XFConvert(m_pXFContainer);
+ m_pXFContainer->ToXml(pOutputStream);
+ delete m_pXFContainer;
+ m_pXFContainer = NULL;
+ //It seems that, currently, we do not need to process the child story
+ /*LwpObject* pChildStory = GetFirstStory()->obj();
+ if(pChildStory)
+ {
+ pChildStory->SetFoundry(m_pFoundry);
+ pChildStory->Parse(pOutputStream);
+ }*/
+ //Don't process the next story
+/* LwpObject* pNextStory = GetNextStory()->obj();
+ if(pNextStory)
+ {
+ pNextStory->SetFoundry(m_pFoundry);
+ pNextStory->Parse(pOutputStream);
+ }*/
+#include "lwppagelayout.hxx"
+ * @descr: Set current page layout. If pPageLayout is a mirro page layout,
+ use odd child page layout as current page layout.
+ * @param:
+ * @param:
+ * @return:
+void LwpStory::SetCurrentLayout(LwpPageLayout *pPageLayout)
+ LwpPageLayout* pLayout = pPageLayout->GetOddChildLayout();
+ if(pLayout)
+ {
+ m_pCurrentLayout = pLayout;
+ m_pTabLayout = pLayout;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_pCurrentLayout = pPageLayout;
+ m_pTabLayout = pPageLayout;
+ }
+ m_bPMModified = sal_True;
+void LwpStory::AddPageLayout(LwpPageLayout * pObject)
+ m_LayoutList.push_back(pObject);
+ * @descr: Get the next page layout relative to m_pCurrentLayout
+ * @param:
+ * @param:
+ * @return:
+LwpPageLayout* LwpStory::GetNextPageLayout()
+ std::vector<LwpPageLayout*>::iterator it;
+ for( it = m_LayoutList.begin(); it != m_LayoutList.end(); it++ )
+ {
+ if(m_pCurrentLayout == *it)
+ {
+ if((it+1) !=m_LayoutList.end())
+ {
+ return *(it+1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ * @descr: Sort the pagelayout according to their position
+ * @param:
+ * @param:
+ * @return:
+void LwpStory::SortPageLayout()
+ //Get all the pagelayout and store in list
+ std::vector<LwpPageLayout*> aLayoutList;
+ LwpVirtualLayout* pLayout = GetLayout(NULL);
+ while(pLayout)
+ {
+ if(pLayout->IsPage())
+ {
+ LwpLayout::UseWhenType eSectionType = static_cast<LwpPageLayout*>(pLayout)->GetUseWhenType();
+ //for mirror page, the child is pagelayout
+ LwpVirtualLayout* pParent = pLayout->GetParentLayout();
+ if(eSectionType != LwpLayout::StartWithinColume && !pParent->IsPage())
+ {
+ aLayoutList.push_back(static_cast<LwpPageLayout*>(pLayout));
+ }
+ }
+ pLayout = GetLayout(pLayout);
+ }
+ // sort the pagelayout according to their position
+ LwpPageLayout* pTemp = NULL;
+ std::vector<LwpPageLayout*>::iterator aIt;
+ std::vector<LwpPageLayout*>::iterator bIt;
+ for( aIt = aLayoutList.begin(); aIt != aLayoutList.end() -1; aIt++)
+ {
+ for( bIt = aIt +1; bIt != aLayoutList.end(); bIt ++)
+ {
+ if(**aIt < **bIt)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pTemp = *aIt;
+ *aIt = *bIt;
+ *bIt = pTemp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //put all the sorted layouts into list
+ m_LayoutList.clear();
+ for( aIt = aLayoutList.begin(); aIt != aLayoutList.end(); aIt++)
+ {
+ m_LayoutList.push_back(*aIt);
+ }
+ * @descr: whether need create a new section and reset column in current page layout
+ * @param:
+ * @param:
+ * @return: sal_True if need create a new section
+sal_Bool LwpStory::IsNeedSection()
+ sal_Bool bColumns = sal_False;
+ sal_Bool bNewSection = sal_False;
+ if(m_pCurrentLayout)
+ {
+ if(m_pCurrentLayout->HasColumns())
+ {
+ //get the following pagelayout and its type
+ bColumns = sal_True;
+ LwpPageLayout* pNextLayout = GetNextPageLayout();
