path: root/instsetoo_native
diff options
authorVladimir Glazounov <>2007-02-26 13:57:12 +0000
committerVladimir Glazounov <>2007-02-26 13:57:12 +0000
commit2f771104665982f74c7147afee63c9ad71cbd19b (patch)
treece1880898429e26cee1812b9241aff185bd153a6 /instsetoo_native
parent876cdbb49f6578af13d986113be777993acfae31 (diff)
INTEGRATION: CWS macosxversioning01 (1.1.2); FILE ADDED
2007/01/06 23:01:12 mox Manual resync with cws macosx22fixes (only relevant changes), per pjanik's request 2007/01/06 22:54:15 mox Add license text, remove user profile migration, per pjanik's request 2007/01/06 22:27:34 mox Change versioning strings to match the rest of the OOo code 2006/12/30 10:00:54 mox Issue number: #72835# Make the Mac OS X specific application files to automatically get the appropriate version. 2006/12/29 22:07:19 mox Issue number: #72835# Insert the files moved from desktop module to here, instsetoo_native. Create and adjust makefiles accordingly. Put the files that need versioning in a separate folder, this makes it possible to handle installer stuff (that also needs versioning) in the instsetoo_native/macosx/ -folder.
Diffstat (limited to 'instsetoo_native')
1 files changed, 366 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/instsetoo_native/macosx/application/main.applescript b/instsetoo_native/macosx/application/main.applescript
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2272edc746dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/instsetoo_native/macosx/application/main.applescript
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: main.applescript,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: 1.2 $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2007-02-26 14:57:12 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to
+ * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
+ *
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *************************************************************************)
+(*==== (global variables as get-functions) ====*)
+on getOOInstallPath()
+ -- return (((path to applications folder from system domain) as string) & "OpenOffice" & "Contents:MacOS:")
+ return (((path to me) as string) & "Contents:MacOS:")
+end getOOInstallPath
+on getOOResourcesPath()
+ return (((path to me) as string) & "Contents:Resources:")
+end getOOResourcesPath
+on getOOProgramPath()
+ return (getOOInstallPath() & "program:")
+end getOOProgramPath
+on getScriptPath()
+ -- set this to absolute path when debugging
+ return (((path to me) as string) & "Contents:Resources:Scripts:")
+end getScriptPath
+on getOOUserSettingsPath()
+ return (((path to home folder) as string) & "Library:Application")
+end getOOUserSettingsPath
+on getOOUserFontPath()
+ return (getOOUserSettingsPath() & "user:fonts:")
+end getOOUserFontPath
+on getUserLogsPath()
+ return (((path to home folder) as string) & "Library:Logs:")
+end getUserLogsPath
+on shellTerminator()
+ return (" &>/dev/null & echo $!") as string
+end shellTerminator
+-- the default handlers: run, open, idle, quit
+on run
+ if (preRun()) then
+ logEvent("(Scripts/main) Running")
+ openSoffice("-")
+ end if
+end run
+on open (theFiles)
+ if (preRun()) then
+ openFiles(theFiles)
+ end if
+end open
+on idle
+ -- close icon only if ooo has terminated
+ if (hasOOoQuit()) then
+ tell me to quit
+ end if
+ -- check all x seconds if ok to quit
+ return 3
+end idle
+on quit
+ if (hasOOoQuit()) then
+ continue quit
+ end if
+end quit
+on preRun()
+ -- Check for the required version of Mac OS X
+ if (not atLeastOSXVersion(10, 3, 0)) then
+ display dialog getMessage("ERROR_NEED_PANTHER")
+ return false
+ end if
+ -- Check for that OOo can be found
+ if (not isRealPath(getOOProgramPath())) then
+ display dialog getMessage("ERROR_OOO_NOT_FOUND")
+ return false
+ end if
+ if (not isRealPath(getOOUserFontPath())) then
+ set createUserFont to "mkdir -p " & (quoted form of POSIX path of getOOUserFontPath()) & "; "
+ do shell script createUserFont
+ end if
+ -- If no crash occured before, ~/Library/Logs does not exist, and cannot be started
+ if (not isRealPath(getUserLogsPath())) then
+ set createUserLogsPath to "mkdir -p " & (quoted form of POSIX path of getUserLogsPath()) & "; "
