path: root/dbaccess/source/ui/tabledesign
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authorKurt Zenker <>2002-09-05 09:53:04 +0000
committerKurt Zenker <>2002-09-05 09:53:04 +0000
commit4c7c98feb9b0253ae782c365624ff6085675321e (patch)
treea2f460847eba9f44e0bc151fd3eef50bbd4d63da /dbaccess/source/ui/tabledesign
parent330ff38e4c6e6b9df2aa14c889e49d3204ec5a18 (diff)
Merge SRX643: 05.09.02 - 12:49:44
Diffstat (limited to 'dbaccess/source/ui/tabledesign')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/dbaccess/source/ui/tabledesign/table.src b/dbaccess/source/ui/tabledesign/table.src
index 6ec10ab880a7..f04371ee814b 100644
--- a/dbaccess/source/ui/tabledesign/table.src
+++ b/dbaccess/source/ui/tabledesign/table.src
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: table.src,v $
- * $Revision: 1.66 $
+ * $Revision: 1.67 $
- * last change: $Author: oj $ $Date: 2002-08-19 07:45:26 $
+ * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2002-09-05 10:53:04 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -2252,14 +2252,14 @@ QueryBox TABLE_DESIGN_ALL_ROWS_DELETED
Message[ greek ] = "You are trying to delete all columns in the table. A table cannot exist without columns. Should the table be deleted from the database? If not, the table will remain unchanged.";
Message[ dutch ] = "You are trying to delete all columns in the table. A table cannot exist without columns. Should the table be deleted from the database? If not, the table will remain unchanged.";
Message[ french ] = "Vous tes en train d'essayer de supprimer toutes les colonnes de la table. Or, une table ne peut exister sans colonne. Voulez-vous supprimer la table de la base de donnes ? Si tel n'est pas le cas, la table restera inchange.";
- Message[ spanish ] = "You are trying to delete all columns in the table. A table cannot exist without columns. Should the table be deleted from the database? If not, the table will remain unchanged.";
+ Message[ spanish ] = "Intenta eliminar todas las columnas de la tabla. Una tabla no puede existir sin columnas. Desea eliminar la tabla de la base de datos? Si ese no es el caso, la tabla permanecer inalterada. ";
Message[ finnish ] = "You are trying to delete all columns in the table. A table cannot exist without columns. Should the table be deleted from the database? If not, the table will remain unchanged.";
Message[ italian ] = "Volete eliminare tutte le colonne della tabella. Una tabella, per essere tale, dev'essere composta anche da colonne. Volete eliminare l'intera tabella dal database? In caso contrario la tabella non subir cambiamenti.";
Message[ danish ] = "You are trying to delete all columns in the table. A table cannot exist without columns. Should the table be deleted from the database? If not, the table will remain unchanged.";
Message[ swedish ] = "Du frsker att radera alla kolumner i tabellen. Det gr inte att ha en tabell utan kolumner. Vill du radera tabellen frn databasen? Om inte, kommer tabellen inte att ndras.";
Message[ polish ] = "You are trying to delete all columns in the table. A table cannot exist without columns. Should the table be deleted from the database? If not, the table will remain unchanged.";
- Message[ japanese ] = "You are trying to delete all columns in the table. A table cannot exist without columns. Should the table be deleted from the database? If not, the table will remain unchanged.";
- Message[ korean ] = "사용자께서는 지금 모든 열을 삭제하시려고 합니다. 열이 없으면 테이블을 작성하실 수 없습니다. 테이블을 데이터베이스로부터 삭제하시겠습니까? 삭제하지 않을 경우 테이블은 변경없이 유지됩니다.";
+ Message[ japanese ] = "テーブルにあるすべての列を削除しようとしています。列がなくては、テーブルは存在しません。データベースからテーブルを削除しますか。削除しなければ、テーブルはそのまま残ります。";
+ Message[ korean ] = "지금 모든 열을 삭제하시려고 합니다. 열이 없으면 테이블을 작성할 수 없습니다. 테이블을 데이터베이스로부터 삭제하시겠습니까? 삭제하지 않는 경우 테이블은 변경없이 유지됩니다.";
Message[ chinese_simplified ] = "您正在试图删除表格之中的所有的列。一个表格至少必须含有一列。要删除这个表格吗?否则,就不会更改这个表格的内容。";
Message[ chinese_traditional ] = "您正在試圖刪除表格之中的所有欄位。一個表格至少必須具有一個欄位。您要刪除這個表格嗎?否則,就不會變更這個表格。";
