path: root/TelepathyQt/channel-dispatch-operation.cpp
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1 files changed, 623 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/TelepathyQt/channel-dispatch-operation.cpp b/TelepathyQt/channel-dispatch-operation.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a24dbcb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TelepathyQt/channel-dispatch-operation.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
+ * This file is part of TelepathyQt
+ *
+ * @copyright Copyright (C) 2009 Collabora Ltd. <>
+ * @copyright Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation
+ * @license LGPL 2.1
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+#include <TelepathyQt/ChannelDispatchOperation>
+#include "TelepathyQt/channel-dispatch-operation-internal.h"
+#include "TelepathyQt/_gen/cli-channel-dispatch-operation-body.hpp"
+#include "TelepathyQt/_gen/cli-channel-dispatch-operation.moc.hpp"
+#include "TelepathyQt/_gen/channel-dispatch-operation.moc.hpp"
+#include "TelepathyQt/_gen/channel-dispatch-operation-internal.moc.hpp"
+#include "TelepathyQt/debug-internal.h"
+#include "TelepathyQt/fake-handler-manager-internal.h"
+#include <TelepathyQt/Account>
+#include <TelepathyQt/AccountFactory>
+#include <TelepathyQt/Channel>
+#include <TelepathyQt/ChannelFactory>
+#include <TelepathyQt/Connection>
+#include <TelepathyQt/ConnectionFactory>
+#include <TelepathyQt/ContactFactory>
+#include <TelepathyQt/PendingComposite>
+#include <TelepathyQt/PendingReady>
+#include <TelepathyQt/PendingVoid>
+#include <QPointer>
+namespace Tp
+struct TP_QT_NO_EXPORT ChannelDispatchOperation::Private
+ Private(ChannelDispatchOperation *parent);
+ ~Private();
+ static void introspectMain(Private *self);
+ void extractMainProps(const QVariantMap &props,
+ bool immutableProperties);
+ // Public object
+ ChannelDispatchOperation *parent;
+ // Context
+ AccountFactoryConstPtr accFactory;
+ ConnectionFactoryConstPtr connFactory;
+ ChannelFactoryConstPtr chanFactory;
+ ContactFactoryConstPtr contactFactory;
+ // Instance of generated interface class
+ Client::ChannelDispatchOperationInterface *baseInterface;
+ // Mandatory properties interface proxy
+ Client::DBus::PropertiesInterface *properties;
+ ReadinessHelper *readinessHelper;
+ // Introspection
+ QVariantMap immutableProperties;
+ ConnectionPtr connection;
+ AccountPtr account;
+ QList<ChannelPtr> channels;
+ QStringList possibleHandlers;
+ bool gotPossibleHandlers;
+ChannelDispatchOperation::Private::Private(ChannelDispatchOperation *parent)
+ : parent(parent),
+ baseInterface(new Client::ChannelDispatchOperationInterface(parent)),
+ properties(parent->interface<Client::DBus::PropertiesInterface>()),
+ readinessHelper(parent->readinessHelper()),
+ gotPossibleHandlers(false)
+ debug() << "Creating new ChannelDispatchOperation:" << parent->objectPath();
+ parent->connect(baseInterface,
+ SIGNAL(Finished()),
+ SLOT(onFinished()));
+ parent->connect(baseInterface,
+ SIGNAL(ChannelLost(QDBusObjectPath,QString,QString)),
+ SLOT(onChannelLost(QDBusObjectPath,QString,QString)));
