path: root/examples/python/gi/
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples/python/gi/')
1 files changed, 373 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/python/gi/ b/examples/python/gi/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..9fd86631bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/python/gi/
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
+# A example script to activate many profiles in parallel.
+# It uses entirely asynchronous API. At various points the
+# script explicitly iterates the main context, which is unlike
+# a more complex application that uses the GMainContext, which
+# probably would run the context only at one point as long as
+# the application is running (from the main function).
+import sys
+import os
+import gi
+import time
+gi.require_version("NM", "1.0")
+from gi.repository import NM, GLib, Gio
+start_time = time.monotonic()
+class MyError(Exception):
+ pass
+def log(msg):
+ # use nm_utils_print(), so that the log messages are in synch with
+ # LIBNM_CLIENT_DEBUG=trace messages.
+ NM.utils_print(0, "[%015.10f] %s\n" % (time.monotonic() - start_time, msg))
+def nmc_new(io_priority=GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, cancellable=None):
+ # create a NMClient instance using the async initialization
+ # (but the function itself iterates the main context until
+ # the initialization completes).
+ result = []
+ def cb(source_object, res):
+ try:
+ source_object.init_finish(res)
+ except Exception as e:
+ result.append(e)
+ else:
+ result.append(None)
+ nmc = NM.Client()
+ nmc.init_async(io_priority, cancellable, cb)
+ while not result:
+ nmc.get_main_context().iteration(may_block=True)
+ if result[0]:
+ raise result[0]
+ log("initialized NMClient cache")
+ return nmc
+def nmc_destroy(nmc_transfer_ref):
+ # Just for fun, show how to completely cleanup a NMClient instance.
+ # An NMClient instance registers D-Bus signals and unrefing the instance
+ # will cancel/unsubscribe those signals, but there might still be some
+ # pending operations scheduled on the main context. That means, after
+ # unrefing the NMClient instance, we may need to iterate the GMainContext
+ # a bit longer, go get rid of all resources (otherwise, the GMainContext
+ # itself cannot be destroyed and leaks).
+ #
+ # We can use nm_client_get_context_busy_watcher() for that, by subscribing
+ # a weak reference and iterating the context as long as the object is
+ # alive.
+ nmc = nmc_transfer_ref[0]
+ del nmc_transfer_ref[0]
+ alive = [1]
+ def weak_ref_cb(alive):
+ del alive[0]
+ nmc.get_context_busy_watcher().weak_ref(weak_ref_cb, alive)
+ main_context = nmc.get_main_context()
+ del nmc
+ while alive:
+ main_context.iteration(may_block=True)
+ log("NMClient instance cleaned up")
+def find_connections(nmc, argv):
+ # parse the inpurt argv and select the connection profiles to activate.
+ # The arguments are either "" or "connection.uuid", possibly
+ # qualified by "id" or "uuid".
+ result = []
+ while True:
+ if not argv:
+ break
+ arg_type = argv.pop(0)
+ if arg_type in ["id", "uuid"]:
+ if not argv:
+ raise MyError('missing specifier after "%s"' % (arg_type))
+ arg_param = argv.pop(0)
+ else:
+ arg_param = arg_type
+ arg_type = "*"
+ cc = []
+ for c in nmc.get_connections():
+ if arg_type in ["id", "*"] and arg_param == c.get_id():
+ cc.append(c)
+ if arg_type in ["uuid", "*"] and arg_param == c.get_uuid():
+ cc.append(c)
+ if not cc:
+ raise MyError(
+ 'Could not find a matching connection "%s" "%s"' % (arg_type, arg_param)
+ )
+ if len(cc) > 1:
+ raise MyError(
+ 'Could not find a unique matching connection "%s" "%s", instead %d profiles found'
+ % (arg_type, arg_param, len(cc))
+ )
+ if cc[0] not in result:
+ # we allow duplicates, but combine them.
+ result.extend(cc)
+ for c in result:
+ log(
+ "requested connection: %s (%s) (%s)"
+ % (c.get_id(), c.get_uuid(), c.get_path())
+ )
+ return result
+def nmc_activate_start(nmc, con):
+ # Call nmc.activate_connection_async() and return a user data
+ # with the information about the pending operation.
+ activation = {
+ "con": con,
+ "result": None,
+ "result_msg": None,
+ "result_ac": None,
+ "ac_result": None,
+ }
+ log("activation %s (%s) start asynchronously" % (con.get_id(), con.get_uuid()))
+ def cb(source_object, res, activation):
+ # The callback does not call other code for signaling the
+ # completion. Instead, we remember in "activation" that
+ # the callback was completed.
+ #
+ # Other code will repeatedly go through the "activation_list"
+ # and find those that are completed (nmc_activate_find_completed()).
+ try:
+ ac = nmc.activate_connection_finish(res)
+ except Exception as e:
+ activation["result"] = False
+ activation["result_msg"] = str(e)
+ else:
+ activation["result"] = True
+ activation["result_msg"] = "success"
+ activation["result_ac"] = ac
+ nmc.activate_connection_async(con, None, None, None, cb, activation)
+ return activation
+def nmc_activate_find_completed(activation_list):
+ # Iterate over list of "activation" data, find the first
+ # one that is completed, remove it from the list and return
+ # it.
