/** * This file is part of TelepathyQt * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Collabora Ltd. * @copyright Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation * @license LGPL 2.1 * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include "TelepathyQt/contact-manager-internal.h" #include "TelepathyQt/_gen/contact-manager.moc.hpp" #include "TelepathyQt/debug-internal.h" #include "TelepathyQt/future-internal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Tp { struct TP_QT_NO_EXPORT ContactManager::Private { Private(ContactManager *parent, Connection *connection); ~Private(); // avatar specific methods bool buildAvatarFileName(QString token, bool createDir, QString &avatarFileName, QString &mimeTypeFileName); Features realFeatures(const Features &features); QSet interfacesForFeatures(const Features &features); ContactManager *parent; WeakPtr connection; ContactManager::Roster *roster; QMap > contacts; QMap tracking; Features supportedFeatures; // avatar QSet requestAvatarsQueue; bool requestAvatarsIdle; // contact info PendingRefreshContactInfo *refreshInfoOp; }; ContactManager::Private::Private(ContactManager *parent, Connection *connection) : parent(parent), connection(connection), roster(new ContactManager::Roster(parent)), requestAvatarsIdle(false), refreshInfoOp(0) { } ContactManager::Private::~Private() { delete refreshInfoOp; delete roster; } bool ContactManager::Private::buildAvatarFileName(QString token, bool createDir, QString &avatarFileName, QString &mimeTypeFileName) { QString cacheDir = QString(QLatin1String(qgetenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME"))); if (cacheDir.isEmpty()) { cacheDir = QString(QLatin1String("%1/.cache")).arg(QLatin1String(qgetenv("HOME"))); } ConnectionPtr conn(parent->connection()); QString path = QString(QLatin1String("%1/telepathy/avatars/%2/%3")). arg(cacheDir).arg(conn->cmName()).arg(conn->protocolName()); if (createDir && !QDir().mkpath(path)) { return false; } avatarFileName = QString(QLatin1String("%1/%2")).arg(path).arg(escapeAsIdentifier(token)); mimeTypeFileName = QString(QLatin1String("%1.mime")).arg(avatarFileName); return true; } Features ContactManager::Private::realFeatures(const Features &features) { Features ret(features); ret.unite(parent->connection()->contactFactory()->features()); // FeatureAvatarData depends on FeatureAvatarToken if (ret.contains(Contact::FeatureAvatarData) && !ret.contains(Contact::FeatureAvatarToken)) { ret.insert(Contact::FeatureAvatarToken); } return ret; } QSet ContactManager::Private::interfacesForFeatures(const Features &features) { Features supported = parent->supportedFeatures(); QSet ret; foreach (const Feature &feature, features) { parent->ensureTracking(feature); if (supported.contains(feature)) { // Only query interfaces which are reported as supported to not get an error ret.insert(parent->featureToInterface(feature)); } } return ret; } ContactManager::PendingRefreshContactInfo::PendingRefreshContactInfo(const ConnectionPtr &conn) : PendingOperation(conn), mConn(conn) { } ContactManager::PendingRefreshContactInfo::~PendingRefreshContactInfo() { } void ContactManager::PendingRefreshContactInfo::addContact(Contact *contact) { mToRequest.insert(contact->handle()[0]); } void ContactManager::PendingRefreshContactInfo::refreshInfo() { Q_ASSERT(!mToRequest.isEmpty()); if (!mConn->isValid()) { setFinishedWithError(TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection is invalid")); return; } if (!mConn->hasInterface(TP_QT_IFACE_CONNECTION_INTERFACE_CONTACT_INFO)) { setFinishedWithError(TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, QLatin1String("Connection does not support ContactInfo interface")); return; } debug() << "Calling ContactInfo.RefreshContactInfo for" << mToRequest.size() << "handles"; Client::ConnectionInterfaceContactInfoInterface *contactInfoInterface = mConn->interface(); Q_ASSERT(contactInfoInterface); PendingVoid *nested = new PendingVoid( contactInfoInterface->RefreshContactInfo(mToRequest.toList()), mConn); connect(nested, SIGNAL(finished(Tp::PendingOperation*)), SLOT(onRefreshInfoFinished(Tp::PendingOperation*))); } void ContactManager::PendingRefreshContactInfo::onRefreshInfoFinished(PendingOperation *op) { if (op->isError()) { warning() << "ContactInfo.RefreshContactInfo failed with" << op->errorName() << "-" << op->errorMessage(); setFinishedWithError(op->errorName(), op->errorMessage()); } else { debug() << "Got reply to ContactInfo.RefreshContactInfo"; setFinished(); } } /** * \class ContactManager * \ingroup clientconn * \headerfile TelepathyQt/contact-manager.h * * \brief The ContactManager class is responsible for managing contacts. * * See \ref async_model, \ref shared_ptr */ /** * Construct a new ContactManager object. * * \param connection The connection owning this ContactManager. */ ContactManager::ContactManager(Connection *connection) : Object(), mPriv(new Private(this, connection)) { } /** * Class destructor. */ ContactManager::~ContactManager() { delete mPriv; } /** * Return the connection owning this ContactManager. * * \return A pointer to the Connection object. */ ConnectionPtr ContactManager::connection() const { return ConnectionPtr(mPriv->connection); } /** * Return the features that are expected to work on contacts on this ContactManager connection. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureCore to be ready. * * \return The supported features as a set of Feature objects. */ Features ContactManager::supportedFeatures() const { if (mPriv->supportedFeatures.isEmpty() && connection()->interfaces().contains(TP_QT_IFACE_CONNECTION_INTERFACE_CONTACTS)) { Features allFeatures = Features() << Contact::FeatureAlias << Contact::FeatureAvatarToken << Contact::FeatureAvatarData << Contact::FeatureSimplePresence << Contact::FeatureCapabilities << Contact::FeatureLocation << Contact::FeatureInfo << Contact::FeatureRosterGroups << Contact::FeatureAddresses; QStringList interfaces = connection()->lowlevel()->contactAttributeInterfaces(); foreach (const Feature &feature, allFeatures) { if (interfaces.contains(featureToInterface(feature))) { mPriv->supportedFeatures.insert(feature); } } debug() << mPriv->supportedFeatures.size() << "contact features supported using" << this; } return mPriv->supportedFeatures; } /** * Return the progress made in retrieving the contact list. * * Change notification is via the stateChanged() signal. