/** * This file is part of TelepathyQt * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2010 Collabora Ltd. * @copyright Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation * @license LGPL 2.1 * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include "TelepathyQt/_gen/future-constants.h" #include "TelepathyQt/debug-internal.h" namespace Tp { struct TP_QT_NO_EXPORT ChannelClassSpec::Private : public QSharedData { QVariantMap props; }; /** * \class ChannelClassSpec * \ingroup wrappers * \headerfile TelepathyQt/channel-class-spec.h * * \brief The ChannelClassSpec class represents a Telepathy channel class. */ ChannelClassSpec::ChannelClassSpec() { } ChannelClassSpec::ChannelClassSpec(const ChannelClass &cc) : mPriv(new Private) { foreach (QString key, cc.keys()) { setProperty(key, cc.value(key).variant()); } } ChannelClassSpec::ChannelClassSpec(const QVariantMap &props) : mPriv(new Private) { setChannelType(qdbus_cast( props.value(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL + QLatin1String(".ChannelType")))); setTargetHandleType((HandleType) qdbus_cast( props.value(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL + QLatin1String(".TargetHandleType")))); foreach (QString propName, props.keys()) { setProperty(propName, props.value(propName)); } } ChannelClassSpec::ChannelClassSpec(const QString &channelType, HandleType targetHandleType, const QVariantMap &otherProperties) : mPriv(new Private) { setChannelType(channelType); setTargetHandleType(targetHandleType); foreach (QString key, otherProperties.keys()) { setProperty(key, otherProperties.value(key)); } } ChannelClassSpec::ChannelClassSpec(const QString &channelType, HandleType targetHandleType, bool requested, const QVariantMap &otherProperties) : mPriv(new Private) { setChannelType(channelType); setTargetHandleType(targetHandleType); setRequested(requested); foreach (QString key, otherProperties.keys()) { setProperty(key, otherProperties.value(key)); } } ChannelClassSpec::ChannelClassSpec(const ChannelClassSpec &other, const QVariantMap &additionalProperties) : mPriv(other.mPriv) { if (!additionalProperties.isEmpty()) { foreach (QString key, additionalProperties.keys()) { setProperty(key, additionalProperties.value(key)); } } } ChannelClassSpec::~ChannelClassSpec() { } bool ChannelClassSpec::isValid() const { return mPriv.constData() != 0 && !(qdbus_cast( mPriv->props.value(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL + QLatin1String(".ChannelType"))) .isEmpty()) && mPriv->props.contains(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL + QLatin1String(".TargetHandleType")); } ChannelClassSpec &ChannelClassSpec::operator=(const ChannelClassSpec &other) { if (this == &other) { return *this; } this->mPriv = other.mPriv; return *this; } bool ChannelClassSpec::isSubsetOf(const ChannelClassSpec &other) const { if (!mPriv) { // Invalid instances have no properties - hence they're subset of anything return true; } foreach (QString propName, mPriv->props.keys()) { if (!other.hasProperty(propName)) { return false; } else if (property(propName) != other.property(propName)) { return false; } } // other had all of the properties we have and they all had the same values return true; } bool ChannelClassSpec::matches(const QVariantMap &immutableProperties) const { // We construct a ChannelClassSpec for comparison so the StreamedMedia props are normalized // consistently etc return this->isSubsetOf(ChannelClassSpec(immutableProperties)); } bool ChannelClassSpec::hasProperty(const QString &qualifiedName) const { return mPriv.constData() != 0 ? mPriv->props.contains(qualifiedName) : false; } QVariant ChannelClassSpec::property(const QString &qualifiedName) const { return mPriv.constData() != 0 ? mPriv->props.value(qualifiedName) : QVariant(); } void ChannelClassSpec::setProperty(const QString &qualifiedName, const QVariant &value) { if (mPriv.constData() == 0) { mPriv = new Private; } mPriv->props.insert(qualifiedName, value); } void ChannelClassSpec::unsetProperty(const QString &qualifiedName) { if (mPriv.constData() == 0) { // No properties set for sure, so don't have to unset any return; } mPriv->props.remove(qualifiedName); } QVariantMap ChannelClassSpec::allProperties() const { return mPriv.constData() != 0 ? mPriv->props : QVariantMap(); } ChannelClass ChannelClassSpec::bareClass() const { ChannelClass cc; if (!isValid()) { warning() << "Tried to convert an invalid ChannelClassSpec to a ChannelClass"; return ChannelClass(); } QVariantMap props = mPriv->props; foreach (QString propName, props.keys()) { QVariant value = props.value(propName); cc.insert(propName, QDBusVariant(value)); } return cc; } ChannelClassSpec ChannelClassSpec::textChat(const QVariantMap &additionalProperties) { static ChannelClassSpec spec; if (!spec.mPriv.constData()) { spec = ChannelClassSpec(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT, HandleTypeContact); } if (additionalProperties.isEmpty()) { return