+ ReadinessHelper::Introspectables introspectables;
+ // As ChannelDispatchOperation does not have predefined statuses let's simulate one (0)
+ ReadinessHelper::Introspectable introspectableCore(
+ QSet<uint>() << 0, // makesSenseForStatuses
+ Features(), // dependsOnFeatures
+ QStringList(), // dependsOnInterfaces
+ (ReadinessHelper::IntrospectFunc) &Private::introspectMain,
+ this);
+ introspectables[FeatureCore] = introspectableCore;
+ readinessHelper->addIntrospectables(introspectables);
+void ChannelDispatchOperation::Private::introspectMain(ChannelDispatchOperation::Private *self)
+ QVariantMap mainProps;
+ foreach (QString key, self->immutableProperties.keys()) {
+ QVariant value = self->immutableProperties.value(key);
+ mainProps.insert(
+ value);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!self->channels.isEmpty() && mainProps.contains(QLatin1String("Account"))
+ && mainProps.contains(QLatin1String("Connection"))
+ && mainProps.contains(QLatin1String("Interfaces"))
+ && mainProps.contains(QLatin1String("PossibleHandlers"))) {
+ debug() << "Supplied properties were sufficient, not introspecting"
+ << self->parent->objectPath();
+ self->extractMainProps(mainProps, true);
+ return;
+ }
+ debug() << "Calling Properties::GetAll(ChannelDispatchOperation)";
+ QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher =
+ new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(
+ self->parent);
+ self->parent->connect(watcher,
+ SIGNAL(finished(QDBusPendingCallWatcher*)),
+ SLOT(gotMainProperties(QDBusPendingCallWatcher*)));
+void ChannelDispatchOperation::Private::extractMainProps(const QVariantMap &props,
+ bool immutableProperties)
+ parent->setInterfaces(qdbus_cast<QStringList>(props.value(QLatin1String("Interfaces"))));
+ QList<PendingOperation *> readyOps;
+ if (!connection && props.contains(QLatin1String("Connection"))) {
+ QDBusObjectPath connectionObjectPath =
+ qdbus_cast<QDBusObjectPath>(props.value(QLatin1String("Connection")));
+ QString connectionBusName =
+ connectionObjectPath.path().mid(1).replace(QLatin1String("/"),
+ QLatin1String("."));
+ PendingReady *readyOp =
+ connFactory->proxy(connectionBusName, connectionObjectPath.path(),
+ chanFactory, contactFactory);
+ connection = ConnectionPtr::qObjectCast(readyOp->proxy());
+ readyOps.append(readyOp);
+ }
+ if (!account && props.contains(QLatin1String("Account"))) {
+ QDBusObjectPath accountObjectPath =
+ qdbus_cast<QDBusObjectPath>(props.value(QLatin1String("Account")));
+ PendingReady *readyOp =
+ accountObjectPath.path(), connFactory, chanFactory, contactFactory);
+ account = AccountPtr::qObjectCast(readyOp->proxy());
+ readyOps.append(readyOp);
+ }
+ if (!immutableProperties) {
+ // If we're here, it means we had to introspect the object, and now for sure have the
+ // correct channels list, so let's overwrite the initial channels - but keep the refs around
+ // for a while as an optimization enabling the factory to still return the same ones instead
+ // of constructing everything anew. Note that this is not done at all in the case the
+ // immutable props and initial channels etc were sufficient.
