path: root/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/
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Diffstat (limited to 'solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 484 deletions
diff --git a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/ b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/
deleted file mode 100644
index c2657beec..000000000
--- a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,484 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
-# - a multi-platform office productivity suite
-# This file is part of
-# is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-# only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
-# (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# version 3 along with If not, see
-# <>
-# for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
-package installer::windows::feature;
-use installer::existence;
-use installer::exiter;
-use installer::files;
-use installer::globals;
-use installer::sorter;
-use installer::worker;
-use installer::windows::idtglobal;
-use installer::windows::language;
-# Returning the gid for a feature.
-# Attention: Maximum length
-sub get_feature_gid
- my ($onefeature) = @_;
- my $gid = "";
- if ( $onefeature->{'gid'} ) { $gid = $onefeature->{'gid'}; }
- # Attention: Maximum feature length is 38!
- installer::windows::idtglobal::shorten_feature_gid(\$gid);
- return $gid
-# Returning the gid of the parent.
-# Attention: Maximum length
-sub get_feature_parent
- my ($onefeature) = @_;
- my $parentgid = "";
- if ( $onefeature->{'ParentID'} ) { $parentgid = $onefeature->{'ParentID'}; }
- # The modules, hanging directly below the root, have to be root modules.
- # Only then it is possible to make the "real" root module invisible by
- # setting the display to "0".
- if ( $parentgid eq $installer::globals::rootmodulegid ) { $parentgid = ""; }
- # Attention: Maximum feature length is 38!
- installer::windows::idtglobal::shorten_feature_gid(\$parentgid);
- return $parentgid
-# Returning the display for a feature.
-# 0: Feature is not shown
-# odd: subfeatures are shown
-# even: subfeatures are not shown
-sub get_feature_display
- my ($onefeature) = @_;
- my $display;
- my $parentid = "";
- if ( $onefeature->{'ParentID'} ) { $parentid = $onefeature->{'ParentID'}; }
- if ( $parentid eq "" )
- {
- $display = "0"; # root module is not visible
- }
- elsif ( $onefeature->{'gid'} eq "gid_Module_Prg") # program module shows subfeatures
- {
- $display = "1"; # root module shows subfeatures
- }
- else
- {
- $display = "2"; # all other modules do not show subfeatures
- }
- # special case: Feature has flag "HIDDEN_ROOT" -> $display is 0
- my $styles = "";
- if ( $onefeature->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onefeature->{'Styles'}; }
- if ( $styles =~ /\bHIDDEN_ROOT\b/ ) { $display = "0"; }
- # Special handling for language modules. Only visible in multilingual installation set
- if (( $styles =~ /\bSHOW_MULTILINGUAL_ONLY\b/ ) && ( ! $installer::globals::ismultilingual )) { $display = "0"; }
- # Special handling for c05office. No program module visible.
- if (( $onefeature->{'gid'} eq "gid_Module_Prg" ) && ( $installer::globals::product =~ /c05office/i )) { $display = "0"; }
- # making all feature invisible in Language packs and in Help packs!
- if ( $installer::globals::languagepack || $installer::globals::helppack ) { $display = "0"; }
- return $display
-# Returning the level for a feature.
-sub get_feature_level
- my ($onefeature) = @_;
- my $level = "20"; # the default
- my $localdefault = "";
- if ( $onefeature->{'Default'} ) { $localdefault = $onefeature->{'Default'}; }
- if ( $localdefault eq "NO" ) # explicitely set Default = "NO"
- {
- $level = "200"; # deselected in default installation, base is 100
- if ( $installer::globals::patch ) { $level = "20"; }
- }
- # special handling for Java and Ada
- if ( $onefeature->{'Name'} )
- {
- if ( $onefeature->{'Name'} =~ /java/i ) { $level = $level + 40; }
- }
- # if FeatureLevel is defined in scp, this will be used
- if ( $onefeature->{'FeatureLevel'} ) { $level = $onefeature->{'FeatureLevel'}; }
- return $level
-# Returning the directory for a feature.
-sub get_feature_directory
- my ($onefeature) = @_;
- my $directory;
- $directory = "INSTALLLOCATION";
- return $directory
-# Returning the directory for a feature.
-sub get_feature_attributes
- my ($onefeature) = @_;
- my $attributes;
- # No advertising of features and no leaving on network.