+ do shell script createUserLogsPath
+ end if
+ -- Checks are ok, now do the PostInstall stuff (e.g. fondu)
+ -- load helper library
+ set postinstall to load script alias Â
+ (getScriptPath() & "PostInstall.scpt")
+ -- execute the postinstall script
+ run of postinstall
+ return true
+end preRun
+on hasOOoQuit()
+ if (isRealPath(getOOProgramPath())) then
+ -- set the location of soffice binary
+ set soffice to (quoted form of (POSIX path of getOOProgramPath() & "soffice"))
+ set isRunning to do shell script "_FOUND_=`ps -wx -o command | grep " & soffice & " | grep -v grep`; echo $_FOUND_"
+ if isRunning ­ "" then
+ return false
+ else
+ return true
+ end if
+ else
+ return true
+ end if
+end hasOOoQuit
+on openSoffice(aFile)
+ set theDisplay to startXServer()
+ if (theDisplay is equal to "error") then
+ return
+ end if
+ set theEnv to "DISPLAY=" & theDisplay & " ; export DISPLAY; "
+ set theCmd to "sh " & (quoted form of (POSIX path of getOOProgramPath() & "soffice")) & " "
+ do shell script theEnv & theCmd & aFile & shellTerminator()
+ -- logEvent("open CMD: " & theEnv & theCmd & aFile)
+end openSoffice
+-- helper function to start X11 server
+on startXServer()
+ -- get X settings
+ set XSettingsList to findXServer()
+ set whichserver to item 1 of XSettingsList
+ set Xserverloc to item 2 of XSettingsList
+ -- debug:
+ -- logEvent("(scripts/main) X settings: " & whichserver & "--" & POSIX path of Xserverloc)
+ -- set whichserver to "NOXSERVER"
+ -- if nothing really was found, display an error message.
+ if (whichserver is equal to "NOXSERVER") then
+ display dialog getMessage("ERROR_NEED_X11") buttons {"Quit", "More Info"} default button "More Info" cancel button "Quit" with icon stop
+ -- if more info is chosen, then open a help web page
+ do shell script "open"
+ -- cannot continue, so quit the script
+ return "error"
+ end if
+ set now_running to ""
+ set now_running to do shell script "INX=`ps -wcx | grep " & quoted form of (whichserver & "$") & "`; echo $INX"
+ if whichserver = "NOXSERVER" then
+ -- display dialog "No XServer Found"
+ set now_running to "Skip"
+ end if
+ if now_running = "" then
+ if whichserver = "X11" then
+ set x11cmd to quoted form of (Xserverloc & "/Contents/MacOS/X11") & shellTerminator()
+ do shell script x11cmd
+ -- save process id
+ set x11pid to the result
+ -- wait until the window manager is started which is the second child process of x11
+ set numchildrencmd to "ps -x -o ppid | grep " & x11pid & " | wc -l"
+ set numchildren to 0
+ set d to current date
+ set t1 to time of d
+ repeat while numchildren ­ 2
+ set d to current date
+ set t2 to time of d
+ -- give up after 30 seconds
+ if t2 - t1 > 30 then
+ display dialog "Command timed out"
+ exit repeat
+ end if
+ set result to do shell script numchildrencmd
+ set numchildren to result as integer
+ end repeat
+ else -- startup XDarwin
+ do shell script "open " & quoted form of Xserverloc & shellTerminator()
+ do shell script "sleep 4"
+ end if
+ end if
+ if whichserver is equal to "X11" then
+ -- the DISPLAY variable is different for every user currently logged in
+ -- X11 passes the DISPLAY as the last command line parameter to its child process
+ -- we can use ps to read the command line and parse the trailing :0, :1, or whatever
+ set xdisplay to do shell script "ps -wx -o command | grep | grep \":.$\" | sed \"s/^.*:/:/g\""
+ --display dialog xdisplay
+ return xdisplay
+ else
+ -- TODO: find out how XDarwin does it
+ return ":0"
+ end if
+end startXServer
+on openFiles(fileList)
+ if (count of fileList) > 0 then
+ repeat with i from 1 to the count of fileList
+ set theDocument to (item i of fileList)
+ set theFilePath to (quoted form of POSIX path of theDocument)
+ set theFileInfo to (info for theDocument)
+ openSoffice(theFilePath)
+ logEvent("(Scripts/main) Open file: " & theFilePath)
+ end repeat
+ end if
+end openFiles
+(* ===== (Helper functions) ======= *)
+-- get a localized string
+on getMessage(aKey)
+ try
+ if (aKey is equal to "YES_KEY") then
+ return "Yes"
+ end if
+ if (aKey is equal to "NO_KEY") then
+ return "No"
+ end if
+ if (aKey is equal to "ERROR_OOO_NOT_FOUND") then
+ return " was not found on your system. Please (re-)install first."
