path: root/symbols/fr
diff options
authorBenno Schulenberg <>2023-03-30 17:28:48 +0200
committerBenno Schulenberg <>2023-04-02 11:59:20 +0200
commit72c1b0d3384f983abce2e11cceb7de4a6d62221b (patch)
treef976264bad53d2891cd984e03ef3a5220492aa37 /symbols/fr
parentb7553bb8f42022e6e45c17bcb12362dfa2ec3482 (diff)
symbols/fr: align some columns, trim comments, condense whitespace
Also drop a pointless include, as the 'oss' layout defines all keys.
Diffstat (limited to 'symbols/fr')
1 files changed, 213 insertions, 225 deletions
diff --git a/symbols/fr b/symbols/fr
index cee09226..b63fa418 100644
--- a/symbols/fr
+++ b/symbols/fr
@@ -94,13 +94,13 @@ xkb_symbols "nodeadkeys" {
// © 2003-2006 Nicolas Mailhot <nicolas.mailhot @>
// ┌─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┲━━━━━━━━━┓
-// │ ³ ¸ │ 1 ̨ │ 2 É │ 3 ˘ │ 4 — │ 5 – │ 6 ‑ │ 7 È │ 8 ™ │ 9 Ç │ 0 À │ ° ≠ │ + ± ┃ ⌫ Retour┃
+// │ ³ ¸ │ 1 ̨ │ 2 É │ 3 ˘ │ 4 — │ 5 – │ 6 ‑ │ 7 È │ 8 ™ │ 9 Ç │ 0 À │ ° ≠ │ + ± ┃ ⌫ Retour┃
// │ ² ¹ │ & ˇ │ é ~ │ " # │ ' { │ ( [ │ - | │ è ` │ _ \ │ ç ^ │ à @ │ ) ] │ = } ┃ arrière┃
// ┢━━━━━┷━┱───┴─┬───┴─┬───┴─┬───┴─┬───┴─┬───┴─┬───┴─┬───┴─┬───┴─┬───┴─┬───┴─┬───┺━┳━━━━━━━┫
// ┃ ┃ A Æ │ Z  │ E ¢ │ R Ê │ T Þ │ Y Ÿ │ U Û │ I Î │ O Œ │ P Ô │ ¨ ˚ │ £ Ø ┃Entrée ┃
// ┃Tab ↹ ┃ a æ │ z â │ e € │ r ê │ t þ │ y ÿ │ u û │ i î │ o œ │ p ô │ ^ ~ │ $ ø ┃ ⏎ ┃
// ┣━━━━━━━┻┱────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┺┓ ┃
-// ┃ ┃ Q Ä │ S „ │ D Ë │ F ‚ │ G ¥ │ H Ð │ J Ü │ K Ï │ L Ŀ │ M Ö │ % Ù │ µ ̄ ┃ ┃
+// ┃ ┃ Q Ä │ S „ │ D Ë │ F ‚ │ G ¥ │ H Ð │ J Ü │ K Ï │ L Ŀ │ M Ö │ % Ù │ µ ̄ ┃ ┃
// ┃Maj ⇬ ┃ q ä │ s ß │ d ë │ f ‘ │ g ’ │ h ð │ j ü │ k ï │ l ŀ │ m ö │ ù ' │ * ` ┃ ┃
// ┣━━━━━━━┳┹────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┲┷━━━━━┻━━━━━━┫
// ┃ ┃ > ≥ │ W “ │ X ” │ C ® │ V ← │ B ↑ │ N → │ ? … │ . . │ / ∕ │ § − ┃ ┃
@@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ xkb_symbols "nodeadkeys" {
partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "oss" {
- include "latin"
include "level3(ralt_switch)"
include "nbsp(level4n)"
include "keypad(oss)"
@@ -121,7 +120,7 @@ xkb_symbols "oss" {
// First row
key <TLDE> { [ twosuperior, threesuperior, onesuperior, dead_cedilla ] }; // ² ³ ¹ ¸
- key <AE01> { [ ampersand, 1, dead_caron, dead_ogonek ] }; // & 1 ˇ ̨
+ key <AE01> { [ ampersand, 1, dead_caron, dead_ogonek ] }; // & 1 ˇ ̨
key <AE02> { [ eacute, 2, asciitilde, Eacute ] }; // é 2 ~ É
key <AE03> { [ quotedbl, 3, numbersign, dead_breve ] }; // " 3 # ˘
key <AE04> { [ apostrophe, 4, braceleft, 0x1002014 ] }; // ' 4 { — (tiret cadratin)
@@ -145,7 +144,7 @@ xkb_symbols "oss" {
key <AD08> { [ i, I, icircumflex, Icircumflex ] }; // i I î Î
key <AD09> { [ o, O, oe, OE ] }; // o O œ Œ
key <AD10> { [ p, P, ocircumflex, Ocircumflex ] }; // p P ô Ô
- key <AD11> { [ dead_circumflex, dead_diaeresis, dead_tilde, dead_abovering ] }; // ^ ̈ ̃ ˚
+ key <AD11> { [ dead_circumflex, dead_diaeresis, dead_tilde, dead_abovering ] }; // ^ ̈ ̃ ˚
key <AD12> { [ dollar, sterling, oslash, Oslash ] }; // $ £ ø Ø
// Third row
@@ -160,7 +159,7 @@ xkb_symbols "oss" {
key <AC09> { [ l, L, 0x1000140, 0x100013F ] }; // l L ŀ Ŀ
key <AC10> { [ m, M, odiaeresis, Odiaeresis ] }; // m M ö Ö
key <AC11> { [ ugrave, percent, dead_acute, Ugrave ] }; // ù % ' Ù
- key <BKSL> { [ asterisk, mu, dead_grave, dead_macron ] }; // * µ ` ̄
+ key <BKSL> { [ asterisk, mu, dead_grave, dead_macron ] }; // * µ ` ̄
// Fourth row
key <LSGT> { [ less, greater, lessthanequal, greaterthanequal ] }; // < > ≤ ≥
@@ -332,7 +331,7 @@ xkb_symbols "latin9" {
key <AD09> { [ o, O, ocircumflex, odiaeresis ] };
key <AD10> { [ p, P, paragraph, grave ] };
key <AD11> { [ dead_circumflex, dead_diaeresis, dead_tilde, apostrophe ] };