+ QList<ChannelPtr> saveChannels = channels;
+ channels.clear();
+ ChannelDetailsList channelDetailsList =
+ qdbus_cast<ChannelDetailsList>(props.value(QLatin1String("Channels")));
+ ChannelPtr channel;
+ foreach (const ChannelDetails &channelDetails, channelDetailsList) {
+ PendingReady *readyOp =
+ chanFactory->proxy(connection,
+ channels.append(ChannelPtr::qObjectCast(readyOp->proxy()));
+ readyOps.append(readyOp);
+ }
+ // saveChannels goes out of scope now, so any initial channels which don't exist anymore are
+ // freed
+ }
+ if (props.contains(QLatin1String("PossibleHandlers"))) {
+ possibleHandlers = qdbus_cast<QStringList>(props.value(QLatin1String("PossibleHandlers")));
+ gotPossibleHandlers = true;
+ }
+ if (readyOps.isEmpty()) {
+ debug() << "No proxies to prepare for CDO" << parent->objectPath();
+ readinessHelper->setIntrospectCompleted(FeatureCore, true);
+ } else {
+ parent->connect(new PendingComposite(readyOps, ChannelDispatchOperationPtr(parent)),
+ SIGNAL(finished(Tp::PendingOperation*)),
+ SLOT(onProxiesPrepared(Tp::PendingOperation*)));
+ }
+ChannelDispatchOperation::PendingClaim::PendingClaim(const ChannelDispatchOperationPtr &op,
+ const AbstractClientHandlerPtr &handler)
+ : PendingOperation(op),
+ mDispatchOp(op),
+ mHandler(handler)
+ debug() << "Invoking CDO.Claim";
+ connect(new PendingVoid(op->baseInterface()->Claim(), op),
+ SIGNAL(finished(Tp::PendingOperation*)),
+ SLOT(onClaimFinished(Tp::PendingOperation*)));
+void ChannelDispatchOperation::PendingClaim::onClaimFinished(
+ PendingOperation *op)
+ if (!op->isError()) {
+ debug() << "CDO.Claim returned successfully, updating HandledChannels";
+ if (mHandler) {
+ // register the channels in HandledChannels
+ FakeHandlerManager::instance()->registerChannels(
+ mDispatchOp->channels());
+ }
+ setFinished();
+ } else {
+ warning() << "CDO.Claim failed with" << op->errorName() << "-" << op->errorMessage();
+ setFinishedWithError(op->errorName(), op->errorMessage());
+ }
+ * \class ChannelDispatchOperation
+ * \ingroup clientchanneldispatchoperation
+ * \headerfile TelepathyQt/channel-dispatch-operation.h <TelepathyQt/ChannelDispatchOperation>
+ *
+ * \brief The ChannelDispatchOperation class represents a Telepathy channel
+ * dispatch operation.
+ *
+ * One of the channel dispatcher's functions is to offer incoming channels to
+ * Approver clients for approval. An approver should generally ask the user
+ * whether they want to participate in the requested communication channels
+ * (join the chat or chatroom, answer the call, accept the file transfer, or
+ * whatever is appropriate). A collection of channels offered in this way
+ * is represented by a ChannelDispatchOperation object.
+ *
+ * If the user wishes to accept the communication channels, the approver
+ * should call handleWith() to indicate the user's or approver's preferred
+ * handler for the channels (the empty string indicates no particular
+ * preference, and will cause any suitable handler to be used).
+ *
+ * If the user wishes to reject the communication channels, or if the user
+ * accepts the channels and the approver will handle them itself, the approver
+ * should call claim(). If the resulting PendingOperation succeeds, the approver
+ * immediately has control over the channels as their primary handler,
+ * and may do anything with them (in particular, it may close them in whatever
+ * way seems most appropriate).
+ *
+ * There are various situations in which the channel dispatch operation will
+ * be closed, causing the DBusProxy::invalidated() signal to be emitted. If this
+ * happens, the approver should stop prompting the user.
+ *
+ * Because all approvers are launched simultaneously, the user might respond
+ * to another approver; if this happens, the invalidated signal will be
+ * emitted with the error code #TP_QT_ERROR_OBJECT_REMOVED.
+ *
+ * If a channel closes, the signal channelLost() is emitted. If all channels
+ * close, there is nothing more to dispatch, so the invalidated signal will be
+ * emitted with the error code #TP_QT_ERROR_OBJECT_REMOVED.
+ *
+ * If the channel dispatcher crashes or exits, the invalidated
+ * signal will be emitted with the error code
+ * #TP_QT_DBUS_ERROR_NAME_HAS_NO_OWNER. In a high-quality implementation,
+ * the dispatcher should be restarted, at which point it will create new
+ * channel dispatch operations for any undispatched channels, and the approver
+ * will be notified again.