+ if(pNextLayout)
+ {
+ //get layout type
+ LwpLayout::UseWhenType eWhenType = pNextLayout->GetUseWhenType();
+ switch(eWhenType)
+ {
+ case LwpLayout::StartWithinColume://not support now
+ case LwpLayout::StartWithinPage:
+ {
+ bColumns =sal_False;
+ bNewSection = sal_True;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LwpLayout::StartOnNextPage:
+ case LwpLayout::StartOnOddPage://not support now
+ case LwpLayout::StartOnEvenPage://not support now
+ {
+ bColumns =sal_True;
+ bNewSection = sal_False;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //if bColumns is ture, the page layout doesn't need columns, set the xfcolumns to NULL in page master
+ if(!bColumns)
+ {
+ m_pCurrentLayout->ResetXFColumns();
+ }
+ }
+ SetPMModified(sal_False);
+ }
+ return bNewSection;
+ * @descr: process frame which anchor type is to page, frame or cell
+ * @param:
+ * @param:
+ * @return:
+void LwpStory::XFConvertFrame(XFContentContainer* pCont)
+ LwpVirtualLayout* pLayout = GetLayout(NULL);
+ while(pLayout)
+ {
+ LwpVirtualLayout* pFrameLayout = static_cast<LwpVirtualLayout*>(pLayout->GetChildHead()->obj());
+ while(pFrameLayout)
+ {
+ if((pFrameLayout->IsAnchorPage()&&(pFrameLayout->IsFrame()||pFrameLayout->IsSuperTable()||pFrameLayout->IsGroupHead()))
+ ||(pFrameLayout->IsAnchorFrame()))
+ {
+ pFrameLayout->XFConvert(pCont);
+ }
+ pFrameLayout = static_cast<LwpVirtualLayout*>(pFrameLayout->GetNext()->obj());
+ }
+ pLayout = GetLayout(pLayout);
+ }
+ * @descr: process frame which anchor type is to cell
+ * @param:
+ * @param:
+ * @return:
+void LwpStory::XFConvertFrameInCell(XFContentContainer* pCont)
+ LwpVirtualLayout* pLayout = GetLayout(NULL);
+ while(pLayout)
+ {
+ LwpVirtualLayout* pFrameLayout = static_cast<LwpVirtualLayout*>(pLayout->GetChildHead()->obj());
+ while(pFrameLayout)
+ {
+ //if(pFrameLayout->IsAnchorCell())
+ if(pFrameLayout->IsAnchorCell() && pFrameLayout->HasContent())
+ {
+ //get the first xfpara
+ XFContentContainer* pXFFirtPara = static_cast<XFContentContainer*>(pCont->FindFirstContent(enumXFContentPara));
+ if(pXFFirtPara)
+ pFrameLayout->XFConvert(pXFFirtPara);
+ }
+ pFrameLayout = static_cast<LwpVirtualLayout*>(pFrameLayout->GetNext()->obj());
+ }
+ pLayout = GetLayout(pLayout);
+ }
+ * @descr: process frame which anchor type is to page
+ * @param:
+ * @param:
+ * @return:
+void LwpStory::XFConvertFrameInPage(XFContentContainer* pCont)
+ LwpVirtualLayout* pLayout = GetLayout(NULL);
+ while(pLayout)
+ {
+ LwpVirtualLayout* pFrameLayout = static_cast<LwpVirtualLayout*>(pLayout->GetChildHead()->obj());
+ while(pFrameLayout)
+ {
+ if((pFrameLayout->IsAnchorPage()
+ &&(pFrameLayout->IsFrame()
+ ||pFrameLayout->IsSuperTable()
+ ||pFrameLayout->IsGroupHead())))
+ {
+ pFrameLayout->XFConvert(pCont);
+ }
+ pFrameLayout = static_cast<LwpVirtualLayout*>(pFrameLayout->GetNext()->obj());
+ }
+ pLayout = GetLayout(pLayout);
+ }
+ * @descr: process frame which anchor type is to frame
+ * @param:
+ * @param:
+ * @return:
+void LwpStory::XFConvertFrameInFrame(XFContentContainer* pCont)
+ LwpVirtualLayout* pLayout = GetLayout(NULL);
+ while(pLayout)
+ {
+ LwpVirtualLayout* pFrameLayout = static_cast<LwpVirtualLayout*>(pLayout->GetChildHead()->obj());
+ while(pFrameLayout)
+ {
+ if(pFrameLayout->IsAnchorFrame())
+ {
+ pFrameLayout->XFConvert(pCont);
+ }