- key <AD12> { [ dollar, sterling, ecircumflex, ediaeresis ] };
+ key <AD12> { [ dollar, sterling, ecircumflex, ediaeresis ] };
key <AC01> { [ q, Q, Acircumflex, Adiaeresis ] };
key <AC02> { [ s, S, oslash, Oslash ] };
@@ -348,7 +347,7 @@ xkb_symbols "latin9" {
key <BKSL> { [ asterisk, mu, threesuperior, yen ] };
key <LSGT> { [ less, greater, bar ] };
- key <AB01> { [ w, W, guillemotleft ] };
+ key <AB01> { [ w, W, guillemotleft ] };
key <AB02> { [ x, X, guillemotright ] };
key <AB03> { [ c, C, copyright ] };
key <AB04> { [ v, V, registered ] };
@@ -377,8 +376,8 @@ xkb_symbols "latin9_nodeadkeys" {
key <AE01> { [ ampersand, 1, apostrophe, periodcentered ] };
key <AE07> { [ egrave, 7, grave, Egrave ] };
- key <AE12> { [ equal, plus, braceright ] };
- key <AD11> { [ asciicircum, diaeresis, asciitilde, apostrophe ] };
+ key <AE12> { [ equal, plus, braceright ] };
+ key <AD11> { [ asciicircum, diaeresis, asciitilde, apostrophe ] };
// Bépo : Improved ergonomic french keymap using Dvorak method.
@@ -434,7 +433,7 @@ xkb_symbols "bepo" {
// Second row
key <AD01> { [ b, B, bar, brokenbar ] }; // b B | ¦
- key <AD02> { [ eacute, Eacute, dead_acute, dead_doubleacute ] }; // é É ˊ ˝
+ key <AD02> { [ eacute, Eacute, dead_acute, dead_doubleacute]}; // é É ˊ ˝
key <AD03> { [ p, P, ampersand, section ] }; // p P & §
key <AD04> { [ o, O, oe, OE ] }; // o O œ Œ
key <AD05> { [ egrave, Egrave, dead_grave, grave ] }; // è È ` `
@@ -449,16 +448,16 @@ xkb_symbols "bepo" {
// Third row
key <AC01> { [ a, A, ae, AE ] }; // a A æ Æ
key <AC02> { [ u, U, ugrave, Ugrave ] }; // u U ù Ù
- key <AC03> { [ i, I, dead_diaeresis, dead_abovedot ] }; // i I ̈ ˙
+ key <AC03> { [ i, I, dead_diaeresis, dead_abovedot ] }; // i I ̈ ˙
key <AC04> { [ e, E, EuroSign, dead_currency ] }; // e E € ¤
- key <AC05> { [ comma, semicolon, rightsinglequotemark, dead_horn ] }; // , ; ’ ̛
+ key <AC05> { [ comma, semicolon, rightsinglequotemark, dead_horn] }; // , ; ’ ̛
key <AC06> { [ c, C, copyright, U017F ] }; // c C © ſ
key <AC07> { [ t, T, thorn, THORN ] }; // t T þ Þ
key <AC08> { [ s, S, ssharp, U1E9E ] }; // s S ß ẞ
key <AC09> { [ r, R, registered, trademark ] }; // r R ® ™
key <AC10> { [ n, N, dead_tilde ] }; // n N ~
- key <AC11> { [ m, M, dead_macron, masculine ] }; // m M ̄ º
- key <BKSL> { [ ccedilla, Ccedilla, dead_cedilla, dead_belowcomma ] }; // ç Ç ¸ ,
+ key <AC11> { [ m, M, dead_macron, masculine ] }; // m M ̄ º
+ key <BKSL> { [ ccedilla, Ccedilla, dead_cedilla, dead_belowcomma ]}; // ç Ç ¸ ,
// Fourth row
key <LSGT> { [ ecircumflex, Ecircumflex, slash ] }; // ê Ê /
@@ -467,11 +466,11 @@ xkb_symbols "bepo" {
key <AB03> { [ x, X, braceright, rightsinglequotemark ] }; // x X } ’
key <AB04> { [ period, colon, ellipsis, periodcentered ] }; // . : … ·
key <AB05> { [ k, K, asciitilde ] }; // k K ~
- key <AB06> { [ apostrophe, question, questiondown, dead_hook ] }; // ' ? ¿ ̉
- key <AB07> { [ q, Q, dead_abovering, dead_belowdot ] }; // q Q ˚ ̣
+ key <AB06> { [ apostrophe, question, questiondown, dead_hook ] }; // ' ? ¿ ̉
+ key <AB07> { [ q, Q, dead_abovering, dead_belowdot ] }; // q Q ˚ ̣
key <AB08> { [ g, G, dead_greek ] }; // g G µ
key <AB09> { [ h, H, dagger, doubledagger ] }; // h H † ‡
- key <AB10> { [ f, F, dead_ogonek, ordfeminine ] }; // f F ̨ ª
+ key <AB10> { [ f, F, dead_ogonek, ordfeminine ] }; // f F ̨ ª
key <SPCE> { [ space, nobreakspace, underscore, U202F ] }; // ␣ (espace insécable) _ (espace insécable fin)
@@ -479,7 +478,7 @@ xkb_symbols "bepo" {
partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "bepo_latin9" {
- // Restricts the fr(bepo) layout to latin9 symbols
+ // Restricts the Bépo layout to latin9 symbols.