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRoster to be ready. * * \return The contact list state as #ContactListState. * \sa stateChanged() */ ContactListState ContactManager::state() const { return mPriv->roster->state(); } /** * Return a list of relevant contacts (a reasonable guess as to what should * be displayed as "the contact list"). * * This may include any or all of: contacts whose presence the user receives, * contacts who are allowed to see the user's presence, contacts stored in * some persistent contact list on the server, contacts who the user * has blocked from communicating with them, or contacts who are relevant * in some other way. * * User interfaces displaying a contact list will probably want to filter this * list and display some suitable subset of it. * * On protocols where there is no concept of presence or a centrally-stored * contact list (like IRC), this method may return an empty list. * * Change notification is via the allKnownContactsChanged() signal. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRoster to be ready. * * \return A set of pointers to the Contact objects. * \sa allKnownContactsChanged() */ Contacts ContactManager::allKnownContacts() const { if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureRoster)) { warning() << "Calling allKnownContacts() before FeatureRoster is ready"; return Contacts(); } return mPriv->roster->allKnownContacts(); } /** * Return a list of user-defined contact list groups' names. * * Change notification is via the groupAdded(), groupRemoved() and groupRenamed() signals. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRosterGroups to be ready. * * \return The list of user-defined contact list groups names. * \sa groupMembersChanged(), groupAdded(), groupRemoved(), groupRenamed() */ QStringList ContactManager::allKnownGroups() const { if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureRosterGroups)) { return QStringList(); } return mPriv->roster->allKnownGroups(); } /** * Attempt to add an user-defined contact list group named \a group. * * On some protocols (e.g. XMPP) empty groups are not represented on the server, * so disconnecting from the server and reconnecting might cause empty groups to * vanish. * * The returned pending operation will finish successfully if the group already * exists. * * Change notification is via the groupAdded() signal. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRosterGroups to be ready. * * \param group The group name. * \return A PendingOperation which will emit PendingOperation::finished * when an attempt has been made to add an user-defined contact list group. * \sa allKnownGroups(), groupAdded(), addContactsToGroup() */ PendingOperation *ContactManager::addGroup(const QString &group) { if (!connection()->isValid()) { return new PendingFailure(TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection is invalid"), connection()); } else if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureRosterGroups)) { return new PendingFailure(TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection::FeatureRosterGroups is not ready"), connection()); } return mPriv->roster->addGroup(group); } /** * Attempt to remove an user-defined contact list group named \a group. * * Change notification is via the groupRemoved() signal. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRosterGroups to be ready. * * \param group The group name. * \return A PendingOperation which will emit PendingOperation::finished() * when an attempt has been made to remove an user-defined contact list group. * \sa allKnownGroups(), groupRemoved(), removeContactsFromGroup() */ PendingOperation *ContactManager::removeGroup(const QString &group) { if (!connection()->isValid()) { return new PendingFailure(TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection is invalid"), connection()); } else if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureRosterGroups)) { return new PendingFailure(TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection::FeatureRosterGroups is not ready"), connection()); } return mPriv->roster->removeGroup(group); } /** * Return the contacts in the given user-defined contact list group * named \a group. * * Change notification is via the groupMembersChanged() signal. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRosterGroups to be ready. * * \param group The group name. * \return A set of pointers to the Contact objects, or an empty set if the group does not exist. * \sa allKnownGroups(), groupMembersChanged() */ Contacts ContactManager::groupContacts(const QString &group) const { if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureRosterGroups)) { return Contacts(); } return mPriv->roster->groupContacts(group); } /** * Attempt to add the given \a contacts to the user-defined contact list * group named \a group. * * Change notification is via the groupMembersChanged() signal. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRosterGroups to be ready. * * \param group The group name. * \param contacts Contacts to add. * \return A PendingOperation which will emit PendingOperation::finished() * when an attempt has been made to add the contacts to the user-defined * contact list group. * \sa groupMembersChanged(), groupContacts() */ PendingOperation *ContactManager::addContactsToGroup(const QString &group, const QList &contacts) { if (!connection()->isValid()) { return new PendingFailure(TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection is invalid"), connection()); } else if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureRosterGroups)) { return new PendingFailure(TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection::FeatureRosterGroups is not ready"), connection()); } return mPriv->roster->addContactsToGroup(group, contacts); } /** * Attempt to remove the given \a contacts from the user-defined contact list * group named \a group. * * Change notification is via the groupMembersChanged() signal. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRosterGroups to be ready. * * \param group The group name. * \param contacts Contacts to remove. * \return A PendingOperation which will PendingOperation::finished * when an attempt has been made to remove the contacts from the user-defined * contact list group. * \sa groupMembersChanged(), groupContacts() */ PendingOperation *ContactManager::removeContactsFromGroup(const QString &group, const QList &contacts) { if (!connection()->isValid()) { return new PendingFailure(TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection is invalid"), connection()); } else if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureRosterGroups)) { return new PendingFailure(TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection::FeatureRosterGroups is not ready"), connection()); } return mPriv->roster->removeContactsFromGroup(group, contacts); } /** * Return whether subscribing to additional contacts' presence is supported. * * In some protocols, the list of contacts whose presence can be seen is * fixed, so we can't subscribe to the presence of additional contacts. * * Notably, in link-local XMPP, you can see the presence of everyone on the * local network, and trying to add more subscriptions would be meaningless. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRoster to be ready. * * \return \c true if Contact::requestPresenceSubscription() and * requestPresenceSubscription() are likely to succeed, \c false otherwise. * \sa requestPresenceSubscription(), subscriptionRequestHasMessage() */ bool ContactManager::canRequestPresenceSubscription() const { if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureRoster)) { return false; } return mPriv->roster->canRequestPresenceSubscription(); } /** * Return whether a message can be sent when subscribing to contacts' * presence. * * If no message will actually be sent, user interfaces should avoid prompting * the user for a message, and use an empty string for the message argument. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRoster to be ready. * * \return \c true if the message argument to Contact::requestPresenceSubscription() and * requestPresenceSubscription() is actually used, \c false otherwise. * \sa canRemovePresenceSubscription(), requestPresenceSubscription() */ bool ContactManager::subscriptionRequestHasMessage() const { if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureRoster)) { return false; } return mPriv->roster->subscriptionRequestHasMessage(); } /** * Attempt to subscribe to the presence of the given contacts. * * This operation is sometimes called "adding contacts to the buddy * list" or "requesting authorization". * * On most protocols, the contacts will need to give permission * before the user will be able to receive their presence: if so, they will * be in presence state Contact::PresenceStateAsk until they authorize * or deny the request. * * The returned PendingOperation will return successfully when a request to * subscribe to the contacts' presence has been submitted, or fail if this * cannot happen. In particular, it does not wait for the contacts to give * permission for the presence subscription. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRoster to be ready. * * \param contacts Contacts whose presence is desired * \param message A message from the user which is either transmitted to the * contacts, or ignored, depending on the protocol * \return A PendingOperation which will PendingOperation::finished() * when an attempt has been made to subscribe to the contacts' presence. * \sa canRequestPresenceSubscription(), subscriptionRequestHasMessage() */ PendingOperation *ContactManager::requestPresenceSubscription( const QList &contacts, const QString &message) { if (!connection()->isValid()) { return new PendingFailure(TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection is invalid"), connection()); } else if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureRoster)) { return new PendingFailure(TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection::FeatureRoster is not ready"), connection()); } return mPriv->roster->requestPresenceSubscription(contacts, message); } /** * Return whether the user can stop receiving the presence of a contact * whose presence they have subscribed to. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRoster to be ready. * * \return \c true if Contact::removePresenceSubscription() and * removePresenceSubscription() are likely to succeed * for contacts with subscription state Contact::PresenceStateYes, * \c false otherwise. * \sa removePresenceSubscription(), subscriptionRemovalHasMessage() */ bool ContactManager::canRemovePresenceSubscription() const { if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureRoster)) { return false; } return mPriv->roster->canRemovePresenceSubscription(); } /** * Return whether a message can be sent when removing an existing subscription * to the presence of a contact. * * If no message will actually be sent, user interfaces should avoid prompting * the user for a message, and use an empty string for the message argument. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRoster to be ready. * * \return \c true if the message argument to Contact::removePresenceSubscription() and * removePresenceSubscription() is actually used, * for contacts with subscription state Contact::PresenceStateYes, * \c false otherwise. * \sa canRemovePresencePublication(), removePresenceSubscription() */ bool ContactManager::subscriptionRemovalHasMessage() const { if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureRoster)) { return false; } return mPriv->roster->subscriptionRemovalHasMessage(); } /** * Return whether the user can cancel a request to subscribe to a contact's * presence before that contact has responded. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRoster to be ready. * * \return \c true if Contact::removePresenceSubscription() and * removePresenceSubscription() are likely to succeed * for contacts with subscription state Contact::PresenceStateAsk, * \c false otherwise. * \sa removePresenceSubscription(), subscriptionRescindingHasMessage() */ bool ContactManager::canRescindPresenceSubscriptionRequest() const { if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureRoster)) { return false; } return mPriv->roster->canRescindPresenceSubscriptionRequest(); } /** * Return whether a message can be sent when cancelling a request to * subscribe to the presence of a contact. * * If no message will actually be sent, user interfaces should avoid prompting * the user for a message, and use an empty string for the message argument. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRoster to be ready. * * \return \c true if the message argument to Contact::removePresenceSubscription() and * removePresenceSubscription() is actually used, * for contacts with subscription state Contact::PresenceStateAsk, * \c false otherwise. * \sa canRescindPresenceSubscriptionRequest(), removePresenceSubscription() */ bool ContactManager::subscriptionRescindingHasMessage() const { if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureRoster)) { return false; } return mPriv->roster->subscriptionRescindingHasMessage(); } /** * Attempt to stop receiving the presence of the given contacts, or cancel * a request to subscribe to their presence that was previously sent. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRoster to be ready. * * \param contacts Contacts whose presence is no longer required * \message A message from the user which is either transmitted to the * contacts, or ignored, depending on the protocol * \return A PendingOperation which will PendingOperation::finished() * when an attempt has been made to remove any subscription to the contacts' presence. * \sa canRemovePresenceSubscription(), canRescindPresenceSubscriptionRequest(), * subscriptionRemovalHasMessage(), subscriptionRescindingHasMessage() */ PendingOperation *ContactManager::removePresenceSubscription( const QList &contacts, const QString &message) { if (!connection()->isValid()) { return new PendingFailure(TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection is invalid"), connection()); } else if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureRoster)) { return new PendingFailure(TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection::FeatureRoster is not ready"), connection()); } return mPriv->roster->removePresenceSubscription(contacts, message); } /** * Return true if the publication of the user's presence to contacts can be * authorized. * * This is always true, unless the protocol has no concept of authorizing * publication (in which case contacts' publication status can never be * Contact::PresenceStateAsk). * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRoster to be ready. * * \return \c true if Contact::authorizePresencePublication() and * authorizePresencePublication() are likely to succeed * for contacts with subscription state Contact::PresenceStateAsk, * \c false otherwise. * \sa publicationAuthorizationHasMessage(), authorizePresencePublication() */ bool ContactManager::canAuthorizePresencePublication() const { if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureRoster)) { return false; } return mPriv->roster->canAuthorizePresencePublication(); } /** * Return whether a message can be sent when authorizing a request from a * contact that the user's presence is published to them. * * If no message will actually be sent, user interfaces should avoid prompting * the user for a message, and use an empty string for the message argument. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRoster to be ready. * * \return \c true if the message argument to Contact::authorizePresencePublication() and * authorizePresencePublication() is actually used, * for contacts with subscription state Contact::PresenceStateAsk, * \c false otherwise. * \sa canAuthorizePresencePublication(), authorizePresencePublication() */ bool ContactManager::publicationAuthorizationHasMessage() const { if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureRoster)) { return false; } return mPriv->roster->publicationAuthorizationHasMessage(); } /** * If the given contacts have asked the user to publish presence to them, * grant permission for this publication to take place. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRoster to be ready. * * \param contacts Contacts who should be allowed to receive the user's * presence * \message A message from the user which is either transmitted to the * contacts, or ignored, depending on the protocol * \return A PendingOperation which will emit PendingOperation::fininshed * when an attempt has been made to authorize publication of the user's presence * to the contacts. * \sa canAuthorizePresencePublication(), publicationAuthorizationHasMessage() */ PendingOperation *ContactManager::authorizePresencePublication( const QList &contacts, const QString &message) { if (!connection()->isValid()) { return new PendingFailure(TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection is invalid"), connection()); } else if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureRoster)) { return new PendingFailure(TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection::FeatureRoster is not ready"), connection()); } return mPriv->roster->authorizePresencePublication(contacts, message); } /** * Return whether a message can be sent when rejecting a request from a * contact that the user's presence is published to them. * * If no message will actually be sent, user interfaces should avoid prompting * the user for a message, and use an empty string for the message argument. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRoster to be ready. * * \return \c true if the message argument to Contact::removePresencePublication() and * removePresencePublication() is actually used, * for contacts with subscription state Contact::PresenceStateAsk, * \c false otherwise. * \sa canRemovePresencePublication(), removePresencePublication() */ bool ContactManager::publicationRejectionHasMessage() const { if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureRoster)) { return false; } return mPriv->roster->publicationRejectionHasMessage(); } /** * Return true if the publication of the user's presence to contacts can be * removed, even after permission has been given. * * (Rejecting requests for presence to be published is always allowed.) * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRoster to be ready. * * \return \c true if Contact::removePresencePublication() and * removePresencePublication() are likely to succeed * for contacts with subscription state Contact::PresenceStateYes, * \c false otherwise. * \sa publicationRemovalHasMessage(), removePresencePublication() */ bool ContactManager::canRemovePresencePublication() const { if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureRoster)) { return false; } return mPriv->roster->canRemovePresencePublication(); } /** * Return whether a message can be sent when revoking earlier permission * that the user's presence is published to a contact. * * If no message will actually be sent, user interfaces should avoid prompting * the user for a message, and use an empty string for the message argument. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRoster to be ready. * * \return \c true if the message argument to Contact::removePresencePublication and * removePresencePublication() is actually used, * for contacts with subscription state Contact::PresenceStateYes, * \c false otherwise. * \sa canRemovePresencePublication(), removePresencePublication() */ bool ContactManager::publicationRemovalHasMessage() const { if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureRoster)) { return false; } return mPriv->roster->publicationRemovalHasMessage(); } /** * If the given contacts have asked the user to publish presence to them, * deny this request (this should always succeed, unless a network error * occurs). * * If the given contacts already have permission to receive * the user's presence, attempt to revoke that permission (this might not * be supported by the protocol - canRemovePresencePublication * indicates whether it is likely to succeed). * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRoster to be ready. * * \param contacts Contacts who should no longer be allowed to receive the * user's presence * \message A message from the user which is either transmitted to the * contacts, or ignored, depending on the protocol * \return A PendingOperation which will emit PendingOperation::finished() * when an attempt has been made to remove any publication of the user's presence to the * contacts. * \sa canRemovePresencePublication(), publicationRejectionHasMessage(), * publicationRemovalHasMessage() */ PendingOperation *ContactManager::removePresencePublication( const QList &contacts, const QString &message) { if (!connection()->isValid()) { return new PendingFailure(TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection is invalid"), connection()); } else if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureRoster)) { return new PendingFailure(TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection::FeatureRoster is not ready"), connection()); } return mPriv->roster->removePresencePublication(contacts, message); } /** * Remove completely contacts from the server. It has the same effect than * calling removePresencePublication() and removePresenceSubscription(), * but also remove from 'stored' list if it exists. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRoster to be ready. * * \param contacts Contacts who should be removed * \message A message from the user which is either transmitted to the * contacts, or ignored, depending on the protocol * \return A PendingOperation which will emit PendingOperation::finished * when an attempt has been made to remove any publication of the user's presence to * the contacts. */ PendingOperation *ContactManager::removeContacts( const QList &contacts, const QString &message) { if (!connection()->isValid()) { return new PendingFailure(TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection is invalid"), connection()); } else if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureRoster)) { return new PendingFailure(TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection::FeatureRoster is not ready"), connection()); } return mPriv->roster->removeContacts(contacts, message); } /** * Return whether this protocol has a list of blocked contacts. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRoster to be ready. * * \return \c true if blockContacts() is likely to succeed, \c false otherwise. */ bool ContactManager::canBlockContacts() const { if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureRoster)) { return false; } return mPriv->roster->canBlockContacts(); } /** * Return whether this protocol can report abusive contacts. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRoster to be ready. * * \return \c true if reporting abuse when blocking contacts is supported, \c false otherwise. */ bool ContactManager::canReportAbuse() const { if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureRoster)) { return false; } return mPriv->roster->canReportAbuse(); } /** * Block the given contacts. Blocked contacts cannot send messages * to the user; depending on the protocol, blocking a contact may * have other effects. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRoster to be ready. * * \param contacts Contacts that should be blocked. * \return A PendingOperation which will emit PendingOperation::finished() * when an attempt has been made to take the requested action. * \sa canBlockContacts(), unblockContacts(), blockContactsAndReportAbuse() */ PendingOperation *ContactManager::blockContacts(const QList &contacts) { return mPriv->roster->blockContacts(contacts, true, false); } /** * Block the given contacts and additionally report abusive behaviour * to the server. * * If reporting abusive behaviour is not supported by the protocol, * this method has the same effect as blockContacts(). * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRoster to be ready. * * \param contacts Contacts who should be added to the list of blocked contacts. * \return A PendingOperation which will emit PendingOperation::finished() * when an attempt has been made to take the requested action. * \sa canBlockContacts(), canReportAbuse(), blockContacts() */ PendingOperation *ContactManager::blockContactsAndReportAbuse( const QList &contacts) { return mPriv->roster->blockContacts(contacts, true, true); } /** * Unblock the given contacts. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureRoster to be ready. * * \param contacts Contacts that should be unblocked. * \return A PendingOperation which will emit PendingOperation::finished() * when an attempt has been made to take the requested action. * \sa canBlockContacts(), blockContacts(), blockContactsAndReportAbuse() */ PendingOperation *ContactManager::unblockContacts(const QList &contacts) { return mPriv->roster->blockContacts(contacts, false, false); } PendingContacts *ContactManager::contactsForHandles(const UIntList &handles, const Features &features) { QMap satisfyingContacts; QSet otherContacts; Features missingFeatures; if (!connection()->isValid()) { return new PendingContacts(ContactManagerPtr(this), handles, features, Features(), QStringList(), satisfyingContacts, otherContacts, TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection is invalid")); } else if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureCore)) { return new PendingContacts(ContactManagerPtr(this), handles, features, Features(), QStringList(), satisfyingContacts, otherContacts, TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection::FeatureCore is not ready")); } Features realFeatures = mPriv->realFeatures(features); ConnectionLowlevelPtr