+ */
+ * Feature representing the core that needs to become ready to make the
+ * ChannelDispatchOperation object usable.
+ *
+ * Note that this feature must be enabled in order to use most
+ * ChannelDispatchOperation methods.
+ *
+ * When calling isReady(), becomeReady(), this feature is implicitly added
+ * to the requested features.
+ */
+const Feature ChannelDispatchOperation::FeatureCore = Feature(QLatin1String(ChannelDispatchOperation::staticMetaObject.className()), 0, true);
+ * Create a new channel dispatch operation object using the given \a bus, the given factories and
+ * the given initial channels.
+ *
+ * \param bus QDBusConnection to use.
+ * \param objectPath The channel dispatch operation object path.
+ * \param immutableProperties The channel dispatch operation immutable properties.
+ * \param initialChannels The channels this CDO has initially (further tracking is done internally).
+ * \param accountFactory The account factory to use.
+ * \param connectionFactory The connection factory to use.
+ * \param channelFactory The channel factory to use.
+ * \param contactFactory The contact factory to use.
+ * \return A ChannelDispatchOperationPtr object pointing to the newly created
+ * ChannelDispatchOperation object.
+ */
+ChannelDispatchOperationPtr ChannelDispatchOperation::create(const QDBusConnection &bus,
+ const QString &objectPath, const QVariantMap &immutableProperties,
+ const QList<ChannelPtr> &initialChannels,
+ const AccountFactoryConstPtr &accountFactory,
+ const ConnectionFactoryConstPtr &connectionFactory,
+ const ChannelFactoryConstPtr &channelFactory,
+ const ContactFactoryConstPtr &contactFactory)
+ return ChannelDispatchOperationPtr(new ChannelDispatchOperation(
+ bus, objectPath, immutableProperties, initialChannels, accountFactory,
+ connectionFactory, channelFactory, contactFactory));
+ * Construct a new channel dispatch operation object using the given \a bus, the given factories and
+ * the given initial channels.
+ *
+ * \param bus QDBusConnection to use
+ * \param objectPath The channel dispatch operation object path.
+ * \param immutableProperties The channel dispatch operation immutable properties.
+ * \param initialChannels The channels this CDO has initially (further tracking is done internally).
+ * \param accountFactory The account factory to use.
+ * \param connectionFactory The connection factory to use.
+ * \param channelFactory The channel factory to use.
+ * \param contactFactory The contact factory to use.
+ */
+ChannelDispatchOperation::ChannelDispatchOperation(const QDBusConnection &bus,
+ const QString &objectPath, const QVariantMap &immutableProperties,
+ const QList<ChannelPtr> &initialChannels,
+ const AccountFactoryConstPtr &accountFactory,
+ const ConnectionFactoryConstPtr &connectionFactory,
+ const ChannelFactoryConstPtr &channelFactory,
+ const ContactFactoryConstPtr &contactFactory)
+ : StatefulDBusProxy(bus,
+ objectPath, FeatureCore),
+ OptionalInterfaceFactory<ChannelDispatchOperation>(this),
+ mPriv(new Private(this))
+ if (accountFactory->dbusConnection().name() != {
+ warning() << " The D-Bus connection in the account factory is not the proxy connection";
+ }
+ if (connectionFactory->dbusConnection().name() != {
+ warning() << " The D-Bus connection in the connection factory is not the proxy connection";
+ }
+ if (channelFactory->dbusConnection().name() != {
+ warning() << " The D-Bus connection in the channel factory is not the proxy connection";
+ }
+ mPriv->channels = initialChannels;
+ mPriv->accFactory = accountFactory;
+ mPriv->connFactory = connectionFactory;
+ mPriv->chanFactory = channelFactory;
+ mPriv->contactFactory = contactFactory;
+ mPriv->immutableProperties = immutableProperties;
+ * Class destructor.