include "fr(bepo)"
include "keypad(oss_latin9)"
@@ -504,7 +503,7 @@ xkb_symbols "bepo_latin9" {
key <AD12> { [ w, W ] }; // w W
key <AC03> { [ i, I, dead_diaeresis ] }; // i I ̈
- key <AC05> { [ comma, semicolon, comma, dead_horn ] }; // , ; , ̛
+ key <AC05> { [ comma, semicolon, comma, dead_horn ] }; // , ; , ̛
key <AC06> { [ c, C, copyright ] }; // c C ©
key <AC08> { [ s, S, ssharp, U1E9E ] }; // s S ß ẞ
key <AC09> { [ r, R, registered ] }; // r R ®
@@ -516,8 +515,6 @@ xkb_symbols "bepo_latin9" {
key <AB09> { [ h, H ] }; // h H
key <AB10> { [ f, F, f, ordfeminine ] }; // f F ª
- // Note : on a besoin de redéfinir les niveaux 3 et 4,
- // donc nbsp(level2) ne suffit pas !
key <SPCE> { [ space, nobreakspace, underscore, nobreakspace ] }; // ␣ (espace insécable) _ (espace insécable)
@@ -537,7 +534,7 @@ xkb_symbols "bepo_latin9" {
// ║ ║ A Æ│ U Ù│ I ˙│ E ¤│ ; ,║ C ©│ T ™│ S ſ│ R ®│ N │ M │ Ç ©║ ║
// ║ CAPS ║ a æ│ u ù│ i ¨│ e €│ , '║ c ¸│ t ᵉ│ s ß│ r ˘│ n ~│ m ¯│ ç ║ ║
// ╠══════╦═╝──┬─┴──┬─┴──┬─┴─══─┴──┬─┴──┬─┴─══─┴──┬─┴──┬─┴──┬─┴──╔═╧════╩═════╣
-// ║ ^ ║ Ê ^│ À ‚│ Y ‘│ X ’│ : ·│ K ‑║ ? ̉ │ Q ̛│ G †│ H ‡│ F ║ ^ ║
+// ║ ^ ║ Ê ^│ À ‚│ Y ‘│ X ’│ : ·│ K ‑║ ? ̉│ Q ̛│ G †│ H ‡│ F ║ ^ ║
// ║ | ║ ê /│ à \│ y {│ x }│ . …│ k ~║ ’ ¿│ q °│ g µ│ h ̣ │ f ˛║ | ║
// ╠══════╩╦═══╧══╦═╧═══╦╧════╧════╧════╧════╧════╧═╦══╧══╦═╧════╬═════╦══════╣
// ║ ║ ║ ║ Fine insécable Insécable ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
@@ -596,13 +593,12 @@ xkb_symbols "bepo_afnor" {
key <AB03> { type[group1] = "FOUR_LEVEL_SEMIALPHABETIC", [ x, X, braceright, rightsinglequotemark ] }; // x X } ’
key <AB04> { type[group1] = "FOUR_LEVEL", [ period, colon, ellipsis, periodcentered ] }; // . : … ·
key <AB05> { type[group1] = "FOUR_LEVEL_SEMIALPHABETIC", [ k, K, asciitilde, U2011 ] }; // k K ~ ‑
- key <AB06> { type[group1] = "FOUR_LEVEL", [ rightsinglequotemark, question, questiondown, dead_hook ] }; // ’ ? ¿ ̉
+ key <AB06> { type[group1] = "FOUR_LEVEL", [ rightsinglequotemark, question, questiondown, dead_hook ] }; // ’ ? ¿ ̉
key <AB07> { type[group1] = "FOUR_LEVEL_SEMIALPHABETIC", [ q, Q, dead_abovering, dead_horn ] }; // q Q ˚ ̛
key <AB08> { type[group1] = "FOUR_LEVEL_SEMIALPHABETIC", [ g, G, dead_greek, dagger ] }; // g G µ †
key <AB09> { type[group1] = "FOUR_LEVEL_SEMIALPHABETIC", [ h, H, dead_belowdot, doubledagger ] }; // h H ̣ ‡
key <AB10> { type[group1] = "FOUR_LEVEL_SEMIALPHABETIC", [ f, F, dead_ogonek, U26C4 ] }; // f F ˛ ⛄
- key <SPCE> { type[group1] = "FOUR_LEVEL", [ space, U202F, underscore, nobreakspace ] }; //   _
+ key <SPCE> { type[group1] = "FOUR_LEVEL", [ space, U202F, underscore, nobreakspace ] }; //   _  
include "level3(ralt_switch)"
@@ -819,13 +815,13 @@ xkb_symbols "bre" {
// - change position of æ, ü, î, û, œ, ô, ö, ï, â, ë
// ┌─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┲━━━━━━━━━┓
-// │ ³ ¸ │ 1 ̨ │ 2 É │ 3 ˘ │ 4 — │ 5 – │ 6 ‑ │ 7 È │ 8 ™ │ 9 Ç │ 0 À │ ° ≠ │ + ± ┃ ⌫ Retour┃
+// │ ³ ¸ │ 1 ̨ │ 2 É │ 3 ˘ │ 4 — │ 5 – │ 6 ‑ │ 7 È │ 8 ™ │ 9 Ç │ 0 À │ ° ≠ │ + ± ┃ ⌫ Retour┃
// │ ² ¹ │ & ˇ │ é ~ │ " # │ ' { │ ( [ │ - | │ è ` │ _ \ │ ç ^ │ à @ │ ) ] │ = } ┃ arrière┃
// ┢━━━━━┷━┱───┴─┬───┴─┬───┴─┬───┴─┬───┴─┬───┴─┬───┴─┬───┴─┬───┴─┬───┴─┬───┴─┬───┺━┳━━━━━━━┫
// ┃ ┃ A Á │ Z Æ │ E ¢ │ R Ê │ T Ë │ Y Û │ U Ú │ I Í │ O Ó │ P Ò │ ¨ Œ │ £ Ø ┃Entrée ┃
// ┃Tab ↹ ┃ a á │ z æ │ e € │ r ê │ t ë │ y û │ u ú │ i í │ o ó │ p ò │ ^ œ │ $ ø ┃ ⏎ ┃
// ┣━━━━━━━┻┱────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┺┓ ┃