connLowlevel = connection()->lowlevel(); if (connLowlevel->hasImmortalHandles() && realFeatures.isEmpty()) { // try to avoid a roundtrip if all handles have an id set and no feature was requested foreach (uint handle, handles) { if (connLowlevel->hasContactId(handle)) { ContactPtr contact = ensureContact(handle, connLowlevel->contactId(handle), realFeatures); satisfyingContacts.insert(handle, contact); } } } foreach (uint handle, handles) { ContactPtr contact = lookupContactByHandle(handle); if (contact) { if ((realFeatures - contact->requestedFeatures()).isEmpty()) { // Contact exists and has all the requested features satisfyingContacts.insert(handle, contact); } else { // Contact exists but is missing features otherContacts.insert(handle); missingFeatures.unite(realFeatures - contact->requestedFeatures()); } } else { // Contact doesn't exist - we need to get all of the features (same as unite(features)) missingFeatures = realFeatures; otherContacts.insert(handle); } } QSet interfaces = mPriv->interfacesForFeatures(missingFeatures); PendingContacts *contacts = new PendingContacts(ContactManagerPtr(this), handles, features, missingFeatures, interfaces.toList(), satisfyingContacts, otherContacts); return contacts; } PendingContacts *ContactManager::contactsForHandles(const ReferencedHandles &handles, const Features &features) { return contactsForHandles(handles.toList(), features); } PendingContacts *ContactManager::contactsForHandles(const HandleIdentifierMap &handles, const Features &features) { connection()->lowlevel()->injectContactIds(handles); return contactsForHandles(handles.keys(), features); } PendingContacts *ContactManager::contactsForIdentifiers(const QStringList &identifiers, const Features &features) { if (!connection()->isValid()) { return new PendingContacts(ContactManagerPtr(this), identifiers, PendingContacts::ForIdentifiers, features, QStringList(), TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection is invalid")); } else if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureCore)) { return new PendingContacts(ContactManagerPtr(this), identifiers, PendingContacts::ForIdentifiers, features, QStringList(), TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection::FeatureCore is not ready")); } Features realFeatures = mPriv->realFeatures(features); PendingContacts *contacts = new PendingContacts(ContactManagerPtr(this), identifiers, PendingContacts::ForIdentifiers, realFeatures, QStringList()); return contacts; } /** * Request contacts and enable their \a features using a given field in their vcards. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureCore to be ready. * * \param vcardField The vcard field of the addresses we are requesting. * Supported fields can be found in ProtocolInfo::addressableVCardFields(). * \param vcardAddresses The addresses to get contacts for. The address types must match * the given vcard field. * \param features The Contact features to enable. * \return A PendingContacts, which will emit PendingContacts::finished * when the contacts are retrieved or an error occurred. * \sa contactsForHandles(), contactsForIdentifiers(), contactsForUris(), * ProtocolInfo::normalizeVCardAddress() */ PendingContacts *ContactManager::contactsForVCardAddresses(const QString &vcardField, const QStringList &vcardAddresses, const Features &features) { if (!connection()->isValid()) { return new PendingContacts(ContactManagerPtr(this), vcardField, vcardAddresses, features, QStringList(), TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection is invalid")); } else if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureCore)) { return new PendingContacts(ContactManagerPtr(this), vcardField, vcardAddresses, features, QStringList(), TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection::FeatureCore is not ready")); } Features realFeatures = mPriv->realFeatures(features); QSet interfaces = mPriv->interfacesForFeatures(realFeatures); PendingContacts *contacts = new PendingContacts(ContactManagerPtr(this), vcardField, vcardAddresses, realFeatures, interfaces.toList()); return contacts; } /** * Request contacts and enable their \a features using the given URI addresses. * * This method requires Connection::FeatureCore to be ready. * * \param uris The URI addresses to get contacts for. * Supported schemes can be found in ProtocolInfo::addressableUriSchemes(). * \param features The Contact features to enable. * \return A PendingContacts, which will emit PendingContacts::finished * when the contacts are retrieved or an error occurred. * \sa contactsForHandles(), contactsForIdentifiers(), contactsForVCardAddresses(), * ProtocolInfo::normalizeContactUri() */ PendingContacts *ContactManager::contactsForUris(const QStringList &uris, const Features &features) { if (!connection()->isValid()) { return new PendingContacts(ContactManagerPtr(this), uris, PendingContacts::ForUris, features, QStringList(), TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection is invalid")); } else if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureCore)) { return new PendingContacts(ContactManagerPtr(this), uris, PendingContacts::ForUris, features, QStringList(), TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection::FeatureCore is not ready")); } Features realFeatures = mPriv->realFeatures(features); QSet interfaces = mPriv->interfacesForFeatures(realFeatures); PendingContacts *contacts = new PendingContacts(ContactManagerPtr(this), uris, PendingContacts::ForUris, realFeatures, interfaces.toList()); return contacts; } PendingContacts *ContactManager::upgradeContacts(const QList &contacts, const Features &features) { if (!connection()->isValid()) { return new PendingContacts(ContactManagerPtr(this), contacts, features, TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection is invalid")); } else if (!connection()->isReady(Connection::FeatureCore)) { return new PendingContacts(ContactManagerPtr(this), contacts, features, TP_QT_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE, QLatin1String("Connection::FeatureCore is not ready")); } return new PendingContacts(ContactManagerPtr(this), contacts, features); } ContactPtr ContactManager::lookupContactByHandle(uint handle) { ContactPtr contact; if (mPriv->contacts.contains(handle)) { contact = ContactPtr(mPriv->contacts.value(handle)); if (!contact) { // Dangling weak pointer, remove it mPriv->contacts.remove(handle); } } return contact; } /** * Start a request