path: root/dbaccess/source/ui/tabledesign
diff options
authorJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2003-04-29 16:26:14 +0000
committerJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2003-04-29 16:26:14 +0000
commit4ddb46ff172a1c436c2221cf81eeae67c034f7c6 (patch)
treefd3d218b139168329bf345fca1669de9f07e9579 /dbaccess/source/ui/tabledesign
parent449e6b5342374388f194e0560d369785c687c475 (diff)
2003/04/29 08:34:13 gh final merge for Beta2 2003/04/14 15:04:52 gh merging all languages
Diffstat (limited to 'dbaccess/source/ui/tabledesign')
1 files changed, 414 insertions, 157 deletions
diff --git a/dbaccess/source/ui/tabledesign/table.src b/dbaccess/source/ui/tabledesign/table.src
index ff78cdc2cc46..a1c8da614e63 100644
--- a/dbaccess/source/ui/tabledesign/table.src
+++ b/dbaccess/source/ui/tabledesign/table.src
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: table.src,v $
- * $Revision: 1.75 $
+ * $Revision: 1.76 $
- * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2003-03-19 17:53:05 $
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2003-04-29 17:26:14 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -102,16 +102,19 @@
Text[ italian ] = "~Struttura indice..."; \
Text[ danish ] = "I~ndeksudkast..."; \
Text[ swedish ] = "I~ndexutkast..."; \
- Text[ polish ] = "~Projekt indeksu..."; \
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Index Desgin"; \
+ Text[ polish ] = "Projekt ~indeksu..."; \
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "E~sboar ndice..."; \
Text[ japanese ] = "インデックスデザイン(~I)..."; \
Text[ korean ] = "색인 디자인(~I)..."; \
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "索引设计(~I)..."; \
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "索引設計(~I)..."; \
- Text[ turkish ] = "Index Desgin"; \
+ Text[ turkish ] = "ndex tasarm.."; \
Text[ arabic ] = " "; \
Text[ catalan ] = "Disseny de l'ndex"; \
- Text[ thai ] = "~ออกแบบดัชนี...";
+ Text[ thai ] = "~ออกแบบดัชนี..."; \
+ Text[ czech ] = "Návrh rejstříku..."; \
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "I~ndexentwurf..."; \
+ Text[ hindi ] = "~अनुक्रमणिका डिसैन...";
@@ -132,24 +135,27 @@ String STR_TABLEDESIGN_DBFIELDTYPES
Text[ italian ] = "Sconosciuto;Testo;Numero;Data/Ora;Data;Ora;S/No;Valuta;Memo;Contatore;Immagine;Testo(fisso);Decimale;Campo binario (fisso);Campo binario;BigInt;Doppio;Fluttuante;Reale;Integrale;Piccolo integrale;Tiny Integrale;SQL nullo;Oggetto;Distinto;Struttura;Campo;BLOB;CLOB;REF;OTHER";
Text[ danish ] = "Ukendt;Tekst;Tal;Dato/Klokkeslt;Dato;Klokkeslt;Ja/Nej;Valuta;Notat;Tller;Billede;Tekst (fix);Decimal;Binrt felt (fix);Binrt felt;Stort heltal;Dobbelt;Flyd;Faktisk;Heltal;Lille heltal;Miniheltal;SQL Nul;Objekt;Distinkt;Struktur;Felt;BLOB;CLOB;REF;ANDET";
Text[ swedish ] = "Oknd;Text;Tal;Datum/Tid;Datum;Tid;Ja/Nej;Valuta;PM;Rknare;Bild;Text (fast);Decimal;Binrt flt (fast);Binrflt;BigInt;Double;Float;Real;Integer;Small Integer;Tiny Integer;SQL Null;Objekt;Distinct;Struktur;Flt;BLOB;CLOB;REF;OTHER";
- Text[ polish ] = "Nieznany;Tekst;Liczba;Data/Godzina;Data;Godzina;Tak/Nie;Waluta;Memorandum;Licznik;Obraz;Tekst (stay);Dziesitny;Pole binarne (stae);BigInt;Double;Float;Real;Integer;Small Integer;Tiny Integer;SQL Zero;Obiekt;Distinct;Struktura;Pole;BLOB;CLOB;REF;OTHER";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Unknown;Text;Number;Date/Time;Date;Time;Boolean;Currency;Memo;Counter;Image;Text (fix);Decimal;Binary (fix);Binary;BigInt;Double;Float;Real;Integer;Small Integer;Tiny Integer;SQL Null;Object;Distinct;Struct;Feld;BLOB;CLOB;REF";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nieznany;Tekst;Liczba;Data/Godzina;Data;Godzina;Tak/Nie;Waluta;Memorandum;Licznik;Obraz;Tekst (stay);Dziesitny;Binarny (stay);BigInt;Double;Float;Real;Integer;Small Integer;Tiny Integer;SQL Null;Obiekt;Dystynktywny;Struktura;Pole;BLOB;CLOB;REF;OTHER";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Desconhecido;Texto;Nmero;Data/Hora;Data;Hora;Sim/No;Moeda;Memorando;Contador;Imagem;Texto (fixo);Decimal;Binrio (fixo);Binrio;InteiroLongo;Duplo;Flutuante;Real;Inteiro;InteiroCurto;InteiroTiny;SQL Nulo;Objeto;Distinto;Estrutura;Campo;BLOB;CLOB;REF;OUTRO";
Text[ japanese ] = "不明;テキスト;数詞;日付/時刻;日付;時刻;はい/いいえ;通貨単位;メモ;カウンタ;イメージ;テキスト(固定);十進法;二進法フィールド(固定);二進法フィールド;BigInt;Double;Float;Real;Integer;Small Integer;Tiny Integer;SQL ゼロ;オブジェクト;Distinct;構造;フィールド;BLOB;CLOB;REF";
Text[ korean ] = "알 수 없는;텍스트;수;날짜/시간;날짜;시간;예/아니오;화폐;메모;카운터;이미지;텍스트(고정);10진;2진 (고정);2진;BigInt;더블;부동;Real;정수;작은 정수;작은 정수;SQL Null;개체;Distinct;Struct;필드;BLOB;CLOB;REF;OTHER";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不明;文字;数字;日期/时间;日期;时间;是/否;货币;Memo;计数;图像;文字(固定);十进制;二进制(固定);二进制;BigInt;Double;Float;Real;Integer;Small Integer;Tiny Integer;SQL Null;Objekt;Distinct;Struktur;Feld;BLOB;CLOB;REF;其它";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "不明;文字;數字;日期/時間;日期;時間;是/否;貨幣;Memo;計數;影像;文字(固定);十進位;二進位(固定);二進位;BigInt;Double;Float;Real;Integer;Small Integer;Tiny Integer;SQL Null;Object;Distinct;Structure;Field;BLOB;CLOB;REF;其它";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Unknown;Text;Number;Date/Time;Date;Time;Boolean;Currency;Memo;Counter;Image;Text (fix);Decimal;Binary (fix);Binary;BigInt;Double;Float;Real;Integer;Small Integer;Tiny Integer;SQL Null;Object;Distinct;Struct;Feld;BLOB;CLOB;REF";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Bilinmeyen;Metin;Say;Tarih/Zaman;Tarih;Zaman;Boolean;Parabirimi;Yazma;Saya;Resim;Metin (sabit);Ondalk;kili (sabit);kili;BigInt;ift;Float;Gerel;Tamsay;Kk Tamsay;Ufak Tamsay;SQL Sfr;Nesne;Benzersiz;BLOB;CLOB;REF";
Text[ arabic ] = " ;;;/;;;/;;;;; ();; ();;BigInt;Double;Float;Real;Integer;Small Integer;Tiny Integer;SQL Null;;Dis";
Text[ catalan ] = "Desconegut;Text;Nmero;Data/Hora;Data;Hora;S/No;Moneda;Mem;Comptador;Imatge;Text (fix);Decimal;Binari (fix);Binari;BigInt;Doble;Flotant;Real;Enter;Enter petit;Enter minscul;SQL nul;Objecte;Diferent;Estructura;Camp;BLOB;CLOB;REF;OTHER";
Text[ finnish ] = "Tuntematon;Teksti;Numero;Pivmr/Kellonaika;Pivmr;Kellonaika;Kyll/Ei;Valuutta;Muistio;Laskin;Kuva;Teksti (kiinte);Desimaali;Binaari (kiinte);Binaari;BigInt;Kaksinkertainen;Liukuluku;Reaali;Kokonaisluku;Pieni (small) kokonaisluku;Pieni (tiny) kokonaisluku;SQL tyhj;Objekti;Erityis;Rakenne;Kentt;BLOB;CLOB;REF;OTHER";
Text[ thai ] = "ไม่รู้จัก;ข้อความ;จำนวน;วัน/เวลา;วัน;เวลา;ใช่/ไม่ใช่;สกุลเงิน;บันทึก;ตัวนับ;ภาพ;ข้อความ (ซ่อม);ทศนิยม;ฐานสอง (ซ่อม);ฐานสอง;BigInt;คู่;ลอย;จริง;จำนวนเต็ม;จำนวนเต็มน้อย;จำนวนเต็มนิด;SQL ว่าง;วัตถุ;เฉพาะ;โครงสร้าง;เขตข้อมูล;BLOB;CLOB;REF;อื่น ๆ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Neznámý;Text;Number;Date/Time;Date;Time;Yes/No;Currency;Memo;Counter;Image;Text (fix);Decimal;Binary (fix);Binary;BigInt;Double;Float;Real;Integer;Small Integer;Tiny Integer;SQL Null;Object;Distinct;Structure;Field;BLOB;CLOB;REF;OTHER";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Unbekannt;Text;Zahl;Datum/Zeit;Datum;Zeit;Ja/Nein;Währung;Memo;Zähler;Bild;Text (fix);Dezimal;Binärfeld (fix);Binärfeld;BigInt;Double;Float;Real;Integer;Small Integer;Tiny Integer;SQL Null;Objekt;Distinct;Struktur;Feld;BLOB;CLOB;REF;OTHER";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "अज्ञात;टेक्स्ट्;संख्या;दिनांक/समय;दिनांक;समय;हाँ/नहीं;मुद्रा;स्मृतिपत्र;गिनती;चित्र;टेक्स्ट् (स्थिर);दशांश;बैनरी (स्थिर);बैनरी;BigInt;डबल;फ्लोट;रियल;पूर्णांक;छोटा पूर्णांक;बहुत छोटा पूर्णांक;SQL Null;वस्तु;अनोखा;बनावट;क्षेत्र;BLOB;CLOB;REF;OTHER";
Text = "Primrschlssel einfgen/entfernen" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "Insert/remove primary key" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Prim?rschl?sel einf?en/entfernen" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Inserir/remover chave primria" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Infoga/ta bort primrnyckel" ;
Text [ danish ] = "Indst/fjern primrngle" ;
Text [ italian ] = "Inserisci/elimina la chiave primaria" ;
@@ -159,7 +165,7 @@ String STR_TABLEDESIGN_UNDO_PRIMKEY
Text [ portuguese ] = "Inserir/remover chave primria" ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "新增或删除主关键字";
Text[ russian ] = "/ ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Wstaw /Usu gwny klucz";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Wstaw/usu klucz gwny";
Text[ japanese ] = "プライマリキーの挿入と削除";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "插入或刪除主關鍵字";
Text[ arabic ] = "/ ";
@@ -167,11 +173,14 @@ String STR_TABLEDESIGN_UNDO_PRIMKEY
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "新增或删除主关键字";
Text[ greek ] = "/ ";
Text[ korean ] = "기본키 삽입/제거";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Birinci anahtar ekle/kaldr";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Birincil anahtar Ekle/Sil";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Insereix/suprimeix la clau primria";
Text[ finnish ] = "Lis/poista perusavain";
Text[ thai ] = "แทรก/เอาคีย์หลักออก";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Vložit/odstranit primární klíč";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Primärschlüssel einfügen/entfernen";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "प्रैमरी की जोड़ो/हटाओ";
@@ -185,7 +194,7 @@ String STR_VALUE_YES
Text [ french ] = "Oui" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Ja" ;
Text [ danish ] = "ja" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ja" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sim" ;
Text [ portuguese ] = "Sim" ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "是";
Text[ russian ] = "";
@@ -202,6 +211,9 @@ String STR_VALUE_YES
Text[ catalan ] = "S";
Text[ finnish ] = "Kyll";
Text[ thai ] = "ใช่";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Ano";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "‮כן‬";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "हाँ";
@@ -214,7 +226,7 @@ String STR_VALUE_NO
Text [ french ] = "Non" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Nej" ;
Text [ danish ] = "Nej" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nein" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No" ;
Text [ portuguese ] = "No" ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "否";
Text[ russian ] = "";
@@ -231,6 +243,9 @@ String STR_VALUE_NO
Text[ catalan ] = "No";
Text[ finnish ] = "Ei";
Text[ thai ] = "ไม่ใช่";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Ne";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לא‬";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "नहीं";
@@ -243,7 +258,7 @@ String STR_VALUE_ASC
Text [ french ] = "Croissant" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Stigande" ;
Text [ danish ] = "Stigende" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Aufsteigend" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Crescente" ;
Text [ portuguese ] = "Ascendente" ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "向上";
Text[ russian ] = " ";
@@ -260,6 +275,9 @@ String STR_VALUE_ASC
Text[ catalan ] = "Ascendent";
Text[ finnish ] = "Nouseva";
Text[ thai ] = "จากน้อยไปมาก";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Vzestupně";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Aufsteigend";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "आरोहण क्रम";
@@ -272,7 +290,7 @@ String STR_VALUE_DESC
Text [ dutch ] = "Aflopend" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Fallande" ;
Text [ danish ] = "Faldende" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Absteigend" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Decrescente" ;
Text [ portuguese ] = "Descendente" ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "向下";
Text[ russian ] = " ";
@@ -289,6 +307,9 @@ String STR_VALUE_DESC
Text[ catalan ] = "Descendent";
Text[ finnish ] = "Laskeva";
Text[ thai ] = "จากมากไปน้อย";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Sestupně";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Absteigend";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "अवरोहण क्रम";
@@ -296,7 +317,7 @@ String STR_VALUE_NONE
Text = "<keiner>" ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "<keiner>" ;
Text[ italian ] = "<senza>";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "<keiner>";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "<nenhum>";
Text[ portuguese ] = "<nenhum>";
Text[ danish ] = "<ingen>";
Text[ french ] = "<aucun(e)>";
@@ -314,11 +335,14 @@ String STR_VALUE_NONE
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "<无>";
Text[ greek ] = "<>";
Text[ korean ] = "<없음>";
- Text[ turkish ] = "<yok>";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "<Hibiri>";
Text[ language_user1 ] = "";
Text[ catalan ] = "<cap>";
Text[ finnish ] = "<ei mitn>";
Text[ thai ] = "<ไม่มี>";
+ Text[ czech ] = "<nic>";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "<keiner>";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "<कोई नहीं>";
@@ -332,7 +356,7 @@ String STR_TAB_FIELD_NAME
Text [ dutch ] = "Veldnaam" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Fltnamn" ;
Text [ danish ] = "Feltnavn" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Feldname" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nome do campo" ;
Text [ portuguese ] = "Nome do campo" ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字段名称";
Text[ russian ] = " ";
@@ -349,6 +373,9 @@ String STR_TAB_FIELD_NAME
Text[ catalan ] = "Nom del camp";
Text[ finnish ] = "Kentn nimi";
Text[ thai ] = "ชื่อเขตข้อมูล";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Název pole";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Feldname";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "क्षेत्र नाम";
@@ -361,7 +388,7 @@ String STR_TAB_FIELD_DATATYPE
Text [ dutch ] = "Veldtype" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Flttyp" ;
Text [ danish ] = "Felttype" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Feldtyp" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tipo de campo" ;
Text [ portuguese ] = "Tipo de campo" ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字段类型";
Text[ russian ] = " ";
@@ -378,6 +405,9 @@ String STR_TAB_FIELD_DATATYPE
Text[ catalan ] = "Tipus de camp";
Text[ finnish ] = "Kentttyyppi";
Text[ thai ] = "ชนิดเขตข้อมูล";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Typ pole";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Feldtyp";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "क्षेत्र वर्ग";
@@ -390,7 +420,7 @@ String STR_TAB_FIELD_LENGTH
Text [ dutch ] = "Veldlengte" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Fltlngd" ;
Text [ danish ] = "Feltlngde" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Feldl?nge" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Comprimento do campo" ;
Text [ portuguese ] = "Comprimento do campo" ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字段长度";
Text[ russian ] = " ";
@@ -407,13 +437,16 @@ String STR_TAB_FIELD_LENGTH
Text[ catalan ] = "Longitud del camp";
Text[ finnish ] = "Kentn pituus";
Text[ thai ] = "ความยาวเขตข้อมูล";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Délka pole";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Feldlänge";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "क्षेत्र विस्तार";
Text = "Beschreibung" ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Description" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "Description" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Beschreibung" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Descrio" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Beskrivning" ;