+ pFrameLayout = static_cast<LwpVirtualLayout*>(pFrameLayout->GetNext()->obj());
+ }
+ pLayout = GetLayout(pLayout);
+ }
+ * @descr: process frame which anchor type is to page and the frame is contained by header or footer
+ * @param:
+ * @param:
+ * @return:
+void LwpStory::XFConvertFrameInHeaderFooter(XFContentContainer* pCont)
+ LwpVirtualLayout* pLayout = GetLayout(NULL);
+ while(pLayout)
+ {
+ LwpVirtualLayout* pFrameLayout = static_cast<LwpVirtualLayout*>(pLayout->GetChildHead()->obj());
+ while(pFrameLayout)
+ {
+ if(pFrameLayout->IsAnchorPage() && (pLayout->IsHeader() || pLayout->IsFooter()))
+ {
+ //The frame must be included by <text:p>
+ XFContentContainer* pXFFirtPara = static_cast<XFContentContainer*>(pCont->FindFirstContent(enumXFContentPara));
+ if(pXFFirtPara)
+ pFrameLayout->XFConvert(pXFFirtPara);
+ }
+ pFrameLayout = static_cast<LwpVirtualLayout*>(pFrameLayout->GetNext()->obj());
+ }
+ pLayout = GetLayout(pLayout);
+ }
+void LwpStory::AddXFContent(XFContent* pContent)
+ if(m_pXFContainer)
+ m_pXFContainer->Add(pContent);
+XFContentContainer* LwpStory::GetXFContent()
+ if(m_pXFContainer)
+ return m_pXFContainer;
+ else
+ return NULL;
+LwpPara* LwpStory::GetLastParaOfPreviousStory()
+ LwpVirtualLayout* pVLayout = this->GetLayout(NULL);
+ if (pVLayout)
+ {
+ return pVLayout->GetLastParaOfPreviousStory();
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ * @descr: get text from story
+ * @param:
+ * @param:
+ * @return:
+OUString LwpStory::GetContentText(sal_Bool bAllText)
+ if (bAllText)//convert all text fribs
+ {
+ OUString sText = A2OUSTR("");
+ //process para list
+ LwpPara* pPara = static_cast<LwpPara*>(GetFirstPara()->obj());
+ while (pPara)
+ {
+ pPara->SetFoundry(m_pFoundry);
+ sText += pPara->GetContentText(sal_True);
+ pPara = static_cast<LwpPara*>(pPara->GetNext()->obj());
+ }
+ return sText;
+ }
+ else //only the first text frib
+ {
+ LwpObject* pObj = GetFirstPara()->obj();
+ if(pObj)
+ {
+ LwpPara* pPara = static_cast<LwpPara*>(pObj);
+ if (pPara->GetNext()->obj() != NULL)
+ return A2OUSTR("");
+ pPara->SetFoundry(m_pFoundry);
+ return pPara->GetContentText();
+ }
+ return A2OUSTR("");
+ }
+OUString LwpStory::RegisterFirstFribStyle()
+ LwpPara* pPara = static_cast<LwpPara*>(GetFirstPara()->obj());
+ pPara->SetFoundry(m_pFoundry);
+ LwpFribPtr* pFribs = pPara->GetFribs();
+ if (pFribs)
+ {
+ LwpFrib* pFirstFrib = pFribs->GetFribs();
+ pFirstFrib->RegisterStyle(m_pFoundry);
+ XFStyleManager* pXFStyleManager = LwpGlobalMgr::GetInstance()->GetXFStyleManager();
+ XFTextStyle* pBaseStyle = pXFStyleManager->FindTextStyle(pFirstFrib->GetStyleName());
+ if (pBaseStyle == NULL)
+ return A2OUSTR("");
+ XFTextStyle* pStyle = new XFTextStyle;
+ *pStyle = *pBaseStyle;
+ OUString sName = A2OUSTR("Ruby") + pFirstFrib->GetStyleName();
+ pStyle->SetStyleName(sName);
+ pXFStyleManager->AddStyle(pStyle);
+ return sName;
+ }
+ return A2OUSTR("");
+sal_Bool LwpStory::IsBullStyleUsedBefore(const rtl::OUString& rStyleName, const sal_uInt8& nPos)
+ std::vector <NamePosPair>::reverse_iterator rIter;
+ for (rIter = m_vBulletStyleNameList.rbegin(); rIter != m_vBulletStyleNameList.rend(); rIter++)
+ {
+ rtl::OUString aName = (*rIter).first;
+ sal_uInt8 nPosition = (*rIter).second;
+ if ((*rIter).first == rStyleName && (*rIter).second == nPos)
+ {
+ return sal_True;
+ }
+ }
+ return sal_False;