spec; } else { return ChannelClassSpec(spec, additionalProperties); } } ChannelClassSpec ChannelClassSpec::textChatroom(const QVariantMap &additionalProperties) { static ChannelClassSpec spec; if (!spec.mPriv.constData()) { spec = ChannelClassSpec(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT, HandleTypeRoom); } if (additionalProperties.isEmpty()) { return spec; } else { return ChannelClassSpec(spec, additionalProperties); } } ChannelClassSpec ChannelClassSpec::unnamedTextChat(const QVariantMap &additionalProperties) { static ChannelClassSpec spec; if (!spec.mPriv.constData()) { spec = ChannelClassSpec(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT, HandleTypeNone); } if (additionalProperties.isEmpty()) { return spec; } else { return ChannelClassSpec(spec, additionalProperties); } } ChannelClassSpec ChannelClassSpec::audioCall(const QVariantMap &additionalProperties) { static ChannelClassSpec spec; if (!spec.isValid()) { spec = ChannelClassSpec(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_CALL, HandleTypeContact); spec.setCallInitialAudioFlag(); } if (additionalProperties.isEmpty()) { return spec; } else { return ChannelClassSpec(spec, additionalProperties); } } ChannelClassSpec ChannelClassSpec::videoCall(const QVariantMap &additionalProperties) { static ChannelClassSpec spec; if (!spec.isValid()) { spec = ChannelClassSpec(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_CALL, HandleTypeContact); spec.setCallInitialVideoFlag(); } if (additionalProperties.isEmpty()) { return spec; } else { return ChannelClassSpec(spec, additionalProperties); } } ChannelClassSpec ChannelClassSpec::videoCallWithAudio(const QVariantMap &additionalProperties) { static ChannelClassSpec spec; if (!spec.isValid()) { spec = ChannelClassSpec(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_CALL, HandleTypeContact); spec.setCallInitialAudioFlag(); spec.setCallInitialVideoFlag(); } if (additionalProperties.isEmpty()) { return spec; } else { return ChannelClassSpec(spec, additionalProperties); } } ChannelClassSpec ChannelClassSpec::streamedMediaCall(const QVariantMap &additionalProperties) { static ChannelClassSpec spec; if (!spec.mPriv.constData()) { spec = ChannelClassSpec(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAMED_MEDIA, HandleTypeContact); } if (additionalProperties.isEmpty()) { return spec; } else { return ChannelClassSpec(spec, additionalProperties); } } ChannelClassSpec ChannelClassSpec::streamedMediaAudioCall(const QVariantMap &additionalProperties) { static ChannelClassSpec spec; if (!spec.mPriv.constData()) { spec = ChannelClassSpec(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAMED_MEDIA, HandleTypeContact); spec.setStreamedMediaInitialAudioFlag(); } if (additionalProperties.isEmpty()) { return spec; } else { return ChannelClassSpec(spec, additionalProperties); } } ChannelClassSpec ChannelClassSpec::streamedMediaVideoCall(const QVariantMap &additionalProperties) { static ChannelClassSpec spec; if (!spec.mPriv.constData()) { spec = ChannelClassSpec(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAMED_MEDIA, HandleTypeContact); spec.setStreamedMediaInitialVideoFlag(); } if (additionalProperties.isEmpty()) { return spec; } else { return ChannelClassSpec(spec, additionalProperties); } } ChannelClassSpec ChannelClassSpec::streamedMediaVideoCallWithAudio(const QVariantMap &additionalProperties) { static ChannelClassSpec spec; if (!spec.mPriv.constData()) { spec = ChannelClassSpec(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAMED_MEDIA, HandleTypeContact); spec.setStreamedMediaInitialAudioFlag(); spec.setStreamedMediaInitialVideoFlag(); } if (additionalProperties.isEmpty()) { return spec; } else { return ChannelClassSpec(spec, additionalProperties); } } ChannelClassSpec ChannelClassSpec::unnamedStreamedMediaCall(const QVariantMap &additionalProperties) { static ChannelClassSpec spec; if (!spec.mPriv.constData()) { spec = ChannelClassSpec(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAMED_MEDIA, HandleTypeNone); } if (additionalProperties.isEmpty()) { return spec; } else { return ChannelClassSpec(spec, additionalProperties); } } ChannelClassSpec ChannelClassSpec::unnamedStreamedMediaAudioCall(const QVariantMap &additionalProperties) { static ChannelClassSpec spec; if (!spec.mPriv.constData()) { spec = ChannelClassSpec(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAMED_MEDIA, HandleTypeNone); spec.setStreamedMediaInitialAudioFlag(); } if (additionalProperties.isEmpty()) { return spec; } else { return ChannelClassSpec(spec, additionalProperties); } } ChannelClassSpec ChannelClassSpec::unnamedStreamedMediaVideoCall(const QVariantMap &additionalProperties) { static ChannelClassSpec spec; if (!spec.mPriv.constData()) { spec = ChannelClassSpec(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAMED_MEDIA, HandleTypeNone); spec.setStreamedMediaInitialVideoFlag(); } if (additionalProperties.isEmpty()) { return spec; } else { return ChannelClassSpec(spec, additionalProperties); } } ChannelClassSpec ChannelClassSpec::unnamedStreamedMediaVideoCallWithAudio(const QVariantMap &additionalProperties) { static ChannelClassSpec spec; if (!spec.mPriv.constData()) { spec = ChannelClassSpec(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAMED_MEDIA, HandleTypeNone); spec.setStreamedMediaInitialAudioFlag(); spec.setStreamedMediaInitialVideoFlag(); } if (additionalProperties.isEmpty()) { return spec; } else { return ChannelClassSpec(spec, additionalProperties); } } Tp::ChannelClassSpec ChannelClassSpec::serverAuthentication(const QVariantMap &additionalProperties) { static Tp::ChannelClassSpec spec; if (!spec.mPriv.constData()) { spec = ChannelClassSpec(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION, HandleTypeNone); } if (additionalProperties.isEmpty()) { return spec; } else { return ChannelClassSpec(spec, additionalProperties); } } ChannelClassSpec ChannelClassSpec::roomList(const QVariantMap &additionalProperties) { static ChannelClassSpec spec; if (!spec.mPriv.constData()) { spec = ChannelClassSpec(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_ROOM_LIST, HandleTypeNone); } if (additionalProperties.isEmpty()) { return spec; } else { return ChannelClassSpec(spec, additionalProperties); } } ChannelClassSpec ChannelClassSpec::outgoingFileTransfer(const QVariantMap &additionalProperties) { static ChannelClassSpec spec; if (!spec.mPriv.constData()) { spec = ChannelClassSpec(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_FILE_TRANSFER, HandleTypeContact, true); } if (additionalProperties.isEmpty()) { return spec; } else { return ChannelClassSpec(spec, additionalProperties); } } ChannelClassSpec ChannelClassSpec::incomingFileTransfer(const QVariantMap &additionalProperties) { static ChannelClassSpec spec; if (!spec.mPriv.constData()) { spec = ChannelClassSpec(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_FILE_TRANSFER, HandleTypeContact, false); } if (additionalProperties.isEmpty()) { return spec; } else { return ChannelClassSpec(spec, additionalProperties); } } ChannelClassSpec ChannelClassSpec::outgoingStreamTube(const QString &service, const QVariantMap &additionalProperties) { static ChannelClassSpec spec; if (!spec.mPriv.constData()) { spec = ChannelClassSpec(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAM_TUBE, HandleTypeContact, true); } QVariantMap props = additionalProperties; if (!service.isEmpty()) { props.insert(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAM_TUBE + QLatin1String(".Service"), service); } if (props.isEmpty()) { return spec; } else { return ChannelClassSpec(spec, props); } } ChannelClassSpec ChannelClassSpec::incomingStreamTube(const QString &service, const QVariantMap &additionalProperties) { static ChannelClassSpec spec; if (!spec.mPriv.constData()) { spec = ChannelClassSpec(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAM_TUBE, HandleTypeContact, false); } QVariantMap props = additionalProperties; if (!service.isEmpty()) { props.insert(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAM_TUBE + QLatin1String(".Service"), service); } if (props.isEmpty()) { return spec; } else { return ChannelClassSpec(spec, props); } } ChannelClassSpec ChannelClassSpec::outgoingRoomStreamTube(const QString &service, const QVariantMap &additionalProperties) { static ChannelClassSpec spec; if (!spec.mPriv.constData()) { spec = ChannelClassSpec(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAM_TUBE, HandleTypeRoom, true); } QVariantMap props = additionalProperties; if (!service.isEmpty()) { props.insert(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAM_TUBE + QLatin1String(".Service"), service); } if (props.isEmpty()) { return spec; } else { return ChannelClassSpec(spec, props); } } ChannelClassSpec ChannelClassSpec::incomingRoomStreamTube(const QString &service, const QVariantMap &additionalProperties) { static ChannelClassSpec spec; if (!spec.mPriv.constData()) { spec = ChannelClassSpec(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAM_TUBE, HandleTypeRoom, false); } QVariantMap props = additionalProperties; if (!service.isEmpty()) { props.insert(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAM_TUBE + QLatin1String(".Service"), service); } if (props.isEmpty()) { return spec; } else { return ChannelClassSpec(spec, props); } } ChannelClassSpec ChannelClassSpec::contactSearch(const QVariantMap &additionalProperties) { static ChannelClassSpec spec; if (!spec.mPriv.constData()) { spec = ChannelClassSpec(TP_QT_IFACE_CHANNEL_TYPE_CONTACT_SEARCH, HandleTypeNone); } if (additionalProperties.isEmpty()) { return spec; } else { return ChannelClassSpec(spec, additionalProperties); } } /** * \class ChannelClassSpecList * \ingroup wrappers * \headerfile TelepathyQt/channel-class-spec.h * * \brief The ChannelClassSpecList class represents a list of ChannelClassSpec. */ } // Tp