Text [ danish ] = "Beskrivelse" ;
Text [ italian ] = "Descrizione" ;
@@ -431,11 +464,14 @@ String STR_TAB_FIELD_DESCR
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "说明";
Text[ greek ] = "";
Text[ korean ] = "설명";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Tanm";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Aklama";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Descripci";
Text[ finnish ] = "Kuvaus";
Text[ thai ] = "คำอธิบาย";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Popis";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "‮תאור‬";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "विवरण";
@@ -448,7 +484,7 @@ String STR_TAB_FIELD_NULLABLE
Text [ french ] = "Saisie requise" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Inmatning krvs" ;
Text [ danish ] = "Indtastning ndvendig" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Eingabe erforderlich" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Entrada necessria" ;
Text [ portuguese ] = "Entrada necessria" ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "要求输入";
Text[ russian ] = " ";
@@ -460,18 +496,21 @@ String STR_TAB_FIELD_NULLABLE
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "要求输入";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ korean ] = "입력 필요";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Veri girii gerekiyor";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Girdi gerekiyor";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Es necessita una entrada";
Text[ finnish ] = "Sytt pakollinen";
Text[ thai ] = "ต้องการการป้อนเข้า";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Požadován vstup";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Eingabe erforderlich";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "इनपुट् की आवश्यकता";
Text = "~Auto-Wert" ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Auto value" ;
Text[ italian ] = "Valore ~automatico";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Auto value";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Valor automtico";
Text[ portuguese ] = "~Valor automtico";
Text[ danish ] = "~AutoVrdi";
Text[ french ] = "A~utoValeur";
@@ -481,7 +520,7 @@ String STR_FIELD_AUTOINCREMENT
Text[ english_us ] = "~AutoValue";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动数值(~A)";
Text[ russian ] = "~";
- Text[ polish ] = "Warto automatyczna";
+ Text[ polish ] = "~Warto automatyczna";
Text[ japanese ] = "自動入力値(~A)";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "自動數值(~A)";
Text[ arabic ] = " ";
@@ -494,13 +533,16 @@ String STR_FIELD_AUTOINCREMENT
Text[ catalan ] = "~Valor automtic";
Text[ finnish ] = "~Automaattinen arvo";
Text[ thai ] = "ค่า~อัตโนมัติ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Automatická hodnota";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "~Auto-Wert";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "~स्वचालित मूल्य";
Text = "Feldeigenschaften" ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Field properties" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "Field Properties" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Feldeigenschaften" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Propriedades do campo" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Fltegenskaper" ;
Text [ danish ] = "Feltegenskaber" ;
Text [ italian ] = "Propriet di campo" ;
@@ -518,18 +560,21 @@ String STR_TAB_PROPERTIES
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字段属性";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ korean ] = "필드 등록 정보";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Alan zellikleri";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Alan zellikleri";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Propietats del camp";
Text[ finnish ] = "Kentn ominaisuudet";
Text[ thai ] = "คุณสมบัติเขตข้อมูล";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Vlastnosti pole";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Feldeigenschaften";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "क्षेत्र विशेषतायें";
Text = "Allgemein" ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "General" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "General" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Allgemein" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Geral" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Allmnt" ;
Text [ danish ] = "Generelt" ;
Text [ italian ] = "Generale" ;
@@ -552,6 +597,9 @@ String STR_TABPAGE_GENERAL
Text[ catalan ] = "General";
Text[ finnish ] = "Yleiset";
Text[ thai ] = "ทั่วไป";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Obecný";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "‮כללי‬";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "सामान्य";
@@ -567,17 +615,20 @@ String STR_TAB_TABLE_DESCRIPTION
Text[ russian ] = ":";
Text[ italian ] = "Descrizione :";
Text[ danish ] = "Beskrivelse:";
- Text[ polish ] = "Opis :";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Description :";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Opis:";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Descrio :";
Text[ japanese ] = "概要:";
Text[ korean ] = "설명:";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "说明:";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "描述:";
Text[ arabic ] = " :";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Tanm :";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Tanmlama";
Text[ catalan ] = "Descripci";
Text[ finnish ] = "Kuvaus:";
Text[ thai ] = "คำอธิบาย:";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Popis:";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "‮תאור:‬";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "विवरण:";
@@ -595,7 +646,7 @@ String STR_TAB_TABLE_PROPERTIES
Text[ italian ] = "Propriet tabella";
Text[ danish ] = "Tabelegenskaber";
Text[ polish ] = "Waciwoci tabeli";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Table properties";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Propriedades da tabela";
Text[ japanese ] = "テーブルの属性";
Text[ korean ] = "테이블 등록 정보";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表格属性";
@@ -606,6 +657,9 @@ String STR_TAB_TABLE_PROPERTIES
Text[ catalan ] = "Propietats de la taula";
Text[ finnish ] = "Taulun ominaisuudet";
Text[ thai ] = "คุณสมบัติตาราง";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Vlastnosti tabulky";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Tabelleneigenschaften";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "सारणी विशेषतायें";
@@ -629,7 +683,7 @@ ErrorBox ERR_INVALID_LISTBOX_ENTRY
Message [ dutch ] = "De tekstinvoer is geen element van de lijst." ;
Message [ swedish ] = "Den inmatade texten r inget element i listan." ;
Message [ danish ] = "Den indtastede tekst er ikke et element p listen." ;
- Message [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Der eingegebenen Text ist kein Element der Liste." ;
+ Message [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "O texto digitado no um elemento da lista." ;
Message [ portuguese ] = "O texto digitado no faz parte da lista." ;
Message[ chinese_simplified ] = "输入的文字不是列单单元。";
Message[ russian ] = " .";
@@ -641,11 +695,14 @@ ErrorBox ERR_INVALID_LISTBOX_ENTRY
Message[ chinese_simplified ] = "输入的文字不是列单单元。";
Message[ greek ] = " .";
Message[ korean ] = "입력된 텍스트는 목록의 항목이 아닙니다.";
- Message[ turkish ] = "Girilen metin, liste esi deil.";
+ Message[ turkish ] = "Girilen metin bir liste eleman deil.";
Message[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Message[ catalan ] = "El text que heu introdut no s un element de la llista. ";
Message[ finnish ] = "Sytetty teksti ei ole luetteloelementti. ";
Message[ thai ] = "ข้อความที่คุณใส่ไม่อยู่ในองค์ประกอบของรายการ ";
+ Message[ czech ] = "Text, který byl zadán, není položkou seznamu. ";
+ Message[ hebrew ] = "Der eingegebenen Text ist kein Element der Liste.";
+ Message[ hindi ] = "आपसे प्रविष्ट की हुयी टेक्स्ट् सूची का एलिमेन्ट नहीं है ।";
Text = "Zeilen einfgen" ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Insert rows" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "Insert Rows" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Zeilen einf?en" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Inserir linhas" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Infoga rader" ;
Text [ danish ] = "Indst rkker" ;
Text [ italian ] = "Inserisci righe" ;
Text[ catalan ] = "Insereix files";
Text[ finnish ] = "Lis rivit";
Text[ thai ] = "แทรกแถว";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Vložit řádky";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Zeilen einfügen";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "पंक्तियों को जोड़ो";
Text = "Primrschlssel" ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Primary key" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "Primary Key" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Prim?rschl?sel" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Chave primria" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Primrnyckel" ;
Text [ danish ] = "Primrngle" ;
Text [ italian ] = "Chiave primaria" ;
@@ -729,11 +789,14 @@ Menu RID_TABLEDESIGNROWPOPUPMENU
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "主关键字";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ korean ] = "기본키";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Birinci anahtar";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Birincil Anahtar";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Clau primria";
Text[ finnish ] = "Perusavain";
Text[ thai ] = "คีย์หลัก";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Primární klíč";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Primärschlüssel";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "प्रैमरी की";
@@ -742,7 +805,7 @@ String STR_TABED_UNDO_CELLMODIFIED
Text = "Zelle ndern" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "Modify cell" ;
Text [ portuguese ] = "Modificar clula" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Zelle ?ndern" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Modificar clula" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "ndra cell" ;
Text [ danish ] = "Modificer celle" ;
Text [ italian ] = "Modifica cella" ;
@@ -758,18 +821,21 @@ String STR_TABED_UNDO_CELLMODIFIED
Text[ dutch ] = "Cel wijzigen";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "更改单元格";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "셀 변경";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Hcreyi deitir";
+ Text[ korean ] = "셀 수정";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Hcre Deitir";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Modifica la";
Text[ finnish ] = "Muuta solua";
Text[ thai ] = "ดัดแปลงแก้ไขเซลล์";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Upravit buňku";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Zelle ändern";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "कोष्ठ सुधारो";
Text = "Zeile lschen" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "Delete row" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Zeile l?chen" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Excluir linha" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Radera rad" ;
Text [ danish ] = "Slet rkke" ;
Text [ italian ] = "Elimina riga" ;
@@ -787,18 +853,21 @@ String STR_TABED_UNDO_ROWDELETED
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "删除行";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ korean ] = "행 삭제";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Satr sil";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Satr sil";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Suprimeix la fila";
Text[ finnish ] = "Poista rivi";
Text[ thai ] = "ลบแถว";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Odstranit řádek";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Zeile löschen";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "पंक्ति मिटाओ";
Text = "Feldtype ndern" ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Feldtype ndern" ;
Text[ italian ] = "Cambia tipi di campo";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Feldtype ?ndern";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Modificar tipo do campo";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Modificar tipo de campo";
Text[ danish ] = "Modificer felttype";
Text[ french ] = "Modifier le type de champ";
@@ -808,25 +877,28 @@ String STR_TABED_UNDO_TYPE_CHANGED
Text[ english_us ] = "Modify Field Type";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "更改字段类型";
Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Zmie typ pola";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Modyfikuj typ pola";
Text[ japanese ] = "フィールドの種類の変更";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "變更欄位類型";
Text[ arabic ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "Veldtype wijzigen";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "更改字段类型";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
- Text[ korean ] = "필드 유형 변경";
+ Text[ korean ] = "필드 유형 수정";
Text[ turkish ] = "Alan trn deitir";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Modifica el tipus de camp";
Text[ finnish ] = "Muuta kentttyyppi";
Text[ thai ] = "ดัดแปลงแก้ไขชนิดเขตข้อมูล";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Změnit typ pole";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Feldtype ändern";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "क्षेत्र वर्ग सुधारो";
Text = "Zeile einfgen" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "Insert row" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Zeile einf?en" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Inserir linha" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Infoga rad" ;
Text [ danish ] = "Indst rkke" ;
Text [ italian ] = "Inserisci riga" ;
@@ -849,12 +921,15 @@ String STR_TABED_UNDO_ROWINSERTED
Text[ catalan ] = "Insereix una fila";
Text[ finnish ] = "Lis rivi";
Text[ thai ] = "แทรกแถว";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Vložit řádek";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Zeile einfügen";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "पंक्ति जोड़ो";
Text = "Neue Zeile einfgen" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "Insert new row" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Neue Zeile einf?en" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Inserir nova linha" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Infoga ny rad" ;
Text [ danish ] = "Indst ny rkke" ;
Text [ italian ] = "Inserisci riga nuova" ;
@@ -872,17 +947,20 @@ String STR_TABED_UNDO_NEWROWINSERTED
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "新增行";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ korean ] = "새 행을 삽입";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Yeni satr ekle";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Yeni stun ekle";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Insereix una fila nova";
Text[ finnish ] = "Lis uusi rivi";
Text[ thai ] = "แทรกแถวใหม่";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Vložit nový řádek";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Neue Zeile einfügen";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "नया पंक्ति जोड़ो";
