path: root/agg/inc/agg_scanline_u.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 323 deletions
diff --git a/agg/inc/agg_scanline_u.h b/agg/inc/agg_scanline_u.h
deleted file mode 100755
index fd688ca..0000000
--- a/agg/inc/agg_scanline_u.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-// Anti-Grain Geometry - Version 2.3
-// Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Maxim Shemanarev (
-// Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software
-// is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies.
-// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
-// warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
-// Contact:
-#include <string.h>
-#include "agg_basics.h"
-namespace agg
- //==============================================================scanline_u
- //
- // Unpacked scanline container class
- //
- // This class is used to transfer data from a scanline rastyerizer
- // to the rendering buffer. It's organized very simple. The class stores
- // information of horizontal spans to render it into a pixel-map buffer.
- // Each span has staring X, length, and an array of bytes that determine the
- // cover-values for each pixel.
- // Before using this class you should know the minimal and maximal pixel
- // coordinates of your scanline. The protocol of using is:
- // 1. reset(min_x, max_x)
- // 2. add_cell() / add_span() - accumulate scanline.
- // When forming one scanline the next X coordinate must be always greater
- // than the last stored one, i.e. it works only with ordered coordinates.
- // 3. Call finalize(y) and render the scanline.
- // 3. Call reset_spans() to prepare for the new scanline.
- //
- // 4. Rendering:
- //
- // Scanline provides an iterator class that allows you to extract
- // the spans and the cover values for each pixel. Be aware that clipping
- // has not been done yet, so you should perform it yourself.
- // Use scanline_u8::iterator to render spans:
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // int y = sl.y(); // Y-coordinate of the scanline
- //
- // ************************************
- // ...Perform vertical clipping here...
- // ************************************
- //
- // scanline_u8::const_iterator span = sl.begin();
- //
- // unsigned char* row = m_rbuf->row(y); // The the address of the beginning
- // // of the current row
- //
- // unsigned num_spans = sl.num_spans(); // Number of spans. It's guaranteed that
- // // num_spans is always greater than 0.
- //
- // do
- // {
- // const scanline_u8::cover_type* covers =
- // span->covers; // The array of the cover values
- //
- // int num_pix = span->len; // Number of pixels of the span.
- // // Always greater than 0, still it's
- // // better to use "int" instead of
- // // "unsigned" because it's more
- // // convenient for clipping
- // int x = span->x;
- //
- // **************************************
- // ...Perform horizontal clipping here...
- // have x, covers, and pix_count..
- // **************************************
- //
- // unsigned char* dst = row + x; // Calculate the start address of the row.
- // // In this case we assume a simple
- // // grayscale image 1-byte per pixel.
- // do
- // {
- // *dst++ = *covers++; // Hypotetical rendering.
- // }
- // while(--num_pix);
- //
- // ++span;
- // }
- // while(--num_spans); // num_spans cannot be 0, so this loop is quite safe
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // The question is: why should we accumulate the whole scanline when we
- // could render just separate spans when they're ready?
