path: root/comphelper
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authorJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2004-04-13 10:06:33 +0000
committerJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2004-04-13 10:06:33 +0000
commit86203dfb58d6864bc3012116ab0b058f9b44ab7a (patch)
treea6831cf314c486e4ede6fe5bb4866867d7f72e75 /comphelper
parent44f3c142cfd725a2ced575613bd8fbe8d17a0a74 (diff)
INTEGRATION: CWS frmcontrols02 (1.1.4); FILE ADDED
2004/03/25 10:19:44 fs #100000# 2004/01/22 09:58:52 fs non-ref-count version of the former OPropertyContainer (which is now derived)
Diffstat (limited to 'comphelper')
1 files changed, 535 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/comphelper/source/property/propertycontainerhelper.cxx b/comphelper/source/property/propertycontainerhelper.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2ad7e8891701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comphelper/source/property/propertycontainerhelper.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: propertycontainerhelper.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: 1.2 $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2004-04-13 11:06:33 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <comphelper/propertycontainerhelper.hxx>
+#include <comphelper/property.hxx>
+#ifndef _OSL_DIAGNOSE_H_
+#include <osl/diagnose.h>
+#ifndef _UNO_DATA_H_
+#include <uno/data.h>
+#include <com/sun/star/uno/genfunc.h>
+#include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyAttribute.hpp>
+#ifndef _RTL_USTRBUF_HXX_
+#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace comphelper
+using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
+using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
+using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
+//= OPropertyContainerHelper
+ :m_bAlreadyAccessed(sal_False)
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void OPropertyContainerHelper::registerProperty(const ::rtl::OUString& _rName, sal_Int32 _nHandle,
+ sal_Int32 _nAttributes, void* _pPointerToMember, const Type& _rMemberType)
+ OSL_ENSURE(!m_bAlreadyAccessed, "OPropertyContainerHelper::registerProperty: invalid call, the property sequence was already accessed !");
+ OSL_ENSURE((_nAttributes & PropertyAttribute::MAYBEVOID) == 0,
+ "OPropertyContainerHelper::registerProperty: don't use this for properties which may be void ! There is a method called \"registerMayBeVoidProperty\" for this !");
+ OSL_ENSURE(!_rMemberType.equals(::getCppuType(static_cast< Any* >(NULL))),
+ "OPropertyContainerHelper::registerProperty: don't give my the type of an uno::Any ! Really can't handle this !");
+ OSL_ENSURE(_pPointerToMember,
+ "OPropertyContainerHelper::registerProperty: you gave me nonsense : the pointer must be non-NULL");
+ PropertyDescription aNewProp;
+ aNewProp.sName = _rName;
+ aNewProp.nHandle = _nHandle;
+ aNewProp.nAttributes = _nAttributes;
+ aNewProp.eLocated = PropertyDescription::ltDerivedClassRealType;
+ aNewProp.aLocation.pDerivedClassMember = _pPointerToMember;
+ aNewProp.aType = _rMemberType;
+ implPushBackProperty(aNewProp);
+void OPropertyContainerHelper::registerMayBeVoidProperty(const ::rtl::OUString& _rName, sal_Int32 _nHandle, sal_Int32 _nAttributes,
+ Any* _pPointerToMember, const Type& _rExpectedType)
+ OSL_ENSURE(!m_bAlreadyAccessed, "OPropertyContainerHelper::registerMayBeVoidProperty: invalid call, the property sequence was already accessed !");
+ OSL_ENSURE((_nAttributes & PropertyAttribute::MAYBEVOID) != 0,