-// ┃ ┃ Q Ä │ S „ │ D Â │ F ‚ │ G ¥ │ H Ü │ J Î │ K Ï │ L Ô │ M Ö │ % Ù │ µ ̄ ┃ ┃
+// ┃ ┃ Q Ä │ S „ │ D Â │ F ‚ │ G ¥ │ H Ü │ J Î │ K Ï │ L Ô │ M Ö │ % Ù │ µ ̄ ┃ ┃
// ┃Maj ⇬ ┃ q ä │ s ß │ d â │ f ‘ │ g ’ │ h ü │ j î │ k ï │ l ô │ m ö │ ù ' │ * ` ┃ ┃
// ┣━━━━━━━┳┹────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┲┷━━━━━┻━━━━━━┫
// ┃ ┃ > ≥ │ W “ │ X ” │ C ® │ V ← │ B ↑ │ N Ñ │ ? … │ . . │ / ∕ │ § − ┃ ┃
@@ -841,24 +837,24 @@ xkb_symbols "oci" {
name[Group1]= "Occitan";
- key <AD01> { [ a, A, aacute, Aacute ] }; // a A á Á
- key <AD02> { [ z, Z, ae, AE ] }; // z Z æ Æ
- key <AD05> { [ t, T, ediaeresis, Ediaeresis ] }; // t T ë Ë
- key <AD06> { [ y, Y, ucircumflex, Ucircumflex ] }; // y Y û Û
- key <AD07> { [ u, U, uacute, Uacute ] }; // u U ú Ú
- key <AD08> { [ i, I, iacute, Iacute ] }; // i I í Í
- key <AD09> { [ o, O, oacute, Oacute ] }; // o O ó Ó
- key <AD10> { [ p, P, ograve, Ograve ] }; // p P ò Ò
- key <AD11> { [ dead_circumflex, dead_diaeresis, oe, OE ] }; // ^ ̈ ̃ œ Œ
- key <AC03> { [ d, D, acircumflex, Acircumflex ] }; // d D â Â
- key <AC06> { [ h, H, udiaeresis, Udiaeresis ] }; // h H ü Ü
- key <AC07> { [ j, J, icircumflex, Icircumflex ] }; // j J î Î
- key <AC08> { [ k, K, idiaeresis, Idiaeresis ] }; // k K ï Ï
- key <AC09> { [ l, L, ocircumflex, Ocircumflex ] }; // l L ô Ô
- key <AB04> { [ v, V, rightarrow, leftarrow ] }; // v V → ←
- key <AB06> { [ n, N, ntilde, Ntilde ] }; // n N ñ Ñ
+ key <AD01> {[ a, A, aacute, Aacute ]}; // a A á Á
+ key <AD02> {[ z, Z, ae, AE ]}; // z Z æ Æ
+ key <AD05> {[ t, T, ediaeresis, Ediaeresis ]}; // t T ë Ë
+ key <AD06> {[ y, Y, ucircumflex, Ucircumflex ]}; // y Y û Û
+ key <AD07> {[ u, U, uacute, Uacute ]}; // u U ú Ú
+ key <AD08> {[ i, I, iacute, Iacute ]}; // i I í Í
+ key <AD09> {[ o, O, oacute, Oacute ]}; // o O ó Ó
+ key <AD10> {[ p, P, ograve, Ograve ]}; // p P ò Ò
+ key <AD11> {[ dead_circumflex, dead_diaeresis, oe, OE ]}; // ^ ̈ œ Œ
+ key <AC03> {[ d, D, acircumflex, Acircumflex ]}; // d D â Â
+ key <AC06> {[ h, H, udiaeresis, Udiaeresis ]}; // h H ü Ü
+ key <AC07> {[ j, J, icircumflex, Icircumflex ]}; // j J î Î
+ key <AC08> {[ k, K, idiaeresis, Idiaeresis ]}; // k K ï Ï
+ key <AC09> {[ l, L, ocircumflex, Ocircumflex ]}; // l L ô Ô
+ key <AB04> {[ v, V, rightarrow, leftarrow ]}; // v V → ←
+ key <AB06> {[ n, N, ntilde, Ntilde ]}; // n N ñ Ñ
// 19-sep-1998
@@ -951,61 +947,62 @@ xkb_symbols "mac" {
partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "geo" {
include "ge(basic)"
name[Group1]= "Georgian (France, AZERTY Tskapo)";
- key <TLDE> { [ exclam, noSymbol ] };
- key <AE01> { [ 0x0100201e, 1 ] };
- key <AE02> { [ 0x01002116, 2 ] };
- key <AE03> { [ percent, 3 ] };
- key <AE04> { [ parenleft, 4 ] };
- key <AE05> { [ colon, 5 ] };
- key <AE06> { [ semicolon, 6 ] };
- key <AE07> { [ question, 7 ] };
- key <AE08> { [ 0x01002116, 8 ] };
- key <AE09> { [ degree, 9 ] };
- key <AE10> { [ parenright, 0 ] };
- key <AE11> { [ minus, underscore, 0x01002014 ] };
- key <AE12> { [ less, greater ] };
- key <AD01> { [ Georgian_an, 0x010010fa ] };
- key <AD02> { [ Georgian_zen, Z ] };
- key <AD03> { [ Georgian_en, E, Georgian_he ] };
- key <AD04> { [ Georgian_rae, registered ] };
- key <AD05> { [ Georgian_tar, T ] };
- key <AD06> { [ Georgian_qar, 0x010010f8 ] };
- key <AD07> { [ Georgian_un, U ] };
- key <AD08> { [ Georgian_in, Georgian_hie ] };
- key <AD09> { [ Georgian_on, O ] };
- key <AD10> { [ Georgian_par, P ] };
- key <AD11> { [ Georgian_tan, T ] };
