diff options
authorJames Cloos <>2014-04-12 11:26:59 -0400
committerJames Cloos <>2014-04-12 11:26:59 -0400
commit98d8abc0f4786546082fc423a5e587e885da2768 (patch)
parente2c12daae2d786c79c177dea2f1282f0f8c9b72e (diff)
net-libs/rohc: bump version
Signed-off-by: James Cloos <>
2 files changed, 81 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/net-libs/rohc/Manifest b/net-libs/rohc/Manifest
index 7729965..7da8f97 100644
--- a/net-libs/rohc/Manifest
+++ b/net-libs/rohc/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-DIST rohc-1.6.0.tar.bz2 1007552 SHA256 64bb5d63e32f7026468bf9c497825c9c36d5b71a7b41ff607fc460cde423fc2e WHIRLPOOL f0926437eacf898a0e48aedecf574c98bfcdf8350a5082190207b6291baef76513155e4fec45d4be559c410aaf110a1ae8e5cd34951d7a7ae01c5921ee08f8f7
-DIST rohc-doc-1.6.0.tar.bz2 8314568 SHA256 ad464040a3d31c95a15f174d31804845350e1eb7dc4812755d59a3446958bd18 WHIRLPOOL f43b216e1d22c2155348ef9431ecf03accf9e614ac89806a559e3eca0474355c4c711b5cd05900c5f6ea335f8a1dc210c77f5285d64365bc27542c5ba21e184b
-DIST rohc-tests-1.6.0.tar.bz2 67708004 SHA256 0ba4850f7aff155cd9cd07fb8542753c1950049223350e40a810fd154c020b27 WHIRLPOOL c504c8606e57567aff246199ffcf2ba46eefd9e68cf0a953aa14e2137a57662a11680f62b05e84c1fb4e9c9cf188e92f838667bfbf35e8abea51e1fe0717392d
+DIST rohc-1.6.1.tar.bz2 1006403 SHA256 7320bfa7094056f7c05a5cc140136246eabba250ac4ef7f73929faa761c37a87 WHIRLPOOL b334791848dac986bda3c0bddedf704dc2d1c4a078d509f335e03fc9421bcdb335e8532e9c1a11641ff18be71c5ab345d5ffce7dfb7916edba2c30ec937ceac0
+DIST rohc-doc-1.6.1.tar.bz2 8019284 SHA256 60ef3bdaf3943d93f6be1b47188575f944c4eb864dd4f9199251f322049e8580 WHIRLPOOL 29e14cfe4f0bd6a3891fd7066494b039a4caa8331064e83090a57b347ef7e94e2c45cddca592cdb96655cb984d496bc49d51ddc30c2c5f54a210a946a638f42c
+DIST rohc-tests-1.6.1.tar.bz2 67706357 SHA256 28c6dc55ffbb4553be3c47152869656d5caf13bf489b9cd68b02b4bdfa07ba42 WHIRLPOOL bf45a05bda3b8ad7c9599b5e74d1724f1cd1274e6893493699b435db3ded41f7b79184d3996445f6edc4a5b57cc740e165baf29905acc915f02a74f60e888ffc
diff --git a/net-libs/rohc/rohc-1.6.1.ebuild b/net-libs/rohc/rohc-1.6.1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..048d221
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-libs/rohc/rohc-1.6.1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+DESCRIPTION="A free and efficient efficient library for ROHC compression"
+ test? (${PN}/${PN}-1.6.x/${PV}/+download/${PN}-tests-${PV}.tar.bz2 )
+ doc? (${PN}/${PN}-1.6.x/${PV}/+download/${PN}-doc-${PV}.tar.bz2 )"
+KEYWORDS="~x86 ~arm ~amd64"
+IUSE="debug doc rtp-bit-type test"
+DEPEND="test? ( net-libs/libpcap )
+ doc? ( app-doc/doxygen[latex]
+ sci-visualization/gnuplot )"
+src_prepare() {
+ # the traffic captures for tests are in a separate archive
+ # this saves bandwidth if tests are disabled
+ if use test ; then
+ unpack ${PN}-tests-${PV}.tar.bz2 \
+ || die "failed to unpack network captures for tests"
+ fi
+src_configure() {
+ local myconf
+ myconf="
+ $(use_enable rtp-bit-type)
+ $(use_enable test rohc-tests)"
+ # configure log level
+ if use debug ; then
+ myconf="${myconf} --enable-rohc-debug=3"
+ else
+ myconf="${myconf} --enable-rohc-debug=0"
+ fi
+ # configure the library
+ econf ${myconf} || die "failed to configure library"
+ # build the library
+ emake || die "failed to build library"
+ # build HTML documentation and perf graphs
+ if use doc ; then
+ emake doc || die "failed to generate HTML documentation"
+ emake measures || die "failed generate perf graphs"
+ fi
+src_install() {
+ # install libraries but not useless *.la files
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "failed to install library"
+ for lib in common comp decomp ; do
+ rm -f ${D}/usr/lib/librohc_${lib}.la
+ done
+ # install README/INSTALL... files
+ || die "failed to install README, INSTALL... files"
+ # install HTML documentation and perf graphs
+ if use doc ; then
+ dohtml -r doc/html/* || die "failed to install HTML documentation"
+ docinto graphs || die "failed to create dir for perf graphs"
+ dodoc measures/*/*.png || die "failed to install perf graphs"
+ fi