+ "OPropertyContainerHelper::registerMayBeVoidProperty: why calling this when the attributes say nothing about may-be-void ?");
+ OSL_ENSURE(!_rExpectedType.equals(::getCppuType(static_cast< Any* >(NULL))),
+ "OPropertyContainerHelper::registerMayBeVoidProperty: don't give my the type of an uno::Any ! Really can't handle this !");
+ OSL_ENSURE(_pPointerToMember,
+ "OPropertyContainerHelper::registerMayBeVoidProperty: you gave me nonsense : the pointer must be non-NULL");
+ _nAttributes |= PropertyAttribute::MAYBEVOID;
+ PropertyDescription aNewProp;
+ aNewProp.sName = _rName;
+ aNewProp.nHandle = _nHandle;
+ aNewProp.nAttributes = _nAttributes;
+ aNewProp.eLocated = PropertyDescription::ltDerivedClassAnyType;
+ aNewProp.aLocation.pDerivedClassMember = _pPointerToMember;
+ aNewProp.aType = _rExpectedType;
+ implPushBackProperty(aNewProp);
+void OPropertyContainerHelper::registerPropertyNoMember(const ::rtl::OUString& _rName, sal_Int32 _nHandle, sal_Int32 _nAttributes,
+ const Type& _rType, void* _pInitialValue)
+ OSL_ENSURE(!m_bAlreadyAccessed, "OPropertyContainerHelper::registerMayBeVoidProperty : invalid call, the property sequence was already accessed !");
+ OSL_ENSURE(!_rType.equals(::getCppuType(static_cast< Any* >(NULL))),
+ "OPropertyContainerHelper::registerPropertyNoMember : don't give my the type of an uno::Any ! Really can't handle this !");
+ OSL_ENSURE(_pInitialValue || ((_nAttributes & PropertyAttribute::MAYBEVOID) != 0),
+ "OPropertyContainerHelper::registerPropertyNoMember : you should not ommit the initial value if the property can't be void ! This will definitivly crash later !");
+ PropertyDescription aNewProp;
+ aNewProp.sName = _rName;
+ aNewProp.nHandle = _nHandle;
+ aNewProp.nAttributes = _nAttributes;
+ aNewProp.eLocated = PropertyDescription::ltHoldMyself;
+ aNewProp.aLocation.nOwnClassVectorIndex = m_aHoldProperties.size();
+ if (_pInitialValue)
+ m_aHoldProperties.push_back(Any(_pInitialValue, _rType));
+ else
+ m_aHoldProperties.push_back(Any());
+ aNewProp.aType = _rType;
+ implPushBackProperty(aNewProp);
+sal_Bool OPropertyContainerHelper::isRegisteredProperty( sal_Int32 _nHandle ) const
+ return const_cast< OPropertyContainerHelper* >( this )->searchHandle( _nHandle ) != m_aProperties.end();
+void OPropertyContainerHelper::implPushBackProperty(const PropertyDescription& _rProp)
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+ for ( const PropertyDescription* pCheckConflicts = m_aProperties.begin();
+ pCheckConflicts != m_aProperties.end();
+ ++pCheckConflicts
+ )
+ {
+ OSL_ENSURE(pCheckConflicts->sName != _rProp.sName, "OPropertyContainerHelper::implPushBackProperty: name already exists!");
+ OSL_ENSURE(pCheckConflicts->nHandle != _rProp.nHandle, "OPropertyContainerHelper::implPushBackProperty: name already exists!");
+ }
+ // need one more element
+ sal_Int32 nOldLen = m_aProperties.size();
+ m_aProperties.resize(nOldLen + 1);
+ PropertyDescription* pProps = m_aProperties.begin() + nOldLen - 1;
+ // search the corect position, shifting the elements to the tail if needed
+ sal_Int32 nPos = nOldLen;
+ while (nPos && (_rProp.nHandle < pProps->nHandle))
+ {
+ *(pProps+1) = *pProps;
+ --pProps;
+ --nPos;
+ }
+ m_aProperties[nPos] = _rProp;
+sal_Bool OPropertyContainerHelper::convertFastPropertyValue(
+ Any& _rConvertedValue, Any& _rOldValue, sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue ) SAL_THROW( (IllegalArgumentException) )