- key <AD12> { [ Georgian_jil, Z ] };
- key <AC01> { [ Georgian_khar, Q ] };
- key <AC02> { [ Georgian_san, S ] };
- key <AC03> { [ Georgian_don, D ] };
- key <AC04> { [ Georgian_phar, Georgian_fi ] };
- key <AC05> { [ Georgian_gan, 0x010010f9 ] };
- key <AC06> { [ Georgian_hae, Georgian_hoe ] };
- key <AC07> { [ Georgian_jhan, 0x010010f7 ] };
- key <AC08> { [ Georgian_kan, K ] };
- key <AC09> { [ Georgian_las, L ] };
- key <AC10> { [ Georgian_man, M ] };
- key <AC11> { [ Georgian_zhar, J ] };
- key <BKSL> { [ Georgian_chin, copyright ] };
- key <LSGT> { [ guillemotleft, guillemotright ] };
- key <AB01> { [ Georgian_cil, W ] };
- key <AB02> { [ Georgian_xan, Georgian_har ] };
- key <AB03> { [ Georgian_can, copyright ] };
- key <AB04> { [ Georgian_vin, Georgian_we ] };
- key <AB05> { [ Georgian_ban, B ] };
- key <AB06> { [ Georgian_nar, 0x010010fc ] };
- key <AB07> { [ comma, 0x01002014 ] };
- key <AB08> { [ Georgian_shin, S ] };
- key <AB09> { [ Georgian_ghan, noSymbol ] };
- key <AB10> { [ Georgian_char, noSymbol ] };
+ key <TLDE> {[ exclam, any ]};
+ key <AE01> {[ U201E, 1 ]};
+ key <AE02> {[ U2116, 2 ]};
+ key <AE03> {[ percent, 3 ]};
+ key <AE04> {[ parenleft, 4 ]};
+ key <AE05> {[ colon, 5 ]};
+ key <AE06> {[ semicolon, 6 ]};
+ key <AE07> {[ question, 7 ]};
+ key <AE08> {[ U2116, 8 ]};
+ key <AE09> {[ degree, 9 ]};
+ key <AE10> {[ parenright, 0 ]};
+ key <AE11> {[ minus, underscore, emdash ]};
+ key <AE12> {[ less, greater ]};
+ key <AD01> {[ Georgian_an, U10FA ]};
+ key <AD02> {[ Georgian_zen, Z ]};
+ key <AD03> {[ Georgian_en, E, Georgian_he ]};
+ key <AD04> {[ Georgian_rae, registered ]};
+ key <AD05> {[ Georgian_tar, T ]};
+ key <AD06> {[ Georgian_qar, U10F8 ]};
+ key <AD07> {[ Georgian_un, U ]};
+ key <AD08> {[ Georgian_in, Georgian_hie ]};
+ key <AD09> {[ Georgian_on, O ]};
+ key <AD10> {[ Georgian_par, P ]};
+ key <AD11> {[ Georgian_tan, T ]};
+ key <AD12> {[ Georgian_jil, Z ]};
+ key <AC01> {[ Georgian_khar, Q ]};
+ key <AC02> {[ Georgian_san, S ]};
+ key <AC03> {[ Georgian_don, D ]};
+ key <AC04> {[ Georgian_phar, Georgian_fi ]};
+ key <AC05> {[ Georgian_gan, U10F9 ]};
+ key <AC06> {[ Georgian_hae, Georgian_hoe ]};
+ key <AC07> {[ Georgian_jhan, U10F7 ]};
+ key <AC08> {[ Georgian_kan, K ]};
+ key <AC09> {[ Georgian_las, L ]};
+ key <AC10> {[ Georgian_man, M ]};
+ key <AC11> {[ Georgian_zhar, J ]};
+ key <BKSL> {[ Georgian_chin, copyright ]};
+ key <LSGT> {[ guillemotleft, guillemotright ]};
+ key <AB01> {[ Georgian_cil, W ]};
+ key <AB02> {[ Georgian_xan, Georgian_har ]};
+ key <AB03> {[ Georgian_can, copyright ]};
+ key <AB04> {[ Georgian_vin, Georgian_we ]};
+ key <AB05> {[ Georgian_ban, B ]};
+ key <AB06> {[ Georgian_nar, U10FC ]};
+ key <AB07> {[ comma, U2014 ]};
+ key <AB08> {[ Georgian_shin, S ]};
+ key <AB09> {[ Georgian_ghan, any ]};
+ key <AB10> {[ Georgian_char, any ]};
// US keyboard made French
@@ -1044,8 +1041,8 @@ xkb_symbols "us" {
key <AB01> { [ z, Z, acircumflex, Acircumflex ] }; // â Â
key <AB03> { [ c, C, ccedilla, Ccedilla ] }; // ç Ç
- include "level3(ralt_switch)"
include "eurosign(5)"
+ include "level3(ralt_switch)"
@@ -1056,17 +1053,10 @@ partial alphanumeric_keys
-partial alphanumeric_keys
-xkb_symbols "azerty" {
- name[Group1]="French (AZERTY)";
- include "level3(ralt_switch)"
-// French AZERTY-Keyboard layout
-// Author : 2015, Mats Blakstad <mats @>
-// Based on the layout at
+// Plain French Azerty layout.
+// Original author: Mats Blakstad <mats @>, 2015.