to retrieve the avatar for the given \a contacts. * * Force the request of the avatar data. This method returns directly, emitting * Contact::avatarTokenChanged() and Contact::avatarDataChanged() signals once the token * and data are fetched from the server. * * This is only useful if the avatar token is unknown; see Contact::isAvatarTokenKnown(). * It happens in the case of offline XMPP contacts, because the server does not * send the token for them and an explicit request of the avatar data is needed. * * This method requires Contact::FeatureAvatarData to be ready. * * \sa Contact::avatarData(), Contact::avatarDataChanged(), * Contact::avatarToken(), Contact::avatarTokenChanged() */ void ContactManager::requestContactAvatars(const QList &contacts) { if (contacts.isEmpty()) { return; } if (!mPriv->requestAvatarsIdle) { mPriv->requestAvatarsIdle = true; QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(doRequestAvatars())); } mPriv->requestAvatarsQueue.unite(contacts.toSet()); } /** * Refresh information for the given contact. * * Once the information is retrieved infoFieldsChanged() will be emitted. * * This method requires Contact::FeatureInfo to be ready. * * \return A PendingOperation, which will emit PendingOperation::finished * when the call has finished. * \sa infoFieldsChanged() */ PendingOperation *ContactManager::refreshContactInfo(const QList &contacts) { if (!mPriv->refreshInfoOp) { mPriv->refreshInfoOp = new PendingRefreshContactInfo(connection()); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(doRefreshInfo())); } foreach (const ContactPtr &contact, contacts) { mPriv->refreshInfoOp->addContact(contact.data()); } return mPriv->refreshInfoOp; } void ContactManager::onAliasesChanged(const AliasPairList &aliases) { debug() << "Got AliasesChanged for" << aliases.size() << "contacts"; foreach (AliasPair pair, aliases) { ContactPtr contact = lookupContactByHandle(pair.handle); if (contact) { contact->receiveAlias(pair.alias); } } } void ContactManager::doRequestAvatars() { Q_ASSERT(mPriv->requestAvatarsIdle); QSet contacts = mPriv->requestAvatarsQueue; Q_ASSERT(contacts.size() > 0); mPriv->requestAvatarsQueue.clear(); mPriv->requestAvatarsIdle = false; int found = 0; UIntList notFound; foreach (const ContactPtr &contact, contacts) { if (!contact) { continue; } QString avatarFileName; QString mimeTypeFileName; bool success = (contact->isAvatarTokenKnown() && mPriv->buildAvatarFileName(contact->avatarToken(), false, avatarFileName, mimeTypeFileName)); /* Check if the avatar is already in the cache */ if (success && QFile::exists(avatarFileName)) { QFile mimeTypeFile(mimeTypeFileName); mimeTypeFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QString mimeType = QString(QLatin1String(mimeTypeFile.readAll())); mimeTypeFile.close(); found++; contact->receiveAvatarData(AvatarData(avatarFileName, mimeType)); continue; } notFound << contact->handle()[0]; } if (found > 0) { debug() << "Avatar(s) found in cache for" << found << "contact(s)"; } if (found == contacts.size()) { return; } debug() << "Requesting avatar(s) for" << contacts.size() - found << "contact(s)"; Client::ConnectionInterfaceAvatarsInterface *avatarsInterface = connection()->interface(); QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher( avatarsInterface->RequestAvatars(notFound), this); connect(watcher, SIGNAL(finished(QDBusPendingCallWatcher*)), watcher, SLOT(deleteLater())); } void ContactManager::onAvatarUpdated(uint handle, const QString &token) { debug() << "Got AvatarUpdate for contact with handle" << handle; ContactPtr contact = lookupContactByHandle(handle); if (contact) { contact->receiveAvatarToken(token); } } void ContactManager::onAvatarRetrieved(uint handle, const QString &token, const QByteArray &data, const QString &mimeType) { QString avatarFileName; QString mimeTypeFileName; debug() << "Got AvatarRetrieved for contact with handle" << handle; bool success = mPriv->buildAvatarFileName(token, true, avatarFileName, mimeTypeFileName); if (success) { debug() << "Write avatar in cache for handle" << handle; debug() << "Filename:" << avatarFileName; debug() << "MimeType:" << mimeType; QTemporaryFile mimeTypeFile(mimeTypeFileName); mimeTypeFile.open(); mimeTypeFile.write(mimeType.toLatin1()); mimeTypeFile.setAutoRemove(false); mimeTypeFile.rename(mimeTypeFileName); QTemporaryFile avatarFile(avatarFileName); avatarFile.open(); avatarFile.write(data); avatarFile.setAutoRemove(false); avatarFile.rename(avatarFileName); } ContactPtr contact = lookupContactByHandle(handle); if (contact) { contact->setAvatarToken(token); contact->receiveAvatarData(AvatarData(avatarFileName, mimeType)); } } void ContactManager::onPresencesChanged(const SimpleContactPresences &presences) { debug() << "Got PresencesChanged for" << presences.size() << "contacts"; foreach (uint handle, presences.keys()) { ContactPtr contact = lookupContactByHandle(handle); if (contact) { contact->receiveSimplePresence(presences[handle]); } } } void ContactManager::onCapabilitiesChanged(const ContactCapabilitiesMap &caps) { debug() << "Got ContactCapabilitiesChanged for" << caps.size() << "contacts"; foreach (uint handle, caps.keys()) { ContactPtr contact = lookupContactByHandle(handle); if (contact) { contact->receiveCapabilities(caps[handle]); } } } void ContactManager::onLocationUpdated(uint handle, const QVariantMap &location) { debug() << "Got LocationUpdated for contact with handle" << handle; ContactPtr contact = lookupContactByHandle(handle); if (contact) { contact->receiveLocation(location); } } void ContactManager::onContactInfoChanged(uint handle, const Tp::ContactInfoFieldList &info) { debug() << "Got ContactInfoChanged for contact with handle" << handle; ContactPtr contact = lookupContactByHandle(handle); if (contact) { contact->receiveInfo(info); } } void ContactManager::doRefreshInfo() { PendingRefreshContactInfo *op = mPriv->refreshInfoOp; Q_ASSERT(op); mPriv->refreshInfoOp = 0; op->refreshInfo(); } ContactPtr ContactManager::ensureContact(const ReferencedHandles &handle, const Features &features, const QVariantMap &attributes) { uint bareHandle = handle[0]; ContactPtr contact = lookupContactByHandle(bareHandle); if (!contact) { contact = connection()->contactFactory()->construct(this, handle, features, attributes); mPriv->contacts.insert(bareHandle, contact); } contact->augment(features, attributes); return contact; } ContactPtr ContactManager::ensureContact(uint bareHandle, const QString &id, const