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+ m_bAlreadyAccessed = sal_True;
+ sal_Bool bModified = sal_False;
+ // get the property somebody is asking for
+ PropertiesIterator aPos = searchHandle(_nHandle);
+ if (aPos == m_aProperties.end())
+ {
+ OSL_ASSERT("OPropertyContainerHelper::convertFastPropertyValue: unknown handle !");
+ // should not happen if the derived class has built a correct property set info helper to be used by
+ // our base class OPropertySetHelper
+ return bModified;
+ }
+ switch (aPos->eLocated)
+ {
+ // similar handling for the two cases where the value is stored in an any
+ case PropertyDescription::ltHoldMyself:
+ case PropertyDescription::ltDerivedClassAnyType:
+ {
+ sal_Bool bMayBeVoid = ((aPos->nAttributes & PropertyAttribute::MAYBEVOID) != 0);
+ // non modifiable version of the value-to-be-set
+ Any aNewRequestedValue( _rValue );
+ // normalization
+ // (102329 - 14.08.2002 -
+ if ( !aNewRequestedValue.getValueType().equals( aPos->aType ) )
+ { // the actually given value is not of the same type as the one required
+ if ( ( TypeClass_INTERFACE == aNewRequestedValue.getValueType().getTypeClass() )
+ && ( TypeClass_INTERFACE == aPos->aType.getTypeClass() )
+ )
+ { // but both are XInterface-derivees
+ Any aProperlyTyped( NULL, aPos->aType.getTypeLibType() );
+ if ( uno_type_assignData(
+ const_cast< void* >( aProperlyTyped.getValue() ), aProperlyTyped.getValueType().getTypeLibType(),
+ const_cast< void* >( aNewRequestedValue.getValue() ), aNewRequestedValue.getValueType().getTypeLibType(),
+ cpp_queryInterface, cpp_acquire, cpp_release
+ )
+ )
+ {
+ // we were able to query the given XInterface-derivee for the interface
+ // which is required for this property
+ aNewRequestedValue = aProperlyTyped;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // argument check
+ if ( ! ( (bMayBeVoid && !aNewRequestedValue.hasValue()) // void is allowed if the attribute says so
+ || (aNewRequestedValue.getValueType().equals(aPos->aType)) // else the types have to be equal
+ )
+ )
+ {
+ ::rtl::OUStringBuffer sMessage;
+ sMessage.appendAscii( "invalid value type for property \"" );
+ sMessage.append( aPos->sName );
+ sMessage.appendAscii( "\"\n" );
+ sMessage.appendAscii( "expected: " );
+ sMessage.append( aPos->aType.getTypeName() );
+ sMessage.appendAscii( "\nfound : " );
+ sMessage.append( _rValue.getValueType().getTypeName() );
+ sMessage.appendAscii( "\n" );
+ throw IllegalArgumentException(
+ sMessage.makeStringAndClear(),
+ 4
+ );
+ }
+ Any* pPropContainer = NULL;
+ // the pointer to the any which holds the property value, no matter if located in the derived clas
+ // or in out vector
+ if (PropertyDescription::ltHoldMyself == aPos->eLocated)
+ {
+ OSL_ENSURE(aPos->aLocation.nOwnClassVectorIndex < (sal_Int32)m_aHoldProperties.size(),
+ "OPropertyContainerHelper::convertFastPropertyValue: invalid position !");
+ pPropContainer = m_aHoldProperties.begin() + aPos->aLocation.nOwnClassVectorIndex;
+ }
+ else
+ pPropContainer = reinterpret_cast<Any*>(aPos->aLocation.pDerivedClassMember);
+ // check if the new value differs from the current one
+ if (!pPropContainer->hasValue() || !aNewRequestedValue.hasValue())
+ bModified = pPropContainer->hasValue() != aNewRequestedValue.hasValue();
+ else
+ bModified = !uno_type_equalData(
+ const_cast< void* >( pPropContainer->getValue() ), aPos->aType.getTypeLibType(),
+ const_cast< void* >( aNewRequestedValue.getValue() ), aPos->aType.getTypeLibType(),
+ cpp_queryInterface, cpp_release
+ );
+ if (bModified)
+ {