Text = "Primrschlssel einfgen/entfernen" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "Insert/remove primary key" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Prim?rschl?sel einf?en/entfernen" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Inserir/remover chave primria" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Infoga/ta bort primrnyckel" ;
Text [ danish ] = "Indst/fjern primrngle" ;
Text [ italian ] = "Inserisci/elimina la chiave primaria" ;
@@ -892,7 +970,7 @@ String STR_TABED_UNDO_PRIMKEY
Text [ portuguese ] = "Inserir/remover chave primria" ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "新增或删除主关键字";
Text[ russian ] = "/ ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Wstaw /Usu gwny klucz";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Wstaw/usu klucz gwny";
Text[ japanese ] = "プライマリキーの挿入と削除";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "插入或刪除主關鍵字";
Text[ arabic ] = "/ ";
@@ -900,11 +978,14 @@ String STR_TABED_UNDO_PRIMKEY
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "新增或删除主关键字";
Text[ greek ] = "/ ";
Text[ korean ] = "기본키 삽입/제거";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Birinci anahtar ekle/kaldr";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Birincil anahtar ekle/sil";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Insereix/suprimeix la clau primria";
Text[ finnish ] = "Lis/poista perusavain";
Text[ thai ] = "แทรก/เอาคีย์หลักออก";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Vložit/odstranit primární klíč";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Primärschlüssel einfügen/entfernen";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "प्रैमरी की जोड़ो/हटाओ";
@@ -938,7 +1019,7 @@ ToolBox RID_BRW_TABLEDESIGN_TOOLBOX
Text[ danish ] = "Rediger";
Text[ swedish ] = "Redigera";
Text[ polish ] = "Edytuj";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Bearbeiten";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Editar";
Text[ japanese ] = "編集";
Text[ korean ] = "편집";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "编辑";
@@ -948,6 +1029,9 @@ ToolBox RID_BRW_TABLEDESIGN_TOOLBOX
Text[ catalan ] = "Edita";
Text[ finnish ] = "Muokkaa";
Text[ thai ] = "แก้ไข";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Upravit";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "‮עריכה‬";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "संपादन";
@@ -970,16 +1054,19 @@ ToolBox RID_BRW_TABLEDESIGN_TOOLBOX
Text[ danish ] = "Gem";
Text[ swedish ] = "Spara";
Text[ polish ] = "Zapisz";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Save";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Salvar";
Text[ japanese ] = "保存";
Text[ korean ] = "저장";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "存盘";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "儲存";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Save";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Kaydet";
Text[ arabic ] = "";
Text[ catalan ] = "Desa";
Text[ finnish ] = "Tallenna";
Text[ thai ] = "บันทึก";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Uložit";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שמירה‬";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "संचित करो";
@@ -1053,16 +1140,19 @@ ToolBox RID_BRW_TABLEDESIGN_TOOLBOX
Text[ danish ] = "Ingen forbindelse";
Text[ swedish ] = "Ingen frbindelse";
Text[ polish ] = "Brak poczenia";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No connection";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sem conexo";
Text[ japanese ] = "接続なし";
Text[ korean ] = "연결 없음";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法连接";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "沒有連線";
- Text[ turkish ] = "No connection";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Balant yok";
Text[ arabic ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Sense connexi";
Text[ finnish ] = "Ei yhteytt";
Text[ thai ] = "ไม่เชื่อมต่อ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Žádné připojení";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Keine Verbindung";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "कोई कनेक्शन नहीं";
@@ -1071,7 +1161,7 @@ String STR_DEFAULT_VALUE
Text = "~Defaultwert" ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Default" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "~Default value" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Defaultwert" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Valor padro" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Stan~dardvrde" ;
Text [ danish ] = "~Standardvrdi" ;
Text [ italian ] = "~Valore predefinito" ;
@@ -1081,7 +1171,7 @@ String STR_DEFAULT_VALUE
Text [ portuguese ] = "~Valor padro" ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "默认值(~D)";
Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Warto domylna";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Warto ~domylna";
Text[ japanese ] = "標準値(~D)";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "默認值(~D)";
Text[ arabic ] = " ";
@@ -1089,18 +1179,21 @@ String STR_DEFAULT_VALUE
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "默认值(~D)";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ korean ] = "기본값(~D)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Standart deer";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "~Varsaylan deer";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Valor per ~defecte";
Text[ finnish ] = "~Oletusarvo";
Text[ thai ] = "ค่าเ~ริ่มต้น";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Výchozí hodnota";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "~Defaultwert";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "~अनुपस्थिति मूल्य";
Text = "~Eingabe erforderlich" ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Field required." ;
Text [ english_us ] = "~Entry required" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Eingabe erforderlich" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Entrada requerida" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "In~matning krvs" ;
Text [ danish ] = "~Indtastning ndvendig" ;
Text [ italian ] = "Di~gitazione necessaria" ;
@@ -1110,7 +1203,7 @@ String STR_FIELD_REQUIRED
Text [ portuguese ] = "~Entrada necessria" ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "要求输入(~E)";
Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Wymagany jest wpis";
+ Text[ polish ] = "~Wymagany jest wpis";
Text[ japanese ] = "入力が必要(~E)";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "必須輸入資料(~E)";
Text[ arabic ] = " ";
@@ -1118,18 +1211,21 @@ String STR_FIELD_REQUIRED
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "要求输入(~E)";
Text[ greek ] = "~ ";
Text[ korean ] = "입력 필요(~E)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Giri gerekiyor";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "~Gerekli girdi";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Es necessita una ~entrada";
Text[ finnish ] = "~Merkint pakollinen";
Text[ thai ] = "ต้องการการ~ป้อนเข้า";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Požadována položka";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "~Eingabe erforderlich";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "~प्रविष्टि की आवश्यकता";
Text = "~Lnge" ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Length" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "~Length" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "L?nge" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Comprimento" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "~Lngd" ;
Text [ danish ] = "~Lngde" ;
Text [ italian ] = "~Lunghezza" ;
@@ -1139,7 +1235,7 @@ String STR_TEXT_LENGTH
Text [ portuguese ] = "~Comprimento" ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "长度(~L)";
Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Dugo";
+ Text[ polish ] = "~Dugo";
Text[ japanese ] = "長さ(~L)";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "長度(~L)";
Text[ arabic ] = "";
@@ -1152,13 +1248,16 @@ String STR_TEXT_LENGTH
Text[ catalan ] = "~Longitud";
Text[ finnish ] = "~Pituus";
Text[ thai ] = "~ความยาว";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Délka";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "~Länge";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "~विस्तार";
Text = "~Typ" ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Type" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "~Type" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Typ" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Tipo" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "~Typ" ;
Text [ danish ] = "Typ~e" ;
Text [ italian ] = "~Tipo" ;
@@ -1168,7 +1267,7 @@ String STR_NUMERIC_TYPE
Text [ portuguese ] = "~Tipo" ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "类型(~T)";
Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Typ";
+ Text[ polish ] = "~Typ";
Text[ japanese ] = "種類(~T)";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "類型(~T)";
Text[ arabic ] = "";
@@ -1176,18 +1275,21 @@ String STR_NUMERIC_TYPE
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "类型(~T)";
Text[ greek ] = "~";
Text[ korean ] = "형식(~T)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Tip";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "~Tr";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Tipus";
Text[ finnish ] = "~Tyyppi";
Text[ thai ] = "~ชนิด";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Typ";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "‮סוג‬";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "~वर्ग";
Text = "~Lnge" ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Length" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "~Length" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tamanho" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Comprimento" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "~Lngd" ;
Text [ danish ] = "~Lngde" ;
Text [ italian ] = "Lun~ghezza" ;
@@ -1197,7 +1299,7 @@ String STR_LENGTH
Text [ portuguese ] = "~Comprimento" ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "长度(~L)";
Text[ russian ] = "";
- Text[ polish ] = "Dugo";
+ Text[ polish ] = "~Dugo";
Text[ japanese ] = "長さ(~L)";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "長度(~L)";
Text[ arabic ] = "";
@@ -1210,13 +1312,16 @@ String STR_LENGTH
Text[ catalan ] = "~Longitud";
Text[ finnish ] = "~Pituus";
Text[ thai ] = "~ความยาว";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Délka";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "~Länge";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "~विस्तार";
Text = "~Nachkommastellen" ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Scale" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "Decimal ~places" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nachkommastellen" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Casas ~decimais" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "A~ntal decimaler" ;
Text [ danish ] = "~Antal decimaler" ;
Text [ italian ] = "Posizio~ni decimali" ;
@@ -1226,7 +1331,7 @@ String STR_SCALE
Text [ portuguese ] = "Casas ~decimais" ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "小数点位数(~P)";
Text[ russian ] = " ";
- Text[ polish ] = "Miejsca po przecinku";
+ Text[ polish ] = "~Miejsca po przecinku";
Text[ japanese ] = "小数点以下の桁数(~P)";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "小數點位數(~P)";
Text[ arabic ] = " ";
@@ -1234,18 +1339,21 @@ String STR_SCALE
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "小数点位数(~P)";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ korean ] = "소수점 이하 자릿수(~P)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Ondalk basamaklar";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "~Ondalk yerleri";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Llocs ~decimals";
Text[ finnish ] = "~Desimaaleja";
Text[ thai ] = "จุด ~ทศนิยม";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Míst za desetinnou čárkou";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "~Nachkommastellen";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "~दशांश स्थान";
Text = "Format-Beispiel" ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Format sample" ;
Text[ italian ] = "Esempio di formato";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Format-Code";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Exemplo de formato";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Exemplo de formato";
Text[ danish ] = "Format-eksempel";
Text[ french ] = "Exemple de format";
@@ -1264,17 +1372,20 @@ String STR_FORMAT
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "格式示范";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ korean ] = "서식 예";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Format rnei";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Biem rnei";
Text[ catalan ] = "Exemple de format";
Text[ finnish ] = "Muotoiluesimerkki";
Text[ thai ] = "ตัวอย่างรูปแบบ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Příklad formátu";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Format-Beispiel";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "रचना उदाहरण";
Text = "Whlen Sie einen Wert, der in jedem neu eingefgten Datensatz als Standard erscheinen soll.\nWhlen Sie den leeren String, wenn das Feld keinen solchen Standardwert haben soll." ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Whlen Sie einen Wert, der in jedem neu eingefgten Datensatz als Standard erscheinen soll.\nWhlen Sie den leeren String, wenn das Feld keinen solchen Standardwert haben soll." ;
Text[ italian ] = "Selezionate un valore da inserire come valore standard in ogni nuovo record di dati.\nSelezionate la sequenza vuota per non impostare nessun valore standard.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "W?hlen Sie einen Wert, der in jedem neu eingef?ten Datensatz als Standard erscheinen soll.\nW?hlen Sie den leeren String, wenn das Feld keinen solchen Standardwert haben soll.";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Selecione o valor que deve aparecer como padro em novos registro .\nSe os campos no devem ter um valor padro, selecione a string vazia.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Seleccione o valor a aparecer como padro em cada novo registo de dados introduzido.\nSeleccione a sequncia vazia, se o campo no tiver que apresentar nenhum valor padro.";
Text[ danish ] = "Vlg en vrdi, der skal vises som standard i alle nyindsatte dataposter.\nVlg den tomme streng, hvis feltet ikke skal have en sdan standardvrdi.";
Text[ french ] = "Dfinissez la valeur faire figurer comme valeur par dfaut dans tous les nouveaux enregistrements.\\Si le champ ne doit pas adopter de valeur par dfaut, choisissez la chane vide.";
@@ -1284,7 +1395,7 @@ String STR_HELP_BOOL_DEFAULT
Text[ english_us ] = "Select a value that is to appear in all new records as default.\nIf the field is not to have a default value, select the empty string.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请选择一个用于每新增数据条目的标准数值。\n如果字段不应含有这个标准数值,您就选择一个空白的字串。";
Text[ russian ] = " , .\n , .";
- Text[ polish ] = "Wybierz warto, ktra w kadym nowo wstawionym rekordzie bdzie wartoci domyln.\nWybierz pusty cig znakw, jeli pole nie ma mie domylnej wartoci.";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Naley wybra warto, ktra w kadym nowo wstawionym rekordzie bdzie wartoci domyln.\nJeli pole nie ma mie wartoci domylnej, to wystarczy wybra pusty cig znakw.";