- # Feature without parent must not have the "2"
- my $parentgid = "";
- if ( $onefeature->{'ParentID'} ) { $parentgid = $onefeature->{'ParentID'}; }
- if (( $parentgid eq "" ) || ( $parentgid eq $installer::globals::rootmodulegid )) { $attributes = "8"; }
- else { $attributes = "10"; }
- return $attributes
-# Replacing one variable in one files
-sub replace_one_variable
- my ($translationfile, $variable, $searchstring) = @_;
- for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$translationfile}; $i++ )
- {
- ${$translationfile}[$i] =~ s/\%$searchstring/$variable/g;
- }
-# Replacing the variables in the feature names and descriptions
-sub replace_variables
- my ($translationfile, $variableshashref) = @_;
- # we want to substitute FOO_BR before FOO to avoid floating _BR suffixes
- foreach $key (sort { length ($b) <=> length ($a) } keys %{$variableshashref})
- {
- my $value = $variableshashref->{$key};
- replace_one_variable($translationfile, $value, $key);
- }
-# Collecting the feature recursively.
-sub collect_modules_recursive
- my ($modulesref, $parentid, $feature, $directaccess, $directgid, $directparent, $directsortkey, $sorted) = @_;
- my @allchildren = ();
- my $childrenexist = 0;
- # Collecting children from Module $parentid
- my $modulegid;
- foreach $modulegid ( keys %{$directparent})
- {
- if ( $directparent->{$modulegid} eq $parentid )
- {
- my %childhash = ( "gid" => "$modulegid", "Sortkey" => "$directsortkey->{$modulegid}");
- push(@allchildren, \%childhash);
- $childrenexist = 1;
- }
- }
- # Sorting children
- if ( $childrenexist )
- {
- # Sort children
- installer::sorter::sort_array_of_hashes_numerically(\@allchildren, "Sortkey");
- # Adding children to new array
- my $childhashref;
- foreach $childhashref ( @allchildren )
- {
- my $gid = $childhashref->{'gid'};
- # Saving all lines, that have this 'gid'
- my $unique;
- foreach $unique ( keys %{$directgid} )
- {
- if ( $directgid->{$unique} eq $gid )
- {
- push(@{$feature}, ${$modulesref}[$directaccess->{$unique}]);
- if ( $sorted->{$unique} == 1 ) { installer::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Sorting feature failed! \"$unique\" already sorted.", "sort_feature"); }
- $sorted->{$unique} = 1;
- }
- }
- collect_modules_recursive($modulesref, $gid, $feature, $directaccess, $directgid, $directparent, $directsortkey, $sorted);
- }
- }
-# Sorting the feature in specified order. Evaluated is the key "Sortkey", that
-# is set in scp2 projects.
-# The display order of modules in Windows Installer is dependent from the order
-# in the idt file. Therefore the order of the modules array has to be adapted
-# to the Sortkey order, before the idt file is created.
-sub sort_feature
- my ($modulesref) = @_;
- my @feature = ();
- my %directaccess = ();
- my %directparent = ();
- my %directgid = ();
- my %directsortkey = ();
- my %sorted = ();
- for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$modulesref}; $i++ )
- {
- my $onefeature = ${$modulesref}[$i];
- my $uniquekey = $onefeature->{'uniquekey'};
- my $modulegid = $onefeature->{'gid'};
- $directaccess{$uniquekey} = $i;
- $directgid{$uniquekey} = $onefeature->{'gid'};
- # ParentID and Sortkey are not saved for the 'uniquekey', but only for the 'gid'
- if ( $onefeature->{'ParentID'} ) { $directparent{$modulegid} = $onefeature->{'ParentID'}; }
- else { $directparent{$modulegid} = ""; }
- if ( $onefeature->{'Sortkey'} ) { $directsortkey{$modulegid} = $onefeature->{'Sortkey'}; }
- else { $directsortkey{$modulegid} = "9999"; }
- # Bookkeeping:
- $sorted{$uniquekey} = 0;
- }
- # Searching all feature recursively, beginning with ParentID = ""
- my $parentid = "";
- collect_modules_recursive($modulesref, $parentid, \@feature, \%directaccess, \%directgid, \%directparent, \%directsortkey, \%sorted);
- # Bookkeeping
- my $modulekey;
- foreach $modulekey ( keys %sorted )
- {
- if ( $sorted{$modulekey} == 0 )
- {
- my $infoline = "Warning: Module \"$modulekey\" could not be sorted. Added to the end of the module array.\n";
- push(@installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
- push(@feature, ${$modulesref}[$directaccess{$modulekey}]);
- }
- }
- return \@feature;
-# Adding a unique key to the modules array. The gid is not unique for
-# multilingual modules. Only the combination from gid and specific language
-# is unique. Uniqueness is required for sorting mechanism.