+// Based on
// ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _______
// | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | ° | + | <-- |
// | ² | & | é ~| " #| ' {| ( [| - || è `| _ \| ç ^| à @| ) ]| = }| |
@@ -1083,62 +1073,64 @@ xkb_symbols "azerty" {
// | | | | | | | | |
// | Ctrl | Super| Alt | Space Nobreakspace | AltGr | Super|Menu | Ctrl |
// ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯
+partial alphanumeric_keys
+xkb_symbols "azerty" {
- // First row
- key <TLDE> { [ twosuperior ] };
- key <AE01> { [ ampersand, 1 ] };
- key <AE02> { [ eacute, 2, asciitilde ] };
- key <AE03> { [ quotedbl, 3, numbersign ] };
- key <AE04> { [ apostrophe, 4, braceleft ] };
- key <AE05> { [ parenleft, 5, bracketleft ] };
- key <AE06> { [ minus, 6, bar ] };
- key <AE07> { [ egrave, 7, grave ] };
- key <AE08> { [ underscore, 8, backslash ] };
- key <AE09> { [ ccedilla, 9, asciicircum ] };
- key <AE10> { [ agrave, 0, at ] };
- key <AE11> { [ parenright, degree, bracketright ] };
- key <AE12> { [ equal, plus, braceright ] };
- // Second row
- key <AD01> { [ a, A ] };
- key <AD02> { [ z, Z ] };
- key <AD03> { [ e, E, EuroSign ] };
- key <AD04> { [ r, R ] };
- key <AD05> { [ t, T ] };
- key <AD06> { [ y, Y ] };
- key <AD07> { [ u, U ] };
- key <AD08> { [ i, I ] };
- key <AD09> { [ o, O ] };
- key <AD10> { [ p, P ] };
- key <AD11> { [ dead_circumflex,dead_diaeresis ] };
- key <AD12> { [ dollar, sterling, currency ] };
+ name[Group1]="French (AZERTY)";
- // Third row
- key <AC01> { [ q, Q ] };
- key <AC02> { [ s, S ] };
- key <AC03> { [ d, D ] };
- key <AC04> { [ f, F ] };
- key <AC05> { [ g, G ] };
- key <AC06> { [ h, H ] };
- key <AC07> { [ j, J ] };
- key <AC08> { [ k, K ] };
- key <AC09> { [ l, L ] };
- key <AC10> { [ m, M ] };
- key <AC11> { [ ugrave, percent ] };
- key <BKSL> { [ asterisk, mu ] };
+ key <TLDE> {[ twosuperior ]};
+ key <AE01> {[ ampersand, 1 ]};
+ key <AE02> {[ eacute, 2, asciitilde ]};
+ key <AE03> {[ quotedbl, 3, numbersign ]};
+ key <AE04> {[ apostrophe, 4, braceleft ]};
+ key <AE05> {[ parenleft, 5, bracketleft ]};
+ key <AE06> {[ minus, 6, bar ]};
+ key <AE07> {[ egrave, 7, grave ]};
+ key <AE08> {[ underscore, 8, backslash ]};
+ key <AE09> {[ ccedilla, 9, asciicircum ]};
+ key <AE10> {[ agrave, 0, at ]};
+ key <AE11> {[ parenright, degree, bracketright ]};
+ key <AE12> {[ equal, plus, braceright ]};
+ key <AD01> {[ a, A ]};
+ key <AD02> {[ z, Z ]};
+ key <AD03> {[ e, E, EuroSign ]};
+ key <AD04> {[ r, R ]};
+ key <AD05> {[ t, T ]};
+ key <AD06> {[ y, Y ]};
+ key <AD07> {[ u, U ]};
+ key <AD08> {[ i, I ]};
+ key <AD09> {[ o, O ]};
+ key <AD10> {[ p, P ]};
+ key <AD11> {[ dead_circumflex,dead_diaeresis ]};
+ key <AD12> {[ dollar, sterling, currency ]};
+ key <AC01> {[ q, Q ]};
+ key <AC02> {[ s, S ]};
+ key <AC03> {[ d, D ]};
+ key <AC04> {[ f, F ]};
+ key <AC05> {[ g, G ]};
+ key <AC06> {[ h, H ]};
+ key <AC07> {[ j, J ]};
+ key <AC08> {[ k, K ]};
+ key <AC09> {[ l, L ]};
+ key <AC10> {[ m, M ]};
+ key <AC11> {[ ugrave, percent ]};
+ key <BKSL> {[ asterisk, mu ]};
+ key <LSGT> {[ less, greater ]};
+ key <AB01> {[ w, W ]};
+ key <AB02> {[ x, X ]};
+ key <AB03> {[ c, C ]};
+ key <AB04> {[ v, V ]};
+ key <AB05> {[ b, B ]};
+ key <AB06> {[ n, N ]};
+ key <AB07> {[ comma, question ]};
+ key <AB08> {[ semicolon, period ]};
+ key <AB09> {[ colon, slash ]};
+ key <AB10> {[ exclam, section ]};
- // Fourth row
- key <LSGT> { [ less, greater ] };
- key <AB01> { [ w, W ] };
- key <AB02> { [ x, X ] };
- key <AB03> { [ c, C ] };
- key <AB04> { [ v, V ] };
- key <AB05> { [ b, B ] };
- key <AB06> { [ n, N ] };
- key <AB07> { [ comma, question ] };
- key <AB08> { [ semicolon, period ] };
- key <AB09> { [ colon, slash ] };
- key <AB10> { [ exclam, section ] };
+ include "level3(ralt_switch)"
// US keyboard made French (with dead keys, alternative)
@@ -1165,8 +1157,8 @@ xkb_symbols "us-alt" {
key <AB03> { [ c, C, ccedilla, Ccedilla ] }; // ç Ç
- include "level3(ralt_switch)"
include "eurosign(5)"
+ include "level3(ralt_switch)"
// For physically modified US keyboard (Q <-> A, W <-> Z and ; <-> M)
@@ -1204,11 +1196,10 @@ xkb_symbols "us-azerty" {
include "level3(ralt_switch)"
-// Unicode French standardized new azerty
-// Defined by the French national organization for standardization (AFNOR) in norm NF Z71-300 (
+// New Azerty layout, from the French Standardization Association (AFNOR),
+// defined in norm NF Z71-300. See
-// Credits
-// © 2019 Cimbali <me @>
+// Original author: Cimbali <me @>, © 2019.