Text[ japanese ] = "新しくレコードを挿入するときに表示される標準値を選択します。\nまたフィールドに標準値設定をしないときは、空白のままにしておきます。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "請選擇一個用於每一個新增資料條目的標準數值。\n若欄位不應該含有這個標準數值,就選擇一個空字串。";
Text[ arabic ] = " .\n ɡ ";
@@ -1292,18 +1403,21 @@ String STR_HELP_BOOL_DEFAULT
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请选择一个用于每新增数据条目的标准数值。\n如果字段不应含有这个标准数值,您就选择一个空白的字串。";
Text[ greek ] = " , .\n , ";
Text[ korean ] = "새 레코드에서 기본값으로 표시될 값을 선택하십시오.\n필드에 기본값을 설정하지 않으려면 빈 문자열을 선택하십시오.";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Yeni eklenen her kaytta standart olarak bulunacak bir deer sein.\nAlan iin bu tr bir standart deer belirlenmeyecekse bo dizilim sein.";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Btn yeni tutanaklarda gsterilecek ntanml deeri sein.\n Eer bu alana ntanml bir deer atanmaz ise, bo deer blmn sein.";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Seleccioneu un valor que apareixer a tots els registres com a valor per defecte.\nSi el camp no ha de tenir un valor per defecte, seleccioneu la cadena buida.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Valitse arvo, joka nkyy kaikissa uusissa tietueissa oletuksena.\nJos kenttn ei tule oletusarvoa, valitse tyhj merkkijono.";
Text[ thai ] = "เลือกค่าที่ปรากฏในระเบียนใหม่ทั้งหมดเป็นค่าเริ่มต้น\nถ้าเขตข้อมูลไม่มีค่าเริ่มต้น, ให้เลือกสายอักขระที่ว่าง";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Vyberte hodnotu, která se má objevit ve všech nových záznamech jako výchozí.\nPokud pole nemá mít výchozí hodnotu, vyberte <nic>.";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Wählen Sie einen Wert, der in jedem neu eingefügten Datensatz als Standard erscheinen soll.\nWählen Sie den leeren String, wenn das Feld keinen solchen Standardwert haben soll.";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "एक मूल्य को चुनिए जो सभी नया अभिलेखों में अनुपस्थिति जैसे दिखेगा ।\nअगर क्षेत्र में अनुपस्थिति मूल्य नहीं हो सकता है तो, खाली स्ट्रिंग को चुनिए ।";
Text = "Geben Sie hier einen Standardwert fr das Feld an.\n\nWenn Sie spter Daten in die Tabelle eingeben, wird in jedem neuen Datensatz diese Zeichenkette fr das aktuelle Feld verwendet. Sie sollte deshalb der weiter unten einzugebenden Zellenformatierung gengen." ;
Text [ english ] = "Enter a default value for this field.\n\nThis string, for the field currently selected is entered into each new record when data is entered into the table. It should, therefore, correspond to the cell format that needs to be entered below." ;
Text [ english_us ] = "Enter a default value for this field.\n\nWhen you later enter data in the table, this string will be used in each new record for the field selected. It should, therefore, correspond to the cell format that needs to be entered below." ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Geben Sie hier einen Standardwert fuer das Feld an." ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Indique um valor padro para este campo.\n\nDepois, quando voc entrar com dados na tabela, esta string ser usada em cada novo registro para o campo selecionado. Por esta razo, ela deve corresponder ao formato de clula indicado abaixo." ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Ange ett standardvrde fr fltet hr.\n\nNr du matar in data i tabellen senare anvnds den hr teckenstrngen fr det aktuella fltet i varje ny datapost. Den br drfr motsvara cellformateringen som skall matas in nedan." ;
Text [ danish ] = "Indtast en standardvrdi til feltet her.\n\nNr du senere indtaster data i tabellen, anvendes denne streng til det aktuelle felt i alle nye dataposter. Den br derfor svare til den celleformatering, der indtastes senere." ;
Text [ italian ] = "Specificate qui un valore standard per il campo.\n\nDigitando in seguito dei dati nella tabella, in ogni record di dati nuovo verr utilizzata questa stringa per il campo attuale. Per questo motivo necessario che corrisponda al formato della cella da specificare qui di seguito." ;
@@ -1313,7 +1427,7 @@ String STR_HELP_DEFAULT_VALUE
Text [ portuguese ] = "Indique um valor padro para este campo.\n\nEsta cadeia de caracteres ser utilizada para todos os novos registos de dados que introduzir no campo activo da tabela. Por esta razo, ela deve corresponder ao formato de clula a indicar mais abaixo." ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请在此为这个字段输入一个默认值。\n\n如果您以后在表格中输入数据,每个新的数据条目会采用这个数据格式。这样的设定可以满足以下的单元格格式的要求。";
Text[ russian ] = " .\n\n , . , .";
- Text[ polish ] = "Naley poda warto domyln pola.\n\nW trakcie pniejszego wpisywania danych do tabeli, dany cig znakw uyty zostanie w kadym nowym rekordzie odnonie aktualnego pola. Format cigu znakw powinien zgadza si z podanym poniej formatem komrek.";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Naley poda warto domyln tego pola.\n\nPniej podczas wpisywania danych do tabeli cig ten zostanie uyty w zaznaczonym polu kadego nowego rekordu. Format cigu znakw powinien zgadza si z podanym niej formatem komrek.";
Text[ japanese ] = "ここにフィールドの標準値を入力します。\n\nこの標準値は、データをテーブルに入力すると変更できます。標準値は、下で指定するセルの書式に対応している必要があります。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "請您為這個欄位輸入一個默認值。\n\n在這個欄位之下輸入其他資料時就會自動採用這個儲存格的格式。";
Text[ arabic ] = " .\n\n ޡ .";
@@ -1321,18 +1435,21 @@ String STR_HELP_DEFAULT_VALUE
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请在此为这个字段输入一个默认值。\n\n如果您以后在表格中输入数据,每个新的数据条目会采用这个数据格式。这样的设定可以满足以下的单元格格式的要求。";
Text[ greek ] = " .\n\n ? ";
Text[ korean ] = "여기에 필드의 기본값을 입력하십시오.\n\n차후에 테이블에 데이터를 입력하게 되면 모든 새 레코드의 활성화된 필드에서 이 문자열이 사용될 것입니다. 따라서 이 문자열은 아래에 입력할 셀 서식에 적합해야 합니다.";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Alan iin bir standart deer girin.\n\nDaha sonra tabloya veri girii yaptnzda, her yeni veri kmesinde, yrrlkteki alan iin bu dize kullanlr. Dize bu nedenle aada girilmesi gereken hcre formatna uygun olmaldr.";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Bu alan iin varsaylan deeri girin. \n\nTabloya sonradan veri girdiinizde bu dizin seilmi alan iin her yeni kayt iinde kullanlm olacaktr.";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Introduu un valor per defecte per a aquest camp.\n\nQuan introduu les dades en la taula posteriorment, aquesta cadena s'utilitzar en cada registre nou per al camp seleccionat. Hauria de correspondre's, doncs, amb el format de que cal introduir a sota.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Syt oletusarvo tt kentt varten.\n\nKun tietoja sytetn tauluun myhemmin, tt merkkijonoa kytetn valitun kentn jokaisessa uudessa tietueessa. Oletusarvon tulee siis vastata solun muotoa, joka sytetn alapuolelle.";
Text[ thai ] = "ใส่ค่าเริ่มต้นในเขตข้อมูลนี้\n\nต่อมาเมื่อคุณใส่ข้อมูลในตาราง ใช้สายอักขระนี้ในระเบียนใหม่แต่ละอันสำหรับเขตข้อมูลที่เลือก เนื่องจากมันควรจะตรงกับรูปแบบเซลล์ที่ต้องการใส่ข้างล่าง";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Zadejte výchozí hodnotu pro toto pole.\n\nPokud budete později vkládat data do tabulky, bude tento řetězec použit v každém novém záznamu pro toto pole. Proto by měl odpovídat formátu buňky, který je třeba zadat níže.";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Geben Sie hier einen Standardwert für das Feld an.\n\nWenn Sie später Daten in die Tabelle eingeben, wird in jedem neuen Datensatz diese Zeichenkette für das aktuelle Feld verwendet. Sie sollte deshalb der weiter unten einzugebenden Zellenformatierung genügen.";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "इस क्षेत्र केलिए अनुपस्थिति मूल्य को प्रविष्ट कीजिए ।\n\nबाद में आप सारणी में ड़ॉटा प्रविष्ट करते है, तब हरेक नया अभिलेख में चुने हुए क्षेत्र केलिए इस स्ट्रिंग को उपयोग की जायेगा । यह, इसलिए, नीचे प्रविष्ट किये जानेवाला कोष्ट रचना को अनुरूप होना ज़रूरी है ।";
Text = "Aktivieren Sie diese Option, wenn in diesem Feld keine NULL-Werte erlaubt sind, der Benutzer also immer Daten eingeben muss." ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Must this field not contain any entries that are empty?" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "Activate this option if this field cannot contain NULL values, i.e. the user must always enter data." ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Geben Sie an, ob der Benutzer fuer dieses Feld immer Daten eingeben mu?." ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ative esta opo se no forem permitidos valores NULOS neste campo, isto , o usurio deve entrar sempre com dados." ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Aktivera det hr alternativet om inga NULL-vrden r tilltna i det hr fltet och anvndaren allts alltid mste mata in data." ;
Text [ danish ] = "Aktiver denne indstilling, hvis NUL-vrdier ikke er tilladt i dette felt, s brugeren alts altid skal indtaste data." ;
Text [ italian ] = "Attivate questa opzione se nel campo non sono ammessi valori ZERO, ossia se l'utente deve sempre inserire dei dati." ;
@@ -1342,7 +1459,7 @@ String STR_HELP_FIELD_REQUIRED
Text [ portuguese ] = "Active esta opo se no forem permitidos valores NULL neste campo, tendo o utilizador que introduzir sempre os dados." ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "如果这个字段内不允许使用零值而必须要求输入数据,就选择使用这个选项。";
Text[ russian ] = " \"\", NULL, .";
- Text[ polish ] = "Uaktywnij t opcj, jeli niedozwolone s w tym polu wartoci ZEROWE, w wic jeli uytkownik musi zawsze wpisywa dane.";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Uaktywnij t opcj, jeeli pole to nie moe pozosta PUSTE, to znaczy uytkownik musi zawsze wprowadzi dane.";
Text[ japanese ] = "このフィールドにゼロ値は使わず、常にユーザーがデータを入力するような場合は、このオプションをアクティブにします。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "如果要設定這個欄位內不可以輸入零值而必須輸入有效數值時,您就必須採用這個選項。";
Text[ arabic ] = " ѡ .";
@@ -1350,18 +1467,21 @@ String STR_HELP_FIELD_REQUIRED
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "如果这个字段内不允许使用零值而必须要求输入数据,就选择使用这个选项。";
Text[ greek ] = " , . ";
Text[ korean ] = "이 필드에 0 값이 허용되어 있지 않아서 사용자가 항상 데이터를 입력해야 할 경우 이 옵션을 활성화하십시오.";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Bu seenei, bu alana BO deer girilememesi, yani kullancnn daima vergi girmek zorunda olmas halinde etkinletiriniz.";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Bu seenei, bu alana BO deer girilememesi, yani kullancnn daima veri girmek zorunda olmas halinde etkinletiriniz.";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Activeu aquesta opci en cas que aquest camp no pugui contenir valors NULL. s a dir, l'usuari sempre hi haur d'introduir alguna dada.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Aktivoi tm asetus, jos kentt ei voi sislt tyhji arvoja, eli jos kyttjn on aina sytettv tietoja.";
Text[ thai ] = "เรียกใช้งานตัวเลือกนี้ ถ้าเขตข้อมูลนี้ไม่สามารถมีค่าว่างได้ เช่น ผู้ใช้ต้องใส่ข้อมูลเสมอ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Aktivujte tuto volbu pokud pole nemá obsahovat prázdné hodnoty, tzn. uživatel musí vždy zadat data.";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Aktivieren Sie diese Option, wenn in diesem Feld keine NULL-Werte erlaubt sind, der Benutzer also immer Daten eingeben muss.";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "अगर क्षेत्र का मूल्य NULL नहीं है तो इस विकल्प को संचालित करो, उपभोक्ता को क्षेत्र में ड़ॉटा का प्रविष्टि करना ज़रूरी है ।";
Text = "Geben Sie die maximal zulssige Textlnge an." ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Enter the maximum of characters in a textfield." ;
Text [ english_us ] = "Enter the maximum text length permittted." ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Geben Sie die maximal zulaessige Textl?nge an." ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Indique o comprimento mximo permitido para o texto." ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Ange den maximalt tilltna textlngden." ;
Text [ danish ] = "Angiv den maksimalt tilladte tekstlngde." ;
Text [ italian ] = "Digitare la lunghezza massima ammessa per il testo." ;
@@ -1371,7 +1491,7 @@ String STR_HELP_TEXT_LENGTH
Text [ portuguese ] = "Indique o comprimento mximo permitido para o texto." ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请设定输入文的最长度。";
Text[ russian ] = " .";
- Text[ polish ] = "Podaj maksymalnie dopuszczaln dugo tekstu.";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Wprowad maksymaln dozwolon dugo tekstu.";
Text[ japanese ] = "入力できる最高文字数を指定します。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "請設定輸入文字的最長數目。";
Text[ arabic ] = " .";
@@ -1384,13 +1504,16 @@ String STR_HELP_TEXT_LENGTH
Text[ catalan ] = "Introduu la longitud mxima de text permesa.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Syt tekstin sallittu enimmispituus.";
Text[ thai ] = "ใส่ข้อความยาวที่สุดที่สามารถใส่ได้";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Zadejte maximální povolenou délku textu.";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Geben Sie die maximal zulässige Textlänge an.";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "स्वीकृत अधिकतम टेक्स्ट् विस्तार को प्रविष्ट करो ।";
Text = "Legen Sie hier fest, welchen Typ die Zahl haben soll." ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Enter the number format." ;
Text [ english_us ] = "Enter the number format." ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Geben Sie den Zahlentyp an." ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Defina o formato do nmero." ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Definiera typ fr talet hr." ;
Text [ danish ] = "Definer her, hvilken type tallet skal have." ;
Text [ italian ] = "Digitate il tipo di numero." ;
@@ -1400,7 +1523,7 @@ String STR_HELP_NUMERIC_TYPE
Text [ portuguese ] = "Defina o formato numrico." ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请您在此设定数字类型。";
Text[ russian ] = " .";
- Text[ polish ] = "Tutaj naley ustali typ liczby.";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Wprowad format liczby.";
Text[ japanese ] = "数の書式を指定します。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "請設定數字類型。";
Text[ arabic ] = " .";
@@ -1408,17 +1531,20 @@ String STR_HELP_NUMERIC_TYPE
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请您在此设定数字类型。";
Text[ greek ] = " .";
Text[ korean ] = "숫자 유형을 결정하십시오.";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Rakam tipini belirleyiniz.";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Rakam formatn belirleyiniz.";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Introduu el format numric.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Syt lukumuoto.";
Text[ thai ] = "ใส่รูปแบบตัวเลข";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Zadejte formát čísla.";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Legen Sie hier fest, welchen Typ die Zahl haben soll.";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "संख्या रचना को प्रविष्ट करो ।";
Text = "Geben Sie die Lnge fr Daten in diesem Feld an.\n\nFr Dezimal-Felder ist das die maximale Lnge der eingegebenen Zahl, fr Binrfelder die Lnge des Datenblockes.\nWenn der Wert grer ist als der maximal fr diese Datenbank zulssige, wird er entsprechend korrigiert." ;