-sub add_uniquekey
- my ( $modulesref ) = @_;
- for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$modulesref}; $i++ )
- {
- my $uniquekey = ${$modulesref}[$i]->{'gid'};
- if ( ${$modulesref}[$i]->{'specificlanguage'} ) { $uniquekey = $uniquekey . "_" . ${$modulesref}[$i]->{'specificlanguage'}; }
- ${$modulesref}[$i]->{'uniquekey'} = $uniquekey;
- }
-# Creating the file Feature.idt dynamically
-# Content:
-# Feature Feature_Parent Title Description Display Level Directory_ Attributes
-sub create_feature_table
- my ($modulesref, $basedir, $languagesarrayref, $allvariableshashref) = @_;
- for ( my $m = 0; $m <= $#{$languagesarrayref}; $m++ )
- {
- my $onelanguage = ${$languagesarrayref}[$m];
- my $infoline;
- my @featuretable = ();
- installer::windows::idtglobal::write_idt_header(\@featuretable, "feature");
- for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$modulesref}; $i++ )
- {
- my $onefeature = ${$modulesref}[$i];
- # Java and Ada only, if the correct settings are set
- my $styles = "";
- if ( $onefeature->{'Styles'} ) { $styles = $onefeature->{'Styles'}; }
- if (( $styles =~ /\bJAVAMODULE\b/ ) && ( ! ($allvariableshashref->{'JAVAPRODUCT'} ))) { next; }
- if (( $styles =~ /\bADAMODULE\b/ ) && ( ! ($allvariableshashref->{'ADAPRODUCT'} ))) { next; }
- # Controlling the language!
- # Only language independent feature or feature with the correct language will be included into the table
- if (! (!(( $onefeature->{'ismultilingual'} )) || ( $onefeature->{'specificlanguage'} eq $onelanguage )) ) { next; }
- my %feature = ();
- $feature{'feature'} = get_feature_gid($onefeature);
- $feature{'feature_parent'} = get_feature_parent($onefeature);
- $feature{'Title'} = $onefeature->{'Name'};
- $feature{'Description'} = $onefeature->{'Description'};
- $feature{'Display'} = get_feature_display($onefeature);
- $feature{'Level'} = get_feature_level($onefeature);
- $feature{'Directory_'} = get_feature_directory($onefeature);
- $feature{'Attributes'} = get_feature_attributes($onefeature);
- my $oneline = $feature{'feature'} . "\t" . $feature{'feature_parent'} . "\t" . $feature{'Title'} . "\t"
- . $feature{'Description'} . "\t" . $feature{'Display'} . "\t" . $feature{'Level'} . "\t"
- . $feature{'Directory_'} . "\t" . $feature{'Attributes'} . "\n";
- push(@featuretable, $oneline);
- # collecting all feature in global feature collector (so that properties can be set in property table)
- if ( ! installer::existence::exists_in_array($feature{'feature'}, \@installer::globals::featurecollector) )
- {
- push(@installer::globals::featurecollector, $feature{'feature'});
- }
- # collecting all language feature in feature collector for check of language selection
- if (( $styles =~ /\bSHOW_MULTILINGUAL_ONLY\b/ ) && ( $onefeature->{'ParentID'} ne $installer::globals::rootmodulegid ))
- {
- $installer::globals::multilingual_only_modules{$feature{'feature'}} = 1;
- }
- # collecting all application feature in global feature collector for check of application selection
- if ( $styles =~ /\bAPPLICATIONMODULE\b/ )
- {
- $installer::globals::application_modules{$feature{'feature'}} = 1;
- }
- }
- # Sorting names of language packs and dictionaries
- my @tempfeaturetable;
- my @langlist;
- my @langpack;
- my @dictlist;
- my @sorteddictlist;
- my @sortedlanglist;
- foreach (@featuretable) {
- if (/^gm_r_Extension_Dictionary_/) {
- push (@dictlist, $_);
- }
- elsif (/^gm_Langpack_r_/) {
- push (@langlist, $_);
- }
- elsif (/\tgm_Langpack_r_/) {
- push (@langpack, $_);
- }
- else {
- push (@tempfeaturetable, $_);
- }
- }
- @sorteddictlist = sort { (split(/\t/, $a))[2] cmp (split(/\t/, $b))[2] } @dictlist;
- @sortedlanglist = sort { (split(/\t/, $a))[2] cmp (split(/\t/, $b))[2] } @langlist;
- @featuretable = (@tempfeaturetable, @sorteddictlist);
- foreach (@sortedlanglist) {
- my $sortedlanglistline = $_;
- push (@featuretable, $sortedlanglistline);
- foreach (@langpack) {
- my $langpackline = $_;
- if ( (split(/\t/, $langpackline))[1] eq (split(/\t/, $sortedlanglistline))[0] ) {
- push (@featuretable, $langpackline);
- }
- }
- }
- # Saving the file
- my $featuretablename = $basedir . $installer::globals::separator . "Feature.idt" . "." . $onelanguage;
- installer::files::save_file($featuretablename ,\@featuretable);
- $infoline = "Created idt file: $featuretablename\n";
- push(@installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
- }