// ┌─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┲━━━━━━━━━┓
// │ # ̑ │ 1 À │ 2 É │ 3 È │ 4 Ê │ 5 ̋ │ 6 ̏ │ 7 │ 8 — │ 9 ‹ │ 0 › │ " ˚ │ ¨ ┃ ⌫ Retour┃
@@ -1217,7 +1208,7 @@ xkb_symbols "us-azerty" {
// ┃ ┃ A Æ │ Z │ E │ R │ T ™ │ Y │ U Ù │ I ̣ │ O Œ │ P ‰ │ – ‑ │ ± ‡ ┃Entrée ┃
// ┃Tab ↹ ┃ a æ │ z £ │ e € │ r ® │ t { │ y } │ u ù │ i ̇ │ o œ │ p % │ - − │ + † ┃ ⏎ ┃
// ┣━━━━━━━┻┱────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┺┓ ┃
-// ┃ ┃ Q │ S ẞ │ D │ F │ G │ H ̱ │ J │ K │ L │ M │ \ √ │ ½ ¼ ┃ ┃
+// ┃ ┃ Q │ S ẞ │ D │ F │ G │ H ̱ │ J │ K │ L │ M │ \ √ │ ½ ¼ ┃ ┃
// ┃Maj ⇬ ┃ q θ │ s ß │ d $ │ f ¤ │ g µ │ h │ j │ k ̷ │ l | │ m ∞ │ / ÷ │ * × ┃ ┃
// ┣━━━━━━━┳┹────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┲┷━━━━━┻━━━━━━┫
// ┃ ┃ > ≥ │ W Ʒ │ X │ C Ç │ V ˛ │ B │ N │ ? │ ! ̦ │ … │ = ≠ ┃ ┃
@@ -1229,65 +1220,62 @@ xkb_symbols "us-azerty" {
partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "afnor" {
- include "level3(ralt_switch)"
+ name[Group1]="French (AZERTY, AFNOR)";
+ key <TLDE> {[ at, numbersign, dead_breve, dead_invertedbreve ]}; // @ # ̑ ̆
+ key <AE01> {[ agrave, 1, section, Agrave ]}; // à 1 § À
+ key <AE02> {[ eacute, 2, dead_acute, Eacute ]}; // é 2 ́ É
+ key <AE03> {[ egrave, 3, dead_grave, Egrave ]}; // è 3 ̀ È
+ key <AE04> {[ ecircumflex, 4, ampersand, Ecircumflex ]}; // ê 4 & Ê
+ key <AE05> {[ parenleft, 5, bracketleft, dead_doubleacute ]}; // ( 5 [ ̋
+ key <AE06> {[ parenright, 6, bracketright, dead_doublegrave ]}; // ) 6 ] ̏
+ key <AE07> {[ leftsinglequotemark, 7, dead_macron, none ]}; // ‘ 7 ̄
+ key <AE08> {[ rightsinglequotemark, 8, underscore, emdash ]}; // ’ 8 _ —
+ key <AE09> {[ guillemotleft, 9, leftdoublequotemark, U2039 ]}; // « 9 “ ‹
+ key <AE10> {[ guillemotright, 0, rightdoublequotemark, U203A ]}; // » 0 ” ›
+ key <AE11> {[ apostrophe, quotedbl, degree, dead_abovering ]}; // ' " ° ̊
+ key <AE12> {[ dead_circumflex, dead_diaeresis, dead_caron, none ]}; // ̂ ̈ ̌
+ key <AD01> {[ a, A, ae, AE ]}; // a A æ Æ
+ key <AD02> {[ z, Z, sterling, none ]}; // z Z £
+ key <AD03> {[ e, E, EuroSign, none ]}; // e E €
+ key <AD04> {[ r, R, registered, none ]}; // r R ®
+ key <AD05> {[ t, T, braceleft, trademark ]}; // t T { ™
+ key <AD06> {[ y, Y, braceright, none ]}; // y Y }
+ key <AD07> {[ u, U, ugrave, Ugrave ]}; // u U ù Ù
+ key <AD08> {[ i, I, dead_abovedot, dead_belowdot ]}; // i I ̇ ̣
+ key <AD09> {[ o, O, oe, OE ]}; // o O œ Œ
+ key <AD10> {[ p, P, percent, permille ]}; // p P % ‰
+ key <AD11> {[ minus, endash, U2212, U2011 ]}; // - – − ‑ // signe moins (minus sign), trait d'union insécable (non-breaking hyphen)
+ key <AD12> {[ plus, plusminus, dagger, doubledagger ]}; // + ± † ‡
+ key <AC01> {[ q, Q, Greek_theta, none ]}; // q Q θ
+ key <AC02> {[ s, S, ssharp, U1E9E ]}; // s S ß ẞ // lettre majuscule latine S dur (latin capital letter sharp s)
+ key <AC03> {[ d, D, dollar, none ]}; // d D $
+ key <AC04> {[ f, F, dead_currency, none ]}; // f F ¤
+ key <AC05> {[ g, G, dead_greek, none ]}; // g G µ
+ key <AC06> {[ h, H, none, dead_belowmacron ]}; // h H ̱ // Missing deadkey for other european characters (ªəƏþÞıݺſðÐƞȠijIJ)
+ key <AC07> {[ j, J, none, none ]}; // j J
+ key <AC08> {[ k, K, dead_stroke, none ]}; // k K ̷
+ key <AC09> {[ l, L, bar, none ]}; // l L |
+ key <AC10> {[ m, M, infinity, none ]}; // m M ∞
+ key <AC11> {[ slash, backslash, division, radical ]}; // / \ ÷ √
+ key <BKSL> {[ asterisk, onehalf, multiply, onequarter ]}; // * ½ × ¼
+ key <LSGT> {[ less, greater, lessthanequal, greaterthanequal ]}; // < > ≤ ≥
+ key <AB01> {[ w, W, ezh, EZH ]}; // w W ʒ Ʒ
+ key <AB02> {[ x, X, copyright, none ]}; // x X ©
+ key <AB03> {[ c, C, ccedilla, Ccedilla ]}; // c C ç Ç
+ key <AB04> {[ v, V, dead_cedilla, dead_ogonek ]}; // v V ̧ ̨
+ key <AB05> {[ b, B, dead_stroke, none ]}; // b B ̵
+ key <AB06> {[ n, N, dead_tilde, none ]}; // n N ̃