+ for idx, activation in enumerate(activation_list):
+ if activation["result"] is not None:
+ del activation_list[idx]
+ return activation
+ return None
+def nmc_activate_complete(
+ nmc, activation_list, completed_list, num_parallel_invocations
+ # We schedule activations asynchronously and in parallel. However, we
+ # still want to rate limit the number of parallel activations. This
+ # function does that: if there are more than "num_parallel_invocations" activations
+ # in progress, then wait until the excess number of them completed.
+ # The completed ones move from "activation_list" over to "completed_list".
+ completed = 0
+ while True:
+ need_to_wait = len(activation_list) > num_parallel_invocations
+ # Even if we don't need to wait (that is, the list of pending activations
+ # is reasonably short), we still tentatively iterate the GMainContext a bit.
+ if not nmc.get_main_context().iteration(may_block=need_to_wait):
+ if need_to_wait:
+ continue
+ # Ok, nothing ready yet.
+ break
+ # this is not efficient after each iteration(), but it's good enough.
+ # The activation list is supposed to be short.
+ activation = nmc_activate_find_completed(activation_list)
+ if activation is None:
+ continue
+ con = activation["con"]
+ log(
+ "activation %s (%s) start complete: %s%s"
+ % (
+ con.get_id(),
+ con.get_uuid(),
+ activation["result_msg"],
+ (
+ ""
+ if not activation["result"]
+ else (" (%s)" % (activation["result_ac"].get_path()))
+ ),
+ )
+ )
+ completed += 1
+ completed_list.append(activation)
+ if completed > 0:
+ log(
+ "completed %d activations, %d activations still pending"
+ % (completed, len(activation_list))
+ )
+def nmc_activate_all(nmc, cons):
+ # iterate of all connections ("cons") and activate them
+ # in parallel. nmc_activate_complete() is used to rate limits
+ # how many parallel invocations we allow.
+ num_parallel_invocations = 100
+ activation_list = []
+ completed_list = []
+ for c in cons:
+ activation = nmc_activate_start(nmc, c)
+ activation_list.append(activation)
+ nmc_activate_complete(
+ nmc, activation_list, completed_list, num_parallel_invocations
+ )
+ nmc_activate_complete(nmc, activation_list, completed_list, 0)
+ assert not activation_list
+ assert len(completed_list) == len(cons)
+ return completed_list
+def nmc_activate_wait_for_pending(nmc, completed_list):
+ # go through the list of activations and wait that they
+ # all reach a final state. That is, either that they are failed
+ # or fully ACTIVATED state.
+ log("wait for all active connection to either reach ACTIVATED state or fail...")
+ def log_result(activation, message):
+ activation["ac_result"] = message
+ log(
+ "connection %s (%s) activation fully completed: %s"
+ % (ac.get_id(), ac.get_uuid(), message)
+ )
+ while True:
+ # again, it's not efficient to check the entire list for completion
+ # after each g_main_context_iteration(). But "completed_list" should
+ # be reasonably small.
+ activation = None
+ for idx, activ in enumerate(completed_list):
+ if activ["ac_result"] is not None:
+ continue
+ if activ["result"] is False:
+ log_result(activ, "failed to start activation")
+ continue
+ ac = activ["result_ac"]
+ if ac.get_client() is None:
+ log_result(activ, "active connection disappeared")
+ continue
+ if ac.get_state() == NM.ActiveConnectionState.ACTIVATED:
+ log_result(activ, "connection successfully activated")
+ continue
+ if ac.get_state() > NM.ActiveConnectionState.ACTIVATED:
+ log_result(
+ activ, "connection failed to activate (state %s)" % (ac.get_state())
+ )
+ continue
+ activation = activ
+ break
+ if activation is None:
+ log("no more activation to wait for")
+ break
+ nmc.get_main_context().iteration(may_block=True)
+def nmc_activate_check_good(nmc, completed_list):
+ # go through the list of activations and check that all of them are
+ # in a good state.
+ n_good = 0
+ n_bad = 0
+ for activ in completed_list:
+ if activ["result"] is False:
+ n_bad += 1
+ continue
+ ac = activ["result_ac"]
+ if ac.get_client() is None:
+ n_bad += 1
+ continue
+ if ac.get_state() != NM.ActiveConnectionState.ACTIVATED:
+ n_bad += 1
+ continue
+ n_good += 1
+ log(
+ "%d out of %d activations are now successfully activated"
+ % (n_good, n_good + n_bad)
+ )
+ return n_bad == 0
+def main():
+ nmc = nmc_new()
+ cons = find_connections(nmc, sys.argv[1:])
+ completed_list = nmc_activate_all(nmc, cons)
+ nmc_activate_wait_for_pending(nmc, completed_list)
+ all_good = nmc_activate_check_good(nmc, completed_list)
+ nmc_transfer_ref = [nmc]
+ del nmc
+ nmc_destroy(nmc_transfer_ref)
+ sys.exit(0 if all_good else 1)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()