Features &features) { ContactPtr contact = lookupContactByHandle(bareHandle); if (!contact) { QVariantMap attributes; attributes.insert(TP_QT_IFACE_CONNECTION + QLatin1String("/contact-id"), id); contact = connection()->contactFactory()->construct(this, ReferencedHandles(connection(), HandleTypeContact, UIntList() << bareHandle), features, attributes); mPriv->contacts.insert(bareHandle, contact); // do not call augment here as this is a fake contact } return contact; } QString ContactManager::featureToInterface(const Feature &feature) { if (feature == Contact::FeatureAlias) { return TP_QT_IFACE_CONNECTION_INTERFACE_ALIASING; } else if (feature == Contact::FeatureAvatarToken) { return TP_QT_IFACE_CONNECTION_INTERFACE_AVATARS; } else if (feature == Contact::FeatureAvatarData) { return TP_QT_IFACE_CONNECTION_INTERFACE_AVATARS; } else if (feature == Contact::FeatureSimplePresence) { return TP_QT_IFACE_CONNECTION_INTERFACE_SIMPLE_PRESENCE; } else if (feature == Contact::FeatureCapabilities) { return TP_QT_IFACE_CONNECTION_INTERFACE_CONTACT_CAPABILITIES; } else if (feature == Contact::FeatureLocation) { return TP_QT_IFACE_CONNECTION_INTERFACE_LOCATION; } else if (feature == Contact::FeatureInfo) { return TP_QT_IFACE_CONNECTION_INTERFACE_CONTACT_INFO; } else if (feature == Contact::FeatureRosterGroups) { return TP_QT_IFACE_CONNECTION_INTERFACE_CONTACT_GROUPS; } else if (feature == Contact::FeatureAddresses) { return TP_QT_IFACE_CONNECTION_INTERFACE_ADDRESSING; } else { warning() << "ContactManager doesn't know which interface corresponds to feature" << feature; return QString(); } } void ContactManager::ensureTracking(const Feature &feature) { if (mPriv->tracking[feature]) { return; } ConnectionPtr conn(connection()); if (feature == Contact::FeatureAlias) { Client::ConnectionInterfaceAliasingInterface *aliasingInterface = conn->interface(); connect(aliasingInterface, SIGNAL(AliasesChanged(Tp::AliasPairList)), SLOT(onAliasesChanged(Tp::AliasPairList))); } else if (feature == Contact::FeatureAvatarData) { Client::ConnectionInterfaceAvatarsInterface *avatarsInterface = conn->interface(); connect(avatarsInterface, SIGNAL(AvatarRetrieved(uint,QString,QByteArray,QString)), SLOT(onAvatarRetrieved(uint,QString,QByteArray,QString))); } else if (feature == Contact::FeatureAvatarToken) { Client::ConnectionInterfaceAvatarsInterface *avatarsInterface = conn->interface(); connect(avatarsInterface, SIGNAL(AvatarUpdated(uint,QString)), SLOT(onAvatarUpdated(uint,QString))); } else if (feature == Contact::FeatureCapabilities) { Client::ConnectionInterfaceContactCapabilitiesInterface *contactCapabilitiesInterface = conn->interface(); connect(contactCapabilitiesInterface, SIGNAL(ContactCapabilitiesChanged(Tp::ContactCapabilitiesMap)), SLOT(onCapabilitiesChanged(Tp::ContactCapabilitiesMap))); } else if (feature == Contact::FeatureInfo) { Client::ConnectionInterfaceContactInfoInterface *contactInfoInterface = conn->interface(); connect(contactInfoInterface, SIGNAL(ContactInfoChanged(uint,Tp::ContactInfoFieldList)), SLOT(onContactInfoChanged(uint,Tp::ContactInfoFieldList))); } else if (feature == Contact::FeatureLocation) { Client::ConnectionInterfaceLocationInterface *locationInterface = conn->interface(); connect(locationInterface, SIGNAL(LocationUpdated(uint,QVariantMap)), SLOT(onLocationUpdated(uint,QVariantMap))); } else if (feature == Contact::FeatureSimplePresence) { Client::ConnectionInterfaceSimplePresenceInterface *simplePresenceInterface = conn->interface(); connect(simplePresenceInterface, SIGNAL(PresencesChanged(Tp::SimpleContactPresences)), SLOT(onPresencesChanged(Tp::SimpleContactPresences))); } else if (feature == Contact::FeatureRosterGroups || feature == Contact::FeatureAddresses) { // nothing to do here, but we don't want to warn ; } else { warning() << " Unknown feature" << feature << "when trying to figure out how to connect change notification!"; } mPriv->tracking[feature] = true; } PendingOperation *ContactManager::introspectRoster() { return mPriv->roster->introspect(); } PendingOperation *ContactManager::introspectRosterGroups() { return mPriv->roster->introspectGroups(); } void ContactManager::resetRoster() { mPriv->roster->reset(); } /** * \fn void ContactManager::presencePublicationRequested(const Tp::Contacts &contacts) * * Emitted whenever some contacts request for presence publication. * * \param contacts A set of contacts which requested presence publication. */ /** * \fn void ContactManager::groupAdded(const QString &group) * * Emitted when a new contact list group is created. * * \param group The group name. * \sa allKnownGroups() */ /** * \fn void ContactManager::groupRenamed(const QString &oldGroup, const QString &newGroup) * * Emitted when a new contact list group is renamed. * * \param oldGroup The old group name. * \param newGroup The new group name. * \sa allKnownGroups() */ /** * \fn void ContactManager::groupRemoved(const QString &group) * * Emitted when a contact list group is removed. * * \param group The group name. * \sa allKnownGroups() */ /** * \fn void ContactManager::groupMembersChanged(const QString &group, * const Tp::Contacts &groupMembersAdded, * const Tp::Contacts &groupMembersRemoved, * const Tp::Channel::GroupMemberChangeDetails &details) * * Emitted whenever some contacts got removed or added from * a group. * * \param group The name of the group that changed. * \param groupMembersAdded A set of contacts which were added to the group \a group. * \param groupMembersRemoved A set of contacts which were removed from the group \a group. * \param details The change details. * \sa groupContacts() */ /** * \fn void ContactManager::allKnownContactsChanged(const Tp::Contacts &contactsAdded, * const Tp::Contacts &contactsRemoved, * const Tp::Channel::GroupMemberChangeDetails &details) * * Emitted whenever some contacts got removed or added from * ContactManager's known contact list. It is useful for monitoring which contacts * are currently known by ContactManager. * * Note that, in some protocols, this signal could stream newly added contacts * with both presence subscription and publication state set to No. Be sure to watch * over publication and/or subscription state changes if that is the case. * * \param contactsAdded A set of contacts which were added to the known contact list. * \param contactsRemoved A set of contacts which were removed from the known contact list. * \param details The change details. * \sa allKnownContacts() */ } // Tp