Text [ english_us ] = "Determine the length data can have in this field.\n\nIf decimal fields, then the maximum length of the number to be entered, if binary fields, then the length of the data block.\nThe value will be corrected accordingly when it exceeds the maximum for this database." ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Geben Sie die L?nge dieses Feldtyps an." ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Determine o comprimento para os dados deste campo.\n\nPara campos decimais este o comprimento mximo do nmero indicado; para campos binrios o comprimento do bloco de dados.\nEste valor ser devidamente corrigido se for superior ao mximo permitido para este banco de dados." ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Ange lngden fr data i det hr fltet.\n\nFr decimalflt r det den maximala lngden p det inmatade talet, fr binra flt lngden p datablocket.\nOm vrdet r strre n vad som maximalt r tilltet fr den hr databasen, korrigeras det." ;
Text [ danish ] = "Angiv lngden for data i dette felt.\n\nFor decimalfelter er dette den maksimale lngde for det indtastede tal, for binre felter lngden p datablokken.\nHvis vrdien er strre end den maksimale vrdi for denne database, korrigeres den i overensstemmelse dermed." ;
Text [ italian ] = "Digitate la lunghezza di questo tipo di campo.\n\nPer i campi decimali la lunghezza massima ammessa il numero dato, per i campi binari la lunghezza del blocco dati.\nSe il valore maggiore di quello ammesso dal database attuale verr corretto automaticamente." ;
@@ -1428,7 +1554,7 @@ String STR_HELP_LENGTH
Text [ portuguese ] = "Defina o comprimento para os dados deste campo.\n\nPara campos decimais este o comprimento mximo do nmero indicado; para campos binrios o comprimento do bloco de dados.\nEste valor ser devidamente corrigido se for superior ao mximo permitido para esta base de dados." ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请您设定这个字段中的数据长度。\n\n在十进制字段中设定的是数据最大长度,在二进制字段中设定的是数据块长度。\n如果这个数值大于数据库允许的最大值,数据库就会相应地更正这个数值。";
Text[ russian ] = " .\n\n - , - .\n , .";
- Text[ polish ] = "Podaj dan dugo danych w tym polu.\n\nW przypadku pl dziesitnych okrela ona maksymaln dugo wpisanych liczb, w przypadku pl birarnych okrela ona dugo bloku danych.\nJeeli warto bdzie przekracza dopuszczaln dla tego pola warto maksymaln, zostanie ona odpowiednio skorygowana.";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Okrel maksymaln dugo danych w tym polu.\n\nW przypadku pl dziesitnych jest to maksymalna dugo wpisywanych liczb, a w przypadku pl binarnych dugo bloku danych.\nWarto przekraczajca dopuszczaln dugo zostanie odpowiednio skorygowana.";
Text[ japanese ] = "このフィールドに入力するデータの長さを指定します。\n\n十進法フィールドには入力値の最大桁数、二進法フィールドにはデータブロックの長さを指定します。\n入力値がこのデータベースの最大限を超えた場合は、修正されます。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "請設定這個欄位類型的長度。\n\n十進位欄位指定指是輸入數字的最長數目,二進位欄位是指資料區域的長度。\n如果輸入數據超過設定範圍,程式就會自動修正。";
Text[ arabic ] = " .\n\n .\n .";
@@ -1436,18 +1562,21 @@ String STR_HELP_LENGTH
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请您设定这个字段中的数据长度。\n\n在十进制字段中设定的是数据最大长度,在二进制字段中设定的是数据块长度。\n如果这个数值大于数据库允许的最大值,数据库就会相应地更正这个数值。";
Text[ greek ] = " .\n\n , .\n , .";
Text[ korean ] = "이 필드의 데이터 길이를 지정하십시오.\n\n10진 필드의 경우에는 입력된 수의 최대 길이 이진 필드의 경우에는 데이터 블록의 길이를 입력합니다.\n값이 이 데이터베이스에 최대한으로 허용된 값보다 크면 적절히 수정됩니다.";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Bu alandaki veri uzunluunu giriniz.\n\nBu uzunluk, ondalk alanlar iin girilen saynn azami uzunluu, ikili alanlar iin ise veri blou uzunluudur.\nSz konusu deer, bu veritaban iin azami olarak izin verilenden daha byk olmas halinde uygun bir ekilde dzeltilecektir.";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Determine the length data can have in this field.\n\nIf decimal fields, then the maximum length of the number to be entered, if binary fields, then the length of the data block.\nThe value will be corrected accordingly when it exceeds the maximum for this database.";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Determineu la longitud que poden tenir les dades d'aquest camp.\n\nSi sn camps decimals, la longitud mxima del nmero que s'ha d'introduir; si sn camps binaris, la longitud del bloc de dades.\nEl valor es corregir consegentment quan excedeixi el mxim perms per a aquesta base de dades.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Mrit tietojen mahdollinen pituus tss kentss.\n\nJos tiedot ovat desimaalikentti, mrit sytettvn luvun enimmispituus; jos ne ovat binaarikentti, syt tietolohkon enimmispituus.\nArvo korjataan mrityksen mukaan, jos se ylitt tietokannan enimmisarvon.";
Text[ thai ] = "กำหนดความยาวของข้อมูลที่สามารถมีในเขตข้อมูลนี้ได้\n\nถ้าเขตข้อมูลมีทศนิยมให้ใส่ตัวเลขยาวมากที่สุด ถ้าเขตข้อมูลมีฐานสองให้ใส่ความยาวบล็อกข้อมูล\nแก้ไขค่าให้ถูกต้องเมื่อมันเกินจำนวนมากที่สุดสำหรับฐานข้อมูลนี้";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Určete délku dat v tomto poli.\n\nU číselných polí se jedná o maximální délku čísla, kterou bude možno zadat, u binárních polí se jedná o délku datového bloku.\nHodnota bude patřičně upravena, pokud překročí maximum pro tuto databázi.";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Geben Sie die Länge für Daten in diesem Feld an.\n\nFür Dezimal-Felder ist das die maximale Länge der eingegebenen Zahl, für Binärfelder die Länge des Datenblockes.\nWenn der Wert größer ist als der maximal für diese Datenbank zulässige, wird er entsprechend korrigiert.";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "इस क्षेत्र में ड़ॉटा का विस्तार को निश्चय कीजिए ।\n\nअगर दशांश क्षेत्र है, तो प्रविष्ट की जानेवाला का संख्या का अधिकतम विस्तार, अगर बैनरी क्षेत्र है, तो ड़ॉटा ब्लॉक का अधिकतम विस्तार ।\nजब इस लेखासंचय की सीमा से बाहर जायेगा, तब मूल्य को अनुरूप से ठीक किया जायेगा ।";
Text = "Geben Sie an, wie viel Nachkommastellen die Zahlen in diesem Feld enthalten sollen." ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Enter the number of decimals." ;
Text [ english_us ] = "Specify the number of decimal places permitted in this field." ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Geben Sie die Zahl der Nachkommastellen an." ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Especifique o nmero de casas decimais permitidas para este campo." ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Ange hur mnga decimaler det hr fltet skall innehlla." ;
Text [ danish ] = "Angiv, hvor mange decimaler tal i dette felt skal indeholde." ;
Text [ italian ] = "Digitate il numero di cifre dopo la virgola." ;
@@ -1457,7 +1586,7 @@ String STR_HELP_SCALE
Text [ portuguese ] = "Defina o nmero de casas decimais para este campo." ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请为这个字段内的数字设定小数点位数。";
Text[ russian ] = " , .";
- Text[ polish ] = "Podaj liczb miejsc po przecinku, dan w polu.";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Podaj liczb miejsc po przecinku, dozwolon w tym polu.";
Text[ japanese ] = "このフィールドで扱う小数点以下の桁数を入力します。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "請設定欄位允許輸入的小數點數位。";
Text[ arabic ] = " .";
@@ -1465,18 +1594,21 @@ String STR_HELP_SCALE
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请为这个字段内的数字设定小数点位数。";
Text[ greek ] = " .";
Text[ korean ] = "이 필드의 숫자에 포함될 소수점 이하 자릿수를 지정하십시오.";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Bu alandaki saylarn sahip olmas gereken ondalk basamak saysn belirleyiniz.";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Bu alanda izin verilen en fazla ondalk hane saysn belirtin.";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Indiqueu el nombre de llocs decimals permesos en aquest camp.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Mrit tss kentss sallittujen desimaalien mr.";
Text[ thai ] = "ระบุจำนวนจุดทศนิยมที่มีได้ในเขตข้อมูลนี้";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Určete počet desetinných míst povolených v tomto poli.";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Geben Sie an, wie viel Nachkommastellen die Zahlen in diesem Feld enthalten sollen.";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "इस क्षेत्र में स्वीकृत दशांश स्थानों की संख्या को निर्दिष्ट करो ।";
Text = "Hier sehen Sie, wie die Daten der aktuellen Spalte mit dem aktuell eingestellten Format - das Sie mittels des nebenstehenden Buttons ndern knnen - formatiert werden wrden.";
Text[ ENGLISH ] = "Hier sehen Sie, wie die Daten der aktuellen Spalte mit dem aktuell eingestellten Format - das Sie mittels des nebenstehenden Buttons ndern knnen - formatiert werden wrden.";
Text[ italian ] = "Qui vedete come possibile formattare i dati dell'attuale colonna con il formato corrente che potete cambiare con il bottone che si trova qui a fianco.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Der Format-Code der aktuellen Spalte. Diese Einstellung k?nen Sie nicht direkt, sondern nur mittels des nebenstehenden Buttons ?dern.";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Aqui se pode ver como os dados seriam exibidos no formato definido (clique no boto ao lado para o modificar).";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Aqui pode ver como os dados da coluna actual seriam formatados se utilizasse o formato definido. Para o modificar, clique no boto ao lado.";
Text[ danish ] = "Her ser du, hvordan dataene i den aktuelle kolonne ville komme til at se ud med det aktuelle format - som du kan ndre med knappen ved siden af.";
Text[ french ] = "Voici comment les donnes de la colonne concerne seront formates si vous utilisez le format actuellement paramtr. Pour modifier ce format, cliquez sur le bouton appropri situ ct.";
@@ -1486,26 +1618,29 @@ String STR_HELP_FORMAT_CODE
Text[ english_us ] = "This is where you see how the data would be displayed in the current format (use the button on the right to modify the format).";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "您看到能够通过点击旁边的按钮,来更改当前列的数据格式。";
Text[ russian ] = " , ( ).";
- Text[ polish ] = "Tutaj wywietlony zostanie podgld sformatowanych danych aktualnej kolumny. Format mona zmieni klikniciem przycisku znajdujcego si obok.";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Tutaj mona zobaczy, jak bd wyglday dane w biecym formacie (aby zmieni format, kliknij przycisk z prawej strony).";
Text[ japanese ] = "列のデータが、現在設定された書式でどう変わったか、ここで見れます。横にあるボタンを使うと、書式の変更ができます。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "在這裡您能夠看到透過按一下旁邊的按鈕來變更目前的欄內資料格式。";
Text[ arabic ] = " ( ).";
Text[ dutch ] = "Hier ziet u hoe de gegevens in de huidige kolom eruit zouden zien met de momenteel ingestelde opmaak. Deze instelling kunt u wijzigen met de nevenstaande knoppen.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "您看到能够通过点击旁边的按钮,来更改当前列的数据格式。";
Text[ greek ] = " ( ? ";
- Text[ korean ] = "여기에서 데이터가 현재 어떻게 서식이 설정되어 있는 지 볼 수 있습니다. 오른쪽에 있는 버튼을 사용하면 서식을 변경할 수 있습니다.";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Burada, seili stundaki verilerin - yandaki dme ile deitirebileceiniz - yrrlkteki ayarlar ile nasl formatlanacan grebilirsiniz.";
+ Text[ korean ] = "여기에서 데이터가 현재 어떻게 서식이 설정되어 있는 지 볼 수 있습니다. 오른쪽에 있는 버튼을 사용하면 서식을 수정할 수 있습니다.";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Bu geerli biemde verinin nasl grneceini gsterir (biemi deitirmek iin sadaki dmeyi kullan).";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Aqu podeu veure com es visualitzarien les dades en el format actual (utilitzeu el bot de la dreta per modificar el format).";
Text[ finnish ] = "Tiedot nytetn tss kytss olevan muodon mukaan (voit muokata muotoa kyttmll oikeanpuoleista painiketta).";
Text[ thai ] = "นี้คือที่ที่คุณเห็นว่าข้อมูลแสดงผลได้อย่างไรในรูปแบบปัจจุบัน (ใช้ปุมขวามือเพื่อดัดแปลงแก้ไขรูปแบบ)";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Zde vidíte, jak by byla zobrazena data v současném formátu. (Použijte tlačítko vpravo, pokud jej chcete změnit.)";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Hier sehen Sie, wie die Daten der aktuellen Spalte mit dem aktuell eingestellten Format - das Sie mittels des nebenstehenden Buttons ändern können - formatiert werden würden.";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "यहाँ पर आप देख सकते है कि ड़ॉटा को वर्तमान रचना में किस तरह दिखाया जायेगा (दाहिनी ओर का बटन को रचना को सुधारने केलिए उपयोग कीजिए) ।";
Text = "Hiermit knnen Sie festlegen, wie die Daten der Tabelle bei der Ausgabe formatiert werden sollen.";
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Hiermit knnen Sie festlegen, wie die Daten der Tabelle bei der Ausgabe formatiert werden sollen.";
Text[ italian ] = "In questo modo potete determinare la formattazione dei dati della tabella all'uscita.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Hiermit k?nen Sie festlegen, wie die Daten der Tabelle bei der Ausgabe formatiert werden sollen.";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Aqui pode-se determinar o formato de saida dos dados.";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Permite-lhe definir o formato para a impresso dos dados da tabela.";
Text[ danish ] = "P denne mde kan du definere, hvordan dataene i tabellen skal formateres ved udskrivningen.";
Text[ french ] = "Dfinition du format de sortie des donnes de la table.";
@@ -1515,7 +1650,7 @@ String STR_HELP_FORMAT_BUTTON
Text[ english_us ] = "This is where you determine the output format of the data.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "您能够在这里设定表格的打印格式。";
Text[ russian ] = " .";
- Text[ polish ] = "Tutaj mona ustawi wyjciowy format tabeli.";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Tutaj mona ustali wyjciowy format danych.";
Text[ japanese ] = "ここで、テーブルのデータを出力するときの書式を指定できます。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "您能夠在這�設定表格數據的列印格式。";
Text[ arabic ] = " .";
@@ -1523,18 +1658,21 @@ String STR_HELP_FORMAT_BUTTON
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "您能够在这里设定表格的打印格式。";
Text[ greek ] = " .";
Text[ korean ] = "여기에서 출력하려는 데이터의 서식을 지정할 수 있습니다.";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Burada tablo verilerinin kt formatn belirleyebilirsiniz.";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Buras verinin kt biimini belirlediiniz yerdir.";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Aqu podeu determinar el format de sortida de les dades.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Thn voit mritt tietojen tulostusmuodon.";
Text[ thai ] = "นี้คือที่ที่คุณกำหนดรูปแบบข้อมูลที่ออกไป";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Zde určujete výstupní formát dat.";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Hiermit können Sie festlegen, wie die Daten der Tabelle bei der Ausgabe formatiert werden sollen.";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "यहाँ पर आप ड़ॉटा का औटपुट रचना को निश्चय कर सकते है ।";
Text = "Whlen Sie, ob dieses Feld Auto-Inkrement-Werte enthalten soll.\n\nSie knnen in ihm dann keine Daten direkt eingeben, sondern jeder neue Datensatz bekommt automatisch einen eigenen Wert (der sich durch Inkrementieren aus dem des vorigen Datensatzes ergibt) zugewiesen." ;
Text [ english_us ] = "Choose if this field should contain AutoIncrement values.\n\nYou can not enter data in fields of this type. An intrinsic value will be assigned to each new record automatically (resulting from the increment of the previous record)." ;
Text[ italian ] = "Scegliete se questo campo deve contenere valori automatici d'incremento.\n\nIn questo campo non sar possibile digitare alcun dato direttamente. Ogni nuovo record di dati riceve automaticamente un valore proprio (che risulta dall'incremento del precedente).";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "W?hlen Sie, ob dieses Feld ein Auto-Inkrement-Wert sein soll.\n\nSie k?nen in diese Spalte dann keine Daten direkt eingeben, sondern jeder neue Datensatz bekommt automatisch einen eigenen Wert (der sich aus dem Inkrementieren des vorigen ergibt) zugewiesen.";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Escolha se este campo deve conter valores de incremento automtico.\n\n\\Voc no pode inserir dados em campos deste tipo. Um valor intrnseco ser atribudo a cada novo registro automaticamente (resultando do incremento do valor do registro anterior). ";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Indique se este campo deve conter valores de incremento automtico ou no.\n\nNo ser ento possvel introduzir dados directamente nesse campo. Cada novo registo de dados obter automaticamente um valor prprio (valor este que resulta por incremento do valor do registo de dados anterior).";