+ _rOldValue = *pPropContainer;
+ _rConvertedValue = aNewRequestedValue;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case PropertyDescription::ltDerivedClassRealType:
+ // let the UNO runtime library do any possible conversion
+ // this may include a change of the type - for instance, if a LONG is required,
+ // but a short is given, then this is valid, as it can be converted without any potential
+ // data loss
+ Any aProperlyTyped;
+ const Any* pNewValue = &_rValue;
+ if (!_rValue.getValueType().equals(aPos->aType))
+ {
+ sal_Bool bConverted = sal_False;
+ // a temporary any of the correct (required) type
+ aProperlyTyped = Any( NULL, aPos->aType.getTypeLibType() );
+ // (need this as we do not want to overwrite the derived class member here)
+ if ( uno_type_assignData(
+ const_cast<void*>(aProperlyTyped.getValue()), aProperlyTyped.getValueType().getTypeLibType(),
+ const_cast<void*>(_rValue.getValue()), _rValue.getValueType().getTypeLibType(),
+ cpp_queryInterface, cpp_acquire, cpp_release
+ )
+ )
+ {
+ // could query for the requested interface
+ bConverted = sal_True;
+ pNewValue = &aProperlyTyped;
+ }
+ if ( !bConverted )
+ // TODO: error message
+ throw IllegalArgumentException();
+ }
+ // from here on, we should have the proper type
+ OSL_ENSURE( pNewValue->getValueType() == aPos->aType,
+ "OPropertyContainerHelper::convertFastPropertyValue: conversion failed!" );
+ bModified = !uno_type_equalData(
+ aPos->aLocation.pDerivedClassMember, aPos->aType.getTypeLibType(),
+ const_cast<void*>(pNewValue->getValue()), aPos->aType.getTypeLibType(),
+ cpp_queryInterface, cpp_release
+ );
+ if (bModified)
+ {
+ _rOldValue.setValue(aPos->aLocation.pDerivedClassMember, aPos->aType);
+ _rConvertedValue = *pNewValue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return bModified;
+void OPropertyContainerHelper::setFastPropertyValue(sal_Int32 _nHandle, const Any& _rValue) SAL_THROW( (Exception) )
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+ m_bAlreadyAccessed = sal_True;
+ // get the property somebody is asking for
+ PropertiesIterator aPos = searchHandle(_nHandle);
+ if (aPos == m_aProperties.end())
+ {
+ OSL_ASSERT("OPropertyContainerHelper::setFastPropertyValue: unknown handle !");
+ // should not happen if the derived class has built a correct property set info helper to be used by
+ // our base class OPropertySetHelper
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (aPos->eLocated)
+ {
+ case PropertyDescription::ltHoldMyself:
+ m_aHoldProperties[aPos->aLocation.nOwnClassVectorIndex] = _rValue;
+ break;
+ case PropertyDescription::ltDerivedClassAnyType:
+ *reinterpret_cast< Any* >(aPos->aLocation.pDerivedClassMember) = _rValue;
+ break;
+ case PropertyDescription::ltDerivedClassRealType:
+ sal_Bool bSuccess =
+ // copy the data from the to-be-set value
+ uno_type_assignData(
+ aPos->aLocation.pDerivedClassMember, aPos->aType.getTypeLibType(),
+ const_cast< void* >( _rValue.getValue() ), _rValue.getValueType().getTypeLibType(),
+ cpp_queryInterface,
+ cpp_acquire, cpp_release );
+ OSL_ENSURE( bSuccess,
+ "OPropertyContainerHelper::setFastPropertyValue: ooops .... the value could not be assigned!");
+ break;
+ }
+void OPropertyContainerHelper::getFastPropertyValue(Any& _rValue, sal_Int32 _nHandle) const
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+ const_cast<OPropertyContainerHelper*>(this)->m_bAlreadyAccessed = sal_True;
+ // (are we allowed to use the mutable keyword? Means do all our compilers support this meanwhile?)
