path: root/icon-themes/breeze_svg/vcl/res/collate.svg
diff options
authorandreas kainz <>2017-08-17 11:36:08 +0200
committerTomaž Vajngerl <>2017-08-17 17:43:12 +0200
commitdc9d435f6fcfe413c5891aac8d1fe236ee11ccb6 (patch)
tree9cc73948bca38ff03763290017f4956eba82aa02 /icon-themes/breeze_svg/vcl/res/collate.svg
parentf0348fb4bfa9586ff75b0495c221c0eac9359615 (diff)
clean xml code in the breeze_svg icons
Change-Id: I1a7fc0f4978d3a61b4717fcbbc2bd752a401c86e Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Tomaž Vajngerl <> Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Diffstat (limited to 'icon-themes/breeze_svg/vcl/res/collate.svg')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 161 deletions
diff --git a/icon-themes/breeze_svg/vcl/res/collate.svg b/icon-themes/breeze_svg/vcl/res/collate.svg
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76 15.015625 L 76 15 L 74.5 15 L 72 15 L 72 10 z M 41.367188 14 C 39.908851 14 38.791665 14.294212 38.015625 14.882812 L 38.453125 16.023438 C 38.77604 15.768237 39.16406 15.565163 39.617188 15.414062 C 40.07031 15.262563 40.554685 15.1875 41.070312 15.1875 C 42.5026 15.1875 43.218744 15.8125 43.21875 17.0625 C 43.218744 17.3958 43.161452 17.684888 43.046875 17.929688 C 42.932286 18.174487 42.783848 18.369825 42.601562 18.515625 C 42.419266 18.661425 42.187495 18.778188 41.90625 18.867188 C 41.630204 18.955688 41.351559 19.018687 41.070312 19.054688 C 40.794267 19.086688 40.473955 19.099375 40.109375 19.109375 L 39.71875 19.109375 L 39.71875 20.273438 C 39.770831 20.273438 39.848956 20.273203 39.953125 20.283203 L 40.1875 20.283203 C 40.609371 20.293203 40.979163 20.322141 41.296875 20.369141 C 41.619787 20.410741 41.932287 20.486303 42.234375 20.595703 C 42.541661 20.699903 42.791661 20.840478 42.984375 21.017578 C 43.182286 21.189478 43.338535 21.418578 43.453125 21.705078 C 43.572912 21.986278 43.632807 22.317066 43.632812 22.697266 C 43.632807 23.395166 43.401035 23.939478 42.9375 24.330078 C 42.479161 24.715478 41.85937 24.908203 41.078125 24.908203 C 40.062497 24.908203 39.187498 24.619216 38.453125 24.041016 L 38.015625 25.189453 C 38.265624 25.429053 38.661457 25.639966 39.203125 25.822266 C 39.749997 26.004666 40.372394 26.095703 41.070312 26.095703 L 41.070312 26.09375 C 42.22135 26.09375 43.164057 25.786475 43.898438 25.171875 C 44.632806 24.557375 44.999992 23.736938 45 22.710938 C 44.999992 21.903638 44.791659 21.237038 44.375 20.710938 C 43.963535 20.184937 43.393223 19.8437 42.664062 19.6875 C 43.315098 19.4843 43.820307 19.148387 44.179688 18.679688 C 44.539056 18.210887 44.718742 17.612012 44.71875 16.882812 C 44.718742 16.283813 44.557284 15.763013 44.234375 15.320312 C 43.911451 14.872412 43.499994 14.541625 43 14.328125 C 42.499995 14.109425 41.955725 14 41.367188 14 z M 96.367188 14 C 94.908852 14 93.791665 14.294212 93.015625 14.882812 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