+ */
+ delete mPriv;
+ * Return the connection with which the channels for this dispatch
+ * operation are associated.
+ *
+ * This method requires ChannelDispatchOperation::FeatureCore to be ready.
+ *
+ * \return A pointer to the Connection object.
+ */
+ConnectionPtr ChannelDispatchOperation::connection() const
+ return mPriv->connection;
+ * Return the account with which the connection and channels for this dispatch
+ * operation are associated.
+ *
+ * This method requires ChannelDispatchOperation::FeatureCore to be ready.
+ *
+ * \return A pointer to the Account object.
+ */
+AccountPtr ChannelDispatchOperation::account() const
+ return mPriv->account;
+ * Return the channels to be dispatched.
+ *
+ * This method requires ChannelDispatchOperation::FeatureCore to be ready.
+ *
+ * \return A list of pointers to Channel objects.
+ */
+QList<ChannelPtr> ChannelDispatchOperation::channels() const
+ if (!isReady()) {
+ warning() << "ChannelDispatchOperation::channels called with channel "
+ "not ready";
+ }
+ return mPriv->channels;
+ * Return the well known bus names (starting with
+ * org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.) of the possible Handlers for this
+ * dispatch operation channels with the preferred handlers first.
+ *
+ * As a result, approvers should use the first handler by default, unless they
+ * have a reason to do otherwise.
+ *
+ * This method requires ChannelDispatchOperation::FeatureCore to be ready.
+ *
+ * \return List of possible handlers names.
+ */
+QStringList ChannelDispatchOperation::possibleHandlers() const
+ return mPriv->possibleHandlers;
+ * Called by an approver to accept a channel bundle and request that the given
+ * handler be used to handle it.
+ *
+ * If successful, this method will cause the ChannelDispatchOperation object to
+ * disappear, emitting invalidated with error
+ *
+ * However, this method may fail because the dispatch has already been completed
+ * and the object has already gone. If this occurs, it indicates that another
+ * approver has asked for the bundle to be handled by a particular handler. The
+ * approver must not attempt to interact with the channels further in this case,
+ * unless it is separately invoked as the handler.
+ *
+ * Approvers which are also channel handlers should use claim() instead of
+ * this method to request that they can handle a channel bundle themselves.
+ *
+ * \param handler The well-known bus name (starting with
+ * org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Client.) of the channel handler that
+ * should handle the channel, or an empty string if
+ * the client has no preferred channel handler.
+ * \return A PendingOperation which will emit PendingOperation::finished
+ * when the call has finished.
+ */
+PendingOperation *ChannelDispatchOperation::handleWith(const QString &handler)
+ return new PendingVoid(
+ mPriv->baseInterface->HandleWith(handler),
+ ChannelDispatchOperationPtr(this));
+ * Called by an approver to claim channels for closing them.
+ *
+ * \return A PendingOperation which will emit PendingOperation::finished
+ * when the call has finished.
+ */
+PendingOperation *ChannelDispatchOperation::claim()
+ return new PendingClaim(ChannelDispatchOperationPtr(this));
+ * Called by an approver to claim channels for handling internally. If this
+ * method is called successfully, the \a handler becomes the
+ * handler for the channel, but does not have the
+ * AbstractClientHandler::handleChannels() method called on it.
+ *
+ * Approvers wishing to reject channels must call this method to claim ownership
+ * of them, and must not call requestClose() on the channels unless/until this
+ * method returns successfully.
+ *
+ * The channel dispatcher can't know how best to close arbitrary channel types,
+ * so it leaves it up to the approver to do so. For instance, for text channels
+ * it is necessary to acknowledge any messages that have already been displayed
+ * to the user first - ideally, the approver would display and then acknowledge
+ * the messages - or to call Channel::requestClose() if the destructive
+ * behaviour of that method is desired.
+ *
+ * Similarly, an approver for streamed media channels can close the channel with
+ * a reason (e.g. "busy") if desired. The channel dispatcher, which is designed
+ * to have no specific knowledge of particular channel types, can't do that.