+ end if
+ if (aKey is equal to "ERROR_NEED_PANTHER") then
+ return "This build of cannot be run on this system, requires MacOSX 10.3 (Panther) or newer system"
+ end if
+ if (aKey is equal to "ERROR_NEED_X11") then
+ return " for Mac OS X cannot be started, because the X11 software is not installed. Please install Apple X11 first from the Mac OS X install DVD. More information:"
+ end if
+ end try
+end getMessage
+-- function for logging script messages
+on logEvent(themessage)
+ set theLine to (do shell script Â
+ "date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'" as string) Â
+ & " " & themessage
+ do shell script "echo " & quoted form of theLine & Â
+ " >> ~/Library/Logs/OpenOffice%USERDIRPRODUCTVERSION.log"
+end logEvent
+-- function for checking if a path exists
+on isRealPath(aPath)
+ try
+ alias aPath
+ return true
+ on error
+ -- error number -43 from aPath
+ -- display dialog "NotRP -- " & aPath
+ return false
+ end try
+end isRealPath
+-- try to find X11 server on the Mac OS X system
+-- return value: the found server or "NOXSERVER"
+on findXServer()
+ -- First try standard X11 location, then try standard XDarwin location
+ set whichserver to "NOXSERVER"
+ --Utilities folder of system
+ set Xserverloc to ((path to utilities folder from system domain) as string) & ""
+ --display dialog " Xserverloc" & Xserverloc
+ if (isRealPath(Xserverloc)) then
+ set whichserver to "X11"
+ set Xserverloc to (POSIX path of Xserverloc)
+ else
+ --Applications folder of system
+ set Xserverloc to ((path to applications folder from system domain) as string) & ""
+ if (isRealPath(Xserverloc)) then
+ set whichserver to "XDarwin"
+ set Xserverloc to (POSIX path of Xserverloc)
+ end if
+ end if
+ -- if nothing found yet try using locate, first with and then with
+ if (whichserver is equal to "NOXSERVER") then
+ set Xserverloc to do shell script "locate | sed -e 's-/Contents/MacOS/X11--g'"
+ if Xserverloc ­ "" then
+ set whichserver to "X11"
+ end if
+ end if
+ if (whichserver is equal to "NOXSERVER") then
+ set Xserverloc to do shell script "locate | sed -e 's-/Contents/MacOS/XDarwin--g'"
+ if Xserverloc ­ "" then
+ set whichserver to "XDarwin"
+ end if
+ end if
+ return {whichserver, Xserverloc}
+end findXServer
+-- Test for a minimum version of Mac OS X
+on atLeastOSXVersion(verMajor, verMinor, verStep)
+ -- The StandardAdditions's 'system attribute' used to be the Finder's 'computer' command.
+ tell application "Finder" to set sysv to (system attribute "sysv")
+ -- Generate sysv-compatible number from given version
+ set reqVer to ((verMajor div 10) * 4096 + (verMajor mod 10) * 256 + verMinor * 16 + verStep)
+ -- display dialog ("RV:" & reqVer & " < " & sysv as string)
+ -- set major to ((sysv div 4096) * 10 + (sysv mod 4096 div 256))
+ -- set minor to (sysv mod 256 div 16)
+ -- set step to (sysv mod 16)
+ -- display dialog ("Your Mac OS X version: " & major & "." & minor & "." & step)
+ if (reqVer > sysv) then
+ return false
+ else
+ return true
+ end if
+end atLeastOSXVersion