Message[ turkish ] = "You are trying to delete all columns in the table. A table cannot exist without columns. Should the table be deleted from the database? If not, the table will remain unchanged.";
@@ -2276,7 +2276,7 @@ String STR_AUTOINCREMENT_VALUE
Text[ greek ] = "A~uto-increment statement";
Text[ dutch ] = "A~uto-increment statement";
Text[ french ] = "Expression d'auto-incrment";
- Text[ spanish ] = "A~uto-increment statement";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Expresin incremento a~utomtico";
Text[ finnish ] = "A~uto-increment statement";
Text[ italian ] = "Espressione incremento automatico";
Text[ danish ] = "A~uto-increment statement";
@@ -2284,7 +2284,7 @@ String STR_AUTOINCREMENT_VALUE
Text[ polish ] = "A~uto-increment statement";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "A~uto-increment statement";
Text[ japanese ] = "オートインクリメント命令文";
- Text[ korean ] = "자동 증가량 문장";
+ Text[ korean ] = "자동 증가량 명령문";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动递增陈述";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "自動遞增陳述";
Text[ turkish ] = "A~uto-increment statement";
@@ -2302,15 +2302,15 @@ String STR_HELP_AUTOINCREMENT_VALUE
Text[ greek ] = "Enter an SQL statement for the auto-increment field.\n\nThis statement will be directly transferred to the database when the table is created.";
Text[ dutch ] = "Enter an SQL statement for the auto-increment field.\n\nThis statement will be directly transferred to the database when the table is created.";
Text[ french ] = "Saisissez une expression SQL pour le champ d'auto-incrment.\n\nCette expression sera directement transfre vers la base de donnes au moment de la cration de la table.";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Enter an SQL statement for the auto-increment field.\n\nThis statement will be directly transferred to the database when the table is created.";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Introduzca una expresin SQL para el campo de incremento automtico.\n\nEsta expresin se importar directamente a la base de datos desde que la tabla se cree. ";
Text[ finnish ] = "Enter an SQL statement for the auto-increment field.\n\nThis statement will be directly transferred to the database when the table is created.";
Text[ italian ] = "Indicate un'espressione SQL per il campo Incremento automatico.\n\\Questa espressione verr importata direttamente nel database non appena sar creata la tabella.";
Text[ danish ] = "Enter an SQL statement for the auto-increment field.\n\nThis statement will be directly transferred to the database when the table is created.";
Text[ swedish ] = "Ange SQL-satsen fr Auto-inkrementfltet hr.\n\nDen hr satsen verfrs direkt till databasen nr tabellen skapas.";
Text[ polish ] = "Enter an SQL statement for the auto-increment field.\n\nThis statement will be directly transferred to the database when the table is created.";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Enter an SQL statement for the auto-increment field.\n\nThis statement will be directly transferred to the database when the table is created.";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Enter an SQL statement for the auto-increment field.\n\nThis statement will be directly transferred to the database when the table is created.";
- Text[ korean ] = "자동 증가량 필드를 위해 SOL 문장을 여기에 입력해주십시오.\n\n 이 문장은 테이블이 만들어지면 데이터베이스로 곧 전송될 것입니다.";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "オートインクリメントのフィールドに使う SQL ステートメントをここに入力します。\n\nこのステートメントは、テーブルを作成するときに直接データベースに転送されます。";
+ Text[ korean ] = "자동 증가량 필드를 위한 SOL 명령문을 여기에 입력해주십시오.\n\n 이 문장은 테이블이 만들어지면 데이터베이스로 곧 전송될 것입니다.";
Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "在此输入一个用于自动递增字段的 SQL 陈述。\n\n在生成表格的同时,这个陈述就会被直接传给数据库。";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "在此輸入一個用於自動遞增欄位的 SQL 陳述。\n\n在產生表格的同時,這個陳述就會被直接傳給資料庫。";
Text[ turkish ] = "Enter an SQL statement for the auto-increment field.\n\nThis statement will be directly transferred to the database when the table is created.";