+ // get the property somebody is asking for
+ PropertiesIterator aPos = const_cast<OPropertyContainerHelper*>(this)->searchHandle(_nHandle);
+ if (aPos == m_aProperties.end())
+ {
+ OSL_ASSERT("OPropertyContainerHelper::getFastPropertyValue: unknown handle !");
+ // should not happen if the derived class has built a correct property set info helper to be used by
+ // our base class OPropertySetHelper
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (aPos->eLocated)
+ {
+ case PropertyDescription::ltHoldMyself:
+ OSL_ENSURE(aPos->aLocation.nOwnClassVectorIndex < (sal_Int32)m_aHoldProperties.size(),
+ "OPropertyContainerHelper::convertFastPropertyValue: invalid position !");
+ _rValue = m_aHoldProperties[aPos->aLocation.nOwnClassVectorIndex];
+ break;
+ case PropertyDescription::ltDerivedClassAnyType:
+ _rValue = *reinterpret_cast<Any*>(aPos->aLocation.pDerivedClassMember);
+ break;
+ case PropertyDescription::ltDerivedClassRealType:
+ _rValue.setValue(aPos->aLocation.pDerivedClassMember, aPos->aType);
+ break;
+ }
+OPropertyContainerHelper::PropertiesIterator OPropertyContainerHelper::searchHandle(sal_Int32 _nHandle)
+ // search a lower bound
+ PropertiesIterator aLowerBound = ::std::lower_bound(
+ m_aProperties.begin(),
+ m_aProperties.end(),
+ _nHandle,
+ PropertyDescriptionHandleCompare());
+ // check for identity
+ if ((aLowerBound != m_aProperties.end()) && aLowerBound->nHandle != _nHandle)
+ aLowerBound = m_aProperties.end();
+ return aLowerBound;
+void OPropertyContainerHelper::modifyAttributes(sal_Int32 _nHandle, sal_Int32 _nAddAttrib, sal_Int32 _nRemoveAttrib)
+ OSL_ENSURE(!m_bAlreadyAccessed, "OPropertyContainerHelper::modifyAttributes: invalid call, the property sequence was already accessed !");
+ // get the property somebody is asking for
+ PropertiesIterator aPos = searchHandle(_nHandle);
+ if (aPos == m_aProperties.end())
+ {
+ OSL_ASSERT("OPropertyContainerHelper::modifyAttributes: invalid handle !");
+ // should not happen if the derived class has built a correct property set info helper to be used by
+ // our base class OPropertySetHelper
+ return;
+ }
+ aPos->nHandle |= _nAddAttrib;
+ aPos->nHandle &= ~_nRemoveAttrib;
+void OPropertyContainerHelper::describeProperties(Sequence< Property >& _rProps) const
+ Sequence< Property > aOwnProps(m_aProperties.size());
+ Property* pOwnProps = aOwnProps.getArray();
+ for ( ConstPropertiesIterator aLoop = m_aProperties.begin();
+ aLoop != m_aProperties.end();
+ ++aLoop, ++pOwnProps
+ )
+ {
+ pOwnProps->Name = aLoop->sName;
+ pOwnProps->Handle = aLoop->nHandle;
+ pOwnProps->Attributes = (sal_Int16)aLoop->nAttributes;
+ pOwnProps->Type = aLoop->aType;
+ }
+ // as our property vector is sorted by handles, not by name, we have to sort aOwnProps
+ ::std::sort(aOwnProps.getArray(), aOwnProps.getArray() + aOwnProps.getLength(), PropertyCompareByName());
+ // unfortunally the STL merge function does not allow the output range to overlap one of the input ranges,
+ // so we need an extra sequence
+ Sequence< Property > aOutput;
+ aOutput.realloc(_rProps.getLength() + aOwnProps.getLength());
+ // do the merge
+ ::std::merge( _rProps.getConstArray(), _rProps.getConstArray() + _rProps.getLength(), // input 1
+ aOwnProps.getConstArray(), aOwnProps.getConstArray() + aOwnProps.getLength(), // input 2
+ aOutput.getArray(), // output
+ PropertyCompareByName() // compare operator
+ );
+ // copy the output
+ _rProps = aOutput;
+} // namespace comphelper