+ *
+ * If successful, this method will cause the ChannelDispatchOperation object to
+ * disappear, emitting Finished, in the same way as for handleWith().
+ *
+ * This method may fail because the dispatch operation has already been
+ * completed. Again, see handleWith() for more details. The approver must not
+ * attempt to interact with the channels further in this case.
+ *
+ * \param handler The channel handler, that should remain registered during the
+ * lifetime of channels(), otherwise dispatching will fail if the
+ * channel dispatcher restarts.
+ * \return A PendingOperation which will emit PendingOperation::finished
+ * when the call has finished.
+ * \sa claim(), handleWith()
+ */
+PendingOperation *ChannelDispatchOperation::claim(const AbstractClientHandlerPtr &handler)
+ if (!handler->isRegistered()) {
+ return new PendingFailure(TP_QT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,
+ QLatin1String("Handler must be registered for using claim(handler)"),
+ ChannelDispatchOperationPtr(this));
+ }
+ return new PendingClaim(ChannelDispatchOperationPtr(this),
+ handler);
+ * \fn void ChannelDispatchOperation::channelLost(const ChannelPtr &channel,
+ * const QString &errorName, const QString &errorMessage);
+ *
+ * Emitted when a channel has closed before it could be claimed or handled. If this is
+ * emitted for the last remaining channel in a channel dispatch operation, it
+ * will immediately be followed by invalidated() with error
+ *
+ * \param channel The channel that was closed.
+ * \param error The name of a D-Bus error indicating why the channel closed.
+ * \param errorMessage The error message.
+ */
+ * Return the ChannelDispatchOperationInterface for this ChannelDispatchOperation
+ * class. This method is protected since the convenience methods provided by
+ * this class should always be used instead of the interface by users of the
+ * class.
+ *
+ * \return A pointer to the existing Client::ChannelDispatchOperationInterface object for this
+ * ChannelDispatchOperation object.
+ */
+Client::ChannelDispatchOperationInterface *ChannelDispatchOperation::baseInterface() const
+ return mPriv->baseInterface;
+void ChannelDispatchOperation::onFinished()
+ debug() << "ChannelDispatchOperation finished and was removed";
+ QLatin1String("ChannelDispatchOperation finished and was removed"));
+void ChannelDispatchOperation::gotMainProperties(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher)
+ QDBusPendingReply<QVariantMap> reply = *watcher;
+ // Watcher is NULL if we didn't have to introspect at all
+ if (!reply.isError()) {
+ debug() << "Got reply to Properties::GetAll(ChannelDispatchOperation)";
+ mPriv->extractMainProps(reply.value(), false);
+ } else {
+ mPriv->readinessHelper->setIntrospectCompleted(FeatureCore,
+ false, reply.error());
+ warning().nospace() << "Properties::GetAll(ChannelDispatchOperation) failed with "
+ << reply.error().name() << ": " << reply.error().message();
+ }
+void ChannelDispatchOperation::onChannelLost(
+ const QDBusObjectPath &channelObjectPath,
+ const QString &errorName, const QString &errorMessage)
+ foreach (const ChannelPtr &channel, mPriv->channels) {
+ if (channel->objectPath() == channelObjectPath.path()) {
+ emit channelLost(channel, errorName, errorMessage);
+ mPriv->channels.removeOne(channel);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void ChannelDispatchOperation::onProxiesPrepared(Tp::PendingOperation *op)
+ if (op->isError()) {
+ warning() << "Preparing proxies for CDO" << objectPath() << "failed with"
+ << op->errorName() << ":" << op->errorMessage();
+ mPriv->readinessHelper->setIntrospectCompleted(FeatureCore, false);
+ } else {
+ mPriv->readinessHelper->setIntrospectCompleted(FeatureCore, true);
+ }
+} // Tp