AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2022-06-15ifcfg-rh: fix wrong type for vint64 variableff/delay_activationFernando Fernandez Mancera1-3/+4
2022-06-15libnm: support wait-activation-delay propertyFernando Fernandez Mancera15-576/+833
2022-06-15release: bump version to 1.39.7 (development)1.39.7-devLubomir Rintel2-2/+2
2022-06-15nmcli: add nmcli gen reload usageRyosuke YASUOKA1-2/+3
2022-06-14merge: branch 'lr/cancel-ip-state-with-activation'Lubomir Rintel7-39/+148
2022-06-14device: release slaves when an external device is going managedLubomir Rintel1-2/+3
2022-06-14device: only deactivate when the master we've enslaved to goes awayLubomir Rintel1-6/+7
2022-06-14device: stop checking the IP configuration state when cancelling activationLubomir Rintel1-0/+3
2022-06-14merge: branch 'bg/ppp-race-rh2085382'Beniamino Galvani3-18/+119
2022-06-14ppp: don't remove addresses from interface while IPCP/IPV6CP is runningBeniamino Galvani1-5/+32
2022-06-14core: add nm_l3cfg_block_obj_pruning()Beniamino Galvani2-13/+87
2022-06-11device: ensure DHCP is restarted every time the link goes upBeniamino Galvani1-10/+8
2022-06-10contrib: use `less -f` in NM-log to avoid prompt for non-text inputThomas Haller1-2/+2
2022-06-09contrib: install iproute-tc in ""Thomas Haller1-0/+1
2022-06-09ppp: merge branch 'ppp-ip6-dns'Beniamino Galvani1-1/+5
2022-06-09ppp-manager: ip6: set interface mtu based on ppp configDominique Martinet1-1/+3
2022-06-09ppp-manager: ip6: fix dns not being usedDominique Martinet1-0/+2
2022-06-09dispatcher: log duration of dispatcher callThomas Haller1-15/+63
2022-06-09contrib: enable DHCPv6 in ""'s ""Thomas Haller1-0/+3
2022-06-09std-aux: cleanup NM_CMP_*() macrosThomas Haller1-36/+48
2022-06-09device: fix memory leakBeniamino Galvani1-9/+7
2022-06-09l3cfg: fix comparing "has-dns-priority" flag in nm_l3_config_data_cmp_full()Thomas Haller1-1/+4
2022-06-08contrib: set git-blame options in ""Thomas Haller1-0/+2
2022-06-07ifcfg: set errno for svGetValueEnum() to detect unset valuesThomas Haller1-0/+3
2022-06-07n-dhcp4: re-import git-subtree for 'src/n-dhcp4'Thomas Haller0-0/+0
2022-06-07Squashed 'src/n-dhcp4/' changes from e4af93228e37..7db7dc4bab53Thomas Haller3-61/+40
2022-06-03contrib: don't use :Z for bind mounts in ""Thomas Haller1-2/+2
2022-06-03tools: Fix on Python 2Igor Ponomarev1-6/+5
2022-06-02gitlab-ci: test build with python2 on Centos7Thomas Haller1-0/+9
2022-06-02build: print python path for autotoolsThomas Haller1-0/+1
2022-06-02wifi: fix crash in NMDeviceWifi.check_connection_compatible() checking WEP ca...Thomas Haller1-2/+3
2022-06-01release: bump version to 1.39.6 (development)1.39.6-devBeniamino Galvani2-2/+2
2022-06-01dhcp: merge branch 'th/dhcp-acd'Thomas Haller16-436/+1187
2022-06-01dhcp: implement ACD (address collision detection) for DHCPv4Thomas Haller5-118/+616
2022-05-31dhcp/dhclient: implement accept/decline (ACD) for dhclient pluginThomas Haller4-62/+95
2022-05-31dhcp: minor cleanup of accept/decline functions in "nm-dhcp-client.c"Thomas Haller1-17/+18
2022-05-31dhcp/nettools: pop n-dhcp4 events after select/accept/decline to process logg...Thomas Haller1-1/+62
2022-05-31dhcp/nettools: add helper function dhcp4_event_pop_all_events()Thomas Haller1-3/+11
2022-05-31dhcp/nettools: cleanup logging for dhcp4_event_handle()Thomas Haller1-30/+32
2022-05-31dhcp/nettools: better track currently granted leaseThomas Haller3-37/+93
2022-05-31dhcp: move accept/decline function inside "nm-dhcp-client.c"Thomas Haller2-14/+15
2022-05-31n-dhcp4: fix internal state after declining leaseThomas Haller2-2/+14
2022-05-31n-dhcp4: maintain the probe's lease list in "n-dhcp4-c-probe.c"Thomas Haller2-39/+15
2022-05-31n-dhcp4: return error when calling accept/decline/select in unexpected stateThomas Haller2-21/+12
2022-05-31dhcp: add and use _NMLOG() macro for "nm-dhcp-manager.c"Thomas Haller1-18/+41
2022-05-31dhcp: improve warning logging for dhcp4_event_handle() failureThomas Haller1-1/+1
2022-05-31dhcp: ensure a valid DHCPv4 lease has an address for dhclientThomas Haller1-0/+3
2022-05-31dhcp/trivial: rename connect_l3cfg_notify() to l3_cfg_notify_check_connected()Thomas Haller1-6/+6
2022-05-31dhcp: replace switch in l3_cfg_notify_cb() with if blocksThomas Haller1-20/+9
2022-05-31dhcp: move addr-family specific data to union in NMDhcpClientPrivateThomas Haller2-10/+36