Text[ danish ] = "Vlg, om dette felt skal indeholde automatiske inkrementvrdier.\n\nDu kan ikke indtaste data direkte i feltet, men alle nye dataposter fr automatisk dens egen vrdi (som fremkommer via inkrementmleprincippet ud fra den forudgende datapost).";
Text[ french ] = "Choisissez si le champ doit contenir des valeurs d'incrment automatique.\n\nDans ce cas, vous ne pourrez pas saisir directement des donnes : tous les nouveaux enregistrements obtiendront automatiquement leur propre valeur ( savoir la valeur incrmente partir de l'enregistrement prcdent).";
@@ -1543,7 +1681,7 @@ String STR_HELP_AUTOINCREMENT
Text[ spanish ] = "Defina si este campo debe contener valores de incremento automtico.\n\nEn este caso no podr introducir los datos directamente, sino que a cada nuevo registro de datos se le asignar automticamente un valor propio (que resulta del incremento proveniente del registro anterior).";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请选择这个字段是否应该含有自动递增的数值。\n\n您不能手动输入数据,因为每个新数据组会自动得到一个自己的数值(从它之前的数据组中通过递增方式得到)。";
Text[ russian ] = " , .\n\n , , ( , ).";
- Text[ polish ] = "Naley ustali, czy pole to ma zawiera wartoci autoinkrementu.\n\nDo tego pola nie mona wprowadzi danych bezporednio. Kademu rekordowi zostanie przypisana automatycznie wasna warto (ktra wyniknie z inkrementacji poprzedniego rekordu).";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Wybierz, czy pole to ma zawiera wartoci zwikszane automatycznie.\n\nDo pl tego typu nie mona wprowadza danych. Kademu rekordowi zostanie automatycznie przypisana wasna warto, uzyskana przez zwikszenie analogicznej wartoci z poprzedniego rekordu.";
Text[ japanese ] = "このフィールドを自動増加入力値にするか、選択します。\n\n選択すると、そこへ直接にデータを入力できなくなり、自動的に新しいレコードには前のレコードの数値を基に増加算出された結果値が入力されます。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "請您選擇這個欄位是否應該含有自動遞增的數值。\n\n您不能直接輸入資料﹐因為每個新資料組會自動得到一個自己的數值(從它之前的資料組中通過遞增得出)。";
Text[ arabic ] = " .\n\n ѡ ";
@@ -1551,11 +1689,14 @@ String STR_HELP_AUTOINCREMENT
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请选择这个字段是否应该含有自动递增的数值。\n\n您不能手动输入数据,因为每个新数据组会自动得到一个自己的数值(从它之前的数据组中通过递增方式得到)。";
Text[ greek ] = " .\n\n , ( ).";
Text[ korean ] = "이 필드에 자동 증분이 포함되어야 할지 선택하십시오.\n\n이 유형의 필드에는 데이터를 직접 입력할 수 없으며 새 레코드는 이전 레코드를 증분하여 얻게된 고유값을 자동으로 할당 받게 됩니다.";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Bu alana, otomatik art deerleri konulup konulmayacan seiniz.\n\nBu alana artk dorudan veri girii yapamazsnz. Bunun yerine her yeni kayt iin otomatik olarak (bir nceki kaydn artndan oluan) zel bir deer atanr.";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Eer bu alan AutoIncrement deerinden oluuyorsa sein.\n\\ n Bu trn alanlarna veri giremezsiniz. Gerek bir deer otomatikman yeni tutanak iine eklenecek (kckten bye doru nceki kaytlarn kkten sonuclar).";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Trieu si aquest camp ha de contenir valors d'increment automtic.\n\nNo podeu introduir dades en aquest tipus de camps. S'assignar un valor intrnsec a cada registre nou de manera automtica (que provindr de l'increment del registre anterior).";
Text[ finnish ] = "Valitse, tuleeko tmn kentn sislt automaattisen kasvun arvoja.\n\nTmntyyppisiin kenttiin ei voi sytt tietoja. Kullekin tietueelle mritetn automaattisesti sisinen arvo (joka saadaan lismll edellinen tietue).";
Text[ thai ] = "เลือกเขตข้อมูลนี้ถ้าควรมีค่าส่วนเพิ่มอัตโนมัติ\n\nคุณไม่สามารถใส่ข้อมูลในเขตข้อมูลชนิดนี้ได้ กำหนดค่าที่แท้จริงในแต่ละระเบียนใหม่อัตโนมัติ (ผลจากส่วนเพิ่มของระเบียนก่อน)";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Vyberte, zda toto pole má obsahovat hodnoty s automatickým přírůstkem.\n\nDo polí tohoto typu nelze zadávat data. Do každého nového záznamu bude vložena hodnota automaticky (výsledek inkrementace předchozího záznamu).";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Wählen Sie, ob dieses Feld Auto-Inkrement-Werte enthalten soll.\n\nSie können in ihm dann keine Daten direkt eingeben, sondern jeder neue Datensatz bekommt automatisch einen eigenen Wert (der sich durch Inkrementieren aus dem des vorigen Datensatzes ergibt) zugewiesen.";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "स्वचालित ढंग से मूल्यों को बढ़ती करना चाहते है तो इस क्षेत्र को चुनिए ।\n\nआप इस वर्ग के क्षेत्रों में ड़ॉटा को प्रविष्ट नहीं कर सकते है । स्वचालित ढंग से हरेक नया अभिलेख केलिए एक भीतरी मूल्य को निर्दिष्ट किया जायेगा (पिछला अभिलेख का बढ़ती के नतीजे पर)।";
PushButton PB_FORMAT
@@ -1574,15 +1715,18 @@ PushButton PB_FORMAT
Text[ danish ] = "~...";
Text[ swedish ] = "~...";
Text[ polish ] = "~...";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Format...";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~...";
Text[ japanese ] = "~...";
Text[ korean ] = "~...";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "~...";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "~...";
- Text[ turkish ] = "...";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "~...";
Text[ arabic ] = "...";
Text[ catalan ] = "...";
Text[ thai ] = "...";
+ Text[ czech ] = "...";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "~...";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "~...";
@@ -1597,17 +1741,20 @@ String STR_TABLEDESIGN_DUPLICATE_NAME
Text[ italian ] = "Non stato possibile salvare la tabella in quanto il nome della colonna \"$column$\" stato gi assegnato.";
Text[ danish ] = "Tabellen kan ikke gemmes, da kolonnenavnet \"$column$\" findes to gange.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Tabellen kan inte sparas eftersom kolumnnamnet \"$column$\" har tilldelats dubbelt.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Tabeli nie mona zapisa, poniew nazwa kolumny \"$column$\" zostaa ju raz nadana.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "The table can't be saved as the column name \"$column$\" is used twice.";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Tabeli nie mona zapisa, poniewa nazwa kolumny \"$column$\" zostaa nadana dwukrotnie.";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No possvel salvar a tabela por que o nome de coluna \"$column$\" foi atribudo duas vezes. ";
Text[ japanese ] = "\"$column$\" の列名が重複していて、テーブルの保存ができません。";
Text[ korean ] = "열 이름 \"$column$\"이(가) 중복 지정되어 있어 테이블을 저장할 수 없습니다.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "因为重复使用列名称\"$column$\",所以无法存盘这个表格。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法儲存這個表格,因為欄位名稱<$column$>已經存在。";
Text[ arabic ] = " \"$column$\" .";
- Text[ turkish ] = "\"$column$\" stun ad daha nce kullanld iin tablo kaydedilemiyor.";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Tablo kaydedilemiyor, nk \"$column$\" iki kere verildi.";
Text[ catalan ] = "No es pot desar la taula perqu el nom de la columna \"$column$\" s'ha assignat dos cops.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Taulua ei voi tallentaa, koska sarakkeen nimi \"$column$\" mritettiin kahdesti.";
Text[ thai ] = "ไม่สามารถบันทึกตารางได้เพราะกำหนดชื่อคอลัมน์ \"$column$\" สองครั้ง";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Tabulku nelze uložit, protože název sloupce \"$column$\" byl přiřazen dvakrát.";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Die Tabelle kann nicht gespeichert werden, da der Spaltenname \"$column$\" doppelt vergeben wurde.";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "स्तंभ नाम \"$column$\" को दो बार मूल्य निर्दिष्ट करने के कारण सारणी को संचित नहीं कर सकते है ।";
@@ -1623,16 +1770,19 @@ String STR_TBL_COLUMN_IS_KEYCOLUMN
Text[ danish ] = "Kolonnerne \"$column$\" hrer til primrnglen. Hvis denne kolonne slettes, slettes ogs primrnglen.Vil du fortstte?";
Text[ swedish ] = "Kolumnen \"$column$\" hr till primrnyckeln. Om kolumnen raderas kommer ven primrnyckeln att raderas. Vill du fortstta?";
Text[ polish ] = "Kolumna \"$column$\" naley do klucza gwnego. Jeli zostanie usunita, razem z ni usunity zostanie rwnie klucz gwny. Czy na pewno j usun?";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "The column \"$column$\" belongs to the primary key. If the column will be deleted the primary key will be deleted as well. Do you really want to delete the column?";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "A coluna \"$column$\" pertence chave primria. Se for excluda, a chave primria tambm ser excluda. Deseja continuar?";
Text[ japanese ] = "列 \"$column$\" はプライマリキーに属します。これを削除すると、プライマリキーも削除されてしまいます。削除してもかまいませんか。";
Text[ korean ] = "열 \"$column$\"은(는) 기본 키에 속합니다. 이 열이 삭제되면 기본 키도 삭제됩니다. 그래도 계속하시겠습니까?";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "这个字段 \"$column$\" 属于主关键字。如果您删除这个字段,也就会一起删除主关键字。要删除这个字段?";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "這個欄<$column$>屬於主關鍵字。如果刪除這個欄位,也就會一起刪除主關鍵字。要刪除這個欄位?";
- Text[ turkish ] = "The column \"$column$\" belongs to the primary key. If the column will be deleted the primary key will be deleted as well. Do you really want to delete the column?";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "\"$column$\" stunu birinci anahtara aittir.Eer stunu silerseniz birinci anahtar da silinecektir. Stnu silmek istediinizden emin misiniz?";
Text[ arabic ] = " \"$column$\" . . Ͽ";
Text[ catalan ] = "La columna \"$column$\" pertany a la clau primria. Si se suprimeix la columna, la clau primria tamb se suprimir. Segur que voleu continuar?";
Text[ finnish ] = "Sarake \"$column$\" on osa perusavainta. Jos poistat tmn sarakkeen, mys perusavain poistetaan. Haluatko varmasti jatkaa?";
Text[ thai ] = "คอลัมน์ \"$column$\" เป็นของคีย์หลัก ถ้าลบคอลัมน์, คีย์หลักก็จะถูกลบด้วย คุณต้องการทำต่อหรือไม่?";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Sloupec \"$column$\" patří do primárního klíče. Pokud bude zrušen, bude zrušen i primární klíč. Chcete opravdu pokračovat?";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Die Spalten \"$column$\" gehört zum Primärschlüssel. Falls sie gelöscht wird, wird auch der Primärschlüssel gelöscht.Wollen Sie sie fortfahren?";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "$column$ स्तंभ प्रैमरी की से मिला हुआ है । अगर स्तंभ को मिटाया, तो प्रैमरी की भी मिट जायेगा । आप सचमुच में जारी रखना चाहते है ?";
@@ -1647,17 +1797,20 @@ String STR_TBL_COLUMN_IS_KEYCOLUMN_TITLE
Text[ italian ] = "Relativo alla chiave primaria";
Text[ danish ] = "Primrngle berrt";
Text[ swedish ] = "Primrnyckelrelaterad";
- Text[ polish ] = "Dotyczy klucza gwnego";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "primary key related";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Uczyniona kluczem gwnym";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Chave primria efetivada";
Text[ japanese ] = "プライマリキーに関連";
Text[ korean ] = "기본 키 관련";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "和主关键字关联";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "和主關鍵字關聯";
- Text[ turkish ] = "primary key related";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Birinci anahtar etkilendi.";
Text[ arabic ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "S'ha realitzat la clau primria";
Text[ finnish ] = "Vaikutus kohdistunut perusavaimeen";
Text[ thai ] = "คีย์หลักมีผล";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Primární klíč uplatněn";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Primärschlüssel betroffen";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "प्रैमरी की प्रभावित";
@@ -1674,7 +1827,7 @@ String STR_COLUMN_NAME
Text[ italian ] = "Colonna";
Text[ danish ] = "Kolonne";
Text[ polish ] = "Kolumna";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "column";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Coluna";
Text[ japanese ] = "列";
Text[ korean ] = "열";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "列";
@@ -1684,6 +1837,9 @@ String STR_COLUMN_NAME
Text[ catalan ] = "Columna";
Text[ finnish ] = "Sarake";
Text[ thai ] = "คอลัมน์";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Sloupec";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Spalte";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "स्तंभ";
@@ -1691,7 +1847,7 @@ String STR_QRY_CONTINUE
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Continue?" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "Continue anyway?" ;
Text [ portuguese ] = "Deseja continuar?" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Wollen Sie trotzdem fortfahren?" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Deseja continuar?" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Vill du nd fortstta?" ;
Text [ danish ] = "Vil du fortstte alligevel?" ;
Text [ italian ] = "Volete continuare lo stesso?" ;
@@ -1708,10 +1864,13 @@ String STR_QRY_CONTINUE
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "您还是要继续?";
Text[ greek ] = " ;";
Text[ korean ] = "계속하시겠습니까?";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Yine de devam etmek istiyor musunuz?";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Devam edelim mi _";
Text[ catalan ] = "Voleu continuar igualment?";
Text[ finnish ] = "Jatketaanko kuitenkin?";
Text[ thai ] = "ทำต่อหรือไม่?";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Chcete přesto pokračovat?";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Wollen Sie trotzdem fortfahren?";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "किसी तरह जारी रखना है?";
@@ -1719,7 +1878,7 @@ String STR_STAT_WARNING
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Warning!" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "Warning!" ;
Text [ portuguese ] = "Advertncia!" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Warnung!" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Aviso!" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Varning!" ;
Text [ danish ] = "Advarsel!" ;
Text [ italian ] = "Attenzione!" ;
@@ -1736,10 +1895,13 @@ String STR_STAT_WARNING
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "警告!";
Text[ greek ] = "!";
Text[ korean ] = "경고";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Uyar!";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Uyar !";
Text[ catalan ] = "Avs!";
Text[ finnish ] = "Varoitus";
Text[ thai ] = "คำเตือน!";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Upozornění!";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Warnung";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "चेतावनी!";
@@ -1757,17 +1919,20 @@ QueryBox TABLE_DESIGN_SAVEMODIFIED
Message[ italian ] = "La tabella cambiata.\nVolete salvare le modifiche?";
Message[ danish ] = "Tabellen er blevet ndret.\nSkal ndringerne gemmes?";
Message[ swedish ] = "Tabellen har ndrats.\nSka ndringarna sparas?";
- Message[ polish ] = "Tabela zostaa zmieniona.\nZapisa zmiany?";
- Message[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "The table has been changed.\nDo you want to save the changes?";
+ Message[ polish ] = "Tabela zostaa zmieniona.\nCzy zapisa zmiany?";
+ Message[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "A tabela foi modificada.\nDeseja salvar as modificaes?";