- // That's because using the scaline is generally faster. When is consists
- // of more than one span the conditions for the processor cash system
- // are better, because switching between two different areas of memory
- // (that can be very large) occures less frequently.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<class T> class scanline_u
- {
- public:
- typedef T cover_type;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- struct span
- {
- int16 x;
- int16 len;
- cover_type* covers;
- };
- typedef span* iterator;
- typedef const span* const_iterator;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- ~scanline_u();
- scanline_u();
- void reset(int min_x, int max_x);
- void add_cell(int x, unsigned cover);
- void add_cells(int x, unsigned len, const T* covers);
- void add_span(int x, unsigned len, unsigned cover);
- void finalize(int y) { m_y = y; }
- void reset_spans();
- int y() const { return m_y; }
- unsigned num_spans() const { return unsigned(m_cur_span - m_spans); }
- const_iterator begin() const { return m_spans + 1; }
- iterator begin() { return m_spans + 1; }
- private:
- scanline_u<T>(const scanline_u<T>&);
- const scanline_u<T>& operator = (const scanline_u<T>&);
- private:
- int m_min_x;
- unsigned m_max_len;
- int m_last_x;
- int m_y;
- cover_type* m_covers;
- span* m_spans;
- span* m_cur_span;
- };
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<class T> scanline_u<T>::~scanline_u()
- {
- delete [] m_spans;
- delete [] m_covers;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<class T> scanline_u<T>::scanline_u() :
- m_min_x(0),
- m_max_len(0),
- m_last_x(0x7FFFFFF0),
- m_covers(0),
- m_spans(0),
- m_cur_span(0)
- {
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<class T> void scanline_u<T>::reset(int min_x, int max_x)
- {
- unsigned max_len = max_x - min_x + 2;
- if(max_len > m_max_len)
- {
- delete [] m_spans;
- delete [] m_covers;
- m_covers = new cover_type [max_len];
- m_spans = new span [max_len];
- m_max_len = max_len;
- }
- m_last_x = 0x7FFFFFF0;
- m_min_x = min_x;
- m_cur_span = m_spans;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<class T> inline void scanline_u<T>::reset_spans()
- {
- m_last_x = 0x7FFFFFF0;
- m_cur_span = m_spans;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<class T> inline void scanline_u<T>::add_cell(int x, unsigned cover)
- {
- x -= m_min_x;
- m_covers[x] = (unsigned char)cover;
- if(x == m_last_x+1)
- {
- m_cur_span->len++;
- }
- else
- {
- m_cur_span++;
- m_cur_span->x = (int16)(x + m_min_x);
- m_cur_span->len = 1;
- m_cur_span->covers = m_covers + x;
- }
- m_last_x = x;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<class T> void scanline_u<T>::add_cells(int x, unsigned len, const T* covers)
- {
- x -= m_min_x;
- memcpy(m_covers + x, covers, len * sizeof(T));
- if(x == m_last_x+1)
- {
- m_cur_span->len += (int16)len;
- }
- else
- {
- m_cur_span++;
- m_cur_span->x = (int16)(x + m_min_x);
- m_cur_span->len = (int16)len;
- m_cur_span->covers = m_covers + x;
- }
- m_last_x = x + len - 1;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<class T> void scanline_u<T>::add_span(int x, unsigned len, unsigned cover)
- {
- x -= m_min_x;
- memset(m_covers + x, cover, len);
- if(x == m_last_x+1)
- {
- m_cur_span->len += (int16)len;
- }
- else
- {
- m_cur_span++;
- m_cur_span->x = (int16)(x + m_min_x);
- m_cur_span->len = (int16)len;
- m_cur_span->covers = m_covers + x;
- }
- m_last_x = x + len - 1;
- }
- //=============================================================scanline_u8
- typedef scanline_u<int8u> scanline_u8;
- //============================================================scanline_u16
- typedef scanline_u<int16u> scanline_u16;
- //============================================================scanline_u32
- typedef scanline_u<int32u> scanline_u32;
- //=============================================================scanline_am
- //
- // The scanline container with alpha-masking
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template<class AlphaMask, class CoverT>
- class scanline_am : public scanline_u<CoverT>
- {
- public:
- typedef AlphaMask alpha_mask_type;
- typedef CoverT cover_type;
- typedef scanline_u<CoverT> scanline_type;
- scanline_am() : scanline_type(), m_alpha_mask(0) {}
- scanline_am(const AlphaMask& am) : scanline_type(), m_alpha_mask(&am) {}
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- void finalize(int span_y)
- {
- scanline_u<CoverT>::finalize(span_y);
- if(m_alpha_mask)
- {
- typename scanline_type::iterator span = scanline_type::begin();
- unsigned count = scanline_type::num_spans();
- do
- {
- m_alpha_mask->combine_hspan(span->x,
- scanline_type::y(),
- span->covers,
- span->len);
- ++span;
- }
- while(--count);
- }
- }
- private:
- const AlphaMask* m_alpha_mask;
- };
- //==========================================================scanline_u8_am
- template<class AlphaMask>
- class scanline_u8_am : public scanline_am<AlphaMask, int8u>
- {
- public:
- typedef AlphaMask alpha_mask_type;
- typedef int8u cover_type;
- typedef scanline_am<alpha_mask_type, cover_type> self_type;
- scanline_u8_am() : self_type() {}
- scanline_u8_am(const AlphaMask& am) : self_type(am) {}
- };