+ key <AB07> {[ period, question, questiondown, none ]}; // . ? ¿
+ key <AB08> {[ comma, exclam, exclamdown, dead_belowcomma ]}; // , ! ¡ ̦
+ key <AB09> {[ colon, ellipsis, periodcentered, none ]}; // : … ·
+ key <AB10> {[ semicolon, equal, similarequal, notequal ]}; // ; = ≃ ≠
include "nbsp(level3n)"
include "keypad(oss)"
- name[Group1]="French (AZERTY, AFNOR)";
- // First row
- key <TLDE> { [ at, numbersign, dead_breve, dead_invertedbreve ] }; // @ # ̑ ̆
- key <AE01> { [ agrave, 1, section, Agrave ] }; // à 1 § À
- key <AE02> { [ eacute, 2, dead_acute, Eacute ] }; // é 2 ́ É
- key <AE03> { [ egrave, 3, dead_grave, Egrave ] }; // è 3 ̀ È
- key <AE04> { [ ecircumflex, 4, ampersand, Ecircumflex ] }; // ê 4 & Ê
- key <AE05> { [ parenleft, 5, bracketleft, dead_doubleacute ] }; // ( 5 [ ̋
- key <AE06> { [ parenright, 6, bracketright, dead_doublegrave ] }; // ) 6 ] ̏
- key <AE07> { [ leftsinglequotemark, 7, dead_macron, VoidSymbol ] }; // ‘ 7 ̄
- key <AE08> { [rightsinglequotemark, 8, underscore, emdash ] }; // ’ 8 _ —
- key <AE09> { [ guillemotleft, 9, leftdoublequotemark, U2039 ] }; // « 9 “ ‹
- key <AE10> { [ guillemotright, 0, rightdoublequotemark, U203A ] }; // » 0 ” ›
- key <AE11> { [ apostrophe, quotedbl, degree, dead_abovering ] }; // ' " ° ̊
- key <AE12> { [ dead_circumflex, dead_diaeresis, dead_caron, VoidSymbol ] }; // ̂ ̈ ̌
- // Second row
- key <AD01> { [ a, A, ae, AE ] }; // a A æ Æ
- key <AD02> { [ z, Z, sterling, VoidSymbol ] }; // z Z £
- key <AD03> { [ e, E, EuroSign, VoidSymbol ] }; // e E €
- key <AD04> { [ r, R, registered, VoidSymbol ] }; // r R ®
- key <AD05> { [ t, T, braceleft, trademark ] }; // t T { ™
- key <AD06> { [ y, Y, braceright, VoidSymbol ] }; // y Y }
- key <AD07> { [ u, U, ugrave, Ugrave ] }; // u U ù Ù
- key <AD08> { [ i, I, dead_abovedot, dead_belowdot ] }; // i I ̇ ̣
- key <AD09> { [ o, O, oe, OE ] }; // o O œ Œ
- key <AD10> { [ p, P, percent, permille ] }; // p P % ‰
- key <AD11> { [ minus, endash, U2212, U2011 ] }; // - – − ‑ // signe moins (minus sign), trait d'union insécable (non-breaking hyphen)
- key <AD12> { [ plus, plusminus, dagger, doubledagger ] }; // + ± † ‡
- // Third row
- key <AC01> { [ q, Q, Greek_theta, VoidSymbol ] }; // q Q θ
- key <AC02> { [ s, S, ssharp, U1E9E ] }; // s S ß ẞ // lettre majuscule latine S dur (latin capital letter sharp s)
- key <AC03> { [ d, D, dollar, VoidSymbol ] }; // d D $
- key <AC04> { [ f, F, dead_currency, VoidSymbol ] }; // f F ¤
- key <AC05> { [ g, G, dead_greek, VoidSymbol ] }; // g G µ
- key <AC06> { [ h, H, VoidSymbol, dead_belowmacron ] }; // h H ̱ // Missing dead key for other european characters (ªəƏþÞıݺſðÐƞȠijIJ)
- key <AC07> { [ j, J, VoidSymbol, VoidSymbol ] }; // j J
- key <AC08> { [ k, K, dead_stroke, VoidSymbol ] }; // k K ̷
- key <AC09> { [ l, L, bar, VoidSymbol ] }; // l L |
- key <AC10> { [ m, M, infinity, VoidSymbol ] }; // m M ∞
- key <AC11> { [ slash, backslash, division, radical ] }; // / \ ÷ √
- key <BKSL> { [ asterisk, onehalf, multiply, onequarter ] }; // * ½ × ¼
- // Fourth row
- key <LSGT> { [ less, greater, lessthanequal, greaterthanequal ] }; // < > ≤ ≥
- key <AB01> { [ w, W, ezh, EZH ] }; // w W ʒ Ʒ
- key <AB02> { [ x, X, copyright, VoidSymbol ] }; // x X ©
- key <AB03> { [ c, C, ccedilla, Ccedilla ] }; // c C ç Ç
- key <AB04> { [ v, V, dead_cedilla, dead_ogonek ] }; // v V ̧ ̨
- key <AB05> { [ b, B, dead_stroke, VoidSymbol ] }; // b B ̵
- key <AB06> { [ n, N, dead_tilde, VoidSymbol ] }; // n N ̃
- key <AB07> { [ period, question, questiondown, VoidSymbol ] }; // . ? ¿
- key <AB08> { [ comma, exclam, exclamdown, dead_belowcomma ] }; // , ! ¡ ̦
- key <AB09> { [ colon, ellipsis, periodcentered, VoidSymbol ] }; // : … ·
- key <AB10> { [ semicolon, equal, similarequal, notequal ] }; // ; = ≃ ≠
+ include "level3(ralt_switch)"