Message[ japanese ] = "テーブルは変更されています。\n変更を保存しますか。";
Message[ korean ] = "테이블이 변경되었습니다.\n변경 내용을 저장하시겠습니까?";
Message[ chinese_simplified ] = "表格已经更改。\n要存盘更改的内容?";
Message[ chinese_traditional ] = "這個表格已經變更。\n您要儲存這個變更內容?";
- Message[ turkish ] = "The table has been changed.\nDo you want to save the changes?";
+ Message[ turkish ] = "Tablo deiti .\nDeiiklikler kayt edilsin mi?";
Message[ arabic ] = " .\n ʿ";
Message[ catalan ] = "S'ha canviat la taula.\nVoleu desar els canvis?";
Message[ finnish ] = "Taulua on muutettu.\nHaluatko tallentaa muutokset?";
Message[ thai ] = "ตารางได้เปลี่ยนแปลงแล้ว\nคุณต้องการบันทึกการเปลี่ยนแปลงหรือไม่?";
+ Message[ czech ] = "Tabulka byla změněna.\nChcete změny uložit?";
+ Message[ hebrew ] = "Die Tabelle wurde geändert.\nSollen die Änderungen gespeichert werden?";
+ Message[ hindi ] = "सारणी को परिवर्तन किया है ।\nआप परिवर्तनों को संचित करना चाहते है ?";
@@ -1784,17 +1949,20 @@ QueryBox TABLE_QUERY_CONNECTION_LOST
Message[ italian ] = "Il collegamento al database stato annullato. Senza il collegamento la bozza tabella pu essere utilizzata solo in modo limitato:\nVolete ripristinare il collegamento con il database?";
Message[ danish ] = "Forbindelsen til databasen blev slettet! Uden den kan tabeludkastet kun bruges i begrnset omfang.\nSkal forbindelsen til databasen oprettes igen?";
Message[ swedish ] = "Frbindelsen till databasen har raderats! Utan den kan bara tabellutkastet anvndas begrnsat.\nSka frbindelsen till databasen upprttas igen?";
- Message[ polish ] = "Przerwano poczenie z baz danych! Bez poczenia z baz danych moliwo korzystania z projektu tabeli bdzie ograniczona.\nPoczy ponownie z baz danych?";
- Message[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "The connection to the database was lost! The tabledesign can only be used with limited functionality without a connection.\nReconnect?";
+ Message[ polish ] = "Poczenie z baz danych zostao przerwane! Bez poczenia z baz danych moliwo korzystania z projektu tabeli bdzie ograniczona.\nCzy poczy ponownie z baz danych?";
+ Message[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "A conexo com o banco de dados foi perdida! O esboo da tabela pode ser utilizado apenas de forma limitada sem a conexo.\nDeseja reconectar?";
Message[ japanese ] = "データベースへの接続が削除されました。この接続がなければ、テーブルのデザインは制限された使用しかできません。\n接続しなおしますか。";
Message[ korean ] = "데이터베이스와의 연결이 끊어졌습니다. 연결이 끊긴 상태에서는 테이블 디자인을 제한적으로만 사용할 수 있습니다.\n데이터베이스로 다시 연결하시겠습니까?";
Message[ chinese_simplified ] = "和数据库的连接已经关闭!您只能有限地使用表格设计的功能。\n要和数据库重建连接?";
Message[ chinese_traditional ] = "和資料庫的連結已經被刪除!您只能有限地使用表格設計的功能。\n要和資料庫重建連結?";
- Message[ turkish ] = "The connection to the database was lost! The tabledesign can only be used with limited functionality without a connection.\nReconnect?";
+ Message[ turkish ] = "Veri tabanna balants koptu.! Balant olmadan tablo tasarm ancak snrl fonksiyonlar ile kullanlabilir.\nYeniden balant kurulsun mu?";
Message[ arabic ] = " ! .\n ʿ";
Message[ catalan ] = "S'ha perdut la connexi amb la base de dades! Sense connexi el disseny de la taula noms es pot utilitzar amb una funcionalitat limitada.\nVoleu tornar a connectar-vos?";
Message[ finnish ] = "Yhteys tietokantaan on katkennut. Taulun rakenteen toiminnallisuus on rajallinen ilman yhteytt.\nMuodostetaanko yhteys uudelleen?";
Message[ thai ] = "การเชื่อมต่อกับฐานข้อมูลขาดหาย! สามารถใช้การออกแบบตารางเท่านั้นกับฟังก์ชั่นจำกัดโดยไม่มีการเชื่อมต่อ\nเชื่อมต่ออีกครั้งหรือไม่?";
+ Message[ czech ] = "Připojení k databázi bylo ztraceno! Návrh tabulky může být používán pouze s omezenou funkčností pokud neexistuje připojení.\nZnovu připojit?";
+ Message[ hebrew ] = "Die Verbindung zur Datenbank wurde gelöscht! Ohne sie kann der Tabellenentwurf nur eingeschränkt benutzt werden.\nSoll die Verbindung zur Datenbank wieder aufgebaut werden?";
+ Message[ hindi ] = "लेखासंचय से कनेक्शन नष्ट हुआ ! कनेक्शन के बिना सारणी डिसैन केवल सीमित कार्यों सहित उपयोग किया जायेगा ।\nपुनः कनेक्ट करना चाहते है ?";
@@ -1810,17 +1978,20 @@ String STR_TABLEDESIGN_CONNECTION_MISSING
Text[ italian ] = "Impossibile salvare la tabella: il collegamento al database non stato realizzato.";
Text[ danish ] = "Tabellen kunne ikke gemmes, da der ikke kunne oprettes forbindelse til databasen.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Tabellen kunde inte sparas eftersom det inte gick att upprtta en frbindelse till databasen.";
- Text[ polish ] = "Zapisanie tabeli nie byo moliwe z powodu braku poczenia z baz danych.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "The table couldn't be saved due to connection problems.";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Zapisanie tabeli nie byo moliwe z powodu problemw zwizanych z baz danych.";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No foi possvel salvar a tabela por causa de problemas na conexo com o banco de dados.";
Text[ japanese ] = "データベースへ接続できなかったため、テーブルを保存できませんでした。";
Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스와 연결 하지 못해 테이블을 저장하지 못했습니다.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "未能够和数据库建立连接,因此无法存盘表格。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "未能夠和資料庫建立連結,因此無法儲存表格。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "The table couldn't be saved due to connection problems.";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Balant sorunlar sebbi ile tablo kaydedilemedi.";
Text[ arabic ] = " .";
Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha pogut desar la taula per problemes de connexi.";
Text[ finnish ] = "Taulua ei voitu tallentaa, koska tietokantaan ei voitu muodostaa yhteytt.";
Text[ thai ] = "ไม่สามารถบันทึกตารางได้เนื่องจากปัญหาการเชื่อมต่อกับฐานข้อมูล";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Tabulka nemohla být uložena z důvodu problémů při připojování k databázi.";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Die Tabelle konnte nicht gespeichert werden, da keine Verbindung zur Datenbank hergestellt werden konnte.";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "लेखासंचय को कनेक्ट करने में असफल होने के कारण सारणी को संचित नहीं कर सकते है ।";
@@ -1838,15 +2009,18 @@ String STR_TABLEDESIGN_DATASOURCE_DELETED
Text[ danish ] = "Tabelfiltret kunne ikke tilpasses, da datakilden blev slettet.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Det gick inte att anpassa tabellfiltret eftersom datakllan har raderats.";
Text[ polish ] = "Dopasowanie filtra tabeli nie jest moliwe, poniewa usunito rdo danych.";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "The table filter could not be saved because the datasource was deleted before.";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No foi possvel ajustar o filtro da tabela porque a fonte de dados foi excluda.";
Text[ japanese ] = "データソースが削除されてしまっているために、テーブルフィルタを適合できませんでした。";
Text[ korean ] = "데이터 원본이 삭제된 이유로 테이블 필터를 조정하지 못했습니다.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法调整表格筛选,因为数据源已经被删除。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法調整表格篩選,因爲資料源已經被刪除。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "The table filter could not be saved because the datasource was deleted before.";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Veri kayna silinmi olduu iin tablo filtresi ayarlanamad.";
Text[ arabic ] = "The table filter could not be saved because the datasource was deleted before.";
Text[ catalan ] = "El filtre de la taula no s'ha pogut desar perqu la font de dades s'ha eliminat abans.";
Text[ thai ] = "ไม่สามารถบันทึกตัวกรองตารางได้เนื่องจากฐานข้อมูลถูกลบก่อนแล้ว";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Filtr tabulky nemohl být upraven, protože datový zdroj byl zrušen.";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Der Tabellenfilter konnte nicht angepasst werden, da die Datenquelle gelöscht wurde.";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "सारणी फिल्टर को व्यवस्थित नहीं कर सकते है, क्यों कि ड़ॉटा मूल पहिले से ही मिटा है ।";
@@ -1866,16 +2040,19 @@ FixedText FIXED_NO_CONNECTION
Text[ danish ] = "Ingen forbindelse";
Text[ swedish ] = "Ingen frbindelse";
Text[ polish ] = "Brak poczenia";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "no connection";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sem conexo";
Text[ japanese ] = "接続なし";
Text[ korean ] = "연결 없음";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法连接";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "沒有連線";
- Text[ turkish ] = "no connection";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Balant yok.";
Text[ arabic ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "sense connexi";
Text[ finnish ] = "Ei yhteytt";
Text[ thai ] = "ไม่มีการเชื่อมต่อ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Bez připojení";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Keine Verbindung";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "कोई कनेक्शन नहीं";
@@ -1895,24 +2072,27 @@ QueryBox QUERY_SAVE_TABLE_EDIT_INDEXES
Message[ italian ] = "Prima di modificare gli indici di una tabella necessario salvare prima la tabella.\nVolete salvare adesso le modifiche alla struttura della tabella?";
Message[ danish ] = "Fr du kan ndre indeks i en tabel, skal denne gemmes.\nVil du gemme ndringerne af tabelstrukturen nu?";
Message[ swedish ] = "Innan du kan ndra indexen till en tabell mste du spara den.\nVill du spara dina ndringar av tabellstrukturen nu?";
- Message[ polish ] = "Przed zmodyfikowaniem indeksw tabeli naley tabel zapisa.\nZapisa teraz zmiany dokonane na strukturze tabeli?";
- Message[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Before you can edit the indexes of a table, it must be saved.\nDo you want to save your changes now?";
+ Message[ polish ] = "Przed edycj indeksw tabeli naley tabel zapisa.\nCzy chcesz teraz zapisa zmiany?";
+ Message[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Antes de editar os ndices de uma tabela, deve-se salv-la.\n Deseja salvar as modificaes agora?";
Message[ japanese ] = "テーブルのインデックスを編集するには、その前にまずこれを保存しておく必要があります。\nテーブル構成の変更をいますぐ保存しますか。";
Message[ korean ] = "테이블의 색인을 수정하기 전에 반드시 저장해야 합니다.\n테이블 구조의 변경 내용을 저장하시겠습니까?";
Message[ chinese_simplified ] = "在修改一个表格的索引之前必须先存盘表格。\n要存盘表格结构的更改内容?";
Message[ chinese_traditional ] = "在變更一個表格的索引之前必須先儲存表格。\n要儲存表格結构的變更內容?";
- Message[ turkish ] = "Before you can edit the indexes of a table, it must be saved.\nDo you want to save your changes now?";
+ Message[ turkish ] = "Bir tablonun dizinlerini dzenleme yapmadan nce kaytdetmeniz gerekir.\nDeiiklikler kaydedilsin mi?";
Message[ arabic ] = " .\n ";
Message[ catalan ] = "S'ha de desar la taula abans de poder editar els ndexs.\nVoleu desar els canvis ara?";
Message[ finnish ] = "Ennen kuin taulun indeksej voi muokata, taulu on tallennettava.\nTallennetaanko muutokset nyt?";
Message[ thai ] = "ก่อนที่คุณจะแก้ไขดัชนีของตาราง, คุณต้องบันทึกมันก่อน\nคุณต้องการบันทึกการเปลี่ยนแปลงขณะนี้หรือไม่?";
+ Message[ czech ] = "Než budete moci upravovat rejstříky tabulky, musíte jí uložit.\nChcete uložit změny nyní?";
+ Message[ hebrew ] = "Bevor Sie die Indizies einer Tabelle ändern können, muss diese gespeichert werden.\nWollen Sie Ihre Änderungen an der Tabellenstruktur jetzt speichern?";
+ Message[ hindi ] = "सारणी का अनुक्रमणियों को संपादन करने से पहिले, उसको संचित करना चाहिए ।\nअभी आप परिवर्तनों को संचित करना चाहते है ?";
Text = "Kein Primrschlssel" ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "No primary key" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "No primary key" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Kein Prim?rschl?sel" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sem chave primria" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Ingen primrnyckel" ;
Text [ danish ] = "Ingen primrngle" ;
Text [ italian ] = "Nessuna chiave primaria" ;
@@ -1930,17 +2110,20 @@ String STR_TABLEDESIGN_NO_PRIM_KEY_HEAD
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "没有主关键字";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ korean ] = "기본 키 없음";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Birinci anahtar yok";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Birincil anahtar yok";
Text[ catalan ] = "Sense clau primria";
Text[ finnish ] = "Ei perusavainta";
Text[ thai ] = "ไม่มีคีย์หลัก";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Žádný primární klíč";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Kein Primärschlüssel";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "कोई प्रैमरी की नहीं";
Text = "In dieser Datenbank wird zur Datensatz-Identifizierung ein eindeutiger Index oder ein Primrschlssel bentigt.\nSie werden erst dann Daten in die Tabelle eingeben knnen, wenn sie eine dieser beiden Struktur-Bedingungen erfllt.\n\nSoll jetzt ein Primrschlssel erzeugt werden ?" ;
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "The table has no primary key.\nShould Starbase create a key for you?" ;
Text [ english_us ] = "A unique index or primary key is required for data record identification in this database.\nYou can only enter data into this table when one of these two structural conditions has been met.\n\nShould a primary key be created now?" ;
- Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Beim Anlegen der Tabelle wurde kein Prim?rschl?sel angegeben.\nSoll jetzt ein Prim?rschl?sel erzeugt werden?" ;
+ Text [ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Um ndice nico ou chave primria necessrio para a identificao de registros de dados no banco de dados.\nSomente pode-se introduzir dados nesta tabela quando uma destas duas condies estruturais forem atendidas.\n\n Deseja criar uma chave primria agora?" ;
Text [ swedish ] = "Ett entydigt index eller en primrnyckel krvs fr identifiering av dataposter i den hr databasen.\nData kan frst matas in i tabellen om de uppfyller en av dessa bda strukturvillkor.\n\nSkall en primrnyckel skapas nu?" ;
Text [ danish ] = "I denne database krves et entydigt indeks eller en primrngle til datapostidentificering.\nDu kan frst indtaste data i tabellen, nr den opfylder en af disse to strukturbetingelser.\n\nVil du oprette en primrngle nu?" ;
Text [ italian ] = "Per l'identificazione del record di dati nel database attuale necessario un indice univoco o una chiave primaria.\nSolo dopo aver soddisfatto una di queste condizioni sar possibile introdurre dati nella tabella.\n\nVolete creare adesso una chiave primaria?" ;
@@ -1950,7 +2133,7 @@ String STR_TABLEDESIGN_NO_PRIM_KEY
Text [ portuguese ] = "Esta base de dados precisa de um ndice nico ou de uma chave primria para identificao do registo de dados.\nS poder introduzir os dados na tabela depois de esta preencher uma destas condies de estrutura.\n\nCriar agora uma chave primria" ;
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "识别数据库中的数据条目要求使用明确的索引或主关键字,\n在设定只会才能在表格中输入数据。\n\n现在要生成一个主关键字?";
Text[ russian ] = " .\n , .\n\n ?";
- Text[ polish ] = "W tej bazie danych wymagany jest w celu identyfikacji rekordu jednoznaczny indeks lub klucz gwny.\nDane bdzie mona dopiero wtedy wpisa do tabeli, gdy bdzie ona spenia jedno z tych dwch kryteriw.\n\nCzy utworzy teraz klucz gwny?";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Dla identyfikacji rekordw w tej bazie danych wymagany jest unikatowy indeks lub klucz gwny.\nDane bdzie mona wprowadza do tabeli dopiero wtedy, gdy jedno z tych dwch kryteriw zostanie spenione.\n\nCzy utworzy teraz klucz gwny?";
Text[ japanese ] = "このデータベースでは、レコード識別に明確なインデックスあるいはプライマリキーが必要です。\nこの構造条件のうちどちらかひとつが満たされると、テーブルにデータ入力できます。\n\nプライマリキーを作成しますか。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "在這個資料庫識別資料要求有一個明確的索引條目或一個主關鍵字。\n只有滿足這個條件時您才能夠在表格內輸入資料。\n\n現在要建立一個主關鍵字﹖";
Text[ arabic ] = " .\n .\n\n ";
@@ -1958,10 +2141,13 @@ String STR_TABLEDESIGN_NO_PRIM_KEY
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "识别数据库中的数据条目要求使用明确的索引或主关键字,\n在设定只会才能在表格中输入数据。\n\n现在要生成一个主关键字?";
Text[ greek ] = " .\n .\n\n ;";
Text[ korean ] = "이 데이터베이스에서 데이터 레코드를 식별하려면 고유 색인이나 기본 키가 필요합니다.\n이 두 가지 구조 조건 중에서 하나가 충족되어야만 데이터를 테이블에 입력할 수 있습니다.\n\n지금 기본 키를 만드시겠습니까?";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Bu veritabannda, kayt tanmlama iin benzersiz bir dizin ya da birinci anahtar gerekiyor.\nBu tabloya veri girii yapabilmek iin bu yapsal koullardan en az biri yerine getirilmelidir.\n\nimdi bir birinci anahtar oluturulsun mu?";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "A unique index or primary key is required for data record identification in this database.\nYou can only enter data into this table when one of these two structural conditions has been met.\n\nShould a primary key be created now?";
Text[ catalan ] = "s necessria una clau primria o b un ndex nic per a poder accedir en aquesta base de dades.\nNoms podeu entrar dades en aquesta taula si una d'aquestes dues condicions es compleix.\n\nVoleu crear ara una clau primria?";
Text[ finnish ] = "Tss tietokannassa on oltava yksilllinen indeksi tai perusavain tietueiden tunnistamista varten.\nThn tauluun voi sytt tietoja vain, jos jompikumpi nist on mritetty.\n\nHaluatko luoda perusavaimen nyt?";
Text[ thai ] = "ต้องการดัชนีที่ไม่ซ้ำหรือคีย์หลักสำหรับการระบุระเบียนข้อมูลในฐานข้อมูลนี้\nคุณสามารถใส่ข้อมูลในตารางนี้เท่านั้้นเมื่อพบหนึ่งในสองของเงื่อนไขทางโครงสร้าง\n\nจะสร้างคีย์หลักขณะนี้หรือไม่?";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Pro identifikaci datového záznamu v této databázi je nezbytný unikátní rejstřík nebo primární klíč.\nDo tabulky můžete vkládat data pouze tehdy, je li splněna alespoň jedna z těchto podmínek.\n\nMá být primární klíč vytvořen nyní?";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "In dieser Datenbank wird zur Datensatz-Identifizierung ein eindeutiger Index oder ein Primärschlüssel benötigt.\nSie werden erst dann Daten in die Tabelle eingeben können, wenn sie eine dieser beiden Struktur-Bedingungen erfüllt.\n\nSoll jetzt ein Primärschlüssel erzeugt werden ?";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "लेखासंचय में ड़ॉटा अभिलेख को पहचानने केलिए एक अनोखा अनुक्रमणी अथवा प्रैमरी चाभी की आवश्यकता है ।\nजब किसी एक बनावटी शर्त समान है तबी आप इस सारणी में ड़ॉटा को प्रविष्ट कर सकते है ।\n\nअभी प्रैमरी चाभी को उत्पन्न करना चाहते है ?";
@@ -1978,16 +2164,19 @@ String STR_TABLEDESIGN_TITLE
Text[ danish ] = "Tabeludkast";
Text[ swedish ] = "Tabellutkast:";
Text[ polish ] = "Projekt tabeli";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "table design";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Esboar tabela";
Text[ japanese ] = "テーブルデザイン";
Text[ korean ] = "테이블 디자인:";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表格设计:";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "表格設計:";
- Text[ turkish ] = "table design";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Tablo Dizayn:";
Text[ arabic ] = "table design";
Text[ catalan ] = "Disseny de la taula";
Text[ finnish ] = "Taulun rakennenkym";
Text[ thai ] = "ออกแบบตาราง";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Návrh tabulky";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Tabellen Entwurf";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "सारणी डिसैन";
@@ -2079,16 +2268,19 @@ Menu RID_TABLE_DESIGN_MAIN_MENU
Text[ danish ] = "Fortryd";
Text[ swedish ] = "ngra";
Text[ polish ] = "Cofnij";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Undo";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Desfazer";
Text[ japanese ] = "元に戻す";
Text[ korean ] = "실행 취소";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "撤消命令";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "復原";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Undo";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Geri al";
Text[ arabic ] = "";
Text[ catalan ] = "Desfs";
Text[ finnish ] = "Kumoa";
Text[ thai ] = "เลิกทำ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Zpět";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "‮ביטול פעולה‬";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "अनावृत्ति";
@@ -2107,17 +2299,20 @@ Menu RID_TABLE_DESIGN_MAIN_MENU
Text[ italian ] = "Ripristina";
Text[ danish ] = "Gendan";
Text[ swedish ] = "terstll";
- Text[ polish ] = "Przywr";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Redo";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Ponw";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Refazer";
Text[ japanese ] = "やり直し";
Text[ korean ] = "다시 실행";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "恢复撤消命令";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "恢復撤消指令";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Redo";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Yinele";
Text[ arabic ] = "";
Text[ catalan ] = "Refs";
Text[ finnish ] = "Toista";
Text[ thai ] = "ทำซ้ำ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Znovu";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שחזור פעולה‬";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "फिर से करो";
@@ -2145,10 +2340,13 @@ Menu RID_TABLE_DESIGN_MAIN_MENU
Text[ arabic ] = "~";
Text[ greek ] = "~";
Text[ korean ] = "편집(~E)";
- Text[ turkish ] = "~Dzenle";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "~Dzen";
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "~Edita";
Text[ thai ] = "แ~ก้ไข";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Ú~pravy";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "‮עריכה‬";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "~संपादन";
@@ -2205,6 +2403,9 @@ Menu RID_TABLE_DESIGN_MAIN_MENU
Text[ language_user1 ] = " ";
Text[ catalan ] = "Ei~nes";
Text[ thai ] = "เ~ครื่องมือ";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Nástroje";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "‮כלים‬";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "~औज़ार";
@@ -2229,16 +2430,19 @@ String STR_TABLEDESIGN_ALTER_ERROR
Text[ italian ] = "Impossibile cambiare la colonna \"\\$column\\$\". Preferite eliminare la colonna e applicare un nuovo formato?";
Text[ danish ] = "Kolonnen \"\\$column\\$\" kunne ikke ndres. Skal den i stedet slettes og det nye format vedhftes?";
Text[ swedish ] = "Det gick inte att ndra kolumnen \"\\$column\\$\". Ska den i stllet raderas och det nya formatet bifogas?";
- Text[ polish ] = "Modyfikacja kolumny \"\\$column\\$\" nie powioda si. Usun j i zaczy nowy format?";
- Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "The column \"\\$column\\$\" could not be changed. Should instead the column definition be appended?";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Nie udao si zmodyfikowa kolumny \"\\$column\\$\". Czy usun j i doczy now?";
+ Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No foi possvel modificar a coluna \"$column$\". Deseja excluir a coluna e adicionar o novo formato?";
Text[ japanese ] = "列 \"\\$column\\$\" は変更できませんでした。そのかわりに、削除して新しい書式を添付しますか。";
Text[ korean ] = "\"\\$column\\$\" 열을(를) 변경하지 못했습니다. 대신에 이 열을 삭제하고 새 서식을 추가하시겠습니까?";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法更改列 \"\\$column\\$\" 。要重新设定这个列的格式?";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法變更欄 \\$column\\$。要刪除它再重新設定格式?";
- Text[ turkish ] = "The column \"\\$column\\$\" could not be changed. Should instead the column definition be appended?";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "\"\\$column\\$\" stunu deitirilemedi. Bunun yerine stun silinip ,yeni format eklensin mi?";
Text[ arabic ] = "The column \"\\$column\\$\" could not be changed. Should instead the column definition be appended?";
Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha pogut modificar la columna \"\\$column\\$\". Voleu eliminar-la i adjuntar el nou format?";
Text[ thai ] = "ไม่สามารถเปลี่ยนคอลัมน์ \"\\$column\\$\" ได้ จะลบคอลัมน์ที่แทนที่และผนวกรูปแบบใหม่หรือไม่?";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Sloupec \"$column$\" nemohl být změněn. Má být místo toho zrušen a přidán nový?";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Die Spalte \"$column$\" konnte nicht geändert werden. Soll sie statt dessen gelöscht und das neue Format angehängt werden?";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "\\$column\\$ स्तंभ को नहीं बदल सकते है । स्तंभ को मिटाकर और नया रचना को जोड़ना चाहते है ?";
@@ -2263,8 +2467,14 @@ QueryBox TABLE_DESIGN_ALL_ROWS_DELETED
Message[ korean ] = "지금 모든 열을 삭제하시려고 합니다. 열이 없으면 테이블을 작성할 수 없습니다. 테이블을 데이터베이스로부터 삭제하시겠습니까? 삭제하지 않는 경우 테이블은 변경없이 유지됩니다.";
Message[ chinese_simplified ] = "您正在试图删除表格之中的所有的列。一个表格至少必须含有一列。要删除这个表格吗?否则,就不会更改这个表格的内容。";
Message[ chinese_traditional ] = "您正在試圖刪除表格之中的所有欄位。一個表格至少必須具有一個欄位。您要刪除這個表格嗎?否則,就不會變更這個表格。";
- Message[ turkish ] = "You are trying to delete all columns in the table. A table cannot exist without columns. Should the table be deleted from the database? If not, the table will remain unchanged.";
+ Message[ turkish ] = "You are trying to delete all the columns in the table. A table cannot exist without columns. Should the table be deleted from the database? If not, the table will remain unchanged.";
Message[ arabic ] = "You are trying to delete all columns in the table. A table cannot exist without columns. Should the table be deleted from the database? If not, the table will remain unchanged.";
+ Message[ czech ] = "Chystáte se smazat veškeré sloupce v tabulce. Tabulka ovšem nemůže bez sloupců existovat. Má být celá tabulka z databáze smazána? Pokud ne, bude tabulka zachována beze změn.";
+ Message[ hebrew ] = "Sie versuchen alle Spalten der Tabelle zu löschen. Ohne Spalten kann eine Tabelle nicht bestehen. Soll die Tabelle aus der Datenbank gelöscht werden? Falls nicht, bleibt die Tabelle unverändert.";
+ Message[ catalan ] = "You are trying to delete all the columns in the table. A table cannot exist without columns. Should the table be deleted from the database? If not, the table will remain unchanged.";
+ Message[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "You are trying to delete all the columns in the table. A table cannot exist without columns. Should the table be deleted from the database? If not, the table will remain unchanged.";
+ Message[ thai ] = "You are trying to delete all the columns in the table. A table cannot exist without columns. Should the table be deleted from the database? If not, the table will remain unchanged.";
+ Message[ hindi ] = "You are trying to delete all the columns in the table. A table cannot exist without columns. Should the table be deleted from the database? If not, the table will remain unchanged.";
@@ -2288,10 +2498,13 @@ String STR_AUTOINCREMENT_VALUE
Text[ korean ] = "자동 증분 명령문";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动递增陈述";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "自動遞增陳述";
- Text[ turkish ] = "A~uto-increment statement";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "O~tomatik artrmal yap";
Text[ arabic ] = "A~uto-increment statement";
Text[ catalan ] = "A~uto-increment statement";
Text[ thai ] = "A~uto-increment statement";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Výraz pro automatický přírůstek";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "A~uto-Increment-Ausdruck";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "A~uto-increment statement";
@@ -2314,10 +2527,13 @@ String STR_HELP_AUTOINCREMENT_VALUE
Text[ korean ] = "자동 증분 필드를 위한 SOL 명령문을 여기에 입력해주십시오.\n\n 이 문장은 테이블이 만들어지면 데이터베이스로 곧 전송될 것입니다.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "在此输入一个用于自动递增字段的 SQL 陈述。\n\n在生成表格的同时,这个陈述就会被直接传给数据库。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "在此輸入一個用於自動遞增欄位的 SQL 陳述。\n\n在產生表格的同時,這個陳述就會被直接傳給資料庫。";
- Text[ turkish ] = "Enter an SQL statement for the auto-increment field.\n\nThis statement will be directly transferred to the database when the table is created.";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Otomatik artrma alan iin SQL cmlesi gir. \n\nBu cmle tablo oluturulduunda dorudan veritabanna transfer edilmi olacak.";
Text[ arabic ] = "Enter an SQL statement for the auto-increment field.\n\nThis statement will be directly transferred to the database when the table is created.";
Text[ catalan ] = "Enter an SQL statement for the auto-increment field.\n\nThis statement will be directly transferred to the database when the table is created.";
Text[ thai ] = "Enter an SQL statement for the auto-increment field.\n\nThis statement will be directly transferred to the database when the table is created.";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Zadejte SQL výraz pro políčko s automatickým přírůstkem.\n\nTento výraz bude přímo zanesen do databáze při vytvoření tabulky.";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Geben Sie hier einen SQL Ausdruck für das Auto-Increment-Feld an.\n\nDieser Ausdruck wird beim Erzeugen der Tabelle direkt an die Datenbank übertragen.";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "Enter an SQL statement for the auto-increment field.\n\nThis statement will be directly transferred to the database when the table is created.";
@@ -2333,7 +2549,7 @@ String STR_NO_TYPE_INFO_AVAILABLE
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No type information could be retrieved from the database.\nThe table design mode is not available for this data source.";
Text[ japanese ] = "データベースからはタイプ情報は検索できませんでした。\nこのデータソースにはテーブルデザインモードは使用できません。";
Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스에서 유형 정보를 찾을 수 없습니다.\\테이블 디자인 모드는 이 데이터 원본용으로 사용할 수 없습니다.";
- Text[ turkish ] = "No type information could be retrieved from the database.\nThe table design mode is not available for this data source.";
+ Text[ turkish ] = "Tip bilgisi veri tabanndan alnamad.\n# Tablo tasarm veri kaynanda mevcut deildir.";
Text[ thai ] = "No type information could be retrieved from the database.\nThe table design mode is not available for this data source.";
Text[ english_us ] = "No type information could be retrieved from the database.\nThe table design mode is not available for this data source.";
Text[ greek ] = "No type information could be retrieved from the database.\nThe table design mode is not available for this data source.";
@@ -2345,6 +2561,9 @@ String STR_NO_TYPE_INFO_AVAILABLE
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法從資料庫檢索類別資訊。\n這個資料源沒有表格設計模式。";
Text[ arabic ] = "No type information could be retrieved from the database.\nThe table design mode is not available for this data source.";
Text[ catalan ] = "No type information could be retrieved from the database.\nThe table design mode is not available for this data source.";
+ Text[ czech ] = "Z databáze nebylo možné zjistit informace o typech polí.\nPro tento ovladač není k dispozici volba Návrh tabulky.";
+ Text[ hebrew ] = "Es konnten keine Typinformationen von der Datenbank ermittelt werden.\nDer Tabellenentwurfmodus ist für diese Datenquelle nicht verfügbar.";
+ Text[ hindi ] = "No type information could be retrieved from the database.\nThe table design mode is not available for this data source.";
@@ -2354,3 +2573,41 @@ String STR_NO_TYPE_INFO_AVAILABLE